/** * File: NAMadapter.js * * Authors: Luis Fernando Garcia * Jose Gonzalez * Universidad Politéctica de Madrid (UPM) * * Date: 07/10/2014 * * Description: XIMM-NAM Adapter - * * License: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the following copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Copyright (c) 2003-2008, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) * * All rights reserved. * * * Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without explicit prior written permission. * * You are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any enhancements to Universidad * Politécnica de Madrid,or its contributors. If you choose to provide your enhance- * ments, or if you choose to otherwise publish or distribute your enhancement, in * source code form without contemporaneously requiring end users to enter into a * separate written license agreement for such enhancements, then you thereby grant * Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, its contributors, and its members a non-exclusive, * royalty-free, perpetual license to copy, display, install, use, modify, prepare * derivative works, incorporate into the software or other computer software, dis- * tribute, and sublicense your enhancements or derivative works thereof, in binary * and source code form. * * DISCLAIMER - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS. THE UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID, ITS CONTRI- * BUTORS, AND ITS MEMBERS DO NOT IN ANY WAY WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME ANY RES- * PONSIBILITY, LIABILITY OR OTHER UNDERTAKING WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. ANY E- * XPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRAN- * TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND THE ENTIRE RISK OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, * ACCURACY, AND EFFORT IS WITH THE USER THEREOF. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER, CONTRIBUTORS, OR THE UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ADVANCED INTERNET DEVELO- * PMENT, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTIT- * UTE GOODS OR SERVICES; REMOVAL OR REINSTALLATION LOSS OF USE, DATA, SAVINGS OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILIT- * Y, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHE- * RWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRUBUTION OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** * NAM-XIFI * Module dependencies. */ var express = require('express') , routes = require('./routes') , http = require('http') , path = require('path') , sessionController = require('./routes/session_controller.js') , userController = require('./routes/user_controller.js') , partials = require ('express-partials') , config = require('./config/config.json') , commandController = require('./routes/command_controller.js') , pingctl = require('./routes/ping_controller.js') , bdwControler = require('./routes/bdw_controller.js') , owdControler = require('./routes/owd_controller.js') , plossControler = require('./routes/ploss_controller.js') , onDemandControler = require('./routes/onDemand_controller.js') , schedule = require('./routes/schedule_controller.js') , auth = require('./routes/authToken_controller.js') , mongoose = require('mongoose') , superagent = require('superagent') , logger = require('./logger') , nconf = require('nconf'); // // Setup nconf to use (in-order): // 1. Command-line arguments // 2. Environment variables // 3. A file located at './config/config.json' // nconf.argv() .env() .file({ file: __dirname +'/config/config.json' }); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { logger.info('Caught exception: ' + err); }); //Expose version through `pkginfo` require('pkginfo')(module, 'version'); // Try to load the nam_adapter file `config.js` from the specified location. try { logger.config.loadSync(); } catch (ex) { } var app = express(); var util = require('util'); // all environments app.set('port', process.env.PORT || config.port_NAM_Adapter); app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.use(partials()); app.use(express.favicon()); app.use(express.logger('dev')); app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.methodOverride()); app.use(express.cookieParser('perfsonarPASS')); app.use(express.session()); app.use(require('connect-flash')()); // Helper dinamico: app.use(function(req, res, next) { // req.flash() res.locals.flash = function() { return req.flash() }; res.locals.session = req.session; next(); }); app.use(app.router); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { if (util.isError(err)) { next(err); } else { logger.info.error(err); req.flash('error', err); res.redirect('/'); } }); //development only if ('development' == app.get('env')) { app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true })); } else { app.use(express.errorHandler()); } //connection database mongodb mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/NAM_adapter', function(err, res) { if(err) { logger.error('ERROR: connecting to Database. ' + err); } else { logger.info('Connected to Database'); } }); var myToken = undefined; /** * DB Modules * **/ routeTest = require('./routes/testshows')(app); routeHostRegister = require('./routes/hosts')(app); routeHostData = require('./routes/host_data')(app); routeRegionRegister = require('./routes/regions')(app); routeScheduledTest = require('./routes/scheduledMeasures')(app); /** * * Routes * **/ // Config Routes app.get('/login', sessionController.new); app.post('/login', sessionController.create); app.get('/logout', sessionController.destroy); app.get('/config/users/new', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.new); app.get('/config/users', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.index); app.delete('/config/users_all', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.delUsersAll); app.get('/config/users/:id/edit', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.user); app.post('/config/users', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.newUser); app.put('/config/users/:id', sessionController.requiresLogin, userController.updateUser); app.get('/', routes.index); app.get('/config', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.config); app.post('/config', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.configChange); app.get('/config/owd', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.owd); app.get('/config/bdw', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.bdw); app.get('/config/packetsloss', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.packetsLoss); app.get('/config/scheduled/:id', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.editScheduled); app.put('/config/scheduled/:id', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.changeScheduled, routes.index); app.post('/config/scheduled/new', sessionController.requiresLogin, routes.schedule_new, routes.index); //Webservices - Routes //WS-Route - On-Demand Test app.get('/monitoring/host2host/:typeTest/:regionIdS-:hostIdS;:regionIdD-:hostIdD', onDemandControler.requiresAvailableRegions, onDemandControler.requiresAvailableHosts, onDemandControler.runTest ); //WS-Route - BDW app.get('/monitoring/bdw/:regionD-:hostD', auth.authToken, bdwControler.testbw); app.get('/monitoring/bdw/:regionD:hostD/:regionS:hostS', auth.authToken, bdwControler.testbwSource); app.get('/monitoring/iperf/:ipS?', bdwControler.iperf_server); //WS-Route - OWD app.get('/monitoring/owd/:regionD-:hostD', auth.authToken, owdControler.testowd); app.get('/monitoring/owd/:regionD-:hostD/:regionS-:hostS', auth.authToken, owdControler.testOwdSource); app.get('/monitoring/owdserver/:time', owdControler.owd_server); //WS-Route - ping app.get('/monitoring/ping/:addressHost/:format?/:count?', pingctl.ping); //WS-Route - ploss - Packet Loss app.get('/monitoring/ploss/:regionD-:hostD', auth.authToken, plossControler.testploss); app.get('/monitoring/ploss/:regionD:hostD/:regionS:hostS', auth.authToken, plossControler.testplossSource); app.get('/monitoring/ploss/iperf/:ipS?', plossControler.iperf_server); //WS-Route - Schedule test app.post('/monitoring/schedule/:regionIdS-:hostIdS', schedule.requiresAvailableHosts, auth.authToken, schedule.schedule ); app.post('/monitoring/schedule', schedule.scheduleTest); app.get('/monitoring/schedule/bdw/:regionD-:hostD', bdwControler.testbw); app.get('/monitoring/schedule/owd/:regionD-:hostD', owdControler.testowd); app.put('/monitoring/schedule/scheduleId', auth.authToken, schedule.killSchedule); //save host data // // Set a pid variable on `nconf`. // nconf.set('pid', process.pid); nconf.save(); userController.addUser("userxifi", "userxifi", "xifiMaster2014") var host_data = { hostId: config.hostId, regionId: config.regionId, type: "vm", ipAddress: config.ip_address.public_ip, ip_address: config.ip_address, port_NAM: config.port_NAM_Adapter, packetLoss_status: config.packetLoss_status, bdw_status: config.bdw_status, owd_status: config.owd_status, BDW_endpoint_dest_schedule: [ config.bdw_endpoint_default ], OWD_endpoint_dest_schedule: [ config.owd_endpoint_default ] }; // deleting all Active Scheduled Measures. deleteAllActiveScheduled(); //Update Host Data from config file. findAndUpdateHostData(host_data) //Authentication IDM logger.info(host_data) auth.authenticate (function (status, resp) { myToken = JSON.parse(resp).access.token; logger.info('Success authenticating NAM. NAM Auth-token: ', myToken); //Auto-Register Host auth.authenticate_user (function (status, resp) { var token = JSON.parse(resp).access.token.id; logger.info('Success authenticating user. Auth-token: ', token); superagent.post(config.NAMFederationDatabase + '/regions/') .set('X-Auth-Token', token) .send({ "link": "", "id": config.regionId }) .end(function(error,res){ if(!error){ //logger.info("Autoregister OK"); }else { logger.error("Error: Autoregister fail, " + error); } }); superagent.post(config.NAMFederationDatabase + '/nam/hosts') .set('X-Auth-Token', token) .send(host_data) .end(function(error,res){ if(!error && res.statusCode==200){ if(res.body.hostId){ logger.info("Autoregister OK");} else { logger.info(res.body); logger.info("Host already exists in NAM DB") } }else { logger.error("Error: Autoregister fail, " + error); } }); }, function (status, err) { logger.error('Error in keystone communication', err); }); }, function (status, e) { logger.error('Error in keystone communication', e); }); //excecuting iperf server command - accepts tcp connections var command = 'iperf -f m -p ' + config.port_iperf_server + ' -s'; commandController.command_console(command); //excecuting iperf server command - accepts udp connections var command_u = 'iperf -f m -u -p ' + config.port_iperf_server + ' -s'; commandController.command_console(command_u); http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){ logger.info('NAM Adapter server listening on port ' + app.get('port')); });