{ "name": "nam_adapter", "version": "3.1.5", "description": "NAM Adapter", "main": "NAMadapter.js", "scripts": { "start": "NAMadapter.js", "test": "mocha Test/NAMadapter_test.js" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/luisferupm/NAM_Adapter" }, "keywords": [ "nam", "monitoring", "bandwidth", "latency", "owd", "XIFI" ], "dependencies": { "express": "3.2.6", "express-partials": "*", "expect.js":"*", "ejs": "*", "connect-flash": "*", "js2xmlparser": "*", "mongoose": "3.8.8", "superagent": "*", "cron": "*", "forever": "*", "pkginfo": "0.3.0", "dateformat": "*", "winston": "~0.7.2", "nconf": "*" }, "bin": { "nam_adapter": "./bin/nam_adapter" }, "engines": { "node": ">=0.10.18" }, "author": { "name": "Luis Fernando Garcia" }, "license": "BSD-2", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/luisferupm/NAM_Adapter/issues" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/luisferupm/NAM_Adapter", "devDependencies": {}, "readme": "\n# NAM Adapter\n\nNAM Adapter is the component in charge of the Network Active Monitoring data within the XIFI Infrastructure Monitoring Middleware (XIMM) (initial description and concepts provided in the [deliverable D3.1- XIFI infrastructure adaptation components API open specification] (http://wiki.fi-xifi.eu/Public:D3.1)). This component provides a multi-domain monitoring mechanism able to handle latency and bandwidth-related tests along a set of points of interest within the federated community. \n\n## Install\n\n### Installation Requirements\n\nThe main recommendation to install the NAM Adapter is to deploy the software package on a host with Ubuntu/ Debian running as Operating System. If this was not the case, it would be necessary to check how to install additional packages that are required. NAM's software repository has been successfully tested with versions 12.10 and 13.10 of Ubuntu, and version 7.3 of Debian. No major issues are expected for upcoming versions. \n\nIn order to work properly, the component requires the following set of software modules: \n\n* Node.js\n* MongoDB\n* NTP\n* Iperf\n\nThe required software can be installed manually from the default Debian/Ubuntu repositories by using the following commands:\n\nInstall Node-js\n```\n $ sudo apt-get update\n $ sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties python g++ make\n $ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js\n $ sudo apt-get update\n $ sudo apt-get install nodejs\n```\n\nInstall mongodb\n``` \n $ sudo apt-get install mongodb\n```\n\nInstall iperf\n\n``` \n $ sudo apt-get install iperf\n```\n\nInstall ntp\n\n``` \n $ sudo apt-get install ntp\n```\n\n\n### Installation of the NAM Adapter in Debian/Ubuntu\n\nFor install nam adapter uses the following command:\n\n```\nnpm install nam_adapter\n```\n\n### Run NAM Adapter \n\nFor run nam adapter uses the following commands:\n\n```\n$ cd nodes_modules/nam_adapter\n../nam_adapter/ $ ./NAMadapter start\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Request an On-Demand Test between endpoints\nA Call instance resource represents a measure between a host A and host B. The following parameters are needed to run Test On-Demand (OWD or BDW):\n\n* URI: http://{hostServerNAM}:{portNAM}/monitoring/host2hosts/{serviceType}/{regionId_Source}-{hostId_Source};{regionId_Destination}-{hostId_Destination} \n* Method: GET \n* Content-Type: Application/JSON \n* Query string parameters: ?format=XML/JSON/TXT \n* Request body: none \n\n\nExample of usage: \n\n```\ncurl --header \"{my-token}\" \";Waterford-\"\n```\n\n## Developing\n\n\n\n### Tools\n\n", "readmeFilename": "README.md", "_id": "nam_adapter@1.0.1-9.14", "_from": "nam_adapter@" }