import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; declare namespace NeDB { type Query = { [key: string]: any; } type Update = { [key: string]: any; } type Projection = { [p in keyof TSchema]?: number; } interface Persistence { /** * Under the hood, NeDB's persistence uses an append-only format, meaning * that all updates and deletes actually result in lines added at the end * of the datafile, for performance reasons. The database is automatically * compacted (i.e. put back in the one-line-per-document format) every * time you load each database within your application. * * You can manually call the compaction function with * `datastore.persistence.compactDatafile` which takes no argument. It * queues a compaction of the datafile in the executor, to be executed * sequentially after all pending operations. The datastore will fire a * compaction.done event once compaction is finished. */ compactDatafile(): void; /** * Set automatic compaction at a regular `interval` in milliseconds (a * minimum of 5s is enforced). */ setAutocompactionInterval(interval: number): void; /** * Stop automatic compaction with * `datastore.persistence.stopAutocompaction()`. */ stopAutocompaction(): void; } interface AbstractCursor { /** * Sort the queried documents. * * See: */ sort(query: any): this; /** * Skip some of the queried documents. * * See: */ skip(n: number): this; /** * Limit the queried documents. * * See: */ limit(n: number): this; /** * Set the document projection. * * See: */ project(projection: Projection): this; } interface FindCursor extends AbstractCursor, Promise { /** * Execute the cursor. * * Since the Cursor has a `then` and a `catch` method * JavaScript identifies it as a thenable object * thus you can await it in async functions. * * @example * // in an async function * await datastore.find(...) * .sort(...) * .limit(...) * * @example * // the previous is the same as: * await datastore.find(...) * .sort(...) * .limit(...) * .exec() */ exec(): Promise; } interface FindOneCursor extends AbstractCursor, Promise { /** * Execute the cursor. * * Since the Cursor has a `then` and a `catch` method * JavaScript identifies it as a thenable object * thus you can await it in async functions. * * @example * // in an async function * await datastore.find(...) * .sort(...) * .limit(...) * * @example * // the previous is the same as: * await datastore.find(...) * .sort(...) * .limit(...) * .exec() */ exec(): Promise; } type DatastoreOptions = { /** * Path to the file where the data is persisted. If left blank, the * datastore is automatically considered in-memory only. It cannot end * with a `~` which is used in the temporary files NeDB uses to perform * crash-safe writes. */ filename?: string; /** * As the name implies... * * Defaults to `false`. */ inMemoryOnly?: boolean; /** * Timestamp the insertion and last update of all documents, with the * fields createdAt and updatedAt. User-specified values override * automatic generation, usually useful for testing. * * Defaults to `false`. */ timestampData?: boolean; /** * If used, the database will automatically be loaded from the datafile * upon creation (you don't need to call `load`). Any command issued * before load is finished is buffered and will be executed when load is * done. * * Defaults to `false`. */ autoload?: boolean; /** * If you use autoloading, this is the handler called after `load`. It * takes one error argument. If you use autoloading without specifying * this handler, and an error happens during load, an error will be * thrown. */ onload?(error: Error): any; /** * Hook you can use to transform data after it was serialized and before * it is written to disk. Can be used for example to encrypt data before * writing database to disk. This function takes a string as parameter * (one line of an NeDB data file) and outputs the transformed string, * which must absolutely not contain a `\n` character (or data will be * lost). */ afterSerialization?(line: string): string; /** * Inverse of afterSerialization. Make sure to include both and not just * one or you risk data loss. For the same reason, make sure both * functions are inverses of one another. * * Some failsafe mechanisms are in place to prevent data loss if you * misuse the serialization hooks: NeDB checks that never one is declared * without the other, and checks that they are reverse of one another by * testing on random strings of various lengths. In addition, if too much * data is detected as corrupt, NeDB will refuse to start as it could mean * you're not using the deserialization hook corresponding to the * serialization hook used before. */ beforeDeserialization?(line: string): string; /** * Between 0 and 1, defaults to 10%. NeDB will refuse to start if more * than this percentage of the datafile is corrupt. 0 means you don't * tolerate any corruption, 1 means you don't care. */ corruptAlertThreshold?: number; /** * Compares strings `a` and `b` and returns -1, 0 or 1. If specified, it * overrides default string comparison which is not well adapted to non-US * characters in particular accented letters. Native `localCompare` will * most of the time be the right choice. */ compareStrings?(a: string, b: string): number; /** * If you are using NeDB from whithin a Node Webkit app, specify its name * (the same one you use in the package.json) in this field and the * filename will be relative to the directory Node Webkit uses to store * the rest of the application's data (local storage etc.). It works on * Linux, OS X and Windows. Now that you can use * `require('nw.gui').App.dataPath` in Node Webkit to get the path to the * data directory for your application, you should not use this option * anymore and it will be removed. * @deprecated */ nodeWebkitAppName?: string; } type UpdateOptions = { /** * Allows the modification of several documents if set to `true`. * * Defaults to `false`. */ multi?: boolean; /** * If you want to insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules * if your `query` doesn't match anything. If your `update` is a simple object * with no modifiers, it is the inserted document. In the other case, the * `query` is stripped from all operator recursively, and the `update` is * applied to it. * * Defaults to `false`. */ upsert?: boolean; /** * (Not MongoDB-compatible) If set to true and update is not an upsert, * will return the document or the array of documents (when multi is set * to `true`) matched by the find query and updated. Updated documents * will be returned even if the update did not actually modify them. * * Defaults to `false`. */ returnUpdatedDocs?: boolean; } type RemoveOptions = { /** * Allows the removal of multiple documents if set to true. * * Defaults to `false`. */ multi?: boolean; } type IndexOptions = { /** * The name of the field to index. Use the dot notation to index a field * in a nested document. */ fieldName: string; /** * Enforce field uniqueness. Note that a unique index will raise an error * if you try to index two documents for which the field is not defined. */ unique?: boolean; /** * Don't index documents for which the field is not defined. Use this * option along with `unique` if you want to accept multiple documents for * which it is not defined. */ sparse?: boolean; /** * If set, the created index is a TTL (time to live) index, that will * automatically remove documents when the system date becomes larger than * the date on the indexed field plus `expireAfterSeconds`. Documents where * the indexed field is not specified or not a Date object are ignored. */ expireAfterSeconds?: number; } /** * @summary * As of v2.0.0 the Datastore class extends node's built * in EventEmitter class and implements each method as an event * plus additional error events. It also inherits the `compaction.done` * event from nedb but for consistency, in this library the event * was renamed to `compactionDone`. * * All event callbacks will be passed the same type of values, * the first being the datastore, then the operation result (if there is any) * and then the arguments of the called method. (Check out the first example!) * * All events have a matching error event that goes by the name of `${method}Error`, * for example `findError` or `loadError`. The callbacks of these events will receive * the same parameters as the normal event handlers except that instead of the * operation result there will be an operation error. (Check out the second example!) * * A generic `__error__` event is also available. This event will be emitted at any of * the above error events. The callbacks of this event will receive the same parameters * as the specific error event handlers except that there will be one more parameter * passed between the datastore and the error object, that being the name of the method * that failed. (Check out the third example!) * * @example * let datastore = Datastore.create() * datastore.on('update', (datastore, result, query, update, options) => { * }) * datastore.on('load', (datastore) => { * // this event doesn't have a result * }) * datastore.on('ensureIndex', (datastore, options) => { * // this event doesn't have a result * // but it has the options argument which will be passed to the * // event handlers * }) * datastore.on('compactionDone', (datastore) => { * // inherited from nedb's compaction.done event * }) * * @example * let datastore = Datastore.create() * datastore.on('updateError', (datastore, error, query, update, options) => { * }) * datastore.on('loadError', (datastore, error) => { * }) * datastore.on('ensureIndexError', (datastore, error, options) => { * }) * * @example * let datastore = Datastore.create() * datastore.on('__error__', (datastore, event, error, ...args) => { * // for example * // datastore, 'find', error, [{ foo: 'bar' }, {}] * }) * * @class */ class Datastore extends EventEmitter { persistence: Persistence; private constructor(); /** * Create a database instance. * * Use this over `new Datastore(...)` to access original nedb datastore * properties, such as `datastore.persistence`. * * For more information visit: * */ static create( pathOrOptions: DatastoreOptions & { timestampData: true }, ): Datastore<{ _id: string, createdAt: Date, updatedAt: Date }>; /** * Create a database instance. * * Use this over `new Datastore(...)` to access original nedb datastore * properties, such as `datastore.persistence`. * * For more information visit: * */ static create( pathOrOptions?: string | DatastoreOptions, ): Datastore<{ _id: string }>; /** * Load the datastore. * * Note that you don't necessarily have to call * this method to load the datastore as it will * automatically be called and awaited on any * operation issued against the datastore * (i.e.: `find`, `findOne`, etc.). */ load(): Promise; /** * Find documents that match a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * * * There are differences minor in how the cursor works though. * * @example * datastore.find({ ... }).sort({ ... }).exec().then(...) * * @example * datastore.find({ ... }).sort({ ... }).then(...) * * @example * // in an async function * await datastore.find({ ... }).sort({ ... }) */ find( query: Query, projection?: Projection, ): FindCursor; /** * Find a document that matches a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * * * @example * datastore.findOne({ ... }).then(...) * * @example * // in an async function * await datastore.findOne({ ... }).sort({ ... }) */ findOne( query: Query, projection?: Projection, ): FindOneCursor; /** * Insert a document. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ insert( docs: TSchema, ): Promise; /** * Insert an array of documents. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ insert( docs: TSchema[], ): Promise<(TDocument & TSchema)[]>; /** * Update a document that matches a query. * Insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules * if no matching document was found. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options: UpdateOptions & { returnUpdatedDocs: true; upsert: true; multi?: false }, ): Promise; /** * Update documents that match a query. * Insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules * if no matching document was found. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options: UpdateOptions & { returnUpdatedDocs: true; upsert: true; multi: true }, ): Promise<(TDocument & TSchema)[] | (TDocument & TSchema)>; /** * Update a document that matches a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options: UpdateOptions & { returnUpdatedDocs: true; upsert?: false; multi?: false }, ): Promise<(TDocument & TSchema) | null>; /** * Update documents that match a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options: UpdateOptions & { returnUpdatedDocs: true; multi: true }, ): Promise<(TDocument & TSchema)[]>; /** * Update documents that match a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options?: UpdateOptions, ): Promise; /** * Update documents that match a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ update( query: Query, update: Update, options?: UpdateOptions, ): Promise; /** * Remove documents that match a query. * * It's basically the same as the original: * */ remove(query: Query, options: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Count all documents matching the query. */ count(query: Query): Promise; /** * Ensure an index is kept for this field. Same parameters as lib/indexes * For now this function is synchronous, we need to test how much time it * takes We use an async API for consistency with the rest of the code. */ ensureIndex(options: IndexOptions): Promise; /** * Remove an index. */ removeIndex(fieldName: string): Promise; } } export default NeDB.Datastore;