import Client from "./client"; import FileSystemElement from "./fileSystemElement"; export declare enum SharePermission { all = 31, read = 1, update = 2, create = 4, delete = 8, share = 16 } export interface ICreateShare { "fileSystemElement": FileSystemElement; "publicUpload"?: boolean; "password"?: string; } export default class Share { static getShare(client: Client, id: string): Promise; static createShareRequestBody(createShare: ICreateShare): string; private client; private memento; private constructor(); delete(): Promise; setExpiration(expiration: Date): Promise; /** * set a new password * @param password */ setPassword(password: string): Promise; setNote(note: string): Promise; private initialize; /** * token * The token is readonly */ get token(): string; /** * share url * The share url is readonly */ get url(): string; /** * expiration * The expiration is readonly */ get expiration(): Date | null; /** * note * The note is readonly */ get note(): string; /** * id * The id is readonly */ get id(): string; }