import { InjectionToken, Provider } from 'injection-js'; import { ParsedConfiguration } from '@angular/compiler-cli'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Transform } from './graph/transform'; import { NgPackagrOptions } from './ng-package/options.di'; /** * The original ng-packagr implemented on top of a rxjs-ified and di-jectable transformation pipeline. * * See the `docs/` for more prose description. * * @link */ export declare class NgPackagr { private providers; private buildTransform; constructor(providers: Provider[]); /** * Adds options to ng-packagr * * @param options Ng Packagr Options * @return Self instance for fluent API */ withOptions(options: NgPackagrOptions): NgPackagr; /** * Sets the path to the user's "ng-package" file (either `package.json`, `ng-package.json`, or `ng-package.js`) * * @param project File path * @return Self instance for fluent API */ forProject(project: string): NgPackagr; /** * Adds dependency injection providers. * * @param providers * @return Self instance for fluent API * @link */ withProviders(providers: Provider[]): NgPackagr; /** * Overwrites the default TypeScript configuration. * * @param defaultValues A tsconfig providing default values to the compilation. * @return Self instance for fluent API */ withTsConfig(defaultValues: ParsedConfiguration | string): NgPackagr; /** * Overwrites the 'build' transform. * * @param transform * @return Self intance for fluent API */ withBuildTransform(transform: InjectionToken): NgPackagr; /** * Builds the project by kick-starting the 'build' transform over an (initially) empty `BuildGraph`` * * @return A promisified result of the transformation pipeline. */ build(): Promise; /** * Builds and watch for changes by kick-starting the 'watch' transform over an (initially) empty `BuildGraph`` * * @return An observable result of the transformation pipeline. */ watch(): Observable; /** * Builds the project by kick-starting the 'build' transform over an (initially) empty `BuildGraph`` * * @return An observable result of the transformation pipeline. */ buildAsObservable(): Observable; } export declare const ngPackagr: () => NgPackagr;