/** * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://github.com/NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { Direction, Directionality } from '@angular/cdk/bidi'; import { ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, QueryList, Renderer2, SimpleChanges, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { NzFormNoStatusService, NzFormStatusService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/form'; import { BooleanInput, NgClassInterface, NgStyleInterface, NzSafeAny, NzStatus } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/types'; import { NzI18nService, NzTransferI18nInterface } from 'ng-zorro-antd/i18n'; import { TransferCanMove, TransferChange, TransferDirection, TransferItem, TransferSearchChange, TransferSelectChange } from './interface'; import { NzTransferListComponent } from './transfer-list.component'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export declare class NzTransferComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { private cdr; private i18n; private elementRef; private renderer; private directionality; private nzFormStatusService?; private nzFormNoStatusService?; static ngAcceptInputType_nzDisabled: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_nzShowSelectAll: BooleanInput; static ngAcceptInputType_nzShowSearch: BooleanInput; private unsubscribe$; lists: QueryList; locale: NzTransferI18nInterface; leftFilter: string; rightFilter: string; dir: Direction; prefixCls: string; statusCls: NgClassInterface; hasFeedback: boolean; nzDisabled: boolean; nzDataSource: TransferItem[]; nzTitles: string[]; nzOperations: string[]; nzListStyle: NgStyleInterface; nzShowSelectAll: boolean; nzItemUnit?: string; nzItemsUnit?: string; nzCanMove: (arg: TransferCanMove) => Observable; nzRenderList: Array | null> | null; nzRender: TemplateRef | null; nzFooter: TemplateRef | null; nzShowSearch: boolean; nzFilterOption?: (inputValue: string, item: TransferItem) => boolean; nzSearchPlaceholder?: string; nzNotFoundContent?: string; nzTargetKeys: string[]; nzSelectedKeys: string[]; nzStatus: NzStatus; readonly nzChange: EventEmitter; readonly nzSearchChange: EventEmitter; readonly nzSelectChange: EventEmitter; leftDataSource: TransferItem[]; rightDataSource: TransferItem[]; private splitDataSource; private getCheckedData; handleLeftSelectAll: (checked: boolean) => void; handleRightSelectAll: (checked: boolean) => void; handleLeftSelect: (item: TransferItem) => void; handleRightSelect: (item: TransferItem) => void; handleSelect(direction: TransferDirection, checked: boolean, item?: TransferItem): void; handleFilterChange(ret: { direction: TransferDirection; value: string; }): void; leftActive: boolean; rightActive: boolean; private updateOperationStatus; moveToLeft: () => void; moveToRight: () => void; moveTo(direction: TransferDirection): void; private truthMoveTo; constructor(cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, i18n: NzI18nService, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, directionality: Directionality, nzFormStatusService?: NzFormStatusService | undefined, nzFormNoStatusService?: NzFormNoStatusService | undefined); private markForCheckAllList; private handleNzTargetKeys; private handleNzSelectedKeys; ngOnInit(): void; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; private setStatusStyles; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; }