import { EventEmitter, OnInit, OnDestroy, Renderer, ElementRef, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core'; import { PopoverConfig } from './popover.config'; import { ComponentLoaderFactory } from '../component-loader'; /** * A lightweight, extensible directive for fancy popover creation. */ export declare class PopoverDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy { /** * Content to be displayed as popover. */ popover: string | TemplateRef; /** * Title of a popover. */ popoverTitle: string; /** * Placement of a popover. Accepts: "top", "bottom", "left", "right" */ placement: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'; /** * Specifies events that should trigger. Supports a space separated list of * event names. */ triggers: string; /** * A selector specifying the element the popover should be appended to. * Currently only supports "body". */ container: string; /** * Returns whether or not the popover is currently being shown */ isOpen: boolean; /** * Emits an event when the popover is shown */ onShown: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when the popover is hidden */ onHidden: EventEmitter; private _popover; constructor(_elementRef: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer, _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, _config: PopoverConfig, cis: ComponentLoaderFactory); /** * Opens an element’s popover. This is considered a “manual” triggering of * the popover. */ show(): void; /** * Closes an element’s popover. This is considered a “manual” triggering of * the popover. */ hide(): void; /** * Toggles an element’s popover. This is considered a “manual” triggering of * the popover. */ toggle(): void; ngOnInit(): any; ngOnDestroy(): any; }