import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; export declare enum SlimLoadingBarEventType { PROGRESS = 0, HEIGHT = 1, COLOR = 2, VISIBLE = 3, } export declare class SlimLoadingBarEvent { type: SlimLoadingBarEventType; value: any; constructor(type: SlimLoadingBarEventType, value: any); } /** * SlimLoadingBar service helps manage Slim Loading bar on the top of screen or parent component */ export declare class SlimLoadingBarService { private _progress; private _height; private _color; private _visible; private _intervalCounterId; interval: number; private eventSource; events: Observable; constructor(); progress: number; height: string; color: string; visible: boolean; private emitEvent(event); start(onCompleted?: Function): void; stop(): void; reset(): void; complete(): void; }