import { EventEmitter, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { DataSource } from '../../lib/data-source/data-source'; export declare class PagerComponent implements OnChanges { source: DataSource; perPageSelect: any[]; changePage: EventEmitter; currentPerPage: any; protected pages: Array; protected page: number; protected count: number; protected perPage: number; protected dataChangedSub: Subscription; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void; /** * We change the page here depending on the action performed against data source * if a new element was added to the end of the table - then change the page to the last * if a new element was added to the beginning of the table - then to the first page * @param changes */ processPageChange(changes: any): void; shouldShow(): boolean; paginate(page: number): boolean; next(): boolean; prev(): boolean; getPage(): number; getPages(): Array; getLast(): number; isPageOutOfBounce(): boolean; initPages(): void; onChangePerPage(event: any): void; }