import { AnimationBuilder } from '@angular/animations'; import { AfterViewChecked, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core'; import * as ɵngcc0 from '@angular/core'; export declare class CollapseDirective implements AfterViewChecked { private _el; private _renderer; /** This event fires as soon as content collapses */ collapsed: EventEmitter; /** This event fires when collapsing is started */ collapses: EventEmitter; /** This event fires as soon as content becomes visible */ expanded: EventEmitter; /** This event fires when expansion is started */ expands: EventEmitter; isExpanded: boolean; collapseNewValue: boolean; isCollapsed: boolean; isCollapse: boolean; isCollapsing: boolean; set display(value: string); /** turn on/off animation */ isAnimated: boolean; /** A flag indicating visibility of content (shown or hidden) */ set collapse(value: boolean); get collapse(): boolean; private _display; private _isAnimationDone?; private _player?; private _stylesLoaded; private _COLLAPSE_ACTION_NAME; private _EXPAND_ACTION_NAME; private readonly _factoryCollapseAnimation; private readonly _factoryExpandAnimation; constructor(_el: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer2, _builder: AnimationBuilder); ngAfterViewChecked(): void; /** allows to manually toggle content visibility */ toggle(): void; /** allows to manually hide content */ hide(): void; /** allows to manually show collapsed content */ show(): void; animationRun(isAnimated: boolean, action: string): (callback: () => void) => void; static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef; static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } //#