import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { IConfig } from './ngx-mask.config'; import { NgxMaskApplierService } from './ngx-mask-applier.service'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export declare class NgxMaskService extends NgxMaskApplierService { isNumberValue: boolean; maskIsShown: string; selStart: number | null; selEnd: number | null; /** * Whether we are currently in writeValue function, in this case when applying the mask we don't want to trigger onChange function, * since writeValue should be a one way only process of writing the DOM value based on the Angular model value. */ writingValue: boolean; maskChanged: boolean; _maskExpressionArray: string[]; triggerOnMaskChange: boolean; _previousValue: string; _currentValue: string; private _emitValue; private _start; private _end; onChange: (_: any) => void; readonly _elementRef: ElementRef | null; private readonly document; protected _config: IConfig; private readonly _renderer; applyMask(inputValue: string, maskExpression: string, position?: number, justPasted?: boolean, backspaced?: boolean, cb?: (...args: any[]) => any): string; private _numberSkipedSymbols; applyValueChanges(position: number, justPasted: boolean, backspaced: boolean, cb?: (...args: any[]) => any): void; hideInput(inputValue: string, maskExpression: string): string; getActualValue(res: string): string; shiftTypedSymbols(inputValue: string): string; /** * Convert number value to string * 3.1415 -> '3.1415' * 1e-7 -> '0.0000001' */ numberToString(value: number | string): string; showMaskInInput(inputVal?: string): string; clearIfNotMatchFn(): void; set formElementProperty([name, value]: [string, string | boolean]); checkDropSpecialCharAmount(mask: string): number; removeMask(inputValue: string): string; private _checkForIp; private _checkForCpfCnpj; /** * Recursively determine the current active element by navigating the Shadow DOM until the Active Element is found. */ private _getActiveElement; /** * Propogates the input value back to the Angular model by triggering the onChange function. It won't do this if writingValue * is true. If that is true it means we are currently in the writeValue function, which is supposed to only update the actual * DOM element based on the Angular model value. It should be a one way process, i.e. writeValue should not be modifying the Angular * model value too. Therefore, we don't trigger onChange in this scenario. * @param inputValue the current form input value */ private formControlResult; private _toNumber; private _removeMask; private _removePrefix; private _removeSuffix; private _retrieveSeparatorValue; private _regExpForRemove; private _replaceDecimalMarkerToDot; _checkSymbols(result: string): string | number | undefined | null; private _checkPatternForSpace; private _retrieveSeparatorPrecision; _checkPrecision(separatorExpression: string, separatorValue: string): number | string; _repeatPatternSymbols(maskExp: string): string; currentLocaleDecimalMarker(): string; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }