import { ExtendDescribeThis } from '..'; describe('Ecosia', () => { before((browser) => browser.url('')); it('Demo test', () => { // Setting network conditions before the actual test browser.setNetworkConditions({ offline: false, latency: 5, // Additional latency (ms). download_throughput: 500 * 1024, // Maximal aggregated download throughput. upload_throughput: 500 * 1024, // Maximal aggregated upload throughput. }); browser .waitForElementVisible('body') .assert.titleContains('Ecosia') .assert.titleContains('Ecosia') .assert.visible('input[type=search]') .setValue('input[type=search]', 'nightwatch') .assert.visible('button[type=submit]') .click('button[type=submit]'); }); xit('this test will be skipped', (browser) => { browser.waitForElementVisible('body'); }); after((browser) => browser.end()); }); xdescribe('whole describle block will be skipped', () => { test('ecosia', () => { browser.url('').end(); }); }); // // test custom this // interface CustomThis { bodySelector: string; } describe('Async Ecosia with custom this', function (this: ExtendDescribeThis) { this.tags = 'ecosia'; this.desiredCapabilities = { browserName: 'chrome', }; this.retries(2); before(function (this: ExtendDescribeThis, browser, done) { browser.url(''); this.bodySelector = 'body'; done(); }); it('Demo test', async (browser) => { browser.waitForElementVisible(this.bodySelector!); }); after((browser) => browser.end()); });