import net from 'node:net' import tls from 'node:tls' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { formatDate, parseDateString, parseHeaders, parseOverview, parseOverviewFmt } from './helpers.ts' import { NNTPDataError, NNTPPermanentError, NNTPProtocolError, NNTPReplyError, NNTPTemporaryError } from './exceptions.ts' import { LONGRESP_END, DEFAULT_OVERVIEW_FMT, NEW_LINE, HEADERS_END } from './constants.ts' async function * findByteSequence (sourceIterator: AsyncIterable, targetSequence: Uint8Array) { // not great but good enough const buffer = [] let targetLength = targetSequence.length let matchIndex = 0 for await (const chunk of sourceIterator) { for (const byte of chunk) { buffer.push(byte) if (byte === targetSequence[matchIndex]) { matchIndex++ if (matchIndex === targetLength) { // Sequence found, yield all data up to but not including the sequence if (buffer.length > 0) { targetSequence = yield new Uint8Array(buffer.slice(0, -targetLength)) || targetSequence } buffer.length = 0 // Clear the buffer matchIndex = 0 targetLength = targetSequence.length } } else { matchIndex = (byte === targetSequence[0]) ? 1 : 0 } } } if (buffer.length > 0) yield new Uint8Array(buffer) } const decoder = new TextDecoder('ascii') function decode (data: Uint8Array) { return decoder.decode(data) } export class NNTP extends EventEmitter { host port sock?: net.Socket welcome?: string caps?: Record readermodeAfterauth?: boolean tlsOn = false authenticated = false nntpVersion?: number nntpImplementation?: string _cachedoverviewfmt?: string[] byteReader?: AsyncGenerator connected = false constructor (host: string, port = 119, readermode = false, timeout?: number) { super() = host this.port = port } async connect (readermode = false, timeout: number | undefined = undefined, socket?: net.Socket) { try { this.sock = socket || this._createSocket(timeout) this.byteReader = findByteSequence(this.sock, NEW_LINE) // initialize with new line since first requet is always a welcome single line this.welcome = decode(await this._getresp()) this.caps = undefined this.connected = true await this.getcapabilities() this.readermodeAfterauth = false if (readermode && !this.caps!?.READER) { await this._setreadermode() if (!this.readermodeAfterauth) { this.caps = undefined await this.getcapabilities() } } } catch (error) { this.sock?.end() throw error } } connectTLS (readermode = false, timeout?: number, context?: tls.SecureContext) { return this.connect(readermode, 0, new tls.TLSSocket(this._createSocket(timeout), { secureContext: context })) } _createSocket (timeout?: number) { if (timeout != null && timeout === 0) { throw new Error('Non-blocking socket (timeout=0) is not supported') } return net.createConnection({ host:, port: this.port, timeout }) } async _getresp (delimiter = NEW_LINE) { const resp = await this._getline(delimiter) if (resp[0] === 52 || resp[0] === 53) { // 4xx, 5xx throw new NNTPTemporaryError(decode(resp)) } if (resp[0] !== 49 && resp[0] !== 50 && resp[0] !== 51) { // 1xx, 2xx, 3xx throw new NNTPProtocolError(decode(resp)) } return resp } async _getline (delimiter = NEW_LINE) { const { value } = await this.byteReader!.next(delimiter) if (value === undefined) throw new Error('End of stream') return value } _putline (line: string) { if (!this.connected) throw new Error('Not connected') this.sock!.write(line + '\r\n') } _shortcmd (line: string) { this._putline(line) return this._getresp() } _longcmd (line: string) { this._putline(line) return this._getlongresp() } async _getlongresp () { return { resp: decode(await this._getresp()), data: await this._getline(LONGRESP_END) } } getwelcome (): string { return this.welcome as string } async getcapabilities () { if (this.caps === undefined) { this.nntpVersion = 1 this.nntpImplementation = undefined try { const { caps } = await this.capabilities() this.caps = caps if (caps.VERSION) { this.nntpVersion = Math.max( } if (caps.IMPLEMENTATION) { this.nntpImplementation = caps.IMPLEMENTATION.join(' ') } } catch (error) { this.caps = {} } } return this.caps } async capabilities () { const caps: Record = {} const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd('CAPABILITIES') for (const line of decode(data).split('\r\n')) { const [name, ...tokens] = line.split(' ') caps[name] = tokens } return { resp, caps } } newgroups (date: Date) { if (!(date instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError('the date parameter must be a Date object') } return this._longcmd(`NEWGROUPS ${formatDate(date, 'yyyyMMdd')} ${formatDate(date, 'HHmmss')}`) } newnews (group: string, date: Date) { if (!(date instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError('the date parameter must be a Date object') } return this._longcmd(`NEWNEWS ${group} ${formatDate(date, 'yyyyMMdd')} ${formatDate(date, 'HHmmss')}`) } list (groupPattern?: string | number) { return this._longcmd(groupPattern ? `LIST ACTIVE ${groupPattern}` : 'LIST') } async description (group: string) { return await this._getdescriptions(group, false) as string } async descriptions (groupPattern: string) { return await this._getdescriptions(groupPattern, true) as [string, Record] } async group (name: string) { const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd(`GROUP ${name}`)) if (!resp.startsWith('211')) { throw new NNTPReplyError(resp) } const [count, first, last, group] = resp.split(' ') return { resp, count, first, last, group } } help () { return this._longcmd('HELP') } stat (messageSpec?: string) { if (messageSpec) { return this._statcmd(`STAT ${messageSpec}`) } else { return this._statcmd('STAT') } } next () { return this._statcmd('NEXT') } last () { return this._statcmd('LAST') } /** get article head */ async head (messageSpec?: string | number) { const { resp, data } = await this._artcmd(messageSpec ? `HEAD ${messageSpec}` : 'HEAD') return { resp, headers: parseHeaders(decode(data).split('\r\n')) } } /** get article body */ async body (messageSpec?: string | number) { return await this._artcmd(messageSpec ? `BODY ${messageSpec}` : 'BODY') } /** get article head and body */ async article (messageSpec?: string | number) { this._putline(messageSpec ? `ARTICLE ${messageSpec}` : 'ARTICLE') const resp = decode(await this._getresp()) const headers = parseHeaders(decode(await this._getline(HEADERS_END)).split('\r\n')) const data = await this._getline(LONGRESP_END) return { resp, res: new Response(data, { headers }) } } slave () { return this._shortcmd('SLAVE') } async xhdr (hdr: string, str: any) { const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(`XHDR ${hdr} ${str}`) return { resp, hdr: decode(data).split('\r\n').map(line => { const match = /^([0-9]+) ?(.*)\n?/.exec(line) return match ? match[1] : line }) } } async xover (start: string | number, end: string | number) { const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(`XOVER ${start}-${end}`) return { resp, overviews: parseOverview(decode(data).split('\r\n'), await this._getoverviewfmt()) } } async over (messageSpec: [string | number, string | number] | number | string) { let cmd = this.caps?.OVER ? 'OVER' : 'XOVER' if (Array.isArray(messageSpec)) { const [start, end] = messageSpec cmd += ` ${start}-${end || ''}` } else if (messageSpec != null) { cmd += ` ${messageSpec}` } const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(cmd) const fmt = await this._getoverviewfmt() return { resp, overview: parseOverview(decode(data).split('\r\n'), fmt) } } async date () { const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd('DATE')) if (!resp.startsWith('111')) { throw new NNTPReplyError(resp) } const elem = resp.split(' ') if (elem.length !== 2) { throw new NNTPDataError(resp) } const date = elem[1] if (date.length !== 14) { throw new NNTPDataError(resp) } return { resp, date: parseDateString(date) } } post (data: Iterable) { return this._post('POST', data) } ihave (messageId: any, data: Iterable) { return this._post(`IHAVE ${messageId}`, data) } async quit () { try { return await this._shortcmd('QUIT') } finally { this._close() } } async login (user: string | null = null, password: string | null = null) { if (this.authenticated) { throw new Error('Already logged in.') } if (!user) { throw new Error('`user` must be specified') } const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd(`authinfo user ${user}`)) if (resp.startsWith('381')) { if (!password) { throw new NNTPReplyError(resp) } else { const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd(`authinfo pass ${password}`)) if (!resp.startsWith('281')) { throw new NNTPPermanentError(resp) } } } this.caps = undefined await this.getcapabilities() if (this.readermodeAfterauth && !this.caps!?.READER) { await this._setreadermode() this.caps = undefined await this.getcapabilities() } } async _setreadermode () { try { this.welcome = decode(await this._shortcmd('mode reader')) } catch (error) { if ((error as Error).message.startsWith('480')) { this.readermodeAfterauth = true } else { throw error } } } _close () { this.sock!.end() } _statparse (resp: string) { if (!resp.startsWith('22')) { throw new NNTPReplyError(resp) } const words = resp.split(' ') const artNum = parseInt(words[1]) const messageId = words[2] return { resp, artNum, messageId } } async _statcmd (line: string) { return this._statparse(decode(await this._shortcmd(line))) } async _artcmd (line: string) { const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(line) const { artNum, messageId } = this._statparse(resp) return { resp, artNum, messageId, data } } async _getoverviewfmt () { if (this._cachedoverviewfmt) return this._cachedoverviewfmt let fmt = [] try { const { data } = await this._longcmd('LIST OVERVIEW.FMT') fmt = decode(data).split('\r\n') } catch (error) { fmt = DEFAULT_OVERVIEW_FMT } this._cachedoverviewfmt = parseOverviewFmt(fmt) return this._cachedoverviewfmt } async _getdescriptions (groupPattern: string, returnAll: boolean): Promise]> { const linePat = /^(?[^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$/ const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(`LIST NEWSGROUPS ${groupPattern}`) const lines = decode(data).split('\r\n') if (!resp.startsWith('215')) { const { resp, data } = await this._longcmd(`XGTITLE ${groupPattern}`) if (returnAll) { const groups: Record = {} for (const rawLine of decode(data).split('\r\n')) { const match = linePat.exec(rawLine.trim()) if (match) { const [, name, desc] = match groups[name] = desc } } return [resp, groups] } else { return '' } } else { if (returnAll) { const groups: Record = {} for (const rawLine of lines) { const match = linePat.exec(rawLine.trim()) if (match) { const [, name, desc] = match groups[name] = desc } } return [resp, groups] } else { const match = linePat.exec(lines[0].trim()) if (match) { const [, , desc] = match return desc } return '' } } } async _post (command: string, data: Iterable) { const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd(command)) if (!resp.startsWith('3')) { throw new NNTPReplyError(resp) } for (const line of data) { let lineStr = line.toString() if (!lineStr.endsWith('\r\n')) lineStr += '\r\n' if (lineStr.startsWith('.')) lineStr = '.' + lineStr this.sock!.write(lineStr) } this.sock!.write('.\r\n') return await this._getresp() } async starttls (secureContext?: tls.SecureContext) { if (this.tlsOn) { throw new Error('TLS is already enabled.') } if (this.authenticated) { throw new Error('TLS cannot be started after authentication.') } const resp = decode(await this._shortcmd('STARTTLS')) if (resp.startsWith('382')) { this.connected = false await new Promise(resolve => { this.sock = tls.connect(5000,, { socket: this.sock, secureContext }, resolve) this.byteReader = findByteSequence(this.sock, NEW_LINE) }) this.connected = true this.tlsOn = true this.caps = undefined await this.getcapabilities() } else { throw new Error('TLS failed to start.') } } }