import { Config } from "./lib/JsonDBConfig"; export declare type FindCallback = (entry: any, index: number | string) => boolean; export declare class JsonDB { private loaded; private data; private readonly config; /** * JSONDB Constructor * @param filename where to save the "DB". Can also be used to give the whole configuration * @param saveOnPush save the database at each push command into the json file * @param humanReadable the JSON file will be readable easily by a human * @param separator what to use as separator */ constructor(filename: string | Config, saveOnPush?: boolean, humanReadable?: boolean, separator?: string); /** * Process datapath into different parts * @param dataPath */ private processDataPath; private retrieveData; private getParentData; /** * Get the wanted data * @param dataPath path of the data to retrieve */ getData(dataPath: string): any; /** * Same as getData only here it's directly typed to your object * @param dataPath path of the data to retrieve */ getObject(dataPath: string): T; /** * Check for existing datapath * @param dataPath */ exists(dataPath: string): boolean; /** * Returns the number of element which constitutes the array * @param dataPath */ count(dataPath: string): number; /** * Returns the index of the object that meets the criteria submitted. * @param dataPath base dataPath from where to start searching * @param searchValue value to look for in the dataPath * @param propertyName name of the property to look for searchValue */ getIndex(dataPath: string, searchValue: (string | number), propertyName?: string): number; /** * Find all specific entry in an array/object * @param rootPath base dataPath from where to start searching * @param callback method to filter the result and find the wanted entry. Receive the entry and it's index. */ filter(rootPath: string, callback: FindCallback): T[] | undefined; /** * Find a specific entry in an array/object * @param rootPath base dataPath from where to start searching * @param callback method to filter the result and find the wanted entry. Receive the entry and it's index. */ find(rootPath: string, callback: FindCallback): T | undefined; /** * Pushing data into the database * @param dataPath path leading to the data * @param data data to push * @param override overriding or not the data, if not, it will merge them */ push(dataPath: string, data: any, override?: boolean): void; /** * Delete the data * @param dataPath path leading to the data */ delete(dataPath: string): void; /** * Only use this if you know what you're doing. * It reset the full data of the database. * @param data */ resetData(data: any): void; /** * Reload the database from the file */ reload(): void; /** * Manually load the database * It is automatically called when the first getData is done */ load(): void; /** * Manually save the database * By default you can't save the database if it's not loaded * @param force force the save of the database */ save(force?: boolean): void; }