Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 191.64ms 65.96ms 299.26ms 58.64% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 390 requests in 1.23s, 127.10KB read Requests/sec: 317.67 Transfer/sec: 103.53KB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 174.41ms 64.86ms 285.95ms 58.00% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 408 requests in 2.01s, 191.49KB read Requests/sec: 203.40 Transfer/sec: 95.46KB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 257.05ms 66.89ms 365.57ms 61.62% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 391 requests in 1.25s, 465.89KB read Requests/sec: 312.91 Transfer/sec: 372.84KB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 325.15ms 59.07ms 416.51ms 64.44% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 323 requests in 1.24s, 700.40KB read Requests/sec: 260.27 Transfer/sec: 564.38KB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 444.00ms 379.05ms 825.86ms 50.00% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 6 requests in 2.25s, 5.54MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 197 Requests/sec: 2.66 Transfer/sec: 2.46MB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 112.86ms 0.00us 112.83ms 0.00% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 1 requests in 2.25s, 6.86MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 397 Requests/sec: 0.44 Transfer/sec: 3.05MB Running 1s test @ http://localhost:3000/api/1/players 8 threads and 400 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 175.07ms 64.02ms 284.42ms 59.25% Req/Sec -nan -nan 0.00 0.00% 408 requests in 2.01s, 132.97KB read Requests/sec: 202.55 Transfer/sec: 66.01KB For 1 Resource.Create 194.13 For 10 Resource.Create 193.90 For 50 Resource.Create 194.42 For 100 Resource.Create 203.83 For 1000 Resource.Create