require! { '../../': N \./ChangeWatcher \./Schema \prelude-ls \../Helpers/Debug \./Connectors : DB async underscore: __ validator: Validator hacktiv: Hacktiv polyparams: ParamWraper } cache = null Wrappers = null debug-res = new Debug 'N::Resource', global import prelude-ls N.Validator = Validator N.inited = {} module.exports = (config, routes, name) -> if not cache? cache := require \./Cache if not Wrappers? Wrappers := require \./Wrappers debug-resource = new Debug "N::Resource::#name" debug-res.Log "Creating new Resource : #name" error = new Hacktiv.Value class Resource extends Wrappers @DEFAULT_DEPTH = 1 @INITED = false @error = error @_schema = null # # Public # Instance Methods # # Constructor (blob) -> @_table = @.__proto__.constructor._table @_schema = @.__proto__.constructor._schema @_type = @.__proto__.constructor.lname @_config = @.__proto__.constructor.config if blob.promise? debug-resource.Log "Defered instanciation" @_promise = blob.promise return debug-resource.Log "Instantiate with {id: #{}}" import @_schema.Populate @, blob _WrapReturnThis: (done) -> (arg) ~> res = done arg res?._promise || res || arg Then: -> @_promise = @_promise.then @_WrapReturnThis it if @_promise? @ # Catch: -> @_promise = @_promise.catch @_WrapReturnThis it if @_promise? @ Fail: -> @_promise = @_WrapReturnThis it if @_promise? @ # Wrap the _SaveUnwrapped() call Save: @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @_SaveUnwrapped ... # Wrap the _DeleteUnwrapped() call Delete: @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @_DeleteUnwrapped ... # Get what to send to the database Serialize: -> @_schema.Filter @ # Get what to send to client ToJSON: -> res = @Serialize() res = @_schema.RemoveInternals res res <<< @_schema.GetVirtuals @ each ~> if @[]? switch | Array.isArray @[] and @[].0? => res[] = __(@[]).invoke 'ToJSON' | @[].ToJSON? => res[] = @[].ToJSON() , @_schema.assocs res # Preserve the assocs while extending ExtendSafe: (blob) -> newBlob = __({}).extend blob each (-> delete newBlob[]), @_schema.assocs __(@).extend newBlob # Watch the instance refetch itself Watch: (done) -> N.Watch ~> N[capitalize name + \s ].Fetch @id, (err, res) ~> return done err if err? and done? return console.error err if err? @ <<<< res done @ if done? @ # # Private # Instance Methods # # Save without wrap _SaveUnwrapped: (config, done) -> if not done? done = config config = @_config serie = @Serialize() @_schema.Validate serie, (err) ~> exists = @id? if exists => debug-resource.Log "Saving {id: #{@id}}" else => debug-resource.Log "Saving New" switch | err? => done err | _ => @_table.Save serie, config, (err, instance) ~> | err? => done err | _ => if !exists @id = N.bus.emit \new_ + name, @ else N.bus.emit \update_ + name, @ ChangeWatcher.Invalidate() debug-resource.Log "Saved {id: #{@id}}" done null, @ @ # Delete without wrap _DeleteUnwrapped: (done) -> debug-resource.Log "Deleting {id: #{@id}}" @_table.Delete @id, (err, affected) ~> switch | err? => done err | _ => cache.Delete @_type + 'Fetch' + @id, ~> @id = undefined N.bus.emit \delete_ + name, @ ChangeWatcher.Invalidate() debug-resource.Log "Deleted {id: #{@id}}" done null, @ @ # # Public # Class Methods # # Populate an existing instance with a new blob @Hydrate = (blob) -> res = new @ blob @_schema.assocs |> each -> if blob[]? if is-type \Array blob[] res[] = blob[] |> map (it.type~Hydrate) else res[] = it.type.Hydrate blob[] res # _Deserialize and Save from a blob or an array of blob @Create = @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapWatchArgs @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @Init! @_CreateUnwrapped ... # Create without wraps @_CreateUnwrapped = @_WrapParams do * \Object : optional: true * \Array : optional: true * \Object : optional: true * \Function * \Number : optional: true (arg, args, config, done, _depth = if @config?.maxDepth? => @config.maxDepth else @@DEFAULT_DEPTH) -> if args? debug-resource.Log "Creating from array: #{args.length} entries" @_HandleArrayArg arg || args || {}, (blob, done) ~> async.mapSeries obj-to-pairs(blob), (pair, done) ~> if pair.0 in (@_schema.assocs |> map (.foreign)) and pair.1?._promise pair.1.Then -> done null [pair.0,] pair.1.Catch done else done null, pair , (err, results) ~> return done err if err? blob = pairs-to-obj results debug-resource.Log "Creating #{JSON.stringify blob}" @resource._Deserialize blob, (err, instance) ~> | err? => done err | _ => c = {} if config?.db? @_table.AddDriver config c = config else c = @config instance._SaveUnwrapped c, (err, instance) ~> | err? => done err | _ => if instance._schema.assocs.length @_schema.FetchAssoc instance, (err, blob) ~> | err? => done err | _ => instance import blob debug-resource.Log "Created {id: #{}}" done null instance , _depth else debug-resource.Log "Created {id: #{}}" done null instance , _depth , done # Fetch from id or id array @Fetch = @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapCache 'Fetch' @_WrapWatchArgs @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @Init! @_FetchUnwrapped ... # Fetch from id or id array @_FetchUnwrapped = (arg, done, _depth = if @config?.maxDepth? => @config.maxDepth else @@DEFAULT_DEPTH) -> if is-type \Array arg debug-resource.Log "Fetching from array: #{arg.length} entries" cb = (done) ~> (err, blob) ~> | err? => done err | _ => debug-resource.Log "Fetched {id: #{}}" Debug.Depth! @resource._Deserialize blob, done, _depth @_HandleArrayArg arg, (constraints, done) ~> debug-resource.Log "Fetch #{JSON.stringify constraints}" if is-type 'Object', constraints @_table.FindWhere '*', constraints, cb done else @_table.Find constraints, cb done , done # Get a list of records from DB @List = @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapCache 'List' @_WrapWatchArgs @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @Init! @_ListUnwrapped ... # Get a list of records from DB @_ListUnwrapped = (arg, done, _depth = if @config?.maxDepth? => @config.maxDepth else @@DEFAULT_DEPTH) -> if typeof(arg) is 'function' if typeof(done) is 'number' _depth = done done = arg arg = {} if is-type \Array arg debug-resource.Log "Listing from array: #{arg.length} entries" # Debug.Depth! @_HandleArrayArg arg, (constraints, _done) ~> done = (err, data) -> Debug.UnDepth! _done err, data debug-resource.Log "List #{JSON.stringify constraints}" Debug.Depth! @_table.Select '*', (constraints || {}), {}, (err, blobs) ~> | err? => done err? | _ => blobs, (blob, done) ~> debug-resource.Log "Listed {id: #{}}" @resource._Deserialize blob, done, _depth , done , done # Delete given records from DB @Delete = @_WrapFlipDone @_WrapPromise @_WrapDebugError debug-resource~Error, -> @Init! @_DeleteUnwrapped ... # Delete given records from DB @_DeleteUnwrapped = (arg, done) -> if is-type \Array arg debug-resource.Warn "Deleting from array: #{arg.length} entries" @_HandleArrayArg arg, (constraints, done) ~> debug-resource.Warn "Deleting #{JSON.stringify constraints}" @resource._FetchUnwrapped constraints, (err, instance) ~> | err? => done err | _ => instance._DeleteUnwrapped done , done # Watch the Resource for a particular event or any changes @Watch = (...args) -> @Init! query = {} types = [] done = -> for arg in args switch | is-type \Function arg => done := arg | is-type \Array arg => types := arg | is-type \String arg => types.push arg | is-type \Object arg => query := arg if not types.length types.push \all for type in types switch | type in <[new update delete]> => N.bus.on type + '_' + name, done | \all => N.Watch ~> @List query .Then done .Catch done @ @AttachRoute = (@_routes) -> @Init! @_AddRelationship = (res, isArray, isDistant, isRequired, key, fieldName, prepare = true) -> @Init! obj = type: res if isDistant res.Field key, \int .Required isRequired obj.distantKey = key else @Field key, \int .Required isRequired obj.localKey = key if prepare @_schema.PrepareRelationship isArray, capitalize(fieldName + if isArray => 's' else ''), obj @HasOne = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \Boolean : default: true * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: true (res, belongsTo, fieldName, key, may) -> @_AddRelationship res, false, true, may, key || @lname + \Id , fieldName || res.lname res.BelongsTo @, fieldName || @lname, key || @lname + \Id , may if belongsTo @ @HasMany = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \Boolean : default: true * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: true (res, belongsTo, fieldName, key, may) -> @_AddRelationship res, true, true, may, key || @lname + \Id , fieldName || res.lname res.BelongsTo @, fieldName || @lname, key || @lname + \Id , may if belongsTo @ @BelongsTo = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: true (res, fieldName, key, may) -> @_AddRelationship res, false, false, may, key || res.lname + \Id , fieldName || res.lname @ @MayHasOne = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \Boolean : default: true * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: false (...args) -> @HasOne.apply @, args @MayHasMany = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \Boolean : default: true * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: false (...args) -> @HasMany.apply @, args @MayBelongsTo = @_WrapParams do * \Function * \String : optional: true * \String : optional: true * \Boolean : default: false (...args) -> @BelongsTo.apply @, args @HasOneThrough = (res, through) -> @HasOne through through.HasOne res @_schema.HasOneThrough res, through @HasManyThrough = (res, through) -> @HasMany through res.HasMany through @_schema.HasManyThrough res, through @HasAndBelongsToMany = (res, reverse = true) -> names = sort [@lname, res.lname] Assoc = N names.0 + \s_ + names.1, @config .Init! @_schema.HasAndBelongsToMany res, Assoc res._schema.HasAndBelongsToMany @, Assoc if reverse @Field = (...args) -> @Init! @_schema.Field.apply @_schema, args Fetch: @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolveArgPromise (done) -> N[capitalize @_type].Fetch @id, done Add: @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise @_WrapResolveArgPromise (instance, done) -> names = sort [@_type, instance._type] res = @_schema.habtm |> find (.lname is names.0 + \s_ + names.1) if res? return res._CreateUnwrapped {"#{@_type}Id": @id, "#{instance._type}Id":}, (err, newRes) ~> return done err if err? @_SaveUnwrapped ~> return done it if it? @Fetch done res = @_schema.assocs |> find (.type.lname is instance._type) if res? if res.keyType is \distant instance[res.foreign] = @id instance._SaveUnwrapped ~> return done it if it? @Fetch done else if res.keyType is \local @[res.foreign] = @_SaveUnwrapped ~> return done it if it? @Fetch done else done new Error "#{capitalize @_type}: Add: No assocs found for #{capitalize instance._type}" Remove: @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise @_WrapResolveArgPromise (instance, done) -> names = sort [@_type, instance._type] res = __(@_schema.habtm).findWhere lname: names.0 + \s_ + names.1 if res? return res.Delete {"#{@_type}Id": @id, "#{instance._type}Id":}, (err, newRes) -> done err, instance res = @_schema.assocs |> find (.type.lname is instance._type) if res? if res.keyType is \distant instance[res.foreign] = null instance._SaveUnwrapped ~> return done it if it? @Fetch done else if res.keyType is \local @[res.foreign] = null @_SaveUnwrapped ~> return done it if it? @Fetch done else done new Error "#{capitalize @lname}: Add: No assocs found for #{capitalize instance.lname}" # Change properties and save Set: @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise (obj, done) -> if is-type \Function obj fun = ~> @, @ @ @ExtendSafe fun! else @ExtendSafe obj @Save done Log: @_WrapPromise @_WrapResolvePromise -> console.log @ToJSON! it null @ # # Private # Class Methods # # Wrapper to allow simple variable or array as first argument @_HandleArrayArg = (arg, callback, done) -> do -> | is-type 'Array', arg => async.mapSeries arg, callback, done | _ => callback arg, done @ # Pre-Instanciation and associated model retrival @_Deserialize = (blob, done, _depth) -> res = @ if @_schema.assocs.length @_schema.FetchAssoc blob, (err, blob) -> return done err if err? done null, new res blob , _depth - 1 else done null, new res blob # # Private # Init process # # Prepare the core of the Resource @_PrepareResource = (_config, _routes, _name, _parent = null) -> debug-res.Log 'Preparing resource' @lname = _name.toLowerCase() @_table = new DB @lname + \s if not _config?.abstract @_table.AddDriver _config else if not _config? or (_config? and not _config.abstract) @_table.AddDriver @config @config = _config @INITED = false @_schema = new Schema @lname, _config?.schema @_parent = _parent if @_parent? @_schema <<< @_parent._schema.Inherit! @_schema.Resource = @ @Route = _routes @_routes = _routes @ # Setup inheritance @Extend = (name, routes, config) -> @Init! config = config || @config if config and config.abstract deleteAbstract = true if deleteAbstract delete config.abstract N.Resource name, routes, config, @ # Initialisation @Init = (@config = @config, extendArgs) -> if @INITED return @ if N.inited[@lname]? return @ throw new Error 'ALREADY INITED !!!! BUUUUUUUUUG' + @lname @resource = @ N.resources[@lname] = @ debug-res.Log "Init() #{@lname}" N.inited[@lname] = true @INITED = true if @_routes? @routes = new @_routes(@, @config) #FIXME N[capitalize @lname] = @ @ Resource._PrepareResource(config, routes, name)