require! { async underscore: _ validator: Validator \../Helpers/Debug \../../ : N } global import require \prelude-ls validationError = (field, value, message) -> field: field value: value message: "The '#field' field #{if value? => "with value '#value'"} #message" typeCheck = bool: (value) -> typeof(value) isnt 'string' and '' + value is 'true' or '' + value is 'false' int: is-type \Number float: is-type \Number string: is-type \String date: Validator.isDate email: Validator.isEmail array: (value) -> Array.isArray value arrayOf: (type) -> (value) ~> not _(map (@[type]), value).contains (item) -> item is false class SchemaProperty name: null default: null unique: false optional: true internal: false unique: false type: null validation: null (@name, @type, @optional) -> throw new Error 'SchemaProperty must have a name' if not @name? if is-type \Array @type @validation = typeCheck.arrayOf @type.0 else @validation = typeCheck[@type] Default: (@default) -> @ Unique: (@unique = true) -> @ Optional: (@optional = true) -> @ Required: (required = true) -> @optional = !required; @ Virtual: (@virtual = null) -> @ Internal: (@internal = true) -> @ Unique: (@unique = true) -> @ class Schema mode: null (@name, @mode = 'free') -> @properties = [] @assocs = [] @habtm = [] @debug = new Debug "N::Resource::#{@name}::Schema", Debug.colors.cyan Populate: (instance, blob) -> res = obj-to-pairs blob |> filter (.0.0 isnt \_) |> pairs-to-obj instance <<< res @properties |> each (-> instance[] = | blob[]? => that | it.default? => switch | is-type \Function it.default => it.default! | _ => it.default | _ => void) @assocs |> each -> instance[] = that if blob[]? @properties |> filter (.virtual?) |> each ~> try result = instance, instance, (val) ~> instance[] = val if result? instance[] = result catch e instance[] = undefined instance Filter: (instance) -> res = {} if @mode is \strict = @properties |> filter (-> not it.virtual?) |> each -> res[] = instance[] else each (~> if it[0] isnt \_ and typeof! instance[it] isnt 'Function' and it not in map (.name), @assocs and not _(@properties).findWhere(name: it)?.virtual? and (typeof! instance[it]) isnt 'Object' and (typeof! instance[it]) isnt 'Array' res[it] = instance[it]), keys instance res RemoveInternals: (blob) -> @properties |> filter (.internal) |> each -> delete blob[] blob Field: (name, type) -> return that if _(@properties).findWhere name: name @properties.push new SchemaProperty name, type, @mode is 'free' @properties[*-1] # Check for schema validity Validate: (blob, done) -> delete blob._id if N.config.dbType is \Mongo errors = [] @properties |> each ~> errors := errors.concat @_CheckPresence blob, it errors := errors.concat @_CheckValid blob, it errors = errors.concat @_CheckNotInSchema blob @_CheckUnique blob, @Resource, (err, results) -> if err? errors := errors.concat results done(if errors.length => {errors} else null) GetVirtuals: (instance, blob) -> res = {} (@properties or []) |> filter (.virtual?) |> each (-> res[] = instance, blob, ->) res _CheckPresence: (blob, property) -> if !property.optional and not property.default? and not blob[]? and not property.virtual? [validationError, blob[], ' was not present.'] else [] _CheckValid: (blob, property) -> if blob[]? and not (property.validation)(blob[]) [validationError, blob[], ' was not a valid ' + property.type] else [] _CheckNotInSchema: (blob) -> return [] if @mode is \free for field, value of blob when not _(@properties).findWhere name: field and field isnt \id validationError field, blob[field], ' is not in schema' _CheckUnique: (blob, Resource, done) -> res = [] async.eachSeries filter((.unique), @properties), (property, done) -> Resource.Fetch ( blob[] .Then -> res.push validationError, blob[], ' must be unique' done {err: 'not unique'} .Catch -> done! , (err, results) -> done err, res PrepareRelationship: (isArray, field, description) -> type = null foreign = null get = (blob, done) -> done new Error 'No local or distant key given' # debug-res.Log "Preparing Relationships with #{}" if description.localKey? keyType = \local foreign = description.localKey get = (blob, done, _depth) -> if _depth < 0 return done() if !isArray if not blob[description.localKey] return done new Error 'Model association needs integer as id and key' else if not typeCheck.array blob[description.localKey] return done new Error 'Model association needs array of integer as ids and localKeys' description.type._FetchUnwrapped blob[description.localKey], done, _depth else if description.distantKey? foreign = description.distantKey keyType = \distant get = (blob, done, _depth) -> if _depth < 0 or not return done() if !isArray description.type._FetchUnwrapped {"#{description.distantKey}":} , done, _depth else description.type._ListUnwrapped {"#{description.distantKey}":}, done, _depth toPush = keyType: keyType type: description.type name: field Get: get foreign: foreign toPush.default = description.default if description.default? @assocs.push toPush # Get each associated Resource FetchAssoc: (blob, done, _depth) -> assocs = {} @debug.Log "Fetching #{@assocs.length} assocs with Depth #{_depth}" async.eachSeries @assocs, (resource, _done) ~> done = (err, data)-> _done err, data @debug.Log "Assoc: Fetching #{}" resource.Get blob, (err, instance) -> assocs[] = resource.default if resource.default? if err? and resource.type is \distant => done! else assocs[] = instance if instance? done! , _depth , (err) -> return done err if err? done null, _.extend blob, assocs HasOneThrough: (res, through) -> get = (blob, done, _depth) ~> return done! if not _depth or not assoc = _(@assocs).findWhere name: capitalize through.lname assoc.Get blob, (err, instance) -> return done err if err? done null, instance[capitalize res.lname] , _depth + 1 toPush = keyType: 'distant' type: res name: capitalize res.lname Get: get @assocs.push toPush HasManyThrough: (res, through) -> get = (blob, done, _depth) ~> return done! if not _depth or not assoc = _(@assocs).findWhere name: capitalize through.lname + \s assoc.Get blob, (err, instance) -> return done err if err? res._ListUnwrapped instance[capitalize res.lname], (err, instances) -> return done err if err? done null, instances , depth , _depth toPush = keyType: 'distant' type: res name: capitalize res.lname + \s Get: get @assocs.push toPush HasAndBelongsToMany: (res, through) -> get = (blob, done, _depth) ~> return done! if not _depth or not through._ListUnwrapped "#{@name + \Id }":, (err, instances) ~> return done err if err? async.mapSeries instances, (instance, done) ~> res._FetchUnwrapped instance[res.lname + \Id ], done, _depth - 1 , (err, results) ~> return done err if err? assocs = | results.length => results | _ => null done null, assocs , _depth toPush = keyType: 'distant' type: res name: capitalize res.lname + \s Get: get @assocs.push toPush @habtm.push through # console.log @habtm Inherit: -> properties: @properties |> map -> sp = new SchemaProperty, it.type, it.optional sp <<< it assocs: map (-> _ {} .extend it), @assocs habtm: map (-> _ {} .extend it), @habtm module.exports = Schema