/** Modified from https://github.com/substack/node-shell-quote/commit/72fb5a8. Includes https://github.com/substack/node-shell-quote/pull/29, with minor modifications to remove the unnecessary Array polyfills. Use the typed wrappers in ./string.js to access these functions. The MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 James Halliday (mail@substack.net) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @noflow */ /* eslint-disable */ exports.quote = function (xs) { return xs.map(function (s) { if (s && typeof s === 'object') { return s.op.replace(/(.)/g, '\\$1'); } else if (/["\s]/.test(s) && !/'/.test(s)) { return "'" + s.replace(/(['\\])/g, '\\$1') + "'"; } else if (/["'\s]/.test(s)) { return '"' + s.replace(/(["\\$`!])/g, '\\$1') + '"'; } else { return String(s).replace(/([#!"$&'()*,:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}])/g, '\\$1'); } }).join(' '); }; var CONTROL = '(?:' + [ '\\|\\|', '\\&\\&', ';;', '\\|\\&', '[&;()|<>]' ].join('|') + ')'; var META = '|&;()<> \\t'; var BAREWORD = '(\\\\[\'"' + META + ']|[^\\s\'"' + META + '])+'; var SINGLE_QUOTE = '"((\\\\"|[^"])*?)"'; var DOUBLE_QUOTE = '\'((\\\\\'|[^\'])*?)\''; var TOKEN = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TOKEN += (Math.pow(16,8)*Math.random()).toString(16); } exports.parse = function (s, env, opts) { var mapped = parse(s, env, opts); if (typeof env !== 'function') return mapped; return mapped.reduce(function (acc, s) { if (typeof s === 'object') return acc.concat(s); var xs = s.split(RegExp('(' + TOKEN + '.*?' + TOKEN + ')', 'g')); if (xs.length === 1) return acc.concat(xs[0]); return acc.concat(xs.filter(Boolean).map(function (x) { if (RegExp('^' + TOKEN).test(x)) { return JSON.parse(x.split(TOKEN)[1]); } else return x; })); }, []); }; function parse (s, env, opts) { var chunker = new RegExp([ '(' + CONTROL + ')', // control chars '(' + BAREWORD + '|' + SINGLE_QUOTE + '|' + DOUBLE_QUOTE + ')*' ].join('|'), 'g'); var match = s.match(chunker).filter(Boolean); var commented = false; if (!match) return []; if (!env) env = {}; if (!opts) opts = {}; return match.map(function (s, j) { if (commented) { return; } if (s.charAt(0) === '#') { commented = true; return { comment: s.substr(1) + match.slice(j+1).join(' ') }; } if (RegExp('^' + CONTROL + '$').test(s)) { return { op: s }; } // Hand-written scanner/parser for Bash quoting rules: // // 1. inside single quotes, all characters are printed literally. // 2. inside double quotes, all characters are printed literally // except variables prefixed by '$' and backslashes followed by // either a double quote or another backslash. // 3. outside of any quotes, backslashes are treated as escape // characters and not printed (unless they are themselves escaped) // 4. quote context can switch mid-token if there is no whitespace // between the two quote contexts (e.g. all'one'"token" parses as // "allonetoken") var SQ = "'"; var DQ = '"'; var DS = '$'; var BS = opts.escape || '\\'; var quote = false; var esc = false; var out = ''; var isGlob = false; for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); isGlob = isGlob || (!quote && (c === '*' || c === '?')); if (esc) { out += c; esc = false; } else if (quote) { if (c === quote) { quote = false; } else if (quote == SQ) { out += c; } else { // Double quote if (c === BS) { i += 1; c = s.charAt(i); if (c === DQ || c === BS || c === DS) { out += c; } else { out += BS + c; } } else if (c === DS) { out += parseEnvVar(); } else { out += c; } } } else if (c === DQ || c === SQ) { quote = c; } else if (RegExp('^' + CONTROL + '$').test(c)) { return { op: s }; } else if (c === BS) { esc = true; } else if (c === DS) { out += parseEnvVar(); } else out += c; } if (isGlob) return {op: 'glob', pattern: out}; return out; function parseEnvVar() { i += 1; var varend, varname; //debugger if (s.charAt(i) === '{') { i += 1; if (s.charAt(i) === '}') { throw new Error("Bad substitution: " + s.substr(i - 2, 3)); } varend = s.indexOf('}', i); if (varend < 0) { throw new Error("Bad substitution: " + s.substr(i)); } varname = s.substr(i, varend - i); i = varend; } else if (/[*@#?$!_\-]/.test(s.charAt(i))) { varname = s.charAt(i); i += 1; } else { varend = s.substr(i).match(/[^\w\d_]/); if (!varend) { varname = s.substr(i); i = s.length; } else { varname = s.substr(i, varend.index); i += varend.index - 1; } } return getVar(null, '', varname); } }) // finalize parsed aruments .reduce(function(prev, arg){ if (arg === undefined){ return prev; } return prev.concat(arg); },[]); function getVar (_, pre, key) { var r = typeof env === 'function' ? env(key) : env[key]; if (r === undefined) r = ''; if (typeof r === 'object') { return pre + TOKEN + JSON.stringify(r) + TOKEN; } else return pre + r; } }