/** * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @flow * @format */ // // __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ // |__) |__) / \ / ` |__ /__` /__` | /__` // | | \ \__/ \__, |___ .__/ .__/ .\__/ .__/ // // This module contains utilities for spawning processes in Nuclide. In general: // // - They accept similar arguments. // - They return an observable. // - The process is spawned if/when you subscribe to the observable. // - If you unsubscribe before the observable completes, the process is killed. // - The observable errors if the process completes with a non-zero exit code (by default; this can // be changed) or if the process can't be spawned. // // The most important functions in this module are `runCommand()`--for running a quick command and // getting its output--and `observeProcess()`--for streaming output from a process. They'll handle // the majority of use cases. // // ## Why observables? // // Unlike Promises, observables have a standardized, composable cancellation mechanism _today_. // Moreover, observables integrate nicely with Atom's callback + IDisposable formula for cancelable, // async APIs. Along with React, [RxJS] is one of the core libraries utilized by Nuclide. // // ## Why errors? // // In the past, we had some process APIs that used errors and some that used return values. // Consistency has obvious benefits; standardizing on errors makes sense because: // // - The error-throwing APIs were the most used, by a large margin. // - Unhandled errors can be caught and logged at the top level. // - Observables have a separate channel for errors which allows for cool, error-aware operators // like `retry()` and caching. // - Errors in observables are stream-ending. This means you won't continue to do work in a chain of // operators accidentally. // // [RxJS]: http://reactivex.io/rxjs/ import child_process from 'child_process'; import idx from 'idx'; import {getLogger} from 'log4js'; import invariant from 'assert'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import util from 'util'; import UniversalDisposable from './UniversalDisposable'; import nuclideUri from './nuclideUri'; import performanceNow from './performanceNow'; import {MultiMap} from './collection'; import {observableFromSubscribeFunction} from './event'; import {observeStream} from './stream'; import {splitStream, takeWhileInclusive} from './observable'; import {shellQuote} from './string'; export const LOG_CATEGORY = 'nuclide-commons/process'; const logger = getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY); /** * Run a command, accumulate the output. Errors are surfaced as stream errors and unsubscribing will * kill the process. In addition to the options accepted by Node's [`child_process.spawn()`][1] * function, `runCommand()` also accepts the following: * * - `input` {string | Observable} Text to write to the new process's stdin. * - `killTreeWhenDone` {boolean} `false` by default. If you pass `true`, unsubscribing from the * observable will kill not only this process but also its descendants. * - `isExitError` {function} Determines whether a ProcessExitError should be raised based on the * exit message. By default, this is a function that returns `true` if the exit code is non-zero. * - `maxBuffer` {number} The maximum amount of stdout and stderror to accumulate. If the process * produces more of either, a MaxBufferExceededError will be emitted. * - `timeout` {number} The number of milliseconds to wait before killing the process and emitting * an error. This is mostly provided for backwards compatibility, as you can get the same result * by using the `.timeout()` operator on the returned observable. * * The observable returned by this function can error with any of the following: * * - [Node System Errors][2] Represented as augmented `Error` objects, these errors include things * like `ENOENT`. * - `ProcessExitError` Indicate that the process has ended cleanly, but with an unsuccessful exit * code. Whether a `ProcessExitError` is thrown is determined by the `isExitError` option. This * error includes the exit code as well as accumulated stdout and stderr. See its definition for * more information. * - `MaxBufferExceededError` Thrown if either the stdout or stderr exceeds the value specified by * the `maxBuffer` option. * - `ProcessTimeoutError` Thrown if the process doesn't complete within the time specified by the * `timeout` option. * * Example: * * ```js * const subscription = runCommand('ps', ['-e', '-o', 'pid,comm']) * .map(stdout => { * return stdout.split('\n') * .slice(1) * .map(line => { * const words = line.trim().split(' '); * return { * pid: words[0], * command: words.slice(1).join(' '), * }; * }) * .sort((p1, p2) => p2.pid - p1.pid); * }) * .subscribe(processes => { * console.log(`The process with the highest pid is ${processes[0].command}`); * }); * ``` * * [1]: https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_spawn_command_args_options * [2]: https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_class_system_error */ export function runCommand( command: string, args?: Array = [], options?: ObserveProcessOptions = {}, rest: void, ): Observable { return runCommandDetailed(command, args, options).map(event => event.stdout); } /** * Returns an observable that spawns a process and emits events on stdout, stderr and exit. Output * is buffered by line. Unsubscribing before the observable completes will kill the process. This * function accepts the same options as `runCommand()`, and throws the same errors. * * Besides emitting multiple events, another difference with `runCommand()` is the ProcessExitErrors * thrown by `observeProcess()`. Whereas ProcessExitErrors thrown by `runCommand()` contain the * entirety of stdout and stderr, those thrown by `observeProcess()` contain a truncated amount of * stderr and no stdout. This is because `observeProcess()` is usually used with long-running * processes that may continue to produce output for a long while. The abbreviated stderr is * included to help with debugging. * * Example: * * ```js * const filesToTail: Observable = f(); * const subscription = filesToTail * // `switchMap()` means only one file will be tailed at a time. * .switchMap(path => observeProcess('tail', ['-f', path])) * .filter(event => event.kind === 'stdout') * .map(event => event.data) * .subscribe(line => { * console.log(line); * }); * ``` */ export function observeProcess( command: string, args?: Array, options?: ObserveProcessOptions, ): Observable { return spawn(command, args, options).flatMap(proc => getOutputStream(proc, options), ); } export type DetailedProcessResult = { stdout: string, stderr: string, exitCode: ?number, }; /** * Identical to `runCommand()`, but instead of only emitting the accumulated stdout, the returned * observable emits an object containing the accumulated stdout, the accumulated stderr, and the * exit code. * * In general, you should prefer `runCommand()`, however, this function is useful for when stderr is * needed even if the process exits successfully. */ export function runCommandDetailed( command: string, args?: Array = [], options?: ObserveProcessOptions = {}, rest: void, ): Observable { const maxBuffer = idx(options, _ => _.maxBuffer) || DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER; return observeProcess(command, args, {...options, maxBuffer}) .catch(error => { // Catch ProcessExitErrors so that we can add stdout to them. if (error instanceof ProcessExitError) { return Observable.of({kind: 'process-exit-error', error}); } throw error; }) .reduce( (acc, event) => { switch (event.kind) { case 'stdout': return {...acc, stdout: acc.stdout + event.data}; case 'stderr': return {...acc, stderr: acc.stderr + event.data}; case 'exit': return {...acc, exitCode: event.exitCode}; case 'process-exit-error': const {error} = event; throw new ProcessExitError( error.exitCode, error.signal, error.process, acc.stderr, acc.stdout, ); default: (event.kind: empty); throw new Error(`Invalid event kind: ${event.kind}`); } }, {stdout: '', stderr: '', exitCode: null}, ); } /** * Identical to `observeProcess()`, but doesn't buffer by line. */ export function observeProcessRaw( command: string, args?: Array, options?: ObserveProcessOptions, ): Observable { return spawn(command, args, options).flatMap(proc => getOutputStream(proc, {...options, splitByLines: false}), ); } // // # Lower-level APIs // // The following functions are used to create the higher-level APIs above. It's rare that you'll // need to use them by themselves. // /** * Creates an observable that spawns a process and emits it. Like with `runCommand()` and * `observeProcess()`, if you unsubscribe from the returned observable, the process will be killed * (or, if it hasn't yet been spawned, it won't be created). * * Unlike `observeProcess()`, the returned observable won't throw ProcessExitErrors--only system * errors raised when trying to spawn the process. This is because it's meant to be composed with * `getOutputStream` which terminates based on the "close" event whereas this terminates on the * "exit" event to ensure that you don't try to interact with a dead process. * * This function is useful when, for example, you need access to the process in order to send IPC * messages to it. It can be composed with `getOutputStream()` to give the same functionality of * `observeProcess()`: * * ```js * const subscription = spawn(...) * .map(proc => { * // With access to the process, you can send IPC messages. * * return getOutputStream(proc); * }) * .subscribe(event => { * // These events are the same as those emitted by `observeProcess()`. * }); * ``` */ export function spawn( command: string, args?: Array, options?: SpawnProcessOptions, ): Observable { return createProcessStream('spawn', command, args, options); } /** * Identical to `spawn()` (above), but uses `child_process.fork()` to create the process. */ export function fork( modulePath: string, args?: Array, options?: ForkProcessOptions, ): Observable { return createProcessStream('fork', modulePath, args, options); } /** * Creates a stream of sensibly-ordered stdout, stdin, and exit messages from a process. Generally, * you shouldn't use this function and should instead use `observeProcess()` (which makes use of * this for you). * * IMPORTANT: If you must use this function, it's very important that the process you give it was * just synchronously created. Otherwise, you can end up missing messages. * * This function intentionally does not close the process when you unsubscribe. It's usually used in * conjunction with `spawn()` which does that already. */ export function getOutputStream( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, options?: GetOutputStreamOptions, rest: void, ): Observable { const chunk = idx(options, _ => _.splitByLines) === false ? x => x : splitStream; const maxBuffer = idx(options, _ => _.maxBuffer); const isExitError = idx(options, _ => _.isExitError) || isExitErrorDefault; const exitErrorBufferSize = idx(options, _ => _.exitErrorBufferSize) || 2000; return Observable.defer(() => { const stdoutEvents = chunk( limitBufferSize(observeStream(proc.stdout), maxBuffer, 'stdout'), ).map(data => ({kind: 'stdout', data})); const stderrEvents = chunk( limitBufferSize(observeStream(proc.stderr), maxBuffer, 'stderr'), ) .map(data => ({kind: 'stderr', data})) .share(); // Accumulate the first `exitErrorBufferSize` bytes of stderr so that we can give feedback about // about exit errors (then stop so we don't fill up memory with it). const accumulatedStderr = stderrEvents .scan( (acc, event) => (acc + event.data).slice(0, exitErrorBufferSize), '', ) .startWith('') .let(takeWhileInclusive(acc => acc.length < exitErrorBufferSize)); // We need to start listening for the exit event immediately, but defer emitting it until the // (buffered) output streams end. const closeEvents = Observable.fromEvent( proc, // We listen to the "close" event instead of "exit" because we want to get all of the stdout // and stderr. 'close', (exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string) => ({ kind: 'exit', exitCode, signal, }), ) .filter(isRealExit) .take(1) .withLatestFrom(accumulatedStderr) .map(([event, stderr]) => { if (isExitError(event)) { throw new ProcessExitError( event.exitCode, event.signal, proc, stderr, ); } return event; }) .publishReplay(); const exitSub = closeEvents.connect(); return Observable.merge(stdoutEvents, stderrEvents) .concat(closeEvents) .let( takeWhileInclusive( event => event.kind !== 'error' && event.kind !== 'exit', ), ) .finally(() => { exitSub.unsubscribe(); }); }); } // // # Miscellaneous Utilities // // The following utilities don't spawn processes or necessarily use observables. Instead, they're // used to format arguments to the above functions or for acting on already-spawned processes. // /** * Takes the arguments that you would normally pass to `spawn()` and returns an array of new * arguments to use to run the command under `script`. * * Example: * * ```js * observeProcess(...scriptifyCommand('hg', ['diff'])).subscribe(...); * ``` * * See also `nicifyCommand()` which does a similar thing but for `nice`. */ export function scriptifyCommand( command: string, args?: Array = [], options: T, ): [string, Array, T] { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { // On OS X, script takes the program to run and its arguments as varargs at the end. return ['script', ['-q', '/dev/null', command].concat(args), options]; } else { // On Linux, script takes the command to run as the -c parameter so we have to combine all of // the arguments into a single string. const joined = shellQuote([command, ...args]); // flowlint-next-line sketchy-null-mixed:off const opts = options || {}; // flowlint-next-line sketchy-null-mixed:off const env = opts.env || {}; return [ 'script', ['-q', '/dev/null', '-c', joined], // `script` will use `SHELL`, but shells have different behaviors with regard to escaping. To // make sure that out escaping is correct, we need to force a particular shell. {...opts, env: {...env, SHELL: '/bin/bash'}}, ]; } } /** * Kills a process and, optionally, its descendants. */ export function killProcess( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, killTree: boolean, ): void { _killProcess(proc, killTree).then( () => {}, error => { logger.error(`Killing process ${proc.pid} failed`, error); }, ); } /** * Kill the process with the provided pid. */ export function killPid(pid: number): void { try { process.kill(pid); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ESRCH') { throw err; } } } // If provided, read the original environment from NUCLIDE_ORIGINAL_ENV. // This should contain the base64-encoded output of `env -0`. let cachedOriginalEnvironment = null; export async function getOriginalEnvironment(): Promise { await new Promise(resolve => { whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(resolve); }); if (cachedOriginalEnvironment != null) { return cachedOriginalEnvironment; } const {NUCLIDE_ORIGINAL_ENV} = process.env; if (NUCLIDE_ORIGINAL_ENV != null && NUCLIDE_ORIGINAL_ENV.trim() !== '') { const envString = new Buffer(NUCLIDE_ORIGINAL_ENV, 'base64').toString(); cachedOriginalEnvironment = {}; for (const envVar of envString.split('\0')) { // envVar should look like A=value_of_A const equalIndex = envVar.indexOf('='); if (equalIndex !== -1) { cachedOriginalEnvironment[ envVar.substring(0, equalIndex) ] = envVar.substring(equalIndex + 1); } } // Guard against invalid original environments. if (!Object.keys(cachedOriginalEnvironment).length) { cachedOriginalEnvironment = process.env; } } else { cachedOriginalEnvironment = process.env; } return cachedOriginalEnvironment; } /** * Returns a string suitable for including in displayed error messages. */ export function exitEventToMessage(event: { exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string, }): string { if (event.exitCode != null) { return `exit code ${event.exitCode}`; } else { invariant(event.signal != null); return `signal ${event.signal}`; } } export async function getChildrenOfProcess( processId: number, ): Promise> { const processes = await psTree(); return processes.filter(processInfo => processInfo.parentPid === processId); } /** * Get a list of descendants, sorted by increasing depth (including the one with the provided pid). */ async function getDescendantsOfProcess( pid: number, ): Promise> { const processes = await psTree(); let rootProcessInfo; const pidToChildren = new MultiMap(); processes.forEach(info => { if (info.pid === pid) { rootProcessInfo = info; } pidToChildren.add(info.parentPid, info); }); const descendants = rootProcessInfo == null ? [] : [rootProcessInfo]; // Walk through the array, adding the children of the current element to the end. This // breadth-first traversal means that the elements will be sorted by depth. for (let i = 0; i < descendants.length; i++) { const info = descendants[i]; const children = pidToChildren.get(info.pid); descendants.push(...Array.from(children)); } return descendants; } export async function psTree(): Promise> { const stdout = isWindowsPlatform() ? // See also: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/2318 await runCommand('wmic.exe', [ 'PROCESS', 'GET', 'ParentProcessId,ProcessId,Name', ]).toPromise() : await runCommand('ps', ['-A', '-o', 'ppid,pid,comm']).toPromise(); return parsePsOutput(stdout); } export function parsePsOutput(psOutput: string): Array { // Remove the first header line. const lines = psOutput.split(/\n|\r\n/).slice(1); return lines.map(line => { const columns = line.trim().split(/\s+/); const [parentPid, pid] = columns; const command = columns.slice(2).join(' '); return { command, parentPid: parseInt(parentPid, 10), pid: parseInt(pid, 10), }; }); } /** * Add no-op error handlers to the process's streams so that Node doesn't throw them. */ export function preventStreamsFromThrowing( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, ): IDisposable { return new UniversalDisposable(getStreamErrorEvents(proc).subscribe()); } /** * Log errors from a process's streams. This function returns an `rxjs$ISubscription` so that it * can easily be used with `Observable.using()`. */ export function logStreamErrors( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, command: string, args: Array, options?: Object, ): IDisposable & rxjs$ISubscription { return new UniversalDisposable( getStreamErrorEvents(proc) .do(([err, streamName]) => { logger.error( `stream error on stream ${streamName} with command:`, command, args, options, 'error:', err, ); }) .subscribe(), ); } // // Types // // Exactly one of exitCode and signal will be non-null. // Killing a process will result in a null exitCode but a non-null signal. export type ProcessExitMessage = { kind: 'exit', exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string, }; export type ProcessMessage = | { kind: 'stdout', data: string, } | { kind: 'stderr', data: string, } | ProcessExitMessage; // In older versions of process.js, errors were emitted as messages instead of errors. This type // exists to support the transition, but no new usages should be added. export type LegacyProcessMessage = | ProcessMessage | {kind: 'error', error: Object}; export type ProcessInfo = { parentPid: number, pid: number, command: string, }; export type Level = 'info' | 'log' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'debug' | 'success'; export type Message = {text: string, level: Level}; export type MessageEvent = { type: 'message', message: Message, }; export type ProgressEvent = { type: 'progress', progress: ?number, }; export type ResultEvent = { type: 'result', result: mixed, }; export type StatusEvent = { type: 'status', status: ?string, }; export type TaskEvent = | MessageEvent | ProgressEvent | ResultEvent | StatusEvent; type CreateProcessStreamOptions = ( | child_process$spawnOpts | child_process$forkOpts) & { killTreeWhenDone?: ?boolean, timeout?: ?number, input?: ?(string | Observable), dontLogInNuclide?: ?boolean, }; type GetOutputStreamOptions = { splitByLines?: ?boolean, maxBuffer?: ?number, exitErrorBufferSize?: ?number, isExitError?: ?(event: ProcessExitMessage) => boolean, }; export type ObserveProcessOptions = SpawnProcessOptions & GetOutputStreamOptions; export type SpawnProcessOptions = child_process$spawnOpts & CreateProcessStreamOptions; export type ForkProcessOptions = child_process$forkOpts & CreateProcessStreamOptions; export type ProcessError = ProcessSystemError | ProcessExitError; // // Errors // /** * An error thrown by process utils when the process exits with an error code. This type has all the * properties of ProcessExitMessage (except "kind"). * * Note that the `stderr` property will only contain the complete stderr when thrown by the * output-accumulating functions (`runCommand()`, `runCommandDetailed()`). For others, like * `observeProcess()`, it will be truncated. Similarly, `stdout` will only be populated when the * error is thrown by output-accumulating functions. For others, it will always be `null`. */ export class ProcessExitError extends Error { exitCode: ?number; signal: ?string; stderr: string; stdout: ?string; command: string; args: Array; process: child_process$ChildProcess; constructor( exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string, proc: child_process$ChildProcess, stderr: string, stdout?: string, ) { // $FlowIssue: This isn't typed in the Flow node type defs const {spawnargs} = proc; const argsAndCommand = spawnargs[0] === process.execPath ? spawnargs.slice(1) : spawnargs; const [command, ...args] = argsAndCommand; super( `"${command}" failed with ${exitEventToMessage({ exitCode, signal, })}\n\n${stderr}\n\n${argsAndCommand.join(' ')}`, ); this.name = 'ProcessExitError'; this.exitCode = exitCode; this.signal = signal; this.stderr = stderr; this.stdout = stdout; this.command = command; this.args = args; this.process = proc; } } /** * Process system errors are just augmented Error objects. We wrap the errors and expose the process * since our utilities throw the errors before returning the process. */ export class ProcessSystemError extends Error { errno: number | string; code: string; path: ?string; syscall: ?string; process: child_process$ChildProcess; constructor(err: any, proc: child_process$ChildProcess) { super(err.message); this.name = 'ProcessSystemError'; this.errno = err.errno; this.code = err.code; this.path = err.path; this.syscall = err.syscall; this.process = proc; } } export class MaxBufferExceededError extends Error { constructor(streamName: string) { super(`${streamName} maxBuffer exceeded`); this.name = 'MaxBufferExceededError'; } } export class ProcessTimeoutError extends Error { constructor(timeout: number, proc: child_process$ChildProcess) { // $FlowIssue: This isn't typed in the Flow node type defs const {spawnargs} = proc; const commandName = spawnargs[0] === process.execPath ? spawnargs[1] : spawnargs[0]; super(`"${commandName}" timed out after ${timeout}ms`); this.name = 'ProcessTimeoutError'; } } // // Internal Stuff // // Pay no attention! This is just stuff that's used internally to implement the good stuff. // // Node crashes if we allow buffers that are too large. const DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER = 100 * 1024 * 1024; const MAX_LOGGED_CALLS = 100; const NUM_PRESERVED_HISTORY_CALLS = 50; const noopDisposable = {dispose: () => {}}; const whenShellEnvironmentLoaded = typeof atom !== 'undefined' && !atom.inSpecMode() ? atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded.bind(atom) : cb => { cb(); return noopDisposable; }; /** * Log custom events to log4js so that we can easily hook into process events * using a custom log4js appender (e.g. for analytics purposes). */ export class ProcessLoggingEvent { command: string; duration: number; constructor(command: string, duration: number) { this.command = command; this.duration = duration; // log4js uses util.inspect to convert log arguments to strings. // Note: computed property methods aren't supported by Flow yet. (this: any)[util.inspect.custom] = () => { return `${this.duration}ms: ${this.command}`; }; } } export const loggedCalls = []; function logCall(duration: number, command: string, args: Array) { // Trim the history once in a while, to avoid doing expensive array // manipulation all the time after we reached the end of the history if (loggedCalls.length > MAX_LOGGED_CALLS) { loggedCalls.splice(0, loggedCalls.length - NUM_PRESERVED_HISTORY_CALLS, { command: '... history stripped ...', duration: 0, time: new Date(), }); } const fullCommand = shellQuote([command, ...args]); loggedCalls.push({ command: fullCommand, duration, time: new Date(), }); logger.info(new ProcessLoggingEvent(fullCommand, duration)); } /** * Creates an observable with the following properties: * * 1. It contains a process that's created using the provided factory when you subscribe. * 2. It doesn't complete until the process exits (or errors). * 3. The process is killed when you unsubscribe. * * This means that a single observable instance can be used to spawn multiple processes. Indeed, if * you subscribe multiple times, multiple processes *will* be spawned. * * IMPORTANT: The exit event does NOT mean that all stdout and stderr events have been received. */ function createProcessStream( type: 'spawn' | 'fork' = 'spawn', commandOrModulePath: string, args?: Array = [], options?: CreateProcessStreamOptions = {}, ): Observable { const inputOption = options.input; let input; if (inputOption != null) { input = typeof inputOption === 'string' ? Observable.of(inputOption) : inputOption; } return observableFromSubscribeFunction(whenShellEnvironmentLoaded) .take(1) .switchMap(() => { const {dontLogInNuclide, killTreeWhenDone, timeout} = options; // flowlint-next-line sketchy-null-number:off const enforceTimeout = timeout ? x => x.timeoutWith( timeout, Observable.throw(new ProcessTimeoutError(timeout, proc)), ) : x => x; const proc = child_process[type]( nuclideUri.expandHomeDir(commandOrModulePath), args, // $FlowFixMe: child_process$spawnOpts and child_process$forkOpts have incompatible stdio types. {...options}, ); // Don't let Node throw stream errors and crash the process. Note that we never dispose of // this because stream errors can still occur after the user unsubscribes from our process // observable. That's okay; when the streams close, the listeners will be removed. preventStreamsFromThrowing(proc); // If we were to connect the error handler as part of the returned observable, unsubscribing // would cause it to be removed. That would leave no attached error handler, so node would // throw, triggering Atom's uncaught exception handler. const errors = Observable.fromEvent(proc, 'error') .flatMap(Observable.throw) .publish(); errors.connect(); const exitEvents = Observable.fromEvent( proc, 'exit', (exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string) => ({ kind: 'exit', exitCode, signal, }), ) .filter(isRealExit) .take(1); if (dontLogInNuclide !== true) { // Log the completion of the process. Note that we intentionally don't merge this with the // returned observable because we don't want to cancel the side-effect when the user // unsubscribes or when the process exits ("close" events come after "exit" events). const now = performanceNow(); Observable.fromEvent(proc, 'close') .do(() => { logCall( Math.round(performanceNow() - now), commandOrModulePath, args, ); }) .subscribe(); } let finished = false; return enforceTimeout( Observable.using( // Log stream errors, but only for as long as you're subscribed to the process observable. () => logStreamErrors(proc, commandOrModulePath, args, options), () => Observable.merge( // Node [delays the emission of process errors][1] by a tick in order to give // consumers a chance to subscribe to the error event. This means that our observable // would normally emit the process and then, a tick later, error. However, it's more // convenient to never emit the process if there was an error. Although observables // don't require the error to be delayed at all, the underlying event emitter // abstraction does, so we'll just roll with that and use `pid == null` as a signal // that an error is forthcoming. // // [1]: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v7.10.0/lib/internal/child_process.js#L301 proc.pid == null ? Observable.empty() : Observable.of(proc), Observable.never(), // Don't complete until we say so! ), ) .takeUntil(errors) .takeUntil(exitEvents) .merge( // Write any input to stdin. This is just for the side-effect. We merge it here to // ensure that writing to the stdin stream happens after our event listeners are added. input == null ? Observable.empty() : input .do({ next: str => { proc.stdin.write(str); }, complete: () => { proc.stdin.end(); }, }) .ignoreElements(), ) .do({ error: () => { finished = true; }, complete: () => { finished = true; }, }), ) .catch(err => { // Since this utility errors *before* emitting the process, add the process to the error // so that users can get whatever info they need off of it. if (err instanceof Error && err.name === 'Error' && 'errno' in err) { throw new ProcessSystemError(err, proc); } throw err; }) .finally(() => { // flowlint-next-line sketchy-null-mixed:off if (!proc.wasKilled && !finished) { killProcess(proc, Boolean(killTreeWhenDone)); } }); }); } function isRealExit(event: {exitCode: ?number, signal: ?string}): boolean { // An exit signal from SIGUSR1 doesn't actually exit the process, so skip that. return event.signal !== 'SIGUSR1'; } async function _killProcess( proc: child_process$ChildProcess & {wasKilled?: boolean}, killTree: boolean, ): Promise { proc.wasKilled = true; if (!killTree) { proc.kill(); return; } if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) { await killWindowsProcessTree(proc.pid); } else { await killUnixProcessTree(proc); } } function killWindowsProcessTree(pid: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child_process.exec(`taskkill /pid ${pid} /T /F`, error => { if (error == null) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } export async function killUnixProcessTree( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, ): Promise { const descendants = await getDescendantsOfProcess(proc.pid); // Kill the processes, starting with those of greatest depth. for (const info of descendants.reverse()) { killPid(info.pid); } } function isExitErrorDefault(exit: ProcessExitMessage): boolean { return exit.exitCode !== 0; } function isWindowsPlatform(): boolean { return /^win/.test(process.platform); } function limitBufferSize( stream: Observable, maxBuffer: ?number, streamName: string, ): Observable { if (maxBuffer == null) { return stream; } return Observable.defer(() => { let totalSize = 0; return stream.do(data => { totalSize += data.length; if (totalSize > maxBuffer) { throw new MaxBufferExceededError(streamName); } }); }); } /** * Get an observable of error events for a process's streams. Note that these are represented as * normal elements, not observable errors. */ function getStreamErrorEvents( proc: child_process$ChildProcess, ): Observable<[Error, string]> { const streams = [ ['stdin', proc.stdin], ['stdout', proc.stdout], ['stderr', proc.stderr], ]; return Observable.merge( ...streams.map( ([name, stream]) => stream == null ? Observable.empty() : Observable.fromEvent(stream, 'error').map(err => [err, name]), ), ); }