'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exports // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function abstract(optMethodName) { const methodName = optMethodName || ''; return function() { throw new Error( 'this method ' + methodName + ' is abstract! ' + '(it has no implementation in class ' + this.constructor.name + ')', ); }; } function assert(cond, message) { if (!cond) { throw new Error(message || 'Assertion failed'); } } // Define a lazily-computed, non-enumerable property named `propName` // on the object `obj`. `getterFn` will be called to compute the value the // first time the property is accessed. function defineLazyProperty(obj, propName, getterFn) { let memo; Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, { get() { if (!memo) { memo = getterFn.call(this); } return memo; }, }); } function clone(obj) { if (obj) { return Object.assign({}, obj); } return obj; } function repeatFn(fn, n) { const arr = []; while (n-- > 0) { arr.push(fn()); } return arr; } function repeatStr(str, n) { return new Array(n + 1).join(str); } function repeat(x, n) { return repeatFn(() => x, n); } function getDuplicates(array) { const duplicates = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < array.length; idx++) { const x = array[idx]; if (array.lastIndexOf(x) !== idx && duplicates.indexOf(x) < 0) { duplicates.push(x); } } return duplicates; } function copyWithoutDuplicates(array) { const noDuplicates = []; array.forEach(entry => { if (noDuplicates.indexOf(entry) < 0) { noDuplicates.push(entry); } }); return noDuplicates; } function isSyntactic(ruleName) { const firstChar = ruleName[0]; return firstChar === firstChar.toUpperCase(); } function isLexical(ruleName) { return !isSyntactic(ruleName); } function padLeft(str, len, optChar) { const ch = optChar || ' '; if (str.length < len) { return repeatStr(ch, len - str.length) + str; } return str; } // StringBuffer function StringBuffer() { this.strings = []; } StringBuffer.prototype.append = function(str) { this.strings.push(str); }; StringBuffer.prototype.contents = function() { return this.strings.join(''); }; const escapeUnicode = str => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(str, 16)); function unescapeCodePoint(s) { if (s.charAt(0) === '\\') { switch (s.charAt(1)) { case 'b': return '\b'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'v': return '\v'; case 'x': return escapeUnicode(s.slice(2, 4)); case 'u': return s.charAt(2) === '{' ? escapeUnicode(s.slice(3, -1)) : escapeUnicode(s.slice(2, 6)); default: return s.charAt(1); } } else { return s; } } // Helper for producing a description of an unknown object in a safe way. // Especially useful for error messages where an unexpected type of object was encountered. function unexpectedObjToString(obj) { if (obj == null) { return String(obj); } const baseToString = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); try { let typeName; if (obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name) { typeName = obj.constructor.name; } else if (baseToString.indexOf('[object ') === 0) { typeName = baseToString.slice(8, -1); // Extract e.g. "Array" from "[object Array]". } else { typeName = typeof obj; } return typeName + ': ' + JSON.stringify(String(obj)); } catch (e) { return baseToString; } } var common = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, abstract: abstract, assert: assert, defineLazyProperty: defineLazyProperty, clone: clone, repeatFn: repeatFn, repeatStr: repeatStr, repeat: repeat, getDuplicates: getDuplicates, copyWithoutDuplicates: copyWithoutDuplicates, isSyntactic: isSyntactic, isLexical: isLexical, padLeft: padLeft, StringBuffer: StringBuffer, unescapeCodePoint: unescapeCodePoint, unexpectedObjToString: unexpectedObjToString }); // These are just categories that are used in ES5/ES2015. // The full list of Unicode categories is here: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/index.htm. const UnicodeCategories = { // Letters Lu: /\p{Lu}/u, Ll: /\p{Ll}/u, Lt: /\p{Lt}/u, Lm: /\p{Lm}/u, Lo: /\p{Lo}/u, // Numbers Nl: /\p{Nl}/u, Nd: /\p{Nd}/u, // Marks Mn: /\p{Mn}/u, Mc: /\p{Mc}/u, // Punctuation, Connector Pc: /\p{Pc}/u, // Separator, Space Zs: /\p{Zs}/u, // These two are not real Unicode categories, but our useful for Ohm. // L is a combination of all the letter categories. // Ltmo is a combination of Lt, Lm, and Lo. L: /\p{Letter}/u, Ltmo: /\p{Lt}|\p{Lm}|\p{Lo}/u, }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // General stuff class PExpr { constructor() { if (this.constructor === PExpr) { throw new Error("PExpr cannot be instantiated -- it's abstract"); } } // Set the `source` property to the interval containing the source for this expression. withSource(interval) { if (interval) { this.source = interval.trimmed(); } return this; } } // Any const any = Object.create(PExpr.prototype); // End const end = Object.create(PExpr.prototype); // Terminals class Terminal extends PExpr { constructor(obj) { super(); this.obj = obj; } } // Ranges class Range extends PExpr { constructor(from, to) { super(); this.from = from; this.to = to; // If either `from` or `to` is made up of multiple code units, then // the range should consume a full code point, not a single code unit. this.matchCodePoint = from.length > 1 || to.length > 1; } } // Parameters class Param extends PExpr { constructor(index) { super(); this.index = index; } } // Alternation class Alt extends PExpr { constructor(terms) { super(); this.terms = terms; } } // Extend is an implementation detail of rule extension class Extend extends Alt { constructor(superGrammar, name, body) { const origBody = superGrammar.rules[name].body; super([body, origBody]); this.superGrammar = superGrammar; this.name = name; this.body = body; } } // Splice is an implementation detail of rule overriding with the `...` operator. class Splice extends Alt { constructor(superGrammar, ruleName, beforeTerms, afterTerms) { const origBody = superGrammar.rules[ruleName].body; super([...beforeTerms, origBody, ...afterTerms]); this.superGrammar = superGrammar; this.ruleName = ruleName; this.expansionPos = beforeTerms.length; } } // Sequences class Seq extends PExpr { constructor(factors) { super(); this.factors = factors; } } // Iterators and optionals class Iter extends PExpr { constructor(expr) { super(); this.expr = expr; } } class Star extends Iter {} class Plus extends Iter {} class Opt extends Iter {} Star.prototype.operator = '*'; Plus.prototype.operator = '+'; Opt.prototype.operator = '?'; Star.prototype.minNumMatches = 0; Plus.prototype.minNumMatches = 1; Opt.prototype.minNumMatches = 0; Star.prototype.maxNumMatches = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Plus.prototype.maxNumMatches = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Opt.prototype.maxNumMatches = 1; // Predicates class Not extends PExpr { constructor(expr) { super(); this.expr = expr; } } class Lookahead extends PExpr { constructor(expr) { super(); this.expr = expr; } } // "Lexification" class Lex extends PExpr { constructor(expr) { super(); this.expr = expr; } } // Rule application class Apply extends PExpr { constructor(ruleName, args = []) { super(); this.ruleName = ruleName; this.args = args; } isSyntactic() { return isSyntactic(this.ruleName); } // This method just caches the result of `this.toString()` in a non-enumerable property. toMemoKey() { if (!this._memoKey) { Object.defineProperty(this, '_memoKey', {value: this.toString()}); } return this._memoKey; } } // Unicode character class UnicodeChar extends PExpr { constructor(category) { super(); this.category = category; this.pattern = UnicodeCategories[category]; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function createError(message, optInterval) { let e; if (optInterval) { e = new Error(optInterval.getLineAndColumnMessage() + message); e.shortMessage = message; e.interval = optInterval; } else { e = new Error(message); } return e; } // ----------------- errors about intervals ----------------- function intervalSourcesDontMatch() { return createError("Interval sources don't match"); } // ----------------- errors about grammars ----------------- // Grammar syntax error function grammarSyntaxError(matchFailure) { const e = new Error(); Object.defineProperty(e, 'message', { enumerable: true, get() { return matchFailure.message; }, }); Object.defineProperty(e, 'shortMessage', { enumerable: true, get() { return 'Expected ' + matchFailure.getExpectedText(); }, }); e.interval = matchFailure.getInterval(); return e; } // Undeclared grammar function undeclaredGrammar(grammarName, namespace, interval) { const message = namespace ? `Grammar ${grammarName} is not declared in namespace '${namespace}'` : 'Undeclared grammar ' + grammarName; return createError(message, interval); } // Duplicate grammar declaration function duplicateGrammarDeclaration(grammar, namespace) { return createError('Grammar ' + grammar.name + ' is already declared in this namespace'); } function grammarDoesNotSupportIncrementalParsing(grammar) { return createError(`Grammar '${grammar.name}' does not support incremental parsing`); } // ----------------- rules ----------------- // Undeclared rule function undeclaredRule(ruleName, grammarName, optInterval) { return createError( 'Rule ' + ruleName + ' is not declared in grammar ' + grammarName, optInterval, ); } // Cannot override undeclared rule function cannotOverrideUndeclaredRule(ruleName, grammarName, optSource) { return createError( 'Cannot override rule ' + ruleName + ' because it is not declared in ' + grammarName, optSource, ); } // Cannot extend undeclared rule function cannotExtendUndeclaredRule(ruleName, grammarName, optSource) { return createError( 'Cannot extend rule ' + ruleName + ' because it is not declared in ' + grammarName, optSource, ); } // Duplicate rule declaration function duplicateRuleDeclaration(ruleName, grammarName, declGrammarName, optSource) { let message = "Duplicate declaration for rule '" + ruleName + "' in grammar '" + grammarName + "'"; if (grammarName !== declGrammarName) { message += " (originally declared in '" + declGrammarName + "')"; } return createError(message, optSource); } // Wrong number of parameters function wrongNumberOfParameters(ruleName, expected, actual, source) { return createError( 'Wrong number of parameters for rule ' + ruleName + ' (expected ' + expected + ', got ' + actual + ')', source, ); } // Wrong number of arguments function wrongNumberOfArguments(ruleName, expected, actual, expr) { return createError( 'Wrong number of arguments for rule ' + ruleName + ' (expected ' + expected + ', got ' + actual + ')', expr, ); } // Duplicate parameter names function duplicateParameterNames(ruleName, duplicates, source) { return createError( 'Duplicate parameter names in rule ' + ruleName + ': ' + duplicates.join(', '), source, ); } // Invalid parameter expression function invalidParameter(ruleName, expr) { return createError( 'Invalid parameter to rule ' + ruleName + ': ' + expr + ' has arity ' + expr.getArity() + ', but parameter expressions must have arity 1', expr.source, ); } // Application of syntactic rule from lexical rule const syntacticVsLexicalNote = 'NOTE: A _syntactic rule_ is a rule whose name begins with a capital letter. ' + 'See https://ohmjs.org/d/svl for more details.'; function applicationOfSyntacticRuleFromLexicalContext(ruleName, applyExpr) { return createError( 'Cannot apply syntactic rule ' + ruleName + ' from here (inside a lexical context)', applyExpr.source, ); } // Lexical rule application used with applySyntactic function applySyntacticWithLexicalRuleApplication(applyExpr) { const {ruleName} = applyExpr; return createError( `applySyntactic is for syntactic rules, but '${ruleName}' is a lexical rule. ` + syntacticVsLexicalNote, applyExpr.source, ); } // Application of applySyntactic in a syntactic context function unnecessaryExperimentalApplySyntactic(applyExpr) { return createError( 'applySyntactic is not required here (in a syntactic context)', applyExpr.source, ); } // Incorrect argument type function incorrectArgumentType(expectedType, expr) { return createError('Incorrect argument type: expected ' + expectedType, expr.source); } // Multiple instances of the super-splice operator (`...`) in the rule body. function multipleSuperSplices(expr) { return createError("'...' can appear at most once in a rule body", expr.source); } // Unicode code point escapes function invalidCodePoint(applyWrapper) { const node = applyWrapper._node; assert(node && node.isNonterminal() && node.ctorName === 'escapeChar_unicodeCodePoint'); // Get an interval that covers all of the hex digits. const digitIntervals = applyWrapper.children.slice(1, -1).map(d => d.source); const fullInterval = digitIntervals[0].coverageWith(...digitIntervals.slice(1)); return createError( `U+${fullInterval.contents} is not a valid Unicode code point`, fullInterval, ); } // ----------------- Kleene operators ----------------- function kleeneExprHasNullableOperand(kleeneExpr, applicationStack) { const actuals = applicationStack.length > 0 ? applicationStack[applicationStack.length - 1].args : []; const expr = kleeneExpr.expr.substituteParams(actuals); let message = 'Nullable expression ' + expr + " is not allowed inside '" + kleeneExpr.operator + "' (possible infinite loop)"; if (applicationStack.length > 0) { const stackTrace = applicationStack .map(app => new Apply(app.ruleName, app.args)) .join('\n'); message += '\nApplication stack (most recent application last):\n' + stackTrace; } return createError(message, kleeneExpr.expr.source); } // ----------------- arity ----------------- function inconsistentArity(ruleName, expected, actual, expr) { return createError( 'Rule ' + ruleName + ' involves an alternation which has inconsistent arity ' + '(expected ' + expected + ', got ' + actual + ')', expr.source, ); } // ----------------- convenience ----------------- function multipleErrors(errors) { const messages = errors.map(e => e.message); return createError(['Errors:'].concat(messages).join('\n- '), errors[0].interval); } // ----------------- semantic ----------------- function missingSemanticAction(ctorName, name, type, stack) { let stackTrace = stack .slice(0, -1) .map(info => { const ans = ' ' + info[0].name + ' > ' + info[1]; return info.length === 3 ? ans + " for '" + info[2] + "'" : ans; }) .join('\n'); stackTrace += '\n ' + name + ' > ' + ctorName; let moreInfo = ''; if (ctorName === '_iter') { moreInfo = [ '\nNOTE: as of Ohm v16, there is no default action for iteration nodes — see ', ' https://ohmjs.org/d/dsa for details.', ].join('\n'); } const message = [ `Missing semantic action for '${ctorName}' in ${type} '${name}'.${moreInfo}`, 'Action stack (most recent call last):', stackTrace, ].join('\n'); const e = createError(message); e.name = 'missingSemanticAction'; return e; } function throwErrors(errors) { if (errors.length === 1) { throw errors[0]; } if (errors.length > 1) { throw multipleErrors(errors); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given an array of numbers `arr`, return an array of the numbers as strings, // right-justified and padded to the same length. function padNumbersToEqualLength(arr) { let maxLen = 0; const strings = arr.map(n => { const str = n.toString(); maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, str.length); return str; }); return strings.map(s => padLeft(s, maxLen)); } // Produce a new string that would be the result of copying the contents // of the string `src` onto `dest` at offset `offest`. function strcpy(dest, src, offset) { const origDestLen = dest.length; const start = dest.slice(0, offset); const end = dest.slice(offset + src.length); return (start + src + end).substr(0, origDestLen); } // Casts the underlying lineAndCol object to a formatted message string, // highlighting `ranges`. function lineAndColumnToMessage(...ranges) { const lineAndCol = this; const {offset} = lineAndCol; const {repeatStr} = common; const sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append('Line ' + lineAndCol.lineNum + ', col ' + lineAndCol.colNum + ':\n'); // An array of the previous, current, and next line numbers as strings of equal length. const lineNumbers = padNumbersToEqualLength([ lineAndCol.prevLine == null ? 0 : lineAndCol.lineNum - 1, lineAndCol.lineNum, lineAndCol.nextLine == null ? 0 : lineAndCol.lineNum + 1, ]); // Helper for appending formatting input lines to the buffer. const appendLine = (num, content, prefix) => { sb.append(prefix + lineNumbers[num] + ' | ' + content + '\n'); }; // Include the previous line for context if possible. if (lineAndCol.prevLine != null) { appendLine(0, lineAndCol.prevLine, ' '); } // Line that the error occurred on. appendLine(1, lineAndCol.line, '> '); // Build up the line that points to the offset and possible indicates one or more ranges. // Start with a blank line, and indicate each range by overlaying a string of `~` chars. const lineLen = lineAndCol.line.length; let indicationLine = repeatStr(' ', lineLen + 1); for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) { let startIdx = ranges[i][0]; let endIdx = ranges[i][1]; assert(startIdx >= 0 && startIdx <= endIdx, 'range start must be >= 0 and <= end'); const lineStartOffset = offset - lineAndCol.colNum + 1; startIdx = Math.max(0, startIdx - lineStartOffset); endIdx = Math.min(endIdx - lineStartOffset, lineLen); indicationLine = strcpy(indicationLine, repeatStr('~', endIdx - startIdx), startIdx); } const gutterWidth = 2 + lineNumbers[1].length + 3; sb.append(repeatStr(' ', gutterWidth)); indicationLine = strcpy(indicationLine, '^', lineAndCol.colNum - 1); sb.append(indicationLine.replace(/ +$/, '') + '\n'); // Include the next line for context if possible. if (lineAndCol.nextLine != null) { appendLine(2, lineAndCol.nextLine, ' '); } return sb.contents(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exports // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let builtInRulesCallbacks = []; // Since Grammar.BuiltInRules is bootstrapped, most of Ohm can't directly depend it. // This function allows modules that do depend on the built-in rules to register a callback // that will be called later in the initialization process. function awaitBuiltInRules(cb) { builtInRulesCallbacks.push(cb); } function announceBuiltInRules(grammar) { builtInRulesCallbacks.forEach(cb => { cb(grammar); }); builtInRulesCallbacks = null; } // Return an object with the line and column information for the given // offset in `str`. function getLineAndColumn(str, offset) { let lineNum = 1; let colNum = 1; let currOffset = 0; let lineStartOffset = 0; let nextLine = null; let prevLine = null; let prevLineStartOffset = -1; while (currOffset < offset) { const c = str.charAt(currOffset++); if (c === '\n') { lineNum++; colNum = 1; prevLineStartOffset = lineStartOffset; lineStartOffset = currOffset; } else if (c !== '\r') { colNum++; } } // Find the end of the target line. let lineEndOffset = str.indexOf('\n', lineStartOffset); if (lineEndOffset === -1) { lineEndOffset = str.length; } else { // Get the next line. const nextLineEndOffset = str.indexOf('\n', lineEndOffset + 1); nextLine = nextLineEndOffset === -1 ? str.slice(lineEndOffset) : str.slice(lineEndOffset, nextLineEndOffset); // Strip leading and trailing EOL char(s). nextLine = nextLine.replace(/^\r?\n/, '').replace(/\r$/, ''); } // Get the previous line. if (prevLineStartOffset >= 0) { // Strip trailing EOL char(s). prevLine = str.slice(prevLineStartOffset, lineStartOffset).replace(/\r?\n$/, ''); } // Get the target line, stripping a trailing carriage return if necessary. const line = str.slice(lineStartOffset, lineEndOffset).replace(/\r$/, ''); return { offset, lineNum, colNum, line, prevLine, nextLine, toString: lineAndColumnToMessage, }; } // Return a nicely-formatted string describing the line and column for the // given offset in `str` highlighting `ranges`. function getLineAndColumnMessage(str, offset, ...ranges) { return getLineAndColumn(str, offset).toString(...ranges); } const uniqueId = (() => { let idCounter = 0; return prefix => '' + prefix + idCounter++; })(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Interval { constructor(sourceString, startIdx, endIdx) { this.sourceString = sourceString; this.startIdx = startIdx; this.endIdx = endIdx; } get contents() { if (this._contents === undefined) { this._contents = this.sourceString.slice(this.startIdx, this.endIdx); } return this._contents; } get length() { return this.endIdx - this.startIdx; } coverageWith(...intervals) { return Interval.coverage(...intervals, this); } collapsedLeft() { return new Interval(this.sourceString, this.startIdx, this.startIdx); } collapsedRight() { return new Interval(this.sourceString, this.endIdx, this.endIdx); } getLineAndColumn() { return getLineAndColumn(this.sourceString, this.startIdx); } getLineAndColumnMessage() { const range = [this.startIdx, this.endIdx]; return getLineAndColumnMessage(this.sourceString, this.startIdx, range); } // Returns an array of 0, 1, or 2 intervals that represents the result of the // interval difference operation. minus(that) { if (this.sourceString !== that.sourceString) { throw intervalSourcesDontMatch(); } else if (this.startIdx === that.startIdx && this.endIdx === that.endIdx) { // `this` and `that` are the same interval! return []; } else if (this.startIdx < that.startIdx && that.endIdx < this.endIdx) { // `that` splits `this` into two intervals return [ new Interval(this.sourceString, this.startIdx, that.startIdx), new Interval(this.sourceString, that.endIdx, this.endIdx), ]; } else if (this.startIdx < that.endIdx && that.endIdx < this.endIdx) { // `that` contains a prefix of `this` return [new Interval(this.sourceString, that.endIdx, this.endIdx)]; } else if (this.startIdx < that.startIdx && that.startIdx < this.endIdx) { // `that` contains a suffix of `this` return [new Interval(this.sourceString, this.startIdx, that.startIdx)]; } else { // `that` and `this` do not overlap return [this]; } } // Returns a new Interval that has the same extent as this one, but which is relative // to `that`, an Interval that fully covers this one. relativeTo(that) { if (this.sourceString !== that.sourceString) { throw intervalSourcesDontMatch(); } assert( this.startIdx >= that.startIdx && this.endIdx <= that.endIdx, 'other interval does not cover this one', ); return new Interval( this.sourceString, this.startIdx - that.startIdx, this.endIdx - that.startIdx, ); } // Returns a new Interval which contains the same contents as this one, // but with whitespace trimmed from both ends. trimmed() { const {contents} = this; const startIdx = this.startIdx + contents.match(/^\s*/)[0].length; const endIdx = this.endIdx - contents.match(/\s*$/)[0].length; return new Interval(this.sourceString, startIdx, endIdx); } subInterval(offset, len) { const newStartIdx = this.startIdx + offset; return new Interval(this.sourceString, newStartIdx, newStartIdx + len); } } Interval.coverage = function(firstInterval, ...intervals) { let {startIdx, endIdx} = firstInterval; for (const interval of intervals) { if (interval.sourceString !== firstInterval.sourceString) { throw intervalSourcesDontMatch(); } else { startIdx = Math.min(startIdx, interval.startIdx); endIdx = Math.max(endIdx, interval.endIdx); } } return new Interval(firstInterval.sourceString, startIdx, endIdx); }; const MAX_CHAR_CODE = 0xffff; class InputStream { constructor(source) { this.source = source; this.pos = 0; this.examinedLength = 0; } atEnd() { const ans = this.pos >= this.source.length; this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos + 1); return ans; } next() { const ans = this.source[this.pos++]; this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return ans; } nextCharCode() { const nextChar = this.next(); return nextChar && nextChar.charCodeAt(0); } nextCodePoint() { const cp = this.source.slice(this.pos++).codePointAt(0); // If the code point is beyond plane 0, it takes up two characters. if (cp > MAX_CHAR_CODE) { this.pos += 1; } this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return cp; } matchString(s, optIgnoreCase) { let idx; if (optIgnoreCase) { /* Case-insensitive comparison is a tricky business. Some notable gotchas include the "Turkish I" problem (http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/turkish-i18n.html) and the fact that the German Esszet (ß) turns into "SS" in upper case. This is intended to be a locale-invariant comparison, which means it may not obey locale-specific expectations (e.g. "i" => "İ"). */ for (idx = 0; idx < s.length; idx++) { const actual = this.next(); const expected = s[idx]; if (actual == null || actual.toUpperCase() !== expected.toUpperCase()) { return false; } } return true; } // Default is case-sensitive comparison. for (idx = 0; idx < s.length; idx++) { if (this.next() !== s[idx]) { return false; } } return true; } sourceSlice(startIdx, endIdx) { return this.source.slice(startIdx, endIdx); } interval(startIdx, optEndIdx) { return new Interval(this.source, startIdx, optEndIdx ? optEndIdx : this.pos); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- class MatchResult { constructor( matcher, input, startExpr, cst, cstOffset, rightmostFailurePosition, optRecordedFailures, ) { this.matcher = matcher; this.input = input; this.startExpr = startExpr; this._cst = cst; this._cstOffset = cstOffset; this._rightmostFailurePosition = rightmostFailurePosition; this._rightmostFailures = optRecordedFailures; if (this.failed()) { /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */ defineLazyProperty(this, 'message', function() { const detail = 'Expected ' + this.getExpectedText(); return ( getLineAndColumnMessage(this.input, this.getRightmostFailurePosition()) + detail ); }); defineLazyProperty(this, 'shortMessage', function() { const detail = 'expected ' + this.getExpectedText(); const errorInfo = getLineAndColumn( this.input, this.getRightmostFailurePosition(), ); return 'Line ' + errorInfo.lineNum + ', col ' + errorInfo.colNum + ': ' + detail; }); /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */ } } succeeded() { return !!this._cst; } failed() { return !this.succeeded(); } getRightmostFailurePosition() { return this._rightmostFailurePosition; } getRightmostFailures() { if (!this._rightmostFailures) { this.matcher.setInput(this.input); const matchResultWithFailures = this.matcher._match(this.startExpr, { tracing: false, positionToRecordFailures: this.getRightmostFailurePosition(), }); this._rightmostFailures = matchResultWithFailures.getRightmostFailures(); } return this._rightmostFailures; } toString() { return this.succeeded() ? '[match succeeded]' : '[match failed at position ' + this.getRightmostFailurePosition() + ']'; } // Return a string summarizing the expected contents of the input stream when // the match failure occurred. getExpectedText() { if (this.succeeded()) { throw new Error('cannot get expected text of a successful MatchResult'); } const sb = new StringBuffer(); let failures = this.getRightmostFailures(); // Filter out the fluffy failures to make the default error messages more useful failures = failures.filter(failure => !failure.isFluffy()); for (let idx = 0; idx < failures.length; idx++) { if (idx > 0) { if (idx === failures.length - 1) { sb.append(failures.length > 2 ? ', or ' : ' or '); } else { sb.append(', '); } } sb.append(failures[idx].toString()); } return sb.contents(); } getInterval() { const pos = this.getRightmostFailurePosition(); return new Interval(this.input, pos, pos); } } class PosInfo { constructor() { this.applicationMemoKeyStack = []; // active applications at this position this.memo = {}; this.maxExaminedLength = 0; this.maxRightmostFailureOffset = -1; this.currentLeftRecursion = undefined; } isActive(application) { return this.applicationMemoKeyStack.indexOf(application.toMemoKey()) >= 0; } enter(application) { this.applicationMemoKeyStack.push(application.toMemoKey()); } exit() { this.applicationMemoKeyStack.pop(); } startLeftRecursion(headApplication, memoRec) { memoRec.isLeftRecursion = true; memoRec.headApplication = headApplication; memoRec.nextLeftRecursion = this.currentLeftRecursion; this.currentLeftRecursion = memoRec; const {applicationMemoKeyStack} = this; const indexOfFirstInvolvedRule = applicationMemoKeyStack.indexOf(headApplication.toMemoKey()) + 1; const involvedApplicationMemoKeys = applicationMemoKeyStack.slice( indexOfFirstInvolvedRule, ); memoRec.isInvolved = function(applicationMemoKey) { return involvedApplicationMemoKeys.indexOf(applicationMemoKey) >= 0; }; memoRec.updateInvolvedApplicationMemoKeys = function() { for (let idx = indexOfFirstInvolvedRule; idx < applicationMemoKeyStack.length; idx++) { const applicationMemoKey = applicationMemoKeyStack[idx]; if (!this.isInvolved(applicationMemoKey)) { involvedApplicationMemoKeys.push(applicationMemoKey); } } }; } endLeftRecursion() { this.currentLeftRecursion = this.currentLeftRecursion.nextLeftRecursion; } // Note: this method doesn't get called for the "head" of a left recursion -- for LR heads, // the memoized result (which starts out being a failure) is always used. shouldUseMemoizedResult(memoRec) { if (!memoRec.isLeftRecursion) { return true; } const {applicationMemoKeyStack} = this; for (let idx = 0; idx < applicationMemoKeyStack.length; idx++) { const applicationMemoKey = applicationMemoKeyStack[idx]; if (memoRec.isInvolved(applicationMemoKey)) { return false; } } return true; } memoize(memoKey, memoRec) { this.memo[memoKey] = memoRec; this.maxExaminedLength = Math.max(this.maxExaminedLength, memoRec.examinedLength); this.maxRightmostFailureOffset = Math.max( this.maxRightmostFailureOffset, memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset, ); return memoRec; } clearObsoleteEntries(pos, invalidatedIdx) { if (pos + this.maxExaminedLength <= invalidatedIdx) { // Optimization: none of the rule applications that were memoized here examined the // interval of the input that changed, so nothing has to be invalidated. return; } const {memo} = this; this.maxExaminedLength = 0; this.maxRightmostFailureOffset = -1; Object.keys(memo).forEach(k => { const memoRec = memo[k]; if (pos + memoRec.examinedLength > invalidatedIdx) { delete memo[k]; } else { this.maxExaminedLength = Math.max(this.maxExaminedLength, memoRec.examinedLength); this.maxRightmostFailureOffset = Math.max( this.maxRightmostFailureOffset, memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset, ); } }); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unicode characters that are used in the `toString` output. const BALLOT_X = '\u2717'; const CHECK_MARK = '\u2713'; const DOT_OPERATOR = '\u22C5'; const RIGHTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = '\u21D2'; const SYMBOL_FOR_HORIZONTAL_TABULATION = '\u2409'; const SYMBOL_FOR_LINE_FEED = '\u240A'; const SYMBOL_FOR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\u240D'; const Flags = { succeeded: 1 << 0, isRootNode: 1 << 1, isImplicitSpaces: 1 << 2, isMemoized: 1 << 3, isHeadOfLeftRecursion: 1 << 4, terminatesLR: 1 << 5, }; function spaces(n) { return repeat(' ', n).join(''); } // Return a string representation of a portion of `input` at offset `pos`. // The result will contain exactly `len` characters. function getInputExcerpt(input, pos, len) { const excerpt = asEscapedString(input.slice(pos, pos + len)); // Pad the output if necessary. if (excerpt.length < len) { return excerpt + repeat(' ', len - excerpt.length).join(''); } return excerpt; } function asEscapedString(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { // Replace non-printable characters with visible symbols. return obj .replace(/ /g, DOT_OPERATOR) .replace(/\t/g, SYMBOL_FOR_HORIZONTAL_TABULATION) .replace(/\n/g, SYMBOL_FOR_LINE_FEED) .replace(/\r/g, SYMBOL_FOR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); } return String(obj); } // ----------------- Trace ----------------- class Trace { constructor(input, pos1, pos2, expr, succeeded, bindings, optChildren) { this.input = input; this.pos = this.pos1 = pos1; this.pos2 = pos2; this.source = new Interval(input, pos1, pos2); this.expr = expr; this.bindings = bindings; this.children = optChildren || []; this.terminatingLREntry = null; this._flags = succeeded ? Flags.succeeded : 0; } get displayString() { return this.expr.toDisplayString(); } clone() { return this.cloneWithExpr(this.expr); } cloneWithExpr(expr) { const ans = new Trace( this.input, this.pos, this.pos2, expr, this.succeeded, this.bindings, this.children, ); ans.isHeadOfLeftRecursion = this.isHeadOfLeftRecursion; ans.isImplicitSpaces = this.isImplicitSpaces; ans.isMemoized = this.isMemoized; ans.isRootNode = this.isRootNode; ans.terminatesLR = this.terminatesLR; ans.terminatingLREntry = this.terminatingLREntry; return ans; } // Record the trace information for the terminating condition of the LR loop. recordLRTermination(ruleBodyTrace, value) { this.terminatingLREntry = new Trace( this.input, this.pos, this.pos2, this.expr, false, [value], [ruleBodyTrace], ); this.terminatingLREntry.terminatesLR = true; } // Recursively traverse this trace node and all its descendents, calling a visitor function // for each node that is visited. If `vistorObjOrFn` is an object, then its 'enter' property // is a function to call before visiting the children of a node, and its 'exit' property is // a function to call afterwards. If `visitorObjOrFn` is a function, it represents the 'enter' // function. // // The functions are called with three arguments: the Trace node, its parent Trace, and a number // representing the depth of the node in the tree. (The root node has depth 0.) `optThisArg`, if // specified, is the value to use for `this` when executing the visitor functions. walk(visitorObjOrFn, optThisArg) { let visitor = visitorObjOrFn; if (typeof visitor === 'function') { visitor = {enter: visitor}; } function _walk(node, parent, depth) { let recurse = true; if (visitor.enter) { if (visitor.enter.call(optThisArg, node, parent, depth) === Trace.prototype.SKIP) { recurse = false; } } if (recurse) { node.children.forEach(child => { _walk(child, node, depth + 1); }); if (visitor.exit) { visitor.exit.call(optThisArg, node, parent, depth); } } } if (this.isRootNode) { // Don't visit the root node itself, only its children. this.children.forEach(c => { _walk(c, null, 0); }); } else { _walk(this, null, 0); } } // Return a string representation of the trace. // Sample: // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✓ exp ⇒ "12" // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✓ addExp (LR) ⇒ "12" // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✗ addExp_plus toString() { const sb = new StringBuffer(); this.walk((node, parent, depth) => { if (!node) { return this.SKIP; } const ctorName = node.expr.constructor.name; // Don't print anything for Alt nodes. if (ctorName === 'Alt') { return; // eslint-disable-line consistent-return } sb.append(getInputExcerpt(node.input, node.pos, 10) + spaces(depth * 2 + 1)); sb.append((node.succeeded ? CHECK_MARK : BALLOT_X) + ' ' + node.displayString); if (node.isHeadOfLeftRecursion) { sb.append(' (LR)'); } if (node.succeeded) { const contents = asEscapedString(node.source.contents); sb.append(' ' + RIGHTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW + ' '); sb.append(typeof contents === 'string' ? '"' + contents + '"' : contents); } sb.append('\n'); }); return sb.contents(); } } // A value that can be returned from visitor functions to indicate that a // node should not be recursed into. Trace.prototype.SKIP = {}; // For convenience, create a getter and setter for the boolean flags in `Flags`. Object.keys(Flags).forEach(name => { const mask = Flags[name]; Object.defineProperty(Trace.prototype, name, { get() { return (this._flags & mask) !== 0; }, set(val) { if (val) { this._flags |= mask; } else { this._flags &= ~mask; } }, }); }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Return true if we should skip spaces preceding this expression in a syntactic context. */ PExpr.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = abstract('allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace'); /* Generally, these are all first-order expressions and (with the exception of Apply) directly read from the input stream. */ any.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = end.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Apply.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Terminal.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Range.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = UnicodeChar.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = function() { return true; }; /* Higher-order expressions that don't directly consume input. */ Alt.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Iter.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Lex.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Lookahead.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Not.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Param.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = Seq.prototype.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace = function() { return false; }; let BuiltInRules$1; awaitBuiltInRules(g => { BuiltInRules$1 = g; }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let lexifyCount; PExpr.prototype.assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { lexifyCount = 0; this._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); }; PExpr.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = abstract( '_assertAllApplicationsAreValid', ); any._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = end._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = Terminal.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = Range.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = Param.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = UnicodeChar.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { // no-op }; Lex.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { lexifyCount++; this.expr._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); lexifyCount--; }; Alt.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.terms.length; idx++) { this.terms[idx]._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); } }; Seq.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.factors.length; idx++) { this.factors[idx]._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); } }; Iter.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = Not.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = Lookahead.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function(ruleName, grammar) { this.expr._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); }; Apply.prototype._assertAllApplicationsAreValid = function( ruleName, grammar, skipSyntacticCheck = false, ) { const ruleInfo = grammar.rules[this.ruleName]; const isContextSyntactic = isSyntactic(ruleName) && lexifyCount === 0; // Make sure that the rule exists... if (!ruleInfo) { throw undeclaredRule(this.ruleName, grammar.name, this.source); } // ...and that this application is allowed if (!skipSyntacticCheck && isSyntactic(this.ruleName) && !isContextSyntactic) { throw applicationOfSyntacticRuleFromLexicalContext(this.ruleName, this); } // ...and that this application has the correct number of arguments. const actual = this.args.length; const expected = ruleInfo.formals.length; if (actual !== expected) { throw wrongNumberOfArguments(this.ruleName, expected, actual, this.source); } const isBuiltInApplySyntactic = BuiltInRules$1 && ruleInfo === BuiltInRules$1.rules.applySyntactic; const isBuiltInCaseInsensitive = BuiltInRules$1 && ruleInfo === BuiltInRules$1.rules.caseInsensitive; // If it's an application of 'caseInsensitive', ensure that the argument is a Terminal. if (isBuiltInCaseInsensitive) { if (!(this.args[0] instanceof Terminal)) { throw incorrectArgumentType('a Terminal (e.g. "abc")', this.args[0]); } } if (isBuiltInApplySyntactic) { const arg = this.args[0]; if (!(arg instanceof Apply)) { throw incorrectArgumentType('a syntactic rule application', arg); } if (!isSyntactic(arg.ruleName)) { throw applySyntacticWithLexicalRuleApplication(arg); } if (isContextSyntactic) { throw unnecessaryExperimentalApplySyntactic(this); } } // ...and that all of the argument expressions only have valid applications and have arity 1. // If `this` is an application of the built-in applySyntactic rule, then its arg is // allowed (and expected) to be a syntactic rule, even if we're in a lexical context. this.args.forEach(arg => { arg._assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar, isBuiltInApplySyntactic); if (arg.getArity() !== 1) { throw invalidParameter(this.ruleName, arg); } }); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- PExpr.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = abstract( 'assertChoicesHaveUniformArity', ); any.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = end.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = Terminal.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = Range.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = Param.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = Lex.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = UnicodeChar.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { // no-op }; Alt.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { if (this.terms.length === 0) { return; } const arity = this.terms[0].getArity(); for (let idx = 0; idx < this.terms.length; idx++) { const term = this.terms[idx]; term.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(); const otherArity = term.getArity(); if (arity !== otherArity) { throw inconsistentArity(ruleName, arity, otherArity, term); } } }; Extend.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { // Extend is a special case of Alt that's guaranteed to have exactly two // cases: [extensions, origBody]. const actualArity = this.terms[0].getArity(); const expectedArity = this.terms[1].getArity(); if (actualArity !== expectedArity) { throw inconsistentArity(ruleName, expectedArity, actualArity, this.terms[0]); } }; Seq.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.factors.length; idx++) { this.factors[idx].assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName); } }; Iter.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { this.expr.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName); }; Not.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { // no-op (not required b/c the nested expr doesn't show up in the CST) }; Lookahead.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { this.expr.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName); }; Apply.prototype.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity = function(ruleName) { // The arities of the parameter expressions is required to be 1 by // `assertAllApplicationsAreValid()`. }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- PExpr.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = abstract( 'assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable', ); any.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = end.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Terminal.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Range.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Param.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = UnicodeChar.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { // no-op }; Alt.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.terms.length; idx++) { this.terms[idx].assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar); } }; Seq.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.factors.length; idx++) { this.factors[idx].assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar); } }; Iter.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { // Note: this is the implementation of this method for `Star` and `Plus` expressions. // It is overridden for `Opt` below. this.expr.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar); if (this.expr.isNullable(grammar)) { throw kleeneExprHasNullableOperand(this, []); } }; Opt.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Not.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Lookahead.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = Lex.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { this.expr.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar); }; Apply.prototype.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable = function(grammar) { this.args.forEach(arg => { arg.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar); }); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Node { constructor(matchLength) { this.matchLength = matchLength; } get ctorName() { throw new Error('subclass responsibility'); } numChildren() { return this.children ? this.children.length : 0; } childAt(idx) { if (this.children) { return this.children[idx]; } } indexOfChild(arg) { return this.children.indexOf(arg); } hasChildren() { return this.numChildren() > 0; } hasNoChildren() { return !this.hasChildren(); } onlyChild() { if (this.numChildren() !== 1) { throw new Error( 'cannot get only child of a node of type ' + this.ctorName + ' (it has ' + this.numChildren() + ' children)', ); } else { return this.firstChild(); } } firstChild() { if (this.hasNoChildren()) { throw new Error( 'cannot get first child of a ' + this.ctorName + ' node, which has no children', ); } else { return this.childAt(0); } } lastChild() { if (this.hasNoChildren()) { throw new Error( 'cannot get last child of a ' + this.ctorName + ' node, which has no children', ); } else { return this.childAt(this.numChildren() - 1); } } childBefore(child) { const childIdx = this.indexOfChild(child); if (childIdx < 0) { throw new Error('Node.childBefore() called w/ an argument that is not a child'); } else if (childIdx === 0) { throw new Error('cannot get child before first child'); } else { return this.childAt(childIdx - 1); } } childAfter(child) { const childIdx = this.indexOfChild(child); if (childIdx < 0) { throw new Error('Node.childAfter() called w/ an argument that is not a child'); } else if (childIdx === this.numChildren() - 1) { throw new Error('cannot get child after last child'); } else { return this.childAt(childIdx + 1); } } isTerminal() { return false; } isNonterminal() { return false; } isIteration() { return false; } isOptional() { return false; } } // Terminals class TerminalNode extends Node { get ctorName() { return '_terminal'; } isTerminal() { return true; } get primitiveValue() { throw new Error('The `primitiveValue` property was removed in Ohm v17.'); } } // Nonterminals class NonterminalNode extends Node { constructor(ruleName, children, childOffsets, matchLength) { super(matchLength); this.ruleName = ruleName; this.children = children; this.childOffsets = childOffsets; } get ctorName() { return this.ruleName; } isNonterminal() { return true; } isLexical() { return isLexical(this.ctorName); } isSyntactic() { return isSyntactic(this.ctorName); } } // Iterations class IterationNode extends Node { constructor(children, childOffsets, matchLength, isOptional) { super(matchLength); this.children = children; this.childOffsets = childOffsets; this.optional = isOptional; } get ctorName() { return '_iter'; } isIteration() { return true; } isOptional() { return this.optional; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Evaluate the expression and return `true` if it succeeds, `false` otherwise. This method should only be called directly by `State.prototype.eval(expr)`, which also updates the data structures that are used for tracing. (Making those updates in a method of `State` enables the trace-specific data structures to be "secrets" of that class, which is good for modularity.) The contract of this method is as follows: * When the return value is `true`, - the state object will have `expr.getArity()` more bindings than it did before the call. * When the return value is `false`, - the state object may have more bindings than it did before the call, and - its input stream's position may be anywhere. Note that `State.prototype.eval(expr)`, unlike this method, guarantees that neither the state object's bindings nor its input stream's position will change if the expression fails to match. */ PExpr.prototype.eval = abstract('eval'); // function(state) { ... } any.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const cp = inputStream.nextCodePoint(); if (cp !== undefined) { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(String.fromCodePoint(cp).length), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } }; end.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; if (inputStream.atEnd()) { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(0), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } }; Terminal.prototype.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; if (!inputStream.matchString(this.obj)) { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } else { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(this.obj.length), origPos); return true; } }; Range.prototype.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; // A range can operate in one of two modes: matching a single, 16-bit _code unit_, // or matching a _code point_. (Code points over 0xFFFF take up two 16-bit code units.) const cp = this.matchCodePoint ? inputStream.nextCodePoint() : inputStream.nextCharCode(); // Always compare by code point value to get the correct result in all scenarios. // Note that for strings of length 1, codePointAt(0) and charPointAt(0) are equivalent. if (cp !== undefined && this.from.codePointAt(0) <= cp && cp <= this.to.codePointAt(0)) { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(String.fromCodePoint(cp).length), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } }; Param.prototype.eval = function(state) { return state.eval(state.currentApplication().args[this.index]); }; Lex.prototype.eval = function(state) { state.enterLexifiedContext(); const ans = state.eval(this.expr); state.exitLexifiedContext(); return ans; }; Alt.prototype.eval = function(state) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.terms.length; idx++) { if (state.eval(this.terms[idx])) { return true; } } return false; }; Seq.prototype.eval = function(state) { for (let idx = 0; idx < this.factors.length; idx++) { const factor = this.factors[idx]; if (!state.eval(factor)) { return false; } } return true; }; Iter.prototype.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const arity = this.getArity(); const cols = []; const colOffsets = []; while (cols.length < arity) { cols.push([]); colOffsets.push([]); } let numMatches = 0; let prevPos = origPos; let idx; while (numMatches < this.maxNumMatches && state.eval(this.expr)) { if (inputStream.pos === prevPos) { throw kleeneExprHasNullableOperand(this, state._applicationStack); } prevPos = inputStream.pos; numMatches++; const row = state._bindings.splice(state._bindings.length - arity, arity); const rowOffsets = state._bindingOffsets.splice( state._bindingOffsets.length - arity, arity, ); for (idx = 0; idx < row.length; idx++) { cols[idx].push(row[idx]); colOffsets[idx].push(rowOffsets[idx]); } } if (numMatches < this.minNumMatches) { return false; } let offset = state.posToOffset(origPos); let matchLength = 0; if (numMatches > 0) { const lastCol = cols[arity - 1]; const lastColOffsets = colOffsets[arity - 1]; const endOffset = lastColOffsets[lastColOffsets.length - 1] + lastCol[lastCol.length - 1].matchLength; offset = colOffsets[0][0]; matchLength = endOffset - offset; } const isOptional = this instanceof Opt; for (idx = 0; idx < cols.length; idx++) { state._bindings.push( new IterationNode(cols[idx], colOffsets[idx], matchLength, isOptional), ); state._bindingOffsets.push(offset); } return true; }; Not.prototype.eval = function(state) { /* TODO: - Right now we're just throwing away all of the failures that happen inside a `not`, and recording `this` as a failed expression. - Double negation should be equivalent to lookahead, but that's not the case right now wrt failures. E.g., ~~'foo' produces a failure for ~~'foo', but maybe it should produce a failure for 'foo' instead. */ const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; state.pushFailuresInfo(); const ans = state.eval(this.expr); state.popFailuresInfo(); if (ans) { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } inputStream.pos = origPos; return true; }; Lookahead.prototype.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; if (state.eval(this.expr)) { inputStream.pos = origPos; return true; } else { return false; } }; Apply.prototype.eval = function(state) { const caller = state.currentApplication(); const actuals = caller ? caller.args : []; const app = this.substituteParams(actuals); const posInfo = state.getCurrentPosInfo(); if (posInfo.isActive(app)) { // This rule is already active at this position, i.e., it is left-recursive. return app.handleCycle(state); } const memoKey = app.toMemoKey(); const memoRec = posInfo.memo[memoKey]; if (memoRec && posInfo.shouldUseMemoizedResult(memoRec)) { if (state.hasNecessaryInfo(memoRec)) { return state.useMemoizedResult(state.inputStream.pos, memoRec); } delete posInfo.memo[memoKey]; } return app.reallyEval(state); }; Apply.prototype.handleCycle = function(state) { const posInfo = state.getCurrentPosInfo(); const {currentLeftRecursion} = posInfo; const memoKey = this.toMemoKey(); let memoRec = posInfo.memo[memoKey]; if (currentLeftRecursion && currentLeftRecursion.headApplication.toMemoKey() === memoKey) { // We already know about this left recursion, but it's possible there are "involved // applications" that we don't already know about, so... memoRec.updateInvolvedApplicationMemoKeys(); } else if (!memoRec) { // New left recursion detected! Memoize a failure to try to get a seed parse. memoRec = posInfo.memoize(memoKey, { matchLength: 0, examinedLength: 0, value: false, rightmostFailureOffset: -1, }); posInfo.startLeftRecursion(this, memoRec); } return state.useMemoizedResult(state.inputStream.pos, memoRec); }; Apply.prototype.reallyEval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const origPosInfo = state.getCurrentPosInfo(); const ruleInfo = state.grammar.rules[this.ruleName]; const {body} = ruleInfo; const {description} = ruleInfo; state.enterApplication(origPosInfo, this); if (description) { state.pushFailuresInfo(); } // Reset the input stream's examinedLength property so that we can track // the examined length of this particular application. const origInputStreamExaminedLength = inputStream.examinedLength; inputStream.examinedLength = 0; let value = this.evalOnce(body, state); const currentLR = origPosInfo.currentLeftRecursion; const memoKey = this.toMemoKey(); const isHeadOfLeftRecursion = currentLR && currentLR.headApplication.toMemoKey() === memoKey; let memoRec; if (state.doNotMemoize) { state.doNotMemoize = false; } else if (isHeadOfLeftRecursion) { value = this.growSeedResult(body, state, origPos, currentLR, value); origPosInfo.endLeftRecursion(); memoRec = currentLR; memoRec.examinedLength = inputStream.examinedLength - origPos; memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset = state._getRightmostFailureOffset(); origPosInfo.memoize(memoKey, memoRec); // updates origPosInfo's maxExaminedLength } else if (!currentLR || !currentLR.isInvolved(memoKey)) { // This application is not involved in left recursion, so it's ok to memoize it. memoRec = origPosInfo.memoize(memoKey, { matchLength: inputStream.pos - origPos, examinedLength: inputStream.examinedLength - origPos, value, failuresAtRightmostPosition: state.cloneRecordedFailures(), rightmostFailureOffset: state._getRightmostFailureOffset(), }); } const succeeded = !!value; if (description) { state.popFailuresInfo(); if (!succeeded) { state.processFailure(origPos, this); } if (memoRec) { memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition = state.cloneRecordedFailures(); } } // Record trace information in the memo table, so that it is available if the memoized result // is used later. if (state.isTracing() && memoRec) { const entry = state.getTraceEntry(origPos, this, succeeded, succeeded ? [value] : []); if (isHeadOfLeftRecursion) { assert(entry.terminatingLREntry != null || !succeeded); entry.isHeadOfLeftRecursion = true; } memoRec.traceEntry = entry; } // Fix the input stream's examinedLength -- it should be the maximum examined length // across all applications, not just this one. inputStream.examinedLength = Math.max( inputStream.examinedLength, origInputStreamExaminedLength, ); state.exitApplication(origPosInfo, value); return succeeded; }; Apply.prototype.evalOnce = function(expr, state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; if (state.eval(expr)) { const arity = expr.getArity(); const bindings = state._bindings.splice(state._bindings.length - arity, arity); const offsets = state._bindingOffsets.splice(state._bindingOffsets.length - arity, arity); const matchLength = inputStream.pos - origPos; return new NonterminalNode(this.ruleName, bindings, offsets, matchLength); } else { return false; } }; Apply.prototype.growSeedResult = function(body, state, origPos, lrMemoRec, newValue) { if (!newValue) { return false; } const {inputStream} = state; while (true) { lrMemoRec.matchLength = inputStream.pos - origPos; lrMemoRec.value = newValue; lrMemoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition = state.cloneRecordedFailures(); if (state.isTracing()) { // Before evaluating the body again, add a trace node for this application to the memo entry. // Its only child is a copy of the trace node from `newValue`, which will always be the last // element in `state.trace`. const seedTrace = state.trace[state.trace.length - 1]; lrMemoRec.traceEntry = new Trace( state.input, origPos, inputStream.pos, this, true, [newValue], [seedTrace.clone()], ); } inputStream.pos = origPos; newValue = this.evalOnce(body, state); if (inputStream.pos - origPos <= lrMemoRec.matchLength) { break; } if (state.isTracing()) { state.trace.splice(-2, 1); // Drop the trace for the old seed. } } if (state.isTracing()) { // The last entry is for an unused result -- pop it and save it in the "real" entry. lrMemoRec.traceEntry.recordLRTermination(state.trace.pop(), newValue); } inputStream.pos = origPos + lrMemoRec.matchLength; return lrMemoRec.value; }; UnicodeChar.prototype.eval = function(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const ch = inputStream.next(); if (ch && this.pattern.test(ch)) { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(ch.length), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- PExpr.prototype.getArity = abstract('getArity'); any.getArity = end.getArity = Terminal.prototype.getArity = Range.prototype.getArity = Param.prototype.getArity = Apply.prototype.getArity = UnicodeChar.prototype.getArity = function() { return 1; }; Alt.prototype.getArity = function() { // This is ok b/c all terms must have the same arity -- this property is // checked by the Grammar constructor. return this.terms.length === 0 ? 0 : this.terms[0].getArity(); }; Seq.prototype.getArity = function() { let arity = 0; for (let idx = 0; idx < this.factors.length; idx++) { arity += this.factors[idx].getArity(); } return arity; }; Iter.prototype.getArity = function() { return this.expr.getArity(); }; Not.prototype.getArity = function() { return 0; }; Lookahead.prototype.getArity = Lex.prototype.getArity = function() { return this.expr.getArity(); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function getMetaInfo(expr, grammarInterval) { const metaInfo = {}; if (expr.source && grammarInterval) { const adjusted = expr.source.relativeTo(grammarInterval); metaInfo.sourceInterval = [adjusted.startIdx, adjusted.endIdx]; } return metaInfo; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- PExpr.prototype.outputRecipe = abstract('outputRecipe'); any.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['any', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval)]; }; end.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['end', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval)]; }; Terminal.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['terminal', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.obj]; }; Range.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['range', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.from, this.to]; }; Param.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['param', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.index]; }; Alt.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['alt', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval)].concat( this.terms.map(term => term.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval)), ); }; Extend.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { const extension = this.terms[0]; // [extension, original] return extension.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval); }; Splice.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { const beforeTerms = this.terms.slice(0, this.expansionPos); const afterTerms = this.terms.slice(this.expansionPos + 1); return [ 'splice', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), beforeTerms.map(term => term.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval)), afterTerms.map(term => term.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval)), ]; }; Seq.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['seq', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval)].concat( this.factors.map(factor => factor.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval)), ); }; Star.prototype.outputRecipe = Plus.prototype.outputRecipe = Opt.prototype.outputRecipe = Not.prototype.outputRecipe = Lookahead.prototype.outputRecipe = Lex.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return [ this.constructor.name.toLowerCase(), getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.expr.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval), ]; }; Apply.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return [ 'app', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.ruleName, this.args.map(arg => arg.outputRecipe(formals, grammarInterval)), ]; }; UnicodeChar.prototype.outputRecipe = function(formals, grammarInterval) { return ['unicodeChar', getMetaInfo(this, grammarInterval), this.category]; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Called at grammar creation time to rewrite a rule body, replacing each reference to a formal parameter with a `Param` node. Returns a PExpr -- either a new one, or the original one if it was modified in place. */ PExpr.prototype.introduceParams = abstract('introduceParams'); any.introduceParams = end.introduceParams = Terminal.prototype.introduceParams = Range.prototype.introduceParams = Param.prototype.introduceParams = UnicodeChar.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { return this; }; Alt.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.terms.forEach((term, idx, terms) => { terms[idx] = term.introduceParams(formals); }); return this; }; Seq.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.factors.forEach((factor, idx, factors) => { factors[idx] = factor.introduceParams(formals); }); return this; }; Iter.prototype.introduceParams = Not.prototype.introduceParams = Lookahead.prototype.introduceParams = Lex.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.expr = this.expr.introduceParams(formals); return this; }; Apply.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { const index = formals.indexOf(this.ruleName); if (index >= 0) { if (this.args.length > 0) { // TODO: Should this be supported? See issue #64. throw new Error('Parameterized rules cannot be passed as arguments to another rule.'); } return new Param(index).withSource(this.source); } else { this.args.forEach((arg, idx, args) => { args[idx] = arg.introduceParams(formals); }); return this; } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns `true` if this parsing expression may accept without consuming any input. PExpr.prototype.isNullable = function(grammar) { return this._isNullable(grammar, Object.create(null)); }; PExpr.prototype._isNullable = abstract('_isNullable'); any._isNullable = Range.prototype._isNullable = Param.prototype._isNullable = Plus.prototype._isNullable = UnicodeChar.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return false; }; end._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return true; }; Terminal.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { if (typeof this.obj === 'string') { // This is an over-simplification: it's only correct if the input is a string. If it's an array // or an object, then the empty string parsing expression is not nullable. return this.obj === ''; } else { return false; } }; Alt.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return this.terms.length === 0 || this.terms.some(term => term._isNullable(grammar, memo)); }; Seq.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return this.factors.every(factor => factor._isNullable(grammar, memo)); }; Star.prototype._isNullable = Opt.prototype._isNullable = Not.prototype._isNullable = Lookahead.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return true; }; Lex.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { return this.expr._isNullable(grammar, memo); }; Apply.prototype._isNullable = function(grammar, memo) { const key = this.toMemoKey(); if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(memo, key)) { const {body} = grammar.rules[this.ruleName]; const inlined = body.substituteParams(this.args); memo[key] = false; // Prevent infinite recursion for recursive rules. memo[key] = inlined._isNullable(grammar, memo); } return memo[key]; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Returns a PExpr that results from recursively replacing every formal parameter (i.e., instance of `Param`) inside this PExpr with its actual value from `actuals` (an Array). The receiver must not be modified; a new PExpr must be returned if any replacement is necessary. */ // function(actuals) { ... } PExpr.prototype.substituteParams = abstract('substituteParams'); any.substituteParams = end.substituteParams = Terminal.prototype.substituteParams = Range.prototype.substituteParams = UnicodeChar.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { return this; }; Param.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { return actuals[this.index]; }; Alt.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { return new Alt(this.terms.map(term => term.substituteParams(actuals))); }; Seq.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { return new Seq(this.factors.map(factor => factor.substituteParams(actuals))); }; Iter.prototype.substituteParams = Not.prototype.substituteParams = Lookahead.prototype.substituteParams = Lex.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { return new this.constructor(this.expr.substituteParams(actuals)); }; Apply.prototype.substituteParams = function(actuals) { if (this.args.length === 0) { // Avoid making a copy of this application, as an optimization return this; } else { const args = this.args.map(arg => arg.substituteParams(actuals)); return new Apply(this.ruleName, args); } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- function isRestrictedJSIdentifier(str) { return /^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$/.test(str); } function resolveDuplicatedNames(argumentNameList) { // `count` is used to record the number of times each argument name occurs in the list, // this is useful for checking duplicated argument name. It maps argument names to ints. const count = Object.create(null); argumentNameList.forEach(argName => { count[argName] = (count[argName] || 0) + 1; }); // Append subscripts ('_1', '_2', ...) to duplicate argument names. Object.keys(count).forEach(dupArgName => { if (count[dupArgName] <= 1) { return; } // This name shows up more than once, so add subscripts. let subscript = 1; argumentNameList.forEach((argName, idx) => { if (argName === dupArgName) { argumentNameList[idx] = argName + '_' + subscript++; } }); }); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Returns a list of strings that will be used as the default argument names for its receiver (a pexpr) in a semantic action. This is used exclusively by the Semantics Editor. `firstArgIndex` is the 1-based index of the first argument name that will be generated for this pexpr. It enables us to name arguments positionally, e.g., if the second argument is a non-alphanumeric terminal like "+", it will be named '$2'. `noDupCheck` is true if the caller of `toArgumentNameList` is not a top level caller. It enables us to avoid nested duplication subscripts appending, e.g., '_1_1', '_1_2', by only checking duplicates at the top level. Here is a more elaborate example that illustrates how this method works: `(a "+" b).toArgumentNameList(1)` evaluates to `['a', '$2', 'b']` with the following recursive calls: (a).toArgumentNameList(1) -> ['a'], ("+").toArgumentNameList(2) -> ['$2'], (b).toArgumentNameList(3) -> ['b'] Notes: * This method must only be called on well-formed expressions, e.g., the receiver must not have any Alt sub-expressions with inconsistent arities. * e.getArity() === e.toArgumentNameList(1).length */ // function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { ... } PExpr.prototype.toArgumentNameList = abstract('toArgumentNameList'); any.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return ['any']; }; end.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return ['end']; }; Terminal.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { if (typeof this.obj === 'string' && /^[_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(this.obj)) { // If this terminal is a valid suffix for a JS identifier, just prepend it with '_' return ['_' + this.obj]; } else { // Otherwise, name it positionally. return ['$' + firstArgIndex]; } }; Range.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { let argName = this.from + '_to_' + this.to; // If the `argName` is not valid then try to prepend a `_`. if (!isRestrictedJSIdentifier(argName)) { argName = '_' + argName; } // If the `argName` still not valid after prepending a `_`, then name it positionally. if (!isRestrictedJSIdentifier(argName)) { argName = '$' + firstArgIndex; } return [argName]; }; Alt.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { // `termArgNameLists` is an array of arrays where each row is the // argument name list that corresponds to a term in this alternation. const termArgNameLists = this.terms.map(term => term.toArgumentNameList(firstArgIndex, true), ); const argumentNameList = []; const numArgs = termArgNameLists[0].length; for (let colIdx = 0; colIdx < numArgs; colIdx++) { const col = []; for (let rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < this.terms.length; rowIdx++) { col.push(termArgNameLists[rowIdx][colIdx]); } const uniqueNames = copyWithoutDuplicates(col); argumentNameList.push(uniqueNames.join('_or_')); } if (!noDupCheck) { resolveDuplicatedNames(argumentNameList); } return argumentNameList; }; Seq.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { // Generate the argument name list, without worrying about duplicates. let argumentNameList = []; this.factors.forEach(factor => { const factorArgumentNameList = factor.toArgumentNameList(firstArgIndex, true); argumentNameList = argumentNameList.concat(factorArgumentNameList); // Shift the firstArgIndex to take this factor's argument names into account. firstArgIndex += factorArgumentNameList.length; }); if (!noDupCheck) { resolveDuplicatedNames(argumentNameList); } return argumentNameList; }; Iter.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { const argumentNameList = this.expr .toArgumentNameList(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) .map(exprArgumentString => exprArgumentString[exprArgumentString.length - 1] === 's' ? exprArgumentString + 'es' : exprArgumentString + 's', ); if (!noDupCheck) { resolveDuplicatedNames(argumentNameList); } return argumentNameList; }; Opt.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return this.expr.toArgumentNameList(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck).map(argName => { return 'opt' + argName[0].toUpperCase() + argName.slice(1); }); }; Not.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return []; }; Lookahead.prototype.toArgumentNameList = Lex.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return this.expr.toArgumentNameList(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck); }; Apply.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return [this.ruleName]; }; UnicodeChar.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return ['$' + firstArgIndex]; }; Param.prototype.toArgumentNameList = function(firstArgIndex, noDupCheck) { return ['param' + this.index]; }; // "Value pexprs" (Value, Str, Arr, Obj) are going away soon, so we don't worry about them here. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a string representing the PExpr, for use as a UI label, etc. PExpr.prototype.toDisplayString = abstract('toDisplayString'); Alt.prototype.toDisplayString = Seq.prototype.toDisplayString = function() { if (this.source) { return this.source.trimmed().contents; } return '[' + this.constructor.name + ']'; }; any.toDisplayString = end.toDisplayString = Iter.prototype.toDisplayString = Not.prototype.toDisplayString = Lookahead.prototype.toDisplayString = Lex.prototype.toDisplayString = Terminal.prototype.toDisplayString = Range.prototype.toDisplayString = Param.prototype.toDisplayString = function() { return this.toString(); }; Apply.prototype.toDisplayString = function() { if (this.args.length > 0) { const ps = this.args.map(arg => arg.toDisplayString()); return this.ruleName + '<' + ps.join(',') + '>'; } else { return this.ruleName; } }; UnicodeChar.prototype.toDisplayString = function() { return 'Unicode [' + this.category + '] character'; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* `Failure`s represent expressions that weren't matched while parsing. They are used to generate error messages automatically. The interface of `Failure`s includes the collowing methods: - getText() : String - getType() : String (one of {"description", "string", "code"}) - isDescription() : bool - isStringTerminal() : bool - isCode() : bool - isFluffy() : bool - makeFluffy() : void - subsumes(Failure) : bool */ function isValidType(type) { return type === 'description' || type === 'string' || type === 'code'; } class Failure { constructor(pexpr, text, type) { if (!isValidType(type)) { throw new Error('invalid Failure type: ' + type); } this.pexpr = pexpr; this.text = text; this.type = type; this.fluffy = false; } getPExpr() { return this.pexpr; } getText() { return this.text; } getType() { return this.type; } isDescription() { return this.type === 'description'; } isStringTerminal() { return this.type === 'string'; } isCode() { return this.type === 'code'; } isFluffy() { return this.fluffy; } makeFluffy() { this.fluffy = true; } clearFluffy() { this.fluffy = false; } subsumes(that) { return ( this.getText() === that.getText() && this.type === that.type && (!this.isFluffy() || (this.isFluffy() && that.isFluffy())) ); } toString() { return this.type === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(this.getText()) : this.getText(); } clone() { const failure = new Failure(this.pexpr, this.text, this.type); if (this.isFluffy()) { failure.makeFluffy(); } return failure; } toKey() { return this.toString() + '#' + this.type; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- PExpr.prototype.toFailure = abstract('toFailure'); any.toFailure = function(grammar) { return new Failure(this, 'any object', 'description'); }; end.toFailure = function(grammar) { return new Failure(this, 'end of input', 'description'); }; Terminal.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { return new Failure(this, this.obj, 'string'); }; Range.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { // TODO: come up with something better return new Failure(this, JSON.stringify(this.from) + '..' + JSON.stringify(this.to), 'code'); }; Not.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { const description = this.expr === any ? 'nothing' : 'not ' + this.expr.toFailure(grammar); return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }; Lookahead.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { return this.expr.toFailure(grammar); }; Apply.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { let {description} = grammar.rules[this.ruleName]; if (!description) { const article = /^[aeiouAEIOU]/.test(this.ruleName) ? 'an' : 'a'; description = article + ' ' + this.ruleName; } return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }; UnicodeChar.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { return new Failure(this, 'a Unicode [' + this.category + '] character', 'description'); }; Alt.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { const fs = this.terms.map(t => t.toFailure(grammar)); const description = '(' + fs.join(' or ') + ')'; return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }; Seq.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { const fs = this.factors.map(f => f.toFailure(grammar)); const description = '(' + fs.join(' ') + ')'; return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }; Iter.prototype.toFailure = function(grammar) { const description = '(' + this.expr.toFailure(grammar) + this.operator + ')'; return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* e1.toString() === e2.toString() ==> e1 and e2 are semantically equivalent. Note that this is not an iff (<==>): e.g., (~"b" "a").toString() !== ("a").toString(), even though ~"b" "a" and "a" are interchangeable in any grammar, both in terms of the languages they accept and their arities. */ PExpr.prototype.toString = abstract('toString'); any.toString = function() { return 'any'; }; end.toString = function() { return 'end'; }; Terminal.prototype.toString = function() { return JSON.stringify(this.obj); }; Range.prototype.toString = function() { return JSON.stringify(this.from) + '..' + JSON.stringify(this.to); }; Param.prototype.toString = function() { return '$' + this.index; }; Lex.prototype.toString = function() { return '#(' + this.expr.toString() + ')'; }; Alt.prototype.toString = function() { return this.terms.length === 1 ? this.terms[0].toString() : '(' + this.terms.map(term => term.toString()).join(' | ') + ')'; }; Seq.prototype.toString = function() { return this.factors.length === 1 ? this.factors[0].toString() : '(' + this.factors.map(factor => factor.toString()).join(' ') + ')'; }; Iter.prototype.toString = function() { return this.expr + this.operator; }; Not.prototype.toString = function() { return '~' + this.expr; }; Lookahead.prototype.toString = function() { return '&' + this.expr; }; Apply.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.args.length > 0) { const ps = this.args.map(arg => arg.toString()); return this.ruleName + '<' + ps.join(',') + '>'; } else { return this.ruleName; } }; UnicodeChar.prototype.toString = function() { return '\\p{' + this.category + '}'; }; class CaseInsensitiveTerminal extends PExpr { constructor(param) { super(); this.obj = param; } _getString(state) { const terminal = state.currentApplication().args[this.obj.index]; assert(terminal instanceof Terminal, 'expected a Terminal expression'); return terminal.obj; } // Implementation of the PExpr API allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace() { return true; } eval(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const matchStr = this._getString(state); if (!inputStream.matchString(matchStr, true)) { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } else { state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(matchStr.length), origPos); return true; } } getArity() { return 1; } substituteParams(actuals) { return new CaseInsensitiveTerminal(this.obj.substituteParams(actuals)); } toDisplayString() { return this.obj.toDisplayString() + ' (case-insensitive)'; } toFailure(grammar) { return new Failure( this, this.obj.toFailure(grammar) + ' (case-insensitive)', 'description', ); } _isNullable(grammar, memo) { return this.obj._isNullable(grammar, memo); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- var pexprs = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, CaseInsensitiveTerminal: CaseInsensitiveTerminal, PExpr: PExpr, any: any, end: end, Terminal: Terminal, Range: Range, Param: Param, Alt: Alt, Extend: Extend, Splice: Splice, Seq: Seq, Iter: Iter, Star: Star, Plus: Plus, Opt: Opt, Not: Not, Lookahead: Lookahead, Lex: Lex, Apply: Apply, UnicodeChar: UnicodeChar }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let builtInApplySyntacticBody; awaitBuiltInRules(builtInRules => { builtInApplySyntacticBody = builtInRules.rules.applySyntactic.body; }); const applySpaces = new Apply('spaces'); class MatchState { constructor(matcher, startExpr, optPositionToRecordFailures) { this.matcher = matcher; this.startExpr = startExpr; this.grammar = matcher.grammar; this.input = matcher.getInput(); this.inputStream = new InputStream(this.input); this.memoTable = matcher._memoTable; this.userData = undefined; this.doNotMemoize = false; this._bindings = []; this._bindingOffsets = []; this._applicationStack = []; this._posStack = [0]; this.inLexifiedContextStack = [false]; this.rightmostFailurePosition = -1; this._rightmostFailurePositionStack = []; this._recordedFailuresStack = []; if (optPositionToRecordFailures !== undefined) { this.positionToRecordFailures = optPositionToRecordFailures; this.recordedFailures = Object.create(null); } } posToOffset(pos) { return pos - this._posStack[this._posStack.length - 1]; } enterApplication(posInfo, app) { this._posStack.push(this.inputStream.pos); this._applicationStack.push(app); this.inLexifiedContextStack.push(false); posInfo.enter(app); this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.push(this.rightmostFailurePosition); this.rightmostFailurePosition = -1; } exitApplication(posInfo, optNode) { const origPos = this._posStack.pop(); this._applicationStack.pop(); this.inLexifiedContextStack.pop(); posInfo.exit(); this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max( this.rightmostFailurePosition, this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.pop(), ); if (optNode) { this.pushBinding(optNode, origPos); } } enterLexifiedContext() { this.inLexifiedContextStack.push(true); } exitLexifiedContext() { this.inLexifiedContextStack.pop(); } currentApplication() { return this._applicationStack[this._applicationStack.length - 1]; } inSyntacticContext() { const currentApplication = this.currentApplication(); if (currentApplication) { return currentApplication.isSyntactic() && !this.inLexifiedContext(); } else { // The top-level context is syntactic if the start application is. return this.startExpr.factors[0].isSyntactic(); } } inLexifiedContext() { return this.inLexifiedContextStack[this.inLexifiedContextStack.length - 1]; } skipSpaces() { this.pushFailuresInfo(); this.eval(applySpaces); this.popBinding(); this.popFailuresInfo(); return this.inputStream.pos; } skipSpacesIfInSyntacticContext() { return this.inSyntacticContext() ? this.skipSpaces() : this.inputStream.pos; } maybeSkipSpacesBefore(expr) { if (expr.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace() && expr !== applySpaces) { return this.skipSpacesIfInSyntacticContext(); } else { return this.inputStream.pos; } } pushBinding(node, origPos) { this._bindings.push(node); this._bindingOffsets.push(this.posToOffset(origPos)); } popBinding() { this._bindings.pop(); this._bindingOffsets.pop(); } numBindings() { return this._bindings.length; } truncateBindings(newLength) { // Yes, this is this really faster than setting the `length` property (tested with // bin/es5bench on Node v6.1.0). // Update 2021-10-25: still true on v14.15.5 — it's ~20% speedup on es5bench. while (this._bindings.length > newLength) { this.popBinding(); } } getCurrentPosInfo() { return this.getPosInfo(this.inputStream.pos); } getPosInfo(pos) { let posInfo = this.memoTable[pos]; if (!posInfo) { posInfo = this.memoTable[pos] = new PosInfo(); } return posInfo; } processFailure(pos, expr) { this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max(this.rightmostFailurePosition, pos); if (this.recordedFailures && pos === this.positionToRecordFailures) { const app = this.currentApplication(); if (app) { // Substitute parameters with the actual pexprs that were passed to // the current rule. expr = expr.substituteParams(app.args); } this.recordFailure(expr.toFailure(this.grammar), false); } } recordFailure(failure, shouldCloneIfNew) { const key = failure.toKey(); if (!this.recordedFailures[key]) { this.recordedFailures[key] = shouldCloneIfNew ? failure.clone() : failure; } else if (this.recordedFailures[key].isFluffy() && !failure.isFluffy()) { this.recordedFailures[key].clearFluffy(); } } recordFailures(failures, shouldCloneIfNew) { Object.keys(failures).forEach(key => { this.recordFailure(failures[key], shouldCloneIfNew); }); } cloneRecordedFailures() { if (!this.recordedFailures) { return undefined; } const ans = Object.create(null); Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).forEach(key => { ans[key] = this.recordedFailures[key].clone(); }); return ans; } getRightmostFailurePosition() { return this.rightmostFailurePosition; } _getRightmostFailureOffset() { return this.rightmostFailurePosition >= 0 ? this.posToOffset(this.rightmostFailurePosition) : -1; } // Returns the memoized trace entry for `expr` at `pos`, if one exists, `null` otherwise. getMemoizedTraceEntry(pos, expr) { const posInfo = this.memoTable[pos]; if (posInfo && expr instanceof Apply) { const memoRec = posInfo.memo[expr.toMemoKey()]; if (memoRec && memoRec.traceEntry) { const entry = memoRec.traceEntry.cloneWithExpr(expr); entry.isMemoized = true; return entry; } } return null; } // Returns a new trace entry, with the currently active trace array as its children. getTraceEntry(pos, expr, succeeded, bindings) { if (expr instanceof Apply) { const app = this.currentApplication(); const actuals = app ? app.args : []; expr = expr.substituteParams(actuals); } return ( this.getMemoizedTraceEntry(pos, expr) || new Trace(this.input, pos, this.inputStream.pos, expr, succeeded, bindings, this.trace) ); } isTracing() { return !!this.trace; } hasNecessaryInfo(memoRec) { if (this.trace && !memoRec.traceEntry) { return false; } if ( this.recordedFailures && this.inputStream.pos + memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset === this.positionToRecordFailures ) { return !!memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition; } return true; } useMemoizedResult(origPos, memoRec) { if (this.trace) { this.trace.push(memoRec.traceEntry); } const memoRecRightmostFailurePosition = this.inputStream.pos + memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset; this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max( this.rightmostFailurePosition, memoRecRightmostFailurePosition, ); if ( this.recordedFailures && this.positionToRecordFailures === memoRecRightmostFailurePosition && memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition ) { this.recordFailures(memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition, true); } this.inputStream.examinedLength = Math.max( this.inputStream.examinedLength, memoRec.examinedLength + origPos, ); if (memoRec.value) { this.inputStream.pos += memoRec.matchLength; this.pushBinding(memoRec.value, origPos); return true; } return false; } // Evaluate `expr` and return `true` if it succeeded, `false` otherwise. On success, `bindings` // will have `expr.getArity()` more elements than before, and the input stream's position may // have increased. On failure, `bindings` and position will be unchanged. eval(expr) { const {inputStream} = this; const origNumBindings = this._bindings.length; const origUserData = this.userData; let origRecordedFailures; if (this.recordedFailures) { origRecordedFailures = this.recordedFailures; this.recordedFailures = Object.create(null); } const origPos = inputStream.pos; const memoPos = this.maybeSkipSpacesBefore(expr); let origTrace; if (this.trace) { origTrace = this.trace; this.trace = []; } // Do the actual evaluation. const ans = expr.eval(this); if (this.trace) { const bindings = this._bindings.slice(origNumBindings); const traceEntry = this.getTraceEntry(memoPos, expr, ans, bindings); traceEntry.isImplicitSpaces = expr === applySpaces; traceEntry.isRootNode = expr === this.startExpr; origTrace.push(traceEntry); this.trace = origTrace; } if (ans) { if (this.recordedFailures && inputStream.pos === this.positionToRecordFailures) { Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).forEach(key => { this.recordedFailures[key].makeFluffy(); }); } } else { // Reset the position, bindings, and userData. inputStream.pos = origPos; this.truncateBindings(origNumBindings); this.userData = origUserData; } if (this.recordedFailures) { this.recordFailures(origRecordedFailures, false); } // The built-in applySyntactic rule needs special handling: we want to skip // trailing spaces, just as with the top-level application of a syntactic rule. if (expr === builtInApplySyntacticBody) { this.skipSpaces(); } return ans; } getMatchResult() { this.grammar._setUpMatchState(this); this.eval(this.startExpr); let rightmostFailures; if (this.recordedFailures) { rightmostFailures = Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).map( key => this.recordedFailures[key], ); } const cst = this._bindings[0]; if (cst) { cst.grammar = this.grammar; } return new MatchResult( this.matcher, this.input, this.startExpr, cst, this._bindingOffsets[0], this.rightmostFailurePosition, rightmostFailures, ); } getTrace() { this.trace = []; const matchResult = this.getMatchResult(); // The trace node for the start rule is always the last entry. If it is a syntactic rule, // the first entry is for an application of 'spaces'. // TODO(pdubroy): Clean this up by introducing a special `Match` rule, which will // ensure that there is always a single root trace node. const rootTrace = this.trace[this.trace.length - 1]; rootTrace.result = matchResult; return rootTrace; } pushFailuresInfo() { this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.push(this.rightmostFailurePosition); this._recordedFailuresStack.push(this.recordedFailures); } popFailuresInfo() { this.rightmostFailurePosition = this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.pop(); this.recordedFailures = this._recordedFailuresStack.pop(); } } class Matcher { constructor(grammar) { this.grammar = grammar; this._memoTable = []; this._input = ''; this._isMemoTableStale = false; } _resetMemoTable() { this._memoTable = []; this._isMemoTableStale = false; } getInput() { return this._input; } setInput(str) { if (this._input !== str) { this.replaceInputRange(0, this._input.length, str); } return this; } replaceInputRange(startIdx, endIdx, str) { const prevInput = this._input; const memoTable = this._memoTable; if ( startIdx < 0 || startIdx > prevInput.length || endIdx < 0 || endIdx > prevInput.length || startIdx > endIdx ) { throw new Error('Invalid indices: ' + startIdx + ' and ' + endIdx); } // update input this._input = prevInput.slice(0, startIdx) + str + prevInput.slice(endIdx); if (this._input !== prevInput && memoTable.length > 0) { this._isMemoTableStale = true; } // update memo table (similar to the above) const restOfMemoTable = memoTable.slice(endIdx); memoTable.length = startIdx; for (let idx = 0; idx < str.length; idx++) { memoTable.push(undefined); } for (const posInfo of restOfMemoTable) { memoTable.push(posInfo); } // Invalidate memoRecs for (let pos = 0; pos < startIdx; pos++) { const posInfo = memoTable[pos]; if (posInfo) { posInfo.clearObsoleteEntries(pos, startIdx); } } return this; } match(optStartApplicationStr, options = {incremental: true}) { return this._match(this._getStartExpr(optStartApplicationStr), { incremental: options.incremental, tracing: false, }); } trace(optStartApplicationStr, options = {incremental: true}) { return this._match(this._getStartExpr(optStartApplicationStr), { incremental: options.incremental, tracing: true, }); } _match(startExpr, options = {}) { const opts = { tracing: false, incremental: true, positionToRecordFailures: undefined, ...options, }; if (!opts.incremental) { this._resetMemoTable(); } else if (this._isMemoTableStale && !this.grammar.supportsIncrementalParsing) { throw grammarDoesNotSupportIncrementalParsing(this.grammar); } const state = new MatchState(this, startExpr, opts.positionToRecordFailures); return opts.tracing ? state.getTrace() : state.getMatchResult(); } /* Returns the starting expression for this Matcher's associated grammar. If `optStartApplicationStr` is specified, it is a string expressing a rule application in the grammar. If not specified, the grammar's default start rule will be used. */ _getStartExpr(optStartApplicationStr) { const applicationStr = optStartApplicationStr || this.grammar.defaultStartRule; if (!applicationStr) { throw new Error('Missing start rule argument -- the grammar has no default start rule.'); } const startApp = this.grammar.parseApplication(applicationStr); return new Seq([startApp, end]); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const globalActionStack = []; const hasOwnProperty = (x, prop) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, prop); // ----------------- Wrappers ----------------- // Wrappers decorate CST nodes with all of the functionality (i.e., operations and attributes) // provided by a Semantics (see below). `Wrapper` is the abstract superclass of all wrappers. A // `Wrapper` must have `_node` and `_semantics` instance variables, which refer to the CST node and // Semantics (resp.) for which it was created, and a `_childWrappers` instance variable which is // used to cache the wrapper instances that are created for its child nodes. Setting these instance // variables is the responsibility of the constructor of each Semantics-specific subclass of // `Wrapper`. class Wrapper { constructor(node, sourceInterval, baseInterval) { this._node = node; this.source = sourceInterval; // The interval that the childOffsets of `node` are relative to. It should be the source // of the closest Nonterminal node. this._baseInterval = baseInterval; if (node.isNonterminal()) { assert(sourceInterval === baseInterval); } this._childWrappers = []; } _forgetMemoizedResultFor(attributeName) { // Remove the memoized attribute from the cstNode and all its children. delete this._node[this._semantics.attributeKeys[attributeName]]; this.children.forEach(child => { child._forgetMemoizedResultFor(attributeName); }); } // Returns the wrapper of the specified child node. Child wrappers are created lazily and // cached in the parent wrapper's `_childWrappers` instance variable. child(idx) { if (!(0 <= idx && idx < this._node.numChildren())) { // TODO: Consider throwing an exception here. return undefined; } let childWrapper = this._childWrappers[idx]; if (!childWrapper) { const childNode = this._node.childAt(idx); const offset = this._node.childOffsets[idx]; const source = this._baseInterval.subInterval(offset, childNode.matchLength); const base = childNode.isNonterminal() ? source : this._baseInterval; childWrapper = this._childWrappers[idx] = this._semantics.wrap(childNode, source, base); } return childWrapper; } // Returns an array containing the wrappers of all of the children of the node associated // with this wrapper. _children() { // Force the creation of all child wrappers for (let idx = 0; idx < this._node.numChildren(); idx++) { this.child(idx); } return this._childWrappers; } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper corresponds to an iteration // expression, i.e., a Kleene-*, Kleene-+, or an optional. Returns `false` otherwise. isIteration() { return this._node.isIteration(); } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper is a terminal node, `false` // otherwise. isTerminal() { return this._node.isTerminal(); } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper is a nonterminal node, `false` // otherwise. isNonterminal() { return this._node.isNonterminal(); } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper is a nonterminal node // corresponding to a syntactic rule, `false` otherwise. isSyntactic() { return this.isNonterminal() && this._node.isSyntactic(); } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper is a nonterminal node // corresponding to a lexical rule, `false` otherwise. isLexical() { return this.isNonterminal() && this._node.isLexical(); } // Returns `true` if the CST node associated with this wrapper is an iterator node // having either one or no child (? operator), `false` otherwise. // Otherwise, throws an exception. isOptional() { return this._node.isOptional(); } // Create a new _iter wrapper in the same semantics as this wrapper. iteration(optChildWrappers) { const childWrappers = optChildWrappers || []; const childNodes = childWrappers.map(c => c._node); const iter = new IterationNode(childNodes, [], -1, false); const wrapper = this._semantics.wrap(iter, null, null); wrapper._childWrappers = childWrappers; return wrapper; } // Returns an array containing the children of this CST node. get children() { return this._children(); } // Returns the name of grammar rule that created this CST node. get ctorName() { return this._node.ctorName; } // Returns the number of children of this CST node. get numChildren() { return this._node.numChildren(); } // Returns the contents of the input stream consumed by this CST node. get sourceString() { return this.source.contents; } } // ----------------- Semantics ----------------- // A Semantics is a container for a family of Operations and Attributes for a given grammar. // Semantics enable modularity (different clients of a grammar can create their set of operations // and attributes in isolation) and extensibility even when operations and attributes are mutually- // recursive. This constructor should not be called directly except from // `Semantics.createSemantics`. The normal ways to create a Semantics, given a grammar 'g', are // `g.createSemantics()` and `g.extendSemantics(parentSemantics)`. class Semantics { constructor(grammar, superSemantics) { const self = this; this.grammar = grammar; this.checkedActionDicts = false; // Constructor for wrapper instances, which are passed as the arguments to the semantic actions // of an operation or attribute. Operations and attributes require double dispatch: the semantic // action is chosen based on both the node's type and the semantics. Wrappers ensure that // the `execute` method is called with the correct (most specific) semantics object as an // argument. this.Wrapper = class extends (superSemantics ? superSemantics.Wrapper : Wrapper) { constructor(node, sourceInterval, baseInterval) { super(node, sourceInterval, baseInterval); self.checkActionDictsIfHaventAlready(); this._semantics = self; } toString() { return '[semantics wrapper for ' + self.grammar.name + ']'; } }; this.super = superSemantics; if (superSemantics) { if (!(grammar.equals(this.super.grammar) || grammar._inheritsFrom(this.super.grammar))) { throw new Error( "Cannot extend a semantics for grammar '" + this.super.grammar.name + "' for use with grammar '" + grammar.name + "' (not a sub-grammar)", ); } this.operations = Object.create(this.super.operations); this.attributes = Object.create(this.super.attributes); this.attributeKeys = Object.create(null); // Assign unique symbols for each of the attributes inherited from the super-semantics so that // they are memoized independently. // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const attributeName in this.attributes) { Object.defineProperty(this.attributeKeys, attributeName, { value: uniqueId(attributeName), }); } } else { this.operations = Object.create(null); this.attributes = Object.create(null); this.attributeKeys = Object.create(null); } } toString() { return '[semantics for ' + this.grammar.name + ']'; } checkActionDictsIfHaventAlready() { if (!this.checkedActionDicts) { this.checkActionDicts(); this.checkedActionDicts = true; } } // Checks that the action dictionaries for all operations and attributes in this semantics, // including the ones that were inherited from the super-semantics, agree with the grammar. // Throws an exception if one or more of them doesn't. checkActionDicts() { let name; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (name in this.operations) { this.operations[name].checkActionDict(this.grammar); } // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (name in this.attributes) { this.attributes[name].checkActionDict(this.grammar); } } toRecipe(semanticsOnly) { function hasSuperSemantics(s) { return s.super !== Semantics.BuiltInSemantics._getSemantics(); } let str = '(function(g) {\n'; if (hasSuperSemantics(this)) { str += ' var semantics = ' + this.super.toRecipe(true) + '(g'; const superSemanticsGrammar = this.super.grammar; let relatedGrammar = this.grammar; while (relatedGrammar !== superSemanticsGrammar) { str += '.superGrammar'; relatedGrammar = relatedGrammar.superGrammar; } str += ');\n'; str += ' return g.extendSemantics(semantics)'; } else { str += ' return g.createSemantics()'; } ['Operation', 'Attribute'].forEach(type => { const semanticOperations = this[type.toLowerCase() + 's']; Object.keys(semanticOperations).forEach(name => { const {actionDict, formals, builtInDefault} = semanticOperations[name]; let signature = name; if (formals.length > 0) { signature += '(' + formals.join(', ') + ')'; } let method; if (hasSuperSemantics(this) && this.super[type.toLowerCase() + 's'][name]) { method = 'extend' + type; } else { method = 'add' + type; } str += '\n .' + method + '(' + JSON.stringify(signature) + ', {'; const srcArray = []; Object.keys(actionDict).forEach(actionName => { if (actionDict[actionName] !== builtInDefault) { let source = actionDict[actionName].toString().trim(); // Convert method shorthand to plain old function syntax. // https://github.com/ohmjs/ohm/issues/263 source = source.replace(/^.*\(/, 'function('); srcArray.push('\n ' + JSON.stringify(actionName) + ': ' + source); } }); str += srcArray.join(',') + '\n })'; }); }); str += ';\n })'; if (!semanticsOnly) { str = '(function() {\n' + ' var grammar = this.fromRecipe(' + this.grammar.toRecipe() + ');\n' + ' var semantics = ' + str + '(grammar);\n' + ' return semantics;\n' + '});\n'; } return str; } addOperationOrAttribute(type, signature, actionDict) { const typePlural = type + 's'; const parsedNameAndFormalArgs = parseSignature(signature, type); const {name} = parsedNameAndFormalArgs; const {formals} = parsedNameAndFormalArgs; // TODO: check that there are no duplicate formal arguments this.assertNewName(name, type); // Create the action dictionary for this operation / attribute that contains a `_default` action // which defines the default behavior of iteration, terminal, and non-terminal nodes... const builtInDefault = newDefaultAction(type, name, doIt); const realActionDict = {_default: builtInDefault}; // ... and add in the actions supplied by the programmer, which may override some or all of the // default ones. Object.keys(actionDict).forEach(name => { realActionDict[name] = actionDict[name]; }); const entry = type === 'operation' ? new Operation(name, formals, realActionDict, builtInDefault) : new Attribute(name, realActionDict, builtInDefault); // The following check is not strictly necessary (it will happen later anyway) but it's better // to catch errors early. entry.checkActionDict(this.grammar); this[typePlural][name] = entry; function doIt(...args) { // Dispatch to most specific version of this operation / attribute -- it may have been // overridden by a sub-semantics. const thisThing = this._semantics[typePlural][name]; // Check that the caller passed the correct number of arguments. if (arguments.length !== thisThing.formals.length) { throw new Error( 'Invalid number of arguments passed to ' + name + ' ' + type + ' (expected ' + thisThing.formals.length + ', got ' + arguments.length + ')', ); } // Create an "arguments object" from the arguments that were passed to this // operation / attribute. const argsObj = Object.create(null); for (const [idx, val] of Object.entries(args)) { const formal = thisThing.formals[idx]; argsObj[formal] = val; } const oldArgs = this.args; this.args = argsObj; const ans = thisThing.execute(this._semantics, this); this.args = oldArgs; return ans; } if (type === 'operation') { this.Wrapper.prototype[name] = doIt; this.Wrapper.prototype[name].toString = function() { return '[' + name + ' operation]'; }; } else { Object.defineProperty(this.Wrapper.prototype, name, { get: doIt, configurable: true, // So the property can be deleted. }); Object.defineProperty(this.attributeKeys, name, { value: uniqueId(name), }); } } extendOperationOrAttribute(type, name, actionDict) { const typePlural = type + 's'; // Make sure that `name` really is just a name, i.e., that it doesn't also contain formals. parseSignature(name, 'attribute'); if (!(this.super && name in this.super[typePlural])) { throw new Error( 'Cannot extend ' + type + " '" + name + "': did not inherit an " + type + ' with that name', ); } if (hasOwnProperty(this[typePlural], name)) { throw new Error('Cannot extend ' + type + " '" + name + "' again"); } // Create a new operation / attribute whose actionDict delegates to the super operation / // attribute's actionDict, and which has all the keys from `inheritedActionDict`. const inheritedFormals = this[typePlural][name].formals; const inheritedActionDict = this[typePlural][name].actionDict; const newActionDict = Object.create(inheritedActionDict); Object.keys(actionDict).forEach(name => { newActionDict[name] = actionDict[name]; }); this[typePlural][name] = type === 'operation' ? new Operation(name, inheritedFormals, newActionDict) : new Attribute(name, newActionDict); // The following check is not strictly necessary (it will happen later anyway) but it's better // to catch errors early. this[typePlural][name].checkActionDict(this.grammar); } assertNewName(name, type) { if (hasOwnProperty(Wrapper.prototype, name)) { throw new Error('Cannot add ' + type + " '" + name + "': that's a reserved name"); } if (name in this.operations) { throw new Error( 'Cannot add ' + type + " '" + name + "': an operation with that name already exists", ); } if (name in this.attributes) { throw new Error( 'Cannot add ' + type + " '" + name + "': an attribute with that name already exists", ); } } // Returns a wrapper for the given CST `node` in this semantics. // If `node` is already a wrapper, returns `node` itself. // TODO: why is this needed? wrap(node, source, optBaseInterval) { const baseInterval = optBaseInterval || source; return node instanceof this.Wrapper ? node : new this.Wrapper(node, source, baseInterval); } } function parseSignature(signature, type) { if (!Semantics.prototypeGrammar) { // The Operations and Attributes grammar won't be available while Ohm is loading, // but we can get away the following simplification b/c none of the operations // that are used while loading take arguments. assert(signature.indexOf('(') === -1); return { name: signature, formals: [], }; } const r = Semantics.prototypeGrammar.match( signature, type === 'operation' ? 'OperationSignature' : 'AttributeSignature', ); if (r.failed()) { throw new Error(r.message); } return Semantics.prototypeGrammarSemantics(r).parse(); } function newDefaultAction(type, name, doIt) { return function(...children) { const thisThing = this._semantics.operations[name] || this._semantics.attributes[name]; const args = thisThing.formals.map(formal => this.args[formal]); if (!this.isIteration() && children.length === 1) { // This CST node corresponds to a non-terminal in the grammar (e.g., AddExpr). The fact that // we got here means that this action dictionary doesn't have an action for this particular // non-terminal or a generic `_nonterminal` action. // As a convenience, if this node only has one child, we just return the result of applying // this operation / attribute to the child node. return doIt.apply(children[0], args); } else { // Otherwise, we throw an exception to let the programmer know that we don't know what // to do with this node. throw missingSemanticAction(this.ctorName, name, type, globalActionStack); } }; } // Creates a new Semantics instance for `grammar`, inheriting operations and attributes from // `optSuperSemantics`, if it is specified. Returns a function that acts as a proxy for the new // Semantics instance. When that function is invoked with a CST node as an argument, it returns // a wrapper for that node which gives access to the operations and attributes provided by this // semantics. Semantics.createSemantics = function(grammar, optSuperSemantics) { const s = new Semantics( grammar, optSuperSemantics !== undefined ? optSuperSemantics : Semantics.BuiltInSemantics._getSemantics(), ); // To enable clients to invoke a semantics like a function, return a function that acts as a proxy // for `s`, which is the real `Semantics` instance. const proxy = function ASemantics(matchResult) { if (!(matchResult instanceof MatchResult)) { throw new TypeError( 'Semantics expected a MatchResult, but got ' + unexpectedObjToString(matchResult), ); } if (matchResult.failed()) { throw new TypeError('cannot apply Semantics to ' + matchResult.toString()); } const cst = matchResult._cst; if (cst.grammar !== grammar) { throw new Error( "Cannot use a MatchResult from grammar '" + cst.grammar.name + "' with a semantics for '" + grammar.name + "'", ); } const inputStream = new InputStream(matchResult.input); return s.wrap(cst, inputStream.interval(matchResult._cstOffset, matchResult.input.length)); }; // Forward public methods from the proxy to the semantics instance. proxy.addOperation = function(signature, actionDict) { s.addOperationOrAttribute('operation', signature, actionDict); return proxy; }; proxy.extendOperation = function(name, actionDict) { s.extendOperationOrAttribute('operation', name, actionDict); return proxy; }; proxy.addAttribute = function(name, actionDict) { s.addOperationOrAttribute('attribute', name, actionDict); return proxy; }; proxy.extendAttribute = function(name, actionDict) { s.extendOperationOrAttribute('attribute', name, actionDict); return proxy; }; proxy._getActionDict = function(operationOrAttributeName) { const action = s.operations[operationOrAttributeName] || s.attributes[operationOrAttributeName]; if (!action) { throw new Error( '"' + operationOrAttributeName + '" is not a valid operation or attribute ' + 'name in this semantics for "' + grammar.name + '"', ); } return action.actionDict; }; proxy._remove = function(operationOrAttributeName) { let semantic; if (operationOrAttributeName in s.operations) { semantic = s.operations[operationOrAttributeName]; delete s.operations[operationOrAttributeName]; } else if (operationOrAttributeName in s.attributes) { semantic = s.attributes[operationOrAttributeName]; delete s.attributes[operationOrAttributeName]; } delete s.Wrapper.prototype[operationOrAttributeName]; return semantic; }; proxy.getOperationNames = function() { return Object.keys(s.operations); }; proxy.getAttributeNames = function() { return Object.keys(s.attributes); }; proxy.getGrammar = function() { return s.grammar; }; proxy.toRecipe = function(semanticsOnly) { return s.toRecipe(semanticsOnly); }; // Make the proxy's toString() work. proxy.toString = s.toString.bind(s); // Returns the semantics for the proxy. proxy._getSemantics = function() { return s; }; return proxy; }; // ----------------- Operation ----------------- // An Operation represents a function to be applied to a concrete syntax tree (CST) -- it's very // similar to a Visitor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern). An operation is executed by // recursively walking the CST, and at each node, invoking the matching semantic action from // `actionDict`. See `Operation.prototype.execute` for details of how a CST node's matching semantic // action is found. class Operation { constructor(name, formals, actionDict, builtInDefault) { this.name = name; this.formals = formals; this.actionDict = actionDict; this.builtInDefault = builtInDefault; } checkActionDict(grammar) { grammar._checkTopDownActionDict(this.typeName, this.name, this.actionDict); } // Execute this operation on the CST node associated with `nodeWrapper` in the context of the // given Semantics instance. execute(semantics, nodeWrapper) { try { // Look for a semantic action whose name matches the node's constructor name, which is either // the name of a rule in the grammar, or '_terminal' (for a terminal node), or '_iter' (for an // iteration node). const {ctorName} = nodeWrapper._node; let actionFn = this.actionDict[ctorName]; if (actionFn) { globalActionStack.push([this, ctorName]); return actionFn.apply(nodeWrapper, nodeWrapper._children()); } // The action dictionary does not contain a semantic action for this specific type of node. // If this is a nonterminal node and the programmer has provided a `_nonterminal` semantic // action, we invoke it: if (nodeWrapper.isNonterminal()) { actionFn = this.actionDict._nonterminal; if (actionFn) { globalActionStack.push([this, '_nonterminal', ctorName]); return actionFn.apply(nodeWrapper, nodeWrapper._children()); } } // Otherwise, we invoke the '_default' semantic action. globalActionStack.push([this, 'default action', ctorName]); return this.actionDict._default.apply(nodeWrapper, nodeWrapper._children()); } finally { globalActionStack.pop(); } } } Operation.prototype.typeName = 'operation'; // ----------------- Attribute ----------------- // Attributes are Operations whose results are memoized. This means that, for any given semantics, // the semantic action for a CST node will be invoked no more than once. class Attribute extends Operation { constructor(name, actionDict, builtInDefault) { super(name, [], actionDict, builtInDefault); } execute(semantics, nodeWrapper) { const node = nodeWrapper._node; const key = semantics.attributeKeys[this.name]; if (!hasOwnProperty(node, key)) { // The following is a super-send -- isn't JS beautiful? :/ node[key] = Operation.prototype.execute.call(this, semantics, nodeWrapper); } return node[key]; } } Attribute.prototype.typeName = 'attribute'; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const SPECIAL_ACTION_NAMES = ['_iter', '_terminal', '_nonterminal', '_default']; function getSortedRuleValues(grammar) { return Object.keys(grammar.rules) .sort() .map(name => grammar.rules[name]); } // Until ES2019, JSON was not a valid subset of JavaScript because U+2028 (line separator) // and U+2029 (paragraph separator) are allowed in JSON string literals, but not in JS. // This function properly encodes those two characters so that the resulting string is // represents both valid JSON, and valid JavaScript (for ES2018 and below). // See https://v8.dev/features/subsume-json for more details. const jsonToJS = str => str.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028').replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029'); let ohmGrammar$1; let buildGrammar$1; class Grammar { constructor(name, superGrammar, rules, optDefaultStartRule) { this.name = name; this.superGrammar = superGrammar; this.rules = rules; if (optDefaultStartRule) { if (!(optDefaultStartRule in rules)) { throw new Error( "Invalid start rule: '" + optDefaultStartRule + "' is not a rule in grammar '" + name + "'", ); } this.defaultStartRule = optDefaultStartRule; } this._matchStateInitializer = undefined; this.supportsIncrementalParsing = true; } matcher() { return new Matcher(this); } // Return true if the grammar is a built-in grammar, otherwise false. // NOTE: This might give an unexpected result if called before BuiltInRules is defined! isBuiltIn() { return this === Grammar.ProtoBuiltInRules || this === Grammar.BuiltInRules; } equals(g) { if (this === g) { return true; } // Do the cheapest comparisons first. if ( g == null || this.name !== g.name || this.defaultStartRule !== g.defaultStartRule || !(this.superGrammar === g.superGrammar || this.superGrammar.equals(g.superGrammar)) ) { return false; } const myRules = getSortedRuleValues(this); const otherRules = getSortedRuleValues(g); return ( myRules.length === otherRules.length && myRules.every((rule, i) => { return ( rule.description === otherRules[i].description && rule.formals.join(',') === otherRules[i].formals.join(',') && rule.body.toString() === otherRules[i].body.toString() ); }) ); } match(input, optStartApplication) { const m = this.matcher(); m.replaceInputRange(0, 0, input); return m.match(optStartApplication); } trace(input, optStartApplication) { const m = this.matcher(); m.replaceInputRange(0, 0, input); return m.trace(optStartApplication); } createSemantics() { return Semantics.createSemantics(this); } extendSemantics(superSemantics) { return Semantics.createSemantics(this, superSemantics._getSemantics()); } // Check that every key in `actionDict` corresponds to a semantic action, and that it maps to // a function of the correct arity. If not, throw an exception. _checkTopDownActionDict(what, name, actionDict) { const problems = []; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const k in actionDict) { const v = actionDict[k]; const isSpecialAction = SPECIAL_ACTION_NAMES.includes(k); if (!isSpecialAction && !(k in this.rules)) { problems.push(`'${k}' is not a valid semantic action for '${this.name}'`); continue; } if (typeof v !== 'function') { problems.push(`'${k}' must be a function in an action dictionary for '${this.name}'`); continue; } const actual = v.length; const expected = this._topDownActionArity(k); if (actual !== expected) { let details; if (k === '_iter' || k === '_nonterminal') { details = `it should use a rest parameter, e.g. \`${k}(...children) {}\`. ` + 'NOTE: this is new in Ohm v16 — see https://ohmjs.org/d/ati for details.'; } else { details = `expected ${expected}, got ${actual}`; } problems.push(`Semantic action '${k}' has the wrong arity: ${details}`); } } if (problems.length > 0) { const prettyProblems = problems.map(problem => '- ' + problem); const error = new Error( [ `Found errors in the action dictionary of the '${name}' ${what}:`, ...prettyProblems, ].join('\n'), ); error.problems = problems; throw error; } } // Return the expected arity for a semantic action named `actionName`, which // is either a rule name or a special action name like '_nonterminal'. _topDownActionArity(actionName) { // All special actions have an expected arity of 0, though all but _terminal // are expected to use the rest parameter syntax (e.g. `_iter(...children)`). // This is considered to have arity 0, i.e. `((...args) => {}).length` is 0. return SPECIAL_ACTION_NAMES.includes(actionName) ? 0 : this.rules[actionName].body.getArity(); } _inheritsFrom(grammar) { let g = this.superGrammar; while (g) { if (g.equals(grammar, true)) { return true; } g = g.superGrammar; } return false; } toRecipe(superGrammarExpr = undefined) { const metaInfo = {}; // Include the grammar source if it is available. if (this.source) { metaInfo.source = this.source.contents; } let startRule = null; if (this.defaultStartRule) { startRule = this.defaultStartRule; } const rules = {}; Object.keys(this.rules).forEach(ruleName => { const ruleInfo = this.rules[ruleName]; const {body} = ruleInfo; const isDefinition = !this.superGrammar || !this.superGrammar.rules[ruleName]; let operation; if (isDefinition) { operation = 'define'; } else { operation = body instanceof Extend ? 'extend' : 'override'; } const metaInfo = {}; if (ruleInfo.source && this.source) { const adjusted = ruleInfo.source.relativeTo(this.source); metaInfo.sourceInterval = [adjusted.startIdx, adjusted.endIdx]; } const description = isDefinition ? ruleInfo.description : null; const bodyRecipe = body.outputRecipe(ruleInfo.formals, this.source); rules[ruleName] = [ operation, // "define"/"extend"/"override" metaInfo, description, ruleInfo.formals, bodyRecipe, ]; }); // If the caller provided an expression to use for the supergrammar, use that. // Otherwise, if the supergrammar is a user grammar, use its recipe inline. let superGrammarOutput = 'null'; if (superGrammarExpr) { superGrammarOutput = superGrammarExpr; } else if (this.superGrammar && !this.superGrammar.isBuiltIn()) { superGrammarOutput = this.superGrammar.toRecipe(); } const recipeElements = [ ...['grammar', metaInfo, this.name].map(JSON.stringify), superGrammarOutput, ...[startRule, rules].map(JSON.stringify), ]; return jsonToJS(`[${recipeElements.join(',')}]`); } // TODO: Come up with better names for these methods. // TODO: Write the analog of these methods for inherited attributes. toOperationActionDictionaryTemplate() { return this._toOperationOrAttributeActionDictionaryTemplate(); } toAttributeActionDictionaryTemplate() { return this._toOperationOrAttributeActionDictionaryTemplate(); } _toOperationOrAttributeActionDictionaryTemplate() { // TODO: add the super-grammar's templates at the right place, e.g., a case for AddExpr_plus // should appear next to other cases of AddExpr. const sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append('{'); let first = true; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const ruleName in this.rules) { const {body} = this.rules[ruleName]; if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(','); } sb.append('\n'); sb.append(' '); this.addSemanticActionTemplate(ruleName, body, sb); } sb.append('\n}'); return sb.contents(); } addSemanticActionTemplate(ruleName, body, sb) { sb.append(ruleName); sb.append(': function('); const arity = this._topDownActionArity(ruleName); sb.append(repeat('_', arity).join(', ')); sb.append(') {\n'); sb.append(' }'); } // Parse a string which expresses a rule application in this grammar, and return the // resulting Apply node. parseApplication(str) { let app; if (str.indexOf('<') === -1) { // simple application app = new Apply(str); } else { // parameterized application const cst = ohmGrammar$1.match(str, 'Base_application'); app = buildGrammar$1(cst, {}); } // Ensure that the application is valid. if (!(app.ruleName in this.rules)) { throw undeclaredRule(app.ruleName, this.name); } const {formals} = this.rules[app.ruleName]; if (formals.length !== app.args.length) { const {source} = this.rules[app.ruleName]; throw wrongNumberOfParameters( app.ruleName, formals.length, app.args.length, source, ); } return app; } _setUpMatchState(state) { if (this._matchStateInitializer) { this._matchStateInitializer(state); } } } // The following grammar contains a few rules that couldn't be written in "userland". // At the bottom of src/main.js, we create a sub-grammar of this grammar that's called // `BuiltInRules`. That grammar contains several convenience rules, e.g., `letter` and // `digit`, and is implicitly the super-grammar of any grammar whose super-grammar // isn't specified. Grammar.ProtoBuiltInRules = new Grammar( 'ProtoBuiltInRules', // name undefined, // supergrammar { any: { body: any, formals: [], description: 'any character', primitive: true, }, end: { body: end, formals: [], description: 'end of input', primitive: true, }, caseInsensitive: { body: new CaseInsensitiveTerminal(new Param(0)), formals: ['str'], primitive: true, }, lower: { body: new UnicodeChar('Ll'), formals: [], description: 'a lowercase letter', primitive: true, }, upper: { body: new UnicodeChar('Lu'), formals: [], description: 'an uppercase letter', primitive: true, }, // Union of Lt (titlecase), Lm (modifier), and Lo (other), i.e. any letter not in Ll or Lu. unicodeLtmo: { body: new UnicodeChar('Ltmo'), formals: [], description: 'a Unicode character in Lt, Lm, or Lo', primitive: true, }, // These rules are not truly primitive (they could be written in userland) but are defined // here for bootstrapping purposes. spaces: { body: new Star(new Apply('space')), formals: [], }, space: { body: new Range('\x00', ' '), formals: [], description: 'a space', }, }, ); // This method is called from main.js once Ohm has loaded. Grammar.initApplicationParser = function(grammar, builderFn) { ohmGrammar$1 = grammar; buildGrammar$1 = builderFn; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors class GrammarDecl { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } // Helpers sourceInterval(startIdx, endIdx) { return this.source.subInterval(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx); } ensureSuperGrammar() { if (!this.superGrammar) { this.withSuperGrammar( // TODO: The conditional expression below is an ugly hack. It's kind of ok because // I doubt anyone will ever try to declare a grammar called `BuiltInRules`. Still, // we should try to find a better way to do this. this.name === 'BuiltInRules' ? Grammar.ProtoBuiltInRules : Grammar.BuiltInRules, ); } return this.superGrammar; } ensureSuperGrammarRuleForOverriding(name, source) { const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; if (!ruleInfo) { throw cannotOverrideUndeclaredRule(name, this.superGrammar.name, source); } return ruleInfo; } installOverriddenOrExtendedRule(name, formals, body, source) { const duplicateParameterNames$1 = getDuplicates(formals); if (duplicateParameterNames$1.length > 0) { throw duplicateParameterNames(name, duplicateParameterNames$1, source); } const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; const expectedFormals = ruleInfo.formals; const expectedNumFormals = expectedFormals ? expectedFormals.length : 0; if (formals.length !== expectedNumFormals) { throw wrongNumberOfParameters(name, expectedNumFormals, formals.length, source); } return this.install(name, formals, body, ruleInfo.description, source); } install(name, formals, body, description, source, primitive = false) { this.rules[name] = { body: body.introduceParams(formals), formals, description, source, primitive, }; return this; } // Stuff that you should only do once withSuperGrammar(superGrammar) { if (this.superGrammar) { throw new Error('the super grammar of a GrammarDecl cannot be set more than once'); } this.superGrammar = superGrammar; this.rules = Object.create(superGrammar.rules); // Grammars with an explicit supergrammar inherit a default start rule. if (!superGrammar.isBuiltIn()) { this.defaultStartRule = superGrammar.defaultStartRule; } return this; } withDefaultStartRule(ruleName) { this.defaultStartRule = ruleName; return this; } withSource(source) { this.source = new InputStream(source).interval(0, source.length); return this; } // Creates a Grammar instance, and if it passes the sanity checks, returns it. build() { const grammar = new Grammar( this.name, this.ensureSuperGrammar(), this.rules, this.defaultStartRule, ); // Initialize internal props that are inherited from the super grammar. grammar._matchStateInitializer = grammar.superGrammar._matchStateInitializer; grammar.supportsIncrementalParsing = grammar.superGrammar.supportsIncrementalParsing; // TODO: change the pexpr.prototype.assert... methods to make them add // exceptions to an array that's provided as an arg. Then we'll be able to // show more than one error of the same type at a time. // TODO: include the offending pexpr in the errors, that way we can show // the part of the source that caused it. const grammarErrors = []; let grammarHasInvalidApplications = false; Object.keys(grammar.rules).forEach(ruleName => { const {body} = grammar.rules[ruleName]; try { body.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); } try { body.assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); grammarHasInvalidApplications = true; } }); if (!grammarHasInvalidApplications) { // The following check can only be done if the grammar has no invalid applications. Object.keys(grammar.rules).forEach(ruleName => { const {body} = grammar.rules[ruleName]; try { body.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar, []); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); } }); } if (grammarErrors.length > 0) { throwErrors(grammarErrors); } if (this.source) { grammar.source = this.source; } return grammar; } // Rule declarations define(name, formals, body, description, source, primitive) { this.ensureSuperGrammar(); if (this.superGrammar.rules[name]) { throw duplicateRuleDeclaration(name, this.name, this.superGrammar.name, source); } else if (this.rules[name]) { throw duplicateRuleDeclaration(name, this.name, this.name, source); } const duplicateParameterNames$1 = getDuplicates(formals); if (duplicateParameterNames$1.length > 0) { throw duplicateParameterNames(name, duplicateParameterNames$1, source); } return this.install(name, formals, body, description, source, primitive); } override(name, formals, body, descIgnored, source) { this.ensureSuperGrammarRuleForOverriding(name, source); this.installOverriddenOrExtendedRule(name, formals, body, source); return this; } extend(name, formals, fragment, descIgnored, source) { const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; if (!ruleInfo) { throw cannotExtendUndeclaredRule(name, this.superGrammar.name, source); } const body = new Extend(this.superGrammar, name, fragment); body.source = fragment.source; this.installOverriddenOrExtendedRule(name, formals, body, source); return this; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Builder { constructor() { this.currentDecl = null; this.currentRuleName = null; } newGrammar(name) { return new GrammarDecl(name); } grammar(metaInfo, name, superGrammar, defaultStartRule, rules) { const gDecl = new GrammarDecl(name); if (superGrammar) { // `superGrammar` may be a recipe (i.e. an Array), or an actual grammar instance. gDecl.withSuperGrammar( superGrammar instanceof Grammar ? superGrammar : this.fromRecipe(superGrammar), ); } if (defaultStartRule) { gDecl.withDefaultStartRule(defaultStartRule); } if (metaInfo && metaInfo.source) { gDecl.withSource(metaInfo.source); } this.currentDecl = gDecl; Object.keys(rules).forEach(ruleName => { this.currentRuleName = ruleName; const ruleRecipe = rules[ruleName]; const action = ruleRecipe[0]; // define/extend/override const metaInfo = ruleRecipe[1]; const description = ruleRecipe[2]; const formals = ruleRecipe[3]; const body = this.fromRecipe(ruleRecipe[4]); let source; if (gDecl.source && metaInfo && metaInfo.sourceInterval) { source = gDecl.source.subInterval( metaInfo.sourceInterval[0], metaInfo.sourceInterval[1] - metaInfo.sourceInterval[0], ); } gDecl[action](ruleName, formals, body, description, source); }); this.currentRuleName = this.currentDecl = null; return gDecl.build(); } terminal(x) { return new Terminal(x); } range(from, to) { return new Range(from, to); } param(index) { return new Param(index); } alt(...termArgs) { let terms = []; for (let arg of termArgs) { if (!(arg instanceof PExpr)) { arg = this.fromRecipe(arg); } if (arg instanceof Alt) { terms = terms.concat(arg.terms); } else { terms.push(arg); } } return terms.length === 1 ? terms[0] : new Alt(terms); } seq(...factorArgs) { let factors = []; for (let arg of factorArgs) { if (!(arg instanceof PExpr)) { arg = this.fromRecipe(arg); } if (arg instanceof Seq) { factors = factors.concat(arg.factors); } else { factors.push(arg); } } return factors.length === 1 ? factors[0] : new Seq(factors); } star(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Star(expr); } plus(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Plus(expr); } opt(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Opt(expr); } not(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Not(expr); } lookahead(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Lookahead(expr); } lex(expr) { if (!(expr instanceof PExpr)) { expr = this.fromRecipe(expr); } return new Lex(expr); } app(ruleName, optParams) { if (optParams && optParams.length > 0) { optParams = optParams.map(function(param) { return param instanceof PExpr ? param : this.fromRecipe(param); }, this); } return new Apply(ruleName, optParams); } // Note that unlike other methods in this class, this method cannot be used as a // convenience constructor. It only works with recipes, because it relies on // `this.currentDecl` and `this.currentRuleName` being set. splice(beforeTerms, afterTerms) { return new Splice( this.currentDecl.superGrammar, this.currentRuleName, beforeTerms.map(term => this.fromRecipe(term)), afterTerms.map(term => this.fromRecipe(term)), ); } fromRecipe(recipe) { // the meta-info of 'grammar' is processed in Builder.grammar const args = recipe[0] === 'grammar' ? recipe.slice(1) : recipe.slice(2); const result = this[recipe[0]](...args); const metaInfo = recipe[1]; if (metaInfo) { if (metaInfo.sourceInterval && this.currentDecl) { result.withSource(this.currentDecl.sourceInterval(...metaInfo.sourceInterval)); } } return result; } } function makeRecipe(recipe) { if (typeof recipe === 'function') { return recipe.call(new Builder()); } else { if (typeof recipe === 'string') { // stringified JSON recipe recipe = JSON.parse(recipe); } return new Builder().fromRecipe(recipe); } } var BuiltInRules = makeRecipe(["grammar",{"source":"BuiltInRules {\n\n alnum (an alpha-numeric character)\n = letter\n | digit\n\n letter (a letter)\n = lower\n | upper\n | unicodeLtmo\n\n digit (a digit)\n = \"0\"..\"9\"\n\n hexDigit (a hexadecimal digit)\n = digit\n | \"a\"..\"f\"\n | \"A\"..\"F\"\n\n ListOf\n = NonemptyListOf\n | EmptyListOf\n\n NonemptyListOf\n = elem (sep elem)*\n\n EmptyListOf\n = /* nothing */\n\n listOf\n = nonemptyListOf\n | emptyListOf\n\n nonemptyListOf\n = elem (sep elem)*\n\n emptyListOf\n = /* nothing */\n\n // Allows a syntactic rule application within a lexical context.\n applySyntactic = app\n}"},"BuiltInRules",null,null,{"alnum":["define",{"sourceInterval":[18,78]},"an alpha-numeric character",[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[60,78]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[60,66]},"letter",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[73,78]},"digit",[]]]],"letter":["define",{"sourceInterval":[82,142]},"a letter",[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[107,142]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[107,112]},"lower",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[119,124]},"upper",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[131,142]},"unicodeLtmo",[]]]],"digit":["define",{"sourceInterval":[146,177]},"a digit",[],["range",{"sourceInterval":[169,177]},"0","9"]],"hexDigit":["define",{"sourceInterval":[181,254]},"a hexadecimal digit",[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[219,254]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[219,224]},"digit",[]],["range",{"sourceInterval":[231,239]},"a","f"],["range",{"sourceInterval":[246,254]},"A","F"]]],"ListOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[258,336]},null,["elem","sep"],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[282,336]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[282,307]},"NonemptyListOf",[["param",{"sourceInterval":[297,301]},0],["param",{"sourceInterval":[303,306]},1]]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[314,336]},"EmptyListOf",[["param",{"sourceInterval":[326,330]},0],["param",{"sourceInterval":[332,335]},1]]]]],"NonemptyListOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[340,388]},null,["elem","sep"],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[372,388]},["param",{"sourceInterval":[372,376]},0],["star",{"sourceInterval":[377,388]},["seq",{"sourceInterval":[378,386]},["param",{"sourceInterval":[378,381]},1],["param",{"sourceInterval":[382,386]},0]]]]],"EmptyListOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[392,434]},null,["elem","sep"],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[438,438]}]],"listOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[438,516]},null,["elem","sep"],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[462,516]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[462,487]},"nonemptyListOf",[["param",{"sourceInterval":[477,481]},0],["param",{"sourceInterval":[483,486]},1]]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[494,516]},"emptyListOf",[["param",{"sourceInterval":[506,510]},0],["param",{"sourceInterval":[512,515]},1]]]]],"nonemptyListOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[520,568]},null,["elem","sep"],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[552,568]},["param",{"sourceInterval":[552,556]},0],["star",{"sourceInterval":[557,568]},["seq",{"sourceInterval":[558,566]},["param",{"sourceInterval":[558,561]},1],["param",{"sourceInterval":[562,566]},0]]]]],"emptyListOf":["define",{"sourceInterval":[572,682]},null,["elem","sep"],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[685,685]}]],"applySyntactic":["define",{"sourceInterval":[685,710]},null,["app"],["param",{"sourceInterval":[707,710]},0]]}]); Grammar.BuiltInRules = BuiltInRules; announceBuiltInRules(Grammar.BuiltInRules); var ohmGrammar = makeRecipe(["grammar",{"source":"Ohm {\n\n Grammars\n = Grammar*\n\n Grammar\n = ident SuperGrammar? \"{\" Rule* \"}\"\n\n SuperGrammar\n = \"<:\" ident\n\n Rule\n = ident Formals? ruleDescr? \"=\" RuleBody -- define\n | ident Formals? \":=\" OverrideRuleBody -- override\n | ident Formals? \"+=\" RuleBody -- extend\n\n RuleBody\n = \"|\"? NonemptyListOf\n\n TopLevelTerm\n = Seq caseName -- inline\n | Seq\n\n OverrideRuleBody\n = \"|\"? NonemptyListOf\n\n OverrideTopLevelTerm\n = \"...\" -- superSplice\n | TopLevelTerm\n\n Formals\n = \"<\" ListOf \">\"\n\n Params\n = \"<\" ListOf \">\"\n\n Alt\n = NonemptyListOf\n\n Seq\n = Iter*\n\n Iter\n = Pred \"*\" -- star\n | Pred \"+\" -- plus\n | Pred \"?\" -- opt\n | Pred\n\n Pred\n = \"~\" Lex -- not\n | \"&\" Lex -- lookahead\n | Lex\n\n Lex\n = \"#\" Base -- lex\n | Base\n\n Base\n = ident Params? ~(ruleDescr? \"=\" | \":=\" | \"+=\") -- application\n | oneCharTerminal \"..\" oneCharTerminal -- range\n | terminal -- terminal\n | \"(\" Alt \")\" -- paren\n\n ruleDescr (a rule description)\n = \"(\" ruleDescrText \")\"\n\n ruleDescrText\n = (~\")\" any)*\n\n caseName\n = \"--\" (~\"\\n\" space)* name (~\"\\n\" space)* (\"\\n\" | &\"}\")\n\n name (a name)\n = nameFirst nameRest*\n\n nameFirst\n = \"_\"\n | letter\n\n nameRest\n = \"_\"\n | alnum\n\n ident (an identifier)\n = name\n\n terminal\n = \"\\\"\" terminalChar* \"\\\"\"\n\n oneCharTerminal\n = \"\\\"\" terminalChar \"\\\"\"\n\n terminalChar\n = escapeChar\n | ~\"\\\\\" ~\"\\\"\" ~\"\\n\" \"\\u{0}\"..\"\\u{10FFFF}\"\n\n escapeChar (an escape sequence)\n = \"\\\\\\\\\" -- backslash\n | \"\\\\\\\"\" -- doubleQuote\n | \"\\\\\\'\" -- singleQuote\n | \"\\\\b\" -- backspace\n | \"\\\\n\" -- lineFeed\n | \"\\\\r\" -- carriageReturn\n | \"\\\\t\" -- tab\n | \"\\\\u{\" hexDigit hexDigit? hexDigit?\n hexDigit? hexDigit? hexDigit? \"}\" -- unicodeCodePoint\n | \"\\\\u\" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit -- unicodeEscape\n | \"\\\\x\" hexDigit hexDigit -- hexEscape\n\n space\n += comment\n\n comment\n = \"//\" (~\"\\n\" any)* &(\"\\n\" | end) -- singleLine\n | \"/*\" (~\"*/\" any)* \"*/\" -- multiLine\n\n tokens = token*\n\n token = caseName | comment | ident | operator | punctuation | terminal | any\n\n operator = \"<:\" | \"=\" | \":=\" | \"+=\" | \"*\" | \"+\" | \"?\" | \"~\" | \"&\"\n\n punctuation = \"<\" | \">\" | \",\" | \"--\"\n}"},"Ohm",null,"Grammars",{"Grammars":["define",{"sourceInterval":[9,32]},null,[],["star",{"sourceInterval":[24,32]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[24,31]},"Grammar",[]]]],"Grammar":["define",{"sourceInterval":[36,83]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[50,83]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[50,55]},"ident",[]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[56,69]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[56,68]},"SuperGrammar",[]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[70,73]},"{"],["star",{"sourceInterval":[74,79]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[74,78]},"Rule",[]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[80,83]},"}"]]],"SuperGrammar":["define",{"sourceInterval":[87,116]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[106,116]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[106,110]},"<:"],["app",{"sourceInterval":[111,116]},"ident",[]]]],"Rule_define":["define",{"sourceInterval":[131,181]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[131,170]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[131,136]},"ident",[]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[137,145]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[137,144]},"Formals",[]]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[146,156]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[146,155]},"ruleDescr",[]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[157,160]},"="],["app",{"sourceInterval":[162,170]},"RuleBody",[]]]],"Rule_override":["define",{"sourceInterval":[188,248]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[188,235]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[188,193]},"ident",[]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[194,202]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[194,201]},"Formals",[]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[214,218]},":="],["app",{"sourceInterval":[219,235]},"OverrideRuleBody",[]]]],"Rule_extend":["define",{"sourceInterval":[255,305]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[255,294]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[255,260]},"ident",[]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[261,269]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[261,268]},"Formals",[]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[281,285]},"+="],["app",{"sourceInterval":[286,294]},"RuleBody",[]]]],"Rule":["define",{"sourceInterval":[120,305]},null,[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[131,305]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[131,170]},"Rule_define",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[188,235]},"Rule_override",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[255,294]},"Rule_extend",[]]]],"RuleBody":["define",{"sourceInterval":[309,362]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[324,362]},["opt",{"sourceInterval":[324,328]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[324,327]},"|"]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[329,362]},"NonemptyListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[344,356]},"TopLevelTerm",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[358,361]},"|"]]]]],"TopLevelTerm_inline":["define",{"sourceInterval":[385,408]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[385,397]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[385,388]},"Seq",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[389,397]},"caseName",[]]]],"TopLevelTerm":["define",{"sourceInterval":[366,418]},null,[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[385,418]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[385,397]},"TopLevelTerm_inline",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[415,418]},"Seq",[]]]],"OverrideRuleBody":["define",{"sourceInterval":[422,491]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[445,491]},["opt",{"sourceInterval":[445,449]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[445,448]},"|"]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[450,491]},"NonemptyListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[465,485]},"OverrideTopLevelTerm",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[487,490]},"|"]]]]],"OverrideTopLevelTerm_superSplice":["define",{"sourceInterval":[522,543]},null,[],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[522,527]},"..."]],"OverrideTopLevelTerm":["define",{"sourceInterval":[495,562]},null,[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[522,562]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[522,527]},"OverrideTopLevelTerm_superSplice",[]],["app",{"sourceInterval":[550,562]},"TopLevelTerm",[]]]],"Formals":["define",{"sourceInterval":[566,606]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[580,606]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[580,583]},"<"],["app",{"sourceInterval":[584,602]},"ListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[591,596]},"ident",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[598,601]},","]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[603,606]},">"]]],"Params":["define",{"sourceInterval":[610,647]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[623,647]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[623,626]},"<"],["app",{"sourceInterval":[627,643]},"ListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[634,637]},"Seq",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[639,642]},","]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[644,647]},">"]]],"Alt":["define",{"sourceInterval":[651,685]},null,[],["app",{"sourceInterval":[661,685]},"NonemptyListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[676,679]},"Seq",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[681,684]},"|"]]]],"Seq":["define",{"sourceInterval":[689,704]},null,[],["star",{"sourceInterval":[699,704]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[699,703]},"Iter",[]]]],"Iter_star":["define",{"sourceInterval":[719,736]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[719,727]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[719,723]},"Pred",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[724,727]},"*"]]],"Iter_plus":["define",{"sourceInterval":[743,760]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[743,751]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[743,747]},"Pred",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[748,751]},"+"]]],"Iter_opt":["define",{"sourceInterval":[76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const superSplicePlaceholder = Object.create(PExpr.prototype); function namespaceHas(ns, name) { // Look for an enumerable property, anywhere in the prototype chain. for (const prop in ns) { if (prop === name) return true; } return false; } // Returns a Grammar instance (i.e., an object with a `match` method) for // `tree`, which is the concrete syntax tree of a user-written grammar. // The grammar will be assigned into `namespace` under the name of the grammar // as specified in the source. function buildGrammar(match, namespace, optOhmGrammarForTesting) { const builder = new Builder(); let decl; let currentRuleName; let currentRuleFormals; let overriding = false; const metaGrammar = optOhmGrammarForTesting || ohmGrammar; // A visitor that produces a Grammar instance from the CST. const helpers = metaGrammar.createSemantics().addOperation('visit', { Grammars(grammarIter) { return grammarIter.children.map(c => c.visit()); }, Grammar(id, s, _open, rules, _close) { const grammarName = id.visit(); decl = builder.newGrammar(grammarName); s.child(0) && s.child(0).visit(); rules.children.map(c => c.visit()); const g = decl.build(); g.source = this.source.trimmed(); if (namespaceHas(namespace, grammarName)) { throw duplicateGrammarDeclaration(g); } namespace[grammarName] = g; return g; }, SuperGrammar(_, n) { const superGrammarName = n.visit(); if (superGrammarName === 'null') { decl.withSuperGrammar(null); } else { if (!namespace || !namespaceHas(namespace, superGrammarName)) { throw undeclaredGrammar(superGrammarName, namespace, n.source); } decl.withSuperGrammar(namespace[superGrammarName]); } }, Rule_define(n, fs, d, _, b) { currentRuleName = n.visit(); currentRuleFormals = fs.children.map(c => c.visit())[0] || []; // If there is no default start rule yet, set it now. This must be done before visiting // the body, because it might contain an inline rule definition. if (!decl.defaultStartRule && decl.ensureSuperGrammar() !== Grammar.ProtoBuiltInRules) { decl.withDefaultStartRule(currentRuleName); } const body = b.visit(); const description = d.children.map(c => c.visit())[0]; const source = this.source.trimmed(); return decl.define(currentRuleName, currentRuleFormals, body, description, source); }, Rule_override(n, fs, _, b) { currentRuleName = n.visit(); currentRuleFormals = fs.children.map(c => c.visit())[0] || []; const source = this.source.trimmed(); decl.ensureSuperGrammarRuleForOverriding(currentRuleName, source); overriding = true; const body = b.visit(); overriding = false; return decl.override(currentRuleName, currentRuleFormals, body, null, source); }, Rule_extend(n, fs, _, b) { currentRuleName = n.visit(); currentRuleFormals = fs.children.map(c => c.visit())[0] || []; const body = b.visit(); const source = this.source.trimmed(); return decl.extend(currentRuleName, currentRuleFormals, body, null, source); }, RuleBody(_, terms) { return builder.alt(...terms.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, OverrideRuleBody(_, terms) { const args = terms.visit(); // Check if the super-splice operator (`...`) appears in the terms. const expansionPos = args.indexOf(superSplicePlaceholder); if (expansionPos >= 0) { const beforeTerms = args.slice(0, expansionPos); const afterTerms = args.slice(expansionPos + 1); // Ensure it appears no more than once. afterTerms.forEach(t => { if (t === superSplicePlaceholder) throw multipleSuperSplices(t); }); return new Splice( decl.superGrammar, currentRuleName, beforeTerms, afterTerms, ).withSource(this.source); } else { return builder.alt(...args).withSource(this.source); } }, Formals(opointy, fs, cpointy) { return fs.visit(); }, Params(opointy, ps, cpointy) { return ps.visit(); }, Alt(seqs) { return builder.alt(...seqs.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, TopLevelTerm_inline(b, n) { const inlineRuleName = currentRuleName + '_' + n.visit(); const body = b.visit(); const source = this.source.trimmed(); const isNewRuleDeclaration = !( decl.superGrammar && decl.superGrammar.rules[inlineRuleName] ); if (overriding && !isNewRuleDeclaration) { decl.override(inlineRuleName, currentRuleFormals, body, null, source); } else { decl.define(inlineRuleName, currentRuleFormals, body, null, source); } const params = currentRuleFormals.map(formal => builder.app(formal)); return builder.app(inlineRuleName, params).withSource(body.source); }, OverrideTopLevelTerm_superSplice(_) { return superSplicePlaceholder; }, Seq(expr) { return builder.seq(...expr.children.map(c => c.visit())).withSource(this.source); }, Iter_star(x, _) { return builder.star(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Iter_plus(x, _) { return builder.plus(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Iter_opt(x, _) { return builder.opt(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Pred_not(_, x) { return builder.not(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Pred_lookahead(_, x) { return builder.lookahead(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Lex_lex(_, x) { return builder.lex(x.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Base_application(rule, ps) { const params = ps.children.map(c => c.visit())[0] || []; return builder.app(rule.visit(), params).withSource(this.source); }, Base_range(from, _, to) { return builder.range(from.visit(), to.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Base_terminal(expr) { return builder.terminal(expr.visit()).withSource(this.source); }, Base_paren(open, x, close) { return x.visit(); }, ruleDescr(open, t, close) { return t.visit(); }, ruleDescrText(_) { return this.sourceString.trim(); }, caseName(_, space1, n, space2, end) { return n.visit(); }, name(first, rest) { return this.sourceString; }, nameFirst(expr) {}, nameRest(expr) {}, terminal(open, cs, close) { return cs.children.map(c => c.visit()).join(''); }, oneCharTerminal(open, c, close) { return c.visit(); }, escapeChar(c) { try { return unescapeCodePoint(this.sourceString); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof RangeError && err.message.startsWith('Invalid code point ')) { throw invalidCodePoint(c); } throw err; // Rethrow } }, NonemptyListOf(x, _, xs) { return [x.visit()].concat(xs.children.map(c => c.visit())); }, EmptyListOf() { return []; }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, }); return helpers(match).visit(); } var operationsAndAttributesGrammar = makeRecipe(["grammar",{"source":"OperationsAndAttributes {\n\n AttributeSignature =\n name\n\n OperationSignature =\n name Formals?\n\n Formals\n = \"(\" ListOf \")\"\n\n name (a name)\n = nameFirst nameRest*\n\n nameFirst\n = \"_\"\n | letter\n\n nameRest\n = \"_\"\n | alnum\n\n}"},"OperationsAndAttributes",null,"AttributeSignature",{"AttributeSignature":["define",{"sourceInterval":[29,58]},null,[],["app",{"sourceInterval":[54,58]},"name",[]]],"OperationSignature":["define",{"sourceInterval":[62,100]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[87,100]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[87,91]},"name",[]],["opt",{"sourceInterval":[92,100]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[92,99]},"Formals",[]]]]],"Formals":["define",{"sourceInterval":[104,143]},null,[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[118,143]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[118,121]},"("],["app",{"sourceInterval":[122,139]},"ListOf",[["app",{"sourceInterval":[129,133]},"name",[]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[135,138]},","]]],["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[140,143]},")"]]],"name":["define",{"sourceInterval":[147,187]},"a name",[],["seq",{"sourceInterval":[168,187]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[168,177]},"nameFirst",[]],["star",{"sourceInterval":[178,187]},["app",{"sourceInterval":[178,186]},"nameRest",[]]]]],"nameFirst":["define",{"sourceInterval":[191,223]},null,[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[207,223]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[207,210]},"_"],["app",{"sourceInterval":[217,223]},"letter",[]]]],"nameRest":["define",{"sourceInterval":[227,257]},null,[],["alt",{"sourceInterval":[242,257]},["terminal",{"sourceInterval":[242,245]},"_"],["app",{"sourceInterval":[252,257]},"alnum",[]]]]}]); initBuiltInSemantics(Grammar.BuiltInRules); initPrototypeParser(operationsAndAttributesGrammar); // requires BuiltInSemantics function initBuiltInSemantics(builtInRules) { const actions = { empty() { return this.iteration(); }, nonEmpty(first, _, rest) { return this.iteration([first].concat(rest.children)); }, }; Semantics.BuiltInSemantics = Semantics.createSemantics(builtInRules, null).addOperation( 'asIteration', { emptyListOf: actions.empty, nonemptyListOf: actions.nonEmpty, EmptyListOf: actions.empty, NonemptyListOf: actions.nonEmpty, }, ); } function initPrototypeParser(grammar) { Semantics.prototypeGrammarSemantics = grammar.createSemantics().addOperation('parse', { AttributeSignature(name) { return { name: name.parse(), formals: [], }; }, OperationSignature(name, optFormals) { return { name: name.parse(), formals: optFormals.children.map(c => c.parse())[0] || [], }; }, Formals(oparen, fs, cparen) { return fs.asIteration().children.map(c => c.parse()); }, name(first, rest) { return this.sourceString; }, }); Semantics.prototypeGrammar = grammar; } function findIndentation(input) { let pos = 0; const stack = [0]; const topOfStack = () => stack[stack.length - 1]; const result = {}; const regex = /( *).*(?:$|\r?\n|\r)/g; let match; while ((match = regex.exec(input)) != null) { const [line, indent] = match; // The last match will always have length 0. In every other case, some // characters will be matched (possibly only the end of line chars). if (line.length === 0) break; const indentSize = indent.length; const prevSize = topOfStack(); const indentPos = pos + indentSize; if (indentSize > prevSize) { // Indent -- always only 1. stack.push(indentSize); result[indentPos] = 1; } else if (indentSize < prevSize) { // Dedent -- can be multiple levels. const prevLength = stack.length; while (topOfStack() !== indentSize) { stack.pop(); } result[indentPos] = -1 * (prevLength - stack.length); } pos += line.length; } // Ensure that there is a matching DEDENT for every remaining INDENT. if (stack.length > 1) { result[pos] = 1 - stack.length; } return result; } const INDENT_DESCRIPTION = 'an indented block'; const DEDENT_DESCRIPTION = 'a dedent'; // A sentinel value that is out of range for both charCodeAt() and codePointAt(). const INVALID_CODE_POINT = 0x10ffff + 1; class InputStreamWithIndentation extends InputStream { constructor(state) { super(state.input); this.state = state; } _indentationAt(pos) { return this.state.userData[pos] || 0; } atEnd() { return super.atEnd() && this._indentationAt(this.pos) === 0; } next() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return undefined; } return super.next(); } nextCharCode() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return INVALID_CODE_POINT; } return super.nextCharCode(); } nextCodePoint() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return INVALID_CODE_POINT; } return super.nextCodePoint(); } } class Indentation extends PExpr { constructor(isIndent = true) { super(); this.isIndent = isIndent; } allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace() { return true; } eval(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const pseudoTokens = state.userData; state.doNotMemoize = true; const origPos = inputStream.pos; const sign = this.isIndent ? 1 : -1; const count = (pseudoTokens[origPos] || 0) * sign; if (count > 0) { // Update the count to consume the pseudotoken. state.userData = Object.create(pseudoTokens); state.userData[origPos] -= sign; state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(0), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } } getArity() { return 1; } _assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar) {} _isNullable(grammar, memo) { return false; } assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName) {} assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar) {} introduceParams(formals) { return this; } substituteParams(actuals) { return this; } toString() { return this.isIndent ? 'indent' : 'dedent'; } toDisplayString() { return this.toString(); } toFailure(grammar) { const description = this.isIndent ? INDENT_DESCRIPTION : DEDENT_DESCRIPTION; return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); } } // Create a new definition for `any` that can consume indent & dedent. const applyIndent = new Apply('indent'); const applyDedent = new Apply('dedent'); const newAnyBody = new Splice(BuiltInRules, 'any', [applyIndent, applyDedent], []); const IndentationSensitive = new Builder() .newGrammar('IndentationSensitive') .withSuperGrammar(BuiltInRules) .define('indent', [], new Indentation(true), INDENT_DESCRIPTION, undefined, true) .define('dedent', [], new Indentation(false), DEDENT_DESCRIPTION, undefined, true) .extend('any', [], newAnyBody, 'any character', undefined) .build(); Object.assign(IndentationSensitive, { _matchStateInitializer(state) { state.userData = findIndentation(state.input); state.inputStream = new InputStreamWithIndentation(state); }, supportsIncrementalParsing: false, }); // Generated by scripts/prebuild.js const version = '17.1.0'; Grammar.initApplicationParser(ohmGrammar, buildGrammar); const isBuffer = obj => !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj); function compileAndLoad(source, namespace) { const m = ohmGrammar.match(source, 'Grammars'); if (m.failed()) { throw grammarSyntaxError(m); } return buildGrammar(m, namespace); } function grammar(source, optNamespace) { const ns = grammars(source, optNamespace); // Ensure that the source contained no more than one grammar definition. const grammarNames = Object.keys(ns); if (grammarNames.length === 0) { throw new Error('Missing grammar definition'); } else if (grammarNames.length > 1) { const secondGrammar = ns[grammarNames[1]]; const interval = secondGrammar.source; throw new Error( getLineAndColumnMessage(interval.sourceString, interval.startIdx) + 'Found more than one grammar definition -- use ohm.grammars() instead.', ); } return ns[grammarNames[0]]; // Return the one and only grammar. } function grammars(source, optNamespace) { const ns = Object.create(optNamespace || {}); if (typeof source !== 'string') { // For convenience, detect Node.js Buffer objects and automatically call toString(). if (isBuffer(source)) { source = source.toString(); } else { throw new TypeError( 'Expected string as first argument, got ' + unexpectedObjToString(source), ); } } compileAndLoad(source, ns); return ns; } exports.ExperimentalIndentationSensitive = IndentationSensitive; exports._buildGrammar = buildGrammar; exports.grammar = grammar; exports.grammars = grammars; exports.makeRecipe = makeRecipe; exports.ohmGrammar = ohmGrammar; exports.pexprs = pexprs; exports.version = version; //# sourceMappingURL=ohm.cjs.map