import type { NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent, NavigationState, PartialState, } from '@react-navigation/core' import type { ReactNode } from 'react' import type { TextProps, GestureResponderEvent } from 'react-native' export namespace OneRouter { export interface __routes extends Record {} // making a simple helper that gives you everything for a route export type Route = { Params: InputRouteParams Props: { params: InputRouteParams } Loader: (props: { params: InputRouteParams }) => any } type StaticRoutes = __routes extends { StaticRoutes: string } ? __routes['StaticRoutes'] : string type DynamicRoutes = __routes extends { DynamicRoutes: any } ? T extends __routes['DynamicRoutes'] ? T : never : string export type DynamicRouteTemplate = __routes extends { DynamicRouteTemplate: string } ? __routes['DynamicRouteTemplate'] : string export type NavigationRef = NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent export type RelativePathString = `./${string}` | `../${string}` | '..' export type AbsoluteRoute = DynamicRouteTemplate | StaticRoutes export type ExternalPathString = `${string}:${string}` export type OneRouterRoutes = DynamicRouteTemplate | StaticRoutes | RelativePathString export type AllRoutes = OneRouterRoutes | ExternalPathString export type LinkToOptions = { scroll?: boolean } type SearchOrHash = `?${string}` | `#${string}` export type UnknownInputParams = Record< string, string | number | undefined | null | (string | number)[] > type UnknownOutputParams = Record /** * Return only the RoutePart of a string. If the string has multiple parts return never * * string | type * ---------|------ * 123 | 123 * /123/abc | never * 123?abc | never * ./123 | never * /123 | never * 123/../ | never */ export type SingleRoutePart = S extends `${string}/${string}` ? never : S extends `${string}${SearchOrHash}` ? never : S extends '' ? never : S extends `(${string})` ? never : S extends `[${string}]` ? never : S /** * Return only the CatchAll router part. If the string has search parameters or a hash return never */ export type CatchAllRoutePart = S extends `${string}${SearchOrHash}` ? never : S extends '' ? never : S extends `${string}(${string})${string}` ? never : S extends `${string}[${string}]${string}` ? never : S /** * Return the name of a route parameter * '[test]' -> 'test' * 'test' -> never * '[...test]' -> '...test' */ type IsParameter = Part extends `[${infer ParamName}]` ? ParamName : never /** * Return a union of all raw parameter names. If there are no names return never * * This differs from ParameterNames as it returns the `...` for catch all parameters * * /[test] -> 'test' * /[abc]/[...def] -> 'abc'|'...def' */ type ParameterNames = Path extends `${infer PartA}/${infer PartB}` ? IsParameter | ParameterNames : IsParameter /** * Returns all segments of a route. * * /(group)/123/abc/[id]/[] -> ['(group)', '123', 'abc', '[id]', '[]' */ type RouteSegments = Path extends `${infer PartA}/${infer PartB}` ? PartA extends '' | '.' ? [...RouteSegments] : [PartA, ...RouteSegments] : Path extends '' ? [] : [Path] type AllUngroupedRoutes = Path extends `(${infer PartA})/${infer PartB}` ? `(${PartA})/${AllUngroupedRoutes}` | AllUngroupedRoutes : Path /** * Returns a Record of the routes parameters as strings and CatchAll parameters * * There are two versions, input and output, as you can input 'string | number' but * the output will always be 'string' * * /[id]/[] -> { id: string, rest: string[] } * /no-params -> {} */ export type InputRouteParams = { [Key in ParameterNames as Key extends `...${infer Name}` ? Name : Key]: Key extends `...${string}` ? string[] : string } // TODO @nate: i commented this out to get better types but we probably need to fix better // & UnknownInputParams type OutputRouteParams = { [Key in ParameterNames as Key extends `...${infer Name}` ? Name : Key]: Key extends `...${string}` ? string[] : string } & UnknownOutputParams /** * Returns the search parameters for a route. */ export type SearchParams = T extends DynamicRouteTemplate ? OutputRouteParams : T extends StaticRoutes ? never : UnknownOutputParams /********* * Href * *********/ export type DynamicRoutesHref = DynamicRouteString<{ __branded__: any }, DynamicRouteTemplate> export type DynamicRoutesHref2 = DynamicRouteString /** * The main routing type for One. Includes all available routes with strongly typed parameters. */ export type Href = | StringRouteToType | RelativePathString | ExternalPathString> | DynamicRouteString | DynamicRouteObject< StaticRoutes | RelativePathString | ExternalPathString | DynamicRouteTemplate > type StringRouteToType = | T | `${T}${SearchOrHash}` | { pathname: T; params?: UnknownInputParams | never } /** * Converts a dynamic route template to a Href string type */ type DynamicRouteString< T extends string | object, P = DynamicRouteTemplate, > = '__branded__' extends keyof T ? DynamicTemplateToHrefString

: T extends string ? DynamicRoutes : never type DynamicTemplateToHrefString = Path extends `${infer PartA}/${infer PartB}` ? // If the current segment (PartA) is dynamic, allow any string. This loop again with the next segment (PartB) `${PartA extends `[${string}]` ? string : PartA}/${DynamicTemplateToHrefString}` : // Path is the last segment. Path extends `[${string}]` ? string : Path type DynamicRouteObject = T extends DynamicRouteTemplate ? { pathname: T params: InputRouteParams } : never export type LoadingState = 'loading' | 'loaded' export type ResultState = PartialState & { state?: ResultState linkOptions?: OneRouter.LinkToOptions } export type RootStateListener = (state: ResultState) => void export type LoadingStateListener = (state: LoadingState) => void /*********************** * One Exports * ***********************/ export type InputRouteParamsBlank = Record export type InpurRouteParamsGeneric = InputRouteParamsBlank | InputRouteParams export type Router = { /** Go back in the history. */ back: () => void /** If there's history that supports invoking the `back` function. */ canGoBack: () => boolean /** Navigate to the provided href using a push operation if possible. */ push: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void /** Navigate to the provided href. */ navigate: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void /** Navigate to route without appending to the history. */ replace: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void /** Navigate to the provided href using a push operation if possible. */ dismiss: (count?: number) => void /** Navigate to first screen within the lowest stack. */ dismissAll: () => void /** If there's history that supports invoking the `dismiss` and `dismissAll` function. */ canDismiss: () => boolean /** Update the current route query params. */ setParams: (params?: T extends '' ? InputRouteParamsBlank : InputRouteParams) => void /** Subscribe to state updates from the router */ subscribe: (listener: RootStateListener) => () => void /** Subscribe to loading state updates */ onLoadState: (listener: LoadingStateListener) => () => void } /** The imperative router. */ export declare const router: Router /************ * * ************/ export interface WebAnchorProps { /** * **Web only:** Specifies where to open the `href`. * * - **_self**: the current tab. * - **_blank**: opens in a new tab or window. * - **_parent**: opens in the parent browsing context. If no parent, defaults to **_self**. * - **_top**: opens in the highest browsing context ancestor. If no ancestors, defaults to **_self**. * * This property is passed to the underlying anchor (``) tag. * * @default '_self' * * @example * Go to Expo in new tab */ target?: '_self' | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_top' | (string & object) /** * **Web only:** Specifies the relationship between the `href` and the current route. * * Common values: * - **nofollow**: Indicates to search engines that they should not follow the `href`. This is often used for user-generated content or links that should not influence search engine rankings. * - **noopener**: Suggests that the `href` should not have access to the opening window's `window.opener` object, which is a security measure to prevent potentially harmful behavior in cases of links that open new tabs or windows. * - **noreferrer**: Requests that the browser not send the `Referer` HTTP header when navigating to the `href`. This can enhance user privacy. * * The `rel` property is primarily used for informational and instructive purposes, helping browsers and web * crawlers make better decisions about how to handle and interpret the links on a web page. It is important * to use appropriate `rel` values to ensure that links behave as intended and adhere to best practices for web * development and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). * * This property is passed to the underlying anchor (``) tag. * * @example * Go to Expo */ rel?: string /** * **Web only:** Specifies that the `href` should be downloaded when the user clicks on the link, * instead of navigating to it. It is typically used for links that point to files that the user should download, * such as PDFs, images, documents, etc. * * The value of the `download` property, which represents the filename for the downloaded file. * This property is passed to the underlying anchor (``) tag. * * @example * Download image */ download?: string } export interface LinkProps extends Omit, WebAnchorProps { /** Path to route to. */ href: Href // TODO: This may need to be extracted for React Native style support. /** Forward props to child component. Useful for custom buttons. */ asChild?: boolean /** Should replace the current route without adding to the history. */ replace?: boolean /** Should push the current route */ push?: boolean /** On web, this sets the HTML `class` directly. On native, this can be used with CSS interop tools like Nativewind. */ className?: string onPress?: (e: React.MouseEvent | GestureResponderEvent) => void } export interface LinkComponent { (props: React.PropsWithChildren>): JSX.Element /** Helper method to resolve an Href object into a string. */ resolveHref: (href: Href) => string } /** * Component to render link to another route using a path. * Uses an anchor tag on the web. * * @param props.href Absolute path to route (e.g. \`/feeds/hot\`). * @param props.replace Should replace the current route without adding to the history. * @param props.asChild Forward props to child component. Useful for custom buttons. * @param props.children Child elements to render the content. * @param props.className On web, this sets the HTML \`class\` directly. On native, this can be used with CSS interop tools like Nativewind. */ export declare const Link: LinkComponent /** Redirects to the href as soon as the component is mounted. */ export declare const Redirect: (props: React.PropsWithChildren<{ href: Href }>) => ReactNode export type Redirect = typeof Redirect /** * Hooks */ export declare function useRouter(): Router type useRouter = typeof useRouter /** * Returns the URL search parameters for the contextually focused route. e.g. \`/acme?foo=bar\` -> \`{ foo: "bar" }\`. * This is useful for stacks where you may push a new screen that changes the query parameters. * * To observe updates even when the invoking route is not focused, use \`useActiveParams()\`. * @see \`useActiveParams\` */ export declare function useParams< TParams extends AllRoutes | UnknownOutputParams = UnknownOutputParams, >(): TParams extends AllRoutes ? SearchParams : TParams type useParams = typeof useParams export declare function useSearchParams< TParams extends AllRoutes | UnknownOutputParams = UnknownOutputParams, >(): TParams extends AllRoutes ? SearchParams : TParams type useSearchParams = typeof useSearchParams /** * Get the globally selected query parameters, including dynamic path segments. This function will update even when the route is not focused. * Useful for analytics or other background operations that don't draw to the screen. * * When querying search params in a stack, opt-towards using \`useParams\` as these will only * update when the route is focused. * * @see \`useParams\` */ export declare function useActiveParams< T extends AllRoutes | UnknownOutputParams = UnknownOutputParams, >(): T extends AllRoutes ? SearchParams : T type useActiveParams = typeof useActiveParams /** * Get a list of selected file segments for the currently selected route. Segments are not normalized, so they will be the same as the file path. e.g. /[id]?id=normal -> ["[id]"] * * \`useSegments\` can be typed using an abstract. * Consider the following file structure, and strictly typed \`useSegments\` function: * * \`\`\`md * - app * - [user] * - index.js * - followers.js * - settings.js * \`\`\` * This can be strictly typed using the following abstract: * * \`\`\`ts * const [first, second] = useSegments<['settings'] | ['[user]'] | ['[user]', 'followers']>() * \`\`\` */ export declare function useSegments< T extends AbsoluteRoute | RouteSegments | RelativePathString, >(): T extends AbsoluteRoute ? RouteSegments : T extends string ? string[] : T type useSegments = typeof useSegments } // TEMP export namespace One { export type Route = OneRouter.Route }