import type { NavigationState, PartialRoute } from '@react-navigation/native' import { StackActions, type NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent, type getPathFromState as originalGetPathFromState, } from '@react-navigation/native' import * as Linking from 'expo-linking' import { nanoid } from 'nanoid/non-secure' import { Fragment, startTransition, useSyncExternalStore, type ComponentType } from 'react' import { Platform } from 'react-native' import type { RouteNode } from '../Route' import { getLoaderPath, getPreloadPath } from '../cleanUrl' import type { State } from '../fork/getPathFromState' import { deepEqual, getPathDataFromState } from '../fork/getPathFromState' import { stripBaseUrl } from '../fork/getStateFromPath' import { getLinkingConfig, type OneLinkingOptions } from '../getLinkingConfig' import { getRoutes } from '../getRoutes' import type { OneRouter } from '../interfaces/router' import { resolveHref } from '../link/href' import { resolve } from '../link/path' import { matchDynamicName } from '../matchers' import { sortRoutes } from '../sortRoutes' import { getQualifiedRouteComponent } from '../useScreens' import { assertIsReady } from '../utils/assertIsReady' import { dynamicImport } from '../utils/dynamicImport' import { removeSearch } from '../utils/removeSearch' import { shouldLinkExternally } from '../utils/url' import type { One } from '../vite/types' import { getNormalizedStatePath, type UrlObject } from './getNormalizedStatePath' import { setLastAction } from './lastAction' // Module-scoped variables export let routeNode: RouteNode | null = null export let rootComponent: ComponentType export let linking: OneLinkingOptions | undefined export let hasAttemptedToHideSplash = false export let initialState: OneRouter.ResultState | undefined export let rootState: OneRouter.ResultState | undefined let nextState: OneRouter.ResultState | undefined export let routeInfo: UrlObject | undefined let splashScreenAnimationFrame: number | undefined // we always set it export let navigationRef: OneRouter.NavigationRef = null as any let navigationRefSubscription: () => void const rootStateSubscribers = new Set() const loadingStateSubscribers = new Set() const storeSubscribers = new Set<() => void>() // Initialize function export function initialize( context: One.RouteContext, ref: NavigationContainerRefWithCurrent, initialLocation?: URL ) { cleanUpState() routeNode = getRoutes(context, { ignoreEntryPoints: true, platform: Platform.OS, }) rootComponent = routeNode ? getQualifiedRouteComponent(routeNode) : Fragment if (!routeNode && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { throw new Error('No routes found') } navigationRef = ref setupLinking(initialLocation) subscribeToNavigationChanges() } function cleanUpState() { initialState = undefined rootState = undefined nextState = undefined routeInfo = undefined linking = undefined navigationRefSubscription?.() rootStateSubscribers.clear() storeSubscribers.clear() } function setupLinking(initialLocation?: URL) { if (routeNode) { linking = getLinkingConfig(routeNode) if (initialLocation) { linking.getInitialURL = () => initialLocation.toString() initialState = linking.getStateFromPath?.( initialLocation.pathname + ( || ''), linking.config ) } } if (initialState) { rootState = initialState routeInfo = getRouteInfo(initialState) } else { routeInfo = { unstable_globalHref: '', pathname: '', isIndex: false, params: {}, segments: [], } } } function subscribeToNavigationChanges() { navigationRefSubscription = navigationRef.addListener('state', (data) => { const state = as OneRouter.ResultState if (!hasAttemptedToHideSplash) { hasAttemptedToHideSplash = true splashScreenAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { // SplashScreen._internal_maybeHideAsync?.(); }) } if (nextOptions) { state.linkOptions = nextOptions nextOptions = null } let shouldUpdateSubscribers = nextState === state nextState = undefined if (state && state !== rootState) { updateState(state, undefined) shouldUpdateSubscribers = true } if (shouldUpdateSubscribers) { for (const subscriber of rootStateSubscribers) { subscriber(state) } } }) updateSnapshot() for (const subscriber of storeSubscribers) { subscriber() } } // Navigation functions export function navigate(url: OneRouter.Href, options?: OneRouter.LinkToOptions) { return linkTo(resolveHref(url), 'NAVIGATE', options) } export function push(url: OneRouter.Href, options?: OneRouter.LinkToOptions) { return linkTo(resolveHref(url), 'PUSH', options) } export function dismiss(count?: number) { navigationRef?.dispatch(StackActions.pop(count)) } export function replace(url: OneRouter.Href, options?: OneRouter.LinkToOptions) { return linkTo(resolveHref(url), 'REPLACE', options) } export function setParams(params: OneRouter.InpurRouteParamsGeneric = {}) { assertIsReady(navigationRef) return navigationRef?.current?.setParams( // @ts-expect-error params ) } export function dismissAll() { navigationRef?.dispatch(StackActions.popToTop()) } export function goBack() { assertIsReady(navigationRef) navigationRef?.current?.goBack() } export function canGoBack(): boolean { if (!navigationRef.isReady()) { return false } return navigationRef?.current?.canGoBack() ?? false } export function canDismiss(): boolean { let state = rootState while (state) { if (state.type === 'stack' && state.routes.length > 1) { return true } if (state.index === undefined) { return false } state = state.routes?.[state.index]?.state as any } return false } export function getSortedRoutes() { if (!routeNode) { throw new Error('No routes') } return routeNode.children.filter((route) => !route.internal).sort(sortRoutes) } export function updateState(state: OneRouter.ResultState, nextStateParam = state) { rootState = state nextState = nextStateParam const nextRouteInfo = getRouteInfo(state) if (!deepEqual(routeInfo, nextRouteInfo)) { routeInfo = nextRouteInfo } } export function getRouteInfo(state: OneRouter.ResultState) { return getRouteInfoFromState( (state: Parameters[0], asPath: boolean) => { return getPathDataFromState(state, { screens: [], ...linking?.config, preserveDynamicRoutes: asPath, preserveGroups: asPath, }) }, state ) } function getRouteInfoFromState( getPathFromState: (state: State, asPath: boolean) => { path: string; params: any }, state: State, baseUrl?: string ): UrlObject { const { path } = getPathFromState(state, false) const qualified = getPathFromState(state, true) return { unstable_globalHref: path, pathname: stripBaseUrl(path, baseUrl).split('?')[0], isIndex: isIndexPath(state), ...getNormalizedStatePath(qualified, baseUrl), } } // Subscription functions export function subscribeToRootState(subscriber: OneRouter.RootStateListener) { rootStateSubscribers.add(subscriber) return () => { rootStateSubscribers.delete(subscriber) } } export function subscribeToStore(subscriber: () => void) { storeSubscribers.add(subscriber) return () => { storeSubscribers.delete(subscriber) } } // Subscription functions export function subscribeToLoadingState(subscriber: OneRouter.LoadingStateListener) { loadingStateSubscribers.add(subscriber) return () => { loadingStateSubscribers.delete(subscriber) } } export function setLoadingState(state: OneRouter.LoadingState) { for (const listener of loadingStateSubscribers) { listener(state) } } // Snapshot function let currentSnapshot: ReturnType | null = null function updateSnapshot() { currentSnapshot = getSnapshot() } export function snapshot() { return currentSnapshot! } function getSnapshot() { return { linkTo, routeNode, rootComponent, linking, hasAttemptedToHideSplash, initialState, rootState, nextState, routeInfo, splashScreenAnimationFrame, navigationRef, navigationRefSubscription, rootStateSubscribers, storeSubscribers, } } export function rootStateSnapshot() { return rootState! } export function routeInfoSnapshot() { return routeInfo! } // Hook functions export function useOneRouter() { return useSyncExternalStore(subscribeToStore, snapshot, snapshot) } function syncStoreRootState() { if (!navigationRef) { throw new Error(`No navigationRef, possible duplicate One dep`) } if (navigationRef.isReady()) { const currentState = navigationRef.getRootState() as unknown as OneRouter.ResultState if (rootState !== currentState) { updateState(currentState) } } } export function useStoreRootState() { syncStoreRootState() return useSyncExternalStore(subscribeToRootState, rootStateSnapshot, rootStateSnapshot) } export function useStoreRouteInfo() { syncStoreRootState() return useSyncExternalStore(subscribeToRootState, routeInfoSnapshot, routeInfoSnapshot) } // Utility functions function isIndexPath(state: State) { const route = getActualLastRoute(state.routes[state.index ?? state.routes.length - 1]) if (route.state) { return isIndexPath(route.state) } if ( === 'index') { return true } if (route.params && 'screen' in route.params) { return route.params.screen === 'index' } if (\/index$/)) { return true } return false } type RouteLikeTree = { name: string; state?: { routes?: RouteLikeTree[] } } function getActualLastRoute(routeLike: A): A { if ([0] === '(' && routeLike.state?.routes) { const routes = routeLike.state.routes return getActualLastRoute(routes[routes.length - 1]) as any } return routeLike } // Cleanup function export function cleanup() { if (splashScreenAnimationFrame) { cancelAnimationFrame(splashScreenAnimationFrame) } } // TODO export const preloadingLoader = {} function setupPreload(href: string) { if (preloadingLoader[href]) return preloadingLoader[href] = async () => { const [_preload, loader] = await Promise.all([ dynamicImport(getPreloadPath(href)), dynamicImport(getLoaderPath(href)), ]) try { const response = await loader return await response.loader?.() } catch (err) { console.error(`Error preloading loader: ${err}`) return null } } } export function preloadRoute(href: string) { if (process.env.TAMAGUI_TARGET === 'native') { // not enabled for now return } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { return } setupPreload(href) if (typeof preloadingLoader[href] === 'function') { void preloadingLoader[href]() } } export async function linkTo(href: string, event?: string, options?: OneRouter.LinkToOptions) { if (href[0] === '#') { // this is just linking to a section of the current page on web return } if (shouldLinkExternally(href)) { Linking.openURL(href) return } assertIsReady(navigationRef) const current = navigationRef.current if (current == null) { throw new Error( "Couldn't find a navigation object. Is your component inside NavigationContainer?" ) } if (!linking) { throw new Error('Attempted to link to route when no routes are present') } setLastAction() if (href === '..' || href === '../') { current.goBack() return } if (href.startsWith('.')) { // Resolve base path by merging the current segments with the params let base = routeInfo?.segments ?.map((segment) => { if (!segment.startsWith('[')) return segment if (segment.startsWith('[...')) { segment = segment.slice(4, -1) const params = routeInfo?.params?.[segment] if (Array.isArray(params)) { return params.join('/') } return params?.split(',')?.join('/') ?? '' } segment = segment.slice(1, -1) return routeInfo?.params?.[segment] }) .filter(Boolean) .join('/') ?? '/' if (!routeInfo?.isIndex) { base += '/..' } href = resolve(base, href) } const state = linking.getStateFromPath!(href, linking.config) if (!state || state.routes.length === 0) { console.error('Could not generate a valid navigation state for the given path: ' + href) console.error(`linking.config`, linking.config) console.error(`routes`, getSortedRoutes()) return } setLoadingState('loading') // todo globalThis['__vxrntodopath'] = removeSearch(href) preloadRoute(href) const rootState = navigationRef.getRootState() const action = getNavigateAction(state, rootState, event) // a bit hacky until can figure out a reliable way to tie it to the state nextOptions = options ?? null startTransition(() => { const current = navigationRef.getCurrentRoute() navigationRef.dispatch(action) let warningTm const interval = setInterval(() => { const next = navigationRef.getCurrentRoute() if (current !== next) { // let the main thread clear at least before running setTimeout(() => { setLoadingState('loaded') }) } clearTimeout(warningTm) clearTimeout(interval) }, 16) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { warningTm = setTimeout(() => { console.warn(`Routing took more than 8 seconds`) }, 1000) } }) return } let nextOptions: OneRouter.LinkToOptions | null = null function getNavigateAction( actionState: OneRouter.ResultState, navigationState: NavigationState, type = 'NAVIGATE' ) { /** * We need to find the deepest navigator where the action and current state diverge, If they do not diverge, the * lowest navigator is the target. * * By default React Navigation will target the current navigator, but this doesn't work for all actions * For example: * - /deeply/nested/route -> /top-level-route the target needs to be the top-level navigator * - /stack/nestedStack/page -> /stack1/nestedStack/other-page needs to target the nestedStack navigator * * This matching needs to done by comparing the route names and the dynamic path, for example * - /1/page -> /2/anotherPage needs to target the /[id] navigator * * Other parameters such as search params and hash are not evaluated. * */ let actionStateRoute: PartialRoute | undefined // Traverse the state tree comparing the current state and the action state until we find where they diverge while (actionState && navigationState) { const stateRoute = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index] actionStateRoute = actionState.routes[actionState.routes.length - 1] const childState = actionStateRoute.state const nextNavigationState = stateRoute.state const dynamicName = matchDynamicName( const didActionAndCurrentStateDiverge = !== || !childState || !nextNavigationState || (dynamicName && actionStateRoute.params?.[dynamicName] !== stateRoute.params?.[dynamicName]) if (didActionAndCurrentStateDiverge) { break } actionState = childState navigationState = nextNavigationState as NavigationState } /* * We found the target navigator, but the payload is in the incorrect format * We need to convert the action state to a payload that can be dispatched */ const rootPayload: Record = { params: {} } let payload = rootPayload let params = payload.params // The root level of payload is a bit weird, its params are in the child object while (actionStateRoute) { Object.assign(params, { ...actionStateRoute.params }) payload.screen = payload.params = { ...actionStateRoute.params } actionStateRoute = actionStateRoute.state?.routes[actionStateRoute.state?.routes.length - 1] payload.params ??= {} payload = payload.params params = payload } // One uses only three actions, but these don't directly translate to all navigator actions if (type === 'PUSH') { setLastAction() // Only stack navigators have a push action, and even then we want to use NAVIGATE (see below) type = 'NAVIGATE' /* * The StackAction.PUSH does not work correctly with One. * * One provides a getId() function for every route, altering how React Navigation handles stack routing. * Ordinarily, PUSH always adds a new screen to the stack. However, with getId() present, it navigates to the screen with the matching ID instead (by moving the screen to the top of the stack) * When you try and push to a screen with the same ID, no navigation will occur * Refer to: * * One needs to retain the default behavior of PUSH, consistently adding new screens to the stack, even if their IDs are identical. * * To resolve this issue, we switch to using a NAVIGATE action with a new key. In the navigate action, screens are matched by either key or getId() function. * By generating a unique new key, we ensure that the screen is always pushed onto the stack. * */ if (navigationState.type === 'stack') { rootPayload.key = `${}-${nanoid()}` // @see } } if (type === 'REPLACE' && navigationState.type === 'tab') { type = 'JUMP_TO' } return { type, target: navigationState.key, payload: { key: rootPayload.key, name: rootPayload.screen, params: rootPayload.params, }, } }