/* eslint-disable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks */ import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react' import { getLoaderPath } from './cleanUrl' import { useActiveParams, useParams } from './hooks' import { resolveHref } from './link/href' import { useRouteNode } from './Route' import { preloadingLoader } from './router/router' import type { LoaderProps } from './types' import { dynamicImport } from './utils/dynamicImport' import { weakKey } from './utils/weakKey' const promises: Record> = {} const errors = {} const loadedData: Record = {} export function useLoader< Loader extends Function, Returned = Loader extends (p: any) => any ? ReturnType : unknown, >(loader: Loader): Returned extends Promise ? Awaited : Returned { const preloadedProps = globalThis['__vxrnLoaderProps__'] as LoaderProps | undefined // server side we just run the loader directly if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return useAsyncFn( loader, preloadedProps || { params: useActiveParams(), } ) } const isNative = process.env.TAMAGUI_TARGET === 'native' const routeNode = useRouteNode() const params = useParams() // Cannot use usePathname() here since it will change every time the route changes, // but here here we want to get the current local pathname which renders this screen. const pathName = '/' + resolveHref({ pathname: routeNode?.route || '', params }).replace(/index$/, '') const currentPath = (isNative ? null : globalThis['__vxrntodopath']) || // @zetavg: not sure why we're using `globalThis['__vxrntodopath']` here, but this breaks native when switching between tabs where the value stays with the previous path, so ignoring this on native // TODO likely either not needed or needs proper path from server side (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.location?.pathname || pathName : '/') // only if it matches current route const preloadedData = preloadedProps?.path === currentPath ? globalThis['__vxrnLoaderData__'] : undefined const currentData = useRef(preloadedData) useEffect(() => { if (preloadedData) { loadedData[currentPath] = preloadedData delete globalThis['__vxrnLoaderData__'] } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [preloadedData]) if (errors[currentPath]) { throw errors[currentPath] } const loaded = loadedData[currentPath] if (typeof loaded !== 'undefined') { return loaded } if (!preloadedData) { if (preloadingLoader[currentPath]) { if (typeof preloadingLoader[currentPath] === 'function') { preloadingLoader[currentPath] = preloadingLoader[currentPath]() } promises[currentPath] = preloadingLoader[currentPath] .then((val) => { loadedData[currentPath] = val }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`Error loading loader`, err) errors[currentPath] = err delete promises[currentPath] delete preloadingLoader[currentPath] }) } if (!promises[currentPath]) { const getData = async () => { // for native add a prefix to route around vite dev server being in front of ours const loaderJSUrl = getLoaderPath(currentPath, true) try { const response = await (async () => { if (isNative) { const nativeLoaderJSUrl = `${loaderJSUrl}?platform=ios` /* TODO: platform */ try { // On native, we need to fetch the loader code and eval it const loaderJsCodeResp = await fetch(nativeLoaderJSUrl) if (!loaderJsCodeResp.ok) { throw new Error(`Response not ok: ${loaderJsCodeResp.status}`) } const loaderJsCode = await loaderJsCodeResp.text() // biome-ignore lint/security/noGlobalEval: we can't use dynamic `import` on native so we need to fetch and `eval` the code const result = eval( `() => { var exports = {}; ${loaderJsCode}; return exports; }` )() if (typeof result.loader !== 'function') { throw new Error("Loader code isn't exporting a `loader` function") } return result } catch (e) { console.error(`Error fetching loader from URL: ${nativeLoaderJSUrl}, ${e}`) return { loader: () => ({}) } } } // On web, we can use import to dynamically load the loader return await dynamicImport(loaderJSUrl) })() loadedData[currentPath] = response.loader() return loadedData[currentPath] } catch (err) { console.error(`Error calling loader: ${err}`) errors[currentPath] = err delete promises[currentPath] return null } } promises[currentPath] = getData() } throw promises[currentPath] } return currentData.current } const results = new Map() const started = new Map() function useAsyncFn(val: any, props?: any) { const key = (val ? weakKey(val) : '') + JSON.stringify(props) if (val) { if (!started.get(key)) { started.set(key, true) let next = val(props) if (next instanceof Promise) { next = next .then((final) => { results.set(key, final) }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`Error running loader()`, err) results.set(key, undefined) }) } results.set(key, next) } } const current = results.get(key) if (current instanceof Promise) { throw current } return current }