OS := $(shell uname) BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) SRC_GLSL := $(shell find src -type f -name '*.glsl') SRC_SHADER_JS := $(patsubst %shader.glsl,%shader.js,$(SRC_GLSL)) SRC_JS := $(filter-out $(SRC_SHADER_JS),$(shell find src -name '*.js')) SRC_JSDOC = $(shell find src -type f -name '*.jsdoc') SPEC_JS := $(shell find test/spec -type f -name '*.js') SPEC_RENDERING_JS := $(shell find test_rendering/spec -name '*.js') EXAMPLES := $(shell find examples -type f) EXAMPLES_HTML := $(filter-out examples/index.html,$(shell find examples -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.html')) EXAMPLES_JS := $(patsubst %.html,%.js,$(EXAMPLES_HTML)) BUILD_EXAMPLES := $(subst examples,build/examples,$(EXAMPLES)) build/examples/index.js BUILD_HOSTED := build/hosted/$(BRANCH) BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES := $(addprefix $(BUILD_HOSTED)/,$(EXAMPLES)) BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES_JS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_HOSTED)/,$(EXAMPLES_JS)) UNPHANTOMABLE_EXAMPLES = examples/shaded-relief.html examples/raster.html examples/region-growing.html examples/color-manipulation.html CHECK_EXAMPLE_TIMESTAMPS = $(patsubst examples/%.html,build/timestamps/check-%-timestamp,$(filter-out $(UNPHANTOMABLE_EXAMPLES),$(EXAMPLES_HTML))) TASKS_JS := $(shell find tasks -name '*.js') ifeq (CYGWIN,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(OS))) CLOSURE_LIB = $(shell cygpath -u $(shell node -e 'process.stdout.write(require("closure-util").getLibraryPath())')) else CLOSURE_LIB = $(shell node -e 'process.stdout.write(require("closure-util").getLibraryPath())') endif ifeq ($(OS),Darwin) STAT_COMPRESSED = stat -f ' compressed: %z bytes' STAT_UNCOMPRESSED = stat -f 'uncompressed: %z bytes' else STAT_COMPRESSED = stat -c ' compressed: %s bytes' STAT_UNCOMPRESSED = stat -c 'uncompressed: %s bytes' endif .PHONY: default default: help .PHONY: help help: @echo @echo "The most common targets are:" @echo @echo "- install Install node dependencies" @echo "- serve Start dev server for running examples and tests" @echo "- test Run unit tests in the console" @echo "- check Perform a number of checks on the code" @echo "- clean Remove generated files" @echo "- help Display this help message" @echo @echo "Other less frequently used targets are:" @echo @echo "- build Build ol.js, ol-debug.js, ol.js.map and ol.css" @echo "- lint Check the code with the linter" @echo "- ci Run the full continuous integration process" @echo "- apidoc Build the API documentation using JSDoc" @echo "- cleanall Remove all the build artefacts" @echo "- check-deps Check if the required dependencies are installed" @echo .PHONY: apidoc apidoc: build/timestamps/jsdoc-$(BRANCH)-timestamp .PHONY: build build: build/ol.css build/ol.js build/ol-debug.js build/ol.js.map .PHONY: check check: lint build/ol.js test .PHONY: check-examples check-examples: $(CHECK_EXAMPLE_TIMESTAMPS) .PHONY: check-deps check-deps: EXECUTABLES = git node python java check-deps: @for exe in $(EXECUTABLES) ;\ do \ which $${exe} > /dev/null && \ echo "Program $${exe} OK" || \ echo "Program $${exe} MISSING!" ;\ done ;\ .PHONY: ci ci: lint build test test-rendering package compile-examples check-examples apidoc .PHONY: compile-examples compile-examples: build/compiled-examples/all.combined.js .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f build/timestamps/eslint-timestamp rm -f build/timestamps/check-*-timestamp rm -f build/ol.css rm -f build/ol.js rm -f build/ol.js.map rm -f build/ol-debug.js rm -f build/test_requires.js rm -f build/test_rendering_requires.js rm -rf build/examples rm -rf build/compiled-examples rm -rf build/package rm -rf $(BUILD_HOSTED) .PHONY: cleanall cleanall: rm -rf build .PHONY: css css: build/ol.css .PHONY: examples examples: $(BUILD_EXAMPLES) .PHONY: install install: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp .PHONY: lint lint: build/timestamps/eslint-timestamp .PHONY: npm-install npm-install: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp .PHONY: shaders shaders: $(SRC_SHADER_JS) .PHONY: serve serve: build/test_requires.js build/test_rendering_requires.js node tasks/serve.js .PHONY: test test: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp build/test_requires.js node tasks/test.js .PHONY: test-coverage test-coverage: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp node tasks/test-coverage.js .PHONY: test-rendering test-rendering: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp \ build/test_rendering_requires.js @rm -rf build/slimerjs-profile @mkdir -p build/slimerjs-profile @cp -r test_rendering/slimerjs-profile/* build/slimerjs-profile/ node tasks/test-rendering.js .PHONY: host-examples host-examples: $(BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES) \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol-debug.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/css/ol.css \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/loader.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/index.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol-deps.js .PHONY: host-libraries host-libraries: build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @rm -rf $(BUILD_HOSTED)/closure-library @mkdir -p $(BUILD_HOSTED)/closure-library @cp -r $(CLOSURE_LIB)/* $(BUILD_HOSTED)/closure-library/ @rm -rf $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol/ol @mkdir -p $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol/ol @cp -r src/ol/* $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol/ol/ @rm -rf $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol.ext @mkdir -p $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol.ext @cp -r build/ol.ext/* $(BUILD_HOSTED)/ol.ext/ $(BUILD_EXAMPLES): $(EXAMPLES) package.json @mkdir -p $(@D) @node tasks/build-examples.js build/timestamps/check-%-timestamp: $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/%.html \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/%.js \ $(filter $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/resources/%,$(BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES)) \ $(filter $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/data/%,$(BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES)) \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/loader.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol.js \ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/css/ol.css @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/check-example.js $< @touch $@ build/compiled-examples/all.js: $(EXAMPLES_JS) @mkdir -p $(@D) @python bin/combine-examples.py $^ > $@ build/compiled-examples/all.combined.js: config/examples-all.json build/compiled-examples/all.js \ $(SRC_JS) $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/build.js $< $@ build/compiled-examples/%.json: config/example.json build/examples/%.js \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) @sed -e 's|{{id}}|$*|' $< > $@ build/compiled-examples/%.combined.js: build/compiled-examples/%.json \ $(SRC_JS) $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/build.js $< $@ build/timestamps/jsdoc-$(BRANCH)-timestamp: config/jsdoc/api/index.md \ config/jsdoc/api/conf.json $(SRC_JS) \ $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ $(shell find config/jsdoc/api/template -type f) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) @rm -rf $(BUILD_HOSTED)/apidoc ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc config/jsdoc/api/index.md -c config/jsdoc/api/conf.json --package package.json -d $(BUILD_HOSTED)/apidoc @touch $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED_EXAMPLES_JS): $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/%.js: build/examples/%.js @mkdir -p $(@D) @python bin/split-example.py $< $(@D) $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/loader.js: bin/loader_hosted_examples.js @mkdir -p $(@D) @cp $< $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/examples/%: build/examples/% @mkdir -p $(@D) @cp $< $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol.js: build/ol.js @mkdir -p $(@D) @cp $< $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol-debug.js: build/ol-debug.js @mkdir -p $(@D) @cp $< $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/css/ol.css: build/ol.css @mkdir -p $(@D) @cp $< $@ $(BUILD_HOSTED)/build/ol-deps.js: host-libraries @mkdir -p $(@D) @python $(CLOSURE_LIB)/closure/bin/build/depswriter.py \ --root_with_prefix "src ../../../ol" \ --root_with_prefix "build/ol.ext ../../../ol.ext" \ --root $(BUILD_HOSTED)/closure-library/closure/goog \ --root_with_prefix "$(BUILD_HOSTED)/closure-library/third_party ../../third_party" \ --output_file $@ build/timestamps/eslint-timestamp: $(SRC_JS) $(SPEC_JS) $(SPEC_RENDERING_JS) \ $(TASKS_JS) $(EXAMPLES_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) @echo "Running eslint..." @./node_modules/.bin/eslint tasks test test_rendering src examples @touch $@ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp: package.json @mkdir -p $(@D) npm install @touch $@ build/ol.css: css/ol.css build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) @echo "Running cleancss..." @./node_modules/.bin/cleancss $< > $@ build/ol.js: config/ol.json $(SRC_JS) $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/build.js $< $@ @$(STAT_UNCOMPRESSED) $@ @cp $@ /tmp/ @gzip /tmp/ol.js @$(STAT_COMPRESSED) /tmp/ol.js.gz @rm /tmp/ol.js.gz build/ol.js.map: config/ol.json $(SRC_JS) $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/build.js $< $@ build/ol-debug.js: config/ol-debug.json $(SRC_JS) $(SRC_SHADER_JS) \ build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @mkdir -p $(@D) node tasks/build.js $< $@ @$(STAT_UNCOMPRESSED) $@ @cp $@ /tmp/ @gzip /tmp/ol-debug.js @$(STAT_COMPRESSED) /tmp/ol-debug.js.gz @rm /tmp/ol-debug.js.gz build/test_requires.js: $(SPEC_JS) $(SRC_JS) @mkdir -p $(@D) @node tasks/generate-requires.js $^ > $@ build/test_rendering_requires.js: $(SPEC_RENDERING_JS) @mkdir -p $(@D) @node tasks/generate-requires.js $^ > $@ %shader.js: %shader.glsl src/ol/webgl/shader.mustache bin/pyglslunit.py build/timestamps/node-modules-timestamp @python bin/pyglslunit.py --input $< | ./node_modules/.bin/mustache - src/ol/webgl/shader.mustache > $@ .PHONY: package package: @rm -rf build/package @cp -r package build @cd ./src && cp -r ol/* ../build/package @rm build/package/typedefs.js @cp css/ol.css build/package ./node_modules/.bin/jscodeshift --transform transforms/module.js build/package npm run lint-package