export interface Options { /** Number of concurrently pending promises returned by `mapper`. Must be an integer from 1 and up or `Infinity`. @default Infinity */ readonly concurrency?: number; /** When `true`, the first mapper rejection will be rejected back to the consumer. When `false`, instead of stopping when a promise rejects, it will wait for all the promises to settle and then reject with an [aggregated error](https://github.com/sindresorhus/aggregate-error) containing all the errors from the rejected promises. Caveat: When `true`, any already-started async mappers will continue to run until they resolve or reject. In the case of infinite concurrency with sync iterables, *all* mappers are invoked on startup and will continue after the first rejection. [Issue #51](https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-map/issues/51) can be implemented for abort control. @default true */ readonly stopOnError?: boolean; } /** Function which is called for every item in `input`. Expected to return a `Promise` or value. @param element - Iterated element. @param index - Index of the element in the source array. */ export type Mapper = ( element: Element, index: number ) => NewElement | Promise; /** @param input - Synchronous or asynchronous iterable that is iterated over concurrently, calling the `mapper` function for each element. Each iterated item is `await`'d before the `mapper` is invoked so the iterable may return a `Promise` that resolves to an item. Asynchronous iterables (different from synchronous iterables that return `Promise` that resolves to an item) can be used when the next item may not be ready without waiting for an asynchronous process to complete and/or the end of the iterable may be reached after the asynchronous process completes. For example, reading from a remote queue when the queue has reached empty, or reading lines from a stream. @param mapper - Function which is called for every item in `input`. Expected to return a `Promise` or value. @returns A `Promise` that is fulfilled when all promises in `input` and ones returned from `mapper` are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is an `Array` of the fulfilled values returned from `mapper` in `input` order. @example ``` import pMap from 'p-map'; import got from 'got'; const sites = [ getWebsiteFromUsername('sindresorhus'), //=> Promise 'https://avajs.dev', 'https://github.com' ]; const mapper = async site => { const {requestUrl} = await got.head(site); return requestUrl; }; const result = await pMap(sites, mapper, {concurrency: 2}); console.log(result); //=> ['https://sindresorhus.com/', 'https://avajs.dev/', 'https://github.com/'] ``` */ export default function pMap( input: AsyncIterable> | Iterable>, mapper: Mapper, options?: Options ): Promise>>; /** Return this value from a `mapper` function to skip including the value in the returned array. @example ``` import pMap, {pMapSkip} from 'p-map'; import got from 'got'; const sites = [ getWebsiteFromUsername('sindresorhus'), //=> Promise 'https://avajs.dev', 'https://example.invalid', 'https://github.com' ]; const mapper = async site => { try { const {requestUrl} = await got.head(site); return requestUrl; } catch { return pMapSkip; } }; const result = await pMap(sites, mapper, {concurrency: 2}); console.log(result); //=> ['https://sindresorhus.com/', 'https://avajs.dev/', 'https://github.com/'] ``` */ export const pMapSkip: unique symbol;