import { Queue, RunFunction } from './queue.js'; interface TimeoutOptions { /** Per-operation timeout in milliseconds. Operations fulfill once `timeout` elapses if they haven't already. */ timeout?: number; /** Whether or not a timeout is considered an exception. @default false */ throwOnTimeout?: boolean; } export interface Options, QueueOptions extends QueueAddOptions> extends TimeoutOptions { /** Concurrency limit. Minimum: `1`. @default Infinity */ readonly concurrency?: number; /** Whether queue tasks within concurrency limit, are auto-executed as soon as they're added. @default true */ readonly autoStart?: boolean; /** Class with a `enqueue` and `dequeue` method, and a `size` getter. See the [Custom QueueClass]( section. */ readonly queueClass?: new () => QueueType; /** The max number of runs in the given interval of time. Minimum: `1`. @default Infinity */ readonly intervalCap?: number; /** The length of time in milliseconds before the interval count resets. Must be finite. Minimum: `0`. @default 0 */ readonly interval?: number; /** Whether the task must finish in the given interval or will be carried over into the next interval count. @default false */ readonly carryoverConcurrencyCount?: boolean; } export interface QueueAddOptions extends TaskOptions, TimeoutOptions { /** Priority of operation. Operations with greater priority will be scheduled first. @default 0 */ readonly priority?: number; } export interface TaskOptions { /** [`AbortSignal`]( for cancellation of the operation. When aborted, it will be removed from the queue and the `queue.add()` call will reject with an `AbortError`. If the operation is already running, the signal will need to be handled by the operation itself. @example ``` import PQueue, {AbortError} from 'p-queue'; import got, {CancelError} from 'got'; const queue = new PQueue(); const controller = new AbortController(); try { await queue.add(({signal}) => { const request = got(''); signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { request.cancel(); }); try { return await request; } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof CancelError)) { throw error; } } }, {signal: controller.signal}); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof AbortError)) { throw error; } } ``` */ readonly signal?: AbortSignal; } export {};