/// import * as stream from "stream"; import * as events from "events"; // Markup data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare namespace MarkupData { interface Location { /** * One-based line index */ line: number; /** * One-based column index */ col: number; /** * Zero-based first character index */ startOffset: number; /** * Zero-based last character index */ endOffset: number; } interface AttributesLocation { [attributeName: string]: Location; } interface StartTagLocation extends Location { /** * Start tag attributes' location info */ attrs: AttributesLocation } interface ElementLocation extends StartTagLocation { /** * Element's start tag location info. */ startTag: StartTagLocation; /** * Element's end tag location info. */ endTag: Location; } } // Options //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare namespace Options { export interface ParserOptions { /** * Enables source code location information for the nodes. When enabled, each node (except root node) has the `__location` property. * In case the node is not an empty element, `__location` will be {@link MarkupData.ElementLocation} object, otherwise it's {@link MarkupData.Location}. * If the element was implicitly created by the parser it's `__location` property will be null. * * **Default:** `false` */ locationInfo?: boolean; /** * Specifies the resulting tree format. * * **Default:** `treeAdapters.default` */ treeAdapter?: AST.TreeAdapter; } export interface SAXParserOptions { /** * Enables source code location information for the tokens. * When enabled, each token event handler will receive {@link MarkupData.Location} (or {@link MarkupData.StartTagLocation}) * object as its last argument. */ locationInfo?: boolean; } export interface SerializerOptions { /*** * Specifies input tree format. * * **Default:** `treeAdapters.default` */ treeAdapter?: AST.TreeAdapter; } } // AST //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare namespace AST { /** * [Document mode](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-limited-quirks). */ type DocumentMode = 'no-quirks' | 'quirks' | 'limited-quirks'; // Default tree adapter namespace Default { /** * Element attribute. */ interface Attribute { /** * The name of the attribute. */ name: string; /** * The value of the attribute. */ value: string; /** * The namespace of the attribute. */ namespace?: string; /** * The namespace-related prefix of the attribute. */ prefix?: string; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Node interface. */ interface Node { /** * The name of the node. E.g. {@link Document} will have `nodeName` equal to '#document'`. */ nodeName: string; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} ParentNode interface. */ interface ParentNode { /** * Child nodes. */ childNodes: Node[]; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} DocumentType interface. */ export interface DocumentType extends Node { /** * The name of the node. */ nodeName: '#documentType'; /** * Document type name. */ name: string; /** * Document type public identifier. */ publicId: string; /** * Document type system identifier. */ systemId: string; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Document interface. */ export interface Document extends ParentNode { /** * The name of the node. */ nodeName: '#document'; /** * [Document mode](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-limited-quirks). */ mode: DocumentMode; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} DocumentFragment interface. */ export interface DocumentFragment extends ParentNode { /** * The name of the node. */ nodeName: '#document-fragment'; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Element interface. */ export interface Element extends ParentNode { /** * The name of the node. Equals to element {@link tagName}. */ nodeName: string; /** * Element tag name. */ tagName: string; /** * Element namespace. */ namespaceURI: string; /** * List of element attributes. */ attrs: Attribute[]; /** * Parent node. */ parentNode: ParentNode; /** * Element source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.ElementLocation; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} CommentNode interface. */ export interface CommentNode extends Node { /** * The name of the node. */ nodeName: '#comment'; /** * Comment text. */ data: string; /** * Parent node. */ parentNode: ParentNode; /** * Comment source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.Location; } /** * [Default tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} TextNode interface. */ export interface TextNode extends Node { /** * The name of the node. */ nodeName: '#text'; /** * Text content. */ value: string; /** * Parent node. */ parentNode: ParentNode; /** * Text node source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.Location; } } // htmlparser2 tree adapter namespace HtmlParser2 { /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Node interface. */ interface Node { /** * The type of the node. E.g. {@link Document} will have `type` equal to 'root'`. */ type: string; /** * [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-nodetype)-compatible node {@link type}. */ nodeType: number; /** * Parent node. */ parent: ParentNode; /** * Same as {@link parent}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ parentNode: ParentNode; /** * Previous sibling. */ prev: Node; /** * Same as {@link prev}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ previousSibling: Node; /** * Next sibling. */ next: Node; /** * Same as {@link next}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ nextSibling: Node; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} ParentNode interface. */ interface ParentNode extends Node { /** * Child nodes. */ children: Node[]; /** * Same as {@link children}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ childNodes: Node[]; /** * First child of the node. */ firstChild: Node; /** * Last child of the node. */ lastChild: Node; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} DocumentType interface. */ export interface DocumentType extends Node { /** * The type of the node. */ type: 'directive'; /** * Node name. */ name: '!doctype'; /** * Serialized doctype {@link name}, {@link publicId} and {@link systemId}. */ data: string; /** * Document type name. */ 'x-name':string; /** * Document type public identifier. */ 'x-publicId': string; /** * Document type system identifier. */ 'x-systemId': string; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Document interface. */ export interface Document extends ParentNode { /** * The type of the node. */ type: 'root'; /** * The name of the node. */ name: 'root'; /** * [Document mode](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-limited-quirks). */ 'x-mode': DocumentMode; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} DocumentFragment interface. */ export interface DocumentFragment extends ParentNode { /** * The type of the node. */ type: 'root'; /** * The name of the node. */ name: 'root'; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} Element interface. */ export interface Element extends ParentNode { /** * The name of the node. Equals to element {@link tagName}. */ name: string; /** * Element tag name. */ tagName: string; /** * Element namespace. */ namespace: string; /** * Element attributes. */ attribs: { [name: string]: string }; /** * Element attribute namespaces. */ 'x-attribsNamespace': { [name: string]: string }; /** * Element attribute namespace-related prefixes. */ 'x-attribsPrefix': { [name: string]: string }; /** * Element source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.ElementLocation; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} CommentNode interface. */ export interface CommentNode extends Node { /** * The name of the node. */ name: 'comment'; /** * Comment text. */ data: string; /** * Same as {@link data}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ nodeValue: string; /** * Comment source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.Location; } /** * [htmlparser2 tree adapter]{@link parse5.treeAdapters} TextNode interface. */ export interface TextNode extends Node { /** * The name of the node. */ name: 'text'; /** * Text content. */ data: string; /** * Same as {@link data}. [DOM spec](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org)-compatible alias. */ nodeValue: string; /** * Comment source code location info. Available if location info is enabled via {@link Options.ParserOptions}. */ __location?: MarkupData.Location; } } // Unions // NOTE: we use `Object` in unions to support custom tree adapter implementations. // TypeScript Handbook suggests to always use `any` instead of `Object`, but in that // case language service hints `any` as type, instead of actual union name. /** * Generic Node interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.Node}) to get access to the properties. */ type Node = Default.Node | HtmlParser2.Node | Object; /** * Generic ParentNode interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.ParentNode}) to get access to the properties. */ type ParentNode = Default.ParentNode | HtmlParser2.ParentNode | Object; /** * Generic DocumentType interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.DocumentType}) to get access to the properties. */ type DocumentType = Default.DocumentType | HtmlParser2.DocumentType | Object; /** * Generic Document interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.Document}) to get access to the properties. */ type Document = Default.Document | HtmlParser2.Document | Object; /** * Generic DocumentFragment interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.DocumentFragment}) to get access to the properties. */ type DocumentFragment = Default.DocumentFragment | HtmlParser2.DocumentFragment | Object; /** * Generic Element interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.Element}) to get access to the properties. */ type Element = Default.Element | HtmlParser2.Element | Object; /** * Generic TextNode interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.TextNode}) to get access to the properties. */ type TextNode = Default.TextNode | HtmlParser2.TextNode | Object; /** * Generic CommentNode interface. * Cast to the actual AST interface (e.g. {@link parse5.AST.Default.CommentNode}) to get access to the properties. */ type CommentNode = Default.CommentNode | HtmlParser2.CommentNode | Object; // Tree adapter interface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Tree adapter is a set of utility functions that provides minimal required abstraction layer beetween parser and a specific AST format. * Note that `TreeAdapter` is not designed to be a general purpose AST manipulation library. You can build such library * on top of existing `TreeAdapter` or use one of the existing libraries from npm. * * @see [default implementation](https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/blob/master/lib/tree_adapters/default.js) */ export interface TreeAdapter { /** * Creates a document node. */ createDocument(): AST.Document; /** * Creates a document fragment node. */ createDocumentFragment(): AST.DocumentFragment; /** * Creates an element node. * * @param tagName - Tag name of the element. * @param namespaceURI - Namespace of the element. * @param attrs - Attribute name-value pair array. Foreign attributes may contain `namespace` and `prefix` fields as well. */ createElement(tagName: string, namespaceURI: string, attrs: AST.Default.Attribute[]): AST.Element; /** * Creates a comment node. * * @param data - Comment text. */ createCommentNode(data: string): AST.CommentNode; /** * Appends a child node to the given parent node. * * @param parentNode - Parent node. * @param newNode - Child node. */ appendChild(parentNode: AST.ParentNode, newNode: AST.Node): void; /** * Inserts a child node to the given parent node before the given reference node. * * @param parentNode - Parent node. * @param newNode - Child node. * @param referenceNode - Reference node. */ insertBefore(parentNode: AST.ParentNode, newNode: AST.Node, referenceNode: AST.Node): void; /** * Sets the `