import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import * as protobufjs from 'protobufjs'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as Long from 'long'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { parseSchema } from './index'; import { Enum, EnumTest, MapTestLongAndBool, MapTestIntAndString, Optional, RepeatedPacked, RepeatedUnpacked, } from './test.proto'; function parseTestProto(): typeof import('./test.proto') { return parseSchema(fs.readFileSync('./test.proto', 'utf8')).compile(); } function prngUint32(): () => number { let seed = 1; return () => { const temp = (seed * 20077 + (seed & 0xFFFF) * 1103495168 + 12345) & 0x7FFFFFFF; seed = (temp * 20077 + (temp & 0xFFFF) * 1103495168 + 12345) & 0x7FFFFFFF; return ((temp & 0xFFFF) | (seed << 16)) >>> 0; }; } function* randomMessageStream(): Iterable { const randomUint32 = prngUint32(); const randomFloat64 = () => randomUint32() / (-1 >>> 0); for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { yield { field_int32: randomUint32() | 0, field_int64: new Long(randomUint32(), randomUint32()), field_uint32: randomUint32(), field_uint64: new Long(randomUint32(), randomUint32(), true), field_sint32: randomUint32() | 0, field_sint64: new Long(randomUint32(), randomUint32()), field_fixed64: new Long(randomUint32(), randomUint32(), true), field_sfixed64: new Long(randomUint32(), randomUint32()), field_double: randomFloat64(), field_fixed32: randomUint32(), field_sfixed32: randomUint32() | 0, field_float: Math.fround(randomFloat64()), }; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('optional', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: Optional = { field_int32: -1, field_int64: new Long(-1, -2), field_uint32: -1 >>> 0, field_uint64: new Long(-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0, true), field_sint32: -1, field_sint64: new Long(-1, -2), field_bool: true, field_fixed64: new Long(12345678, 87654321, true), field_sfixed64: new Long(-87654321, -12345678), field_double: 2.5, field_string: 'testing 🙉🙈🙊', field_bytes: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), field_fixed32: -1 >>> 0, field_sfixed32: -1, field_float: 3.25, field_nested: { x: 1.5 }, }; const buffer = schema.encodeOptional(message); const message2 = schema.decodeOptional(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); const Optional = root.lookupType('test.Optional'); const message3 = Optional.decode(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message3, message); const buffer2 = Optional.encode(message).finish(); assert.deepEqual(buffer2, buffer); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('repeated unpacked', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: RepeatedUnpacked = { field_int32: [-1, -2], field_int64: [new Long(-1, -2), new Long(-3, -4)], field_uint32: [-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0], field_uint64: [new Long(-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0, true), new Long(-3 >>> 0, -4 >>> 0, true)], field_sint32: [-1, -2], field_sint64: [new Long(-1, -2), new Long(-3, -4)], field_bool: [true, false], field_fixed64: [new Long(12345678, 87654321, true), new Long(8765, 1234, true)], field_sfixed64: [new Long(-87654321, -12345678), new Long(-1234, -8765)], field_double: [2.5, -2.5], field_string: ['testing', '🙉🙈🙊'], field_bytes: [new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), new Uint8Array([]), new Uint8Array([5, 4, 3])], field_fixed32: [-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0], field_sfixed32: [-1, -2], field_float: [3.25, -3.25], field_nested: [{ x: 1.5 }, {}, { y: 0.5 }], }; const buffer = schema.encodeRepeatedUnpacked(message); const message2 = schema.decodeRepeatedUnpacked(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); const RepeatedUnpacked = root.lookupType('test.RepeatedUnpacked'); const message3 = RepeatedUnpacked.decode(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message3, message); const buffer2 = RepeatedUnpacked.encode(message).finish(); assert.deepEqual(buffer2, buffer); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('repeated packed', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: RepeatedPacked = { field_int32: [-1, -2], field_int64: [new Long(-1, -2), new Long(-3, -4)], field_uint32: [-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0], field_uint64: [new Long(-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0, true), new Long(-3 >>> 0, -4 >>> 0, true)], field_sint32: [-1, -2], field_sint64: [new Long(-1, -2), new Long(-3, -4)], field_bool: [true, false], field_fixed64: [new Long(12345678, 87654321, true), new Long(8765, 1234, true)], field_sfixed64: [new Long(-87654321, -12345678), new Long(-1234, -8765)], field_double: [2.5, -2.5], field_string: ['testing', '🙉🙈🙊'], field_bytes: [new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), new Uint8Array([]), new Uint8Array([5, 4, 3])], field_fixed32: [-1 >>> 0, -2 >>> 0], field_sfixed32: [-1, -2], field_float: [3.25, -3.25], field_nested: [{ x: 1.5 }, {}, { y: 0.5 }], }; const buffer = schema.encodeRepeatedPacked(message); const message2 = schema.decodeRepeatedPacked(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); const RepeatedPacked = root.lookupType('test.RepeatedPacked'); const message3 = RepeatedPacked.decode(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message3, message); const buffer2 = RepeatedPacked.encode(message).finish(); assert.deepEqual(buffer2, buffer); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('enum test', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: EnumTest = { a: Enum.B, b: Enum.A, c: [Enum.A, Enum.B], }; const buffer = schema.encodeEnumTest(message); const message2 = schema.decodeEnumTest(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('map test (int and string keys)', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: MapTestIntAndString = { field_int32: { [-1]: false, [1]: true }, field_uint32: { [-1 >>> 0]: false, [1]: true }, field_sint32: { [-1]: false, [1]: true }, field_string: { 'testing': false, '🙉🙈🙊': true }, field_fixed32: { [-1 >>> 0]: false, [1]: true }, field_sfixed32: { [-1]: false, [1]: true }, }; const buffer = schema.encodeMapTestIntAndString(message); const message2 = schema.decodeMapTestIntAndString(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); const MapTestIntAndString = root.lookupType('test.MapTestIntAndString'); const message3 = MapTestIntAndString.decode(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message3, message); const buffer2 = MapTestIntAndString.encode(message).finish(); assert.deepEqual(buffer2, buffer); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('map test (long and bool keys)', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message: MapTestLongAndBool = { field_int64: { '\uFEDC\uBA98\u7654\u3210': false }, field_uint64: { '\uBA98\u7654\u3210\uFEDC': false }, field_sint64: { '\u7654\u3210\uFEDC\uBA98': false }, field_fixed64: { '\u3210\uFEDC\uBA98\u7654': false }, field_sfixed64: { '\uFEDC\uBA98\u7654\u3210': false }, field_bool: { false: true, true: false }, }; // Note: The output can't be compared against protobuf.js because it has a // bug that prevents it from round-tripping 64-bit keys correctly. The keys // are encoded in decimal but decoded in binary. Whoops! See this for more // information: // Because 64-bit keys are broken in protobuf.js, this library uses a more // efficient 16-bit encoding of 64-bit keys instead of an 8-bit encoding. // // It also seems to have a bug that breaks round-tripping boolean keys. I // couldn't find an associated bug but I also couldn't get it to work. const buffer = schema.encodeMapTestLongAndBool(message); const message2 = schema.decodeMapTestLongAndBool(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); // Even though we can't compare against the contents, still test that the // buffer is valid and can be decoded without throwing an error. const MapTestLongAndBool = root.lookupType('test.MapTestLongAndBool'); MapTestLongAndBool.decode(buffer); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('fuzzing protobufjs', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); for (const message of randomMessageStream()) { const buffer = schema.encodeOptional(message); const message2 = schema.decodeOptional(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('fuzzing pbjs', async () => { const root = new protobufjs.Root(); await root.load('./test.proto', { keepCase: true }); const Optional = root.lookupType('test.Optional'); for (const message of randomMessageStream()) { const buffer = Optional.encode(message).finish(); const message2 = Optional.decode(buffer); assert.deepEqual(message2, message); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('javascript (es5)', () => { const js = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.es5.js', 'utf8'); const js2 = parseSchema(fs.readFileSync('./test.proto', 'utf8')).toJavaScript(); assert.strictEqual(js, js2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('javascript (es6)', () => { const js = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.es6.js', 'utf8'); const js2 = parseSchema(fs.readFileSync('./test.proto', 'utf8')).toJavaScript({ es6: true }); assert.strictEqual(js, js2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('typescript', () => { const ts = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.ts', 'utf8'); const ts2 = parseSchema(fs.readFileSync('./test.proto', 'utf8')).toTypeScript(); assert.strictEqual(ts, ts2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('cli: generate javascript (es5)', async () => { try { fs.unlinkSync('./temp.js'); } catch (e) { } const js = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.es5.js', 'utf8'); const cli = child_process.spawn('node', ['./cli.js', './test.proto', '--es5', './temp.js']); await new Promise(resolve => cli.on('close', resolve)); const js2 = fs.readFileSync('./temp.js', 'utf8'); fs.unlinkSync('./temp.js'); assert.strictEqual(js, js2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('cli: generate javascript (es6)', async () => { try { fs.unlinkSync('./temp.js'); } catch (e) { } const js = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.es6.js', 'utf8'); const cli = child_process.spawn('node', ['./cli.js', './test.proto', '--es6', './temp.js']); await new Promise(resolve => cli.on('close', resolve)); const js2 = fs.readFileSync('./temp.js', 'utf8'); fs.unlinkSync('./temp.js'); assert.strictEqual(js, js2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('cli: generate typescript', async () => { try { fs.unlinkSync('./temp.ts'); } catch (e) { } const ts = fs.readFileSync('./test.proto.ts', 'utf8'); const cli = child_process.spawn('node', ['./cli.js', './test.proto', '--ts', './temp.ts']); await new Promise(resolve => cli.on('close', resolve)); const ts2 = fs.readFileSync('./temp.ts', 'utf8'); fs.unlinkSync('./temp.ts'); assert.strictEqual(ts, ts2); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('cli: encode', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message = { x: 1.5, y: -2.5, }; const cli = child_process.spawn('node', ['./cli.js', './test.proto', '--encode', 'Nested']); const chunks: Buffer[] = []; cli.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(message)); cli.stdin.end(); cli.stdout.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)); await new Promise(resolve => cli.on('close', resolve)); assert.deepStrictEqual(new Uint8Array(Buffer.concat(chunks)), schema.encodeNested(message)); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it('cli: decode', async () => { const schema = parseTestProto(); const message = { x: 1.5, y: -2.5, }; const cli = child_process.spawn('node', ['./cli.js', './test.proto', '--decode', 'Nested']); const chunks: Buffer[] = []; cli.stdin.write(schema.encodeNested(message)); cli.stdin.end(); cli.stdout.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)); await new Promise(resolve => cli.on('close', resolve)); assert.strictEqual(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(), JSON.stringify(message, null, 2) + '\n'); });