import { Schema } from "protocol-buffers-schema"; function quote(value: any): string { return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2); } export interface Options { typescript?: boolean; es6?: boolean; } export function generate(schema: Schema, options?: Options): string { options = options || {}; let pkg = schema.package; const typescript = !!options.typescript; const es6 = typescript || !!options.es6; const varOrConst = es6 ? 'const' : 'var'; const enums: { [key: string]: boolean } = {}; const lines: string[] = []; const packableTypes: { [type: string]: boolean } = { 'bool': true, 'double': true, 'fixed32': true, 'fixed64': true, 'float': true, 'int32': true, 'int64': true, 'sfixed32': true, 'sfixed64': true, 'sint32': true, 'sint64': true, 'uint32': true, 'uint64': true, }; function ts(code: string): string { return typescript ? ': ' + code : ''; } const TYPE_VAR_INT = 0; const TYPE_SIZE_8 = 1; const TYPE_SIZE_N = 2; const TYPE_SIZE_4 = 5; if (es6) { lines.push(`import * as ByteBuffer from "bytebuffer";`); if (typescript) lines.push(`import * as Long from "long";`); lines.push(``); } else { if (pkg) { lines.push(`var ${pkg} = ${pkg} || exports || {}, exports;`); } else { pkg = 'exports'; lines.push(`var exports = exports || {};`); } lines.push(`var ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer || require("bytebuffer");`); lines.push(pkg + '.Long = ByteBuffer.Long;'); lines.push(``); lines.push(`(function(undefined) {`); lines.push(``); } const prefix = es6 ? '' : pkg + '.'; lines.push(`function $pushTemporaryLength(buffer${ts('ByteBuffer')})${ts('number')} {`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} length = buffer.readVarint32();`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} limit = buffer.limit;`); lines.push(` buffer.limit = buffer.offset + length;`); lines.push(` return limit;`); lines.push(`}`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`function $skipUnknownField(buffer${ts('ByteBuffer')}, type${ts('number')})${ts('void')} {`); lines.push(` switch (type) {`); lines.push(` case ${TYPE_VAR_INT}: while (buffer.readByte() & 0x80) {} break;`); lines.push(` case ${TYPE_SIZE_N}: buffer.skip(buffer.readVarint32()); break;`); lines.push(` case ${TYPE_SIZE_4}: buffer.skip(4); break;`); lines.push(` case ${TYPE_SIZE_8}: buffer.skip(8); break;`); lines.push(` default: throw new Error("Unimplemented type: " + type);`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(`}`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`function $coerceLong(value${ts('any')})${ts('Long')} {`); lines.push(` if (!(value instanceof ${typescript ? '' : 'ByteBuffer.'}Long) && "low" in value && "high" in value)`); lines.push(` value = new ${typescript ? '' : 'ByteBuffer.'}Long(value.low, value.high, value.unsigned);`); lines.push(` return value;`); lines.push(`}`); lines.push(``); function codeForEnumExport(name: string): string { return es6 ? `export const ${name}` : `${pkg}.${name}`; } for (const def of schema.enums) { const prefix = + '_'; const items: string[] = []; const encode: string[] = []; const decode: string[] = []; for (let key in def.values) { const value = def.values[key]; // Protocol buffers made the stupid decision to use C-style enum scoping // rules. Attempt to fix this by stripping the "EnumType_" prefix if present. if (key.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix) { key = key.slice(prefix.length); } items.push(` ${key} = ${quote(key)},`); encode.push(` ${key}: ${value.value},`); decode.push(` ${value.value}: ${typescript ? `${}.${key}` : quote(key)},`); } if (typescript) { lines.push(`export enum ${} {`); lines.push.apply(lines, items); lines.push(`}`); lines.push(``); } lines.push(`${codeForEnumExport('encode' +}${ts(`{[key: string]: number}`)} = {`); lines.push.apply(lines, encode); lines.push(`};`); lines.push(''); lines.push(`${codeForEnumExport('decode' +}${ts(`{[key: number]: ${}}`)} = {`); lines.push.apply(lines, decode); lines.push(`};`); lines.push(''); enums[] = true; packableTypes[] = true; } // Validate the "packed" option once for (const def of schema.messages) { for (const field of def.fields) { if (field.options.packed === 'true' && (!field.repeated || !(field.type in packableTypes))) { throw new Error( + ': [packed = true] can only be specified for repeated primitive fields'); } } } function codeForFunctionExport(name: string): string { return es6 ? `export function ${name}` : `${pkg}.${name} = function`; } for (const def of schema.messages) { if (typescript) { lines.push(`export interface ${} {`); for (const field of def.fields) { let type: string; switch (field.type) { case 'bool': type = 'boolean'; break; case 'bytes': type = 'Uint8Array'; break; case 'double': case 'fixed32': case 'float': case 'int32': case 'sfixed32': case 'sint32': case 'uint32': type = 'number'; break; case 'fixed64': case 'int64': case 'sfixed64': case 'sint64': case 'uint64': type = 'Long'; break; default: type = field.type; break; } const required = field.required ? '' : '?'; const repeated = field.repeated ? '[]' : ''; lines.push(` ${}${required}: ${type}${repeated};`); } lines.push(`}`); lines.push(``); } lines.push(`${codeForFunctionExport('encode' +}(message${ts(})${ts('Uint8Array')} {`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} buffer = new ByteBuffer(undefined, /* isLittleEndian */ true);`); lines.push(``); for (const field of def.fields) { const isPacked = field.repeated && field.options.packed !== 'false' && field.type in packableTypes; const buffer = isPacked ? 'packed' : 'buffer'; const modifier = field.repeated ? 'repeated ' : field.required ? 'required ' : 'optional '; const value = `$${}`; let type = 0; let write = null; let before = null; lines.push(` // ${modifier}${field.type} ${} = ${field.tag};`); switch (field.type) { case 'bool': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeByte(${value} ? 1 : 0)`; break; case 'bytes': type = TYPE_SIZE_N; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint32(${value}.length), ${buffer}.append(${value})`; break; case 'double': type = TYPE_SIZE_8; write = `${buffer}.writeDouble(${value})`; break; case 'fixed32': type = TYPE_SIZE_4; write = `${buffer}.writeUint32(${value})`; break; case 'fixed64': type = TYPE_SIZE_8; write = `${buffer}.writeUint64($coerceLong(${value}))`; break; case 'float': type = TYPE_SIZE_4; write = `${buffer}.writeFloat(${value})`; break; case 'int32': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint64(${value} | 0)`; break; case 'int64': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint64($coerceLong(${value}))`; break; case 'sfixed32': type = TYPE_SIZE_4; write = `${buffer}.writeInt32(${value})`; break; case 'sfixed64': type = TYPE_SIZE_8; write = `${buffer}.writeInt64($coerceLong(${value}))`; break; case 'sint32': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint32ZigZag(${value})`; break; case 'sint64': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint64ZigZag($coerceLong(${value}))`; break; case 'uint32': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint32(${value})`; break; case 'uint64': type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint64($coerceLong(${value}))`; break; case 'string': { type = TYPE_SIZE_N; before = `${varOrConst} nested = new ByteBuffer(undefined, /* isLittleEndian */ true)`; write = `nested.writeUTF8String(${value}), ${buffer}.writeVarint32(nested.flip().limit), ${buffer}.append(nested)`; break; } default: { if (field.type in enums) { type = TYPE_VAR_INT; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint32(${prefix}encode${field.type}[${value}])`; } else { type = TYPE_SIZE_N; before = `${varOrConst} nested = ${prefix}encode${field.type}(${value})`; write = `${buffer}.writeVarint32(nested.byteLength), ${buffer}.append(nested)`; } break; } } if (field.repeated) { const array = `array$${}`; lines.push(` ${varOrConst} ${array} = message.${};`); lines.push(` if (${array} !== undefined) {`); if (isPacked) { lines.push(` ${varOrConst} packed = new ByteBuffer(undefined, /* isLittleEndian */ true);`); if (es6) { lines.push(` for (const ${value} of ${array}) {`); } else { lines.push(` for (var i = 0; i < ${array}.length; i++) {`); lines.push(` var ${value} = ${array}[i];`); } if (before) lines.push(` ${before};`); lines.push(` ${write};`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(` buffer.writeVarint32(${(field.tag << 3) | TYPE_SIZE_N});`); lines.push(` buffer.writeVarint32(packed.flip().limit);`); lines.push(` buffer.append(packed);`); } else { if (es6) { lines.push(` for (const ${value} of ${array}) {`); } else { lines.push(` for (var i = 0; i < ${array}.length; i++) {`); lines.push(` var ${value} = ${array}[i];`); } if (before) lines.push(` ${before};`); lines.push(` buffer.writeVarint32(${(field.tag << 3) | type});`); lines.push(` ${write};`); lines.push(` }`); } lines.push(` }`); lines.push(``); } else { lines.push(` ${varOrConst} ${value} = message.${};`); lines.push(` if (${value} !== undefined) {`); lines.push(` buffer.writeVarint32(${(field.tag << 3) | type});`); if (before) lines.push(` ${before};`); lines.push(` ${write};`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(``); } } lines.push(` return buffer.flip().toBuffer();`); lines.push(es6 ? '}' : '};'); lines.push(``); lines.push(`${codeForFunctionExport('decode' +}(binary${ts('ByteBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer')})${ts(} {`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} message${ts(} = {}${typescript ? ' as any' : ''};`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} buffer = binary instanceof ByteBuffer ? binary : ByteBuffer.wrap(binary, /* isLittleEndian */ true);`); lines.push(``); lines.push(` end_of_message: while (buffer.remaining() > 0) {`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} tag = buffer.readVarint32();`); lines.push(``); lines.push(` switch (tag >>> 3) {`); lines.push(` case 0:`); lines.push(` break end_of_message;`); lines.push(``); for (const field of def.fields) { const modifier = field.repeated ? 'repeated ' : field.required ? 'required ' : 'optional '; let read = null; let after = null; lines.push(` // ${modifier}${field.type} ${} = ${field.tag};`); lines.push(` case ${field.tag}: {`); switch (field.type) { case 'bool': read = `!!buffer.readByte()`; break; case 'bytes': read = `buffer.readBytes(buffer.readVarint32()).toBuffer()`; break; case 'double': read = `buffer.readDouble()`; break; case 'fixed32': read = `buffer.readUint32()`; break; case 'fixed64': read = `buffer.readUint64()`; break; case 'float': read = `buffer.readFloat()`; break; case 'int32': read = `buffer.readVarint32()`; break; case 'int64': read = `buffer.readVarint64()`; break; case 'sfixed32': read = `buffer.readInt32()`; break; case 'sfixed64': read = `buffer.readInt64()`; break; case 'sint32': read = `buffer.readVarint32ZigZag()`; break; case 'sint64': read = `buffer.readVarint64ZigZag()`; break; case 'string': read = `buffer.readUTF8String(buffer.readVarint32(), ByteBuffer.METRICS_BYTES)${typescript ? ' as string' : ''}`; break; case 'uint32': read = `buffer.readVarint32() >>> 0`; break; case 'uint64': read = `buffer.readVarint64().toUnsigned()`; break; default: { if (field.type in enums) { read = `${prefix}decode${field.type}[buffer.readVarint32()]`; } else { lines.push(` ${varOrConst} limit = $pushTemporaryLength(buffer);`); read = `${prefix}decode${field.type}(buffer)`; after = 'buffer.limit = limit'; } break; } } if (field.repeated) { lines.push(` ${varOrConst} values = message.${} || (message.${} = []);`); // Support both packed and unpacked encodings for primitive types if (field.type in packableTypes) { lines.push(` if ((tag & 7) === ${TYPE_SIZE_N}) {`); lines.push(` ${varOrConst} outerLimit = $pushTemporaryLength(buffer);`); lines.push(` while (buffer.remaining() > 0) {`); lines.push(` values.push(${read});`); if (after) lines.push(` ${after};`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(` buffer.limit = outerLimit;`); lines.push(` } else {`); lines.push(` values.push(${read});`); if (after) lines.push(` ${after};`); lines.push(` }`); } else { lines.push(` values.push(${read});`); if (after) lines.push(` ${after};`); } } else { lines.push(` message.${} = ${read};`); if (after) lines.push(` ${after};`); } lines.push(` break;`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(``); } lines.push(` default:`); lines.push(` $skipUnknownField(buffer, tag & 7);`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(` }`); lines.push(``); for (const field of def.fields) { if (field.required) { lines.push(` if (message.${} === undefined)`); lines.push(` throw new Error(${quote(`Missing required field: ${}`)});`); lines.push(``); } } lines.push(` return message;`); lines.push(es6 ? '}' : '};'); lines.push(``); } if (!es6) { lines.push(`})();`); lines.push(``); } return lines.join('\n'); }