export type PDFPageProxy = import("../src/display/api").PDFPageProxy; export type PageViewport = import("../src/display/display_utils").PageViewport; export type IDownloadManager = import("./interfaces").IDownloadManager; export type IL10n = import("./interfaces").IL10n; export type IPDFLinkService = import("./interfaces").IPDFLinkService; export type AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions = { pageDiv: HTMLDivElement; pdfPage: PDFPageProxy; annotationStorage?: any; /** * - Path for image resources, mainly * for annotation icons. Include trailing slash. */ imageResourcesPath?: string | undefined; renderForms: boolean; linkService: IPDFLinkService; downloadManager: IDownloadManager; /** * - Localization service. */ l10n: IL10n; enableScripting?: boolean | undefined; hasJSActionsPromise?: Promise | undefined; fieldObjectsPromise?: Promise<{ [x: string]: Object[]; } | null> | undefined; mouseState?: Object | undefined; annotationCanvasMap?: Map | undefined; }; /** * @typedef {Object} AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions * @property {HTMLDivElement} pageDiv * @property {PDFPageProxy} pdfPage * @property {AnnotationStorage} [annotationStorage] * @property {string} [imageResourcesPath] - Path for image resources, mainly * for annotation icons. Include trailing slash. * @property {boolean} renderForms * @property {IPDFLinkService} linkService * @property {IDownloadManager} downloadManager * @property {IL10n} l10n - Localization service. * @property {boolean} [enableScripting] * @property {Promise} [hasJSActionsPromise] * @property {Promise> | null>} * [fieldObjectsPromise] * @property {Object} [mouseState] * @property {Map} [annotationCanvasMap] */ export class AnnotationLayerBuilder { /** * @param {AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions} options */ constructor({ pageDiv, pdfPage, linkService, downloadManager, annotationStorage, imageResourcesPath, renderForms, l10n, enableScripting, hasJSActionsPromise, fieldObjectsPromise, mouseState, annotationCanvasMap, }: AnnotationLayerBuilderOptions); pageDiv: HTMLDivElement; pdfPage: import("../src/display/api").PDFPageProxy; linkService: import("./interfaces").IPDFLinkService; downloadManager: import("./interfaces").IDownloadManager; imageResourcesPath: string; renderForms: boolean; l10n: import("./interfaces").IL10n; annotationStorage: any; enableScripting: boolean; _hasJSActionsPromise: Promise; _fieldObjectsPromise: Promise<{ [x: string]: Object[]; } | null>; _mouseState: Object; _annotationCanvasMap: Map; div: HTMLDivElement | null; _cancelled: boolean; /** * @param {PageViewport} viewport * @param {string} intent (default value is 'display') * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when rendering of the * annotations is complete. */ render(viewport: PageViewport, intent?: string): Promise; cancel(): void; hide(): void; }