var $cl6Iw$express = require("express"); var $cl6Iw$nodehttp = require("node:http"); var $cl6Iw$nodehttps = require("node:https"); var $cl6Iw$nodepath = require("node:path"); var $cl6Iw$nodecrypto = require("node:crypto"); var $cl6Iw$nodeevents = require("node:events"); var $cl6Iw$ws = require("ws"); var $cl6Iw$cors = require("cors"); function $parcel$interopDefault(a) { return a && a.__esModule ? a.default : a; } function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); } $parcel$export(module.exports, "ExpressPeerServer", () => $123f4982a51872b4$export$8c57434a18c696c9); $parcel$export(module.exports, "PeerServer", () => $123f4982a51872b4$export$f99d31af51f48b1e); const $629a620fdd8149f9$var$defaultConfig = { host: "::", port: 9000, expire_timeout: 5000, alive_timeout: 90000, key: "peerjs", path: "/", concurrent_limit: 5000, allow_discovery: false, proxied: false, cleanup_out_msgs: 1000, corsOptions: { origin: true } }; var $629a620fdd8149f9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $629a620fdd8149f9$var$defaultConfig; class $884a4c78775bc4af$export$eb4c623330d4cbcc { lastReadAt = new Date().getTime(); messages = []; getLastReadAt() { return this.lastReadAt; } addMessage(message) { this.messages.push(message); } readMessage() { if (this.messages.length > 0) { this.lastReadAt = new Date().getTime(); return this.messages.shift(); } return undefined; } getMessages() { return this.messages; } } class $7a434f2b8c14dece$export$3ee29d34e33d9116 { clients = new Map(); messageQueues = new Map(); getClientsIds() { return [ ...this.clients.keys() ]; } getClientById(clientId) { return this.clients.get(clientId); } getClientsIdsWithQueue() { return [ ...this.messageQueues.keys() ]; } setClient(client, id) { this.clients.set(id, client); } removeClientById(id) { const client = this.getClientById(id); if (!client) return false; this.clients.delete(id); return true; } getMessageQueueById(id) { return this.messageQueues.get(id); } addMessageToQueue(id, message) { if (!this.getMessageQueueById(id)) this.messageQueues.set(id, new (0, $884a4c78775bc4af$export$eb4c623330d4cbcc)()); this.getMessageQueueById(id)?.addMessage(message); } clearMessageQueue(id) { this.messageQueues.delete(id); } generateClientId(generateClientId) { const generateId = generateClientId ? generateClientId : (0, $cl6Iw$nodecrypto.randomUUID); let clientId = generateId(); while(this.getClientById(clientId))clientId = generateId(); return clientId; } } const $41c352e9bd485a56$var$DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL = 300; class $41c352e9bd485a56$export$6fa53df6b5b88df7 { timeoutId = null; constructor({ realm: realm , config: config , checkInterval: checkInterval = $41c352e9bd485a56$var$DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL , onClose: onClose }){ this.realm = realm; this.config = config; this.onClose = onClose; this.checkInterval = checkInterval; } start() { if (this.timeoutId) clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.timeoutId = setTimeout(()=>{ this.checkConnections(); this.timeoutId = null; this.start(); }, this.checkInterval); } stop() { if (this.timeoutId) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.timeoutId = null; } } checkConnections() { const clientsIds = this.realm.getClientsIds(); const now = new Date().getTime(); const { alive_timeout: aliveTimeout } = this.config; for (const clientId of clientsIds){ const client = this.realm.getClientById(clientId); if (!client) continue; const timeSinceLastPing = now - client.getLastPing(); if (timeSinceLastPing < aliveTimeout) continue; try { client.getSocket()?.close(); } finally{ this.realm.clearMessageQueue(clientId); this.realm.removeClientById(clientId); client.setSocket(null); this.onClose?.(client); } } } } let $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac; (function(Errors) { Errors["INVALID_KEY"] = "Invalid key provided"; Errors["INVALID_TOKEN"] = "Invalid token provided"; Errors["INVALID_WS_PARAMETERS"] = "No id, token, or key supplied to websocket server"; Errors["CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEED"] = "Server has reached its concurrent user limit"; })($115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac || ($115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac = {})); let $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db; (function(MessageType) { MessageType["OPEN"] = "OPEN"; MessageType["LEAVE"] = "LEAVE"; MessageType["CANDIDATE"] = "CANDIDATE"; MessageType["OFFER"] = "OFFER"; MessageType["ANSWER"] = "ANSWER"; MessageType["EXPIRE"] = "EXPIRE"; MessageType["HEARTBEAT"] = "HEARTBEAT"; MessageType["ID_TAKEN"] = "ID-TAKEN"; MessageType["ERROR"] = "ERROR"; })($115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db || ($115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db = {})); class $0684e92015b7a087$export$a13b411d0e88b1af { timeoutId = null; constructor({ realm: realm , config: config , messageHandler: messageHandler }){ this.realm = realm; this.config = config; this.messageHandler = messageHandler; } startMessagesExpiration() { if (this.timeoutId) clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); // Clean up outstanding messages this.timeoutId = setTimeout(()=>{ this.pruneOutstanding(); this.timeoutId = null; this.startMessagesExpiration(); }, this.config.cleanup_out_msgs); } stopMessagesExpiration() { if (this.timeoutId) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.timeoutId = null; } } pruneOutstanding() { const destinationClientsIds = this.realm.getClientsIdsWithQueue(); const now = new Date().getTime(); const maxDiff = this.config.expire_timeout; const seen = {}; for (const destinationClientId of destinationClientsIds){ const messageQueue = this.realm.getMessageQueueById(destinationClientId); if (!messageQueue) continue; const lastReadDiff = now - messageQueue.getLastReadAt(); if (lastReadDiff < maxDiff) continue; const messages = messageQueue.getMessages(); for (const message of messages){ const seenKey = `${message.src}_${message.dst}`; if (!seen[seenKey]) { this.messageHandler.handle(undefined, { type: (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).EXPIRE, src: message.dst, dst: message.src }); seen[seenKey] = true; } } this.realm.clearMessageQueue(destinationClientId); } } } class $af5fd0bf18c3ac6d$export$1f2bb630327ac4b6 { socket = null; lastPing = new Date().getTime(); constructor({ id: id , token: token }){ = id; this.token = token; } getId() { return; } getToken() { return this.token; } getSocket() { return this.socket; } setSocket(socket) { this.socket = socket; } getLastPing() { return this.lastPing; } setLastPing(lastPing) { this.lastPing = lastPing; } send(data) { this.socket?.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } } const $e9ffe6de55430dbc$var$WS_PATH = "peerjs"; class $e9ffe6de55430dbc$export$f47674b57e51ee3b extends (0, $cl6Iw$nodeevents.EventEmitter) { constructor({ server: server , realm: realm , config: config }){ super(); this.setMaxListeners(0); this.realm = realm; this.config = config; const path = this.config.path; this.path = `${path}${path.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"}${$e9ffe6de55430dbc$var$WS_PATH}`; const options = { path: this.path, server: server }; this.socketServer = config.createWebSocketServer ? config.createWebSocketServer(options) : new (0, $cl6Iw$ws.WebSocketServer)(options); this.socketServer.on("connection", (socket, req)=>{ this._onSocketConnection(socket, req); }); this.socketServer.on("error", (error)=>{ this._onSocketError(error); }); } _onSocketConnection(socket, req) { // An unhandled socket error might crash the server. Handle it first. socket.on("error", (error)=>{ this._onSocketError(error); }); // We are only interested in the query, the base url is therefore not relevant const { searchParams: searchParams } = new URL(req.url ?? "", "https://peerjs"); const { id: id , token: token , key: key } = Object.fromEntries(searchParams.entries()); if (!id || !token || !key) { this._sendErrorAndClose(socket, (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac).INVALID_WS_PARAMETERS); return; } if (key !== this.config.key) { this._sendErrorAndClose(socket, (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac).INVALID_KEY); return; } const client = this.realm.getClientById(id); if (client) { if (token !== client.getToken()) { // ID-taken, invalid token socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).ID_TAKEN, payload: { msg: "ID is taken" } })); socket.close(); return; } this._configureWS(socket, client); return; } this._registerClient({ socket: socket, id: id, token: token }); } _onSocketError(error) { // handle error this.emit("error", error); } _registerClient({ socket: socket , id: id , token: token }) { // Check concurrent limit const clientsCount = this.realm.getClientsIds().length; if (clientsCount >= this.config.concurrent_limit) { this._sendErrorAndClose(socket, (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$b8e9cd941e8016ac).CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEED); return; } const newClient = new (0, $af5fd0bf18c3ac6d$export$1f2bb630327ac4b6)({ id: id, token: token }); this.realm.setClient(newClient, id); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).OPEN })); this._configureWS(socket, newClient); } _configureWS(socket, client) { client.setSocket(socket); // Cleanup after a socket closes. socket.on("close", ()=>{ if (client.getSocket() === socket) { this.realm.removeClientById(client.getId()); this.emit("close", client); } }); // Handle messages from peers. socket.on("message", (data)=>{ try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string const message = JSON.parse(data.toString()); message.src = client.getId(); this.emit("message", client, message); } catch (e) { this.emit("error", e); } }); this.emit("connection", client); } _sendErrorAndClose(socket, msg) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).ERROR, payload: { msg: msg } })); socket.close(); } } const $07b58d06a24ebcce$export$65302b915833a46d = (client)=>{ if (client) { const nowTime = new Date().getTime(); client.setLastPing(nowTime); } return true; }; const $ceefb4d5c5574ccb$export$809c011ea942310 = ({ realm: realm })=>{ const handle = (client, message)=>{ const type = message.type; const srcId = message.src; const dstId = message.dst; const destinationClient = realm.getClientById(dstId); // User is connected! if (destinationClient) { const socket = destinationClient.getSocket(); try { if (socket) { const data = JSON.stringify(message); socket.send(data); } else // Neither socket no res available. Peer dead? throw new Error("Peer dead"); } catch (e) { // This happens when a peer disconnects without closing connections and // the associated WebSocket has not closed. // Tell other side to stop trying. if (socket) socket.close(); else realm.removeClientById(destinationClient.getId()); handle(client, { type: (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).LEAVE, src: dstId, dst: srcId }); } } else { // Wait for this client to connect/reconnect (XHR) for important // messages. const ignoredTypes = [ (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).LEAVE, (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).EXPIRE ]; if (!ignoredTypes.includes(type) && dstId) realm.addMessageToQueue(dstId, message); else if (type === (0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).LEAVE && !dstId) realm.removeClientById(srcId); } return true; }; return handle; }; class $89578eeb272510da$export$cfe4a96645b0bbcf { handlers = new Map(); registerHandler(messageType, handler) { if (this.handlers.has(messageType)) return; this.handlers.set(messageType, handler); } handle(client, message) { const { type: type } = message; const handler = this.handlers.get(type); if (!handler) return false; return handler(client, message); } } class $379224fea64e1898$export$3deceafe0aaeaa95 { constructor(realm, handlersRegistry = new (0, $89578eeb272510da$export$cfe4a96645b0bbcf)()){ this.handlersRegistry = handlersRegistry; const transmissionHandler = (0, $ceefb4d5c5574ccb$export$809c011ea942310)({ realm: realm }); const heartbeatHandler = (0, $07b58d06a24ebcce$export$65302b915833a46d); const handleTransmission = (client, { type: type , src: src , dst: dst , payload: payload })=>{ return transmissionHandler(client, { type: type, src: src, dst: dst, payload: payload }); }; const handleHeartbeat = (client, message)=>heartbeatHandler(client, message); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).HEARTBEAT, handleHeartbeat); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).OFFER, handleTransmission); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).ANSWER, handleTransmission); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).CANDIDATE, handleTransmission); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).LEAVE, handleTransmission); this.handlersRegistry.registerHandler((0, $115ef0ff92fe1a17$export$80edbf15fa61a4db).EXPIRE, handleTransmission); } handle(client, message) { return this.handlersRegistry.handle(client, message); } } var $9d461d6237a76c70$exports = {}; $9d461d6237a76c70$exports = JSON.parse('{"name":"PeerJS Server","description":"A server side element to broker connections between PeerJS clients.","website":""}'); var $20377580afc1f4e2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = ({ config: config , realm: realm })=>{ const app = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$express))).Router(); // Retrieve guaranteed random ID. app.get("/id", (_, res)=>{ res.contentType("html"); res.send(realm.generateClientId(config.generateClientId)); }); // Get a list of all peers for a key, enabled by the `allowDiscovery` flag. app.get("/peers", (_, res)=>{ if (config.allow_discovery) { const clientsIds = realm.getClientsIds(); return res.send(clientsIds); } return res.sendStatus(401); }); return app; }; const $6519c7a56ba95525$export$bf71da7aebe9ddc1 = ({ config: config , realm: realm , corsOptions: corsOptions })=>{ const app = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$express))).Router(); app.use((0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$cors)))(corsOptions)); app.get("/", (_, res)=>{ res.send((0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($9d461d6237a76c70$exports)))); }); app.use("/:key", (0, $20377580afc1f4e2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)({ config: config, realm: realm })); return app; }; const $516a786dc008ff17$export$99152e8d49ca4e7d = ({ app: app , server: server , options: options })=>{ const config = options; const realm = new (0, $7a434f2b8c14dece$export$3ee29d34e33d9116)(); const messageHandler = new (0, $379224fea64e1898$export$3deceafe0aaeaa95)(realm); const api = (0, $6519c7a56ba95525$export$bf71da7aebe9ddc1)({ config: config, realm: realm, corsOptions: options.corsOptions }); const messagesExpire = new (0, $0684e92015b7a087$export$a13b411d0e88b1af)({ realm: realm, config: config, messageHandler: messageHandler }); const checkBrokenConnections = new (0, $41c352e9bd485a56$export$6fa53df6b5b88df7)({ realm: realm, config: config, onClose: (client)=>{ app.emit("disconnect", client); } }); app.use(options.path, api); //use mountpath for WS server const customConfig = { ...config, path: (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$nodepath))).posix.join(app.path(), options.path, "/") }; const wss = new (0, $e9ffe6de55430dbc$export$f47674b57e51ee3b)({ server: server, realm: realm, config: customConfig }); wss.on("connection", (client)=>{ const messageQueue = realm.getMessageQueueById(client.getId()); if (messageQueue) { let message; while(message = messageQueue.readMessage())messageHandler.handle(client, message); realm.clearMessageQueue(client.getId()); } app.emit("connection", client); }); wss.on("message", (client, message)=>{ app.emit("message", client, message); messageHandler.handle(client, message); }); wss.on("close", (client)=>{ app.emit("disconnect", client); }); wss.on("error", (error)=>{ app.emit("error", error); }); messagesExpire.startMessagesExpiration(); checkBrokenConnections.start(); }; function $123f4982a51872b4$export$8c57434a18c696c9(server, options) { const app = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$express)))(); const newOptions = { ...(0, $629a620fdd8149f9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039), ...options }; if (newOptions.proxied) app.set("trust proxy", newOptions.proxied === "false" ? false : !!newOptions.proxied); app.on("mount", ()=>{ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition if (!server) throw new Error("Server is not passed to constructor - can't start PeerServer"); (0, $516a786dc008ff17$export$99152e8d49ca4e7d)({ app: app, server: server, options: newOptions }); }); return app; } function $123f4982a51872b4$export$f99d31af51f48b1e(options = {}, callback) { const app = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$express)))(); let newOptions = { ...(0, $629a620fdd8149f9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039), ...options }; const port = newOptions.port; const host =; let server; const { ssl: ssl , ...restOptions } = newOptions; if (ssl && Object.keys(ssl).length) { server = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$nodehttps))).createServer(ssl, app); newOptions = restOptions; } else server = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($cl6Iw$nodehttp))).createServer(app); const peerjs = $123f4982a51872b4$export$8c57434a18c696c9(server, newOptions); app.use(peerjs); server.listen(port, host, ()=>callback?.(server)); return peerjs; } //#