var $2QID2$peerjsjsbinarypack = require("peerjs-js-binarypack"); var $2QID2$webrtcadapter = require("webrtc-adapter"); var $2QID2$eventemitter3 = require("eventemitter3"); var $2QID2$cborx = require("cbor-x"); var $2QID2$msgpackmsgpack = require("@msgpack/msgpack"); function $parcel$defineInteropFlag(a) { Object.defineProperty(a, '__esModule', {value: true, configurable: true}); } function $parcel$exportWildcard(dest, source) { Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) { if (key === 'default' || key === '__esModule' ||, key)) { return; } Object.defineProperty(dest, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return source[key]; } }); }); return dest; } function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); } function $parcel$interopDefault(a) { return a && a.__esModule ? a.default : a; } $parcel$defineInteropFlag(module.exports); $parcel$export(module.exports, "default", () => $8c8bca0fa9aa4b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039); $parcel$export(module.exports, "util", () => $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b); $parcel$export(module.exports, "BufferedConnection", () => $8d5124d0cf36ebe0$export$ff7c9d4c11d94e8b); $parcel$export(module.exports, "StreamConnection", () => $544799118fa637e6$export$72aa44612e2200cd); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Cbor", () => $0cb783f200ef4d91$export$7e9583c3c8a0a2cc); $parcel$export(module.exports, "MsgPack", () => $7e477efb76e02214$export$80f5de1a66c4d624); $parcel$export(module.exports, "Peer", () => $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448); $parcel$export(module.exports, "MsgPackPeer", () => $8c8805059443e9b3$export$d72c7bf8eef50853); $parcel$export(module.exports, "CborPeer", () => $1fc1476c05a53911$export$f6a74c7ffa2903e6); $parcel$export(module.exports, "PeerError", () => $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$98871882f492de82); class $7ce5389b504cc06c$export$f1c5f4c9cb95390b { constructor(){ this.chunkedMTU = 16300 // The original 60000 bytes setting does not work when sending data from Firefox to Chrome, which is "cut off" after 16384 bytes and delivered individually. ; // Binary stuff this._dataCount = 1; this.chunk = (blob)=>{ const chunks = []; const size = blob.byteLength; const total = Math.ceil(size / this.chunkedMTU); let index = 0; let start = 0; while(start < size){ const end = Math.min(size, start + this.chunkedMTU); const b = blob.slice(start, end); const chunk = { __peerData: this._dataCount, n: index, data: b, total: total }; chunks.push(chunk); start = end; index++; } this._dataCount++; return chunks; }; } } function $7ce5389b504cc06c$export$52c89ebcdc4f53f2(bufs) { let size = 0; for (const buf of bufs)size += buf.byteLength; const result = new Uint8Array(size); let offset = 0; for (const buf of bufs){ result.set(buf, offset); offset += buf.byteLength; } return result; } const $07e4f6a369d1179a$var$webRTCAdapter = //@ts-ignore (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($2QID2$webrtcadapter))).default || (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($2QID2$webrtcadapter))); const $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d = new class { isWebRTCSupported() { return typeof RTCPeerConnection !== "undefined"; } isBrowserSupported() { const browser = this.getBrowser(); const version = this.getVersion(); const validBrowser = this.supportedBrowsers.includes(browser); if (!validBrowser) return false; if (browser === "chrome") return version >= this.minChromeVersion; if (browser === "firefox") return version >= this.minFirefoxVersion; if (browser === "safari") return !this.isIOS && version >= this.minSafariVersion; return false; } getBrowser() { return $07e4f6a369d1179a$var$webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser; } getVersion() { return $07e4f6a369d1179a$var$webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.version || 0; } isUnifiedPlanSupported() { const browser = this.getBrowser(); const version = $07e4f6a369d1179a$var$webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.version || 0; if (browser === "chrome" && version < this.minChromeVersion) return false; if (browser === "firefox" && version >= this.minFirefoxVersion) return true; if (!window.RTCRtpTransceiver || !("currentDirection" in RTCRtpTransceiver.prototype)) return false; let tempPc; let supported = false; try { tempPc = new RTCPeerConnection(); tempPc.addTransceiver("audio"); supported = true; } catch (e) {} finally{ if (tempPc) tempPc.close(); } return supported; } toString() { return `Supports: browser:${this.getBrowser()} version:${this.getVersion()} isIOS:${this.isIOS} isWebRTCSupported:${this.isWebRTCSupported()} isBrowserSupported:${this.isBrowserSupported()} isUnifiedPlanSupported:${this.isUnifiedPlanSupported()}`; } constructor(){ this.isIOS = [ "iPad", "iPhone", "iPod" ].includes(navigator.platform); this.supportedBrowsers = [ "firefox", "chrome", "safari" ]; this.minFirefoxVersion = 59; this.minChromeVersion = 72; this.minSafariVersion = 605; } }(); const $706cd7d90eca90d6$export$f35f128fd59ea256 = (id)=>{ // Allow empty ids return !id || /^[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[ _-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*$/.test(id); }; const $6a375544f634961e$export$4e61f672936bec77 = ()=>Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); const $b83e6a166cc3008f$var$DEFAULT_CONFIG = { iceServers: [ { urls: "" }, { urls: [ "", "" ], username: "peerjs", credential: "peerjsp" } ], sdpSemantics: "unified-plan" }; class $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$f8f26dd395d7e1bd extends (0, $7ce5389b504cc06c$export$f1c5f4c9cb95390b) { noop() {} blobToArrayBuffer(blob, cb) { const fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function(evt) { if ( cb(; }; fr.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); return fr; } binaryStringToArrayBuffer(binary) { const byteArray = new Uint8Array(binary.length); for(let i = 0; i < binary.length; i++)byteArray[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; return byteArray.buffer; } isSecure() { return location.protocol === "https:"; } constructor(...args){ super(...args); this.CLOUD_HOST = ""; this.CLOUD_PORT = 443; // Browsers that need chunking: this.chunkedBrowsers = { Chrome: 1, chrome: 1 }; // Returns browser-agnostic default config this.defaultConfig = $b83e6a166cc3008f$var$DEFAULT_CONFIG; this.browser = (0, $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d).getBrowser(); this.browserVersion = (0, $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d).getVersion(); this.pack = $2QID2$peerjsjsbinarypack.pack; this.unpack = $2QID2$peerjsjsbinarypack.unpack; /** * A hash of WebRTC features mapped to booleans that correspond to whether the feature is supported by the current browser. * * :::caution * Only the properties documented here are guaranteed to be present on `util.supports` * ::: */ this.supports = function() { const supported = { browser: (0, $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d).isBrowserSupported(), webRTC: (0, $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d).isWebRTCSupported(), audioVideo: false, data: false, binaryBlob: false, reliable: false }; if (!supported.webRTC) return supported; let pc; try { pc = new RTCPeerConnection($b83e6a166cc3008f$var$DEFAULT_CONFIG); supported.audioVideo = true; let dc; try { dc = pc.createDataChannel("_PEERJSTEST", { ordered: true }); = true; supported.reliable = !!dc.ordered; // Binary test try { dc.binaryType = "blob"; supported.binaryBlob = !(0, $07e4f6a369d1179a$export$25be9502477c137d).isIOS; } catch (e) {} } catch (e) {} finally{ if (dc) dc.close(); } } catch (e) {} finally{ if (pc) pc.close(); } return supported; }(); // Ensure alphanumeric ids this.validateId = (0, $706cd7d90eca90d6$export$f35f128fd59ea256); this.randomToken = (0, $6a375544f634961e$export$4e61f672936bec77); } } const $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b = new $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$f8f26dd395d7e1bd(); const $df9d8b89ee908b8b$var$LOG_PREFIX = "PeerJS: "; var $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$243e62d78d3b544d; (function(LogLevel) { /** * Prints no logs. */ LogLevel[LogLevel["Disabled"] = 0] = "Disabled"; /** * Prints only errors. */ LogLevel[LogLevel["Errors"] = 1] = "Errors"; /** * Prints errors and warnings. */ LogLevel[LogLevel["Warnings"] = 2] = "Warnings"; /** * Prints all logs. */ LogLevel[LogLevel["All"] = 3] = "All"; })($df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$243e62d78d3b544d || ($df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$243e62d78d3b544d = {})); class $df9d8b89ee908b8b$var$Logger { get logLevel() { return this._logLevel; } set logLevel(logLevel) { this._logLevel = logLevel; } log(...args) { if (this._logLevel >= 3) this._print(3, ...args); } warn(...args) { if (this._logLevel >= 2) this._print(2, ...args); } error(...args) { if (this._logLevel >= 1) this._print(1, ...args); } setLogFunction(fn) { this._print = fn; } _print(logLevel, { const copy = [ $df9d8b89ee908b8b$var$LOG_PREFIX, ]; for(const i in copy)if (copy[i] instanceof Error) copy[i] = "(" + copy[i].name + ") " + copy[i].message; if (logLevel >= 3) console.log(...copy); else if (logLevel >= 2) console.warn("WARNING", ...copy); else if (logLevel >= 1) console.error("ERROR", ...copy); } constructor(){ this._logLevel = 0; } } var $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = new $df9d8b89ee908b8b$var$Logger(); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$exports = {}; $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "ConnectionType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "PeerErrorType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "BaseConnectionErrorType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "DataConnectionErrorType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "SerializationType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "SocketEventType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023); $parcel$export($1a7e7edd560505fc$exports, "ServerMessageType", () => $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc; (function(ConnectionType) { ConnectionType["Data"] = "data"; ConnectionType["Media"] = "media"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff; (function(PeerErrorType) { /** * The client's browser does not support some or all WebRTC features that you are trying to use. */ PeerErrorType["BrowserIncompatible"] = "browser-incompatible"; /** * You've already disconnected this peer from the server and can no longer make any new connections on it. */ PeerErrorType["Disconnected"] = "disconnected"; /** * The ID passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters. */ PeerErrorType["InvalidID"] = "invalid-id"; /** * The API key passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters or is not in the system (cloud server only). */ PeerErrorType["InvalidKey"] = "invalid-key"; /** * Lost or cannot establish a connection to the signalling server. */ PeerErrorType["Network"] = "network"; /** * The peer you're trying to connect to does not exist. */ PeerErrorType["PeerUnavailable"] = "peer-unavailable"; /** * PeerJS is being used securely, but the cloud server does not support SSL. Use a custom PeerServer. */ PeerErrorType["SslUnavailable"] = "ssl-unavailable"; /** * Unable to reach the server. */ PeerErrorType["ServerError"] = "server-error"; /** * An error from the underlying socket. */ PeerErrorType["SocketError"] = "socket-error"; /** * The underlying socket closed unexpectedly. */ PeerErrorType["SocketClosed"] = "socket-closed"; /** * The ID passed into the Peer constructor is already taken. * * :::caution * This error is not fatal if your peer has open peer-to-peer connections. * This can happen if you attempt to {@apilink Peer.reconnect} a peer that has been disconnected from the server, * but its old ID has now been taken. * ::: */ PeerErrorType["UnavailableID"] = "unavailable-id"; /** * Native WebRTC errors. */ PeerErrorType["WebRTC"] = "webrtc"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686; (function(BaseConnectionErrorType) { BaseConnectionErrorType["NegotiationFailed"] = "negotiation-failed"; BaseConnectionErrorType["ConnectionClosed"] = "connection-closed"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686 || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686 = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d; (function(DataConnectionErrorType) { DataConnectionErrorType["NotOpenYet"] = "not-open-yet"; DataConnectionErrorType["MessageToBig"] = "message-too-big"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947; (function(SerializationType) { SerializationType["Binary"] = "binary"; SerializationType["BinaryUTF8"] = "binary-utf8"; SerializationType["JSON"] = "json"; SerializationType["None"] = "raw"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947 || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947 = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023; (function(SocketEventType) { SocketEventType["Message"] = "message"; SocketEventType["Disconnected"] = "disconnected"; SocketEventType["Error"] = "error"; SocketEventType["Close"] = "close"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023 || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023 = {})); var $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d; (function(ServerMessageType) { ServerMessageType["Heartbeat"] = "HEARTBEAT"; ServerMessageType["Candidate"] = "CANDIDATE"; ServerMessageType["Offer"] = "OFFER"; ServerMessageType["Answer"] = "ANSWER"; ServerMessageType["Open"] = "OPEN"; ServerMessageType["Error"] = "ERROR"; ServerMessageType["IdTaken"] = "ID-TAKEN"; ServerMessageType["InvalidKey"] = "INVALID-KEY"; ServerMessageType["Leave"] = "LEAVE"; ServerMessageType["Expire"] = "EXPIRE"; })($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d || ($1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d = {})); var $9ce0019dcc6afe7d$exports = {}; $9ce0019dcc6afe7d$exports = JSON.parse('{"name":"peerjs","version":"1.5.2","keywords":["peerjs","webrtc","p2p","rtc"],"description":"PeerJS client","homepage":"","bugs":{"url":""},"repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"license":"MIT","contributors":["Michelle Bu ","afrokick ","ericz ","Jairo ","Jonas Gloning <>","Jairo Caro-Accino Viciana ","Carlos Caballero ","hc ","Muhammad Asif ","PrashoonB ","Harsh Bardhan Mishra <>","akotynski ","lmb ","Jairooo ","Moritz St\xfcckler ","Simon ","Denis Lukov ","Philipp Hancke ","Hans Oksendahl ","Jess ","khankuan ","DUODVK ","XiZhao ","Matthias Lohr ","=frank tree <>","Andre Eckardt ","Chris Cowan ","Alex Chuev ","alxnull ","Yemel Jardi ","Ben Parnell ","Benny Lichtner ","fresheneesz "," ","chandika ","emersion ","Christopher Van ","eddieherm ","Eduardo Pinho ","Evandro Zanatta ","Gardner Bickford ","Gian Luca ","PatrickJS ","jonnyf ","Hizkia Felix ","Hristo Oskov ","Isaac Madwed ","Ilya Konanykhin ","jasonbarry ","Jonathan Burke ","Josh Hamit ","Jordan Austin ","Joel Wetzell ","xizhao ","Alberto Torres ","Jonathan Mayol ","Jefferson Felix ","Rolf Erik Lekang ","Kevin Mai-Husan Chia ","Pepijn de Vos ","JooYoung ","Tobias Speicher ","Steve Blaurock ","Kyrylo Shegeda ","Diwank Singh Tomer ","So\u0308ren Balko ","Arpit Solanki ","Yuki Ito ","Artur Zayats "],"funding":{"type":"opencollective","url":""},"collective":{"type":"opencollective","url":""},"files":["dist/*"],"sideEffects":["lib/global.ts","lib/supports.ts"],"main":"dist/bundler.cjs","module":"dist/bundler.mjs","browser-minified":"dist/peerjs.min.js","browser-unminified":"dist/peerjs.js","browser-minified-cbor":"dist/serializer.cbor.mjs","browser-minified-msgpack":"dist/serializer.msgpack.mjs","types":"dist/types.d.ts","engines":{"node":">= 14"},"targets":{"types":{"source":"lib/exports.ts"},"main":{"source":"lib/exports.ts","sourceMap":{"inlineSources":true}},"module":{"source":"lib/exports.ts","includeNodeModules":["eventemitter3"],"sourceMap":{"inlineSources":true}},"browser-minified":{"context":"browser","outputFormat":"global","optimize":true,"engines":{"browsers":"chrome >= 83, edge >= 83, firefox >= 80, safari >= 15"},"source":"lib/global.ts"},"browser-unminified":{"context":"browser","outputFormat":"global","optimize":false,"engines":{"browsers":"chrome >= 83, edge >= 83, firefox >= 80, safari >= 15"},"source":"lib/global.ts"},"browser-minified-cbor":{"context":"browser","outputFormat":"esmodule","isLibrary":true,"optimize":true,"engines":{"browsers":"chrome >= 83, edge >= 83, firefox >= 102, safari >= 15"},"source":"lib/dataconnection/StreamConnection/Cbor.ts"},"browser-minified-msgpack":{"context":"browser","outputFormat":"esmodule","isLibrary":true,"optimize":true,"engines":{"browsers":"chrome >= 83, edge >= 83, firefox >= 102, safari >= 15"},"source":"lib/dataconnection/StreamConnection/MsgPack.ts"}},"scripts":{"contributors":"git-authors-cli --print=false && prettier --write package.json && git add package.json package-lock.json && git commit -m \\"chore(contributors): update and sort contributors list\\"","check":"tsc --noEmit && tsc -p e2e/tsconfig.json --noEmit","watch":"parcel watch","build":"rm -rf dist && parcel build","prepublishOnly":"npm run build","test":"jest","test:watch":"jest --watch","coverage":"jest --coverage --collectCoverageFrom=\\"./lib/**\\"","format":"prettier --write .","format:check":"prettier --check .","semantic-release":"semantic-release","e2e":"wdio run e2e/wdio.local.conf.ts","e2e:bstack":"wdio run e2e/wdio.bstack.conf.ts"},"devDependencies":{"@parcel/config-default":"^2.9.3","@parcel/packager-ts":"^2.9.3","@parcel/transformer-typescript-tsc":"^2.9.3","@parcel/transformer-typescript-types":"^2.9.3","@semantic-release/changelog":"^6.0.1","@semantic-release/git":"^10.0.1","@swc/core":"^1.3.27","@swc/jest":"^0.2.24","@types/jasmine":"^4.3.4","@wdio/browserstack-service":"^8.11.2","@wdio/cli":"^8.11.2","@wdio/globals":"^8.11.2","@wdio/jasmine-framework":"^8.11.2","@wdio/local-runner":"^8.11.2","@wdio/spec-reporter":"^8.11.2","@wdio/types":"^8.10.4","http-server":"^14.1.1","jest":"^29.3.1","jest-environment-jsdom":"^29.3.1","mock-socket":"^9.0.0","parcel":"^2.9.3","prettier":"^3.0.0","semantic-release":"^21.0.0","ts-node":"^10.9.1","typescript":"^5.0.0","wdio-geckodriver-service":"^5.0.1"},"dependencies":{"@msgpack/msgpack":"^2.8.0","cbor-x":"1.5.4","eventemitter3":"^4.0.7","peerjs-js-binarypack":"^2.1.0","webrtc-adapter":"^8.0.0"},"alias":{"process":false,"buffer":false}}'); class $e5e868bf3ea73e5b$export$4798917dbf149b79 extends (0, $2QID2$eventemitter3.EventEmitter) { constructor(secure, host, port, path, key, pingInterval = 5000){ super(); this.pingInterval = pingInterval; this._disconnected = true; this._messagesQueue = []; const wsProtocol = secure ? "wss://" : "ws://"; this._baseUrl = wsProtocol + host + ":" + port + path + "peerjs?key=" + key; } start(id, token) { this._id = id; const wsUrl = `${this._baseUrl}&id=${id}&token=${token}`; if (!!this._socket || !this._disconnected) return; this._socket = new WebSocket(wsUrl + "&version=" + (0, $9ce0019dcc6afe7d$exports.version)); this._disconnected = false; this._socket.onmessage = (event)=>{ let data; try { data = JSON.parse(; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Server message received:", data); } catch (e) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Invalid server message",; return; } this.emit((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Message, data); }; this._socket.onclose = (event)=>{ if (this._disconnected) return; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Socket closed.", event); this._cleanup(); this._disconnected = true; this.emit((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Disconnected); }; // Take care of the queue of connections if necessary and make sure Peer knows // socket is open. this._socket.onopen = ()=>{ if (this._disconnected) return; this._sendQueuedMessages(); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Socket open"); this._scheduleHeartbeat(); }; } _scheduleHeartbeat() { this._wsPingTimer = setTimeout(()=>{ this._sendHeartbeat(); }, this.pingInterval); } _sendHeartbeat() { if (!this._wsOpen()) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Cannot send heartbeat, because socket closed`); return; } const message = JSON.stringify({ type: (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Heartbeat }); this._socket.send(message); this._scheduleHeartbeat(); } /** Is the websocket currently open? */ _wsOpen() { return !!this._socket && this._socket.readyState === 1; } /** Send queued messages. */ _sendQueuedMessages() { //Create copy of queue and clear it, //because send method push the message back to queue if smth will go wrong const copiedQueue = [ ...this._messagesQueue ]; this._messagesQueue = []; for (const message of copiedQueue)this.send(message); } /** Exposed send for DC & Peer. */ send(data) { if (this._disconnected) return; // If we didn't get an ID yet, we can't yet send anything so we should queue // up these messages. if (!this._id) { this._messagesQueue.push(data); return; } if (!data.type) { this.emit((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Error, "Invalid message"); return; } if (!this._wsOpen()) return; const message = JSON.stringify(data); this._socket.send(message); } close() { if (this._disconnected) return; this._cleanup(); this._disconnected = true; } _cleanup() { if (this._socket) { this._socket.onopen = this._socket.onmessage = this._socket.onclose = null; this._socket.close(); this._socket = undefined; } clearTimeout(this._wsPingTimer); } } class $a8347a6741c5df8a$export$89e6bb5ad64bf4a { constructor(connection){ this.connection = connection; } /** Returns a PeerConnection object set up correctly (for data, media). */ startConnection(options) { const peerConnection = this._startPeerConnection(); // Set the connection's PC. this.connection.peerConnection = peerConnection; if (this.connection.type === (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Media && options._stream) this._addTracksToConnection(options._stream, peerConnection); // What do we need to do now? if (options.originator) { const dataConnection = this.connection; const config = { ordered: !!options.reliable }; const dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel(dataConnection.label, config); dataConnection._initializeDataChannel(dataChannel); this._makeOffer(); } else this.handleSDP("OFFER", options.sdp); } /** Start a PC. */ _startPeerConnection() { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Creating RTCPeerConnection."); const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(this.connection.provider.options.config); this._setupListeners(peerConnection); return peerConnection; } /** Set up various WebRTC listeners. */ _setupListeners(peerConnection) { const peerId = this.connection.peer; const connectionId = this.connection.connectionId; const connectionType = this.connection.type; const provider = this.connection.provider; // ICE CANDIDATES. (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Listening for ICE candidates."); peerConnection.onicecandidate = (evt)=>{ if (!evt.candidate || !evt.candidate.candidate) return; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Received ICE candidates for ${peerId}:`, evt.candidate); provider.socket.send({ type: (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Candidate, payload: { candidate: evt.candidate, type: connectionType, connectionId: connectionId }, dst: peerId }); }; peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = ()=>{ switch(peerConnection.iceConnectionState){ case "failed": (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("iceConnectionState is failed, closing connections to " + peerId); this.connection.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686).NegotiationFailed, "Negotiation of connection to " + peerId + " failed."); this.connection.close(); break; case "closed": (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("iceConnectionState is closed, closing connections to " + peerId); this.connection.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$7974935686149686).ConnectionClosed, "Connection to " + peerId + " closed."); this.connection.close(); break; case "disconnected": (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("iceConnectionState changed to disconnected on the connection with " + peerId); break; case "completed": peerConnection.onicecandidate = ()=>{}; break; } this.connection.emit("iceStateChanged", peerConnection.iceConnectionState); }; // DATACONNECTION. (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Listening for data channel"); // Fired between offer and answer, so options should already be saved // in the options hash. peerConnection.ondatachannel = (evt)=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Received data channel"); const dataChannel =; const connection = provider.getConnection(peerId, connectionId); connection._initializeDataChannel(dataChannel); }; // MEDIACONNECTION. (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Listening for remote stream"); peerConnection.ontrack = (evt)=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Received remote stream"); const stream = evt.streams[0]; const connection = provider.getConnection(peerId, connectionId); if (connection.type === (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Media) { const mediaConnection = connection; this._addStreamToMediaConnection(stream, mediaConnection); } }; } cleanup() { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Cleaning up PeerConnection to " + this.connection.peer); const peerConnection = this.connection.peerConnection; if (!peerConnection) return; this.connection.peerConnection = null; //unsubscribe from all PeerConnection's events peerConnection.onicecandidate = peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = peerConnection.ondatachannel = peerConnection.ontrack = ()=>{}; const peerConnectionNotClosed = peerConnection.signalingState !== "closed"; let dataChannelNotClosed = false; const dataChannel = this.connection.dataChannel; if (dataChannel) dataChannelNotClosed = !!dataChannel.readyState && dataChannel.readyState !== "closed"; if (peerConnectionNotClosed || dataChannelNotClosed) peerConnection.close(); } async _makeOffer() { const peerConnection = this.connection.peerConnection; const provider = this.connection.provider; try { const offer = await peerConnection.createOffer(this.connection.options.constraints); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Created offer."); if (this.connection.options.sdpTransform && typeof this.connection.options.sdpTransform === "function") offer.sdp = this.connection.options.sdpTransform(offer.sdp) || offer.sdp; try { await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Set localDescription:", offer, `for:${this.connection.peer}`); let payload = { sdp: offer, type: this.connection.type, connectionId: this.connection.connectionId, metadata: this.connection.metadata }; if (this.connection.type === (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Data) { const dataConnection = this.connection; payload = { ...payload, label: dataConnection.label, reliable: dataConnection.reliable, serialization: dataConnection.serialization }; } provider.socket.send({ type: (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Offer, payload: payload, dst: this.connection.peer }); } catch (err) { // TODO: investigate why _makeOffer is being called from the answer if (err != "OperationError: Failed to set local offer sdp: Called in wrong state: kHaveRemoteOffer") { provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to setLocalDescription, ", err); } } } catch (err_1) { provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err_1); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to createOffer, ", err_1); } } async _makeAnswer() { const peerConnection = this.connection.peerConnection; const provider = this.connection.provider; try { const answer = await peerConnection.createAnswer(); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Created answer."); if (this.connection.options.sdpTransform && typeof this.connection.options.sdpTransform === "function") answer.sdp = this.connection.options.sdpTransform(answer.sdp) || answer.sdp; try { await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Set localDescription:`, answer, `for:${this.connection.peer}`); provider.socket.send({ type: (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Answer, payload: { sdp: answer, type: this.connection.type, connectionId: this.connection.connectionId }, dst: this.connection.peer }); } catch (err) { provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to setLocalDescription, ", err); } } catch (err_1) { provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err_1); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to create answer, ", err_1); } } /** Handle an SDP. */ async handleSDP(type, sdp) { sdp = new RTCSessionDescription(sdp); const peerConnection = this.connection.peerConnection; const provider = this.connection.provider; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Setting remote description", sdp); const self = this; try { await peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(sdp); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Set remoteDescription:${type} for:${this.connection.peer}`); if (type === "OFFER") await self._makeAnswer(); } catch (err) { provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to setRemoteDescription, ", err); } } /** Handle a candidate. */ async handleCandidate(ice) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`handleCandidate:`, ice); try { await this.connection.peerConnection.addIceCandidate(ice); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Added ICE candidate for:${this.connection.peer}`); } catch (err) { this.connection.provider.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).WebRTC, err); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Failed to handleCandidate, ", err); } } _addTracksToConnection(stream, peerConnection) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`add tracks from stream ${} to peer connection`); if (!peerConnection.addTrack) return (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error(`Your browser does't support RTCPeerConnection#addTrack. Ignored.`); stream.getTracks().forEach((track)=>{ peerConnection.addTrack(track, stream); }); } _addStreamToMediaConnection(stream, mediaConnection) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`add stream ${} to media connection ${mediaConnection.connectionId}`); mediaConnection.addStream(stream); } } class $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$6a678e589c8a4542 extends (0, $2QID2$eventemitter3.EventEmitter) { /** * Emits a typed error message. * * @internal */ emitError(type, err) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("Error:", err); // @ts-ignore this.emit("error", new $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$98871882f492de82(`${type}`, err)); } } class $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$98871882f492de82 extends Error { /** * @internal */ constructor(type, err){ if (typeof err === "string") super(err); else { super(); Object.assign(this, err); } this.type = type; } } class $cb834ab0363d9153$export$23a2a68283c24d80 extends (0, $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$6a678e589c8a4542) { /** * Whether the media connection is active (e.g. your call has been answered). * You can check this if you want to set a maximum wait time for a one-sided call. */ get open() { return this._open; } constructor(/** * The ID of the peer on the other end of this connection. */ peer, provider, options){ super(); this.peer = peer; this.provider = provider; this.options = options; this._open = false; this.metadata = options.metadata; } } class $f3a554d4328c6b5f$export$4a84e95a2324ac29 extends (0, $cb834ab0363d9153$export$23a2a68283c24d80) { static #_ = this.ID_PREFIX = "mc_"; /** * For media connections, this is always 'media'. */ get type() { return (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Media; } get localStream() { return this._localStream; } get remoteStream() { return this._remoteStream; } constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, options); this._localStream = this.options._stream; this.connectionId = this.options.connectionId || $f3a554d4328c6b5f$export$4a84e95a2324ac29.ID_PREFIX + (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).randomToken(); this._negotiator = new (0, $a8347a6741c5df8a$export$89e6bb5ad64bf4a)(this); if (this._localStream) this._negotiator.startConnection({ _stream: this._localStream, originator: true }); } /** Called by the Negotiator when the DataChannel is ready. */ _initializeDataChannel(dc) { this.dataChannel = dc; this.dataChannel.onopen = ()=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} dc connection success`); this.emit("willCloseOnRemote"); }; this.dataChannel.onclose = ()=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} dc closed for:`, this.peer); this.close(); }; } addStream(remoteStream) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log("Receiving stream", remoteStream); this._remoteStream = remoteStream; super.emit("stream", remoteStream); // Should we call this `open`? } /** * @internal */ handleMessage(message) { const type = message.type; const payload = message.payload; switch(message.type){ case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Answer: // Forward to negotiator this._negotiator.handleSDP(type, payload.sdp); this._open = true; break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Candidate: this._negotiator.handleCandidate(payload.candidate); break; default: (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn(`Unrecognized message type:${type} from peer:${this.peer}`); break; } } /** * When receiving a {@apilink PeerEvents | `call`} event on a peer, you can call * `answer` on the media connection provided by the callback to accept the call * and optionally send your own media stream. * * @param stream A WebRTC media stream. * @param options * @returns */ answer(stream, options = {}) { if (this._localStream) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn("Local stream already exists on this MediaConnection. Are you answering a call twice?"); return; } this._localStream = stream; if (options && options.sdpTransform) this.options.sdpTransform = options.sdpTransform; this._negotiator.startConnection({ ...this.options._payload, _stream: stream }); // Retrieve lost messages stored because PeerConnection not set up. const messages = this.provider._getMessages(this.connectionId); for (const message of messages)this.handleMessage(message); this._open = true; } /** * Exposed functionality for users. */ /** * Closes the media connection. */ close() { if (this._negotiator) { this._negotiator.cleanup(); this._negotiator = null; } this._localStream = null; this._remoteStream = null; if (this.provider) { this.provider._removeConnection(this); this.provider = null; } if (this.options && this.options._stream) this.options._stream = null; if (! return; this._open = false; super.emit("close"); } } class $684fc411629b137b$export$2c4e825dc9120f87 { constructor(_options){ this._options = _options; } _buildRequest(method) { const protocol = ? "https" : "http"; const { host: host, port: port, path: path, key: key } = this._options; const url = new URL(`${protocol}://${host}:${port}${path}${key}/${method}`); // TODO: Why timestamp, why random? url.searchParams.set("ts", `${}${Math.random()}`); url.searchParams.set("version", (0, $9ce0019dcc6afe7d$exports.version)); return fetch(url.href, { referrerPolicy: this._options.referrerPolicy }); } /** Get a unique ID from the server via XHR and initialize with it. */ async retrieveId() { try { const response = await this._buildRequest("id"); if (response.status !== 200) throw new Error(`Error. Status:${response.status}`); return response.text(); } catch (error) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("Error retrieving ID", error); let pathError = ""; if (this._options.path === "/" && !== (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_HOST) pathError = " If you passed in a `path` to your self-hosted PeerServer, you'll also need to pass in that same path when creating a new Peer."; throw new Error("Could not get an ID from the server." + pathError); } } /** @deprecated */ async listAllPeers() { try { const response = await this._buildRequest("peers"); if (response.status !== 200) { if (response.status === 401) { let helpfulError = ""; if ( === (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_HOST) helpfulError = "It looks like you're using the cloud server. You can email to enable peer listing for your API key."; else helpfulError = "You need to enable `allow_discovery` on your self-hosted PeerServer to use this feature."; throw new Error("It doesn't look like you have permission to list peers IDs. " + helpfulError); } throw new Error(`Error. Status:${response.status}`); } return response.json(); } catch (error) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("Error retrieving list peers", error); throw new Error("Could not get list peers from the server." + error); } } } class $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9 extends (0, $cb834ab0363d9153$export$23a2a68283c24d80) { static #_ = this.ID_PREFIX = "dc_"; static #_1 = this.MAX_BUFFERED_AMOUNT = 8388608; get type() { return (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Data; } constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, options); this.connectionId = this.options.connectionId || $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9.ID_PREFIX + (0, $6a375544f634961e$export$4e61f672936bec77)(); this.label = this.options.label || this.connectionId; this.reliable = !!this.options.reliable; this._negotiator = new (0, $a8347a6741c5df8a$export$89e6bb5ad64bf4a)(this); this._negotiator.startConnection(this.options._payload || { originator: true, reliable: this.reliable }); } /** Called by the Negotiator when the DataChannel is ready. */ _initializeDataChannel(dc) { this.dataChannel = dc; this.dataChannel.onopen = ()=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} dc connection success`); this._open = true; this.emit("open"); }; this.dataChannel.onmessage = (e)=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} dc onmessage:`,; // this._handleDataMessage(e); }; this.dataChannel.onclose = ()=>{ (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} dc closed for:`, this.peer); this.close(); }; } /** * Exposed functionality for users. */ /** Allows user to close connection. */ close(options) { if (options?.flush) { this.send({ __peerData: { type: "close" } }); return; } if (this._negotiator) { this._negotiator.cleanup(); this._negotiator = null; } if (this.provider) { this.provider._removeConnection(this); this.provider = null; } if (this.dataChannel) { this.dataChannel.onopen = null; this.dataChannel.onmessage = null; this.dataChannel.onclose = null; this.dataChannel = null; } if (! return; this._open = false; super.emit("close"); } /** Allows user to send data. */ send(data, chunked = false) { if (! { this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d).NotOpenYet, "Connection is not open. You should listen for the `open` event before sending messages."); return; } return this._send(data, chunked); } async handleMessage(message) { const payload = message.payload; switch(message.type){ case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Answer: await this._negotiator.handleSDP(message.type, payload.sdp); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Candidate: await this._negotiator.handleCandidate(payload.candidate); break; default: (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn("Unrecognized message type:", message.type, "from peer:", this.peer); break; } } } class $8d5124d0cf36ebe0$export$ff7c9d4c11d94e8b extends (0, $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9) { get bufferSize() { return this._bufferSize; } _initializeDataChannel(dc) { super._initializeDataChannel(dc); this.dataChannel.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.dataChannel.addEventListener("message", (e)=>this._handleDataMessage(e)); } _bufferedSend(msg) { if (this._buffering || !this._trySend(msg)) { this._buffer.push(msg); this._bufferSize = this._buffer.length; } } // Returns true if the send succeeds. _trySend(msg) { if (! return false; if (this.dataChannel.bufferedAmount > (0, $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9).MAX_BUFFERED_AMOUNT) { this._buffering = true; setTimeout(()=>{ this._buffering = false; this._tryBuffer(); }, 50); return false; } try { this.dataChannel.send(msg); } catch (e) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error(`DC#:${this.connectionId} Error when sending:`, e); this._buffering = true; this.close(); return false; } return true; } // Try to send the first message in the buffer. _tryBuffer() { if (! return; if (this._buffer.length === 0) return; const msg = this._buffer[0]; if (this._trySend(msg)) { this._buffer.shift(); this._bufferSize = this._buffer.length; this._tryBuffer(); } } close(options) { if (options?.flush) { this.send({ __peerData: { type: "close" } }); return; } this._buffer = []; this._bufferSize = 0; super.close(); } constructor(...args){ super(...args); this._buffer = []; this._bufferSize = 0; this._buffering = false; } } class $9cfea3ad93e740b9$export$f0a5a64d5bb37108 extends (0, $8d5124d0cf36ebe0$export$ff7c9d4c11d94e8b) { close(options) { super.close(options); this._chunkedData = {}; } constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, options); this.chunker = new (0, $7ce5389b504cc06c$export$f1c5f4c9cb95390b)(); this.serialization = (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947).Binary; this._chunkedData = {}; } // Handles a DataChannel message. _handleDataMessage({ data: data }) { const deserializedData = (0, $2QID2$peerjsjsbinarypack.unpack)(data); // PeerJS specific message const peerData = deserializedData["__peerData"]; if (peerData) { if (peerData.type === "close") { this.close(); return; } // Chunked data -- piece things back together. // @ts-ignore this._handleChunk(deserializedData); return; } this.emit("data", deserializedData); } _handleChunk(data) { const id = data.__peerData; const chunkInfo = this._chunkedData[id] || { data: [], count: 0, total: };[data.n] = new Uint8Array(; chunkInfo.count++; this._chunkedData[id] = chunkInfo; if ( === chunkInfo.count) { // Clean up before making the recursive call to `_handleDataMessage`. delete this._chunkedData[id]; // We've received all the chunks--time to construct the complete data. // const data = new Blob(; const data = (0, $7ce5389b504cc06c$export$52c89ebcdc4f53f2)(; this._handleDataMessage({ data: data }); } } _send(data, chunked) { const blob = (0, $2QID2$peerjsjsbinarypack.pack)(data); if (blob instanceof Promise) return this._send_blob(blob); if (!chunked && blob.byteLength > this.chunker.chunkedMTU) { this._sendChunks(blob); return; } this._bufferedSend(blob); } async _send_blob(blobPromise) { const blob = await blobPromise; if (blob.byteLength > this.chunker.chunkedMTU) { this._sendChunks(blob); return; } this._bufferedSend(blob); } _sendChunks(blob) { const blobs = this.chunker.chunk(blob); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`DC#${this.connectionId} Try to send ${blobs.length} chunks...`); for (const blob of blobs)this.send(blob, true); } } class $c1c7a35edd5f55d2$export$6f88fe47d32c9c94 extends (0, $8d5124d0cf36ebe0$export$ff7c9d4c11d94e8b) { _handleDataMessage({ data: data }) { super.emit("data", data); } _send(data, _chunked) { this._bufferedSend(data); } constructor(...args){ super(...args); this.serialization = (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947).None; } } class $f3415bb65bf67923$export$48880ac635f47186 extends (0, $8d5124d0cf36ebe0$export$ff7c9d4c11d94e8b) { // Handles a DataChannel message. _handleDataMessage({ data: data }) { const deserializedData = this.parse(this.decoder.decode(data)); // PeerJS specific message const peerData = deserializedData["__peerData"]; if (peerData && peerData.type === "close") { this.close(); return; } this.emit("data", deserializedData); } _send(data, _chunked) { const encodedData = this.encoder.encode(this.stringify(data)); if (encodedData.byteLength >= (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).chunkedMTU) { this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$49ae800c114df41d).MessageToBig, "Message too big for JSON channel"); return; } this._bufferedSend(encodedData); } constructor(...args){ super(...args); this.serialization = (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$89f507cf986a947).JSON; this.encoder = new TextEncoder(); this.decoder = new TextDecoder(); this.stringify = JSON.stringify; this.parse = JSON.parse; } } class $2ddecb16305b5a82$var$PeerOptions { } class $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448 extends (0, $cf62563e7a9fbce5$export$6a678e589c8a4542) { static #_ = this.DEFAULT_KEY = "peerjs"; /** * The brokering ID of this peer * * If no ID was specified in {@apilink Peer | the constructor}, * this will be `undefined` until the {@apilink PeerEvents | `open`} event is emitted. */ get id() { return this._id; } get options() { return this._options; } get open() { return this._open; } /** * @internal */ get socket() { return this._socket; } /** * A hash of all connections associated with this peer, keyed by the remote peer's ID. * @deprecated * Return type will change from Object to Map */ get connections() { const plainConnections = Object.create(null); for (const [k, v] of this._connections)plainConnections[k] = v; return plainConnections; } /** * true if this peer and all of its connections can no longer be used. */ get destroyed() { return this._destroyed; } /** * false if there is an active connection to the PeerServer. */ get disconnected() { return this._disconnected; } constructor(id, options){ super(); this._serializers = { raw: (0, $c1c7a35edd5f55d2$export$6f88fe47d32c9c94), json: (0, $f3415bb65bf67923$export$48880ac635f47186), binary: (0, $9cfea3ad93e740b9$export$f0a5a64d5bb37108), "binary-utf8": (0, $9cfea3ad93e740b9$export$f0a5a64d5bb37108), default: (0, $9cfea3ad93e740b9$export$f0a5a64d5bb37108) }; this._id = null; this._lastServerId = null; // States. this._destroyed = false // Connections have been killed ; this._disconnected = false // Connection to PeerServer killed but P2P connections still active ; this._open = false // Sockets and such are not yet open. ; this._connections = new Map() // All connections for this peer. ; this._lostMessages = new Map() // src => [list of messages] ; let userId; // Deal with overloading if (id && id.constructor == Object) options = id; else if (id) userId = id.toString(); // Configurize options options = { debug: 0, host: (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_HOST, port: (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_PORT, path: "/", key: $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448.DEFAULT_KEY, token: (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).randomToken(), config: (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).defaultConfig, referrerPolicy: "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", serializers: {}, ...options }; this._options = options; this._serializers = { ...this._serializers, ...this.options.serializers }; // Detect relative URL host. if ( === "/") = window.location.hostname; // Set path correctly. if (this._options.path) { if (this._options.path[0] !== "/") this._options.path = "/" + this._options.path; if (this._options.path[this._options.path.length - 1] !== "/") this._options.path += "/"; } // Set whether we use SSL to same as current host if ( === undefined && !== (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_HOST) = (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).isSecure(); else if ( == (0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).CLOUD_HOST) = true; // Set a custom log function if present if (this._options.logFunction) (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).setLogFunction(this._options.logFunction); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).logLevel = this._options.debug || 0; this._api = new (0, $684fc411629b137b$export$2c4e825dc9120f87)(options); this._socket = this._createServerConnection(); // Sanity checks // Ensure WebRTC supported if (!(0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).supports.audioVideo && !(0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b) { this._delayedAbort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).BrowserIncompatible, "The current browser does not support WebRTC"); return; } // Ensure alphanumeric id if (!!userId && !(0, $b83e6a166cc3008f$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b).validateId(userId)) { this._delayedAbort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).InvalidID, `ID "${userId}" is invalid`); return; } if (userId) this._initialize(userId); else this._api.retrieveId().then((id)=>this._initialize(id)).catch((error)=>this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).ServerError, error)); } _createServerConnection() { const socket = new (0, $e5e868bf3ea73e5b$export$4798917dbf149b79)(,, this._options.port, this._options.path, this._options.key, this._options.pingInterval); socket.on((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Message, (data)=>{ this._handleMessage(data); }); socket.on((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Error, (error)=>{ this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).SocketError, error); }); socket.on((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Disconnected, ()=>{ if (this.disconnected) return; this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).Network, "Lost connection to server."); this.disconnect(); }); socket.on((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3b5c4a4b6354f023).Close, ()=>{ if (this.disconnected) return; this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).SocketClosed, "Underlying socket is already closed."); }); return socket; } /** Initialize a connection with the server. */ _initialize(id) { this._id = id; this.socket.start(id, this._options.token); } /** Handles messages from the server. */ _handleMessage(message) { const type = message.type; const payload = message.payload; const peerId = message.src; switch(type){ case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Open: this._lastServerId =; this._open = true; this.emit("open",; break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Error: this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).ServerError, payload.msg); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).IdTaken: this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).UnavailableID, `ID "${}" is taken`); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).InvalidKey: this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).InvalidKey, `API KEY "${this._options.key}" is invalid`); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Leave: (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Received leave message from ${peerId}`); this._cleanupPeer(peerId); this._connections.delete(peerId); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Expire: this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).PeerUnavailable, `Could not connect to peer ${peerId}`); break; case (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$adb4a1754da6f10d).Offer: { // we should consider switching this to CALL/CONNECT, but this is the least breaking option. const connectionId = payload.connectionId; let connection = this.getConnection(peerId, connectionId); if (connection) { connection.close(); (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn(`Offer received for existing Connection ID:${connectionId}`); } // Create a new connection. if (payload.type === (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Media) { const mediaConnection = new (0, $f3a554d4328c6b5f$export$4a84e95a2324ac29)(peerId, this, { connectionId: connectionId, _payload: payload, metadata: payload.metadata }); connection = mediaConnection; this._addConnection(peerId, connection); this.emit("call", mediaConnection); } else if (payload.type === (0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$3157d57b4135e3bc).Data) { const dataConnection = new this._serializers[payload.serialization](peerId, this, { connectionId: connectionId, _payload: payload, metadata: payload.metadata, label: payload.label, serialization: payload.serialization, reliable: payload.reliable }); connection = dataConnection; this._addConnection(peerId, connection); this.emit("connection", dataConnection); } else { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn(`Received malformed connection type:${payload.type}`); return; } // Find messages. const messages = this._getMessages(connectionId); for (const message of messages)connection.handleMessage(message); break; } default: { if (!payload) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn(`You received a malformed message from ${peerId} of type ${type}`); return; } const connectionId = payload.connectionId; const connection = this.getConnection(peerId, connectionId); if (connection && connection.peerConnection) // Pass it on. connection.handleMessage(message); else if (connectionId) // Store for possible later use this._storeMessage(connectionId, message); else (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn("You received an unrecognized message:", message); break; } } } /** Stores messages without a set up connection, to be claimed later. */ _storeMessage(connectionId, message) { if (!this._lostMessages.has(connectionId)) this._lostMessages.set(connectionId, []); this._lostMessages.get(connectionId).push(message); } /** * Retrieve messages from lost message store * @internal */ //TODO Change it to private _getMessages(connectionId) { const messages = this._lostMessages.get(connectionId); if (messages) { this._lostMessages.delete(connectionId); return messages; } return []; } /** * Connects to the remote peer specified by id and returns a data connection. * @param peer The brokering ID of the remote peer (their {@apilink}). * @param options for specifying details about Peer Connection */ connect(peer, options = {}) { options = { serialization: "default", ...options }; if (this.disconnected) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn("You cannot connect to a new Peer because you called .disconnect() on this Peer and ended your connection with the server. You can create a new Peer to reconnect, or call reconnect on this peer if you believe its ID to still be available."); this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).Disconnected, "Cannot connect to new Peer after disconnecting from server."); return; } const dataConnection = new this._serializers[options.serialization](peer, this, options); this._addConnection(peer, dataConnection); return dataConnection; } /** * Calls the remote peer specified by id and returns a media connection. * @param peer The brokering ID of the remote peer (their * @param stream The caller's media stream * @param options Metadata associated with the connection, passed in by whoever initiated the connection. */ call(peer, stream, options = {}) { if (this.disconnected) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).warn("You cannot connect to a new Peer because you called .disconnect() on this Peer and ended your connection with the server. You can create a new Peer to reconnect."); this.emitError((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).Disconnected, "Cannot connect to new Peer after disconnecting from server."); return; } if (!stream) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("To call a peer, you must provide a stream from your browser's `getUserMedia`."); return; } const mediaConnection = new (0, $f3a554d4328c6b5f$export$4a84e95a2324ac29)(peer, this, { ...options, _stream: stream }); this._addConnection(peer, mediaConnection); return mediaConnection; } /** Add a data/media connection to this peer. */ _addConnection(peerId, connection) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`add connection ${connection.type}:${connection.connectionId} to peerId:${peerId}`); if (!this._connections.has(peerId)) this._connections.set(peerId, []); this._connections.get(peerId).push(connection); } //TODO should be private _removeConnection(connection) { const connections = this._connections.get(connection.peer); if (connections) { const index = connections.indexOf(connection); if (index !== -1) connections.splice(index, 1); } //remove from lost messages this._lostMessages.delete(connection.connectionId); } /** Retrieve a data/media connection for this peer. */ getConnection(peerId, connectionId) { const connections = this._connections.get(peerId); if (!connections) return null; for (const connection of connections){ if (connection.connectionId === connectionId) return connection; } return null; } _delayedAbort(type, message) { setTimeout(()=>{ this._abort(type, message); }, 0); } /** * Emits an error message and destroys the Peer. * The Peer is not destroyed if it's in a disconnected state, in which case * it retains its disconnected state and its existing connections. */ _abort(type, message) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("Aborting!"); this.emitError(type, message); if (!this._lastServerId) this.destroy(); else this.disconnect(); } /** * Destroys the Peer: closes all active connections as well as the connection * to the server. * * :::caution * This cannot be undone; the respective peer object will no longer be able * to create or receive any connections, its ID will be forfeited on the server, * and all of its data and media connections will be closed. * ::: */ destroy() { if (this.destroyed) return; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Destroy peer with ID:${}`); this.disconnect(); this._cleanup(); this._destroyed = true; this.emit("close"); } /** Disconnects every connection on this peer. */ _cleanup() { for (const peerId of this._connections.keys()){ this._cleanupPeer(peerId); this._connections.delete(peerId); } this.socket.removeAllListeners(); } /** Closes all connections to this peer. */ _cleanupPeer(peerId) { const connections = this._connections.get(peerId); if (!connections) return; for (const connection of connections)connection.close(); } /** * Disconnects the Peer's connection to the PeerServer. Does not close any * active connections. * Warning: The peer can no longer create or accept connections after being * disconnected. It also cannot reconnect to the server. */ disconnect() { if (this.disconnected) return; const currentId =; (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Disconnect peer with ID:${currentId}`); this._disconnected = true; this._open = false; this.socket.close(); this._lastServerId = currentId; this._id = null; this.emit("disconnected", currentId); } /** Attempts to reconnect with the same ID. * * Only {@apilink Peer.disconnect | disconnected peers} can be reconnected. * Destroyed peers cannot be reconnected. * If the connection fails (as an example, if the peer's old ID is now taken), * the peer's existing connections will not close, but any associated errors events will fire. */ reconnect() { if (this.disconnected && !this.destroyed) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).log(`Attempting reconnection to server with ID ${this._lastServerId}`); this._disconnected = false; this._initialize(this._lastServerId); } else if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("This peer cannot reconnect to the server. It has already been destroyed."); else if (!this.disconnected && ! // Do nothing. We're still connecting the first time. (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error("In a hurry? We're still trying to make the initial connection!"); else throw new Error(`Peer ${} cannot reconnect because it is not disconnected from the server!`); } /** * Get a list of available peer IDs. If you're running your own server, you'll * want to set allow_discovery: true in the PeerServer options. If you're using * the cloud server, email to get the functionality enabled for * your key. */ listAllPeers(cb = (_)=>{}) { this._api.listAllPeers().then((peers)=>cb(peers)).catch((error)=>this._abort((0, $1a7e7edd560505fc$export$9547aaa2e39030ff).ServerError, error)); } } class $544799118fa637e6$export$72aa44612e2200cd extends (0, $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9) { constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, { ...options, reliable: true }); this._CHUNK_SIZE = 32768; this._splitStream = new TransformStream({ transform: (chunk, controller)=>{ for(let split = 0; split < chunk.length; split += this._CHUNK_SIZE)controller.enqueue(chunk.subarray(split, split + this._CHUNK_SIZE)); } }); this._rawSendStream = new WritableStream({ write: async (chunk, controller)=>{ const openEvent = new Promise((resolve)=>this.dataChannel.addEventListener("bufferedamountlow", resolve, { once: true })); // if we can send the chunk now, send it // if not, we wait until at least half of the sending buffer is free again await (this.dataChannel.bufferedAmount <= (0, $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9).MAX_BUFFERED_AMOUNT - chunk.byteLength || openEvent); // TODO: what can go wrong here? try { this.dataChannel.send(chunk); } catch (e) { (0, $df9d8b89ee908b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).error(`DC#:${this.connectionId} Error when sending:`, e); controller.error(e); this.close(); } } }); this.writer = this._splitStream.writable.getWriter(); this._rawReadStream = new ReadableStream({ start: (controller)=>{ this.once("open", ()=>{ this.dataChannel.addEventListener("message", (e)=>{ controller.enqueue(; }); }); } }); this._splitStream.readable.pipeTo(this._rawSendStream); } _initializeDataChannel(dc) { super._initializeDataChannel(dc); this.dataChannel.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.dataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = (0, $f188f8cb0f63b180$export$d365f7ad9d7df9c9).MAX_BUFFERED_AMOUNT / 2; } } const $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$NullValue = Symbol.for(null); function $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$concatUint8Array(buffer1, buffer2) { const tmp = new Uint8Array(buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength); tmp.set(buffer1, 0); tmp.set(buffer2, buffer1.byteLength); return new Uint8Array(tmp.buffer); } const $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$iterateOver = async function*(stream) { const reader = stream.getReader(); try { while(true){ const { done: done, value: value } = await; if (done) return; yield value; } } finally{ reader.releaseLock(); } }; class $0cb783f200ef4d91$export$7e9583c3c8a0a2cc extends (0, $544799118fa637e6$export$72aa44612e2200cd) { constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, { ...options, reliable: true }); this.serialization = "Cbor"; this._encoder = new (0, $2QID2$cborx.Encoder)(); this._decoder = new (0, $2QID2$cborx.Decoder)(); this._decoderStream = new TransformStream({ transform: (abchunk, controller)=>{ let chunk = new Uint8Array(abchunk); if (this._inc) { chunk = $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$concatUint8Array(this._inc, chunk); this._inc = null; } let values; try { values = this._decoder.decodeMultiple(chunk); } catch (error) { if (error.incomplete) { this._inc = chunk.subarray(error.lastPosition); values = error.values; } else throw error; } finally{ for (let value of values || []){ if (value === null) value = $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$NullValue; controller.enqueue(value); } } } }); this._rawReadStream.pipeTo(this._decoderStream.writable); (async ()=>{ for await (const msg of $0cb783f200ef4d91$var$iterateOver(this._decoderStream.readable)){ if (msg.__peerData?.type === "close") { this.close(); return; } this.emit("data", msg); } })(); } _send(data) { return this.writer.write(this._encoder.encode(data)); } } class $1fc1476c05a53911$export$f6a74c7ffa2903e6 extends (0, $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448) { constructor(...args){ super(...args); this._serializers = { Cbor: $0cb783f200ef4d91$export$7e9583c3c8a0a2cc, default: (0, $0cb783f200ef4d91$export$7e9583c3c8a0a2cc) }; } } class $7e477efb76e02214$export$80f5de1a66c4d624 extends (0, $544799118fa637e6$export$72aa44612e2200cd) { constructor(peerId, provider, options){ super(peerId, provider, options); this.serialization = "MsgPack"; this._encoder = new (0, $2QID2$msgpackmsgpack.Encoder)(); (async ()=>{ for await (const msg of (0, $2QID2$msgpackmsgpack.decodeMultiStream)(this._rawReadStream)){ // @ts-ignore if (msg.__peerData?.type === "close") { this.close(); return; } this.emit("data", msg); } })(); } _send(data) { return this.writer.write(this._encoder.encode(data)); } } class $8c8805059443e9b3$export$d72c7bf8eef50853 extends (0, $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448) { constructor(...args){ super(...args); this._serializers = { MsgPack: $7e477efb76e02214$export$80f5de1a66c4d624, default: (0, $7e477efb76e02214$export$80f5de1a66c4d624) }; } } var $8c8bca0fa9aa4b8b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = (0, $2ddecb16305b5a82$export$ecd1fc136c422448); $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $1a7e7edd560505fc$exports); //#