pinky = require '../lib' delay = (n, f) -> set-timeout f, n Promise = do then : 'function' always : 'function' otherwise : 'function' fulfill : 'function' reject : 'function' describe 'Pinky Tests' -> describe 'λ pinky-promise(Thenable)' -> [p, p2] = [] before-each (done) -> p := pinky! p2 := pinky p done! o 'Should lift the Thenable into a Promise.' (done) -> expect p2 .to.satisfy (a) -> (Object.keys Promise).every (k) -> typeof a[k] is Promise[k] done! o 'Should be fulfilled when the Thenable is.' -> p.fulfill 'a' expect p .to.become 'a' expect p2 .to.become 'a' o 'Should be rejected when the Thenable is.' -> p.reject (new Error 'no u') expect p /no u/ expect p2 /no u/ describe 'λ always(Function)' -> o 'Should be called when promise is fulfilled.' -> p = pinky!fulfill 'a' p2 = p.always (+ 'b') expect p .to.become 'ab' expect p2 .to.become 'ab' o 'Should be called when promise is rejected.' -> p = pinky!fulfill 'a' p2 = p.always (+ 'b') expect p .to.become 'ab' expect p2 .to.become 'ab' describe 'λ otherwise(Function)' -> o 'Should not be called when the promise is fulfilled.' (done) -> s = -> s.called = true p = pinky!fulfill 'a' p2 = p.otherwise s delay 100 -> do expect p .to.become 'a' expect s.called .to.equal void done! o 'Should be called when the promise is rejected.' -> p = pinky!reject (new Error 'no u') p2 = p.otherwise -> ':3' expect p /no u/ expect p2 .to.become ':3'