// import * as bluebird from "bluebird" import {preload} from './preload'; preload(); // // 使用bluebird输出完整的promise调用链 // global.Promise = bluebird.Promise; // // 开启长堆栈 // bluebird.config({ // // Enable warnings // warnings: false, // // Enable long stack traces // longStackTraces: false, // // Enable cancellation // cancellation: false, // // Enable monitoring // monitoring: false // }); import { RpcClient, RpcMsg, RouteContext, RouteServers } from '../index'; import { configure } from 'pinus-logger'; configure('./config/log4js.json'); // remote service interface path info list let records = [{ namespace: 'user', serverType: 'test', path: __dirname + '/remote/test' }]; let context = { serverId: 'test-server-1' }; // server info list let servers = [{ id: 'test-server-1', serverType: 'test', host: '', port: 3333 }]; // route parameter passed to route function let routeParam: string = null; // route context passed to route function let routeContext = servers; // route function to caculate the remote server id let routeFunc = function (session: { [key: string]: any }, msg: RpcMsg, context: RouteServers, cb: (err: Error, serverId?: string) => void) { cb(null, context[0].id); }; let client = new RpcClient({ routeContext: servers, router: routeFunc, context: context, pendingSize: 10000000000 }); let start: number = null; client.start(async function (err) { console.log('rpc client start ok.'); client.addProxies(records); client.addServers(servers); start = Date.now(); // runSerial(); // runParallels(); runOnlySends(); }); let num_requests = 100000; let times = 0; let mock_data_1 = 'hello'; let mock_data_2 = 'hello'; let num_repeat = 200; // 100 200 300 400 800 for (let i = 0; i < num_repeat; i++) { mock_data_2 += mock_data_1; } let mock_data_3 = { a: 'run', b: mock_data_2 + Date.now() + '_', time: Date.now() }; let payload = mock_data_3; // console.log(new Buffer(payload).length / 1024 + 'k'); console.log(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).length / 1024 + 'k'); async function runParallels() { let maxParallel = 1; while (true) { if (maxParallel > 10000) { maxParallel = 10000; } let now = Date.now(); start = now; await runParallel(maxParallel); now = Date.now(); let cost = now - start; console.log(`runParallel ${num_requests} num requests(maxParallel:${maxParallel}) cost ${cost}ms , ${(num_requests / (cost / 1000)).toFixed(2)}ops/sec`); maxParallel = maxParallel * 2; } } async function runParallel(maxParallel: number) { let all = []; for (let times = 0; times < num_requests; times++) { all.push(rpcRequest(payload)); if (all.length === maxParallel) { await Promise.all(all); all.length = 0; } } await Promise.all(all); } async function runSerial() { if (times > num_requests) { return; } if (times === num_requests) { let now = Date.now(); let cost = now - start; console.log(`runSerial ${num_requests} num requests cost ${cost}ms , ${(num_requests / (cost / 1000)).toFixed(2)}ops/sec`); times = 0; start = now; // return; await runSerial(); return; } times++; await rpcRequest(payload); runSerial(); } async function rpcRequest(param: any) { let result = await client.proxies.user.test.service.echo(routeParam, mock_data_1, 123); // console.log(count++); } async function runOnlySends() { let maxParallel = 1; while (true) { if (maxParallel > 10000) { maxParallel = 10000; } let now = Date.now(); start = now; runOnlySend(maxParallel); now = Date.now(); let cost = now - start; console.log(`runOnlySend ${num_requests} num requests(maxParallel:${maxParallel}) cost ${cost}ms , ${(num_requests / (cost / 1000)).toFixed(2)}ops/sec`); maxParallel = maxParallel * 2; } } function runOnlySend(maxParallel: number) { for (let times = 0; times < num_requests; times++) { rpcRequest(payload); } }