/** @module connect */ import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node'; /** * Contains connection parameters to connect to external services. * They are used together with credential parameters, but usually stored * separately from more protected sensitive values. * * ### Configuration parameters ### * * - discovery_key: key to retrieve parameters from discovery service * - protocol: connection protocol like http, https, tcp, udp * - host: host name or IP address * - port: port number * - uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it * * In addition to standard parameters ConnectionParams may contain any number of custom parameters * * @see [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/config.configparams.html ConfigParams]] * @see [[CredentialParams]] * @see [[ConnectionResolver]] * @see [[IDiscovery]] * * ### Example ### * * Example ConnectionParams object usage: * * let connection = ConnectionParams.fromTuples( * "protocol", "http", * "host", "", * "port", "8080", * "cluster", "mycluster" * ); * * let host = connection.getHost(); // Result: "" * let port = connection.getPort(); // Result: 8080 * let cluster = connection.getAsNullableString("cluster"); // Result: "mycluster" */ export declare class ConnectionParams extends ConfigParams { /** * Creates a new connection parameters and fills it with values. * * @param values (optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this connection. */ constructor(values?: any); /** * Checks if these connection parameters shall be retrieved from [[DiscoveryService]]. * The connection parameters are redirected to [[DiscoveryService]] when discovery_key parameter is set. * * @returns true if connection shall be retrieved from [[DiscoveryService]] * * @see [[getDiscoveryKey]] */ useDiscovery(): boolean; /** * Gets the key to retrieve this connection from [[DiscoveryService]]. * If this key is null, than all parameters are already present. * * @returns the discovery key to retrieve connection. * * @see [[useDiscovery]] */ getDiscoveryKey(): string; /** * Sets the key to retrieve these parameters from [[DiscoveryService]]. * * @param value a new key to retrieve connection. */ setDiscoveryKey(value: string): void; /** * Gets the connection protocol. * * @returns the connection protocol or the default value if it's not set. */ getProtocol(): string; /** * Gets the connection protocol with default value. * * @param defaultValue (optional) the default protocol * @returns the connection protocol or the default value if it's not set. */ getProtocolWithDefault(defaultValue: string): string; /** * Sets the connection protocol. * * @param value a new connection protocol. */ setProtocol(value: string): void; /** * Gets the host name or IP address. * * @returns the host name or IP address. */ getHost(): string; /** * Sets the host name or IP address. * * @param value a new host name or IP address. */ setHost(value: string): void; /** * Gets the port number. * * @returns the port number. */ getPort(): number; /** * Gets the port number with default value. * * @param defaultPort a default port number. * @returns the port number. */ getPortWithDefault(defaultPort: number): number; /** * Sets the port number. * * @param value a new port number. * * @see [[getHost]] */ setPort(value: number): void; /** * Gets the resource URI or connection string. * Usually it includes all connection parameters in it. * * @returns the resource URI or connection string. */ getUri(): string; /** * Sets the resource URI or connection string. * * @param value a new resource URI or connection string. */ setUri(value: string): void; /** * Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string. * * @param line a string with serialized key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." * Example: "Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z" * @returns a new ConnectionParams object. * * @see [[StringValueMap.fromString]] */ static fromString(line: string): ConnectionParams; /** * Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. * Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, ... pairs. * * @param tuples the tuples to fill a new ConnectionParams object. * @returns a new ConnectionParams object. */ static fromTuples(...tuples: any[]): ConnectionParams; /** * Retrieves all ConnectionParams from configuration parameters * from "connections" section. If "connection" section is present instead, * than it returns a list with only one ConnectionParams. * * @param config a configuration parameters to retrieve connections * @returns a list of retrieved ConnectionParams */ static manyFromConfig(config: ConfigParams): ConnectionParams[]; /** * Retrieves a single ConnectionParams from configuration parameters * from "connection" section. If "connections" section is present instead, * then is returns only the first connection element. * * @param config ConnectionParams, containing a section named "connection(s)". * @returns the generated ConnectionParams object. * * @see [[manyFromConfig]] */ static fromConfig(config: ConfigParams): ConnectionParams; }