import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { CommandSet } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { RestService } from './RestService';
* Abstract service that receives remove calls via HTTP protocol
* to operations automatically generated for commands defined in [[ ICommandable components]].
* Each command is exposed as POST operation that receives all parameters in body object.
* Commandable services require only 3 lines of code to implement a robust external
* HTTP-based remote interface.
* ### Configuration parameters ###
* - base_route: base route for remote URI
* - dependencies:
* - endpoint: override for HTTP Endpoint dependency
* - controller: override for Controller dependency
* - connection(s):
* - discovery_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from [[ IDiscovery]]
* - protocol: connection protocol: http or https
* - host: host name or IP address
* - port: port number
* - uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
* ### References ###
* - \*:logger:\*:\*:1.0
(optional) [[ ILogger]] components to pass log messages
* - \*:counters:\*:\*:1.0
(optional) [[ ICounters]] components to pass collected measurements
* - \*:discovery:\*:\*:1.0
(optional) [[ IDiscovery]] services to resolve connection
* - \*:endpoint:http:\*:1.0
(optional) [[HttpEndpoint]] reference
* @see [[CommandableHttpClient]]
* @see [[RestService]]
* ### Example ###
* class MyCommandableHttpService extends CommandableHttpService {
* public constructor() {
* base();
* this._dependencyResolver.put(
* "controller",
* new Descriptor("mygroup","controller","*","*","1.0")
* );
* }
* }
* let service = new MyCommandableHttpService();
* service.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples(
* "connection.protocol", "http",
* "", "localhost",
* "connection.port", 8080
* ));
* service.setReferences(References.fromTuples(
* new Descriptor("mygroup","controller","default","default","1.0"), controller
* ));
*"123", (err) => {
* console.log("The REST service is running on port 8080");
* });
export declare abstract class CommandableHttpService extends RestService {
protected _commandSet: CommandSet;
protected _swaggerAuto: boolean;
* Creates a new instance of the service.
* @param baseRoute a service base route.
constructor(baseRoute: string);
* Configures component by passing configuration parameters.
* @param config configuration parameters to be set.
configure(config: ConfigParams): void;
* Registers all service routes in HTTP endpoint.
register(): void;