import { IOpenable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { IConfigurable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { IReferenceable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { IReferences } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { Schema } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
import { IRegisterable } from './IRegisterable';
* Used for creating HTTP endpoints. An endpoint is a URL, at which a given service can be accessed by a client.
* ### Configuration parameters ###
* Parameters to pass to the [[configure]] method for component configuration:
* - cors_headers - a comma-separated list of allowed CORS headers
* - cors_origins - a comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins
* - connection(s) - the connection resolver's connections:
* - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
* - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
* - "" - the target host;
* - "connection.port" - the target port;
* - "connection.uri" - the target URI.
* - credential - the HTTPS credentials:
* - "credential.ssl_key_file" - the SSL private key in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_crt_file" - the SSL certificate in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_ca_file" - the certificate authorities (root cerfiticates) in PEM
* ### References ###
* A logger, counters, and a connection resolver can be referenced by passing the
* following references to the object's [[setReferences]] method:
* - logger: "\*:logger:\*:\*:1.0"
* - counters: "\*:counters:\*:\*:1.0"
* - discovery: "\*:discovery:\*:\*:1.0"
(for the connection resolver).
* ### Examples ###
* public MyMethod(_config: ConfigParams, _references: IReferences) {
* let endpoint = new HttpEndpoint();
* if (this._config)
* endpoint.configure(this._config);
* if (this._references)
* endpoint.setReferences(this._references);
* ...
*, (err) => {
* this._opened = err == null;
* callback(err);
* });
* ...
* }
export declare class HttpEndpoint implements IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable {
private static readonly _defaultConfig;
private _server;
private _connectionResolver;
private _logger;
private _counters;
private _maintenanceEnabled;
private _fileMaxSize;
private _protocolUpgradeEnabled;
private _uri;
private _registrations;
private _allowedHeaders;
private _allowedOrigins;
* Configures this HttpEndpoint using the given configuration parameters.
* __Configuration parameters:__
* - cors_headers - a comma-separated list of allowed CORS headers
* - cors_origins - a comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins
* - __connection(s)__ - the connection resolver's connections;
* - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
* - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
* - "" - the target host;
* - "connection.port" - the target port;
* - "connection.uri" - the target URI.
* - "credential.ssl_key_file" - SSL private key in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_crt_file" - SSL certificate in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_ca_file" - Certificate authority (root certificate) in PEM
* @param config configuration parameters, containing a "connection(s)" section.
* @see [[ ConfigParams]] (in the PipServices "Commons" package)
configure(config: ConfigParams): void;
* Sets references to this endpoint's logger, counters, and connection resolver.
* __References:__
* - logger: "\*:logger:\*:\*:1.0"
* - counters: "\*:counters:\*:\*:1.0"
* - discovery: "\*:discovery:\*:\*:1.0"
(for the connection resolver)
* @param references an IReferences object, containing references to a logger, counters,
* and a connection resolver.
* @see [[ IReferences]] (in the PipServices "Commons" package)
setReferences(references: IReferences): void;
* Gets an HTTP server instance.
* @returns an HTTP server instance of null
if endpoint is closed.
getServer(): any;
* @returns whether or not this endpoint is open with an actively listening REST server.
isOpen(): boolean;
* Opens a connection using the parameters resolved by the referenced connection
* resolver and creates a REST server (service) using the set options and parameters.
* @param correlationId (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
* @param callback (optional) the function to call once the opening process is complete.
* Will be called with an error if one is raised.
open(correlationId: string, callback?: (err: any) => void): void;
private addCompatibility;
private noCache;
private doMaintenance;
* Closes this endpoint and the REST server (service) that was opened earlier.
* @param correlationId (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
* @param callback (optional) the function to call once the closing process is complete.
* Will be called with an error if one is raised.
close(correlationId: string, callback?: (err: any) => void): void;
* Registers a registerable object for dynamic endpoint discovery.
* @param registration the registration to add.
* @see [[IRegisterable]]
register(registration: IRegisterable): void;
* Unregisters a registerable object, so that it is no longer used in dynamic
* endpoint discovery.
* @param registration the registration to remove.
* @see [[IRegisterable]]
unregister(registration: IRegisterable): void;
private performRegistrations;
private fixRoute;
* Returns correlationId from request
* @param req - http request
* @return Returns correlationId from request
getCorrelationId(req: any): string;
* Registers an action in this objects REST server (service) by the given method and route.
* @param method the HTTP method of the route.
* @param route the route to register in this object's REST server (service).
* @param schema the schema to use for parameter validation.
* @param action the action to perform at the given route.
registerRoute(method: string, route: string, schema: Schema, action: (req: any, res: any) => void): void;
* Registers an action with authorization in this objects REST server (service)
* by the given method and route.
* @param method the HTTP method of the route.
* @param route the route to register in this object's REST server (service).
* @param schema the schema to use for parameter validation.
* @param authorize the authorization interceptor
* @param action the action to perform at the given route.
registerRouteWithAuth(method: string, route: string, schema: Schema, authorize: (req: any, res: any, next: () => void) => void, action: (req: any, res: any) => void): void;
* Registers a middleware action for the given route.
* @param route the route to register in this object's REST server (service).
* @param action the middleware action to perform at the given route.
registerInterceptor(route: string, action: (req: any, res: any, next: () => void) => void): void;