/** * @license * Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt * The complete set of authors may be found at * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt * The complete set of contributors may be found at * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt */ /// import {ArgDescriptor} from 'command-line-args'; export const args: ArgDescriptor[] = [ { name: 'version', description: 'Print version info.', type: Boolean, }, { name: 'root', description: 'The root directory of your project. Defaults to the ' + 'current working directory.', type: String, defaultOption: true, }, { name: 'compile', description: 'Compiler options. Valid values are "auto", "always" and ' + '"never". "auto" compiles JavaScript to ES5 for browsers that don\'t ' + 'fully support ES6.', type: String, defaultValue: 'auto', }, { name: 'module-resolution', description: 'Algorithm to use for resolving module specifiers in import ' + 'and export statements when rewriting them to be web-compatible. ' + 'Valid values are "none" and "node". "none" disables module specifier ' + 'rewriting. "node" uses Node.js resolution to find modules.', type: String, defaultValue: 'node', }, { name: 'compile-cache', description: 'Maximum size in bytes (actually, UTF-8 characters) of ' + 'the cache used to store results for JavaScript compilation. Cache ' + 'size includes the uncompiled and compiled file content lengths. ' + 'Defaults to 52428800 (50MB).', type: Number, defaultValue: 52428800, }, { name: 'port', alias: 'p', description: 'The port to serve from. Serve will choose an open port for ' + 'you by default.', type: Number, }, { name: 'hostname', alias: 'H', description: 'The hostname to serve from. Defaults to localhost.', type: String, }, { name: 'component-dir', alias: 'c', description: 'The component directory to use. Defaults to reading from ' + 'the Bower config (usually bower_components/).', type: String, }, { name: 'component-url', alias: 'u', description: 'The component url to use. Defaults to reading from ' + 'the Bower config (usually bower_components/).', type: String, }, { name: 'package-name', alias: 'n', description: 'The package name to use for the root directory. Defaults to ' + 'reading from bower.json.', type: String, }, { name: 'npm', description: 'Sets npm mode: dependencies are installed from npm, ' + 'component directory is "node_modules" and the package name is read ' + 'from package.json', type: Boolean, }, { name: 'open', alias: 'o', description: 'The page to open in the default browser on startup.', type: Boolean, }, { name: 'browser', alias: 'b', description: 'The browser(s) to open with when using the --open option. ' + 'Defaults to your default web browser.', type: String, multiple: true, }, { name: 'open-path', description: 'The URL path to open when using the --open option. ' + 'Defaults to "index.html".', type: String, }, { name: 'protocol', alias: 'P', description: 'The server protocol to use \\{h2, https/1.1, http/1.1\\}. ' + 'Defaults to "http/1.1".', defaultValue: 'http/1.1', type: String, }, { name: 'key', description: 'Path to TLS certificate private key file for https. ' + 'Defaults to "key.pem".', defaultValue: 'key.pem', type: String, }, { name: 'cert', description: 'Path to TLS certificate file for https. ' + 'Defaults to "cert.pem".', defaultValue: 'cert.pem', type: String, }, { name: 'manifest', description: 'Path to HTTP/2 Push Manifest.', type: String, }, { name: 'proxy-path', description: 'Top-level path that should be redirected to the proxy-target. ' + 'E.g. `api/v1` when you want to redirect all requests of ' + '`https://localhost/api/v1/`.', type: String, }, { name: 'proxy-target', description: 'Host URL to proxy to, for example `https://myredirect:8080/foo`.', type: String, }, { name: 'allow-origin', description: 'Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.', type: String, }, ];