/** * @file index.ts * @fileoverview This file imports and exports multiple types from the following files: * - `ports` * - `numbers` * - `common-ports` * @module port-types * @license MIT * @version 1.0.0 * @since 9/24/2023 * @author Matthew Allen Rackley */ import type { PortNumber } from './src/index'; export type * from './src/index'; export { PortNumber, Port, Ports, MakePort, PortArray, PortGuard, SixtyFiveThousandFiveHundredThirtyFive, SixtyFiveThousandFiveHundredThirty, SixtyFiveThousandFiveHundred, SixtyFiveThousandFourHundred, SixtyFiveThousand, SixtyFourThousand, FourtyNineThousand, TenToFiftyThousand, Numbers, InitialNumbers, Thousand, TenThousand, TwentyThousand, ThirtyThousand, FourtyThousand, FiftyThousand, SixtyThousand, CommonPorts, RegisteredPort, } from './src/index'; export type * from './src/index'; export default PortNumber;