function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var path = _interopDefault(require('path')); var postcss = _interopDefault(require('postcss')); var cssImportResolve = require('css-import-resolve'); /** Enhance the composes behavior in CSS Modules. */ var index = postcss.plugin('postcss-plugin-composes', function initializer(opts) { opts = Object(opts); opts.resolveImports = Boolean('resolveImports' in opts ? opts.resolveImports : true); opts.transformAtRules = Boolean('transformAtRules' in opts ? opts.transformAtRules : true); opts.extensions = [].concat('extensions' in opts ? opts.extensions : 'module.css'); opts.indexes = [].concat('indexes' in opts ? opts.indexes : 'index.module.css'); opts.packageProps = [].concat('packageProps' in opts ? opts.packageProps : ['exports.icss.import', 'exports.icss.default', 'exports.icss']); return function transformer(css) { /** Directory of the current CSS file. */ const cwd = path.dirname(css.source.input.file); css.walk(node => { // replace any "@composes" at-rule with a "composes" declaration if (opts.transformAtRules) { if (node.type === 'atrule' && === 'composes') { node.replaceWith(node = postcss.decl({ prop:, value: node.params })); } } // ignore any non-"composes" declaration if (!opts.resolveImports || node.type !== 'decl' || node.prop !== 'composes') return; /** Matches of any declarations */ const matches = node.value.match(matchImports); if (matches) { /** Whether this is a global "composes" value, which will be ignored. */ const [,,,,, global] = matches; // resolve the path of any non-global "composes" if (!global) { const originalValue = node.value; const modifiedValue = getModifiedValue(originalValue, cwd, opts); if (originalValue !== modifiedValue) { node.value = modifiedValue; } } } }); }; }); /** RegExp used to match imports (from */ const matchImports = /^(.+?)(\s+from\s+)(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|(global))$/; /** * Return the value of a composes declaration with any import paths resolved. * @arg {string} value * @arg {string} cwd * @arg {{ [key: string]: any }} opts */ function getModifiedValue(value, cwd, opts) { return value.replace(matchImports, ($0, symbols, fromPart, doubleQuotePath, singleQuotePath) => { const originalPath = doubleQuotePath || singleQuotePath; const modifiedPath = cssResolve(originalPath, cwd, opts); const exportedPath = modifiedPath === originalPath ? originalPath : path.relative(cwd, modifiedPath); const quote = doubleQuotePath ? '"' : "'"; return symbols + fromPart + quote + exportedPath + quote; }); } /** * Return a css-resolved path or the original path. * @arg {string} file * @arg {string} cwd * @arg {{ [key: string]: any }} opts */ function cssResolve(file, cwd, opts) { return (// use the node-resolve-able path cssImportResolve.resolveSync(withoutTilde(file), cwd, opts) || file ); } /** * Return the filename without the starting tilde. * @arg {string} file */ function withoutTilde(file) { return file.replace(/^~/, ''); } module.exports = index;