import type autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer'; import type { PluginCreator } from 'postcss'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_10 } from 'postcss-custom-media'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_11 } from 'postcss-custom-properties'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_12 } from 'postcss-custom-selectors'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_13 } from 'postcss-dir-pseudo-class'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_14 } from '@csstools/postcss-normalize-display-values'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_15 } from 'postcss-double-position-gradients'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_16 } from '@csstools/postcss-exponential-functions'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_17 } from '@csstools/postcss-logical-float-and-clear'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_18 } from 'postcss-focus-visible'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_19 } from 'postcss-focus-within'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_2 } from '@csstools/postcss-initial'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_20 } from '@csstools/postcss-font-format-keywords'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_21 } from '@csstools/postcss-gamut-mapping'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_22 } from 'postcss-gap-properties'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_23 } from '@csstools/postcss-gradients-interpolation-method'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_24 } from 'css-has-pseudo'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_25 } from 'postcss-color-hex-alpha'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_26 } from '@csstools/postcss-hwb-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_27 } from '@csstools/postcss-ic-unit'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_28 } from 'postcss-image-set-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_29 } from '@csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_3 } from 'postcss-pseudo-class-any-link'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_30 } from 'postcss-lab-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_31 } from '@csstools/postcss-light-dark-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_32 } from '@csstools/postcss-logical-overflow'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_33 } from '@csstools/postcss-logical-overscroll-behavior'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_34 } from 'postcss-logical'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_35 } from '@csstools/postcss-logical-resize'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_36 } from '@csstools/postcss-logical-viewport-units'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_37 } from '@csstools/postcss-media-queries-aspect-ratio-number-values'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_38 } from '@csstools/postcss-media-minmax'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_39 } from '@csstools/postcss-nested-calc'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_4 } from 'css-blank-pseudo'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_40 } from 'postcss-nesting'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_41 } from 'postcss-selector-not'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_42 } from '@csstools/postcss-oklab-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_43 } from 'postcss-overflow-shorthand'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_44 } from 'postcss-place'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_45 } from 'css-prefers-color-scheme'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_46 } from 'postcss-color-rebeccapurple'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_47 } from '@csstools/postcss-relative-color-syntax'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_48 } from '@csstools/postcss-scope-pseudo-class'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_49 } from '@csstools/postcss-stepped-value-functions'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_5 } from '@csstools/postcss-cascade-layers'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_50 } from '@csstools/postcss-text-decoration-shorthand'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_51 } from '@csstools/postcss-trigonometric-functions'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_52 } from '@csstools/postcss-unset-value'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_6 } from 'postcss-attribute-case-insensitive'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_7 } from '@csstools/postcss-color-function'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_8 } from 'postcss-color-functional-notation'; import type { pluginOptions as pluginOptions_9 } from '@csstools/postcss-color-mix-function'; declare const creator: PluginCreator; export default creator; export declare enum DirectionFlow { TopToBottom = "top-to-bottom", BottomToTop = "bottom-to-top", RightToLeft = "right-to-left", LeftToRight = "left-to-right" } export declare type pluginOptions = { /** * Determine which CSS features to polyfill, * based upon their process in becoming web standards. * default: 2 */ stage?: number | false; /** * Determine which CSS features to polyfill, * based their implementation status. * default: 0 */ minimumVendorImplementations?: number; /** * Enable any feature that would need an extra browser library to be loaded into the page for it to work. * default: false */ enableClientSidePolyfills?: boolean; /** * PostCSS Preset Env supports any standard browserslist configuration, * which can be a `.browserslistrc` file, * a `browserslist` key in `package.json`, * or `browserslist` environment variables. * * The `env` option is used to select a specific browserslist environment in the event that you have more than one. */ env?: string; /** * PostCSS Preset Env supports any standard browserslist configuration, * which can be a `.browserslistrc` file, * a `browserslist` key in `package.json`, * or `browserslist` environment variables. * * The `browsers` option should only be used when a standard browserslist configuration is not available. * When the `browsers` option is used the `env` option is ignored. */ browsers?: string | Array | null; /** * Determine whether all plugins should receive a `preserve` option, * which may preserve or remove the original and now polyfilled CSS. * Each plugin has it's own default, some true, others false. * default: _not set_ */ preserve?: boolean; /** * [Configure autoprefixer]( */ autoprefixer?: autoprefixer.Options; /** * Enable or disable specific polyfills by ID. * Passing `true` to a specific [feature ID]( will enable its polyfill, * while passing `false` will disable it. * * Passing an object to a specific feature ID will both enable and configure it. */ features?: pluginsOptions; /** * The `insertBefore` key allows you to insert other PostCSS plugins into the chain. * This is only useful if you are also using sugary PostCSS plugins that must execute before certain polyfills. * `insertBefore` supports chaining one or multiple plugins. */ insertBefore?: Record; /** * The `insertAfter` key allows you to insert other PostCSS plugins into the chain. * This is only useful if you are also using sugary PostCSS plugins that must execute after certain polyfills. * `insertAfter` supports chaining one or multiple plugins. */ insertAfter?: Record; /** * Enable debugging messages to stdout giving insights into which features have been enabled/disabled and why. * default: false */ debug?: boolean; /** * The `logical` object allows to configure all plugins related to logical document flow at once. * It accepts the same options as each plugin: `inlineDirection` and `blockDirection`. */ logical?: { /** Set the inline flow direction. default: left-to-right */ inlineDirection?: DirectionFlow; /** Set the block flow direction. default: top-to-bottom */ blockDirection?: DirectionFlow; }; }; export declare type pluginsOptions = { /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-initial" */ 'all-property'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-pseudo-class-any-link" */ 'any-link-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "css-blank-pseudo" */ 'blank-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-page-break" */ 'break-properties'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-cascade-layers" */ 'cascade-layers'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-attribute-case-insensitive" */ 'case-insensitive-attributes'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-clamp" */ 'clamp'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-color-function" */ 'color-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-color-functional-notation" */ 'color-functional-notation'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-color-mix-function" */ 'color-mix'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-custom-media" */ 'custom-media-queries'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-custom-properties" */ 'custom-properties'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-custom-selectors" */ 'custom-selectors'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-dir-pseudo-class" */ 'dir-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-normalize-display-values" */ 'display-two-values'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-double-position-gradients" */ 'double-position-gradients'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-exponential-functions" */ 'exponential-functions'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-logical-float-and-clear" */ 'float-clear-logical-values'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-focus-visible" */ 'focus-visible-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-focus-within" */ 'focus-within-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-font-format-keywords" */ 'font-format-keywords'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-font-variant" */ 'font-variant-property'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-gamut-mapping" */ 'gamut-mapping'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-gap-properties" */ 'gap-properties'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-gradients-interpolation-method" */ 'gradients-interpolation-method'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "css-has-pseudo" */ 'has-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-color-hex-alpha" */ 'hexadecimal-alpha-notation'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-hwb-function" */ 'hwb-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-ic-unit" */ 'ic-unit'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-image-set-function" */ 'image-set-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class" */ 'is-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-lab-function" */ 'lab-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-light-dark-function" */ 'light-dark-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-logical-overflow" */ 'logical-overflow'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-logical-overscroll-behavior" */ 'logical-overscroll-behavior'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-logical" */ 'logical-properties-and-values'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-logical-resize" */ 'logical-resize'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-logical-viewport-units" */ 'logical-viewport-units'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-media-queries-aspect-ratio-number-values" */ 'media-queries-aspect-ratio-number-values'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-media-minmax" */ 'media-query-ranges'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-nested-calc" */ 'nested-calc'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-nesting" */ 'nesting-rules'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-selector-not" */ 'not-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-oklab-function" */ 'oklab-function'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-opacity-percentage" */ 'opacity-percentage'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-overflow-shorthand" */ 'overflow-property'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-replace-overflow-wrap" */ 'overflow-wrap-property'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-place" */ 'place-properties'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "css-prefers-color-scheme" */ 'prefers-color-scheme-query'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-color-rebeccapurple" */ 'rebeccapurple-color'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-relative-color-syntax" */ 'relative-color-syntax'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-scope-pseudo-class" */ 'scope-pseudo-class'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-stepped-value-functions" */ 'stepped-value-functions'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "postcss-system-ui-font-family" */ 'system-ui-font-family'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-text-decoration-shorthand" */ 'text-decoration-shorthand'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-trigonometric-functions" */ 'trigonometric-functions'?: subPluginOptions; /** plugin options for "@csstools/postcss-unset-value" */ 'unset-value'?: subPluginOptions; }; /** postcss-clamp plugin options */ export declare type postcssClampOptions = { /** Preserve the original notation. default: false */ preserve?: boolean; /** * The precalculate option determines whether values with the same unit should be precalculated. * default: false */ precalculate?: boolean; }; /** postcss-system-ui-font-family plugin options */ export declare type postcssFontFamilySystemUIOptions = Record; /** postcss-font-variant plugin options */ export declare type postcssFontVariantOptions = Record; /** postcss-opacity-percentage plugin options */ export declare type postcssOpacityPercentageOptions = { /** Preserve the original notation. default: false */ preserve?: boolean; }; /** postcss-page-break plugin options */ export declare type postcssPageBreakOptions = Record; /** postcss-replace-overflow-wrap plugin options */ export declare type postcssReplaceOverflowWrapOptions = { /** Preserve the original notation. default: false */ preserve?: boolean; }; export declare type subPluginOptions = ['auto' | boolean, T] | T | boolean; export { }