import * as postmark from "../../src/index"; import { expect } from "chai"; import "mocha"; import * as nconf from "nconf"; const testingKeys = nconf.env().file({ file: __dirname + "/../../testing_keys.json" }); const packageJson = require("../../package.json"); const clientVersion = packageJson.version; describe("AccountClient", () => { let client: postmark.AccountClient; const accountToken: string = testingKeys.get("ACCOUNT_TOKEN"); beforeEach(() => { client = new postmark.AccountClient(accountToken); }); describe("#new", () => { it("default clientOptions", () => { expect(client.clientOptions).to.eql({ useHttps: true, requestHost: "", timeout: 30, }); }); it("clientVersion", () => { expect(client.clientVersion).to.equal(clientVersion); }); }); it("clientVersion=", () => { const customClientVersion: string = "test"; client.clientVersion = customClientVersion; expect(client.clientVersion).to.equal(customClientVersion); }); it("clientOptions=", () => { const requestHost = "test"; const useHttps = false; const timeout = 10; client.clientOptions.requestHost = requestHost; client.clientOptions.useHttps = useHttps; client.clientOptions.timeout = timeout; expect(client.clientOptions).to.eql({ useHttps, requestHost, timeout, }); }); describe("errors", () => { const invalidTokenError = "InvalidAPIKeyError"; it("empty token", () => { expect(() => new postmark.AccountClient("")) .to.throw("A valid API token must be provided when creating a ClientOptions"); }); it("promise error", () => { client = new postmark.AccountClient("testToken"); return client.getSenderSignatures().then((result) => { throw Error(`Should not be here with result: ${result}`); }, (error) => { expect(; }); }); it("callback error", (done) => { client = new postmark.AccountClient("testToken"); client.getSenderSignatures(undefined, (error: any, data) => { expect(data).to.equal(null); expect(; done(); }); }); }); });