/** * postprocessing v6.36.7 build Thu Feb 06 2025 * https://github.com/pmndrs/postprocessing * Copyright 2015-2025 Raoul van RĂ¼schen * @license Zlib */ "use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.js var index_exports = {}; __export(index_exports, { AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial: () => AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial, AdaptiveLuminancePass: () => AdaptiveLuminancePass, BlendFunction: () => BlendFunction, BlendMode: () => BlendMode, BloomEffect: () => BloomEffect, BlurPass: () => KawaseBlurPass, BokehEffect: () => BokehEffect, BokehMaterial: () => BokehMaterial, BoxBlurMaterial: () => BoxBlurMaterial, BoxBlurPass: () => BoxBlurPass, BrightnessContrastEffect: () => BrightnessContrastEffect, ChromaticAberrationEffect: () => ChromaticAberrationEffect, CircleOfConfusionMaterial: () => CircleOfConfusionMaterial, ClearMaskPass: () => ClearMaskPass, ClearPass: () => ClearPass, ColorAverageEffect: () => ColorAverageEffect, ColorChannel: () => ColorChannel, ColorDepthEffect: () => ColorDepthEffect, ColorEdgesMaterial: () => EdgeDetectionMaterial, ConvolutionMaterial: () => KawaseBlurMaterial, CopyMaterial: () => CopyMaterial, CopyPass: () => CopyPass, DepthComparisonMaterial: () => DepthComparisonMaterial, DepthCopyMaterial: () => DepthCopyMaterial, DepthCopyMode: () => DepthCopyMode, DepthCopyPass: () => DepthCopyPass, DepthDownsamplingMaterial: () => DepthDownsamplingMaterial, DepthDownsamplingPass: () => DepthDownsamplingPass, DepthEffect: () => DepthEffect, DepthMaskMaterial: () => DepthMaskMaterial, DepthOfFieldEffect: () => DepthOfFieldEffect, DepthPass: () => DepthPass, DepthPickingPass: () => DepthPickingPass, DepthSavePass: () => DepthCopyPass, DepthTestStrategy: () => DepthTestStrategy, Disposable: () => Disposable, DotScreenEffect: () => DotScreenEffect, DownsamplingMaterial: () => DownsamplingMaterial, EdgeDetectionMaterial: () => EdgeDetectionMaterial, EdgeDetectionMode: () => EdgeDetectionMode, Effect: () => Effect, EffectAttribute: () => EffectAttribute, EffectComposer: () => EffectComposer, EffectMaterial: () => EffectMaterial, EffectPass: () => EffectPass, EffectShaderData: () => EffectShaderData, EffectShaderSection: () => EffectShaderSection, FXAAEffect: () => FXAAEffect, GammaCorrectionEffect: () => GammaCorrectionEffect, GaussKernel: () => GaussKernel, GaussianBlurMaterial: () => GaussianBlurMaterial, GaussianBlurPass: () => GaussianBlurPass, GlitchEffect: () => GlitchEffect, GlitchMode: () => GlitchMode, GodRaysEffect: () => GodRaysEffect, GodRaysMaterial: () => GodRaysMaterial, GridEffect: () => GridEffect, HueSaturationEffect: () => HueSaturationEffect, ImmutableTimer: () => ImmutableTimer, Initializable: () => Initializable, KawaseBlurMaterial: () => KawaseBlurMaterial, KawaseBlurPass: () => KawaseBlurPass, KernelSize: () => KernelSize, LUT1DEffect: () => LUT1DEffect, LUT3DEffect: () => LUT3DEffect, LUT3dlLoader: () => LUT3dlLoader, LUTCubeLoader: () => LUTCubeLoader, LUTEffect: () => LUT3DEffect, LUTOperation: () => LUTOperation, LambdaPass: () => LambdaPass, LensDistortionEffect: () => LensDistortionEffect, LookupTexture: () => LookupTexture, LookupTexture3D: () => LookupTexture, LuminanceMaterial: () => LuminanceMaterial, LuminancePass: () => LuminancePass, MaskFunction: () => MaskFunction, MaskMaterial: () => MaskMaterial, MaskPass: () => MaskPass, MipmapBlurPass: () => MipmapBlurPass, NoiseEffect: () => NoiseEffect, NoiseTexture: () => NoiseTexture, NormalPass: () => NormalPass, OutlineEdgesMaterial: () => OutlineMaterial, OutlineEffect: () => OutlineEffect, OutlineMaterial: () => OutlineMaterial, OverrideMaterialManager: () => OverrideMaterialManager, Pass: () => Pass, PixelationEffect: () => PixelationEffect, PredicationMode: () => PredicationMode, RawImageData: () => RawImageData, RealisticBokehEffect: () => RealisticBokehEffect, RenderPass: () => RenderPass, Resizable: () => Resizable, Resizer: () => Resolution, Resolution: () => Resolution, SMAAAreaImageData: () => SMAAAreaImageData, SMAAEffect: () => SMAAEffect, SMAAImageGenerator: () => SMAAImageGenerator, SMAAImageLoader: () => SMAAImageLoader, SMAAPreset: () => SMAAPreset, SMAASearchImageData: () => SMAASearchImageData, SMAAWeightsMaterial: () => SMAAWeightsMaterial, SSAOEffect: () => SSAOEffect, SSAOMaterial: () => SSAOMaterial, SavePass: () => CopyPass, ScanlineEffect: () => ScanlineEffect, Section: () => EffectShaderSection, Selection: () => Selection, SelectiveBloomEffect: () => SelectiveBloomEffect, SepiaEffect: () => SepiaEffect, ShaderPass: () => ShaderPass, ShockWaveEffect: () => ShockWaveEffect, TetrahedralUpscaler: () => TetrahedralUpscaler, TextureEffect: () => TextureEffect, TiltShiftBlurMaterial: () => TiltShiftBlurMaterial, TiltShiftBlurPass: () => TiltShiftBlurPass, TiltShiftEffect: () => TiltShiftEffect, Timer: () => Timer, ToneMappingEffect: () => ToneMappingEffect, ToneMappingMode: () => ToneMappingMode, UpsamplingMaterial: () => UpsamplingMaterial, VignetteEffect: () => VignetteEffect, VignetteTechnique: () => VignetteTechnique, WebGLExtension: () => WebGLExtension, version: () => version }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(index_exports); // package.json var version = "6.36.7"; // src/core/Disposable.js var Disposable = class { /** * Frees internal resources. */ dispose() { } }; // src/core/EffectComposer.js var import_three5 = require("three"); // src/core/Timer.js var MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS = 1 / 1e3; var SECONDS_TO_MILLISECONDS = 1e3; var Timer = class { /** * Constructs a new timer. */ constructor() { this.startTime = performance.now(); this.previousTime = 0; this.currentTime = 0; this._delta = 0; this._elapsed = 0; this._fixedDelta = 1e3 / 60; this.timescale = 1; this.useFixedDelta = false; this._autoReset = false; } /** * Enables or disables auto reset based on page visibility. * * If enabled, the timer will be reset when the page becomes visible. This effectively pauses the timer when the page * is hidden. Has no effect if the API is not supported. * * @type {Boolean} * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API */ get autoReset() { return this._autoReset; } set autoReset(value) { if (typeof document !== "undefined" && document.hidden !== void 0) { if (value) { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this); } else { document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this); } this._autoReset = value; } } get delta() { return this._delta * MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS; } get fixedDelta() { return this._fixedDelta * MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS; } set fixedDelta(value) { this._fixedDelta = value * SECONDS_TO_MILLISECONDS; } get elapsed() { return this._elapsed * MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS; } /** * Updates this timer. * * @param {Boolean} [timestamp] - The current time in milliseconds. */ update(timestamp) { if (this.useFixedDelta) { this._delta = this.fixedDelta; } else { this.previousTime = this.currentTime; this.currentTime = (timestamp !== void 0 ? timestamp : performance.now()) - this.startTime; this._delta = this.currentTime - this.previousTime; } this._delta *= this.timescale; this._elapsed += this._delta; } /** * Resets this timer. */ reset() { this._delta = 0; this._elapsed = 0; this.currentTime = performance.now() - this.startTime; } getDelta() { return this.delta; } getElapsed() { return this.elapsed; } handleEvent(e) { if (!document.hidden) { this.currentTime = performance.now() - this.startTime; } } dispose() { this.autoReset = false; } }; // src/passes/Pass.js var import_three = require("three"); var fullscreenGeometry = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => { const vertices = new Float32Array([-1, -1, 0, 3, -1, 0, -1, 3, 0]); const uvs = new Float32Array([0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2]); const geometry = new import_three.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setAttribute("position", new import_three.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3)); geometry.setAttribute("uv", new import_three.BufferAttribute(uvs, 2)); return geometry; })(); var Pass = class _Pass { /** * A shared fullscreen triangle. * * The screen size is 2x2 units (NDC). A triangle needs to be 4x4 units to fill the screen. * @see https://michaldrobot.com/2014/04/01/gcn-execution-patterns-in-full-screen-passes/ * @type {BufferGeometry} * @internal */ static get fullscreenGeometry() { return fullscreenGeometry; } /** * Constructs a new pass. * * @param {String} [name] - The name of this pass. Does not have to be unique. * @param {Scene} [scene] - The scene to render. The default scene contains a single mesh that fills the screen. * @param {Camera} [camera] - A camera. Fullscreen effect passes don't require a camera. */ constructor(name = "Pass", scene = new import_three.Scene(), camera = new import_three.Camera()) { this.name = name; this.renderer = null; this.scene = scene; this.camera = camera; this.screen = null; this.rtt = true; this.needsSwap = true; this.needsDepthTexture = false; this.enabled = true; } /** * Sets the render to screen flag. * * If this flag is changed, the fullscreen material will be updated as well. * * @type {Boolean} */ get renderToScreen() { return !this.rtt; } set renderToScreen(value) { if (this.rtt === value) { const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; if (material !== null) { material.needsUpdate = true; } this.rtt = !value; } } /** * Sets the main scene. * * @type {Scene} */ set mainScene(value) { } /** * Sets the main camera. * * @type {Camera} */ set mainCamera(value) { } /** * Sets the renderer * * @deprecated * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. */ setRenderer(renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; } /** * Indicates whether this pass is enabled. * * @deprecated Use enabled instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether this pass is enabled. */ isEnabled() { return this.enabled; } /** * Enables or disables this pass. * * @deprecated Use enabled instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the pass should be enabled. */ setEnabled(value) { this.enabled = value; } /** * The fullscreen material. * * @type {Material} */ get fullscreenMaterial() { return this.screen !== null ? this.screen.material : null; } set fullscreenMaterial(value) { let screen = this.screen; if (screen !== null) { screen.material = value; } else { screen = new import_three.Mesh(_Pass.fullscreenGeometry, value); screen.frustumCulled = false; if (this.scene === null) { this.scene = new import_three.Scene(); } this.scene.add(screen); this.screen = screen; } } /** * Returns the current fullscreen material. * * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial instead. * @return {Material} The current fullscreen material, or null if there is none. */ getFullscreenMaterial() { return this.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Sets the fullscreen material. * * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial instead. * @protected * @param {Material} value - A fullscreen material. */ setFullscreenMaterial(value) { this.fullscreenMaterial = value; } /** * Returns the current depth texture. * * @return {Texture} The current depth texture, or null if there is none. */ getDepthTexture() { return null; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * This method will be called automatically by the {@link EffectComposer}. * You may override this method if your pass relies on the depth information of a preceding {@link RenderPass}. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategy} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three.BasicDepthPacking) { } /** * Renders this pass. * * This is an abstract method that must be overridden. * * @abstract * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the method is not overridden. * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { throw new Error("Render method not implemented!"); } /** * Sets the size. * * You may override this method if you want to be informed about the size of the backbuffer/canvas. * This method is called before {@link initialize} and every time the size of the {@link EffectComposer} changes. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * This method is called when this pass is added to an {@link EffectComposer}. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { } /** * Performs a shallow search for disposable properties and deletes them. * * The {@link EffectComposer} calls this method when it is being destroyed. You can use it independently to free * memory when you're certain that you don't need this pass anymore. */ dispose() { for (const key of Object.keys(this)) { const property = this[key]; const isDisposable = property instanceof import_three.WebGLRenderTarget || property instanceof import_three.Material || property instanceof import_three.Texture || property instanceof _Pass; if (isDisposable) { this[key].dispose(); } } if (this.fullscreenMaterial !== null) { this.fullscreenMaterial.dispose(); } } }; // src/passes/ClearMaskPass.js var ClearMaskPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new clear mask pass. */ constructor() { super("ClearMaskPass", null, null); this.needsSwap = false; } /** * Disables the global stencil test. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const stencil = renderer.state.buffers.stencil; stencil.setLocked(false); stencil.setTest(false); } }; // src/passes/CopyPass.js var import_three3 = require("three"); // src/materials/CopyMaterial.js var import_three2 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/copy.frag var copy_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform float opacity;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vec4 texel=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);gl_FragColor=opacity*texel;\n#include \n#include \n}"; // src/materials/glsl/common.vert var common_default = "varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/CopyMaterial.js var CopyMaterial = class extends import_three2.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new copy material. */ constructor() { super({ name: "CopyMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three2.Uniform(null), opacity: new import_three2.Uniform(1) }, blending: import_three2.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: copy_default, vertexShader: common_default }); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Number} value - The buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Returns the opacity. * * @deprecated Use opacity instead. * @return {Number} The opacity. */ getOpacity(value) { return this.uniforms.opacity.value; } /** * Sets the opacity. * * @deprecated Use opacity instead. * @param {Number} value - The opacity. */ setOpacity(value) { this.uniforms.opacity.value = value; } }; // src/passes/CopyPass.js var CopyPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new save pass. * * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} [renderTarget] - A render target. * @param {Boolean} [autoResize=true] - Whether the render target size should be updated automatically. */ constructor(renderTarget, autoResize = true) { super("CopyPass"); this.fullscreenMaterial = new CopyMaterial(); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderTarget = renderTarget; if (renderTarget === void 0) { this.renderTarget = new import_three3.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { minFilter: import_three3.LinearFilter, magFilter: import_three3.LinearFilter, stencilBuffer: false, depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "CopyPass.Target"; } this.autoResize = autoResize; } /** * Enables or disables auto resizing of the render target. * * @deprecated Use autoResize instead. * @type {Boolean} */ get resize() { return this.autoResize; } set resize(value) { this.autoResize = value; } /** * The output texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the output texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Enables or disables auto resizing of the render target. * * @deprecated Use autoResize instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the render target size should be updated automatically. */ setAutoResizeEnabled(value) { this.autoResize = value; } /** * Saves the input buffer. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { this.fullscreenMaterial.inputBuffer = inputBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { if (this.autoResize) { this.renderTarget.setSize(width, height); } } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - A renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTarget.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (frameBufferType !== import_three3.UnsignedByteType) { this.fullscreenMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } else if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three3.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTarget.texture.colorSpace = import_three3.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/passes/ClearPass.js var import_three4 = require("three"); var color = /* @__PURE__ */ new import_three4.Color(); var ClearPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new clear pass. * * @param {Boolean} [color=true] - Determines whether the color buffer should be cleared. * @param {Boolean} [depth=true] - Determines whether the depth buffer should be cleared. * @param {Boolean} [stencil=false] - Determines whether the stencil buffer should be cleared. */ constructor(color2 = true, depth = true, stencil = false) { super("ClearPass", null, null); this.needsSwap = false; this.color = color2; this.depth = depth; this.stencil = stencil; this.overrideClearColor = null; this.overrideClearAlpha = -1; } /** * Sets the clear flags. * * @param {Boolean} color - Whether the color buffer should be cleared. * @param {Boolean} depth - Whether the depth buffer should be cleared. * @param {Boolean} stencil - Whether the stencil buffer should be cleared. */ setClearFlags(color2, depth, stencil) { this.color = color2; this.depth = depth; this.stencil = stencil; } /** * Returns the override clear color. Default is null. * * @deprecated Use overrideClearColor instead. * @return {Color} The clear color. */ getOverrideClearColor() { return this.overrideClearColor; } /** * Sets the override clear color. * * @deprecated Use overrideClearColor instead. * @param {Color} value - The clear color. */ setOverrideClearColor(value) { this.overrideClearColor = value; } /** * Returns the override clear alpha. Default is -1. * * @deprecated Use overrideClearAlpha instead. * @return {Number} The clear alpha. */ getOverrideClearAlpha() { return this.overrideClearAlpha; } /** * Sets the override clear alpha. * * @deprecated Use overrideClearAlpha instead. * @param {Number} value - The clear alpha. */ setOverrideClearAlpha(value) { this.overrideClearAlpha = value; } /** * Clears the input buffer or the screen. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const overrideClearColor = this.overrideClearColor; const overrideClearAlpha = this.overrideClearAlpha; const clearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha(); const hasOverrideClearColor = overrideClearColor !== null; const hasOverrideClearAlpha = overrideClearAlpha >= 0; if (hasOverrideClearColor) { renderer.getClearColor(color); renderer.setClearColor(overrideClearColor, hasOverrideClearAlpha ? overrideClearAlpha : clearAlpha); } else if (hasOverrideClearAlpha) { renderer.setClearAlpha(overrideClearAlpha); } renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : inputBuffer); renderer.clear(this.color, this.depth, this.stencil); if (hasOverrideClearColor) { renderer.setClearColor(color, clearAlpha); } else if (hasOverrideClearAlpha) { renderer.setClearAlpha(clearAlpha); } } }; // src/passes/MaskPass.js var MaskPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new mask pass. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to use. */ constructor(scene, camera) { super("MaskPass", scene, camera); this.needsSwap = false; this.clearPass = new ClearPass(false, false, true); this.inverse = false; } set mainScene(value) { this.scene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; } /** * Indicates whether the mask should be inverted. * * @type {Boolean} */ get inverted() { return this.inverse; } set inverted(value) { this.inverse = value; } /** * Indicates whether this pass should clear the stencil buffer. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use clearPass.enabled instead. */ get clear() { return this.clearPass.enabled; } set clear(value) { this.clearPass.enabled = value; } /** * Returns the internal clear pass. * * @deprecated Use clearPass.enabled instead. * @return {ClearPass} The clear pass. */ getClearPass() { return this.clearPass; } /** * Indicates whether the mask is inverted. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the mask is inverted. */ isInverted() { return this.inverted; } /** * Enables or disable mask inversion. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the mask should be inverted. */ setInverted(value) { this.inverted = value; } /** * Renders the effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const context = renderer.getContext(); const buffers = renderer.state.buffers; const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const clearPass = this.clearPass; const writeValue = this.inverted ? 0 : 1; const clearValue = 1 - writeValue; buffers.color.setMask(false); buffers.depth.setMask(false); buffers.color.setLocked(true); buffers.depth.setLocked(true); buffers.stencil.setTest(true); buffers.stencil.setOp(context.REPLACE, context.REPLACE, context.REPLACE); buffers.stencil.setFunc(context.ALWAYS, writeValue, 4294967295); buffers.stencil.setClear(clearValue); buffers.stencil.setLocked(true); if (this.clearPass.enabled) { if (this.renderToScreen) { clearPass.render(renderer, null); } else { clearPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer); clearPass.render(renderer, outputBuffer); } } if (this.renderToScreen) { renderer.setRenderTarget(null); renderer.render(scene, camera); } else { renderer.setRenderTarget(inputBuffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); renderer.setRenderTarget(outputBuffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); } buffers.color.setLocked(false); buffers.depth.setLocked(false); buffers.stencil.setLocked(false); buffers.stencil.setFunc(context.EQUAL, 1, 4294967295); buffers.stencil.setOp(context.KEEP, context.KEEP, context.KEEP); buffers.stencil.setLocked(true); } }; // src/core/EffectComposer.js var EffectComposer = class { /** * Constructs a new effect composer. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer that should be used. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Boolean} [options.depthBuffer=true] - Whether the main render targets should have a depth buffer. * @param {Boolean} [options.stencilBuffer=false] - Whether the main render targets should have a stencil buffer. * @param {Boolean} [options.alpha] - Deprecated. Buffers are always RGBA since three r137. * @param {Number} [options.multisampling=0] - The number of samples used for multisample antialiasing. Requires WebGL 2. * @param {Number} [options.frameBufferType] - The type of the internal frame buffers. It's recommended to use HalfFloatType if possible. */ constructor(renderer = null, { depthBuffer = true, stencilBuffer = false, multisampling = 0, frameBufferType } = {}) { this.renderer = null; this.inputBuffer = this.createBuffer(depthBuffer, stencilBuffer, frameBufferType, multisampling); this.outputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.clone(); this.copyPass = new CopyPass(); this.depthTexture = null; this.passes = []; this.timer = new Timer(); this.autoRenderToScreen = true; this.setRenderer(renderer); } /** * The current amount of samples used for multisample anti-aliasing. * * @type {Number} */ get multisampling() { return this.inputBuffer.samples || 0; } /** * Sets the amount of MSAA samples. * * Requires WebGL 2. Set to zero to disable multisampling. * * @type {Number} */ set multisampling(value) { const buffer = this.inputBuffer; const multisampling = this.multisampling; if (multisampling > 0 && value > 0) { this.inputBuffer.samples = value; this.outputBuffer.samples = value; this.inputBuffer.dispose(); this.outputBuffer.dispose(); } else if (multisampling !== value) { this.inputBuffer.dispose(); this.outputBuffer.dispose(); this.inputBuffer = this.createBuffer( buffer.depthBuffer, buffer.stencilBuffer, buffer.texture.type, value ); this.inputBuffer.depthTexture = this.depthTexture; this.outputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.clone(); } } /** * Returns the internal timer. * * @return {Timer} The timer. */ getTimer() { return this.timer; } /** * Returns the renderer. * * @return {WebGLRenderer} The renderer. */ getRenderer() { return this.renderer; } /** * Sets the renderer. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. */ setRenderer(renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; if (renderer !== null) { const size = renderer.getSize(new import_three5.Vector2()); const alpha = renderer.getContext().getContextAttributes().alpha; const frameBufferType = this.inputBuffer.texture.type; if (frameBufferType === import_three5.UnsignedByteType && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three5.SRGBColorSpace) { this.inputBuffer.texture.colorSpace = import_three5.SRGBColorSpace; this.outputBuffer.texture.colorSpace = import_three5.SRGBColorSpace; this.inputBuffer.dispose(); this.outputBuffer.dispose(); } renderer.autoClear = false; this.setSize(size.width, size.height); for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); } } } /** * Replaces the current renderer with the given one. * * The auto clear mechanism of the provided renderer will be disabled. If the new render size differs from the * previous one, all passes will be updated. * * By default, the DOM element of the current renderer will automatically be removed from its parent node and the DOM * element of the new renderer will take its place. * * @deprecated Use setRenderer instead. * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The new renderer. * @param {Boolean} updateDOM - Indicates whether the old canvas should be replaced by the new one in the DOM. * @return {WebGLRenderer} The old renderer. */ replaceRenderer(renderer, updateDOM = true) { const oldRenderer = this.renderer; const parent = oldRenderer.domElement.parentNode; this.setRenderer(renderer); if (updateDOM && parent !== null) { parent.removeChild(oldRenderer.domElement); parent.appendChild(renderer.domElement); } return oldRenderer; } /** * Creates a depth texture attachment that will be provided to all passes. * * Note: When a shader reads from a depth texture and writes to a render target that uses the same depth texture * attachment, the depth information will be lost. This happens even if `depthWrite` is disabled. * * @private * @return {DepthTexture} The depth texture. */ createDepthTexture() { const depthTexture = this.depthTexture = new import_three5.DepthTexture(); this.inputBuffer.depthTexture = depthTexture; this.inputBuffer.dispose(); if (this.inputBuffer.stencilBuffer) { depthTexture.format = import_three5.DepthStencilFormat; depthTexture.type = import_three5.UnsignedInt248Type; } else { depthTexture.type = import_three5.UnsignedIntType; } return depthTexture; } /** * Deletes the current depth texture. * * @private */ deleteDepthTexture() { if (this.depthTexture !== null) { this.depthTexture.dispose(); this.depthTexture = null; this.inputBuffer.depthTexture = null; this.inputBuffer.dispose(); for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.setDepthTexture(null); } } } /** * Creates a new render target. * * @deprecated Create buffers manually via WebGLRenderTarget instead. * @param {Boolean} depthBuffer - Whether the render target should have a depth buffer. * @param {Boolean} stencilBuffer - Whether the render target should have a stencil buffer. * @param {Number} type - The frame buffer type. * @param {Number} multisampling - The number of samples to use for antialiasing. * @return {WebGLRenderTarget} A new render target that equals the renderer's canvas. */ createBuffer(depthBuffer, stencilBuffer, type, multisampling) { const renderer = this.renderer; const size = renderer === null ? new import_three5.Vector2() : renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(new import_three5.Vector2()); const options = { minFilter: import_three5.LinearFilter, magFilter: import_three5.LinearFilter, stencilBuffer, depthBuffer, type }; const renderTarget = new import_three5.WebGLRenderTarget(size.width, size.height, options); if (multisampling > 0) { renderTarget.ignoreDepthForMultisampleCopy = false; renderTarget.samples = multisampling; } if (type === import_three5.UnsignedByteType && renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three5.SRGBColorSpace) { renderTarget.texture.colorSpace = import_three5.SRGBColorSpace; } renderTarget.texture.name = "EffectComposer.Buffer"; renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false; return renderTarget; } /** * Can be used to change the main scene for all registered passes and effects. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene. */ setMainScene(scene) { for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.mainScene = scene; } } /** * Can be used to change the main camera for all registered passes and effects. * * @param {Camera} camera - The camera. */ setMainCamera(camera) { for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.mainCamera = camera; } } /** * Adds a pass, optionally at a specific index. * * @param {Pass} pass - A new pass. * @param {Number} [index] - An index at which the pass should be inserted. */ addPass(pass, index) { const passes = this.passes; const renderer = this.renderer; const drawingBufferSize = renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(new import_three5.Vector2()); const alpha = renderer.getContext().getContextAttributes().alpha; const frameBufferType = this.inputBuffer.texture.type; pass.setRenderer(renderer); pass.setSize(drawingBufferSize.width, drawingBufferSize.height); pass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); if (this.autoRenderToScreen) { if (passes.length > 0) { passes[passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = false; } if (pass.renderToScreen) { this.autoRenderToScreen = false; } } if (index !== void 0) { passes.splice(index, 0, pass); } else { passes.push(pass); } if (this.autoRenderToScreen) { passes[passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = true; } if (pass.needsDepthTexture || this.depthTexture !== null) { if (this.depthTexture === null) { const depthTexture = this.createDepthTexture(); for (pass of passes) { pass.setDepthTexture(depthTexture); } } else { pass.setDepthTexture(this.depthTexture); } } } /** * Removes a pass. * * @param {Pass} pass - The pass. */ removePass(pass) { const passes = this.passes; const index = passes.indexOf(pass); const exists = index !== -1; const removed = exists && passes.splice(index, 1).length > 0; if (removed) { if (this.depthTexture !== null) { const reducer = (a, b) => a || b.needsDepthTexture; const depthTextureRequired = passes.reduce(reducer, false); if (!depthTextureRequired) { if (pass.getDepthTexture() === this.depthTexture) { pass.setDepthTexture(null); } this.deleteDepthTexture(); } } if (this.autoRenderToScreen) { if (index === passes.length) { pass.renderToScreen = false; if (passes.length > 0) { passes[passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = true; } } } } } /** * Removes all passes. */ removeAllPasses() { const passes = this.passes; this.deleteDepthTexture(); if (passes.length > 0) { if (this.autoRenderToScreen) { passes[passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = false; } this.passes = []; } } /** * Renders all enabled passes in the order in which they were added. * * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time since the last frame in seconds. */ render(deltaTime) { const renderer = this.renderer; const copyPass = this.copyPass; let inputBuffer = this.inputBuffer; let outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer; let stencilTest = false; let context, stencil, buffer; if (deltaTime === void 0) { this.timer.update(); deltaTime = this.timer.getDelta(); } for (const pass of this.passes) { if (pass.enabled) { pass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest); if (pass.needsSwap) { if (stencilTest) { copyPass.renderToScreen = pass.renderToScreen; context = renderer.getContext(); stencil = renderer.state.buffers.stencil; stencil.setFunc(context.NOTEQUAL, 1, 4294967295); copyPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest); stencil.setFunc(context.EQUAL, 1, 4294967295); } buffer = inputBuffer; inputBuffer = outputBuffer; outputBuffer = buffer; } if (pass instanceof MaskPass) { stencilTest = true; } else if (pass instanceof ClearMaskPass) { stencilTest = false; } } } } /** * Sets the size of the buffers, passes and the renderer. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. * @param {Boolean} [updateStyle] - Determines whether the style of the canvas should be updated. */ setSize(width, height, updateStyle) { const renderer = this.renderer; const currentSize = renderer.getSize(new import_three5.Vector2()); if (width === void 0 || height === void 0) { width = currentSize.width; height = currentSize.height; } if (currentSize.width !== width || currentSize.height !== height) { renderer.setSize(width, height, updateStyle); } const drawingBufferSize = renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(new import_three5.Vector2()); this.inputBuffer.setSize(drawingBufferSize.width, drawingBufferSize.height); this.outputBuffer.setSize(drawingBufferSize.width, drawingBufferSize.height); for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.setSize(drawingBufferSize.width, drawingBufferSize.height); } } /** * Resets this composer by deleting all passes and creating new buffers. */ reset() { this.dispose(); this.autoRenderToScreen = true; } /** * Disposes this composer and all passes. */ dispose() { for (const pass of this.passes) { pass.dispose(); } this.passes = []; if (this.inputBuffer !== null) { this.inputBuffer.dispose(); } if (this.outputBuffer !== null) { this.outputBuffer.dispose(); } this.deleteDepthTexture(); this.copyPass.dispose(); this.timer.dispose(); Pass.fullscreenGeometry.dispose(); } }; // src/core/EffectShaderData.js var import_three6 = require("three"); // src/enums/EffectAttribute.js var EffectAttribute = { NONE: 0, DEPTH: 1, CONVOLUTION: 2 }; // src/enums/EffectShaderSection.js var EffectShaderSection = { FRAGMENT_HEAD: "FRAGMENT_HEAD", FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV: "FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV", FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE: "FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE", VERTEX_HEAD: "VERTEX_HEAD", VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT: "VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT" }; // src/core/EffectShaderData.js var EffectShaderData = class { /** * Constructs new shader data. */ constructor() { this.shaderParts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD, null], [EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV, null], [EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE, null], [EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_HEAD, null], [EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT, null] ]); this.defines = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.uniforms = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.blendModes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.extensions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.attributes = EffectAttribute.NONE; this.varyings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.uvTransformation = false; this.readDepth = false; this.colorSpace = import_three6.LinearSRGBColorSpace; } }; // src/core/GaussKernel.js function getCoefficients(n) { let result; if (n === 0) { result = new Float64Array(0); } else if (n === 1) { result = new Float64Array([1]); } else if (n > 1) { let row0 = new Float64Array(n); let row1 = new Float64Array(n); for (let y = 1; y <= n; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < y; ++x) { row1[x] = x === 0 || x === y - 1 ? 1 : row0[x - 1] + row0[x]; } result = row1; row1 = row0; row0 = result; } } return result; } var GaussKernel = class { /** * Constructs a new Gauss kernel. * * @param {Number} kernelSize - The kernel size. Should be an odd number in the range [3, 1020]. * @param {Number} [edgeBias=2] - Determines how many edge coefficients should be cut off for increased accuracy. */ constructor(kernelSize, edgeBias = 2) { this.weights = null; this.offsets = null; this.linearWeights = null; this.linearOffsets = null; this.generate(kernelSize, edgeBias); } /** * The number of steps for discrete sampling. * * @type {Number} */ get steps() { return this.offsets === null ? 0 : this.offsets.length; } /** * The number of steps for linear sampling. * * @type {Number} */ get linearSteps() { return this.linearOffsets === null ? 0 : this.linearOffsets.length; } /** * Generates the kernel. * * @private * @param {Number} kernelSize - The kernel size. * @param {Number} edgeBias - The amount of edge coefficients to ignore. */ generate(kernelSize, edgeBias) { if (kernelSize < 3 || kernelSize > 1020) { throw new Error("The kernel size must be in the range [3, 1020]"); } const n = kernelSize + edgeBias * 2; const coefficients = edgeBias > 0 ? getCoefficients(n).slice(edgeBias, -edgeBias) : getCoefficients(n); const mid = Math.floor((coefficients.length - 1) / 2); const sum = coefficients.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); const weights = coefficients.slice(mid); const offsets = [...Array(mid + 1).keys()]; const linearWeights = new Float64Array(Math.floor(offsets.length / 2)); const linearOffsets = new Float64Array(linearWeights.length); linearWeights[0] = weights[0] / sum; for (let i = 1, j = 1, l = offsets.length - 1; i < l; i += 2, ++j) { const offset0 = offsets[i], offset1 = offsets[i + 1]; const weight0 = weights[i], weight1 = weights[i + 1]; const w = weight0 + weight1; const o = (offset0 * weight0 + offset1 * weight1) / w; linearWeights[j] = w / sum; linearOffsets[j] = o; } for (let i = 0, l = weights.length, s = 1 / sum; i < l; ++i) { weights[i] *= s; } const linearWeightSum = (linearWeights.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) - linearWeights[0] * 0.5) * 2; if (linearWeightSum !== 0) { for (let i = 0, l = linearWeights.length, s = 1 / linearWeightSum; i < l; ++i) { linearWeights[i] *= s; } } this.offsets = offsets; this.weights = weights; this.linearOffsets = linearOffsets; this.linearWeights = linearWeights; } }; // src/core/ImmutableTimer.js var ImmutableTimer = class { /** * The current delta time in seconds. * * @type {Number} */ getDelta() { return NaN; } /** * The elapsed time in seconds. * * @type {Number} */ getElapsed() { return NaN; } }; // src/core/Initializable.js var Initializable = class { /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - A renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { } }; // src/core/OverrideMaterialManager.js var import_three7 = require("three"); var workaroundEnabled = false; var OverrideMaterialManager = class { /** * Constructs a new override material manager. * * @param {Material} [material=null] - An override material. */ constructor(material = null) { this.originalMaterials = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.material = null; this.materials = null; this.materialsBackSide = null; this.materialsDoubleSide = null; this.materialsFlatShaded = null; this.materialsFlatShadedBackSide = null; this.materialsFlatShadedDoubleSide = null; this.setMaterial(material); this.meshCount = 0; this.replaceMaterial = (node) => { if (node.isMesh) { let materials; if (node.material.flatShading) { switch (node.material.side) { case import_three7.DoubleSide: materials = this.materialsFlatShadedDoubleSide; break; case import_three7.BackSide: materials = this.materialsFlatShadedBackSide; break; default: materials = this.materialsFlatShaded; break; } } else { switch (node.material.side) { case import_three7.DoubleSide: materials = this.materialsDoubleSide; break; case import_three7.BackSide: materials = this.materialsBackSide; break; default: materials = this.materials; break; } } this.originalMaterials.set(node, node.material); if (node.isSkinnedMesh) { node.material = materials[2]; } else if (node.isInstancedMesh) { node.material = materials[1]; } else { node.material = materials[0]; } ++this.meshCount; } }; } /** * Clones the given material. * * @private * @param {Material} material - The material. * @return {Material} The cloned material. */ cloneMaterial(material) { if (!(material instanceof import_three7.ShaderMaterial)) { return material.clone(); } const uniforms = material.uniforms; const textureUniforms = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const key in uniforms) { const value = uniforms[key].value; if (value.isRenderTargetTexture) { uniforms[key].value = null; textureUniforms.set(key, value); } } const clone = material.clone(); for (const entry of textureUniforms) { uniforms[entry[0]].value = entry[1]; clone.uniforms[entry[0]].value = entry[1]; } return clone; } /** * Sets the override material. * * @param {Material} material - The material. */ setMaterial(material) { this.disposeMaterials(); this.material = material; if (material !== null) { const materials = this.materials = [ this.cloneMaterial(material), this.cloneMaterial(material), this.cloneMaterial(material) ]; for (const m2 of materials) { m2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); m2.side = import_three7.FrontSide; } materials[2].skinning = true; this.materialsBackSide = materials.map((m2) => { const c2 = this.cloneMaterial(m2); c2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); c2.side = import_three7.BackSide; return c2; }); this.materialsDoubleSide = materials.map((m2) => { const c2 = this.cloneMaterial(m2); c2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); c2.side = import_three7.DoubleSide; return c2; }); this.materialsFlatShaded = materials.map((m2) => { const c2 = this.cloneMaterial(m2); c2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); c2.flatShading = true; return c2; }); this.materialsFlatShadedBackSide = materials.map((m2) => { const c2 = this.cloneMaterial(m2); c2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); c2.flatShading = true; c2.side = import_three7.BackSide; return c2; }); this.materialsFlatShadedDoubleSide = materials.map((m2) => { const c2 = this.cloneMaterial(m2); c2.uniforms = Object.assign({}, material.uniforms); c2.flatShading = true; c2.side = import_three7.DoubleSide; return c2; }); } } /** * Renders the scene with the override material. * * @private * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Scene} scene - A scene. * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ render(renderer, scene, camera) { const shadowMapEnabled = renderer.shadowMap.enabled; renderer.shadowMap.enabled = false; if (workaroundEnabled) { const originalMaterials = this.originalMaterials; this.meshCount = 0; scene.traverse(this.replaceMaterial); renderer.render(scene, camera); for (const entry of originalMaterials) { entry[0].material = entry[1]; } if (this.meshCount !== originalMaterials.size) { originalMaterials.clear(); } } else { const overrideMaterial = scene.overrideMaterial; scene.overrideMaterial = this.material; renderer.render(scene, camera); scene.overrideMaterial = overrideMaterial; } renderer.shadowMap.enabled = shadowMapEnabled; } /** * Deletes cloned override materials. * * @private */ disposeMaterials() { if (this.material !== null) { const materials = this.materials.concat(this.materialsBackSide).concat(this.materialsDoubleSide).concat(this.materialsFlatShaded).concat(this.materialsFlatShadedBackSide).concat(this.materialsFlatShadedDoubleSide); for (const m2 of materials) { m2.dispose(); } } } /** * Performs cleanup tasks. */ dispose() { this.originalMaterials.clear(); this.disposeMaterials(); } /** * Indicates whether the override material workaround is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ static get workaroundEnabled() { return workaroundEnabled; } /** * Enables or disables the override material workaround globally. * * This only affects post processing passes and effects. * * @type {Boolean} */ static set workaroundEnabled(value) { workaroundEnabled = value; } }; // src/core/Resizable.js var Resizable = class { /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { } }; // src/core/Resolution.js var import_three8 = require("three"); var AUTO_SIZE = -1; var Resolution = class extends import_three8.EventDispatcher { /** * Constructs a new resolution. * * TODO Remove resizable param. * @param {Resizable} resizable - A resizable object. * @param {Number} [width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The preferred width. * @param {Number} [height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The preferred height. * @param {Number} [scale=1.0] - A resolution scale. */ constructor(resizable, width = AUTO_SIZE, height = AUTO_SIZE, scale = 1) { super(); this.resizable = resizable; this.baseSize = new import_three8.Vector2(1, 1); this.preferredSize = new import_three8.Vector2(width, height); this.target = this.preferredSize; this.s = scale; this.effectiveSize = new import_three8.Vector2(); this.addEventListener("change", () => this.updateEffectiveSize()); this.updateEffectiveSize(); } /** * Calculates the effective size. * * @private */ updateEffectiveSize() { const base = this.baseSize; const preferred = this.preferredSize; const effective = this.effectiveSize; const scale = this.scale; if (preferred.width !== AUTO_SIZE) { effective.width = preferred.width; } else if (preferred.height !== AUTO_SIZE) { effective.width = Math.round(preferred.height * (base.width / Math.max(base.height, 1))); } else { effective.width = Math.round(base.width * scale); } if (preferred.height !== AUTO_SIZE) { effective.height = preferred.height; } else if (preferred.width !== AUTO_SIZE) { effective.height = Math.round(preferred.width / Math.max(base.width / Math.max(base.height, 1), 1)); } else { effective.height = Math.round(base.height * scale); } } /** * The effective width. * * If the preferred width and height are set to {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE}, the base width will be returned. * * @type {Number} */ get width() { return this.effectiveSize.width; } set width(value) { this.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The effective height. * * If the preferred width and height are set to {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE}, the base height will be returned. * * @type {Number} */ get height() { return this.effectiveSize.height; } set height(value) { this.preferredHeight = value; } /** * Returns the effective width. * * If the preferred width and height are set to {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE}, the base width will be returned. * * @deprecated Use width instead. * @return {Number} The effective width. */ getWidth() { return this.width; } /** * Returns the effective height. * * If the preferred width and height are set to {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE}, the base height will be returned. * * @deprecated Use height instead. * @return {Number} The effective height. */ getHeight() { return this.height; } /** * The resolution scale. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.s; } set scale(value) { if (this.s !== value) { this.s = value; this.preferredSize.setScalar(AUTO_SIZE); this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getScale() { return this.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * Also sets the preferred resolution to {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE}. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @param {Number} value - The scale. */ setScale(value) { this.scale = value; } /** * The base width. * * @type {Number} */ get baseWidth() { return this.baseSize.width; } set baseWidth(value) { if (this.baseSize.width !== value) { this.baseSize.width = value; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Returns the base width. * * @deprecated Use baseWidth instead. * @return {Number} The base width. */ getBaseWidth() { return this.baseWidth; } /** * Sets the base width. * * @deprecated Use baseWidth instead. * @param {Number} value - The width. */ setBaseWidth(value) { this.baseWidth = value; } /** * The base height. * * @type {Number} */ get baseHeight() { return this.baseSize.height; } set baseHeight(value) { if (this.baseSize.height !== value) { this.baseSize.height = value; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Returns the base height. * * @deprecated Use baseHeight instead. * @return {Number} The base height. */ getBaseHeight() { return this.baseHeight; } /** * Sets the base height. * * @deprecated Use baseHeight instead. * @param {Number} value - The height. */ setBaseHeight(value) { this.baseHeight = value; } /** * Sets the base size. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setBaseSize(width, height) { if (this.baseSize.width !== width || this.baseSize.height !== height) { this.baseSize.set(width, height); this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * The preferred width. * * @type {Number} */ get preferredWidth() { return this.preferredSize.width; } set preferredWidth(value) { if (this.preferredSize.width !== value) { this.preferredSize.width = value; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Returns the preferred width. * * @deprecated Use preferredWidth instead. * @return {Number} The preferred width. */ getPreferredWidth() { return this.preferredWidth; } /** * Sets the preferred width. * * Use {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE} to automatically calculate the width based on the height and aspect ratio. * * @deprecated Use preferredWidth instead. * @param {Number} value - The width. */ setPreferredWidth(value) { this.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The preferred height. * * @type {Number} */ get preferredHeight() { return this.preferredSize.height; } set preferredHeight(value) { if (this.preferredSize.height !== value) { this.preferredSize.height = value; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Returns the preferred height. * * @deprecated Use preferredHeight instead. * @return {Number} The preferred height. */ getPreferredHeight() { return this.preferredHeight; } /** * Sets the preferred height. * * Use {@link Resizer.AUTO_SIZE} to automatically calculate the height based on the width and aspect ratio. * * @deprecated Use preferredHeight instead. * @param {Number} value - The height. */ setPreferredHeight(value) { this.preferredHeight = value; } /** * Sets the preferred size. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setPreferredSize(width, height) { if (this.preferredSize.width !== width || this.preferredSize.height !== height) { this.preferredSize.set(width, height); this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } } /** * Copies the given resolution. * * @param {Resolution} resolution - The resolution. */ copy(resolution) { this.s = resolution.scale; this.baseSize.set(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight); this.preferredSize.set(resolution.preferredWidth, resolution.preferredHeight); this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); this.resizable.setSize(this.baseSize.width, this.baseSize.height); } /** * An auto sizing constant. * * Can be used to automatically calculate the width or height based on the original aspect ratio. * * @type {Number} */ static get AUTO_SIZE() { return AUTO_SIZE; } }; // src/utils/IdManager.js var IdManager = class { /** * Constructs a new ID manager. * * @param initialId - The first ID. */ constructor(initialId = 0) { this.nextId = initialId; } /** * Returns the next unique ID. * * @return The ID. */ getNextId() { return this.nextId++; } /** * Resets the ID counter. * * @param initialId - The first ID. * @return This manager. */ reset(initialId = 0) { this.nextId = initialId; return this; } }; // src/core/Selection.js var idManager = /* @__PURE__ */ new IdManager(2); var Selection = class extends Set { /** * Constructs a new selection. * * @param {Iterable} [iterable] - A collection of objects that should be added to this selection. * @param {Number} [layer] - A dedicated render layer for selected objects. Range is `[2, 31]`. Starts at 2 if omitted. */ constructor(iterable, layer = idManager.getNextId()) { super(); this.exclusive = false; this._layer = layer; if (this._layer < 1 || this._layer > 31) { console.warn("Layer out of range, resetting to 2"); idManager.reset(2); this._layer = idManager.getNextId(); } if (iterable !== void 0) { this.set(iterable); } } /** * The render layer for selected objects. * * @type {Number} */ get layer() { return this._layer; } set layer(value) { const currentLayer = this._layer; for (const object of this) { object.layers.disable(currentLayer); object.layers.enable(value); } this._layer = value; } /** * Returns the current render layer for selected objects. * * The default layer is 2. If this collides with your own custom layers, please change it before rendering! * * @deprecated Use layer instead. * @return {Number} The layer. */ getLayer() { return this.layer; } /** * Sets the render layer for selected objects. * * The current selection will be updated accordingly. * * @deprecated Use layer instead. * @param {Number} value - The layer. Range is [0, 31]. */ setLayer(value) { this.layer = value; } /** * Indicates whether objects that are added to this selection will be removed from all other layers. * * @deprecated Use exclusive instead. * @return {Number} Whether this selection is exclusive. Default is false. */ isExclusive() { return this.exclusive; } /** * Controls whether objects that are added to this selection should be removed from all other layers. * * @deprecated Use exclusive instead. * @param {Number} value - Whether this selection should be exclusive. */ setExclusive(value) { this.exclusive = value; } /** * Clears this selection. * * @return {Selection} This selection. */ clear() { const layer = this.layer; for (const object of this) { object.layers.disable(layer); } return super.clear(); } /** * Clears this selection and adds the given objects. * * @param {Iterable} objects - The objects that should be selected. * @return {Selection} This selection. */ set(objects) { this.clear(); for (const object of objects) { this.add(object); } return this; } /** * An alias for {@link has}. * * @param {Object3D} object - An object. * @return {Number} Returns 0 if the given object is currently selected, or -1 otherwise. * @deprecated Added for backward-compatibility. */ indexOf(object) { return this.has(object) ? 0 : -1; } /** * Adds an object to this selection. * * If {@link exclusive} is set to `true`, the object will also be removed from all other layers. * * @param {Object3D} object - The object that should be selected. * @return {Selection} This selection. */ add(object) { if (this.exclusive) { object.layers.set(this.layer); } else { object.layers.enable(this.layer); } return super.add(object); } /** * Removes an object from this selection. * * @param {Object3D} object - The object that should be deselected. * @return {Boolean} Returns true if an object has successfully been removed from this selection; otherwise false. */ delete(object) { if (this.has(object)) { object.layers.disable(this.layer); } return super.delete(object); } /** * Removes an existing object from the selection. If the object doesn't exist it's added instead. * * @param {Object3D} object - The object. * @return {Boolean} Returns true if the object is added, false otherwise. */ toggle(object) { let result; if (this.has(object)) { this.delete(object); result = false; } else { this.add(object); result = true; } return result; } /** * Sets the visibility of all selected objects. * * This method enables or disables render layer 0 of all selected objects. * * @param {Boolean} visible - Whether the selected objects should be visible. * @return {Selection} This selection. */ setVisible(visible) { for (const object of this) { if (visible) { object.layers.enable(0); } else { object.layers.disable(0); } } return this; } }; // src/effects/blending/BlendMode.js var import_three9 = require("three"); // src/enums/BlendFunction.js var BlendFunction = { SKIP: 9, SET: 30, ADD: 0, ALPHA: 1, AVERAGE: 2, COLOR: 3, COLOR_BURN: 4, COLOR_DODGE: 5, DARKEN: 6, DIFFERENCE: 7, DIVIDE: 8, DST: 9, EXCLUSION: 10, HARD_LIGHT: 11, HARD_MIX: 12, HUE: 13, INVERT: 14, INVERT_RGB: 15, LIGHTEN: 16, LINEAR_BURN: 17, LINEAR_DODGE: 18, LINEAR_LIGHT: 19, LUMINOSITY: 20, MULTIPLY: 21, NEGATION: 22, NORMAL: 23, OVERLAY: 24, PIN_LIGHT: 25, REFLECT: 26, SATURATION: 27, SCREEN: 28, SOFT_LIGHT: 29, SRC: 30, SUBTRACT: 31, VIVID_LIGHT: 32 }; // src/effects/blending/glsl/add.frag var add_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,x+y,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/alpha.frag var alpha_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,y,min(y.a,opacity));}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/average.frag var average_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,(x+y)*0.5,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/color.frag var color_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec3 xHSL=RGBToHSL(x.rgb);vec3 yHSL=RGBToHSL(y.rgb);vec3 z=HSLToRGB(vec3(yHSL.rg,xHSL.b));return vec4(mix(x.rgb,z,opacity),y.a);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/color-burn.frag var color_burn_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 z=mix(step(0.0,y)*(1.0-min(vec4(1.0),(1.0-x)/y)),vec4(1.0),step(1.0,x));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/color-dodge.frag var color_dodge_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 z=step(0.0,x)*mix(min(vec4(1.0),x/max(1.0-y,1e-9)),vec4(1.0),step(1.0,y));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/darken.frag var darken_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,min(x,y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/difference.frag var difference_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,abs(x-y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/divide.frag var divide_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,x/max(y,1e-12),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/exclusion.frag var exclusion_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,(x+y-2.0*x*y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/hard-light.frag var hard_light_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 a=min(x,1.0),b=min(y,1.0);vec4 z=mix(2.0*a*b,1.0-2.0*(1.0-a)*(1.0-b),step(0.5,y));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/hard-mix.frag var hard_mix_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,step(1.0,x+y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/hue.frag var hue_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec3 xHSL=RGBToHSL(x.rgb);vec3 yHSL=RGBToHSL(y.rgb);vec3 z=HSLToRGB(vec3(yHSL.r,xHSL.gb));return vec4(mix(x.rgb,z,opacity),y.a);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/invert.frag var invert_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,1.0-y,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/invert-rgb.frag var invert_rgb_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,y*(1.0-x),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/lighten.frag var lighten_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,max(x,y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/linear-burn.frag var linear_burn_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,clamp(y+x-1.0,0.0,1.0),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/linear-dodge.frag var linear_dodge_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,min(x+y,1.0),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/linear-light.frag var linear_light_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,clamp(2.0*y+x-1.0,0.0,1.0),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/luminosity.frag var luminosity_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec3 xHSL=RGBToHSL(x.rgb);vec3 yHSL=RGBToHSL(y.rgb);vec3 z=HSLToRGB(vec3(xHSL.rg,yHSL.b));return vec4(mix(x.rgb,z,opacity),y.a);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/multiply.frag var multiply_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,x*y,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/negation.frag var negation_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,1.0-abs(1.0-x-y),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/normal.frag var normal_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,y,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/overlay.frag var overlay_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 z=mix(2.0*y*x,1.0-2.0*(1.0-y)*(1.0-x),step(0.5,x));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/pin-light.frag var pin_light_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 y2=2.0*y;vec4 z=mix(mix(y2,x,step(0.5*x,y)),max(vec4(0.0),y2-1.0),step(x,(y2-1.0)));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/reflect.frag var reflect_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 z=mix(min(x*x/max(1.0-y,1e-12),1.0),y,step(1.0,y));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/saturation.frag var saturation_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec3 xHSL=RGBToHSL(x.rgb);vec3 yHSL=RGBToHSL(y.rgb);vec3 z=HSLToRGB(vec3(xHSL.r,yHSL.g,xHSL.b));return vec4(mix(x.rgb,z,opacity),y.a);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/screen.frag var screen_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,x+y-min(x*y,1.0),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/soft-light.frag var soft_light_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 y2=2.0*y;vec4 w=step(0.5,y);vec4 z=mix(x-(1.0-y2)*x*(1.0-x),mix(x+(y2-1.0)*(sqrt(x)-x),x+(y2-1.0)*x*((16.0*x-12.0)*x+3.0),w*(1.0-step(0.25,x))),w);return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/src.frag var src_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return y;}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/subtract.frag var subtract_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){return mix(x,max(x+y-1.0,0.0),opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/glsl/vivid-light.frag var vivid_light_default = "vec4 blend(const in vec4 x,const in vec4 y,const in float opacity){vec4 z=mix(max(1.0-min((1.0-x)/(2.0*y),1.0),0.0),min(x/(2.0*(1.0-y)),1.0),step(0.5,y));return mix(x,z,opacity);}"; // src/effects/blending/BlendMode.js var blendFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [BlendFunction.ADD, add_default], [BlendFunction.ALPHA, alpha_default], [BlendFunction.AVERAGE, average_default], [BlendFunction.COLOR, color_default], [BlendFunction.COLOR_BURN, color_burn_default], [BlendFunction.COLOR_DODGE, color_dodge_default], [BlendFunction.DARKEN, darken_default], [BlendFunction.DIFFERENCE, difference_default], [BlendFunction.DIVIDE, divide_default], [BlendFunction.DST, null], [BlendFunction.EXCLUSION, exclusion_default], [BlendFunction.HARD_LIGHT, hard_light_default], [BlendFunction.HARD_MIX, hard_mix_default], [BlendFunction.HUE, hue_default], [BlendFunction.INVERT, invert_default], [BlendFunction.INVERT_RGB, invert_rgb_default], [BlendFunction.LIGHTEN, lighten_default], [BlendFunction.LINEAR_BURN, linear_burn_default], [BlendFunction.LINEAR_DODGE, linear_dodge_default], [BlendFunction.LINEAR_LIGHT, linear_light_default], [BlendFunction.LUMINOSITY, luminosity_default], [BlendFunction.MULTIPLY, multiply_default], [BlendFunction.NEGATION, negation_default], [BlendFunction.NORMAL, normal_default], [BlendFunction.OVERLAY, overlay_default], [BlendFunction.PIN_LIGHT, pin_light_default], [BlendFunction.REFLECT, reflect_default], [BlendFunction.SATURATION, saturation_default], [BlendFunction.SCREEN, screen_default], [BlendFunction.SOFT_LIGHT, soft_light_default], [BlendFunction.SRC, src_default], [BlendFunction.SUBTRACT, subtract_default], [BlendFunction.VIVID_LIGHT, vivid_light_default] ]); var BlendMode = class extends import_three9.EventDispatcher { /** * Constructs a new blend mode. * * @param {BlendFunction} blendFunction - The blend function. * @param {Number} opacity - The opacity of the color that will be blended with the base color. */ constructor(blendFunction, opacity = 1) { super(); this._blendFunction = blendFunction; this.opacity = new import_three9.Uniform(opacity); } /** * Returns the opacity. * * @return {Number} The opacity. */ getOpacity() { return this.opacity.value; } /** * Sets the opacity. * * @param {Number} value - The opacity. */ setOpacity(value) { this.opacity.value = value; } /** * The blend function. * * @type {BlendFunction} */ get blendFunction() { return this._blendFunction; } set blendFunction(value) { this._blendFunction = value; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); } /** * Returns the blend function. * * @deprecated Use blendFunction instead. * @return {BlendFunction} The blend function. */ getBlendFunction() { return this.blendFunction; } /** * Sets the blend function. * * @deprecated Use blendFunction instead. * @param {BlendFunction} value - The blend function. */ setBlendFunction(value) { this.blendFunction = value; } /** * Returns the blend function shader code. * * @return {String} The blend function shader code. */ getShaderCode() { return blendFunctions.get(this.blendFunction); } }; // src/effects/BloomEffect.js var import_three18 = require("three"); // src/enums/KernelSize.js var KernelSize = { VERY_SMALL: 0, SMALL: 1, MEDIUM: 2, LARGE: 3, VERY_LARGE: 4, HUGE: 5 }; // src/passes/KawaseBlurPass.js var import_three11 = require("three"); // src/materials/KawaseBlurMaterial.js var import_three10 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.kawase.frag var convolution_kawase_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;void main(){vec4 sum=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv0);sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv1);sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv2);sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv3);gl_FragColor=sum*0.25;\n#include \n}"; // src/materials/glsl/convolution.kawase.vert var convolution_kawase_default2 = "uniform vec4 texelSize;uniform float kernel;uniform float scale;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;void main(){vec2 uv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vec2 dUv=(texelSize.xy*vec2(kernel)+texelSize.zw)*scale;vUv0=vec2(uv.x-dUv.x,uv.y+dUv.y);vUv1=vec2(uv.x+dUv.x,uv.y+dUv.y);vUv2=vec2(uv.x+dUv.x,uv.y-dUv.y);vUv3=vec2(uv.x-dUv.x,uv.y-dUv.y);gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/KawaseBlurMaterial.js var kernelPresets = [ new Float32Array([0, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1, 2]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 2, 2, 3]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]) ]; var KawaseBlurMaterial = class extends import_three10.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new convolution material. * * TODO Remove texelSize param. * @param {Vector4} [texelSize] - Deprecated. */ constructor(texelSize = new import_three10.Vector4()) { super({ name: "KawaseBlurMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three10.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three10.Uniform(new import_three10.Vector4()), scale: new import_three10.Uniform(1), kernel: new import_three10.Uniform(0) }, blending: import_three10.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_kawase_default, vertexShader: convolution_kawase_default2 }); this.setTexelSize(texelSize.x, texelSize.y); this.kernelSize = KernelSize.MEDIUM; } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.inputBuffer = value; } /** * The kernel sequence for the current kernel size. * * @type {Float32Array} */ get kernelSequence() { return kernelPresets[this.kernelSize]; } /** * The blur scale. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.uniforms.scale.value; } set scale(value) { this.uniforms.scale.value = value; } /** * Returns the blur scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getScale() { return this.uniforms.scale.value; } /** * Sets the blur scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @return {Number} value - The scale. */ setScale(value) { this.uniforms.scale.value = value; } /** * Returns the kernel. * * @return {Float32Array} The kernel. * @deprecated Implementation detail, removed with no replacement. */ getKernel() { return null; } /** * The current kernel. * * @type {Number} */ get kernel() { return this.uniforms.kernel.value; } set kernel(value) { this.uniforms.kernel.value = value; } /** * Sets the current kernel. * * @deprecated Use kernel instead. * @param {Number} value - The kernel. */ setKernel(value) { this.kernel = value; } /** * Sets the texel size. * * @deprecated Use setSize() instead. * @param {Number} x - The texel width. * @param {Number} y - The texel height. */ setTexelSize(x, y) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(x, y, x * 0.5, y * 0.5); } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const x = 1 / width, y = 1 / height; this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(x, y, x * 0.5, y * 0.5); } }; // src/passes/KawaseBlurPass.js var KawaseBlurPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new Kawase blur pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.MEDIUM] - The blur kernel size. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor({ kernelSize = KernelSize.MEDIUM, resolutionScale = 0.5, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("KawaseBlurPass"); this.renderTargetA = new import_three11.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetA.texture.name = "Blur.Target.A"; this.renderTargetB = this.renderTargetA.clone(); this.renderTargetB.texture.name = "Blur.Target.B"; const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this._blurMaterial = new KawaseBlurMaterial(); this._blurMaterial.kernelSize = kernelSize; this.copyMaterial = new CopyMaterial(); } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * The blur material. * * @type {KawaseBlurMaterial} */ get blurMaterial() { return this._blurMaterial; } /** * The blur material. * * @type {KawaseBlurMaterial} * @protected */ set blurMaterial(value) { this._blurMaterial = value; } /** * Indicates whether dithering is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use copyMaterial.dithering instead. */ get dithering() { return this.copyMaterial.dithering; } set dithering(value) { this.copyMaterial.dithering = value; } /** * The kernel size. * * @type {KernelSize} * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.kernelSize instead. */ get kernelSize() { return this.blurMaterial.kernelSize; } set kernelSize(value) { this.blurMaterial.kernelSize = value; } /** * The current width of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.width instead. */ get width() { return this.resolution.width; } /** * Sets the render width. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.preferredWidth instead. */ set width(value) { this.resolution.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The current height of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.height instead. */ get height() { return this.resolution.height; } /** * Sets the render height. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.preferredHeight instead. */ set height(value) { this.resolution.preferredHeight = value; } /** * The current blur scale. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.scale instead. */ get scale() { return this.blurMaterial.scale; } set scale(value) { this.blurMaterial.scale = value; } /** * Returns the current blur scale. * * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.scale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getScale() { return this.blurMaterial.scale; } /** * Sets the blur scale. * * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.scale instead. * @param {Number} value - The scale. */ setScale(value) { this.blurMaterial.scale = value; } /** * Returns the kernel size. * * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.kernelSize instead. * @return {KernelSize} The kernel size. */ getKernelSize() { return this.kernelSize; } /** * Sets the kernel size. * * Larger kernels require more processing power but scale well with larger render resolutions. * * @deprecated Use blurMaterial.kernelSize instead. * @param {KernelSize} value - The kernel size. */ setKernelSize(value) { this.kernelSize = value; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * Renders the blur. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const renderTargetA = this.renderTargetA; const renderTargetB = this.renderTargetB; const material = this.blurMaterial; const kernelSequence = material.kernelSequence; let previousBuffer = inputBuffer; this.fullscreenMaterial = material; for (let i = 0, l = kernelSequence.length; i < l; ++i) { const buffer = (i & 1) === 0 ? renderTargetA : renderTargetB; material.kernel = kernelSequence[i]; material.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(buffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); previousBuffer = buffer; } this.fullscreenMaterial = this.copyMaterial; this.copyMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : outputBuffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.renderTargetA.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetB.setSize(w, h); this.blurMaterial.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTargetA.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetB.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (frameBufferType !== import_three11.UnsignedByteType) { this.blurMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; this.copyMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } else if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three11.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTargetA.texture.colorSpace = import_three11.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetB.texture.colorSpace = import_three11.SRGBColorSpace; } } } /** * An auto sizing flag. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use {@link Resolution.AUTO_SIZE} instead. */ static get AUTO_SIZE() { return Resolution.AUTO_SIZE; } }; // src/passes/LuminancePass.js var import_three13 = require("three"); // src/materials/LuminanceMaterial.js var import_three12 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/luminance.frag var luminance_default = "#include \n#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\n#ifdef RANGE\nuniform vec2 range;\n#elif defined(THRESHOLD)\nuniform float threshold;uniform float smoothing;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 vUv;void main(){vec4 texel=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);float l=luminance(texel.rgb);\n#ifdef RANGE\nfloat low=step(range.x,l);float high=step(l,range.y);l*=low*high;\n#elif defined(THRESHOLD)\nl=smoothstep(threshold,threshold+smoothing,l)*l;\n#endif\n#ifdef COLOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(texel.rgb*clamp(l,0.0,1.0),l);\n#else\ngl_FragColor=vec4(l);\n#endif\n}"; // src/materials/LuminanceMaterial.js var LuminanceMaterial = class extends import_three12.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new luminance material. * * @param {Boolean} [colorOutput=false] - Defines whether the shader should output colors scaled with their luminance value. * @param {Vector2} [luminanceRange] - If provided, the shader will mask out texels that aren't in the specified luminance range. */ constructor(colorOutput = false, luminanceRange = null) { super({ name: "LuminanceMaterial", defines: { THREE_REVISION: import_three12.REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, "") }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three12.Uniform(null), threshold: new import_three12.Uniform(0), smoothing: new import_three12.Uniform(1), range: new import_three12.Uniform(null) }, blending: import_three12.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: luminance_default, vertexShader: common_default }); this.colorOutput = colorOutput; this.luminanceRange = luminanceRange; } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The luminance threshold. * * @type {Number} */ get threshold() { return this.uniforms.threshold.value; } set threshold(value) { if (this.smoothing > 0 || value > 0) { this.defines.THRESHOLD = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.THRESHOLD; } this.uniforms.threshold.value = value; } /** * Returns the luminance threshold. * * @deprecated Use threshold instead. * @return {Number} The threshold. */ getThreshold() { return this.threshold; } /** * Sets the luminance threshold. * * @deprecated Use threshold instead. * @param {Number} value - The threshold. */ setThreshold(value) { this.threshold = value; } /** * The luminance threshold smoothing. * * @type {Number} */ get smoothing() { return this.uniforms.smoothing.value; } set smoothing(value) { if (this.threshold > 0 || value > 0) { this.defines.THRESHOLD = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.THRESHOLD; } this.uniforms.smoothing.value = value; } /** * Returns the luminance threshold smoothing factor. * * @deprecated Use smoothing instead. * @return {Number} The smoothing factor. */ getSmoothingFactor() { return this.smoothing; } /** * Sets the luminance threshold smoothing factor. * * @deprecated Use smoothing instead. * @param {Number} value - The smoothing factor. */ setSmoothingFactor(value) { this.smoothing = value; } /** * Indicates whether the luminance threshold is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Adjust the threshold or smoothing factor instead. */ get useThreshold() { return this.threshold > 0 || this.smoothing > 0; } set useThreshold(value) { } /** * Indicates whether color output is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get colorOutput() { return this.defines.COLOR !== void 0; } set colorOutput(value) { if (value) { this.defines.COLOR = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.COLOR; } this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether color output is enabled. * * @deprecated Use colorOutput instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether color output is enabled. */ isColorOutputEnabled(value) { return this.colorOutput; } /** * Enables or disables color output. * * @deprecated Use colorOutput instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether color output should be enabled. */ setColorOutputEnabled(value) { this.colorOutput = value; } /** * Indicates whether luminance masking is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated */ get useRange() { return this.luminanceRange !== null; } set useRange(value) { this.luminanceRange = null; } /** * The luminance range. Set to null to disable. * * @type {Boolean} */ get luminanceRange() { return this.uniforms.range.value; } set luminanceRange(value) { if (value !== null) { this.defines.RANGE = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.RANGE; } this.uniforms.range.value = value; this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the current luminance range. * * @deprecated Use luminanceRange instead. * @return {Vector2} The luminance range. */ getLuminanceRange() { return this.luminanceRange; } /** * Sets a luminance range. Set to null to disable. * * @deprecated Use luminanceRange instead. * @param {Vector2} value - The luminance range. */ setLuminanceRange(value) { this.luminanceRange = value; } }; // src/passes/LuminancePass.js var LuminancePass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new luminance pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. See {@link LuminanceMaterial} for additional options. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} [options.renderTarget] - A custom render target. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=1.0] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor({ renderTarget, luminanceRange, colorOutput, resolutionScale = 1, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("LuminancePass"); this.fullscreenMaterial = new LuminanceMaterial(colorOutput, luminanceRange); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderTarget = renderTarget; if (this.renderTarget === void 0) { this.renderTarget = new import_three13.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "LuminancePass.Target"; } const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } /** * The luminance texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the luminance texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Renders the luminance. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; material.inputBuffer = inputBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - A renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0 && frameBufferType !== import_three13.UnsignedByteType) { this.renderTarget.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.fullscreenMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } } }; // src/passes/MipmapBlurPass.js var import_three16 = require("three"); // src/materials/DownsamplingMaterial.js var import_three14 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.downsampling.frag var convolution_downsampling_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\n#define WEIGHT_INNER 0.125\n#define WEIGHT_OUTER 0.0555555\nvarying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv00;varying vec2 vUv01;varying vec2 vUv02;varying vec2 vUv03;varying vec2 vUv04;varying vec2 vUv05;varying vec2 vUv06;varying vec2 vUv07;varying vec2 vUv08;varying vec2 vUv09;varying vec2 vUv10;varying vec2 vUv11;float clampToBorder(const in vec2 uv){return float(uv.s>=0.0&&uv.s<=1.0&&uv.t>=0.0&&uv.t<=1.0);}void main(){vec4 c=vec4(0.0);vec4 w=WEIGHT_INNER*vec4(clampToBorder(vUv00),clampToBorder(vUv01),clampToBorder(vUv02),clampToBorder(vUv03));c+=w.x*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv00);c+=w.y*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv01);c+=w.z*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv02);c+=w.w*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv03);w=WEIGHT_OUTER*vec4(clampToBorder(vUv04),clampToBorder(vUv05),clampToBorder(vUv06),clampToBorder(vUv07));c+=w.x*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv04);c+=w.y*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv05);c+=w.z*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv06);c+=w.w*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv07);w=WEIGHT_OUTER*vec4(clampToBorder(vUv08),clampToBorder(vUv09),clampToBorder(vUv10),clampToBorder(vUv11));c+=w.x*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv08);c+=w.y*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv09);c+=w.z*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv10);c+=w.w*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv11);c+=WEIGHT_OUTER*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);gl_FragColor=c;\n#include \n}"; // src/materials/glsl/convolution.downsampling.vert var convolution_downsampling_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv00;varying vec2 vUv01;varying vec2 vUv02;varying vec2 vUv03;varying vec2 vUv04;varying vec2 vUv05;varying vec2 vUv06;varying vec2 vUv07;varying vec2 vUv08;varying vec2 vUv09;varying vec2 vUv10;varying vec2 vUv11;void main(){vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vUv00=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,1.0);vUv01=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,1.0);vUv02=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,-1.0);vUv03=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,-1.0);vUv04=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-2.0,2.0);vUv05=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,2.0);vUv06=vUv+texelSize*vec2(2.0,2.0);vUv07=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-2.0,0.0);vUv08=vUv+texelSize*vec2(2.0,0.0);vUv09=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-2.0,-2.0);vUv10=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,-2.0);vUv11=vUv+texelSize*vec2(2.0,-2.0);gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/DownsamplingMaterial.js var DownsamplingMaterial = class extends import_three14.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new downsampling material. */ constructor() { super({ name: "DownsamplingMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three14.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three14.Uniform(new import_three14.Vector2()) }, blending: import_three14.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_downsampling_default, vertexShader: convolution_downsampling_default2 }); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/materials/UpsamplingMaterial.js var import_three15 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.upsampling.frag var convolution_upsampling_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;uniform mediump sampler2D supportBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;uniform lowp sampler2D supportBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform float radius;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;varying vec2 vUv4;varying vec2 vUv5;varying vec2 vUv6;varying vec2 vUv7;void main(){vec4 c=vec4(0.0);c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv0)*0.0625;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv1)*0.125;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv2)*0.0625;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv3)*0.125;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv)*0.25;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv4)*0.125;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv5)*0.0625;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv6)*0.125;c+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv7)*0.0625;vec4 baseColor=texture2D(supportBuffer,vUv);gl_FragColor=mix(baseColor,c,radius);\n#include \n}"; // src/materials/glsl/convolution.upsampling.vert var convolution_upsampling_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;varying vec2 vUv4;varying vec2 vUv5;varying vec2 vUv6;varying vec2 vUv7;void main(){vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vUv0=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,1.0);vUv1=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,1.0);vUv2=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,1.0);vUv3=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,0.0);vUv4=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,0.0);vUv5=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,-1.0);vUv6=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,-1.0);vUv7=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,-1.0);gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/UpsamplingMaterial.js var UpsamplingMaterial = class extends import_three15.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new upsampling material. */ constructor() { super({ name: "UpsamplingMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three15.Uniform(null), supportBuffer: new import_three15.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three15.Uniform(new import_three15.Vector2()), radius: new import_three15.Uniform(0.85) }, blending: import_three15.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_upsampling_default, vertexShader: convolution_upsampling_default2 }); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * A support buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set supportBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.supportBuffer.value = value; } /** * The blur radius. * * @type {Number} */ get radius() { return this.uniforms.radius.value; } set radius(value) { this.uniforms.radius.value = value; } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/passes/MipmapBlurPass.js var MipmapBlurPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new mipmap blur pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. */ constructor() { super("MipmapBlurPass"); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderTarget = new import_three16.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "Upsampling.Mipmap0"; this.downsamplingMipmaps = []; this.upsamplingMipmaps = []; this.downsamplingMaterial = new DownsamplingMaterial(); this.upsamplingMaterial = new UpsamplingMaterial(); this.resolution = new import_three16.Vector2(); } /** * A texture that contains the blurred result. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * The MIP levels. Default is 8. * * @type {Number} */ get levels() { return this.downsamplingMipmaps.length; } set levels(value) { if (this.levels !== value) { const renderTarget = this.renderTarget; this.dispose(); this.downsamplingMipmaps = []; this.upsamplingMipmaps = []; for (let i = 0; i < value; ++i) { const mipmap = renderTarget.clone(); mipmap.texture.name = "Downsampling.Mipmap" + i; this.downsamplingMipmaps.push(mipmap); } this.upsamplingMipmaps.push(renderTarget); for (let i = 1, l = value - 1; i < l; ++i) { const mipmap = renderTarget.clone(); mipmap.texture.name = "Upsampling.Mipmap" + i; this.upsamplingMipmaps.push(mipmap); } this.setSize(this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y); } } /** * The blur radius. * * @type {Number} */ get radius() { return this.upsamplingMaterial.radius; } set radius(value) { this.upsamplingMaterial.radius = value; } /** * Renders the blur. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const { scene, camera } = this; const { downsamplingMaterial, upsamplingMaterial } = this; const { downsamplingMipmaps, upsamplingMipmaps } = this; let previousBuffer = inputBuffer; this.fullscreenMaterial = downsamplingMaterial; for (let i = 0, l = downsamplingMipmaps.length; i < l; ++i) { const mipmap = downsamplingMipmaps[i]; downsamplingMaterial.setSize(previousBuffer.width, previousBuffer.height); downsamplingMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(mipmap); renderer.render(scene, camera); previousBuffer = mipmap; } this.fullscreenMaterial = upsamplingMaterial; for (let i = upsamplingMipmaps.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const mipmap = upsamplingMipmaps[i]; upsamplingMaterial.setSize(previousBuffer.width, previousBuffer.height); upsamplingMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; upsamplingMaterial.supportBuffer = downsamplingMipmaps[i].texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(mipmap); renderer.render(scene, camera); previousBuffer = mipmap; } } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.set(width, height); let w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; for (let i = 0, l = this.downsamplingMipmaps.length; i < l; ++i) { w = Math.round(w * 0.5); h = Math.round(h * 0.5); this.downsamplingMipmaps[i].setSize(w, h); if (i < this.upsamplingMipmaps.length) { this.upsamplingMipmaps[i].setSize(w, h); } } } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { const mipmaps = this.downsamplingMipmaps.concat(this.upsamplingMipmaps); for (const mipmap of mipmaps) { mipmap.texture.type = frameBufferType; } if (frameBufferType !== import_three16.UnsignedByteType) { this.downsamplingMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; this.upsamplingMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } else if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three16.SRGBColorSpace) { for (const mipmap of mipmaps) { mipmap.texture.colorSpace = import_three16.SRGBColorSpace; } } } } /** * Deletes internal render targets and textures. */ dispose() { super.dispose(); for (const mipmap of this.downsamplingMipmaps.concat(this.upsamplingMipmaps)) { mipmap.dispose(); } } }; // src/effects/Effect.js var import_three17 = require("three"); var Effect = class extends import_three17.EventDispatcher { /** * Constructs a new effect. * * @param {String} name - The name of this effect. Doesn't have to be unique. * @param {String} fragmentShader - The fragment shader. This shader is required. * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options. * @param {EffectAttribute} [options.attributes=EffectAttribute.NONE] - The effect attributes that determine the execution priority and resource requirements. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.NORMAL] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Map} [options.defines] - Custom preprocessor macro definitions. Keys are names and values are code. * @param {Map} [options.uniforms] - Custom shader uniforms. Keys are names and values are uniforms. * @param {Set} [options.extensions] - WebGL extensions. * @param {String} [options.vertexShader=null] - The vertex shader. Most effects don't need one. */ constructor(name, fragmentShader, { attributes = EffectAttribute.NONE, blendFunction = BlendFunction.NORMAL, defines = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), uniforms = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), extensions = null, vertexShader = null } = {}) { super(); this.name = name; this.renderer = null; this.attributes = attributes; this.fragmentShader = fragmentShader; this.vertexShader = vertexShader; this.defines = defines; this.uniforms = uniforms; this.extensions = extensions; this.blendMode = new BlendMode(blendFunction); this.blendMode.addEventListener("change", (event) => this.setChanged()); this._inputColorSpace = import_three17.LinearSRGBColorSpace; this._outputColorSpace = import_three17.NoColorSpace; } /** * The input color space. * * @type {ColorSpace} * @experimental */ get inputColorSpace() { return this._inputColorSpace; } /** * @type {ColorSpace} * @protected * @experimental */ set inputColorSpace(value) { this._inputColorSpace = value; this.setChanged(); } /** * The output color space. * * Should only be changed if this effect converts the input colors to a different color space. * * @type {ColorSpace} * @experimental */ get outputColorSpace() { return this._outputColorSpace; } /** * @type {ColorSpace} * @protected * @experimental */ set outputColorSpace(value) { this._outputColorSpace = value; this.setChanged(); } /** * Sets the main scene. * * @type {Scene} */ set mainScene(value) { } /** * Sets the main camera. * * @type {Camera} */ set mainCamera(value) { } /** * Returns the name of this effect. * * @deprecated Use name instead. * @return {String} The name. */ getName() { return this.name; } /** * Sets the renderer. * * @deprecated * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. */ setRenderer(renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; } /** * Returns the preprocessor macro definitions. * * @deprecated Use defines instead. * @return {Map} The extensions. */ getDefines() { return this.defines; } /** * Returns the uniforms of this effect. * * @deprecated Use uniforms instead. * @return {Map} The extensions. */ getUniforms() { return this.uniforms; } /** * Returns the WebGL extensions that are required by this effect. * * @deprecated Use extensions instead. * @return {Set} The extensions. */ getExtensions() { return this.extensions; } /** * Returns the blend mode. * * The result of this effect will be blended with the result of the previous effect using this blend mode. * * @deprecated Use blendMode instead. * @return {BlendMode} The blend mode. */ getBlendMode() { return this.blendMode; } /** * Returns the effect attributes. * * @return {EffectAttribute} The attributes. */ getAttributes() { return this.attributes; } /** * Sets the effect attributes. * * Effects that have the same attributes will be executed in the order in which they were registered. Some attributes * imply a higher priority. * * @protected * @param {EffectAttribute} attributes - The attributes. */ setAttributes(attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; this.setChanged(); } /** * Returns the fragment shader. * * @return {String} The fragment shader. */ getFragmentShader() { return this.fragmentShader; } /** * Sets the fragment shader. * * @protected * @param {String} fragmentShader - The fragment shader. */ setFragmentShader(fragmentShader) { this.fragmentShader = fragmentShader; this.setChanged(); } /** * Returns the vertex shader. * * @return {String} The vertex shader. */ getVertexShader() { return this.vertexShader; } /** * Sets the vertex shader. * * @protected * @param {String} vertexShader - The vertex shader. */ setVertexShader(vertexShader) { this.vertexShader = vertexShader; this.setChanged(); } /** * Informs the associated {@link EffectPass} that this effect requires a shader recompilation. * * Should be called after changing macros or extensions and after adding/removing uniforms. * * @protected */ setChanged() { this.dispatchEvent({ type: "change" }); } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * You may override this method if your effect requires direct access to the depth texture that is bound to the * associated {@link EffectPass}. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three17.BasicDepthPacking) { } /** * Updates this effect by performing supporting operations. * * This method is called by the {@link EffectPass} right before the main fullscreen render operation, even if the * blend function is set to `SKIP`. * * You may override this method if you need to update custom uniforms or render additional off-screen textures. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { } /** * Updates the size of this effect. * * You may override this method if you want to be informed about the size of the backbuffer/canvas. * This method is called before {@link initialize} and every time the size of the {@link EffectComposer} changes. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * This method is called when the associated {@link EffectPass} is added to an {@link EffectComposer}. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. * @example if(!alpha && frameBufferType === UnsignedByteType) { this.myRenderTarget.texture.format = RGBFormat; } */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { } /** * Performs a shallow search for properties that define a dispose method and deletes them. * * The {@link EffectComposer} calls this method when it is being destroyed. */ dispose() { for (const key of Object.keys(this)) { const property = this[key]; const isDisposable = property instanceof import_three17.WebGLRenderTarget || property instanceof import_three17.Material || property instanceof import_three17.Texture || property instanceof Pass; if (isDisposable) { this[key].dispose(); } } } }; // src/effects/glsl/bloom.frag var bloom_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D map;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D map;\n#endif\nuniform float intensity;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec4 texel=texture2D(map,uv);outputColor=vec4(texel.rgb*intensity,texel.a);}"; // src/effects/BloomEffect.js var BloomEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new bloom effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SCREEN] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.luminanceThreshold=0.9] - The luminance threshold. Raise this value to mask out darker elements in the scene. * @param {Number} [options.luminanceSmoothing=0.025] - Controls the smoothness of the luminance threshold. * @param {Boolean} [options.mipmapBlur=false] - Enables or disables mipmap blur. * @param {Number} [options.intensity=1.0] - The bloom intensity. * @param {Number} [options.radius=0.85] - The blur radius. Only applies to mipmap blur. * @param {Number} [options.levels=8] - The amount of MIP levels. Only applies to mipmap blur. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.LARGE] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use mipmapBlur instead. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SCREEN, luminanceThreshold = 0.9, luminanceSmoothing = 0.025, mipmapBlur = false, intensity = 1, radius = 0.85, levels = 8, kernelSize = KernelSize.LARGE, resolutionScale = 0.5, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("BloomEffect", bloom_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["map", new import_three18.Uniform(null)], ["intensity", new import_three18.Uniform(intensity)] ]) }); this.renderTarget = new import_three18.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "Bloom.Target"; this.blurPass = new KawaseBlurPass({ kernelSize }); this.luminancePass = new LuminancePass({ colorOutput: true }); this.luminanceMaterial.threshold = luminanceThreshold; this.luminanceMaterial.smoothing = luminanceSmoothing; this.mipmapBlurPass = new MipmapBlurPass(); this.mipmapBlurPass.enabled = mipmapBlur; this.mipmapBlurPass.radius = radius; this.mipmapBlurPass.levels = levels; this.uniforms.get("map").value = mipmapBlur ? this.mipmapBlurPass.texture : this.renderTarget.texture; const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } /** * A texture that contains the intermediate result of this effect. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.mipmapBlurPass.enabled ? this.mipmapBlurPass.texture : this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the generated bloom texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.texture; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Returns the blur pass. * * @deprecated * @return {KawaseBlurPass} The blur pass. */ getBlurPass() { return this.blurPass; } /** * Returns the luminance pass. * * @deprecated Use luminancePass instead. * @return {LuminancePass} The luminance pass. */ getLuminancePass() { return this.luminancePass; } /** * The luminance material. * * @type {LuminanceMaterial} */ get luminanceMaterial() { return this.luminancePass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Returns the luminance material. * * @deprecated Use luminanceMaterial instead. * @return {LuminanceMaterial} The material. */ getLuminanceMaterial() { return this.luminancePass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * The current width of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated */ get width() { return this.resolution.width; } set width(value) { this.resolution.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The current height of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated */ get height() { return this.resolution.height; } set height(value) { this.resolution.preferredHeight = value; } /** * Indicates whether dithering is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use EffectPass.dithering instead. */ get dithering() { return this.blurPass.dithering; } set dithering(value) { this.blurPass.dithering = value; } /** * The blur kernel size. * * @type {KernelSize} * @deprecated */ get kernelSize() { return this.blurPass.kernelSize; } set kernelSize(value) { this.blurPass.kernelSize = value; } /** * @type {Number} * @deprecated */ get distinction() { console.warn(this.name, "distinction was removed"); return 1; } set distinction(value) { console.warn(this.name, "distinction was removed"); } /** * The bloom intensity. * * @type {Number} */ get intensity() { return this.uniforms.get("intensity").value; } set intensity(value) { this.uniforms.get("intensity").value = value; } /** * The bloom intensity. * * @deprecated Use intensity instead. * @return {Number} The intensity. */ getIntensity() { return this.intensity; } /** * Sets the bloom intensity. * * @deprecated Use intensity instead. * @param {Number} value - The intensity. */ setIntensity(value) { this.intensity = value; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const renderTarget = this.renderTarget; const luminancePass = this.luminancePass; if (luminancePass.enabled) { luminancePass.render(renderer, inputBuffer); if (this.mipmapBlurPass.enabled) { this.mipmapBlurPass.render(renderer, luminancePass.renderTarget); } else { this.blurPass.render(renderer, luminancePass.renderTarget, renderTarget); } } else { if (this.mipmapBlurPass.enabled) { this.mipmapBlurPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer); } else { this.blurPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, renderTarget); } } } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); this.blurPass.resolution.copy(resolution); this.luminancePass.setSize(width, height); this.mipmapBlurPass.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.blurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.luminancePass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.mipmapBlurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTarget.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three18.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTarget.texture.colorSpace = import_three18.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/effects/BokehEffect.js var import_three19 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/bokeh.frag var bokeh_default = "uniform float focus;uniform float dof;uniform float aperture;uniform float maxBlur;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,const in float depth,out vec4 outputColor){vec2 aspectCorrection=vec2(1.0,aspect);\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nfloat viewZ=perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNear,cameraFar);float linearDepth=viewZToOrthographicDepth(viewZ,cameraNear,cameraFar);\n#else\nfloat linearDepth=depth;\n#endif\nfloat focusNear=clamp(focus-dof,0.0,1.0);float focusFar=clamp(focus+dof,0.0,1.0);float low=step(linearDepth,focusNear);float high=step(focusFar,linearDepth);float factor=(linearDepth-focusNear)*low+(linearDepth-focusFar)*high;vec2 dofBlur=vec2(clamp(factor*aperture,-maxBlur,maxBlur));vec2 dofblur9=dofBlur*0.9;vec2 dofblur7=dofBlur*0.7;vec2 dofblur4=dofBlur*0.4;vec4 color=inputColor;color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.15,0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.37,0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.40,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.37,-0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.15,-0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,-0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.15,0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.37,0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.4,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.37,-0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.15,-0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofBlur);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.15,0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.37,0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.37,-0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.15,-0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.15,0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.37,0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.37,-0.15)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.15,-0.37)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur9);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.40,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,-0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.4,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur7);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.4,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,-0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.4,0.0)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(-0.29,-0.29)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);color+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv+(vec2(0.0,0.4)*aspectCorrection)*dofblur4);outputColor=color/41.0;}"; // src/effects/BokehEffect.js var BokehEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new bokeh effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.focus=0.5] - The focus distance ratio, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. * @param {Number} [options.dof=0.02] - Depth of field. An area in front of and behind the focal point that still appears sharp. * @param {Number} [options.aperture=0.015] - Camera aperture scale. Bigger values for stronger blur and shallower depth of field. * @param {Number} [options.maxBlur=1.0] - The maximum blur strength. */ constructor({ blendFunction, focus = 0.5, dof = 0.02, aperture = 0.015, maxBlur = 1 } = {}) { super("BokehEffect", bokeh_default, { blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION | EffectAttribute.DEPTH, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["focus", new import_three19.Uniform(focus)], ["dof", new import_three19.Uniform(dof)], ["aperture", new import_three19.Uniform(aperture)], ["maxBlur", new import_three19.Uniform(maxBlur)] ]) }); } }; // src/effects/BrightnessContrastEffect.js var import_three20 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/brightness-contrast.frag var brightness_contrast_default = "uniform float brightness;uniform float contrast;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 color=inputColor.rgb+vec3(brightness-0.5);if(contrast>0.0){color/=vec3(1.0-contrast);}else{color*=vec3(1.0+contrast);}outputColor=vec4(color+vec3(0.5),inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/BrightnessContrastEffect.js var BrightnessContrastEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new brightness/contrast effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.brightness=0.0] - The brightness factor, ranging from -1 to 1, where 0 means no change. * @param {Number} [options.contrast=0.0] - The contrast factor, ranging from -1 to 1, where 0 means no change. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, brightness = 0, contrast = 0 } = {}) { super("BrightnessContrastEffect", brightness_contrast_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["brightness", new import_three20.Uniform(brightness)], ["contrast", new import_three20.Uniform(contrast)] ]) }); this.inputColorSpace = import_three20.SRGBColorSpace; } /** * The brightness. * * @type {Number} */ get brightness() { return this.uniforms.get("brightness").value; } set brightness(value) { this.uniforms.get("brightness").value = value; } /** * Returns the brightness. * * @deprecated Use brightness instead. * @return {Number} The brightness. */ getBrightness() { return this.brightness; } /** * Sets the brightness. * * @deprecated Use brightness instead. * @param {Number} value - The brightness. */ setBrightness(value) { this.brightness = value; } /** * The contrast. * * @type {Number} */ get contrast() { return this.uniforms.get("contrast").value; } set contrast(value) { this.uniforms.get("contrast").value = value; } /** * Returns the contrast. * * @deprecated Use contrast instead. * @return {Number} The contrast. */ getContrast() { return this.contrast; } /** * Sets the contrast. * * @deprecated Use contrast instead. * @param {Number} value - The contrast. */ setContrast(value) { this.contrast = value; } }; // src/effects/glsl/color-average.frag var color_average_default = "void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){outputColor=vec4(vec3(average(inputColor.rgb)),inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/ColorAverageEffect.js var ColorAverageEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new color average effect. * * @param {BlendFunction} [blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. */ constructor(blendFunction) { super("ColorAverageEffect", color_average_default, { blendFunction }); } }; // src/effects/ColorDepthEffect.js var import_three21 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/color-depth.frag var color_depth_default = "uniform float factor;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){outputColor=vec4(floor(inputColor.rgb*factor+0.5)/factor,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/ColorDepthEffect.js var ColorDepthEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new color depth effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.bits=16] - The color bit depth. */ constructor({ blendFunction, bits = 16 } = {}) { super("ColorDepthEffect", color_depth_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["factor", new import_three21.Uniform(1)] ]) }); this.bits = 0; this.bitDepth = bits; } /** * The virtual amount of color bits. * * Each color channel effectively uses a fourth of the total amount of bits. Alpha remains unaffected. * * @type {Number} */ get bitDepth() { return this.bits; } set bitDepth(value) { this.bits = value; this.uniforms.get("factor").value = Math.pow(2, value / 3); } /** * Returns the current color bit depth. * * @return {Number} The bit depth. */ getBitDepth() { return this.bitDepth; } /** * Sets the virtual amount of color bits. * * @param {Number} value - The bit depth. */ setBitDepth(value) { this.bitDepth = value; } }; // src/effects/ChromaticAberrationEffect.js var import_three22 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/chromatic-aberration.frag var chromatic_aberration_default = "#ifdef RADIAL_MODULATION\nuniform float modulationOffset;\n#endif\nvarying float vActive;varying vec2 vUvR;varying vec2 vUvB;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec2 ra=inputColor.ra;vec2 ba=inputColor.ba;\n#ifdef RADIAL_MODULATION\nconst vec2 center=vec2(0.5);float d=distance(uv,center)*2.0;d=max(d-modulationOffset,0.0);if(vActive>0.0&&d>0.0){ra=texture2D(inputBuffer,mix(uv,vUvR,d)).ra;ba=texture2D(inputBuffer,mix(uv,vUvB,d)).ba;}\n#else\nif(vActive>0.0){ra=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvR).ra;ba=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvB).ba;}\n#endif\noutputColor=vec4(ra.x,inputColor.g,ba.x,max(max(ra.y,ba.y),inputColor.a));}"; // src/effects/glsl/chromatic-aberration.vert var chromatic_aberration_default2 = "uniform vec2 offset;varying float vActive;varying vec2 vUvR;varying vec2 vUvB;void mainSupport(const in vec2 uv){vec2 shift=offset*vec2(1.0,aspect);vActive=(shift.x!=0.0||shift.y!=0.0)?1.0:0.0;vUvR=uv+shift;vUvB=uv-shift;}"; // src/effects/ChromaticAberrationEffect.js var ChromaticAberrationEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new chromatic aberration effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Vector2} [options.offset] - The color offset. * @param {Boolean} [options.radialModulation=false] - Whether the effect should be modulated with a radial gradient. * @param {Number} [options.modulationOffset=0.15] - The modulation offset. Only applies if `radialModulation` is enabled. */ constructor({ offset = new import_three22.Vector2(1e-3, 5e-4), radialModulation = false, modulationOffset = 0.15 } = {}) { super("ChromaticAberrationEffect", chromatic_aberration_default, { vertexShader: chromatic_aberration_default2, attributes: EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["offset", new import_three22.Uniform(offset)], ["modulationOffset", new import_three22.Uniform(modulationOffset)] ]) }); this.radialModulation = radialModulation; } /** * The color offset. * * @type {Vector2} */ get offset() { return this.uniforms.get("offset").value; } set offset(value) { this.uniforms.get("offset").value = value; } /** * Indicates whether radial modulation is enabled. * * When enabled, the effect will be weaker in the middle and stronger towards the screen edges. * * @type {Boolean} */ get radialModulation() { return this.defines.has("RADIAL_MODULATION"); } set radialModulation(value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("RADIAL_MODULATION", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("RADIAL_MODULATION"); } this.setChanged(); } /** * The modulation offset. * * @type {Number} */ get modulationOffset() { return this.uniforms.get("modulationOffset").value; } set modulationOffset(value) { this.uniforms.get("modulationOffset").value = value; } /** * Returns the color offset vector. * * @deprecated Use offset instead. * @return {Vector2} The offset. */ getOffset() { return this.offset; } /** * Sets the color offset vector. * * @deprecated Use offset instead. * @param {Vector2} value - The offset. */ setOffset(value) { this.offset = value; } }; // src/effects/glsl/depth.frag var depth_default = "void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,const in float depth,out vec4 outputColor){\n#ifdef INVERTED\nvec3 color=vec3(1.0-depth);\n#else\nvec3 color=vec3(depth);\n#endif\noutputColor=vec4(color,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/DepthEffect.js var DepthEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new depth effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Boolean} [options.inverted=false] - Whether the depth should be inverted. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, inverted = false } = {}) { super("DepthEffect", depth_default, { blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.DEPTH }); this.inverted = inverted; } /** * Indicates whether depth should be inverted. * * @type {Boolean} */ get inverted() { return this.defines.has("INVERTED"); } set inverted(value) { if (this.inverted !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("INVERTED", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("INVERTED"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether the rendered depth is inverted. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the rendered depth is inverted. */ isInverted() { return this.inverted; } /** * Enables or disables depth inversion. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether depth should be inverted. */ setInverted(value) { this.inverted = value; } }; // src/effects/DepthOfFieldEffect.js var import_three27 = require("three"); // src/enums/ColorChannel.js var ColorChannel = { RED: 0, GREEN: 1, BLUE: 2, ALPHA: 3 }; // src/enums/MaskFunction.js var MaskFunction = { DISCARD: 0, MULTIPLY: 1, MULTIPLY_RGB_SET_ALPHA: 2, MULTIPLY_RGB: 3 }; // src/materials/BokehMaterial.js var import_three23 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.bokeh.frag var convolution_bokeh_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\n#if PASS == 1\nuniform vec4 kernel64[32];\n#else\nuniform vec4 kernel16[8];\n#endif\nuniform lowp sampler2D cocBuffer;uniform vec2 texelSize;uniform float scale;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){\n#ifdef FOREGROUND\nvec2 cocNearFar=texture2D(cocBuffer,vUv).rg*scale;float coc=cocNearFar.x;\n#else\nfloat coc=texture2D(cocBuffer,vUv).g*scale;\n#endif\nif(coc==0.0){gl_FragColor=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);}else{\n#ifdef FOREGROUND\nvec2 step=texelSize*max(cocNearFar.x,cocNearFar.y);\n#else\nvec2 step=texelSize*coc;\n#endif\n#if PASS == 1\nvec4 acc=vec4(0.0);for(int i=0;i<32;++i){vec4 kernel=kernel64[i];vec2 uv=step*kernel.xy+vUv;acc+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv);uv=step*kernel.zw+vUv;acc+=texture2D(inputBuffer,uv);}gl_FragColor=acc/64.0;\n#else\nvec4 maxValue=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);for(int i=0;i<8;++i){vec4 kernel=kernel16[i];vec2 uv=step*kernel.xy+vUv;maxValue=max(texture2D(inputBuffer,uv),maxValue);uv=step*kernel.zw+vUv;maxValue=max(texture2D(inputBuffer,uv),maxValue);}gl_FragColor=maxValue;\n#endif\n}}"; // src/materials/BokehMaterial.js var BokehMaterial = class extends import_three23.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new bokeh material. * * @param {Boolean} [fill=false] - Enables or disables the bokeh highlight fill mode. * @param {Boolean} [foreground=false] - Determines whether this material will be applied to foreground colors. */ constructor(fill = false, foreground = false) { super({ name: "BokehMaterial", defines: { PASS: fill ? "2" : "1" }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three23.Uniform(null), cocBuffer: new import_three23.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three23.Uniform(new import_three23.Vector2()), kernel64: new import_three23.Uniform(null), kernel16: new import_three23.Uniform(null), scale: new import_three23.Uniform(1) }, blending: import_three23.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_bokeh_default, vertexShader: common_default }); if (foreground) { this.defines.FOREGROUND = "1"; } this.generateKernel(); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The circle of confusion buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set cocBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.cocBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the circle of confusion buffer. * * @deprecated Use cocBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The buffer. */ setCoCBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.cocBuffer.value = value; } /** * The blur scale. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.uniforms.scale.value; } set scale(value) { this.uniforms.scale.value = value; } /** * Returns the blur scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getScale(value) { return this.scale; } /** * Sets the blur scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @param {Number} value - The scale. */ setScale(value) { this.scale = value; } /** * Generates the blur kernel. * * @private */ generateKernel() { const GOLDEN_ANGLE = 2.39996323; const points64 = new Float64Array(128); const points16 = new Float64Array(32); let i64 = 0, i16 = 0; for (let i = 0, sqrt80 = Math.sqrt(80); i < 80; ++i) { const theta = i * GOLDEN_ANGLE; const r = Math.sqrt(i) / sqrt80; const u = r * Math.cos(theta), v3 = r * Math.sin(theta); if (i % 5 === 0) { points16[i16++] = u; points16[i16++] = v3; } else { points64[i64++] = u; points64[i64++] = v3; } } this.uniforms.kernel64.value = points64; this.uniforms.kernel16.value = points16; } /** * Sets the texel size. * * @deprecated Use setSize() instead. * @param {Number} x - The texel width. * @param {Number} y - The texel height. */ setTexelSize(x, y) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(x, y); } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/materials/CircleOfConfusionMaterial.js var import_three24 = require("three"); // src/utils/orthographicDepthToViewZ.js function orthographicDepthToViewZ(depth, near, far) { return depth * (near - far) - near; } // src/utils/viewZToOrthographicDepth.js function viewZToOrthographicDepth(viewZ, near, far) { return Math.min(Math.max((viewZ + near) / (near - far), 0), 1); } // src/materials/glsl/circle-of-confusion.frag var circle_of_confusion_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform float focusDistance;uniform float focusRange;uniform float cameraNear;uniform float cameraFar;varying vec2 vUv;float readDepth(const in vec2 uv){\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nfloat depth=unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer,uv));\n#else\nfloat depth=texture2D(depthBuffer,uv).r;\n#endif\n#ifdef LOG_DEPTH\nfloat d=pow(2.0,depth*log2(cameraFar+1.0))-1.0;float a=cameraFar/(cameraFar-cameraNear);float b=cameraFar*cameraNear/(cameraNear-cameraFar);depth=a+b/d;\n#endif\nreturn depth;}void main(){float depth=readDepth(vUv);\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nfloat viewZ=perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNear,cameraFar);float linearDepth=viewZToOrthographicDepth(viewZ,cameraNear,cameraFar);\n#else\nfloat linearDepth=depth;\n#endif\nfloat signedDistance=linearDepth-focusDistance;float magnitude=smoothstep(0.0,focusRange,abs(signedDistance));gl_FragColor.rg=magnitude*vec2(step(signedDistance,0.0),step(0.0,signedDistance));}"; // src/materials/CircleOfConfusionMaterial.js var CircleOfConfusionMaterial = class extends import_three24.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new CoC material. * * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ constructor(camera) { super({ name: "CircleOfConfusionMaterial", defines: { DEPTH_PACKING: "0" }, uniforms: { depthBuffer: new import_three24.Uniform(null), focusDistance: new import_three24.Uniform(0), focusRange: new import_three24.Uniform(0), cameraNear: new import_three24.Uniform(0.3), cameraFar: new import_three24.Uniform(1e3) }, blending: import_three24.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: circle_of_confusion_default, vertexShader: common_default }); this.uniforms.focalLength = this.uniforms.focusRange; this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * The current near plane setting. * * @type {Number} * @private */ get near() { return this.uniforms.cameraNear.value; } /** * The current far plane setting. * * @type {Number} * @private */ get far() { return this.uniforms.cameraFar.value; } /** * The depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set depthBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer.value = value; } /** * The depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ set depthPacking(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer and depthPacking instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer(buffer, depthPacking = import_three24.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer = buffer; this.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * The focus distance. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. * * @type {Number} */ get focusDistance() { return this.uniforms.focusDistance.value; } set focusDistance(value) { this.uniforms.focusDistance.value = value; } /** * The focus distance in world units. * * @type {Number} */ get worldFocusDistance() { return -orthographicDepthToViewZ(this.focusDistance, this.near, this.far); } set worldFocusDistance(value) { this.focusDistance = viewZToOrthographicDepth(-value, this.near, this.far); } /** * Returns the focus distance. * * @deprecated Use focusDistance instead. * @return {Number} The focus distance. */ getFocusDistance(value) { this.uniforms.focusDistance.value = value; } /** * Sets the focus distance. * * @deprecated Use focusDistance instead. * @param {Number} value - The focus distance. */ setFocusDistance(value) { this.uniforms.focusDistance.value = value; } /** * The focal length. * * @deprecated Renamed to focusRange. * @type {Number} */ get focalLength() { return this.focusRange; } set focalLength(value) { this.focusRange = value; } /** * The focus range. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. * * @type {Number} */ get focusRange() { return this.uniforms.focusRange.value; } set focusRange(value) { this.uniforms.focusRange.value = value; } /** * The focus range in world units. * * @type {Number} */ get worldFocusRange() { return -orthographicDepthToViewZ(this.focusRange, this.near, this.far); } set worldFocusRange(value) { this.focusRange = viewZToOrthographicDepth(-value, this.near, this.far); } /** * Returns the focal length. * * @deprecated Use focusRange instead. * @return {Number} The focal length. */ getFocalLength(value) { return this.focusRange; } /** * Sets the focal length. * * @deprecated Use focusRange instead. * @param {Number} value - The focal length. */ setFocalLength(value) { this.focusRange = value; } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @deprecated Use copyCameraSettings instead. * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ adoptCameraSettings(camera) { this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ copyCameraSettings(camera) { if (camera) { this.uniforms.cameraNear.value = camera.near; this.uniforms.cameraFar.value = camera.far; if (camera instanceof import_three24.PerspectiveCamera) { this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA; } this.needsUpdate = true; } } }; // src/materials/MaskMaterial.js var import_three25 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/mask.frag var mask_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\n#ifdef MASK_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D maskTexture;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D maskTexture;\n#endif\n#if MASK_FUNCTION != 0\nuniform float strength;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 vUv;void main(){\n#if COLOR_CHANNEL == 0\nfloat mask=texture2D(maskTexture,vUv).r;\n#elif COLOR_CHANNEL == 1\nfloat mask=texture2D(maskTexture,vUv).g;\n#elif COLOR_CHANNEL == 2\nfloat mask=texture2D(maskTexture,vUv).b;\n#else\nfloat mask=texture2D(maskTexture,vUv).a;\n#endif\n#if MASK_FUNCTION == 0\n#ifdef INVERTED\nmask=step(mask,0.0);\n#else\nmask=1.0-step(mask,0.0);\n#endif\n#else\nmask=clamp(mask*strength,0.0,1.0);\n#ifdef INVERTED\nmask=1.0-mask;\n#endif\n#endif\n#if MASK_FUNCTION == 3\nvec4 texel=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);gl_FragColor=vec4(mask*texel.rgb,texel.a);\n#elif MASK_FUNCTION == 2\ngl_FragColor=vec4(mask*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv).rgb,mask);\n#else\ngl_FragColor=mask*texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);\n#endif\n}"; // src/materials/MaskMaterial.js var MaskMaterial = class extends import_three25.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new mask material. * * @param {Texture} [maskTexture] - The mask texture. */ constructor(maskTexture = null) { super({ name: "MaskMaterial", uniforms: { maskTexture: new import_three25.Uniform(maskTexture), inputBuffer: new import_three25.Uniform(null), strength: new import_three25.Uniform(1) }, blending: import_three25.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: mask_default, vertexShader: common_default }); this.colorChannel = ColorChannel.RED; this.maskFunction = MaskFunction.DISCARD; } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The mask texture. * * @type {Texture} */ set maskTexture(value) { this.uniforms.maskTexture.value = value; delete this.defines.MASK_PRECISION_HIGH; if (value.type !== import_three25.UnsignedByteType) { this.defines.MASK_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the mask texture. * * @deprecated Use maskTexture instead. * @param {Texture} value - The texture. */ setMaskTexture(value) { this.maskTexture = value; } /** * Sets the color channel to use for masking. Default is `ColorChannel.RED`. * * @type {ColorChannel} */ set colorChannel(value) { this.defines.COLOR_CHANNEL = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the color channel to use for masking. Default is `ColorChannel.RED`. * * @deprecated Use colorChannel instead. * @param {ColorChannel} value - The channel. */ setColorChannel(value) { this.colorChannel = value; } /** * The masking technique. Default is `MaskFunction.DISCARD`. * * @type {MaskFunction} */ set maskFunction(value) { this.defines.MASK_FUNCTION = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the masking technique. Default is `MaskFunction.DISCARD`. * * @deprecated Use maskFunction instead. * @param {MaskFunction} value - The function. */ setMaskFunction(value) { this.maskFunction = value; } /** * Indicates whether the masking is inverted. * * @type {Boolean} */ get inverted() { return this.defines.INVERTED !== void 0; } set inverted(value) { if (this.inverted && !value) { delete this.defines.INVERTED; } else if (value) { this.defines.INVERTED = "1"; } this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether the masking is inverted. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the masking is inverted. */ isInverted() { return this.inverted; } /** * Determines whether the masking should be inverted. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the masking should be inverted. */ setInverted(value) { this.inverted = value; } /** * The current mask strength. * * Individual mask values will be clamped to [0.0, 1.0]. Has no effect when the mask function is set to `DISCARD`. * * @type {Number} */ get strength() { return this.uniforms.strength.value; } set strength(value) { this.uniforms.strength.value = value; } /** * Returns the current mask strength. * * @deprecated Use strength instead. * @return {Number} The mask strength. */ getStrength() { return this.strength; } /** * Sets the mask strength. * * Has no effect when the mask function is set to `DISCARD`. * * @deprecated Use strength instead. * @param {Number} value - The mask strength. */ setStrength(value) { this.strength = value; } }; // src/passes/ShaderPass.js var import_three26 = require("three"); var ShaderPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new shader pass. * * @param {ShaderMaterial} material - A shader material. * @param {String} [input="inputBuffer"] - The name of the input buffer uniform. */ constructor(material, input = "inputBuffer") { super("ShaderPass"); this.fullscreenMaterial = material; this.input = input; } /** * Sets the name of the input buffer uniform. * * @param {String} input - The name of the input buffer uniform. * @deprecated Use input instead. */ setInput(input) { this.input = input; } /** * Renders the effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const uniforms = this.fullscreenMaterial.uniforms; if (inputBuffer !== null && uniforms !== void 0 && uniforms[this.input] !== void 0) { uniforms[this.input].value = inputBuffer.texture; } renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : outputBuffer); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - A renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0 && frameBufferType !== import_three26.UnsignedByteType) { this.fullscreenMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } } }; // src/effects/glsl/depth-of-field.frag var depth_of_field_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D nearColorBuffer;uniform mediump sampler2D farColorBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D nearColorBuffer;uniform lowp sampler2D farColorBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform lowp sampler2D nearCoCBuffer;uniform lowp sampler2D farCoCBuffer;uniform float scale;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,const in float depth,out vec4 outputColor){vec4 colorNear=texture2D(nearColorBuffer,uv);vec4 colorFar=texture2D(farColorBuffer,uv);\n#if MASK_FUNCTION == 1\nvec2 cocNearFar=vec2(texture2D(nearCoCBuffer,uv).r,colorFar.a);cocNearFar.x=min(cocNearFar.x*scale,1.0);\n#else\nvec2 cocNearFar=vec2(texture2D(nearCoCBuffer,uv).r,texture2D(farCoCBuffer,uv).g);cocNearFar=min(cocNearFar*scale,1.0);\n#endif\nvec4 result=inputColor*(1.0-cocNearFar.y)+colorFar;result=mix(result,colorNear,cocNearFar.x);outputColor=result;}"; // src/effects/DepthOfFieldEffect.js var DepthOfFieldEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new depth of field effect. * * @param {Camera} camera - The main camera. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.worldFocusDistance] - The focus distance in world units. * @param {Number} [options.worldFocusRange] - The focus distance in world units. * @param {Number} [options.focusDistance=0.0] - The normalized focus distance. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. * @param {Number} [options.focusRange=0.1] - The focus range. Range is [0.0, 1.0]. * @param {Number} [options.focalLength=0.1] - Deprecated. * @param {Number} [options.bokehScale=1.0] - The scale of the bokeh blur. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor(camera, { blendFunction, worldFocusDistance, worldFocusRange, focusDistance = 0, focalLength = 0.1, focusRange = focalLength, bokehScale = 1, resolutionScale = 1, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("DepthOfFieldEffect", depth_of_field_default, { blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.DEPTH, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["nearColorBuffer", new import_three27.Uniform(null)], ["farColorBuffer", new import_three27.Uniform(null)], ["nearCoCBuffer", new import_three27.Uniform(null)], ["farCoCBuffer", new import_three27.Uniform(null)], ["scale", new import_three27.Uniform(1)] ]) }); this.camera = camera; this.renderTarget = new import_three27.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "DoF.Intermediate"; this.renderTargetMasked = this.renderTarget.clone(); this.renderTargetMasked.texture.name = "DoF.Masked.Far"; this.renderTargetNear = this.renderTarget.clone(); this.renderTargetNear.texture.name = "DoF.Bokeh.Near"; this.uniforms.get("nearColorBuffer").value = this.renderTargetNear.texture; this.renderTargetFar = this.renderTarget.clone(); this.renderTargetFar.texture.name = "DoF.Bokeh.Far"; this.uniforms.get("farColorBuffer").value = this.renderTargetFar.texture; this.renderTargetCoC = this.renderTarget.clone(); this.renderTargetCoC.texture.name = "DoF.CoC"; this.uniforms.get("farCoCBuffer").value = this.renderTargetCoC.texture; this.renderTargetCoCBlurred = this.renderTargetCoC.clone(); this.renderTargetCoCBlurred.texture.name = "DoF.CoC.Blurred"; this.uniforms.get("nearCoCBuffer").value = this.renderTargetCoCBlurred.texture; this.cocPass = new ShaderPass(new CircleOfConfusionMaterial(camera)); const cocMaterial = this.cocMaterial; cocMaterial.focusDistance = focusDistance; cocMaterial.focusRange = focusRange; if (worldFocusDistance !== void 0) { cocMaterial.worldFocusDistance = worldFocusDistance; } if (worldFocusRange !== void 0) { cocMaterial.worldFocusRange = worldFocusRange; } this.blurPass = new KawaseBlurPass({ resolutionScale, resolutionX, resolutionY, kernelSize: KernelSize.MEDIUM }); this.maskPass = new ShaderPass(new MaskMaterial(this.renderTargetCoC.texture)); const maskMaterial = this.maskPass.fullscreenMaterial; maskMaterial.colorChannel = ColorChannel.GREEN; this.maskFunction = MaskFunction.MULTIPLY_RGB; this.bokehNearBasePass = new ShaderPass(new BokehMaterial(false, true)); this.bokehNearBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.cocBuffer = this.renderTargetCoCBlurred.texture; this.bokehNearFillPass = new ShaderPass(new BokehMaterial(true, true)); this.bokehNearFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.cocBuffer = this.renderTargetCoCBlurred.texture; this.bokehFarBasePass = new ShaderPass(new BokehMaterial(false, false)); this.bokehFarBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.cocBuffer = this.renderTargetCoC.texture; this.bokehFarFillPass = new ShaderPass(new BokehMaterial(true, false)); this.bokehFarFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.cocBuffer = this.renderTargetCoC.texture; this.target = null; const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.bokehScale = bokehScale; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; this.cocMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * The circle of confusion texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get cocTexture() { return this.renderTargetCoC.texture; } /** * The mask function. Default is `MULTIPLY_RGB`. * * @type {MaskFunction} */ get maskFunction() { return this.maskPass.fullscreenMaterial.maskFunction; } set maskFunction(value) { if (this.maskFunction !== value) { this.defines.set("MASK_FUNCTION", value.toFixed(0)); this.maskPass.fullscreenMaterial.maskFunction = value; this.setChanged(); } } /** * The circle of confusion material. * * @type {CircleOfConfusionMaterial} */ get cocMaterial() { return this.cocPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * The circle of confusion material. * * @deprecated Use cocMaterial instead. * @type {CircleOfConfusionMaterial} */ get circleOfConfusionMaterial() { return this.cocMaterial; } /** * Returns the circle of confusion material. * * @deprecated Use cocMaterial instead. * @return {CircleOfConfusionMaterial} The material. */ getCircleOfConfusionMaterial() { return this.cocMaterial; } /** * Returns the pass that blurs the foreground CoC buffer to soften edges. * * @deprecated Use blurPass instead. * @return {KawaseBlurPass} The blur pass. */ getBlurPass() { return this.blurPass; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * The current bokeh scale. * * @type {Number} */ get bokehScale() { return this.uniforms.get("scale").value; } set bokehScale(value) { this.bokehNearBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.scale = value; this.bokehNearFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.scale = value; this.bokehFarBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.scale = value; this.bokehFarFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.scale = value; this.maskPass.fullscreenMaterial.strength = value; this.uniforms.get("scale").value = value; } /** * Returns the current bokeh scale. * * @deprecated Use bokehScale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getBokehScale() { return this.bokehScale; } /** * Sets the bokeh scale. * * @deprecated Use bokehScale instead. * @param {Number} value - The scale. */ setBokehScale(value) { this.bokehScale = value; } /** * Returns the current auto focus target. * * @deprecated Use target instead. * @return {Vector3} The target. */ getTarget() { return this.target; } /** * Sets the auto focus target. * * @deprecated Use target instead. * @param {Vector3} value - The target. */ setTarget(value) { this.target = value; } /** * Calculates the focus distance from the camera to the given position. * * @param {Vector3} target - The target. * @return {Number} The normalized focus distance. */ calculateFocusDistance(target) { const camera = this.camera; const distance = camera.position.distanceTo(target); return viewZToOrthographicDepth(-distance, camera.near, camera.far); } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three27.BasicDepthPacking) { this.cocMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.cocMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const renderTarget = this.renderTarget; const renderTargetCoC = this.renderTargetCoC; const renderTargetCoCBlurred = this.renderTargetCoCBlurred; const renderTargetMasked = this.renderTargetMasked; if (this.target !== null) { const distance = this.calculateFocusDistance(this.target); this.cocMaterial.focusDistance = distance; } this.cocPass.render(renderer, null, renderTargetCoC); this.blurPass.render(renderer, renderTargetCoC, renderTargetCoCBlurred); this.maskPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, renderTargetMasked); this.bokehFarBasePass.render(renderer, renderTargetMasked, renderTarget); this.bokehFarFillPass.render(renderer, renderTarget, this.renderTargetFar); this.bokehNearBasePass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, renderTarget); this.bokehNearFillPass.render(renderer, renderTarget, this.renderTargetNear); } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.cocPass.setSize(width, height); this.blurPass.setSize(width, height); this.maskPass.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetFar.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetCoC.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetMasked.setSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetNear.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetCoCBlurred.setSize(w, h); this.bokehNearBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); this.bokehNearFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); this.bokehFarBasePass.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); this.bokehFarFillPass.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.cocPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.maskPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.bokehNearBasePass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.bokehNearFillPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.bokehFarBasePass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.bokehFarFillPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.blurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, import_three27.UnsignedByteType); if (renderer.capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer) { this.cocPass.fullscreenMaterial.defines.LOG_DEPTH = "1"; } if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTarget.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetNear.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetFar.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetMasked.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three27.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTarget.texture.colorSpace = import_three27.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetNear.texture.colorSpace = import_three27.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetFar.texture.colorSpace = import_three27.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetMasked.texture.colorSpace = import_three27.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/effects/DotScreenEffect.js var import_three28 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/dot-screen.frag var dot_screen_default = "uniform vec2 angle;uniform float scale;float pattern(const in vec2 uv){vec2 point=scale*vec2(dot(angle.yx,vec2(uv.x,-uv.y)),dot(angle,uv));return(sin(point.x)*sin(point.y))*4.0;}void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 color=vec3(inputColor.rgb*10.0-5.0+pattern(uv*resolution));outputColor=vec4(color,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/DotScreenEffect.js var DotScreenEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new dot screen effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.angle=1.57] - The angle of the dot pattern. * @param {Number} [options.scale=1.0] - The scale of the dot pattern. */ constructor({ blendFunction, angle = Math.PI * 0.5, scale = 1 } = {}) { super("DotScreenEffect", dot_screen_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["angle", new import_three28.Uniform(new import_three28.Vector2())], ["scale", new import_three28.Uniform(scale)] ]) }); this.angle = angle; } /** * The angle. * * @type {Number} */ get angle() { return Math.acos(this.uniforms.get("angle").value.y); } set angle(value) { this.uniforms.get("angle").value.set(Math.sin(value), Math.cos(value)); } /** * Returns the pattern angle. * * @deprecated Use angle instead. * @return {Number} The angle in radians. */ getAngle() { return this.angle; } /** * Sets the pattern angle. * * @deprecated Use angle instead. * @param {Number} value - The angle in radians. */ setAngle(value) { this.angle = value; } /** * The scale. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.uniforms.get("scale").value; } set scale(value) { this.uniforms.get("scale").value = value; } }; // src/effects/glsl/fxaa.frag var fxaa_default = "#define QUALITY(q) ((q) < 5 ? 1.0 : ((q) > 5 ? ((q) < 10 ? 2.0 : ((q) < 11 ? 4.0 : 8.0)) : 1.5))\n#define ONE_OVER_TWELVE 0.08333333333333333\nvarying vec2 vUvDown;varying vec2 vUvUp;varying vec2 vUvLeft;varying vec2 vUvRight;varying vec2 vUvDownLeft;varying vec2 vUvUpRight;varying vec2 vUvUpLeft;varying vec2 vUvDownRight;vec4 fxaa(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv){float lumaCenter=luminance(inputColor.rgb);float lumaDown=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvDown).rgb);float lumaUp=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvUp).rgb);float lumaLeft=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvLeft).rgb);float lumaRight=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUvRight).rgb);float lumaMin=min(lumaCenter,min(min(lumaDown,lumaUp),min(lumaLeft,lumaRight)));float lumaMax=max(lumaCenter,max(max(lumaDown,lumaUp),max(lumaLeft,lumaRight)));float lumaRange=lumaMax-lumaMin;if(lumaRange=edgeVertical);float stepLength=isHorizontal?texelSize.y:texelSize.x;float luma1=isHorizontal?lumaDown:lumaLeft;float luma2=isHorizontal?lumaUp:lumaRight;float gradient1=abs(luma1-lumaCenter);float gradient2=abs(luma2-lumaCenter);bool is1Steepest=gradient1>=gradient2;float gradientScaled=0.25*max(gradient1,gradient2);float lumaLocalAverage=0.0;if(is1Steepest){stepLength=-stepLength;lumaLocalAverage=0.5*(luma1+lumaCenter);}else{lumaLocalAverage=0.5*(luma2+lumaCenter);}vec2 currentUv=uv;if(isHorizontal){currentUv.y+=stepLength*0.5;}else{currentUv.x+=stepLength*0.5;}vec2 offset=isHorizontal?vec2(texelSize.x,0.0):vec2(0.0,texelSize.y);vec2 uv1=currentUv-offset*QUALITY(0);vec2 uv2=currentUv+offset*QUALITY(0);float lumaEnd1=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,uv1).rgb);float lumaEnd2=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,uv2).rgb);lumaEnd1-=lumaLocalAverage;lumaEnd2-=lumaLocalAverage;bool reached1=abs(lumaEnd1)>=gradientScaled;bool reached2=abs(lumaEnd2)>=gradientScaled;bool reachedBoth=reached1&&reached2;if(!reached1){uv1-=offset*QUALITY(1);}if(!reached2){uv2+=offset*QUALITY(1);}if(!reachedBoth){for(int i=2;i=gradientScaled;reached2=abs(lumaEnd2)>=gradientScaled;reachedBoth=reached1&&reached2;if(!reached1){uv1-=offset*QUALITY(i);}if(!reached2){uv2+=offset*QUALITY(i);}if(reachedBoth){break;}}}float distance1=isHorizontal?(uv.x-uv1.x):(uv.y-uv1.y);float distance2=isHorizontal?(uv2.x-uv.x):(uv2.y-uv.y);bool isDirection1=distance1 breakPoint.x; if (time >= breakPoint.x + breakPoint.y) { breakPoint.set( randomFloat(this.delay.x, this.delay.y), randomFloat(this.duration.x, this.duration.y) ); time = 0; } } r = Math.random(); this.uniforms.get("random").value = r; if (trigger && r > this.ratio || mode === GlitchMode.CONSTANT_WILD) { active = true; r *= s.y * 0.03; a = randomFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI); this.seeds.set(randomFloat(-s.y, s.y), randomFloat(-s.y, s.y)); this.distortion.set(randomFloat(0, 1), randomFloat(0, 1)); } else if (trigger || mode === GlitchMode.CONSTANT_MILD) { active = true; r *= s.x * 0.03; a = randomFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI); this.seeds.set(randomFloat(-s.x, s.x), randomFloat(-s.x, s.x)); this.distortion.set(randomFloat(0, 1), randomFloat(0, 1)); } this.time = time; } if (offset !== null) { if (active) { offset.set(Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)).multiplyScalar(r); } else { offset.set(0, 0); } } this.uniforms.get("active").value = active; } /** * Deletes generated resources. */ dispose() { const map = this.perturbationMap; if (map !== null && map.name === textureTag) { map.dispose(); } } }; // src/effects/GodRaysEffect.js var import_three34 = require("three"); // src/materials/DepthMaskMaterial.js var import_three32 = require("three"); // src/enums/DepthTestStrategy.js var DepthTestStrategy = { DEFAULT: 0, KEEP_MAX_DEPTH: 1, DISCARD_MAX_DEPTH: 2 }; // src/materials/glsl/depth-mask.frag var depth_mask_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer0;uniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer1;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer0;uniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer1;\n#endif\nuniform sampler2D inputBuffer;uniform vec2 cameraNearFar;float getViewZ(const in float depth){\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nreturn perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#else\nreturn orthographicDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#endif\n}varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vec2 depth;\n#if DEPTH_PACKING_0 == 3201\ndepth.x=unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer0,vUv));\n#else\ndepth.x=texture2D(depthBuffer0,vUv).r;\n#ifdef LOG_DEPTH\nfloat d=pow(2.0,depth.x*log2(cameraNearFar.y+1.0))-1.0;float a=cameraNearFar.y/(cameraNearFar.y-cameraNearFar.x);float b=cameraNearFar.y*cameraNearFar.x/(cameraNearFar.x-cameraNearFar.y);depth.x=a+b/d;\n#endif\n#endif\n#if DEPTH_PACKING_1 == 3201\ndepth.y=unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer1,vUv));\n#else\ndepth.y=texture2D(depthBuffer1,vUv).r;\n#ifdef LOG_DEPTH\nfloat d=pow(2.0,depth.y*log2(cameraNearFar.y+1.0))-1.0;float a=cameraNearFar.y/(cameraNearFar.y-cameraNearFar.x);float b=cameraNearFar.y*cameraNearFar.x/(cameraNearFar.x-cameraNearFar.y);depth.y=a+b/d;\n#endif\n#endif\nbool isMaxDepth=(depth.x==1.0);\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\ndepth.x=viewZToOrthographicDepth(getViewZ(depth.x),cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);depth.y=viewZToOrthographicDepth(getViewZ(depth.y),cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#endif\n#if DEPTH_TEST_STRATEGY == 0\nbool keep=depthTest(depth.x,depth.y);\n#elif DEPTH_TEST_STRATEGY == 1\nbool keep=isMaxDepth||depthTest(depth.x,depth.y);\n#else\nbool keep=!isMaxDepth&&depthTest(depth.x,depth.y);\n#endif\nif(keep){gl_FragColor=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv);}else{discard;}}"; // src/materials/DepthMaskMaterial.js var DepthMaskMaterial = class extends import_three32.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new depth mask material. */ constructor() { super({ name: "DepthMaskMaterial", defines: { DEPTH_EPSILON: "0.0001", DEPTH_PACKING_0: "0", DEPTH_PACKING_1: "0", DEPTH_TEST_STRATEGY: DepthTestStrategy.KEEP_MAX_DEPTH }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three32.Uniform(null), depthBuffer0: new import_three32.Uniform(null), depthBuffer1: new import_three32.Uniform(null), cameraNearFar: new import_three32.Uniform(new import_three32.Vector2(1, 1)) }, blending: import_three32.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: depth_mask_default, vertexShader: common_default }); this.depthMode = import_three32.LessDepth; } /** * The primary depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set depthBuffer0(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer0.value = value; } /** * The primary depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ set depthPacking0(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING_0 = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the base depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer0 and depthPacking0 instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer0(buffer, depthPacking = import_three32.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer0 = buffer; this.depthPacking0 = depthPacking; } /** * The secondary depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set depthBuffer1(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer1.value = value; } /** * The secondary depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ set depthPacking1(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING_1 = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the depth buffer that will be compared with the base depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer1 and depthPacking1 instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer1(buffer, depthPacking = import_three32.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer1 = buffer; this.depthPacking1 = depthPacking; } /** * The strategy for handling maximum depth. * * @type {DepthTestStrategy} */ get maxDepthStrategy() { return Number(this.defines.DEPTH_TEST_STRATEGY); } set maxDepthStrategy(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_TEST_STRATEGY = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether maximum depth values should be preserved. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use maxDepthStrategy instead. */ get keepFar() { return this.maxDepthStrategy; } set keepFar(value) { this.maxDepthStrategy = value ? DepthTestStrategy.KEEP_MAX_DEPTH : DepthTestStrategy.DISCARD_MAX_DEPTH; } /** * Returns the strategy for dealing with maximum depth values. * * @deprecated Use maxDepthStrategy instead. * @return {DepthTestStrategy} The strategy. */ getMaxDepthStrategy() { return this.maxDepthStrategy; } /** * Sets the strategy for dealing with maximum depth values. * * @deprecated Use maxDepthStrategy instead. * @param {DepthTestStrategy} value - The strategy. */ setMaxDepthStrategy(value) { this.maxDepthStrategy = value; } /** * A small error threshold that is used for `EqualDepth` and `NotEqualDepth` tests. Default is `1e-4`. * * @type {Number} */ get epsilon() { return Number(this.defines.DEPTH_EPSILON); } set epsilon(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_EPSILON = value.toFixed(16); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the current error threshold for depth comparisons. * * @deprecated Use epsilon instead. * @return {Number} The error threshold. */ getEpsilon() { return this.epsilon; } /** * Sets the depth comparison error threshold. * * @deprecated Use epsilon instead. * @param {Number} value - The new error threshold. */ setEpsilon(value) { this.epsilon = value; } /** * The depth mode. * * @see https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/constants/Materials * @type {DepthModes} */ get depthMode() { return Number(this.defines.DEPTH_MODE); } set depthMode(value) { let depthTest; switch (value) { case import_three32.NeverDepth: depthTest = "false"; break; case import_three32.AlwaysDepth: depthTest = "true"; break; case import_three32.EqualDepth: depthTest = "abs(d1 - d0) <= DEPTH_EPSILON"; break; case import_three32.NotEqualDepth: depthTest = "abs(d1 - d0) > DEPTH_EPSILON"; break; case import_three32.LessDepth: depthTest = "d0 > d1"; break; case import_three32.LessEqualDepth: depthTest = "d0 >= d1"; break; case import_three32.GreaterEqualDepth: depthTest = "d0 <= d1"; break; case import_three32.GreaterDepth: default: depthTest = "d0 < d1"; break; } this.defines.DEPTH_MODE = value.toFixed(0); this.defines["depthTest(d0, d1)"] = depthTest; this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the current depth mode. * * @deprecated Use depthMode instead. * @return {DepthModes} The depth mode. Default is `LessDepth`. */ getDepthMode() { return this.depthMode; } /** * Sets the depth mode. * * @deprecated Use depthMode instead. * @param {DepthModes} mode - The depth mode. */ setDepthMode(mode) { this.depthMode = mode; } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @deprecated Use copyCameraSettings instead. * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ adoptCameraSettings(camera) { this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ copyCameraSettings(camera) { if (camera) { this.uniforms.cameraNearFar.value.set(camera.near, camera.far); if (camera instanceof import_three32.PerspectiveCamera) { this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA; } this.needsUpdate = true; } } }; // src/materials/GodRaysMaterial.js var import_three33 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.god-rays.frag var convolution_god_rays_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform vec2 lightPosition;uniform float exposure;uniform float decay;uniform float density;uniform float weight;uniform float clampMax;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vec2 coord=vUv;vec2 delta=lightPosition-coord;delta*=1.0/SAMPLES_FLOAT*density;float illuminationDecay=1.0;vec4 color=vec4(0.0);for(int i=0;i\n}"; // src/materials/GodRaysMaterial.js var GodRaysMaterial = class extends import_three33.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new god rays material. * * TODO Remove lightPosition param. * @param {Vector2} lightPosition - Deprecated. */ constructor(lightPosition) { super({ name: "GodRaysMaterial", defines: { SAMPLES_INT: "60", SAMPLES_FLOAT: "60.0" }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three33.Uniform(null), lightPosition: new import_three33.Uniform(lightPosition), density: new import_three33.Uniform(1), decay: new import_three33.Uniform(1), weight: new import_three33.Uniform(1), exposure: new import_three33.Uniform(1), clampMax: new import_three33.Uniform(1) }, blending: import_three33.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_god_rays_default, vertexShader: common_default }); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The screen space position of the light source. * * @type {Vector2} */ get lightPosition() { return this.uniforms.lightPosition.value; } /** * Returns the screen space position of the light source. * * @deprecated Use lightPosition instead. * @return {Vector2} The position. */ getLightPosition() { return this.uniforms.lightPosition.value; } /** * Sets the screen space position of the light source. * * @deprecated Use lightPosition instead. * @param {Vector2} value - The position. */ setLightPosition(value) { this.uniforms.lightPosition.value = value; } /** * The density. * * @type {Number} */ get density() { return this.uniforms.density.value; } set density(value) { this.uniforms.density.value = value; } /** * Returns the density. * * @deprecated Use density instead. * @return {Number} The density. */ getDensity() { return this.uniforms.density.value; } /** * Sets the density. * * @deprecated Use density instead. * @param {Number} value - The density. */ setDensity(value) { this.uniforms.density.value = value; } /** * The decay. * * @type {Number} */ get decay() { return this.uniforms.decay.value; } set decay(value) { this.uniforms.decay.value = value; } /** * Returns the decay. * * @deprecated Use decay instead. * @return {Number} The decay. */ getDecay() { return this.uniforms.decay.value; } /** * Sets the decay. * * @deprecated Use decay instead. * @param {Number} value - The decay. */ setDecay(value) { this.uniforms.decay.value = value; } /** * The weight. * * @type {Number} */ get weight() { return this.uniforms.weight.value; } set weight(value) { this.uniforms.weight.value = value; } /** * Returns the weight. * * @deprecated Use weight instead. * @return {Number} The weight. */ getWeight() { return this.uniforms.weight.value; } /** * Sets the weight. * * @deprecated Use weight instead. * @param {Number} value - The weight. */ setWeight(value) { this.uniforms.weight.value = value; } /** * The exposure. * * @type {Number} */ get exposure() { return this.uniforms.exposure.value; } set exposure(value) { this.uniforms.exposure.value = value; } /** * Returns the exposure. * * @deprecated Use exposure instead. * @return {Number} The exposure. */ getExposure() { return this.uniforms.exposure.value; } /** * Sets the exposure. * * @deprecated Use exposure instead. * @param {Number} value - The exposure. */ setExposure(value) { this.uniforms.exposure.value = value; } /** * The maximum light intensity. * * @type {Number} */ get maxIntensity() { return this.uniforms.clampMax.value; } set maxIntensity(value) { this.uniforms.clampMax.value = value; } /** * Returns the maximum light intensity. * * @deprecated Use maxIntensity instead. * @return {Number} The maximum light intensity. */ getMaxIntensity() { return this.uniforms.clampMax.value; } /** * Sets the maximum light intensity. * * @deprecated Use maxIntensity instead. * @param {Number} value - The maximum light intensity. */ setMaxIntensity(value) { this.uniforms.clampMax.value = value; } /** * The amount of samples per pixel. * * @type {Number} */ get samples() { return Number(this.defines.SAMPLES_INT); } set samples(value) { const s = Math.floor(value); this.defines.SAMPLES_INT = s.toFixed(0); this.defines.SAMPLES_FLOAT = s.toFixed(1); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the amount of samples per pixel. * * @deprecated Use samples instead. * @return {Number} The sample count. */ getSamples() { return this.samples; } /** * Sets the amount of samples per pixel. * * @deprecated Use samples instead. * @param {Number} value - The sample count. */ setSamples(value) { this.samples = value; } }; // src/passes/RenderPass.js var RenderPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new render pass. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to use to render the scene. * @param {Material} [overrideMaterial=null] - An override material. */ constructor(scene, camera, overrideMaterial = null) { super("RenderPass", scene, camera); this.needsSwap = false; this.clearPass = new ClearPass(); this.overrideMaterialManager = overrideMaterial === null ? null : new OverrideMaterialManager(overrideMaterial); this.ignoreBackground = false; this.skipShadowMapUpdate = false; this.selection = null; } set mainScene(value) { this.scene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; } get renderToScreen() { return super.renderToScreen; } set renderToScreen(value) { super.renderToScreen = value; this.clearPass.renderToScreen = value; } /** * The current override material. * * @type {Material} */ get overrideMaterial() { const manager = this.overrideMaterialManager; return manager !== null ? manager.material : null; } set overrideMaterial(value) { const manager = this.overrideMaterialManager; if (value !== null) { if (manager !== null) { manager.setMaterial(value); } else { this.overrideMaterialManager = new OverrideMaterialManager(value); } } else if (manager !== null) { manager.dispose(); this.overrideMaterialManager = null; } } /** * Returns the current override material. * * @deprecated Use overrideMaterial instead. * @return {Material} The material. */ getOverrideMaterial() { return this.overrideMaterial; } /** * Sets the override material. * * @deprecated Use overrideMaterial instead. * @return {Material} value - The material. */ setOverrideMaterial(value) { this.overrideMaterial = value; } /** * Indicates whether the target buffer should be cleared before rendering. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use clearPass.enabled instead. */ get clear() { return this.clearPass.enabled; } set clear(value) { this.clearPass.enabled = value; } /** * Returns the selection. Default is `null` (no restriction). * * @deprecated Use selection instead. * @return {Selection} The selection. */ getSelection() { return this.selection; } /** * Sets the selection. Set to `null` to disable. * * @deprecated Use selection instead. * @param {Selection} value - The selection. */ setSelection(value) { this.selection = value; } /** * Indicates whether the scene background is disabled. * * @deprecated Use ignoreBackground instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the scene background is disabled. */ isBackgroundDisabled() { return this.ignoreBackground; } /** * Enables or disables the scene background. * * @deprecated Use ignoreBackground instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the scene background should be disabled. */ setBackgroundDisabled(value) { this.ignoreBackground = value; } /** * Indicates whether the shadow map auto update is disabled. * * @deprecated Use skipShadowMapUpdate instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the shadow map update is disabled. */ isShadowMapDisabled() { return this.skipShadowMapUpdate; } /** * Enables or disables the shadow map auto update. * * @deprecated Use skipShadowMapUpdate instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the shadow map auto update should be disabled. */ setShadowMapDisabled(value) { this.skipShadowMapUpdate = value; } /** * Returns the clear pass. * * @deprecated Use clearPass.enabled instead. * @return {ClearPass} The clear pass. */ getClearPass() { return this.clearPass; } /** * Renders the scene. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const selection = this.selection; const mask = camera.layers.mask; const background = scene.background; const shadowMapAutoUpdate = renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate; const renderTarget = this.renderToScreen ? null : inputBuffer; if (selection !== null) { camera.layers.set(selection.getLayer()); } if (this.skipShadowMapUpdate) { renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = false; } if (this.ignoreBackground || this.clearPass.overrideClearColor !== null) { scene.background = null; } if (this.clearPass.enabled) { this.clearPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer); } renderer.setRenderTarget(renderTarget); if (this.overrideMaterialManager !== null) { this.overrideMaterialManager.render(renderer, scene, camera); } else { renderer.render(scene, camera); } camera.layers.mask = mask; scene.background = background; renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = shadowMapAutoUpdate; } }; // src/effects/glsl/god-rays.frag var god_rays_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D map;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D map;\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){outputColor=texture2D(map,uv);}"; // src/effects/GodRaysEffect.js var v = /* @__PURE__ */ new import_three34.Vector3(); var m = /* @__PURE__ */ new import_three34.Matrix4(); var GodRaysEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new god rays effect. * * @param {Camera} [camera] - The main camera. * @param {Mesh|Points} [lightSource] - The light source. Must not write depth and has to be flagged as transparent. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SCREEN] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.samples=60.0] - The number of samples per pixel. * @param {Number} [options.density=0.96] - The density of the light rays. * @param {Number} [options.decay=0.9] - An illumination decay factor. * @param {Number} [options.weight=0.4] - A light ray weight factor. * @param {Number} [options.exposure=0.6] - A constant attenuation coefficient. * @param {Number} [options.clampMax=1.0] - An upper bound for the saturation of the overall effect. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.SMALL] - The blur kernel size. Has no effect if blur is disabled. * @param {Boolean} [options.blur=true] - Whether the god rays should be blurred to reduce artifacts. */ constructor(camera, lightSource, { blendFunction = BlendFunction.SCREEN, samples = 60, density = 0.96, decay = 0.9, weight = 0.4, exposure = 0.6, clampMax = 1, blur = true, kernelSize = KernelSize.SMALL, resolutionScale = 0.5, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("GodRaysEffect", god_rays_default, { blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.DEPTH, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["map", new import_three34.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this.camera = camera; this._lightSource = lightSource; this.lightSource = lightSource; this.lightScene = new import_three34.Scene(); this.screenPosition = new import_three34.Vector2(); this.renderTargetA = new import_three34.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetA.texture.name = "GodRays.Target.A"; this.renderTargetB = this.renderTargetA.clone(); this.renderTargetB.texture.name = "GodRays.Target.B"; this.uniforms.get("map").value = this.renderTargetB.texture; this.renderTargetLight = new import_three34.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1); this.renderTargetLight.texture.name = "GodRays.Light"; this.renderTargetLight.depthTexture = new import_three34.DepthTexture(); this.renderPassLight = new RenderPass(this.lightScene, camera); this.renderPassLight.clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three34.Color(0); this.clearPass = new ClearPass(true, false, false); this.clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three34.Color(0); this.blurPass = new KawaseBlurPass({ kernelSize }); this.blurPass.enabled = blur; this.depthMaskPass = new ShaderPass(new DepthMaskMaterial()); const depthMaskMaterial = this.depthMaskMaterial; depthMaskMaterial.depthBuffer1 = this.renderTargetLight.depthTexture; depthMaskMaterial.copyCameraSettings(camera); this.godRaysPass = new ShaderPass(new GodRaysMaterial(this.screenPosition)); const godRaysMaterial = this.godRaysMaterial; godRaysMaterial.density = density; godRaysMaterial.decay = decay; godRaysMaterial.weight = weight; godRaysMaterial.exposure = exposure; godRaysMaterial.maxIntensity = clampMax; godRaysMaterial.samples = samples; const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; this.renderPassLight.mainCamera = value; this.depthMaskMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * Sets the light source. * * @type {Mesh|Points} */ get lightSource() { return this._lightSource; } set lightSource(value) { this._lightSource = value; if (value !== null) { value.material.depthWrite = false; value.material.transparent = true; } } /** * Returns the blur pass that reduces aliasing artifacts and makes the light softer. * * @deprecated Use blurPass instead. * @return {KawaseBlurPass} The blur pass. */ getBlurPass() { return this.blurPass; } /** * A texture that contains the intermediate result of this effect. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTargetB.texture; } /** * Returns the god rays texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.texture; } /** * The depth mask material. * * @type {DepthMaskMaterial} * @private */ get depthMaskMaterial() { return this.depthMaskPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * The internal god rays material. * * @type {GodRaysMaterial} */ get godRaysMaterial() { return this.godRaysPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Returns the god rays material. * * @deprecated Use godRaysMaterial instead. * @return {GodRaysMaterial} The material. */ getGodRaysMaterial() { return this.godRaysMaterial; } /** * Returns the resolution of this effect. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {GodRaysMaterial} The material. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * The current width of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.width instead. */ get width() { return this.resolution.width; } set width(value) { this.resolution.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The current height of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.height instead. */ get height() { return this.resolution.height; } set height(value) { this.resolution.preferredHeight = value; } /** * Indicates whether dithering is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated */ get dithering() { return this.godRaysMaterial.dithering; } set dithering(value) { const material = this.godRaysMaterial; material.dithering = value; material.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether the god rays should be blurred to reduce artifacts. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use blurPass.enabled instead. */ get blur() { return this.blurPass.enabled; } set blur(value) { this.blurPass.enabled = value; } /** * The blur kernel size. * * @type {KernelSize} * @deprecated Use blurPass.kernelSize instead. */ get kernelSize() { return this.blurPass.kernelSize; } set kernelSize(value) { this.blurPass.kernelSize = value; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * The number of samples per pixel. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use godRaysMaterial.samples instead. */ get samples() { return this.godRaysMaterial.samples; } /** * A higher sample count improves quality at the cost of performance. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use godRaysMaterial.samples instead. */ set samples(value) { this.godRaysMaterial.samples = value; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {Number} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three34.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthMaskPass.fullscreenMaterial.depthBuffer0 = depthTexture; this.depthMaskPass.fullscreenMaterial.depthPacking0 = depthPacking; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const lightSource = this.lightSource; const parent = lightSource.parent; const matrixAutoUpdate = lightSource.matrixAutoUpdate; const renderTargetA = this.renderTargetA; const renderTargetLight = this.renderTargetLight; lightSource.material.depthWrite = true; lightSource.matrixAutoUpdate = false; lightSource.updateWorldMatrix(true, false); if (parent !== null) { if (!matrixAutoUpdate) { m.copy(lightSource.matrix); } lightSource.matrix.copy(lightSource.matrixWorld); } this.lightScene.add(lightSource); this.renderPassLight.render(renderer, renderTargetLight); this.clearPass.render(renderer, renderTargetA); this.depthMaskPass.render(renderer, renderTargetLight, renderTargetA); lightSource.material.depthWrite = false; lightSource.matrixAutoUpdate = matrixAutoUpdate; if (parent !== null) { if (!matrixAutoUpdate) { lightSource.matrix.copy(m); } parent.add(lightSource); } v.setFromMatrixPosition(lightSource.matrixWorld).project(this.camera); this.screenPosition.set( Math.min(Math.max((v.x + 1) * 0.5, -1), 2), Math.min(Math.max((v.y + 1) * 0.5, -1), 2) ); if (this.blurPass.enabled) { this.blurPass.render(renderer, renderTargetA, renderTargetA); } this.godRaysPass.render(renderer, renderTargetA, this.renderTargetB); } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.renderTargetA.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetB.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetLight.setSize(w, h); this.blurPass.resolution.copy(resolution); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.blurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.renderPassLight.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.depthMaskPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.godRaysPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTargetA.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetB.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetLight.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three34.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTargetA.texture.colorSpace = import_three34.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetB.texture.colorSpace = import_three34.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetLight.texture.colorSpace = import_three34.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/effects/GridEffect.js var import_three35 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/grid.frag var grid_default = "uniform vec2 scale;uniform float lineWidth;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){float grid=0.5-max(abs(mod(uv.x*scale.x,1.0)-0.5),abs(mod(uv.y*scale.y,1.0)-0.5));outputColor=vec4(vec3(smoothstep(0.0,lineWidth,grid)),inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/GridEffect.js var GridEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new grid effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.OVERLAY] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.scale=1.0] - The scale of the grid pattern. * @param {Number} [options.lineWidth=0.0] - The line width of the grid pattern. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.OVERLAY, scale = 1, lineWidth = 0 } = {}) { super("GridEffect", grid_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["scale", new import_three35.Uniform(new import_three35.Vector2())], ["lineWidth", new import_three35.Uniform(lineWidth)] ]) }); this.resolution = new import_three35.Vector2(); this.s = 0; this.scale = scale; this.l = 0; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; } /** * The scale. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.s; } set scale(value) { this.s = Math.max(value, 1e-6); this.setSize(this.resolution.width, this.resolution.height); } /** * Returns the current grid scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @return {Number} The grid scale. */ getScale() { return this.scale; } /** * Sets the grid scale. * * @deprecated Use scale instead. * @param {Number} value - The new grid scale. */ setScale(value) { this.scale = value; } /** * The line width. * * @type {Number} */ get lineWidth() { return this.l; } set lineWidth(value) { this.l = value; this.setSize(this.resolution.width, this.resolution.height); } /** * Returns the current grid line width. * * @deprecated Use lineWidth instead. * @return {Number} The grid line width. */ getLineWidth() { return this.lineWidth; } /** * Sets the grid line width. * * @deprecated Use lineWidth instead. * @param {Number} value - The new grid line width. */ setLineWidth(value) { this.lineWidth = value; } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.resolution.set(width, height); const aspect = width / height; const scale = this.scale * (height * 0.125); this.uniforms.get("scale").value.set(aspect * scale, scale); this.uniforms.get("lineWidth").value = scale / height + this.lineWidth; } }; // src/effects/HueSaturationEffect.js var import_three36 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/hue-saturation.frag var hue_saturation_default = "uniform vec3 hue;uniform float saturation;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 color=vec3(dot(inputColor.rgb,hue.xyz),dot(inputColor.rgb,hue.zxy),dot(inputColor.rgb,hue.yzx));float average=(color.r+color.g+color.b)/3.0;vec3 diff=average-color;if(saturation>0.0){color+=diff*(1.0-1.0/(1.001-saturation));}else{color+=diff*-saturation;}outputColor=vec4(min(color,1.0),inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/HueSaturationEffect.js var HueSaturationEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new hue/saturation effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.hue=0.0] - The hue in radians. * @param {Number} [options.saturation=0.0] - The saturation factor, ranging from -1 to 1, where 0 means no change. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, hue = 0, saturation = 0 } = {}) { super("HueSaturationEffect", hue_saturation_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["hue", new import_three36.Uniform(new import_three36.Vector3())], ["saturation", new import_three36.Uniform(saturation)] ]) }); this.hue = hue; } /** * The saturation. * * @type {Number} */ get saturation() { return this.uniforms.get("saturation").value; } set saturation(value) { this.uniforms.get("saturation").value = value; } /** * Returns the saturation. * * @deprecated Use saturation instead. * @return {Number} The saturation. */ getSaturation() { return this.saturation; } /** * Sets the saturation. * * @deprecated Use saturation instead. * @param {Number} value - The saturation. */ setSaturation(value) { this.saturation = value; } /** * The hue. * * @type {Number} */ get hue() { const hue = this.uniforms.get("hue").value; return Math.acos((hue.x * 3 - 1) / 2); } set hue(value) { const s = Math.sin(value), c2 = Math.cos(value); this.uniforms.get("hue").value.set( (2 * c2 + 1) / 3, (-Math.sqrt(3) * s - c2 + 1) / 3, (Math.sqrt(3) * s - c2 + 1) / 3 ); } /** * Returns the hue. * * @deprecated Use hue instead. * @return {Number} The hue in radians. */ getHue() { return this.hue; } /** * Sets the hue. * * @deprecated Use hue instead. * @param {Number} value - The hue in radians. */ setHue(value) { this.hue = value; } }; // src/effects/LensDistortionEffect.js var import_three37 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/lens-distortion.frag var lens_distortion_default = "uniform vec2 distortion;uniform vec2 principalPoint;uniform vec2 focalLength;uniform float skew;float mask(const in vec2 uv){return float(uv.s>=0.0&&uv.s<=1.0&&uv.t>=0.0&&uv.t<=1.0);}void mainUv(inout vec2 uv){vec2 xn=2.0*(uv.st-0.5);vec3 xDistorted=vec3((1.0+distortion*dot(xn,xn))*xn,1.0);mat3 kk=mat3(vec3(focalLength.x,0.0,0.0),vec3(skew*focalLength.x,focalLength.y,0.0),vec3(principalPoint.x,principalPoint.y,1.0));uv=(kk*xDistorted).xy*0.5+0.5;}void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){outputColor=mask(uv)*inputColor;}"; // src/effects/LensDistortionEffect.js var LensDistortionEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new lens distortion effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Vector2} [options.distortion] - The distortion value. * @param {Vector2} [options.principalPoint] - The center point. * @param {Vector2} [options.focalLength] - The focal length. * @param {Number} [options.skew=0] - The skew value. */ constructor({ distortion = new import_three37.Vector2(0, 0), principalPoint = new import_three37.Vector2(0, 0), focalLength = new import_three37.Vector2(1, 1), skew = 0 } = {}) { super("LensDistortionEffect", lens_distortion_default, { uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["distortion", new import_three37.Uniform(distortion)], ["principalPoint", new import_three37.Uniform(principalPoint)], ["focalLength", new import_three37.Uniform(focalLength)], ["skew", new import_three37.Uniform(skew)] ]) }); } /** * The radial distortion coefficients. Default is (0, 0). * * @type {Vector2} */ get distortion() { return this.uniforms.get("distortion").value; } set distortion(value) { this.uniforms.get("distortion").value = value; } /** * The principal point. Default is (0, 0). * * @type {Vector2} */ get principalPoint() { return this.uniforms.get("principalPoint").value; } set principalPoint(value) { this.uniforms.get("principalPoint").value = value; } /** * The focal length. Default is (1, 1). * * @type {Vector2} */ get focalLength() { return this.uniforms.get("focalLength").value; } set focalLength(value) { this.uniforms.get("focalLength").value = value; } /** * The skew factor in radians. * * @type {Number} */ get skew() { return this.uniforms.get("skew").value; } set skew(value) { this.uniforms.get("skew").value = value; } }; // src/effects/LUT1DEffect.js var import_three38 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/lut-1d.frag var lut_1d_default = "#ifdef LUT_PRECISION_HIGH\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D lut;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D lut;\n#endif\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D lut;\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){outputColor=vec4(texture2D(lut,vec2(inputColor.r,0.5)).r,texture2D(lut,vec2(inputColor.g,0.5)).r,texture2D(lut,vec2(inputColor.b,0.5)).r,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/LUT1DEffect.js var LUT1DEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new color grading effect. * * @param {Texture} lut - The lookup texture. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. */ constructor(lut, { blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC } = {}) { super("LUT1DEffect", lut_1d_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["lut", new import_three38.Uniform(null)]]) }); this.lut = lut; } /** * The LUT. * * @type {Texture} */ get lut() { return this.uniforms.get("lut").value; } set lut(value) { this.uniforms.get("lut").value = value; if (value !== null && (value.type === import_three38.FloatType || value.type === import_three38.HalfFloatType)) { this.defines.set("LUT_PRECISION_HIGH", "1"); } } }; // src/effects/LUT3DEffect.js var import_three40 = require("three"); // src/textures/lut/LookupTexture.js var import_three39 = require("three"); // src/enums/LUTOperation.js var LUTOperation = { SCALE_UP: "lut.scaleup" }; // src/textures/RawImageData.js function createCanvas(width, height, data) { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; if (data instanceof Image) { context.drawImage(data, 0, 0); } else { const imageData = context.createImageData(width, height); imageData.data.set(data); context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } return canvas; } var RawImageData = class _RawImageData { /** * Constructs a new image data container. * * @param {Number} [width=0] - The width of the image. * @param {Number} [height=0] - The height of the image. * @param {Uint8ClampedArray} [data=null] - The image data. */ constructor(width = 0, height = 0, data = null) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.data = data; } /** * Creates a canvas from this image data. * * @return {Canvas} The canvas, or null if it couldn't be created. */ toCanvas() { return typeof document === "undefined" ? null : createCanvas(this.width, this.height, this.data); } /** * Creates a new image data container. * * @param {ImageData|Image} image - An image or plain image data. * @return {RawImageData} The image data. */ static from(image) { const { width, height } = image; let data; if (image instanceof Image) { const canvas = createCanvas(width, height, image); if (canvas !== null) { const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); data = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data; } } else { data = image.data; } return new _RawImageData(width, height, data); } }; // tmp/lut/worker.txt var worker_default = '"use strict";(()=>{var O={SCALE_UP:"lut.scaleup"};var _=[new Float32Array(3),new Float32Array(3)],n=[new Float32Array(3),new Float32Array(3),new Float32Array(3),new Float32Array(3)],Z=[[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([1,0,0]),new Float32Array([1,1,0]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])],[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([1,0,0]),new Float32Array([1,0,1]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])],[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([0,0,1]),new Float32Array([1,0,1]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])],[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([0,1,0]),new Float32Array([1,1,0]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])],[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([0,1,0]),new Float32Array([0,1,1]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])],[new Float32Array([0,0,0]),new Float32Array([0,0,1]),new Float32Array([0,1,1]),new Float32Array([1,1,1])]];function d(a,t,r,m){let i=r[0]-t[0],e=r[1]-t[1],y=r[2]-t[2],h=a[0]-t[0],A=a[1]-t[1],w=a[2]-t[2],c=e*w-y*A,l=y*h-i*w,x=i*A-e*h,u=Math.sqrt(c*c+l*l+x*x),b=u*.5,s=c/u,F=l/u,f=x/u,p=-(a[0]*s+a[1]*F+a[2]*f),M=m[0]*s+m[1]*F+m[2]*f;return Math.abs(M+p)*b/3}function V(a,t,r,m,i,e){let y=(r+m*t+i*t*t)*4;e[0]=a[y+0],e[1]=a[y+1],e[2]=a[y+2]}function k(a,t,r,m,i,e){let y=r*(t-1),h=m*(t-1),A=i*(t-1),w=Math.floor(y),c=Math.floor(h),l=Math.floor(A),x=Math.ceil(y),u=Math.ceil(h),b=Math.ceil(A),s=y-w,F=h-c,f=A-l;if(w===y&&c===h&&l===A)V(a,t,y,h,A,e);else{let p;s>=F&&F>=f?p=Z[0]:s>=f&&f>=F?p=Z[1]:f>=s&&s>=F?p=Z[2]:F>=s&&s>=f?p=Z[3]:F>=f&&f>=s?p=Z[4]:f>=F&&F>=s&&(p=Z[5]);let[M,g,X,Y]=p,P=_[0];P[0]=s,P[1]=F,P[2]=f;let o=_[1],L=x-w,S=u-c,U=b-l;o[0]=L*M[0]+w,o[1]=S*M[1]+c,o[2]=U*M[2]+l,V(a,t,o[0],o[1],o[2],n[0]),o[0]=L*g[0]+w,o[1]=S*g[1]+c,o[2]=U*g[2]+l,V(a,t,o[0],o[1],o[2],n[1]),o[0]=L*X[0]+w,o[1]=S*X[1]+c,o[2]=U*X[2]+l,V(a,t,o[0],o[1],o[2],n[2]),o[0]=L*Y[0]+w,o[1]=S*Y[1]+c,o[2]=U*Y[2]+l,V(a,t,o[0],o[1],o[2],n[3]);let T=d(g,X,Y,P)*6,q=d(M,X,Y,P)*6,C=d(M,g,Y,P)*6,E=d(M,g,X,P)*6;n[0][0]*=T,n[0][1]*=T,n[0][2]*=T,n[1][0]*=q,n[1][1]*=q,n[1][2]*=q,n[2][0]*=C,n[2][1]*=C,n[2][2]*=C,n[3][0]*=E,n[3][1]*=E,n[3][2]*=E,e[0]=n[0][0]+n[1][0]+n[2][0]+n[3][0],e[1]=n[0][1]+n[1][1]+n[2][1]+n[3][1],e[2]=n[0][2]+n[1][2]+n[2][2]+n[3][2]}}var v=class{static expand(t,r){let m=Math.cbrt(t.length/4),i=new Float32Array(3),e=new t.constructor(r**3*4),y=t instanceof Uint8Array?255:1,h=r**2,A=1/(r-1);for(let w=0;w{let t=a.data,r=t.data;switch(t.operation){case O.SCALE_UP:r=v.expand(r,t.size);break}postMessage(r,[r.buffer]),close()});})();\n'; // src/textures/lut/LookupTexture.js var c = /* @__PURE__ */ new import_three39.Color(); var LookupTexture = class _LookupTexture extends import_three39.Data3DTexture { /** * Constructs a cubic 3D lookup texture. * * @param {TypedArray} data - The pixel data. The default format is RGBA. * @param {Number} size - The sidelength. */ constructor(data, size) { super(data, size, size, size); this.type = import_three39.FloatType; this.format = import_three39.RGBAFormat; this.minFilter = import_three39.LinearFilter; this.magFilter = import_three39.LinearFilter; this.wrapS = import_three39.ClampToEdgeWrapping; this.wrapT = import_three39.ClampToEdgeWrapping; this.wrapR = import_three39.ClampToEdgeWrapping; this.unpackAlignment = 1; this.needsUpdate = true; this.colorSpace = import_three39.LinearSRGBColorSpace; this.domainMin = new import_three39.Vector3(0, 0, 0); this.domainMax = new import_three39.Vector3(1, 1, 1); } /** * Indicates that this is an instance of LookupTexture3D. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated */ get isLookupTexture3D() { return true; } /** * Scales this LUT up to a given target size using tetrahedral interpolation. * * @param {Number} size - The target sidelength. * @param {Boolean} [transferData=true] - Extra fast mode. Set to false to keep the original data intact. * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with a new LUT upon completion. */ scaleUp(size, transferData = true) { const image = this.image; let promise; if (size <= image.width) { promise = Promise.reject(new Error("The target size must be greater than the current size")); } else { promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const workerURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([worker_default], { type: "text/javascript" })); const worker = new Worker(workerURL); worker.addEventListener("error", (event) => reject(event.error)); worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { const lut = new _LookupTexture(event.data, size); this.colorSpace = lut.colorSpace; lut.type = this.type; lut.name = this.name; URL.revokeObjectURL(workerURL); resolve(lut); }); const transferList = transferData ? [image.data.buffer] : []; worker.postMessage({ operation: LUTOperation.SCALE_UP, data: image.data, size }, transferList); }); } return promise; } /** * Applies the given LUT to this one. * * @param {LookupTexture} lut - A LUT. Must have the same dimensions, type and format as this LUT. * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ applyLUT(lut) { const img0 = this.image; const img1 = lut.image; const size0 = Math.min(img0.width, img0.height, img0.depth); const size1 = Math.min(img1.width, img1.height, img1.depth); if (size0 !== size1) { console.error("Size mismatch"); } else if (lut.type !== import_three39.FloatType || this.type !== import_three39.FloatType) { console.error("Both LUTs must be FloatType textures"); } else if (lut.format !== import_three39.RGBAFormat || this.format !== import_three39.RGBAFormat) { console.error("Both LUTs must be RGBA textures"); } else { const data0 = img0.data; const data1 = img1.data; const size = size0; const sizeSq = size ** 2; const s = size - 1; for (let i = 0, l = size ** 3; i < l; ++i) { const i4 = i * 4; const r = data0[i4 + 0] * s; const g = data0[i4 + 1] * s; const b = data0[i4 + 2] * s; const iRGB = Math.round(r + g * size + b * sizeSq) * 4; data0[i4 + 0] = data1[iRGB + 0]; data0[i4 + 1] = data1[iRGB + 1]; data0[i4 + 2] = data1[iRGB + 2]; } this.needsUpdate = true; } return this; } /** * Converts the LUT data into unsigned byte data. * * This is a lossy operation which should only be performed after all other transformations have been applied. * * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ convertToUint8() { if (this.type === import_three39.FloatType) { const floatData = this.image.data; const uint8Data = new Uint8Array(floatData.length); for (let i = 0, l = floatData.length; i < l; ++i) { uint8Data[i] = floatData[i] * 255 + 0.5; } this.image.data = uint8Data; this.type = import_three39.UnsignedByteType; this.needsUpdate = true; } return this; } /** * Converts the LUT data into float data. * * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ convertToFloat() { if (this.type === import_three39.UnsignedByteType) { const uint8Data = this.image.data; const floatData = new Float32Array(uint8Data.length); for (let i = 0, l = uint8Data.length; i < l; ++i) { floatData[i] = uint8Data[i] / 255; } this.image.data = floatData; this.type = import_three39.FloatType; this.needsUpdate = true; } return this; } /** * Converts this LUT into RGBA data. * * @deprecated LUTs are RGBA by default since three r137. * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ convertToRGBA() { console.warn("LookupTexture", "convertToRGBA() is deprecated, LUTs are now RGBA by default"); return this; } /** * Converts the output of this LUT into sRGB color space. * * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ convertLinearToSRGB() { const data = this.image.data; if (this.type === import_three39.FloatType) { for (let i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i += 4) { c.fromArray(data, i).convertLinearToSRGB().toArray(data, i); } this.colorSpace = import_three39.SRGBColorSpace; this.needsUpdate = true; } else { console.error("Color space conversion requires FloatType data"); } return this; } /** * Converts the output of this LUT into linear color space. * * @return {LookupTexture} This texture. */ convertSRGBToLinear() { const data = this.image.data; if (this.type === import_three39.FloatType) { for (let i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i += 4) { c.fromArray(data, i).convertSRGBToLinear().toArray(data, i); } this.colorSpace = import_three39.LinearSRGBColorSpace; this.needsUpdate = true; } else { console.error("Color space conversion requires FloatType data"); } return this; } /** * Converts this LUT into a 2D data texture. * * Please note that custom input domains are not carried over to 2D textures. * * @return {DataTexture} The texture. */ toDataTexture() { const width = this.image.width; const height = this.image.height * this.image.depth; const texture = new import_three39.DataTexture(this.image.data, width, height); texture.name = this.name; texture.type = this.type; texture.format = this.format; texture.minFilter = import_three39.LinearFilter; texture.magFilter = import_three39.LinearFilter; texture.wrapS = this.wrapS; texture.wrapT = this.wrapT; texture.generateMipmaps = false; texture.needsUpdate = true; this.colorSpace = texture.colorSpace; return texture; } /** * Creates a new 3D LUT by copying a given LUT. * * Common image-based textures will be converted into 3D data textures. * * @param {Texture} texture - The LUT. Assumed to be cubic. * @return {LookupTexture} A new 3D LUT. */ static from(texture) { const image = texture.image; const { width, height } = image; const size = Math.min(width, height); let data; if (image instanceof Image) { const rawImageData = RawImageData.from(image); const src = rawImageData.data; if (width > height) { data = new Uint8Array(src.length); for (let z = 0; z < size; ++z) { for (let y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < size; ++x) { const i4 = (x + z * size + y * size * size) * 4; const j4 = (x + y * size + z * size * size) * 4; data[j4 + 0] = src[i4 + 0]; data[j4 + 1] = src[i4 + 1]; data[j4 + 2] = src[i4 + 2]; data[j4 + 3] = src[i4 + 3]; } } } } else { data = new Uint8Array(src.buffer); } } else { data = image.data.slice(); } const lut = new _LookupTexture(data, size); lut.type = texture.type; lut.name = texture.name; texture.colorSpace = lut.colorSpace; return lut; } /** * Creates a neutral 3D LUT. * * @param {Number} size - The sidelength. * @return {LookupTexture} A neutral 3D LUT. */ static createNeutral(size) { const data = new Float32Array(size ** 3 * 4); const sizeSq = size ** 2; const s = 1 / (size - 1); for (let r = 0; r < size; ++r) { for (let g = 0; g < size; ++g) { for (let b = 0; b < size; ++b) { const i4 = (r + g * size + b * sizeSq) * 4; data[i4 + 0] = r * s; data[i4 + 1] = g * s; data[i4 + 2] = b * s; data[i4 + 3] = 1; } } } const lut = new _LookupTexture(data, size); lut.name = "neutral"; return lut; } }; // src/effects/glsl/lut-3d.frag var lut_3d_default = "uniform vec3 scale;uniform vec3 offset;\n#ifdef CUSTOM_INPUT_DOMAIN\nuniform vec3 domainMin;uniform vec3 domainMax;\n#endif\n#ifdef LUT_3D\n#ifdef LUT_PRECISION_HIGH\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler3D lut;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler3D lut;\n#endif\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler3D lut;\n#endif\nvec4 applyLUT(const in vec3 rgb){\n#ifdef TETRAHEDRAL_INTERPOLATION\nvec3 p=floor(rgb);vec3 f=rgb-p;vec3 v1=(p+0.5)*LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH;vec3 v4=(p+1.5)*LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH;vec3 v2,v3;vec3 frac;if(f.r>=f.g){if(f.g>f.b){frac=f.rgb;v2=vec3(v4.x,v1.y,v1.z);v3=vec3(v4.x,v4.y,v1.z);}else if(f.r>=f.b){frac=f.rbg;v2=vec3(v4.x,v1.y,v1.z);v3=vec3(v4.x,v1.y,v4.z);}else{frac=f.brg;v2=vec3(v1.x,v1.y,v4.z);v3=vec3(v4.x,v1.y,v4.z);}}else{if(f.b>f.g){frac=f.bgr;v2=vec3(v1.x,v1.y,v4.z);v3=vec3(v1.x,v4.y,v4.z);}else if(f.r>=f.b){frac=f.grb;v2=vec3(v1.x,v4.y,v1.z);v3=vec3(v4.x,v4.y,v1.z);}else{frac=f.gbr;v2=vec3(v1.x,v4.y,v1.z);v3=vec3(v1.x,v4.y,v4.z);}}vec4 n1=texture(lut,v1);vec4 n2=texture(lut,v2);vec4 n3=texture(lut,v3);vec4 n4=texture(lut,v4);vec4 weights=vec4(1.0-frac.x,frac.x-frac.y,frac.y-frac.z,frac.z);vec4 result=weights*mat4(vec4(n1.r,n2.r,n3.r,n4.r),vec4(n1.g,n2.g,n3.g,n4.g),vec4(n1.b,n2.b,n3.b,n4.b),vec4(1.0));return vec4(result.rgb,1.0);\n#else\nreturn texture(lut,rgb);\n#endif\n}\n#else\n#ifdef LUT_PRECISION_HIGH\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D lut;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D lut;\n#endif\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D lut;\n#endif\nvec4 applyLUT(const in vec3 rgb){float slice=rgb.b*LUT_SIZE;float slice0=floor(slice);float interp=slice-slice0;float centeredInterp=interp-0.5;float slice1=slice0+sign(centeredInterp);\n#ifdef LUT_STRIP_HORIZONTAL\nfloat xOffset=clamp(rgb.r*LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT,LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH*0.5,LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT-LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH*0.5);vec2 uv0=vec2(slice0*LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT+xOffset,rgb.g);vec2 uv1=vec2(slice1*LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT+xOffset,rgb.g);\n#else\nfloat yOffset=clamp(rgb.g*LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH,LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT*0.5,LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH-LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT*0.5);vec2 uv0=vec2(rgb.r,slice0*LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH+yOffset);vec2 uv1=vec2(rgb.r,slice1*LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH+yOffset);\n#endif\nvec4 sample0=texture2D(lut,uv0);vec4 sample1=texture2D(lut,uv1);return mix(sample0,sample1,abs(centeredInterp));}\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 c=inputColor.rgb;\n#ifdef CUSTOM_INPUT_DOMAIN\nif(c.r>=domainMin.r&&c.g>=domainMin.g&&c.b>=domainMin.b&&c.r<=domainMax.r&&c.g<=domainMax.g&&c.b<=domainMax.b){c=applyLUT(scale*c+offset).rgb;}else{c=inputColor.rgb;}\n#else\n#if !defined(LUT_3D) || defined(TETRAHEDRAL_INTERPOLATION)\nc=clamp(c,0.0,1.0);\n#endif\nc=applyLUT(scale*c+offset).rgb;\n#endif\noutputColor=vec4(c,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/LUT3DEffect.js var LUT3DEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new color grading effect. * * @param {Texture} lut - The lookup texture. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Boolean} [options.tetrahedralInterpolation=false] - Enables or disables tetrahedral interpolation. * @param {ColorSpace} [options.inputColorSpace=SRGBColorSpace] - The input color space. */ constructor(lut, { blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, tetrahedralInterpolation = false, inputColorSpace = import_three40.SRGBColorSpace } = {}) { super("LUT3DEffect", lut_3d_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["lut", new import_three40.Uniform(null)], ["scale", new import_three40.Uniform(new import_three40.Vector3())], ["offset", new import_three40.Uniform(new import_three40.Vector3())], ["domainMin", new import_three40.Uniform(null)], ["domainMax", new import_three40.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this.tetrahedralInterpolation = tetrahedralInterpolation; this.inputColorSpace = inputColorSpace; this.lut = lut; } /** * The LUT. * * @type {Texture} */ get lut() { return this.uniforms.get("lut").value; } set lut(value) { const defines = this.defines; const uniforms = this.uniforms; if (this.lut !== value) { uniforms.get("lut").value = value; if (value !== null) { const image = value.image; const tetrahedralInterpolation = this.tetrahedralInterpolation; defines.clear(); defines.set("LUT_SIZE", Math.min(image.width, image.height).toFixed(16)); defines.set("LUT_TEXEL_WIDTH", (1 / image.width).toFixed(16)); defines.set("LUT_TEXEL_HEIGHT", (1 / image.height).toFixed(16)); uniforms.get("domainMin").value = null; uniforms.get("domainMax").value = null; if (value.type === import_three40.FloatType || value.type === import_three40.HalfFloatType) { defines.set("LUT_PRECISION_HIGH", "1"); } if (image.width > image.height) { defines.set("LUT_STRIP_HORIZONTAL", "1"); } else if (value instanceof import_three40.Data3DTexture) { defines.set("LUT_3D", "1"); } if (value instanceof LookupTexture) { const min = value.domainMin; const max = value.domainMax; if (min.x !== 0 || min.y !== 0 || min.z !== 0 || max.x !== 1 || max.y !== 1 || max.z !== 1) { defines.set("CUSTOM_INPUT_DOMAIN", "1"); uniforms.get("domainMin").value = min.clone(); uniforms.get("domainMax").value = max.clone(); } } this.tetrahedralInterpolation = tetrahedralInterpolation; } } } /** * Returns the current LUT. * * @deprecated Use lut instead. * @return {Texture} The LUT. */ getLUT() { return this.lut; } /** * Sets the LUT. * * @deprecated Use lut instead. * @param {Texture} value - The LUT. */ setLUT(value) { this.lut = value; } /** * Updates the scale and offset for the LUT sampling coordinates. * * @private */ updateScaleOffset() { const lut = this.lut; if (lut !== null) { const size = Math.min(lut.image.width, lut.image.height); const scale = this.uniforms.get("scale").value; const offset = this.uniforms.get("offset").value; if (this.tetrahedralInterpolation && lut instanceof import_three40.Data3DTexture) { if (this.defines.has("CUSTOM_INPUT_DOMAIN")) { const domainScale = lut.domainMax.clone().sub(lut.domainMin); scale.setScalar(size - 1).divide(domainScale); offset.copy(lut.domainMin).negate().multiply(scale); } else { scale.setScalar(size - 1); offset.setScalar(0); } } else { if (this.defines.has("CUSTOM_INPUT_DOMAIN")) { const domainScale = lut.domainMax.clone().sub(lut.domainMin).multiplyScalar(size); scale.setScalar(size - 1).divide(domainScale); offset.copy(lut.domainMin).negate().multiply(scale).addScalar(1 / (2 * size)); } else { scale.setScalar((size - 1) / size); offset.setScalar(1 / (2 * size)); } } } } /** * Configures parameters for tetrahedral interpolation. * * @private */ configureTetrahedralInterpolation() { const lut = this.lut; if (lut !== null) { lut.minFilter = import_three40.LinearFilter; lut.magFilter = import_three40.LinearFilter; if (this.tetrahedralInterpolation) { if (lut instanceof import_three40.Data3DTexture) { lut.minFilter = import_three40.NearestFilter; lut.magFilter = import_three40.NearestFilter; } else { console.warn("Tetrahedral interpolation requires a 3D texture"); } } lut.needsUpdate = true; } } /** * Indicates whether tetrahedral interpolation is enabled. Requires a 3D LUT, disabled by default. * * Tetrahedral interpolation produces highly accurate results but is slower than hardware interpolation. * * @type {Boolean} */ get tetrahedralInterpolation() { return this.defines.has("TETRAHEDRAL_INTERPOLATION"); } set tetrahedralInterpolation(value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("TETRAHEDRAL_INTERPOLATION", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("TETRAHEDRAL_INTERPOLATION"); } this.configureTetrahedralInterpolation(); this.updateScaleOffset(); this.setChanged(); } /** * Enables or disables tetrahedral interpolation. * * @deprecated Use tetrahedralInterpolation instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether tetrahedral interpolation should be enabled. */ setTetrahedralInterpolationEnabled(value) { this.tetrahedralInterpolation = value; } }; // src/enums/DepthCopyMode.js var DepthCopyMode = { FULL: 0, SINGLE: 1 }; // src/enums/EdgeDetectionMode.js var EdgeDetectionMode = { DEPTH: 0, LUMA: 1, COLOR: 2 }; // src/enums/PredicationMode.js var PredicationMode = { DISABLED: 0, DEPTH: 1, CUSTOM: 2 }; // src/enums/SMAAPreset.js var SMAAPreset = { LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 1, HIGH: 2, ULTRA: 3 }; // src/enums/ToneMappingMode.js var ToneMappingMode = { LINEAR: 0, REINHARD: 1, REINHARD2: 2, REINHARD2_ADAPTIVE: 3, UNCHARTED2: 4, OPTIMIZED_CINEON: 5, CINEON: 5, ACES_FILMIC: 6, AGX: 7, NEUTRAL: 8 }; // src/enums/VignetteTechnique.js var VignetteTechnique = { DEFAULT: 0, ESKIL: 1 }; // src/enums/WebGLExtension.js var WebGLExtension = { DERIVATIVES: "derivatives", FRAG_DEPTH: "fragDepth", DRAW_BUFFERS: "drawBuffers", SHADER_TEXTURE_LOD: "shaderTextureLOD" }; // src/effects/glsl/noise.frag var noise_default = "void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 noise=vec3(rand(uv*(1.0+time)));\n#ifdef PREMULTIPLY\noutputColor=vec4(min(inputColor.rgb*noise,vec3(1.0)),inputColor.a);\n#else\noutputColor=vec4(noise,inputColor.a);\n#endif\n}"; // src/effects/NoiseEffect.js var NoiseEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new noise effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SCREEN] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Boolean} [options.premultiply=false] - Whether the noise should be multiplied with the input colors prior to blending. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SCREEN, premultiply = false } = {}) { super("NoiseEffect", noise_default, { blendFunction }); this.premultiply = premultiply; } /** * Indicates whether noise will be multiplied with the input colors prior to blending. * * @type {Boolean} */ get premultiply() { return this.defines.has("PREMULTIPLY"); } set premultiply(value) { if (this.premultiply !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("PREMULTIPLY", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("PREMULTIPLY"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether noise will be multiplied with the input colors prior to blending. * * @deprecated Use premultiply instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether noise is premultiplied. */ isPremultiplied() { return this.premultiply; } /** * Controls whether noise should be multiplied with the input colors prior to blending. * * @deprecated Use premultiply instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether noise should be premultiplied. */ setPremultiplied(value) { this.premultiply = value; } }; // src/effects/OutlineEffect.js var import_three44 = require("three"); // src/materials/DepthComparisonMaterial.js var import_three41 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/depth-comparison.frag var depth_comparison_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform float cameraNear;uniform float cameraFar;centroid varying float vViewZ;centroid varying vec4 vProjTexCoord;void main(){\n#include \nvec2 projTexCoord=(vProjTexCoord.xy/vProjTexCoord.w)*0.5+0.5;projTexCoord=clamp(projTexCoord,0.002,0.998);\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nfloat fragCoordZ=unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer,projTexCoord));\n#else\nfloat fragCoordZ=texture2D(depthBuffer,projTexCoord).r;\n#endif\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nfloat viewZ=perspectiveDepthToViewZ(fragCoordZ,cameraNear,cameraFar);\n#else\nfloat viewZ=orthographicDepthToViewZ(fragCoordZ,cameraNear,cameraFar);\n#endif\nfloat depthTest=(-vViewZ>-viewZ)?1.0:0.0;gl_FragColor.rg=vec2(0.0,depthTest);}"; // src/materials/glsl/depth-comparison.vert var depth_comparison_default2 = "#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \nvarying float vViewZ;varying vec4 vProjTexCoord;void main(){\n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \nvViewZ=mvPosition.z;vProjTexCoord=gl_Position;\n#include \n}"; // src/materials/DepthComparisonMaterial.js var DepthComparisonMaterial = class extends import_three41.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new depth comparison material. * * @param {Texture} [depthTexture=null] - A depth texture. * @param {PerspectiveCamera} [camera] - A camera. */ constructor(depthTexture = null, camera) { super({ name: "DepthComparisonMaterial", defines: { DEPTH_PACKING: "0" }, uniforms: { depthBuffer: new import_three41.Uniform(null), cameraNear: new import_three41.Uniform(0.3), cameraFar: new import_three41.Uniform(1e3) }, blending: import_three41.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: depth_comparison_default, vertexShader: depth_comparison_default2 }); this.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.depthPacking = import_three41.RGBADepthPacking; this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * The depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set depthBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer.value = value; } /** * The depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ set depthPacking(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer and depthPacking instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=RGBADepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer(buffer, depthPacking = import_three41.RGBADepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer = buffer; this.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @deprecated Use copyCameraSettings instead. * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ adoptCameraSettings(camera) { this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ copyCameraSettings(camera) { if (camera) { this.uniforms.cameraNear.value = camera.near; this.uniforms.cameraFar.value = camera.far; if (camera instanceof import_three41.PerspectiveCamera) { this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA; } this.needsUpdate = true; } } }; // src/materials/OutlineMaterial.js var import_three42 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/outline.frag var outline_default = "uniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;void main(){vec2 c0=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv0).rg;vec2 c1=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv1).rg;vec2 c2=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv2).rg;vec2 c3=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv3).rg;float d0=(c0.x-c1.x)*0.5;float d1=(c2.x-c3.x)*0.5;float d=length(vec2(d0,d1));float a0=min(c0.y,c1.y);float a1=min(c2.y,c3.y);float visibilityFactor=min(a0,a1);gl_FragColor.rg=(1.0-visibilityFactor>0.001)?vec2(d,0.0):vec2(0.0,d);}"; // src/materials/glsl/outline.vert var outline_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;void main(){vec2 uv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vUv0=vec2(uv.x+texelSize.x,uv.y);vUv1=vec2(uv.x-texelSize.x,uv.y);vUv2=vec2(uv.x,uv.y+texelSize.y);vUv3=vec2(uv.x,uv.y-texelSize.y);gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/OutlineMaterial.js var OutlineMaterial = class extends import_three42.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new outline material. * * TODO Remove texelSize param. * @param {Vector2} [texelSize] - The screen texel size. */ constructor(texelSize = new import_three42.Vector2()) { super({ name: "OutlineMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three42.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three42.Uniform(new import_three42.Vector2()) }, blending: import_three42.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: outline_default, vertexShader: outline_default2 }); this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(texelSize.x, texelSize.y); this.uniforms.maskTexture = this.uniforms.inputBuffer; } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the texel size. * * @deprecated Use setSize() instead. * @param {Number} x - The texel width. * @param {Number} y - The texel height. */ setTexelSize(x, y) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(x, y); } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/passes/DepthPass.js var import_three43 = require("three"); var DepthPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new depth pass. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to use to render the scene. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} [options.renderTarget] - A custom render target. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=1.0] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor(scene, camera, { renderTarget, resolutionScale = 1, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("DepthPass"); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera, new import_three43.MeshDepthMaterial({ depthPacking: import_three43.RGBADepthPacking })); const renderPass = this.renderPass; renderPass.skipShadowMapUpdate = true; renderPass.ignoreBackground = true; const clearPass = renderPass.clearPass; clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three43.Color(16777215); clearPass.overrideClearAlpha = 1; this.renderTarget = renderTarget; if (this.renderTarget === void 0) { this.renderTarget = new import_three43.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { minFilter: import_three43.NearestFilter, magFilter: import_three43.NearestFilter }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "DepthPass.Target"; } const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } set mainScene(value) { this.renderPass.mainScene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.renderPass.mainCamera = value; } /** * The depth texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the depth texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * Renders the scene depth. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const renderTarget = this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget; this.renderPass.render(renderer, renderTarget); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); } }; // src/effects/glsl/outline.frag var outline_default3 = "uniform lowp sampler2D edgeTexture;uniform lowp sampler2D maskTexture;uniform vec3 visibleEdgeColor;uniform vec3 hiddenEdgeColor;uniform float pulse;uniform float edgeStrength;\n#ifdef USE_PATTERN\nuniform lowp sampler2D patternTexture;varying vec2 vUvPattern;\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec2 edge=texture2D(edgeTexture,uv).rg;vec2 mask=texture2D(maskTexture,uv).rg;\n#ifndef X_RAY\nedge.y=0.0;\n#endif\nedge*=(edgeStrength*mask.x*pulse);vec3 color=edge.x*visibleEdgeColor+edge.y*hiddenEdgeColor;float visibilityFactor=0.0;\n#ifdef USE_PATTERN\nvec4 patternColor=texture2D(patternTexture,vUvPattern);\n#ifdef X_RAY\nfloat hiddenFactor=0.5;\n#else\nfloat hiddenFactor=0.0;\n#endif\nvisibilityFactor=(1.0-mask.y>0.0)?1.0:hiddenFactor;visibilityFactor*=(1.0-mask.x)*patternColor.a;color+=visibilityFactor*patternColor.rgb;\n#endif\nfloat alpha=max(max(edge.x,edge.y),visibilityFactor);\n#ifdef ALPHA\noutputColor=vec4(color,alpha);\n#else\noutputColor=vec4(color,max(alpha,inputColor.a));\n#endif\n}"; // src/effects/glsl/outline.vert var outline_default4 = "uniform float patternScale;varying vec2 vUvPattern;void mainSupport(const in vec2 uv){vUvPattern=uv*vec2(aspect,1.0)*patternScale;}"; // src/effects/OutlineEffect.js var OutlineEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new outline effect. * * @param {Scene} scene - The main scene. * @param {Camera} camera - The main camera. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SCREEN] - The blend function. Use `BlendFunction.ALPHA` for dark outlines. * @param {Texture} [options.patternTexture=null] - A pattern texture. * @param {Number} [options.patternScale=1.0] - The pattern scale. * @param {Number} [options.edgeStrength=1.0] - The edge strength. * @param {Number} [options.pulseSpeed=0.0] - The pulse speed. A value of zero disables the pulse effect. * @param {Number} [options.visibleEdgeColor=0xffffff] - The color of visible edges. * @param {Number} [options.hiddenEdgeColor=0x22090a] - The color of hidden edges. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.VERY_SMALL] - The blur kernel size. * @param {Boolean} [options.blur=false] - Whether the outline should be blurred. * @param {Boolean} [options.xRay=true] - Whether occluded parts of selected objects should be visible. * @param {Number} [options.multisampling=0] - The number of samples used for multisample antialiasing. Requires WebGL 2. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor(scene, camera, { blendFunction = BlendFunction.SCREEN, patternTexture = null, patternScale = 1, edgeStrength = 1, pulseSpeed = 0, visibleEdgeColor = 16777215, hiddenEdgeColor = 2230538, kernelSize = KernelSize.VERY_SMALL, blur = false, xRay = true, multisampling = 0, resolutionScale = 0.5, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("OutlineEffect", outline_default3, { uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["maskTexture", new import_three44.Uniform(null)], ["edgeTexture", new import_three44.Uniform(null)], ["edgeStrength", new import_three44.Uniform(edgeStrength)], ["visibleEdgeColor", new import_three44.Uniform(new import_three44.Color(visibleEdgeColor))], ["hiddenEdgeColor", new import_three44.Uniform(new import_three44.Color(hiddenEdgeColor))], ["pulse", new import_three44.Uniform(1)], ["patternScale", new import_three44.Uniform(patternScale)], ["patternTexture", new import_three44.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this.blendMode.addEventListener("change", (event) => { if (this.blendMode.blendFunction === BlendFunction.ALPHA) { this.defines.set("ALPHA", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("ALPHA"); } this.setChanged(); }); this.blendMode.blendFunction = blendFunction; this.patternTexture = patternTexture; this.xRay = xRay; this.scene = scene; this.camera = camera; this.renderTargetMask = new import_three44.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1); this.renderTargetMask.samples = multisampling; this.renderTargetMask.texture.name = "Outline.Mask"; this.uniforms.get("maskTexture").value = this.renderTargetMask.texture; this.renderTargetOutline = new import_three44.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetOutline.texture.name = "Outline.Edges"; this.uniforms.get("edgeTexture").value = this.renderTargetOutline.texture; this.clearPass = new ClearPass(); this.clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three44.Color(0); this.clearPass.overrideClearAlpha = 1; this.depthPass = new DepthPass(scene, camera); this.maskPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera, new DepthComparisonMaterial(this.depthPass.texture, camera)); const clearPass = this.maskPass.clearPass; clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three44.Color(16777215); clearPass.overrideClearAlpha = 1; this.blurPass = new KawaseBlurPass({ resolutionScale, resolutionX, resolutionY, kernelSize }); this.blurPass.enabled = blur; const resolution = this.blurPass.resolution; resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.outlinePass = new ShaderPass(new OutlineMaterial()); const outlineMaterial = this.outlinePass.fullscreenMaterial; outlineMaterial.inputBuffer = this.renderTargetMask.texture; this.time = 0; this.forceUpdate = true; this.selection = new Selection(); this.pulseSpeed = pulseSpeed; } set mainScene(value) { this.scene = value; this.depthPass.mainScene = value; this.maskPass.mainScene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; this.depthPass.mainCamera = value; this.maskPass.mainCamera = value; this.maskPass.overrideMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * The resolution of this effect. * * @type {Resolution} */ get resolution() { return this.blurPass.resolution; } /** * Returns the resolution. * * @return {Resizer} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.blurPass.getResolution(); } /** * The amount of MSAA samples. * * Requires WebGL 2. Set to zero to disable multisampling. * * @experimental Requires three >= r138. * @type {Number} */ get multisampling() { return this.renderTargetMask.samples; } set multisampling(value) { this.renderTargetMask.samples = value; this.renderTargetMask.dispose(); } /** * The pattern scale. * * @type {Number} */ get patternScale() { return this.uniforms.get("patternScale").value; } set patternScale(value) { this.uniforms.get("patternScale").value = value; } /** * The edge strength. * * @type {Number} */ get edgeStrength() { return this.uniforms.get("edgeStrength").value; } set edgeStrength(value) { this.uniforms.get("edgeStrength").value = value; } /** * The visible edge color. * * @type {Color} */ get visibleEdgeColor() { return this.uniforms.get("visibleEdgeColor").value; } set visibleEdgeColor(value) { this.uniforms.get("visibleEdgeColor").value = value; } /** * The hidden edge color. * * @type {Color} */ get hiddenEdgeColor() { return this.uniforms.get("hiddenEdgeColor").value; } set hiddenEdgeColor(value) { this.uniforms.get("hiddenEdgeColor").value = value; } /** * Returns the blur pass. * * @deprecated Use blurPass instead. * @return {KawaseBlurPass} The blur pass. */ getBlurPass() { return this.blurPass; } /** * Returns the selection. * * @deprecated Use selection instead. * @return {Selection} The selection. */ getSelection() { return this.selection; } /** * Returns the pulse speed. * * @deprecated Use pulseSpeed instead. * @return {Number} The speed. */ getPulseSpeed() { return this.pulseSpeed; } /** * Sets the pulse speed. Set to zero to disable. * * @deprecated Use pulseSpeed instead. * @param {Number} value - The speed. */ setPulseSpeed(value) { this.pulseSpeed = value; } /** * The current width of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.width instead. */ get width() { return this.resolution.width; } set width(value) { this.resolution.preferredWidth = value; } /** * The current height of the internal render targets. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use resolution.height instead. */ get height() { return this.resolution.height; } set height(value) { this.resolution.preferredHeight = value; } /** * The selection layer. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use selection.layer instead. */ get selectionLayer() { return this.selection.layer; } set selectionLayer(value) { this.selection.layer = value; } /** * Indicates whether dithering is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated */ get dithering() { return this.blurPass.dithering; } set dithering(value) { this.blurPass.dithering = value; } /** * The blur kernel size. * * @type {KernelSize} * @deprecated Use blurPass.kernelSize instead. */ get kernelSize() { return this.blurPass.kernelSize; } set kernelSize(value) { this.blurPass.kernelSize = value; } /** * Indicates whether the outlines should be blurred. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use blurPass.enabled instead. */ get blur() { return this.blurPass.enabled; } set blur(value) { this.blurPass.enabled = value; } /** * Indicates whether X-ray mode is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get xRay() { return this.defines.has("X_RAY"); } set xRay(value) { if (this.xRay !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("X_RAY", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("X_RAY"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether X-ray mode is enabled. * * @deprecated Use xRay instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether X-ray mode is enabled. */ isXRayEnabled() { return this.xRay; } /** * Enables or disables X-ray outlines. * * @deprecated Use xRay instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether X-ray should be enabled. */ setXRayEnabled(value) { this.xRay = value; } /** * The pattern texture. Set to `null` to disable. * * @type {Texture} */ get patternTexture() { return this.uniforms.get("patternTexture").value; } set patternTexture(value) { if (value !== null) { value.wrapS = value.wrapT = import_three44.RepeatWrapping; this.defines.set("USE_PATTERN", "1"); this.setVertexShader(outline_default4); } else { this.defines.delete("USE_PATTERN"); this.setVertexShader(null); } this.uniforms.get("patternTexture").value = value; this.setChanged(); } /** * Sets the pattern texture. * * @deprecated Use patternTexture instead. * @param {Texture} value - The new texture. */ setPatternTexture(value) { this.patternTexture = value; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution instead. */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * Clears the current selection and selects a list of objects. * * @param {Object3D[]} objects - The objects that should be outlined. This array will be copied. * @return {OutlinePass} This pass. * @deprecated Use selection.set() instead. */ setSelection(objects) { this.selection.set(objects); return this; } /** * Clears the list of selected objects. * * @return {OutlinePass} This pass. * @deprecated Use selection.clear() instead. */ clearSelection() { this.selection.clear(); return this; } /** * Selects an object. * * @param {Object3D} object - The object that should be outlined. * @return {OutlinePass} This pass. * @deprecated Use selection.add() instead. */ selectObject(object) { this.selection.add(object); return this; } /** * Deselects an object. * * @param {Object3D} object - The object that should no longer be outlined. * @return {OutlinePass} This pass. * @deprecated Use selection.delete() instead. */ deselectObject(object) { this.selection.delete(object); return this; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const selection = this.selection; const uniforms = this.uniforms; const pulse = uniforms.get("pulse"); const background = scene.background; const mask = camera.layers.mask; if (this.forceUpdate || selection.size > 0) { scene.background = null; pulse.value = 1; if (this.pulseSpeed > 0) { pulse.value = Math.cos(this.time * this.pulseSpeed * 10) * 0.375 + 0.625; } this.time += deltaTime; selection.setVisible(false); this.depthPass.render(renderer); selection.setVisible(true); camera.layers.set(selection.layer); this.maskPass.render(renderer, this.renderTargetMask); camera.layers.mask = mask; scene.background = background; this.outlinePass.render(renderer, null, this.renderTargetOutline); if (this.blurPass.enabled) { this.blurPass.render(renderer, this.renderTargetOutline, this.renderTargetOutline); } } this.forceUpdate = selection.size > 0; } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.blurPass.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetMask.setSize(width, height); const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.depthPass.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetOutline.setSize(w, h); this.outlinePass.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(w, h); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.blurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, import_three44.UnsignedByteType); if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.depthPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.maskPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.outlinePass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); } } }; // src/effects/PixelationEffect.js var import_three45 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/pixelation.frag var pixelation_default = "uniform bool active;uniform vec4 d;void mainUv(inout vec2 uv){if(active){uv=d.xy*(floor(uv*d.zw)+0.5);}}"; // src/effects/PixelationEffect.js var PixelationEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new pixelation effect. * * @param {Object} [granularity=30.0] - The pixel granularity. */ constructor(granularity = 30) { super("PixelationEffect", pixelation_default, { uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["active", new import_three45.Uniform(false)], ["d", new import_three45.Uniform(new import_three45.Vector4())] ]) }); this.resolution = new import_three45.Vector2(); this._granularity = 0; this.granularity = granularity; } /** * The pixel granularity. * * A higher value yields coarser visuals. * * @type {Number} */ get granularity() { return this._granularity; } set granularity(value) { let d = Math.floor(value); if (d % 2 > 0) { d += 1; } this._granularity = d; this.uniforms.get("active").value = d > 0; this.setSize(this.resolution.width, this.resolution.height); } /** * Returns the pixel granularity. * * @deprecated Use granularity instead. * @return {Number} The granularity. */ getGranularity() { return this.granularity; } /** * Sets the pixel granularity. * * @deprecated Use granularity instead. * @param {Number} value - The new granularity. */ setGranularity(value) { this.granularity = value; } /** * Updates the granularity. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.set(width, height); const d = this.granularity; const x = d / resolution.x; const y = d / resolution.y; this.uniforms.get("d").value.set(x, y, 1 / x, 1 / y); } }; // src/effects/RealisticBokehEffect.js var import_three46 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/realistic-bokeh.frag var realistic_bokeh_default = "uniform float focus;uniform float focalLength;uniform float fStop;uniform float maxBlur;uniform float luminanceThreshold;uniform float luminanceGain;uniform float bias;uniform float fringe;\n#ifdef MANUAL_DOF\nuniform vec4 dof;\n#endif\n#ifdef PENTAGON\nfloat pentagon(const in vec2 coords){const vec4 HS0=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);const vec4 HS1=vec4(0.309016994,0.951056516,0.0,1.0);const vec4 HS2=vec4(-0.809016994,0.587785252,0.0,1.0);const vec4 HS3=vec4(-0.809016994,-0.587785252,0.0,1.0);const vec4 HS4=vec4(0.309016994,-0.951056516,0.0,1.0);const vec4 HS5=vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);const vec4 ONE=vec4(1.0);const float P_FEATHER=0.4;const float N_FEATHER=-P_FEATHER;float inOrOut=-4.0;vec4 P=vec4(coords,vec2(RINGS_FLOAT-1.3));vec4 dist=vec4(dot(P,HS0),dot(P,HS1),dot(P,HS2),dot(P,HS3));dist=smoothstep(N_FEATHER,P_FEATHER,dist);inOrOut+=dot(dist,ONE);dist.x=dot(P,HS4);dist.y=HS5.w-abs(P.z);dist=smoothstep(N_FEATHER,P_FEATHER,dist);inOrOut+=dist.x;return clamp(inOrOut,0.0,1.0);}\n#endif\nvec3 processTexel(const in vec2 coords,const in float blur){vec2 scale=texelSize*fringe*blur;vec3 c=vec3(texture2D(inputBuffer,coords+vec2(0.0,1.0)*scale).r,texture2D(inputBuffer,coords+vec2(-0.866,-0.5)*scale).g,texture2D(inputBuffer,coords+vec2(0.866,-0.5)*scale).b);float luminance=linearToRelativeLuminance(c);float threshold=max((luminance-luminanceThreshold)*luminanceGain,0.0);return c+mix(vec3(0.0),c,threshold*blur);}float gather(const in float i,const in float j,const in float ringSamples,const in vec2 uv,const in vec2 blurFactor,const in float blur,inout vec3 color){float step=PI2/ringSamples;vec2 wh=vec2(cos(j*step)*i,sin(j*step)*i);\n#ifdef PENTAGON\nfloat p=pentagon(wh);\n#else\nfloat p=1.0;\n#endif\ncolor+=processTexel(wh*blurFactor+uv,blur)*mix(1.0,i/RINGS_FLOAT,bias)*p;return mix(1.0,i/RINGS_FLOAT,bias)*p;}void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,const in float depth,out vec4 outputColor){\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nfloat viewZ=perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNear,cameraFar);float linearDepth=viewZToOrthographicDepth(viewZ,cameraNear,cameraFar);\n#else\nfloat linearDepth=depth;\n#endif\n#ifdef MANUAL_DOF\nfloat focalPlane=linearDepth-focus;float farDoF=(focalPlane-dof.z)/dof.w;float nearDoF=(-focalPlane-dof.x)/dof.y;float blur=(focalPlane>0.0)?farDoF:nearDoF;\n#else\nconst float CIRCLE_OF_CONFUSION=0.03;float focalPlaneMM=focus*1000.0;float depthMM=linearDepth*1000.0;float focalPlane=(depthMM*focalLength)/(depthMM-focalLength);float farDoF=(focalPlaneMM*focalLength)/(focalPlaneMM-focalLength);float nearDoF=(focalPlaneMM-focalLength)/(focalPlaneMM*fStop*CIRCLE_OF_CONFUSION);float blur=abs(focalPlane-farDoF)*nearDoF;\n#endif\nconst int MAX_RING_SAMPLES=RINGS_INT*SAMPLES_INT;blur=clamp(blur,0.0,1.0);vec3 color=inputColor.rgb;if(blur>=0.05){vec2 blurFactor=blur*maxBlur*texelSize;float s=1.0;int ringSamples;for(int i=1;i<=RINGS_INT;i++){ringSamples=i*SAMPLES_INT;for(int j=0;j=ringSamples){break;}s+=gather(float(i),float(j),float(ringSamples),uv,blurFactor,blur,color);}}color/=s;}\n#ifdef SHOW_FOCUS\nfloat edge=0.002*linearDepth;float m=clamp(smoothstep(0.0,edge,blur),0.0,1.0);float e=clamp(smoothstep(1.0-edge,1.0,blur),0.0,1.0);color=mix(color,vec3(1.0,0.5,0.0),(1.0-m)*0.6);color=mix(color,vec3(0.0,0.5,1.0),((1.0-e)-(1.0-m))*0.2);\n#endif\noutputColor=vec4(color,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/RealisticBokehEffect.js var RealisticBokehEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new bokeh effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.focus=1.0] - The focus distance in world units. * @param {Number} [options.focalLength=24.0] - The focal length of the main camera. * @param {Number} [options.fStop=0.9] - The ratio of the lens focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil (aperture). * @param {Number} [options.luminanceThreshold=0.5] - A luminance threshold. * @param {Number} [options.luminanceGain=2.0] - A luminance gain factor. * @param {Number} [options.bias=0.5] - A blur bias. * @param {Number} [options.fringe=0.7] - A blur offset. * @param {Number} [options.maxBlur=1.0] - The maximum blur strength. * @param {Boolean} [options.rings=3] - The number of blur iterations. * @param {Boolean} [options.samples=2] - The amount of samples taken per ring. * @param {Boolean} [options.showFocus=false] - Whether the focal point should be highlighted. Useful for debugging. * @param {Boolean} [options.manualDoF=false] - Enables manual control over the depth of field. * @param {Boolean} [options.pentagon=false] - Enables pentagonal blur shapes. Requires a high number of rings and samples. */ constructor({ blendFunction, focus = 1, focalLength = 24, fStop = 0.9, luminanceThreshold = 0.5, luminanceGain = 2, bias = 0.5, fringe = 0.7, maxBlur = 1, rings = 3, samples = 2, showFocus = false, manualDoF = false, pentagon = false } = {}) { super("RealisticBokehEffect", realistic_bokeh_default, { blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION | EffectAttribute.DEPTH, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["focus", new import_three46.Uniform(focus)], ["focalLength", new import_three46.Uniform(focalLength)], ["fStop", new import_three46.Uniform(fStop)], ["luminanceThreshold", new import_three46.Uniform(luminanceThreshold)], ["luminanceGain", new import_three46.Uniform(luminanceGain)], ["bias", new import_three46.Uniform(bias)], ["fringe", new import_three46.Uniform(fringe)], ["maxBlur", new import_three46.Uniform(maxBlur)], ["dof", new import_three46.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this.rings = rings; this.samples = samples; this.showFocus = showFocus; this.manualDoF = manualDoF; this.pentagon = pentagon; } /** * The amount of blur iterations. * * @type {Number} */ get rings() { return Number.parseInt(this.defines.get("RINGS_INT")); } set rings(value) { const r = Math.floor(value); this.defines.set("RINGS_INT", r.toFixed(0)); this.defines.set("RINGS_FLOAT", r.toFixed(1)); this.setChanged(); } /** * The amount of blur samples per ring. * * @type {Number} */ get samples() { return Number.parseInt(this.defines.get("SAMPLES_INT")); } set samples(value) { const s = Math.floor(value); this.defines.set("SAMPLES_INT", s.toFixed(0)); this.defines.set("SAMPLES_FLOAT", s.toFixed(1)); this.setChanged(); } /** * Indicates whether the focal point will be highlighted. * * @type {Boolean} */ get showFocus() { return this.defines.has("SHOW_FOCUS"); } set showFocus(value) { if (this.showFocus !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("SHOW_FOCUS", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("SHOW_FOCUS"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether the Depth of Field should be calculated manually. * * If enabled, the Depth of Field can be adjusted via the `dof` uniform. * * @type {Boolean} */ get manualDoF() { return this.defines.has("MANUAL_DOF"); } set manualDoF(value) { if (this.manualDoF !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("MANUAL_DOF", "1"); this.uniforms.get("dof").value = new import_three46.Vector4(0.2, 1, 0.2, 2); } else { this.defines.delete("MANUAL_DOF"); this.uniforms.get("dof").value = null; } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether the blur shape should be pentagonal. * * @type {Boolean} */ get pentagon() { return this.defines.has("PENTAGON"); } set pentagon(value) { if (this.pentagon !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("PENTAGON", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("PENTAGON"); } this.setChanged(); } } }; // src/effects/ScanlineEffect.js var import_three47 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/scanlines.frag var scanlines_default = "uniform float count;\n#ifdef SCROLL\nuniform float scrollSpeed;\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){float y=uv.y;\n#ifdef SCROLL\ny+=time*scrollSpeed;\n#endif\nvec2 sl=vec2(sin(y*count),cos(y*count));outputColor=vec4(sl.xyx,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/ScanlineEffect.js var ScanlineEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new scanline effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.OVERLAY] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.density=1.25] - The scanline density. * @param {Number} [options.scrollSpeed=0.0] - The scanline scroll speed. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.OVERLAY, density = 1.25, scrollSpeed = 0 } = {}) { super("ScanlineEffect", scanlines_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["count", new import_three47.Uniform(0)], ["scrollSpeed", new import_three47.Uniform(0)] ]) }); this.resolution = new import_three47.Vector2(); this.d = density; this.scrollSpeed = scrollSpeed; } /** * The scanline density. * * @type {Number} */ get density() { return this.d; } set density(value) { this.d = value; this.setSize(this.resolution.width, this.resolution.height); } /** * Returns the current scanline density. * * @deprecated Use density instead. * @return {Number} The scanline density. */ getDensity() { return this.density; } /** * Sets the scanline density. * * @deprecated Use density instead. * @param {Number} value - The new scanline density. */ setDensity(value) { this.density = value; } /** * The scanline scroll speed. Default is 0 (disabled). * * @type {Number} */ get scrollSpeed() { return this.uniforms.get("scrollSpeed").value; } set scrollSpeed(value) { this.uniforms.get("scrollSpeed").value = value; if (value === 0) { if (this.defines.delete("SCROLL")) { this.setChanged(); } } else if (!this.defines.has("SCROLL")) { this.defines.set("SCROLL", "1"); this.setChanged(); } } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.resolution.set(width, height); this.uniforms.get("count").value = Math.round(height * this.density); } }; // src/effects/ShockWaveEffect.js var import_three48 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/shock-wave.frag var shock_wave_default = "uniform bool active;uniform vec2 center;uniform float waveSize;uniform float radius;uniform float maxRadius;uniform float amplitude;varying float vSize;void mainUv(inout vec2 uv){if(active){vec2 aspectCorrection=vec2(aspect,1.0);vec2 difference=uv*aspectCorrection-center*aspectCorrection;float distance=sqrt(dot(difference,difference))*vSize;if(distance>radius){if(distance HALF_PI; if (uActive.value) { uniforms.get("cameraDistance").value = camera.position.distanceTo(position); v2.copy(position).project(camera); this.screenPosition.set((v2.x + 1) * 0.5, (v2.y + 1) * 0.5); } this.time += delta * this.speed; const radius = this.time - waveSize; uniforms.get("radius").value = radius; if (radius >= (uniforms.get("maxRadius").value + waveSize) * 2) { this.active = false; uActive.value = false; } } } }; // src/effects/SelectiveBloomEffect.js var import_three49 = require("three"); var SelectiveBloomEffect = class extends BloomEffect { /** * Constructs a new selective bloom effect. * * @param {Scene} scene - The main scene. * @param {Camera} camera - The main camera. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. See {@link BloomEffect} for details. */ constructor(scene, camera, options) { super(options); this.setAttributes(this.getAttributes() | EffectAttribute.DEPTH); this.camera = camera; this.depthPass = new DepthPass(scene, camera); this.clearPass = new ClearPass(true, false, false); this.clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three49.Color(0); this.depthMaskPass = new ShaderPass(new DepthMaskMaterial()); const depthMaskMaterial = this.depthMaskMaterial; depthMaskMaterial.copyCameraSettings(camera); depthMaskMaterial.depthBuffer1 = this.depthPass.texture; depthMaskMaterial.depthPacking1 = import_three49.RGBADepthPacking; depthMaskMaterial.depthMode = import_three49.EqualDepth; this.renderTargetMasked = new import_three49.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetMasked.texture.name = "Bloom.Masked"; this.selection = new Selection(); this._inverted = false; this._ignoreBackground = false; } set mainScene(value) { this.depthPass.mainScene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; this.depthPass.mainCamera = value; this.depthMaskMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * Returns the selection. * * @deprecated Use selection instead. * @return {Selection} The selection. */ getSelection() { return this.selection; } /** * The depth mask material. * * @type {DepthMaskMaterial} * @private */ get depthMaskMaterial() { return this.depthMaskPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Indicates whether the selection should be considered inverted. * * @type {Boolean} */ get inverted() { return this._inverted; } set inverted(value) { this._inverted = value; this.depthMaskMaterial.depthMode = value ? import_three49.NotEqualDepth : import_three49.EqualDepth; } /** * Indicates whether the mask is inverted. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the mask is inverted. */ isInverted() { return this.inverted; } /** * Enables or disable mask inversion. * * @deprecated Use inverted instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the mask should be inverted. */ setInverted(value) { this.inverted = value; } /** * Indicates whether the background colors will be ignored. * * @type {Boolean} */ get ignoreBackground() { return this._ignoreBackground; } set ignoreBackground(value) { this._ignoreBackground = value; this.depthMaskMaterial.maxDepthStrategy = value ? DepthTestStrategy.DISCARD_MAX_DEPTH : DepthTestStrategy.KEEP_MAX_DEPTH; } /** * Indicates whether the background is disabled. * * @deprecated Use ignoreBackground instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether the background is disabled. */ isBackgroundDisabled() { return this.ignoreBackground; } /** * Enables or disables the background. * * @deprecated Use ignoreBackground instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the background should be disabled. */ setBackgroundDisabled(value) { this.ignoreBackground = value; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three49.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthMaskMaterial.depthBuffer0 = depthTexture; this.depthMaskMaterial.depthPacking0 = depthPacking; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const camera = this.camera; const selection = this.selection; const inverted = this.inverted; let renderTarget = inputBuffer; if (this.ignoreBackground || !inverted || selection.size > 0) { const mask = camera.layers.mask; camera.layers.set(selection.layer); this.depthPass.render(renderer); camera.layers.mask = mask; renderTarget = this.renderTargetMasked; this.clearPass.render(renderer, renderTarget); this.depthMaskPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, renderTarget); } super.update(renderer, renderTarget, deltaTime); } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { super.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetMasked.setSize(width, height); this.depthPass.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { super.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.clearPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.depthPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); this.depthMaskPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); if (renderer !== null && renderer.capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer) { this.depthMaskPass.fullscreenMaterial.defines.LOG_DEPTH = "1"; } if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTargetMasked.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three49.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTargetMasked.texture.colorSpace = import_three49.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/effects/SepiaEffect.js var import_three50 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/sepia.frag var sepia_default = "uniform vec3 weightsR;uniform vec3 weightsG;uniform vec3 weightsB;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec3 color=vec3(dot(inputColor.rgb,weightsR),dot(inputColor.rgb,weightsG),dot(inputColor.rgb,weightsB));outputColor=vec4(color,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/SepiaEffect.js var SepiaEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new sepia effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.intensity=1.0] - The intensity of the effect. */ constructor({ blendFunction, intensity = 1 } = {}) { super("SepiaEffect", sepia_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["weightsR", new import_three50.Uniform(new import_three50.Vector3(0.393, 0.769, 0.189))], ["weightsG", new import_three50.Uniform(new import_three50.Vector3(0.349, 0.686, 0.168))], ["weightsB", new import_three50.Uniform(new import_three50.Vector3(0.272, 0.534, 0.131))] ]) }); } /** * The intensity. * * @deprecated Use blendMode.opacity instead. * @type {Number} */ get intensity() { return this.blendMode.opacity.value; } set intensity(value) { this.blendMode.opacity.value = value; } /** * Returns the current sepia intensity. * * @deprecated Use blendMode.opacity instead. * @return {Number} The intensity. */ getIntensity() { return this.intensity; } /** * Sets the sepia intensity. * * @deprecated Use blendMode.opacity instead. * @param {Number} value - The intensity. */ setIntensity(value) { this.intensity = value; } /** * The weights for the red channel. Default is `(0.393, 0.769, 0.189)`. * * @type {Vector3} */ get weightsR() { return this.uniforms.get("weightsR").value; } /** * The weights for the green channel. Default is `(0.349, 0.686, 0.168)`. * * @type {Vector3} */ get weightsG() { return this.uniforms.get("weightsG").value; } /** * The weights for the blue channel. Default is `(0.272, 0.534, 0.131)`. * * @type {Vector3} */ get weightsB() { return this.uniforms.get("weightsB").value; } }; // src/effects/SMAAEffect.js var import_three53 = require("three"); // src/materials/EdgeDetectionMaterial.js var import_three51 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/edge-detection.frag var edge_detection_default = "varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE != 0\nvarying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;varying vec2 vUv4;varying vec2 vUv5;\n#endif\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 1\n#include \n#endif\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 0 || PREDICATION_MODE == 1\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#endif\nfloat readDepth(const in vec2 uv){\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nreturn unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer,uv));\n#else\nreturn texture2D(depthBuffer,uv).r;\n#endif\n}vec3 gatherNeighbors(){float p=readDepth(vUv);float pLeft=readDepth(vUv0);float pTop=readDepth(vUv1);return vec3(p,pLeft,pTop);}\n#elif PREDICATION_MODE == 2\nuniform sampler2D predicationBuffer;vec3 gatherNeighbors(){float p=texture2D(predicationBuffer,vUv).r;float pLeft=texture2D(predicationBuffer,vUv0).r;float pTop=texture2D(predicationBuffer,vUv1).r;return vec3(p,pLeft,pTop);}\n#endif\n#if PREDICATION_MODE != 0\nvec2 calculatePredicatedThreshold(){vec3 neighbours=gatherNeighbors();vec2 delta=abs(neighbours.xx-neighbours.yz);vec2 edges=step(PREDICATION_THRESHOLD,delta);return PREDICATION_SCALE*EDGE_THRESHOLD*(1.0-PREDICATION_STRENGTH*edges);}\n#endif\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE != 0\nuniform sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nvoid main(){\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 0\nconst vec2 threshold=vec2(DEPTH_THRESHOLD);\n#elif PREDICATION_MODE != 0\nvec2 threshold=calculatePredicatedThreshold();\n#else\nconst vec2 threshold=vec2(EDGE_THRESHOLD);\n#endif\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 0\nvec3 neighbors=gatherNeighbors();vec2 delta=abs(neighbors.xx-vec2(neighbors.y,neighbors.z));vec2 edges=step(threshold,delta);if(dot(edges,vec2(1.0))==0.0){discard;}gl_FragColor=vec4(edges,0.0,1.0);\n#elif EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 1\nfloat l=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv).rgb);float lLeft=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv0).rgb);float lTop=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv1).rgb);vec4 delta;delta.xy=abs(l-vec2(lLeft,lTop));vec2 edges=step(threshold,delta.xy);if(dot(edges,vec2(1.0))==0.0){discard;}float lRight=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv2).rgb);float lBottom=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv3).rgb);delta.zw=abs(l-vec2(lRight,lBottom));vec2 maxDelta=max(delta.xy,delta.zw);float lLeftLeft=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv4).rgb);float lTopTop=luminance(texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv5).rgb);delta.zw=abs(vec2(lLeft,lTop)-vec2(lLeftLeft,lTopTop));maxDelta=max(maxDelta.xy,delta.zw);float finalDelta=max(maxDelta.x,maxDelta.y);edges.xy*=step(finalDelta,LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR*delta.xy);gl_FragColor=vec4(edges,0.0,1.0);\n#elif EDGE_DETECTION_MODE == 2\nvec4 delta;vec3 c=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv).rgb;vec3 cLeft=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv0).rgb;vec3 t=abs(c-cLeft);delta.x=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);vec3 cTop=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv1).rgb;t=abs(c-cTop);delta.y=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);vec2 edges=step(threshold,delta.xy);if(dot(edges,vec2(1.0))==0.0){discard;}vec3 cRight=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv2).rgb;t=abs(c-cRight);delta.z=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);vec3 cBottom=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv3).rgb;t=abs(c-cBottom);delta.w=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);vec2 maxDelta=max(delta.xy,delta.zw);vec3 cLeftLeft=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv4).rgb;t=abs(c-cLeftLeft);delta.z=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);vec3 cTopTop=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv5).rgb;t=abs(c-cTopTop);delta.w=max(max(t.r,t.g),t.b);maxDelta=max(maxDelta.xy,delta.zw);float finalDelta=max(maxDelta.x,maxDelta.y);edges*=step(finalDelta,LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR*delta.xy);gl_FragColor=vec4(edges,0.0,1.0);\n#endif\n}"; // src/materials/glsl/edge-detection.vert var edge_detection_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv0;varying vec2 vUv1;\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE != 0\nvarying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vUv3;varying vec2 vUv4;varying vec2 vUv5;\n#endif\nvoid main(){vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vUv0=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-1.0,0.0);vUv1=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,-1.0);\n#if EDGE_DETECTION_MODE != 0\nvUv2=vUv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,0.0);vUv3=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,1.0);vUv4=vUv+texelSize*vec2(-2.0,0.0);vUv5=vUv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,-2.0);\n#endif\ngl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/EdgeDetectionMaterial.js var EdgeDetectionMaterial = class extends import_three51.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new edge detection material. * * TODO Remove parameters. * @param {Vector2} [texelSize] - The screen texel size. * @param {EdgeDetectionMode} [mode=EdgeDetectionMode.COLOR] - The edge detection mode. */ constructor(texelSize = new import_three51.Vector2(), mode = EdgeDetectionMode.COLOR) { super({ name: "EdgeDetectionMaterial", defines: { THREE_REVISION: import_three51.REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, ""), LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR: "2.0", EDGE_THRESHOLD: "0.1", DEPTH_THRESHOLD: "0.01", PREDICATION_MODE: "0", PREDICATION_THRESHOLD: "0.01", PREDICATION_SCALE: "2.0", PREDICATION_STRENGTH: "1.0", DEPTH_PACKING: "0" }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three51.Uniform(null), depthBuffer: new import_three51.Uniform(null), predicationBuffer: new import_three51.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three51.Uniform(texelSize) }, blending: import_three51.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: edge_detection_default, vertexShader: edge_detection_default2 }); this.edgeDetectionMode = mode; } /** * The depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set depthBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer.value = value; } /** * The depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ set depthPacking(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer and depthPacking instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer(buffer, depthPacking = import_three51.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer = buffer; this.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * The edge detection mode. * * @type {EdgeDetectionMode} */ get edgeDetectionMode() { return Number(this.defines.EDGE_DETECTION_MODE); } set edgeDetectionMode(value) { this.defines.EDGE_DETECTION_MODE = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the edge detection mode. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionMode instead. * @return {EdgeDetectionMode} The mode. */ getEdgeDetectionMode() { return this.edgeDetectionMode; } /** * Sets the edge detection mode. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionMode instead. * @param {EdgeDetectionMode} value - The edge detection mode. */ setEdgeDetectionMode(value) { this.edgeDetectionMode = value; } /** * The local contrast adaptation factor. Has no effect if the edge detection mode is set to DEPTH. Default is 2.0. * * If a neighbor edge has _factor_ times bigger contrast than the current edge, the edge will be discarded. * * This allows to eliminate spurious crossing edges and is based on the fact that if there is too much contrast in a * direction, the perceptual contrast in the other neighbors will be hidden. * * @type {Number} */ get localContrastAdaptationFactor() { return Number(this.defines.LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR); } set localContrastAdaptationFactor(value) { this.defines.LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR = value.toFixed("6"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the local contrast adaptation factor. * * @deprecated Use localContrastAdaptationFactor instead. * @return {Number} The factor. */ getLocalContrastAdaptationFactor() { return this.localContrastAdaptationFactor; } /** * Sets the local contrast adaptation factor. Has no effect if the edge detection mode is set to DEPTH. * * @deprecated Use localContrastAdaptationFactor instead. * @param {Number} value - The local contrast adaptation factor. Default is 2.0. */ setLocalContrastAdaptationFactor(value) { this.localContrastAdaptationFactor = value; } /** * The edge detection threshold. Range: [0.0, 0.5]. * * A lower value results in more edges being detected at the expense of performance. * * For luma- and chroma-based edge detection, 0.1 is a reasonable value and allows to catch most visible edges. 0.05 * is a rather overkill value that allows to catch 'em all. Darker scenes may require an even lower threshold. * * If depth-based edge detection is used, the threshold will depend on the scene depth. * * @type {Number} */ get edgeDetectionThreshold() { return Number(this.defines.EDGE_THRESHOLD); } set edgeDetectionThreshold(value) { this.defines.EDGE_THRESHOLD = value.toFixed("6"); this.defines.DEPTH_THRESHOLD = (value * 0.1).toFixed("6"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the edge detection threshold. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionThreshold instead. * @return {Number} The threshold. */ getEdgeDetectionThreshold() { return this.edgeDetectionThreshold; } /** * Sets the edge detection threshold. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionThreshold instead. * @param {Number} value - The edge detection threshold. Range: [0.0, 0.5]. */ setEdgeDetectionThreshold(value) { this.edgeDetectionThreshold = value; } /** * The predication mode. * * Predicated thresholding allows to better preserve texture details and to improve edge detection using an additional * buffer such as a light accumulation or depth buffer. * * @type {PredicationMode} */ get predicationMode() { return Number(this.defines.PREDICATION_MODE); } set predicationMode(value) { this.defines.PREDICATION_MODE = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the predication mode. * * @deprecated Use predicationMode instead. * @return {PredicationMode} The mode. */ getPredicationMode() { return this.predicationMode; } /** * Sets the predication mode. * * @deprecated Use predicationMode instead. * @param {PredicationMode} value - The predication mode. */ setPredicationMode(value) { this.predicationMode = value; } /** * The predication buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set predicationBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.predicationBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets a custom predication buffer. * * @deprecated Use predicationBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The predication buffer. */ setPredicationBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.predicationBuffer.value = value; } /** * The predication threshold. * * @type {Number} */ get predicationThreshold() { return Number(this.defines.PREDICATION_THRESHOLD); } set predicationThreshold(value) { this.defines.PREDICATION_THRESHOLD = value.toFixed("6"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the predication threshold. * * @deprecated Use predicationThreshold instead. * @return {Number} The threshold. */ getPredicationThreshold() { return this.predicationThreshold; } /** * Sets the predication threshold. * * @deprecated Use predicationThreshold instead. * @param {Number} value - The threshold. */ setPredicationThreshold(value) { this.predicationThreshold = value; } /** * The predication scale. Range: [1.0, 5.0]. * * Determines how much the edge detection threshold should be scaled when using predication. * * @type {Boolean|Texture|Number} */ get predicationScale() { return Number(this.defines.PREDICATION_SCALE); } set predicationScale(value) { this.defines.PREDICATION_SCALE = value.toFixed("6"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the predication scale. * * @deprecated Use predicationScale instead. * @return {Number} The scale. */ getPredicationScale() { return this.predicationScale; } /** * Sets the predication scale. * * @deprecated Use predicationScale instead. * @param {Number} value - The scale. Range: [1.0, 5.0]. */ setPredicationScale(value) { this.predicationScale = value; } /** * The predication strength. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. * * Determines how much the edge detection threshold should be decreased locally when using predication. * * @type {Number} */ get predicationStrength() { return Number(this.defines.PREDICATION_STRENGTH); } set predicationStrength(value) { this.defines.PREDICATION_STRENGTH = value.toFixed("6"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Returns the predication strength. * * @deprecated Use predicationStrength instead. * @return {Number} The strength. */ getPredicationStrength() { return this.predicationStrength; } /** * Sets the predication strength. * * @deprecated Use predicationStrength instead. * @param {Number} value - The strength. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. */ setPredicationStrength(value) { this.predicationStrength = value; } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/materials/SMAAWeightsMaterial.js var import_three52 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/smaa-weights.frag var smaa_weights_default = "#define sampleLevelZeroOffset(t, coord, offset) texture2D(t, coord + offset * texelSize)\n#if __VERSION__ < 300\n#define round(v) floor(v + 0.5)\n#endif\n#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform lowp sampler2D areaTexture;uniform lowp sampler2D searchTexture;uniform vec2 texelSize;uniform vec2 resolution;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec4 vOffset[3];varying vec2 vPixCoord;void movec(const in bvec2 c,inout vec2 variable,const in vec2 value){if(c.x){variable.x=value.x;}if(c.y){variable.y=value.y;}}void movec(const in bvec4 c,inout vec4 variable,const in vec4 value){movec(c.xy,variable.xy,value.xy);movec(c.zw,variable.zw,value.zw);}vec2 decodeDiagBilinearAccess(in vec2 e){e.r=e.r*abs(5.0*e.r-5.0*0.75);return round(e);}vec4 decodeDiagBilinearAccess(in vec4 e){e.rb=e.rb*abs(5.0*e.rb-5.0*0.75);return round(e);}vec2 searchDiag1(const in vec2 texCoord,const in vec2 dir,out vec2 e){vec4 coord=vec4(texCoord,-1.0,1.0);vec3 t=vec3(texelSize,1.0);for(int i=0;i0.9)){break;}coord.xyz=t*vec3(dir,1.0)+coord.xyz;e=texture2D(inputBuffer,coord.xy).rg;coord.w=dot(e,vec2(0.5));}return coord.zw;}vec2 searchDiag2(const in vec2 texCoord,const in vec2 dir,out vec2 e){vec4 coord=vec4(texCoord,-1.0,1.0);coord.x+=0.25*texelSize.x;vec3 t=vec3(texelSize,1.0);for(int i=0;i0.9)){break;}coord.xyz=t*vec3(dir,1.0)+coord.xyz;e=texture2D(inputBuffer,coord.xy).rg;e=decodeDiagBilinearAccess(e);coord.w=dot(e,vec2(0.5));}return coord.zw;}vec2 areaDiag(const in vec2 dist,const in vec2 e,const in float offset){vec2 texCoord=vec2(AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG,AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG)*e+dist;texCoord=AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE*texCoord+0.5*AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE;texCoord.x+=0.5;texCoord.y+=AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE*offset;return texture2D(areaTexture,texCoord).rg;}vec2 calculateDiagWeights(const in vec2 texCoord,const in vec2 e,const in vec4 subsampleIndices){vec2 weights=vec2(0.0);vec4 d;vec2 end;if(e.r>0.0){d.xz=searchDiag1(texCoord,vec2(-1.0,1.0),end);d.x+=float(end.y>0.9);}else{d.xz=vec2(0.0);}d.yw=searchDiag1(texCoord,vec2(1.0,-1.0),end);if(d.x+d.y>2.0){vec4 coords=vec4(-d.x+0.25,d.x,d.y,-d.y-0.25)*texelSize.xyxy+texCoord.xyxy;vec4 c;c.xy=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.xy,vec2(-1,0)).rg;c.zw=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.zw,vec2(1,0)).rg;c.yxwz=decodeDiagBilinearAccess(c.xyzw);vec2 cc=vec2(2.0)*c.xz+c.yw;movec(bvec2(step(0.9,d.zw)),cc,vec2(0.0));weights+=areaDiag(d.xy,cc,subsampleIndices.z);}d.xz=searchDiag2(texCoord,vec2(-1.0,-1.0),end);if(sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord,vec2(1,0)).r>0.0){d.yw=searchDiag2(texCoord,vec2(1.0),end);d.y+=float(end.y>0.9);}else{d.yw=vec2(0.0);}if(d.x+d.y>2.0){vec4 coords=vec4(-d.x,-d.x,d.y,d.y)*texelSize.xyxy+texCoord.xyxy;vec4 c;c.x=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.xy,vec2(-1,0)).g;c.y=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.xy,vec2(0,-1)).r;c.zw=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.zw,vec2(1,0)).gr;vec2 cc=vec2(2.0)*c.xz+c.yw;movec(bvec2(step(0.9,d.zw)),cc,vec2(0.0));weights+=areaDiag(d.xy,cc,subsampleIndices.w).gr;}return weights;}float searchLength(const in vec2 e,const in float offset){vec2 scale=SEARCHTEX_SIZE*vec2(0.5,-1.0);vec2 bias=SEARCHTEX_SIZE*vec2(offset,1.0);scale+=vec2(-1.0,1.0);bias+=vec2(0.5,-0.5);scale*=1.0/SEARCHTEX_PACKED_SIZE;bias*=1.0/SEARCHTEX_PACKED_SIZE;return texture2D(searchTexture,scale*e+bias).r;}float searchXLeft(in vec2 texCoord,const in float end){vec2 e=vec2(0.0,1.0);for(int i=0;iend&&e.g>0.8281&&e.r==0.0)){break;}e=texture2D(inputBuffer,texCoord).rg;texCoord=vec2(-2.0,0.0)*texelSize+texCoord;}float offset=-(255.0/127.0)*searchLength(e,0.0)+3.25;return texelSize.x*offset+texCoord.x;}float searchXRight(vec2 texCoord,const in float end){vec2 e=vec2(0.0,1.0);for(int i=0;i0.8281&&e.r==0.0)){break;}e=texture2D(inputBuffer,texCoord).rg;texCoord=vec2(2.0,0.0)*texelSize.xy+texCoord;}float offset=-(255.0/127.0)*searchLength(e,0.5)+3.25;return-texelSize.x*offset+texCoord.x;}float searchYUp(vec2 texCoord,const in float end){vec2 e=vec2(1.0,0.0);for(int i=0;iend&&e.r>0.8281&&e.g==0.0)){break;}e=texture2D(inputBuffer,texCoord).rg;texCoord=-vec2(0.0,2.0)*texelSize.xy+texCoord;}float offset=-(255.0/127.0)*searchLength(e.gr,0.0)+3.25;return texelSize.y*offset+texCoord.y;}float searchYDown(vec2 texCoord,const in float end){vec2 e=vec2(1.0,0.0);for(int i=0;i0.8281&&e.g==0.0)){break;}e=texture2D(inputBuffer,texCoord).rg;texCoord=vec2(0.0,2.0)*texelSize.xy+texCoord;}float offset=-(255.0/127.0)*searchLength(e.gr,0.5)+3.25;return-texelSize.y*offset+texCoord.y;}vec2 area(const in vec2 dist,const in float e1,const in float e2,const in float offset){vec2 texCoord=vec2(AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE)*round(4.0*vec2(e1,e2))+dist;texCoord=AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE*texCoord+0.5*AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE;texCoord.y=AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE*offset+texCoord.y;return texture2D(areaTexture,texCoord).rg;}void detectHorizontalCornerPattern(inout vec2 weights,const in vec4 texCoord,const in vec2 d){\n#if !defined(DISABLE_CORNER_DETECTION)\nvec2 leftRight=step(d.xy,d.yx);vec2 rounding=(1.0-CORNER_ROUNDING_NORM)*leftRight;rounding/=leftRight.x+leftRight.y;vec2 factor=vec2(1.0);factor.x-=rounding.x*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.xy,vec2(0,1)).r;factor.x-=rounding.y*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.zw,vec2(1,1)).r;factor.y-=rounding.x*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.xy,vec2(0,-2)).r;factor.y-=rounding.y*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.zw,vec2(1,-2)).r;weights*=clamp(factor,0.0,1.0);\n#endif\n}void detectVerticalCornerPattern(inout vec2 weights,const in vec4 texCoord,const in vec2 d){\n#if !defined(DISABLE_CORNER_DETECTION)\nvec2 leftRight=step(d.xy,d.yx);vec2 rounding=(1.0-CORNER_ROUNDING_NORM)*leftRight;rounding/=leftRight.x+leftRight.y;vec2 factor=vec2(1.0);factor.x-=rounding.x*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.xy,vec2(1,0)).g;factor.x-=rounding.y*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.zw,vec2(1,1)).g;factor.y-=rounding.x*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.xy,vec2(-2,0)).g;factor.y-=rounding.y*sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,texCoord.zw,vec2(-2,1)).g;weights*=clamp(factor,0.0,1.0);\n#endif\n}void main(){vec4 weights=vec4(0.0);vec4 subsampleIndices=vec4(0.0);vec2 e=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv).rg;if(e.g>0.0){\n#if !defined(DISABLE_DIAG_DETECTION)\nweights.rg=calculateDiagWeights(vUv,e,subsampleIndices);if(weights.r==-weights.g){\n#endif\nvec2 d;vec3 coords;coords.x=searchXLeft(vOffset[0].xy,vOffset[2].x);coords.y=vOffset[1].y;d.x=coords.x;float e1=texture2D(inputBuffer,coords.xy).r;coords.z=searchXRight(vOffset[0].zw,vOffset[2].y);d.y=coords.z;d=round(resolution.xx*d+-vPixCoord.xx);vec2 sqrtD=sqrt(abs(d));float e2=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.zy,vec2(1,0)).r;weights.rg=area(sqrtD,e1,e2,subsampleIndices.y);coords.y=vUv.y;detectHorizontalCornerPattern(weights.rg,coords.xyzy,d);\n#if !defined(DISABLE_DIAG_DETECTION)\n}else{e.r=0.0;}\n#endif\n}if(e.r>0.0){vec2 d;vec3 coords;coords.y=searchYUp(vOffset[1].xy,vOffset[2].z);coords.x=vOffset[0].x;d.x=coords.y;float e1=texture2D(inputBuffer,coords.xy).g;coords.z=searchYDown(vOffset[1].zw,vOffset[2].w);d.y=coords.z;d=round(resolution.yy*d-vPixCoord.yy);vec2 sqrtD=sqrt(abs(d));float e2=sampleLevelZeroOffset(inputBuffer,coords.xz,vec2(0,1)).g;weights.ba=area(sqrtD,e1,e2,subsampleIndices.x);coords.x=vUv.x;detectVerticalCornerPattern(weights.ba,coords.xyxz,d);}gl_FragColor=weights;}"; // src/materials/glsl/smaa-weights.vert var smaa_weights_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;uniform vec2 resolution;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec4 vOffset[3];varying vec2 vPixCoord;void main(){vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vPixCoord=vUv*resolution;vOffset[0]=vUv.xyxy+texelSize.xyxy*vec4(-0.25,-0.125,1.25,-0.125);vOffset[1]=vUv.xyxy+texelSize.xyxy*vec4(-0.125,-0.25,-0.125,1.25);vOffset[2]=vec4(vOffset[0].xz,vOffset[1].yw)+vec4(-2.0,2.0,-2.0,2.0)*texelSize.xxyy*MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_FLOAT;gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/SMAAWeightsMaterial.js var SMAAWeightsMaterial = class extends import_three52.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new SMAA weights material. * * @param {Vector2} [texelSize] - The absolute screen texel size. * @param {Vector2} [resolution] - The resolution. */ constructor(texelSize = new import_three52.Vector2(), resolution = new import_three52.Vector2()) { super({ name: "SMAAWeightsMaterial", defines: { // Configurable settings: MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_INT: "16", MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_FLOAT: "16.0", MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG_INT: "8", MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG_FLOAT: "8.0", CORNER_ROUNDING: "25", CORNER_ROUNDING_NORM: "0.25", // Non-configurable settings: AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE: "16.0", AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG: "20.0", AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE: "(1.0 / vec2(160.0, 560.0))", AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE: "(1.0 / 7.0)", SEARCHTEX_SIZE: "vec2(66.0, 33.0)", SEARCHTEX_PACKED_SIZE: "vec2(64.0, 16.0)" }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three52.Uniform(null), searchTexture: new import_three52.Uniform(null), areaTexture: new import_three52.Uniform(null), resolution: new import_three52.Uniform(resolution), texelSize: new import_three52.Uniform(texelSize) }, blending: import_three52.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: smaa_weights_default, vertexShader: smaa_weights_default2 }); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The search lookup texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get searchTexture() { return this.uniforms.searchTexture.value; } set searchTexture(value) { this.uniforms.searchTexture.value = value; } /** * The area lookup texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get areaTexture() { return this.uniforms.areaTexture.value; } set areaTexture(value) { this.uniforms.areaTexture.value = value; } /** * Sets the search and area lookup textures. * * @deprecated Use searchTexture and areaTexture instead. * @param {Texture} search - The search lookup texture. * @param {Texture} area - The area lookup texture. */ setLookupTextures(search, area2) { this.searchTexture = search; this.areaTexture = area2; } /** * The maximum amount of steps performed in the horizontal/vertical pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. * Range: [0, 112]. * * In number of pixels, it's actually the double. So the maximum line length perfectly handled by, for example 16, is * 64 (perfectly means that longer lines won't look as good, but are still antialiased). * * @type {Number} */ get orthogonalSearchSteps() { return Number(this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_INT); } set orthogonalSearchSteps(value) { const s = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 112); this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_INT = s.toFixed("0"); this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_FLOAT = s.toFixed("1"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the maximum amount of steps performed in the horizontal/vertical pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. * * @deprecated Use orthogonalSearchSteps instead. * @param {Number} value - The search steps. Range: [0, 112]. */ setOrthogonalSearchSteps(value) { this.orthogonalSearchSteps = value; } /** * The maximum steps performed in the diagonal pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. This search * jumps one pixel at a time. Range: [0, 20]. * * On high-end machines this search is cheap (between 0.8x and 0.9x slower for 16 steps), but it can have a * significant impact on older machines. * * @type {Number} */ get diagonalSearchSteps() { return Number(this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG_INT); } set diagonalSearchSteps(value) { const s = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 20); this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG_INT = s.toFixed("0"); this.defines.MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG_FLOAT = s.toFixed("1"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Specifies the maximum steps performed in the diagonal pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. * * @deprecated Use diagonalSearchSteps instead. * @param {Number} value - The search steps. Range: [0, 20]. */ setDiagonalSearchSteps(value) { this.diagonalSearchSteps = value; } /** * Indicates whether diagonal pattern detection is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get diagonalDetection() { return this.defines.DISABLE_DIAG_DETECTION === void 0; } set diagonalDetection(value) { if (value) { delete this.defines.DISABLE_DIAG_DETECTION; } else { this.defines.DISABLE_DIAG_DETECTION = "1"; } this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether diagonal pattern detection is enabled. * * @deprecated Use diagonalDetection instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether diagonal pattern detection is enabled. */ isDiagonalDetectionEnabled() { return this.diagonalDetection; } /** * Enables or disables diagonal pattern detection. * * @deprecated Use diagonalDetection instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether diagonal pattern detection should be enabled. */ setDiagonalDetectionEnabled(value) { this.diagonalDetection = value; } /** * Specifies how much sharp corners will be rounded. Range: [0, 100]. * * @type {Number} */ get cornerRounding() { return Number(this.defines.CORNER_ROUNDING); } set cornerRounding(value) { const r = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 100); this.defines.CORNER_ROUNDING = r.toFixed("4"); this.defines.CORNER_ROUNDING_NORM = (r / 100).toFixed("4"); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Specifies how much sharp corners will be rounded. * * @deprecated Use cornerRounding instead. * @param {Number} value - The corner rounding amount. Range: [0, 100]. */ setCornerRounding(value) { this.cornerRounding = value; } /** * Indicates whether corner detection is enabled. * * @type {Number} */ get cornerDetection() { return this.defines.DISABLE_CORNER_DETECTION === void 0; } set cornerDetection(value) { if (value) { delete this.defines.DISABLE_CORNER_DETECTION; } else { this.defines.DISABLE_CORNER_DETECTION = "1"; } this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Indicates whether corner rounding is enabled. * * @deprecated Use cornerDetection instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether corner rounding is enabled. */ isCornerRoundingEnabled() { return this.cornerDetection; } /** * Enables or disables corner rounding. * * @deprecated Use cornerDetection instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether corner rounding should be enabled. */ setCornerRoundingEnabled(value) { this.cornerDetection = value; } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const uniforms = this.uniforms; uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); uniforms.resolution.value.set(width, height); } }; // src/textures/smaa/searchImageDataURL.js var searchImageDataURL_default = ""; // src/textures/smaa/areaImageDataURL.js var areaImageDataURL_default = ""; // src/effects/glsl/smaa.frag var smaa_default = "uniform sampler2D weightMap;varying vec2 vOffset0;varying vec2 vOffset1;void movec(const in bvec2 c,inout vec2 variable,const in vec2 value){if(c.x){variable.x=value.x;}if(c.y){variable.y=value.y;}}void movec(const in bvec4 c,inout vec4 variable,const in vec4 value){movec(c.xy,variable.xy,value.xy);movec(c.zw,variable.zw,value.zw);}void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){vec4 a;a.x=texture2D(weightMap,vOffset0).a;a.y=texture2D(weightMap,vOffset1).g;a.wz=texture2D(weightMap,uv).rb;vec4 color=inputColor;if(dot(a,vec4(1.0))>=1e-5){bool h=max(a.x,a.z)>max(a.y,a.w);vec4 blendingOffset=vec4(0.0,a.y,0.0,a.w);vec2 blendingWeight=a.yw;movec(bvec4(h),blendingOffset,vec4(a.x,0.0,a.z,0.0));movec(bvec2(h),blendingWeight,a.xz);blendingWeight/=dot(blendingWeight,vec2(1.0));vec4 blendingCoord=blendingOffset*vec4(texelSize,-texelSize)+uv.xyxy;color=blendingWeight.x*texture2D(inputBuffer,blendingCoord.xy);color+=blendingWeight.y*texture2D(inputBuffer,blendingCoord.zw);}outputColor=color;}"; // src/effects/glsl/smaa.vert var smaa_default2 = "varying vec2 vOffset0;varying vec2 vOffset1;void mainSupport(const in vec2 uv){vOffset0=uv+texelSize*vec2(1.0,0.0);vOffset1=uv+texelSize*vec2(0.0,1.0);}"; // src/effects/SMAAEffect.js var SMAAEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new SMAA effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {SMAAPreset} [options.preset=SMAAPreset.MEDIUM] - The quality preset. * @param {EdgeDetectionMode} [options.edgeDetectionMode=EdgeDetectionMode.COLOR] - The edge detection mode. * @param {PredicationMode} [options.predicationMode=PredicationMode.DISABLED] - The predication mode. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, preset = SMAAPreset.MEDIUM, edgeDetectionMode = EdgeDetectionMode.COLOR, predicationMode = PredicationMode.DISABLED } = {}) { super("SMAAEffect", smaa_default, { vertexShader: smaa_default2, blendFunction, attributes: EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION | EffectAttribute.DEPTH, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["weightMap", new import_three53.Uniform(null)] ]) }); let searchImage, areaImage; if (arguments.length > 1) { searchImage = arguments[0]; areaImage = arguments[1]; if (arguments.length > 2) { preset = arguments[2]; } if (arguments.length > 3) { edgeDetectionMode = arguments[3]; } } this.renderTargetEdges = new import_three53.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetEdges.texture.name = "SMAA.Edges"; this.renderTargetWeights = this.renderTargetEdges.clone(); this.renderTargetWeights.texture.name = "SMAA.Weights"; this.uniforms.get("weightMap").value = this.renderTargetWeights.texture; this.clearPass = new ClearPass(true, false, false); this.clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three53.Color(0); this.clearPass.overrideClearAlpha = 1; this.edgeDetectionPass = new ShaderPass(new EdgeDetectionMaterial()); this.edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionMode = edgeDetectionMode; this.edgeDetectionMaterial.predicationMode = predicationMode; this.weightsPass = new ShaderPass(new SMAAWeightsMaterial()); const loadingManager = new import_three53.LoadingManager(); loadingManager.onLoad = () => { const searchTexture = new import_three53.Texture(searchImage); searchTexture.name = "SMAA.Search"; searchTexture.magFilter = import_three53.NearestFilter; searchTexture.minFilter = import_three53.NearestFilter; searchTexture.generateMipmaps = false; searchTexture.needsUpdate = true; searchTexture.flipY = true; this.weightsMaterial.searchTexture = searchTexture; const areaTexture = new import_three53.Texture(areaImage); areaTexture.name = "SMAA.Area"; areaTexture.magFilter = import_three53.LinearFilter; areaTexture.minFilter = import_three53.LinearFilter; areaTexture.generateMipmaps = false; areaTexture.needsUpdate = true; areaTexture.flipY = false; this.weightsMaterial.areaTexture = areaTexture; this.dispatchEvent({ type: "load" }); }; loadingManager.itemStart("search"); loadingManager.itemStart("area"); if (searchImage !== void 0 && areaImage !== void 0) { loadingManager.itemEnd("search"); loadingManager.itemEnd("area"); } else if (typeof Image !== "undefined") { searchImage = new Image(); areaImage = new Image(); searchImage.addEventListener("load", () => loadingManager.itemEnd("search")); areaImage.addEventListener("load", () => loadingManager.itemEnd("area")); searchImage.src = searchImageDataURL_default; areaImage.src = areaImageDataURL_default; } this.applyPreset(preset); } /** * The edges texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get edgesTexture() { return this.renderTargetEdges.texture; } /** * Returns the edges texture. * * @deprecated Use edgesTexture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getEdgesTexture() { return this.edgesTexture; } /** * The edge weights texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get weightsTexture() { return this.renderTargetWeights.texture; } /** * Returns the edge weights texture. * * @deprecated Use weightsTexture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getWeightsTexture() { return this.weightsTexture; } /** * The edge detection material. * * @type {EdgeDetectionMaterial} */ get edgeDetectionMaterial() { return this.edgeDetectionPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * The edge detection material. * * @type {EdgeDetectionMaterial} * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionMaterial instead. */ get colorEdgesMaterial() { return this.edgeDetectionMaterial; } /** * Returns the edge detection material. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionMaterial instead. * @return {EdgeDetectionMaterial} The material. */ getEdgeDetectionMaterial() { return this.edgeDetectionMaterial; } /** * The edge weights material. * * @type {SMAAWeightsMaterial} */ get weightsMaterial() { return this.weightsPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Returns the edge weights material. * * @deprecated Use weightsMaterial instead. * @return {SMAAWeightsMaterial} The material. */ getWeightsMaterial() { return this.weightsMaterial; } /** * Sets the edge detection sensitivity. * * See {@link EdgeDetectionMaterial#setEdgeDetectionThreshold} for more details. * * @deprecated Use edgeDetectionMaterial instead. * @param {Number} threshold - The edge detection sensitivity. Range: [0.05, 0.5]. */ setEdgeDetectionThreshold(threshold) { this.edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionThreshold = threshold; } /** * Sets the maximum amount of horizontal/vertical search steps. * * See {@link SMAAWeightsMaterial#setOrthogonalSearchSteps} for more details. * * @deprecated Use weightsMaterial instead. * @param {Number} steps - The search steps. Range: [0, 112]. */ setOrthogonalSearchSteps(steps) { this.weightsMaterial.orthogonalSearchSteps = steps; } /** * Applies the given quality preset. * * @param {SMAAPreset} preset - The preset. */ applyPreset(preset) { const edgeDetectionMaterial = this.edgeDetectionMaterial; const weightsMaterial = this.weightsMaterial; switch (preset) { case SMAAPreset.LOW: edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionThreshold = 0.15; weightsMaterial.orthogonalSearchSteps = 4; weightsMaterial.diagonalDetection = false; weightsMaterial.cornerDetection = false; break; case SMAAPreset.MEDIUM: edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionThreshold = 0.1; weightsMaterial.orthogonalSearchSteps = 8; weightsMaterial.diagonalDetection = false; weightsMaterial.cornerDetection = false; break; case SMAAPreset.HIGH: edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionThreshold = 0.1; weightsMaterial.orthogonalSearchSteps = 16; weightsMaterial.diagonalSearchSteps = 8; weightsMaterial.cornerRounding = 25; weightsMaterial.diagonalDetection = true; weightsMaterial.cornerDetection = true; break; case SMAAPreset.ULTRA: edgeDetectionMaterial.edgeDetectionThreshold = 0.05; weightsMaterial.orthogonalSearchSteps = 32; weightsMaterial.diagonalSearchSteps = 16; weightsMaterial.cornerRounding = 25; weightsMaterial.diagonalDetection = true; weightsMaterial.cornerDetection = true; break; } } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three53.BasicDepthPacking) { this.edgeDetectionMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.edgeDetectionMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { this.clearPass.render(renderer, this.renderTargetEdges); this.edgeDetectionPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, this.renderTargetEdges); this.weightsPass.render(renderer, this.renderTargetEdges, this.renderTargetWeights); } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.edgeDetectionMaterial.setSize(width, height); this.weightsMaterial.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetEdges.setSize(width, height); this.renderTargetWeights.setSize(width, height); } /** * Deletes internal render targets and textures. */ dispose() { const { searchTexture, areaTexture } = this.weightsMaterial; if (searchTexture !== null && areaTexture !== null) { searchTexture.dispose(); areaTexture.dispose(); } super.dispose(); } /** * The SMAA search image, encoded as a base64 data URL. * * @type {String} * @deprecated */ static get searchImageDataURL() { return searchImageDataURL_default; } /** * The SMAA area image, encoded as a base64 data URL. * * @type {String} * @deprecated */ static get areaImageDataURL() { return areaImageDataURL_default; } }; // src/effects/SSAOEffect.js var import_three57 = require("three"); // src/materials/SSAOMaterial.js var import_three54 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/ssao.frag var ssao_default = "#include \n#include \n#ifdef NORMAL_DEPTH\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#endif\nfloat readDepth(const in vec2 uv){return texture2D(normalDepthBuffer,uv).a;}\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D normalBuffer;\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nuniform lowp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#elif defined(GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH)\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#endif\nfloat readDepth(const in vec2 uv){\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nreturn unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer,uv));\n#else\nreturn texture2D(depthBuffer,uv).r;\n#endif\n}\n#endif\nuniform lowp sampler2D noiseTexture;uniform mat4 inverseProjectionMatrix;uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;uniform vec2 texelSize;uniform vec2 cameraNearFar;uniform float intensity;uniform float minRadiusScale;uniform float fade;uniform float bias;uniform vec2 distanceCutoff;uniform vec2 proximityCutoff;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv2;float getViewZ(const in float depth){\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nreturn perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#else\nreturn orthographicDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#endif\n}vec3 getViewPosition(const in vec2 screenPosition,const in float depth,const in float viewZ){vec4 clipPosition=vec4(vec3(screenPosition,depth)*2.0-1.0,1.0);float clipW=projectionMatrix[2][3]*viewZ+projectionMatrix[3][3];clipPosition*=clipW;return(inverseProjectionMatrix*clipPosition).xyz;}float getAmbientOcclusion(const in vec3 p,const in vec3 n,const in float depth,const in vec2 uv){float radiusScale=1.0-smoothstep(0.0,distanceCutoff.y,depth);radiusScale=radiusScale*(1.0-minRadiusScale)+minRadiusScale;float radius=RADIUS*radiusScale;float noise=texture2D(noiseTexture,vUv2).r;float baseAngle=noise*PI2;float rings=SPIRAL_TURNS*PI2;float occlusion=0.0;int taps=0;for(int i=0;i1.0||coords.t<0.0||coords.t>1.0){continue;}float sampleDepth=readDepth(coords);float viewZ=getViewZ(sampleDepth);\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nfloat linearSampleDepth=viewZToOrthographicDepth(viewZ,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#else\nfloat linearSampleDepth=sampleDepth;\n#endif\nfloat proximity=abs(depth-linearSampleDepth);if(proximity this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } /** * The normal(RGB) + depth(A) texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the normal(RGB) + depth(A) texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three56.BasicDepthPacking) { this.fullscreenMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.fullscreenMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Downsamples depth and scene normals. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); this.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { const gl = renderer.getContext(); const renderable = gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float") || gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_half_float"); if (!renderable) { throw new Error("Rendering to float texture is not supported."); } } }; // src/effects/glsl/ssao.frag var ssao_default3 = "uniform lowp sampler2D aoBuffer;uniform float luminanceInfluence;uniform float intensity;\n#if defined(DEPTH_AWARE_UPSAMPLING) && defined(NORMAL_DEPTH)\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#endif\n#endif\n#ifdef COLORIZE\nuniform vec3 color;\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,const in float depth,out vec4 outputColor){float aoLinear=texture2D(aoBuffer,uv).r;\n#if defined(DEPTH_AWARE_UPSAMPLING) && defined(NORMAL_DEPTH) && __VERSION__ == 300\nvec4 normalDepth[4];normalDepth[0]=textureOffset(normalDepthBuffer,uv,ivec2(0,0));normalDepth[1]=textureOffset(normalDepthBuffer,uv,ivec2(0,1));normalDepth[2]=textureOffset(normalDepthBuffer,uv,ivec2(1,0));normalDepth[3]=textureOffset(normalDepthBuffer,uv,ivec2(1,1));float dot01=dot(normalDepth[0].rgb,normalDepth[1].rgb);float dot02=dot(normalDepth[0].rgb,normalDepth[2].rgb);float dot03=dot(normalDepth[0].rgb,normalDepth[3].rgb);float minDot=min(dot01,min(dot02,dot03));float s=step(THRESHOLD,minDot);float smallestDistance=1.0;int index;for(int i=0;i<4;++i){float distance=abs(depth-normalDepth[i].a);if(distance this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.camera = camera; this.depthDownsamplingPass = new DepthDownsamplingPass({ normalBuffer, resolutionScale }); this.depthDownsamplingPass.enabled = normalDepthBuffer === null; this.ssaoPass = new ShaderPass(new SSAOMaterial(camera)); const noiseTexture = new NoiseTexture(NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, import_three57.RGBAFormat); noiseTexture.wrapS = noiseTexture.wrapT = import_three57.RepeatWrapping; const ssaoMaterial = this.ssaoMaterial; ssaoMaterial.normalBuffer = normalBuffer; ssaoMaterial.noiseTexture = noiseTexture; ssaoMaterial.minRadiusScale = minRadiusScale; ssaoMaterial.samples = samples; ssaoMaterial.radius = radius; ssaoMaterial.rings = rings; ssaoMaterial.fade = fade; ssaoMaterial.bias = bias; ssaoMaterial.distanceThreshold = distanceThreshold; ssaoMaterial.distanceFalloff = distanceFalloff; ssaoMaterial.proximityThreshold = rangeThreshold; ssaoMaterial.proximityFalloff = rangeFalloff; if (worldDistanceThreshold !== void 0) { ssaoMaterial.worldDistanceThreshold = worldDistanceThreshold; } if (worldDistanceFalloff !== void 0) { ssaoMaterial.worldDistanceFalloff = worldDistanceFalloff; } if (worldProximityThreshold !== void 0) { ssaoMaterial.worldProximityThreshold = worldProximityThreshold; } if (worldProximityFalloff !== void 0) { ssaoMaterial.worldProximityFalloff = worldProximityFalloff; } if (normalDepthBuffer !== null) { this.ssaoMaterial.normalDepthBuffer = normalDepthBuffer; this.defines.set("NORMAL_DEPTH", "1"); } this.depthAwareUpsampling = depthAwareUpsampling; this.color = color2; } set mainCamera(value) { this.camera = value; this.ssaoMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * Sets the normal buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ get normalBuffer() { return this.ssaoMaterial.normalBuffer; } set normalBuffer(value) { this.ssaoMaterial.normalBuffer = value; this.depthDownsamplingPass.fullscreenMaterial.normalBuffer = value; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * The SSAO material. * * @type {SSAOMaterial} */ get ssaoMaterial() { return this.ssaoPass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Returns the SSAO material. * * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial instead. * @return {SSAOMaterial} The material. */ getSSAOMaterial() { return this.ssaoMaterial; } /** * The amount of occlusion samples per pixel. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial.samples instead. */ get samples() { return this.ssaoMaterial.samples; } set samples(value) { this.ssaoMaterial.samples = value; } /** * The amount of spiral turns in the occlusion sampling pattern. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial.rings instead. */ get rings() { return this.ssaoMaterial.rings; } set rings(value) { this.ssaoMaterial.rings = value; } /** * The occlusion sampling radius. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial.radius instead. */ get radius() { return this.ssaoMaterial.radius; } set radius(value) { this.ssaoMaterial.radius = value; } /** * Indicates whether depth-aware upsampling is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get depthAwareUpsampling() { return this.defines.has("DEPTH_AWARE_UPSAMPLING"); } set depthAwareUpsampling(value) { if (this.depthAwareUpsampling !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("DEPTH_AWARE_UPSAMPLING", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("DEPTH_AWARE_UPSAMPLING"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether depth-aware upsampling is enabled. * * @deprecated Use depthAwareUpsampling instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether depth-aware upsampling is enabled. */ isDepthAwareUpsamplingEnabled() { return this.depthAwareUpsampling; } /** * Enables or disables depth-aware upsampling. * * @deprecated Use depthAwareUpsampling instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether depth-aware upsampling should be enabled. */ setDepthAwareUpsamplingEnabled(value) { this.depthAwareUpsampling = value; } /** * Indicates whether distance-based radius scaling is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated */ get distanceScaling() { return true; } set distanceScaling(value) { } /** * The color of the ambient occlusion. Set to `null` to disable. * * @type {Color} */ get color() { return this.uniforms.get("color").value; } set color(value) { const uniforms = this.uniforms; const defines = this.defines; if (value !== null) { if (defines.has("COLORIZE")) { uniforms.get("color").value.set(value); } else { defines.set("COLORIZE", "1"); uniforms.get("color").value = new import_three57.Color(value); this.setChanged(); } } else if (defines.has("COLORIZE")) { defines.delete("COLORIZE"); uniforms.get("color").value = null; this.setChanged(); } } /** * The luminance influence factor. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. * * @type {Boolean} */ get luminanceInfluence() { return this.uniforms.get("luminanceInfluence").value; } set luminanceInfluence(value) { this.uniforms.get("luminanceInfluence").value = value; } /** * The intensity. * * @type {Number} */ get intensity() { return this.uniforms.get("intensity").value; } set intensity(value) { this.uniforms.get("intensity").value = value; } /** * Returns the color of the ambient occlusion. * * @deprecated Use color instead. * @return {Color} The color. */ getColor() { return this.color; } /** * Sets the color of the ambient occlusion. Set to `null` to disable colorization. * * @deprecated Use color instead. * @param {Color} value - The color. */ setColor(value) { this.color = value; } /** * Sets the occlusion distance cutoff. * * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial instead. * @param {Number} threshold - The distance threshold. Range [0.0, 1.0]. * @param {Number} falloff - The falloff. Range [0.0, 1.0]. */ setDistanceCutoff(threshold, falloff) { this.ssaoMaterial.distanceThreshold = threshold; this.ssaoMaterial.distanceFalloff = falloff; } /** * Sets the occlusion proximity cutoff. * * @deprecated Use ssaoMaterial instead. * @param {Number} threshold - The proximity threshold. Range [0.0, 1.0]. * @param {Number} falloff - The falloff. Range [0.0, 1.0]. */ setProximityCutoff(threshold, falloff) { this.ssaoMaterial.proximityThreshold = threshold; this.ssaoMaterial.proximityFalloff = falloff; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three57.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthDownsamplingPass.setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking); this.ssaoMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.ssaoMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { const renderTarget = this.renderTarget; if (this.depthDownsamplingPass.enabled) { this.depthDownsamplingPass.render(renderer); } this.ssaoPass.render(renderer, null, renderTarget); } /** * Sets the size. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.ssaoMaterial.copyCameraSettings(this.camera); this.ssaoMaterial.setSize(w, h); this.renderTarget.setSize(w, h); this.depthDownsamplingPass.resolution.scale = resolution.scale; this.depthDownsamplingPass.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { try { let normalDepthBuffer = this.uniforms.get("normalDepthBuffer").value; if (normalDepthBuffer === null) { this.depthDownsamplingPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); normalDepthBuffer = this.depthDownsamplingPass.texture; this.uniforms.get("normalDepthBuffer").value = normalDepthBuffer; this.ssaoMaterial.normalDepthBuffer = normalDepthBuffer; this.defines.set("NORMAL_DEPTH", "1"); } } catch (e) { this.depthDownsamplingPass.enabled = false; } } }; // src/effects/TextureEffect.js var import_three58 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/texture.frag var texture_default = "#ifdef TEXTURE_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D map;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D map;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 vUv2;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){\n#ifdef UV_TRANSFORM\nvec4 texel=texture2D(map,vUv2);\n#else\nvec4 texel=texture2D(map,uv);\n#endif\noutputColor=TEXEL;}"; // src/effects/glsl/texture.vert var texture_default2 = "#ifdef ASPECT_CORRECTION\nuniform float scale;\n#else\nuniform mat3 uvTransform;\n#endif\nvarying vec2 vUv2;void mainSupport(const in vec2 uv){\n#ifdef ASPECT_CORRECTION\nvUv2=uv*vec2(aspect,1.0)*scale;\n#else\nvUv2=(uvTransform*vec3(uv,1.0)).xy;\n#endif\n}"; // src/effects/TextureEffect.js var TextureEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new texture effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Texture} [options.texture] - A texture. * @param {Boolean} [options.aspectCorrection=false] - Deprecated. Adjust the texture's offset, repeat and center instead. */ constructor({ blendFunction, texture = null, aspectCorrection = false } = {}) { super("TextureEffect", texture_default, { blendFunction, defines: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["TEXEL", "texel"] ]), uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["map", new import_three58.Uniform(null)], ["scale", new import_three58.Uniform(1)], ["uvTransform", new import_three58.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this.texture = texture; this.aspectCorrection = aspectCorrection; } /** * The texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.uniforms.get("map").value; } set texture(value) { const prevTexture = this.texture; const uniforms = this.uniforms; const defines = this.defines; if (prevTexture !== value) { uniforms.get("map").value = value; uniforms.get("uvTransform").value = value.matrix; defines.delete("TEXTURE_PRECISION_HIGH"); if (value !== null) { if (value.matrixAutoUpdate) { defines.set("UV_TRANSFORM", "1"); this.setVertexShader(texture_default2); } else { defines.delete("UV_TRANSFORM"); this.setVertexShader(null); } if (value.type !== import_three58.UnsignedByteType) { defines.set("TEXTURE_PRECISION_HIGH", "1"); } if (prevTexture === null || prevTexture.type !== value.type || prevTexture.encoding !== value.encoding) { this.setChanged(); } } } } /** * Returns the texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.texture; } /** * Sets the texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @param {Texture} value - The texture. */ setTexture(value) { this.texture = value; } /** * Indicates whether aspect correction is enabled. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Adjust the texture's offset, repeat, rotation and center instead. */ get aspectCorrection() { return this.defines.has("ASPECT_CORRECTION"); } set aspectCorrection(value) { if (this.aspectCorrection !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.set("ASPECT_CORRECTION", "1"); } else { this.defines.delete("ASPECT_CORRECTION"); } this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether the texture UV coordinates will be transformed using the transformation matrix of the texture. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use texture.matrixAutoUpdate instead. */ get uvTransform() { const texture = this.texture; return texture !== null && texture.matrixAutoUpdate; } set uvTransform(value) { const texture = this.texture; if (texture !== null) { texture.matrixAutoUpdate = value; } } /** * Sets the swizzles that will be applied to the components of a texel before it is written to the output color. * * @param {ColorChannel} r - The swizzle for the `r` component. * @param {ColorChannel} [g=r] - The swizzle for the `g` component. * @param {ColorChannel} [b=r] - The swizzle for the `b` component. * @param {ColorChannel} [a=r] - The swizzle for the `a` component. */ setTextureSwizzleRGBA(r, g = r, b = r, a = r) { const rgba = "rgba"; let swizzle = ""; if (r !== ColorChannel.RED || g !== ColorChannel.GREEN || b !== ColorChannel.BLUE || a !== ColorChannel.ALPHA) { swizzle = [".", rgba[r], rgba[g], rgba[b], rgba[a]].join(""); } this.defines.set("TEXEL", "texel" + swizzle); this.setChanged(); } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { if (this.texture.matrixAutoUpdate) { this.texture.updateMatrix(); } } }; // src/effects/TiltShiftEffect.js var import_three60 = require("three"); // src/materials/TiltShiftBlurMaterial.js var import_three59 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.tilt-shift.frag var convolution_tilt_shift_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform vec4 maskParams;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vOffset;float linearGradientMask(const in float x){return smoothstep(maskParams.x,maskParams.y,x)-smoothstep(maskParams.w,maskParams.z,x);}void main(){vec2 dUv=vOffset*(1.0-linearGradientMask(vUv2.y));vec4 sum=texture2D(inputBuffer,vec2(vUv.x-dUv.x,vUv.y+dUv.y));sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vec2(vUv.x+dUv.x,vUv.y+dUv.y));sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vec2(vUv.x+dUv.x,vUv.y-dUv.y));sum+=texture2D(inputBuffer,vec2(vUv.x-dUv.x,vUv.y-dUv.y));gl_FragColor=sum*0.25;\n#include \n}"; // src/materials/glsl/convolution.tilt-shift.vert var convolution_tilt_shift_default2 = "uniform vec4 texelSize;uniform float kernel;uniform float scale;uniform float aspect;uniform vec2 rotation;varying vec2 vUv;varying vec2 vUv2;varying vec2 vOffset;void main(){vec2 uv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;vUv=uv;vUv2=(uv-0.5)*2.0*vec2(aspect,1.0);vUv2=vec2(dot(rotation,vUv2),dot(rotation,vec2(vUv2.y,-vUv2.x)));vOffset=(texelSize.xy*vec2(kernel)+texelSize.zw)*scale;gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/TiltShiftBlurMaterial.js var TiltShiftBlurMaterial = class extends KawaseBlurMaterial { /** * Constructs a new tilt shift blur material. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.offset=0.0] - The relative offset of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.rotation=0.0] - The rotation of the focus area in radians. * @param {Number} [options.focusArea=0.4] - The relative size of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.feather=0.3] - The softness of the focus area edges. */ constructor({ kernelSize = KernelSize.MEDIUM, offset = 0, rotation = 0, focusArea = 0.4, feather = 0.3 } = {}) { super(); this.fragmentShader = convolution_tilt_shift_default; this.vertexShader = convolution_tilt_shift_default2; this.kernelSize = kernelSize; this.uniforms.aspect = new import_three59.Uniform(1); this.uniforms.rotation = new import_three59.Uniform(new import_three59.Vector2()); this.uniforms.maskParams = new import_three59.Uniform(new import_three59.Vector4()); this._offset = offset; this._focusArea = focusArea; this._feather = feather; this.rotation = rotation; this.updateParams(); } /** * The relative offset of the focus area. * * @private */ updateParams() { const params = this.uniforms.maskParams.value; const a = Math.max(this.focusArea, 0); const b = Math.max(a - this.feather, 0); params.set( this.offset - a, this.offset - b, this.offset + a, this.offset + b ); } /** * The rotation of the focus area in radians. * * @type {Number} */ get rotation() { return Math.acos(this.uniforms.rotation.value.x); } set rotation(value) { this.uniforms.rotation.value.set(Math.cos(value), Math.sin(value)); } /** * The relative offset of the focus area. * * @type {Number} */ get offset() { return this._offset; } set offset(value) { this._offset = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * The relative size of the focus area. * * @type {Number} */ get focusArea() { return this._focusArea; } set focusArea(value) { this._focusArea = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * The softness of the focus area edges. * * @type {Number} */ get feather() { return this._feather; } set feather(value) { this._feather = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { super.setSize(width, height); this.uniforms.aspect.value = width / height; } }; // src/passes/TiltShiftBlurPass.js var TiltShiftBlurPass = class extends KawaseBlurPass { /** * Constructs a new Kawase blur pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.offset=0.0] - The relative offset of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.rotation=0.0] - The rotation of the focus area in radians. * @param {Number} [options.focusArea=0.4] - The relative size of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.feather=0.3] - The softness of the focus area edges. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.MEDIUM] - The blur kernel size. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. */ constructor({ offset = 0, rotation = 0, focusArea = 0.4, feather = 0.3, kernelSize = KernelSize.MEDIUM, resolutionScale = 0.5, resolutionX = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionY = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE } = {}) { super({ kernelSize, resolutionScale, resolutionX, resolutionY }); this.blurMaterial = new TiltShiftBlurMaterial({ kernelSize, offset, rotation, focusArea, feather }); } }; // src/effects/glsl/tilt-shift.frag var tilt_shift_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D map;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D map;\n#endif\nuniform vec2 maskParams;varying vec2 vUv2;float linearGradientMask(const in float x){return step(maskParams.x,x)-step(maskParams.y,x);}void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){float mask=linearGradientMask(vUv2.y);vec4 texel=texture2D(map,uv);outputColor=mix(texel,inputColor,mask);}"; // src/effects/glsl/tilt-shift.vert var tilt_shift_default2 = "uniform vec2 rotation;varying vec2 vUv2;void mainSupport(const in vec2 uv){vUv2=(uv-0.5)*2.0*vec2(aspect,1.0);vUv2=vec2(dot(rotation,vUv2),dot(rotation,vec2(vUv2.y,-vUv2.x)));}"; // src/effects/TiltShiftEffect.js var TiltShiftEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new tilt shift Effect * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Number} [options.offset=0.0] - The relative offset of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.rotation=0.0] - The rotation of the focus area in radians. * @param {Number} [options.focusArea=0.4] - The relative size of the focus area. * @param {Number} [options.feather=0.3] - The softness of the focus area edges. * @param {Number} [options.bias=0.06] - Deprecated. * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.MEDIUM] - The blur kernel size. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. */ constructor({ blendFunction, offset = 0, rotation = 0, focusArea = 0.4, feather = 0.3, kernelSize = KernelSize.MEDIUM, resolutionScale = 0.5, resolutionX = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionY = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE } = {}) { super("TiltShiftEffect", tilt_shift_default, { vertexShader: tilt_shift_default2, blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["rotation", new import_three60.Uniform(new import_three60.Vector2())], ["maskParams", new import_three60.Uniform(new import_three60.Vector2())], ["map", new import_three60.Uniform(null)] ]) }); this._offset = offset; this._focusArea = focusArea; this._feather = feather; this.renderTarget = new import_three60.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "TiltShift.Target"; this.uniforms.get("map").value = this.renderTarget.texture; this.blurPass = new TiltShiftBlurPass({ kernelSize, resolutionScale, resolutionX, resolutionY, offset, rotation, focusArea, feather }); const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.rotation = rotation; this.updateParams(); } /** * Updates the mask params. * * @private */ updateParams() { const params = this.uniforms.get("maskParams").value; const x = Math.max(this.focusArea - this.feather, 0); params.set(this.offset - x, this.offset + x); } /** * The rotation of the focus area in radians. * * @type {Number} */ get rotation() { return Math.acos(this.uniforms.get("rotation").value.x); } set rotation(value) { this.uniforms.get("rotation").value.set(Math.cos(value), Math.sin(value)); this.blurPass.blurMaterial.rotation = value; } /** * The relative offset of the focus area. * * @type {Number} */ get offset() { return this._offset; } set offset(value) { this._offset = value; this.blurPass.blurMaterial.offset = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * The relative size of the focus area. * * @type {Number} */ get focusArea() { return this._focusArea; } set focusArea(value) { this._focusArea = value; this.blurPass.blurMaterial.focusArea = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * The softness of the focus area edges. * * @type {Number} */ get feather() { return this._feather; } set feather(value) { this._feather = value; this.blurPass.blurMaterial.feather = value; this.updateParams(); } /** * A blend bias. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated */ get bias() { return 0; } set bias(value) { } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { this.blurPass.render(renderer, inputBuffer, this.renderTarget); } /** * Updates the size of internal render targets. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); this.blurPass.resolution.copy(resolution); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.blurPass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTarget.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three60.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTarget.texture.colorSpace = import_three60.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/effects/ToneMappingEffect.js var import_three63 = require("three"); // src/passes/AdaptiveLuminancePass.js var import_three62 = require("three"); // src/materials/AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial.js var import_three61 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/adaptive-luminance.frag var adaptive_luminance_default = "#include \n#define packFloatToRGBA(v) packDepthToRGBA(v)\n#define unpackRGBAToFloat(v) unpackRGBAToDepth(v)\nuniform lowp sampler2D luminanceBuffer0;uniform lowp sampler2D luminanceBuffer1;uniform float minLuminance;uniform float deltaTime;uniform float tau;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){float l0=unpackRGBAToFloat(texture2D(luminanceBuffer0,vUv));\n#if __VERSION__ < 300\nfloat l1=texture2DLodEXT(luminanceBuffer1,vUv,MIP_LEVEL_1X1).r;\n#else\nfloat l1=textureLod(luminanceBuffer1,vUv,MIP_LEVEL_1X1).r;\n#endif\nl0=max(minLuminance,l0);l1=max(minLuminance,l1);float adaptedLum=l0+(l1-l0)*(1.0-exp(-deltaTime*tau));gl_FragColor=(adaptedLum==1.0)?vec4(1.0):packFloatToRGBA(adaptedLum);}"; // src/materials/AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial.js var AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial = class extends import_three61.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new adaptive luminance material. */ constructor() { super({ name: "AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial", defines: { MIP_LEVEL_1X1: "0.0" }, uniforms: { luminanceBuffer0: new import_three61.Uniform(null), luminanceBuffer1: new import_three61.Uniform(null), minLuminance: new import_three61.Uniform(0.01), deltaTime: new import_three61.Uniform(0), tau: new import_three61.Uniform(1) }, extensions: { shaderTextureLOD: true }, blending: import_three61.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: adaptive_luminance_default, vertexShader: common_default }); } /** * The primary luminance buffer that contains the downsampled average luminance. * * @type {Texture} */ set luminanceBuffer0(value) { this.uniforms.luminanceBuffer0.value = value; } /** * Sets the primary luminance buffer that contains the downsampled average luminance. * * @deprecated Use luminanceBuffer0 instead. * @param {Texture} value - The buffer. */ setLuminanceBuffer0(value) { this.uniforms.luminanceBuffer0.value = value; } /** * The secondary luminance buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set luminanceBuffer1(value) { this.uniforms.luminanceBuffer1.value = value; } /** * Sets the secondary luminance buffer. * * @deprecated Use luminanceBuffer1 instead. * @param {Texture} value - The buffer. */ setLuminanceBuffer1(value) { this.uniforms.luminanceBuffer1.value = value; } /** * The 1x1 mipmap level. * * This level is used to identify the smallest mipmap of the primary luminance buffer. * * @type {Number} */ set mipLevel1x1(value) { this.defines.MIP_LEVEL_1X1 = value.toFixed(1); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the 1x1 mipmap level. * * @deprecated Use mipLevel1x1 instead. * @param {Number} value - The level. */ setMipLevel1x1(value) { this.mipLevel1x1 = value; } /** * The delta time. * * @type {Number} */ set deltaTime(value) { this.uniforms.deltaTime.value = value; } /** * Sets the delta time. * * @deprecated Use deltaTime instead. * @param {Number} value - The delta time. */ setDeltaTime(value) { this.uniforms.deltaTime.value = value; } /** * The lowest possible luminance value. * * @type {Number} */ get minLuminance() { return this.uniforms.minLuminance.value; } set minLuminance(value) { this.uniforms.minLuminance.value = value; } /** * Returns the lowest possible luminance value. * * @deprecated Use minLuminance instead. * @return {Number} The minimum luminance. */ getMinLuminance() { return this.uniforms.minLuminance.value; } /** * Sets the minimum luminance. * * @deprecated Use minLuminance instead. * @param {Number} value - The minimum luminance. */ setMinLuminance(value) { this.uniforms.minLuminance.value = value; } /** * The luminance adaptation rate. * * @type {Number} */ get adaptationRate() { return this.uniforms.tau.value; } set adaptationRate(value) { this.uniforms.tau.value = value; } /** * Returns the luminance adaptation rate. * * @deprecated Use adaptationRate instead. * @return {Number} The adaptation rate. */ getAdaptationRate() { return this.uniforms.tau.value; } /** * Sets the luminance adaptation rate. * * @deprecated Use adaptationRate instead. * @param {Number} value - The adaptation rate. */ setAdaptationRate(value) { this.uniforms.tau.value = value; } }; // src/passes/AdaptiveLuminancePass.js var AdaptiveLuminancePass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new adaptive luminance pass. * * @param {Texture} luminanceBuffer - A buffer that contains the current scene luminance. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.minLuminance=0.01] - The minimum luminance. * @param {Number} [options.adaptationRate=1.0] - The luminance adaptation rate. */ constructor(luminanceBuffer, { minLuminance = 0.01, adaptationRate = 1 } = {}) { super("AdaptiveLuminancePass"); this.fullscreenMaterial = new AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial(); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderTargetPrevious = new import_three62.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { minFilter: import_three62.NearestFilter, magFilter: import_three62.NearestFilter, depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetPrevious.texture.name = "Luminance.Previous"; const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; material.luminanceBuffer0 = this.renderTargetPrevious.texture; material.luminanceBuffer1 = luminanceBuffer; material.minLuminance = minLuminance; material.adaptationRate = adaptationRate; this.renderTargetAdapted = this.renderTargetPrevious.clone(); this.renderTargetAdapted.texture.name = "Luminance.Adapted"; this.copyPass = new CopyPass(this.renderTargetPrevious, false); } /** * The adaptive luminance texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTargetAdapted.texture; } /** * Returns the adaptive 1x1 luminance texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTargetAdapted.texture; } /** * Sets the 1x1 mipmap level. * * This level is used to identify the smallest mipmap of the main luminance texture which contains the downsampled * average scene luminance. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial.mipLevel1x1 instead. */ set mipLevel1x1(value) { this.fullscreenMaterial.mipLevel1x1 = value; } /** * The luminance adaptation rate. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial.adaptationRate instead. */ get adaptationRate() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.adaptationRate; } /** * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial.adaptationRate instead. */ set adaptationRate(value) { this.fullscreenMaterial.adaptationRate = value; } /** * Renders the scene normals. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { this.fullscreenMaterial.deltaTime = deltaTime; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTargetAdapted); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); this.copyPass.render(renderer, this.renderTargetAdapted); } }; // src/effects/glsl/tone-mapping.frag var tone_mapping_default = "#include \nuniform float whitePoint;\n#if TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 2 || TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 3\nuniform float middleGrey;\n#if TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 3\nuniform lowp sampler2D luminanceBuffer;\n#else\nuniform float averageLuminance;\n#endif\nvec3 Reinhard2ToneMapping(vec3 color){color*=toneMappingExposure;float l=luminance(color);\n#if TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 3\nfloat lumAvg=unpackRGBAToFloat(texture2D(luminanceBuffer,vec2(0.5)));\n#else\nfloat lumAvg=averageLuminance;\n#endif\nfloat lumScaled=(l*middleGrey)/max(lumAvg,1e-6);float lumCompressed=lumScaled*(1.0+lumScaled/(whitePoint*whitePoint));lumCompressed/=(1.0+lumScaled);return clamp(lumCompressed*color,0.0,1.0);}\n#elif TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 4\n#define A 0.15\n#define B 0.50\n#define C 0.10\n#define D 0.20\n#define E 0.02\n#define F 0.30\nvec3 Uncharted2Helper(const in vec3 x){return((x*(A*x+C*B)+D*E)/(x*(A*x+B)+D*F))-E/F;}vec3 Uncharted2ToneMapping(vec3 color){color*=toneMappingExposure;return clamp(Uncharted2Helper(color)/Uncharted2Helper(vec3(whitePoint)),0.0,1.0);}\n#endif\nvoid mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){\n#if TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 2 || TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 3\noutputColor=vec4(Reinhard2ToneMapping(inputColor.rgb),inputColor.a);\n#elif TONE_MAPPING_MODE == 4\noutputColor=vec4(Uncharted2ToneMapping(inputColor.rgb),inputColor.a);\n#else\noutputColor=vec4(toneMapping(inputColor.rgb),inputColor.a);\n#endif\n}"; // src/effects/ToneMappingEffect.js var ToneMappingEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new tone mapping effect. * * The additional parameters only affect the Reinhard2 operator. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SRC] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {Boolean} [options.adaptive=false] - Deprecated. Use mode instead. * @param {ToneMappingMode} [options.mode=ToneMappingMode.AGX] - The tone mapping mode. * @param {Number} [options.resolution=256] - The resolution of the luminance texture. Must be a power of two. * @param {Number} [options.maxLuminance=4.0] - Deprecated. Same as whitePoint. * @param {Number} [options.whitePoint=4.0] - The white point. * @param {Number} [options.middleGrey=0.6] - The middle grey factor. * @param {Number} [options.minLuminance=0.01] - The minimum luminance. Prevents very high exposure in dark scenes. * @param {Number} [options.averageLuminance=1.0] - The average luminance. Used for the non-adaptive Reinhard operator. * @param {Number} [options.adaptationRate=1.0] - The luminance adaptation rate. */ constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.SRC, adaptive = false, mode = adaptive ? ToneMappingMode.REINHARD2_ADAPTIVE : ToneMappingMode.AGX, resolution = 256, maxLuminance = 4, whitePoint = maxLuminance, middleGrey = 0.6, minLuminance = 0.01, averageLuminance = 1, adaptationRate = 1 } = {}) { super("ToneMappingEffect", tone_mapping_default, { blendFunction, uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["luminanceBuffer", new import_three63.Uniform(null)], ["maxLuminance", new import_three63.Uniform(maxLuminance)], // Unused ["whitePoint", new import_three63.Uniform(whitePoint)], ["middleGrey", new import_three63.Uniform(middleGrey)], ["averageLuminance", new import_three63.Uniform(averageLuminance)] ]) }); this.renderTargetLuminance = new import_three63.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { minFilter: import_three63.LinearMipmapLinearFilter, depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetLuminance.texture.generateMipmaps = true; this.renderTargetLuminance.texture.name = "Luminance"; this.luminancePass = new LuminancePass({ renderTarget: this.renderTargetLuminance }); this.adaptiveLuminancePass = new AdaptiveLuminancePass(this.luminancePass.texture, { minLuminance, adaptationRate }); this.uniforms.get("luminanceBuffer").value = this.adaptiveLuminancePass.texture; this.resolution = resolution; this.mode = mode; } /** * The tone mapping mode. * * @type {ToneMappingMode} */ get mode() { return Number(this.defines.get("TONE_MAPPING_MODE")); } set mode(value) { if (this.mode === value) { return; } const revision = import_three63.REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, ""); const cineonToneMapping = revision >= 168 ? "CineonToneMapping(texel)" : "OptimizedCineonToneMapping(texel)"; this.defines.clear(); this.defines.set("TONE_MAPPING_MODE", value.toFixed(0)); switch (value) { case ToneMappingMode.LINEAR: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "LinearToneMapping(texel)"); break; case ToneMappingMode.REINHARD: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "ReinhardToneMapping(texel)"); break; case ToneMappingMode.CINEON: case ToneMappingMode.OPTIMIZED_CINEON: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", cineonToneMapping); break; case ToneMappingMode.ACES_FILMIC: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "ACESFilmicToneMapping(texel)"); break; case ToneMappingMode.AGX: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "AgXToneMapping(texel)"); break; case ToneMappingMode.NEUTRAL: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "NeutralToneMapping(texel)"); break; default: this.defines.set("toneMapping(texel)", "texel"); break; } this.adaptiveLuminancePass.enabled = value === ToneMappingMode.REINHARD2_ADAPTIVE; this.setChanged(); } /** * Returns the current tone mapping mode. * * @deprecated Use mode instead. * @return {ToneMappingMode} The tone mapping mode. */ getMode() { return this.mode; } /** * Sets the tone mapping mode. * * @deprecated Use mode instead. * @param {ToneMappingMode} value - The tone mapping mode. */ setMode(value) { this.mode = value; } /** * The white point. Default is `4.0`. * * Only applies to Reinhard2 (Modified & Adaptive). * * @type {Number} */ get whitePoint() { return this.uniforms.get("whitePoint").value; } set whitePoint(value) { this.uniforms.get("whitePoint").value = value; } /** * The middle grey factor. Default is `0.6`. * * Only applies to Reinhard2 (Modified & Adaptive). * * @type {Number} */ get middleGrey() { return this.uniforms.get("middleGrey").value; } set middleGrey(value) { this.uniforms.get("middleGrey").value = value; } /** * The average luminance. * * Only applies to Reinhard2 (Modified). * * @type {Number} */ get averageLuminance() { return this.uniforms.get("averageLuminance").value; } set averageLuminance(value) { this.uniforms.get("averageLuminance").value = value; } /** * The adaptive luminance material. * * @type {AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial} */ get adaptiveLuminanceMaterial() { return this.adaptiveLuminancePass.fullscreenMaterial; } /** * Returns the adaptive luminance material. * * @deprecated Use adaptiveLuminanceMaterial instead. * @return {AdaptiveLuminanceMaterial} The material. */ getAdaptiveLuminanceMaterial() { return this.adaptiveLuminanceMaterial; } /** * The resolution of the luminance texture. Must be a power of two. * * @type {Number} */ get resolution() { return this.luminancePass.resolution.width; } set resolution(value) { const exponent = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(Math.log2(value))); const size = Math.pow(2, exponent); this.luminancePass.resolution.setPreferredSize(size, size); this.adaptiveLuminanceMaterial.mipLevel1x1 = exponent; } /** * Returns the resolution of the luminance texture. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Number} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Sets the resolution of the luminance texture. Must be a power of two. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @param {Number} value - The resolution. */ setResolution(value) { this.resolution = value; } /** * Indicates whether this pass uses adaptive luminance. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use mode instead. */ get adaptive() { return this.mode === ToneMappingMode.REINHARD2_ADAPTIVE; } set adaptive(value) { this.mode = value ? ToneMappingMode.REINHARD2_ADAPTIVE : ToneMappingMode.REINHARD2; } /** * The luminance adaptation rate. * * @type {Number} * @deprecated Use adaptiveLuminanceMaterial.adaptationRate instead. */ get adaptationRate() { return this.adaptiveLuminanceMaterial.adaptationRate; } set adaptationRate(value) { this.adaptiveLuminanceMaterial.adaptationRate = value; } /** * @type {Number} * @deprecated */ get distinction() { console.warn(this.name, "distinction was removed."); return 1; } set distinction(value) { console.warn(this.name, "distinction was removed."); } /** * Updates this effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. */ update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) { if (this.adaptiveLuminancePass.enabled) { this.luminancePass.render(renderer, inputBuffer); this.adaptiveLuminancePass.render(renderer, null, null, deltaTime); } } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.adaptiveLuminancePass.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); } }; // src/effects/VignetteEffect.js var import_three64 = require("three"); // src/effects/glsl/vignette.frag var vignette_default = "uniform float offset;uniform float darkness;void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor){const vec2 center=vec2(0.5);vec3 color=inputColor.rgb;\n#if VIGNETTE_TECHNIQUE == 0\nfloat d=distance(uv,center);color*=smoothstep(0.8,offset*0.799,d*(darkness+offset));\n#else\nvec2 coord=(uv-center)*vec2(offset);color=mix(color,vec3(1.0-darkness),dot(coord,coord));\n#endif\noutputColor=vec4(color,inputColor.a);}"; // src/effects/VignetteEffect.js var VignetteEffect = class extends Effect { /** * Constructs a new Vignette effect. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction] - The blend function of this effect. * @param {VignetteTechnique} [options.technique=VignetteTechnique.DEFAULT] - The Vignette technique. * @param {Boolean} [options.eskil=false] - Deprecated. Use technique instead. * @param {Number} [options.offset=0.5] - The Vignette offset. * @param {Number} [options.darkness=0.5] - The Vignette darkness. */ constructor({ blendFunction, eskil = false, technique = eskil ? VignetteTechnique.ESKIL : VignetteTechnique.DEFAULT, offset = 0.5, darkness = 0.5 } = {}) { super("VignetteEffect", vignette_default, { blendFunction, defines: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["VIGNETTE_TECHNIQUE", technique.toFixed(0)] ]), uniforms: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["offset", new import_three64.Uniform(offset)], ["darkness", new import_three64.Uniform(darkness)] ]) }); } /** * The Vignette technique. * * @type {VignetteTechnique} */ get technique() { return Number(this.defines.get("VIGNETTE_TECHNIQUE")); } set technique(value) { if (this.technique !== value) { this.defines.set("VIGNETTE_TECHNIQUE", value.toFixed(0)); this.setChanged(); } } /** * Indicates whether Eskil's Vignette technique is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use technique instead. */ get eskil() { return this.technique === VignetteTechnique.ESKIL; } /** * Indicates whether Eskil's Vignette technique is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use technique instead. */ set eskil(value) { this.technique = value ? VignetteTechnique.ESKIL : VignetteTechnique.DEFAULT; } /** * Returns the Vignette technique. * * @deprecated Use technique instead. * @return {VignetteTechnique} The technique. */ getTechnique() { return this.technique; } /** * Sets the Vignette technique. * * @deprecated Use technique instead. * @param {VignetteTechnique} value - The technique. */ setTechnique(value) { this.technique = value; } /** * The Vignette offset. * * @type {Number} */ get offset() { return this.uniforms.get("offset").value; } set offset(value) { this.uniforms.get("offset").value = value; } /** * Returns the Vignette offset. * * @deprecated Use offset instead. * @return {Number} The offset. */ getOffset() { return this.offset; } /** * Sets the Vignette offset. * * @deprecated Use offset instead. * @param {Number} value - The offset. */ setOffset(value) { this.offset = value; } /** * The Vignette darkness. * * @type {Number} */ get darkness() { return this.uniforms.get("darkness").value; } set darkness(value) { this.uniforms.get("darkness").value = value; } /** * Returns the Vignette darkness. * * @deprecated Use darkness instead. * @return {Number} The darkness. */ getDarkness() { return this.darkness; } /** * Sets the Vignette darkness. * * @deprecated Use darkness instead. * @param {Number} value - The darkness. */ setDarkness(value) { this.darkness = value; } }; // src/loaders/LUT3dlLoader.js var import_three65 = require("three"); var LUT3dlLoader = class extends import_three65.Loader { /** * Loads a LUT. * * @param {String} url - The URL of the 3dl-file. * @param {Function} [onLoad] - A callback that receives the loaded lookup texture. * @param {Function} [onProgress] - A progress callback that receives the XMLHttpRequest instance. * @param {Function} [onError] - An error callback that receives the URL of the file that failed to load. * @return {Promise} A promise that returns the lookup texture. */ load(url, onLoad = () => { }, onProgress = () => { }, onError = null) { const externalManager = this.manager; const internalManager = new import_three65.LoadingManager(); const loader = new import_three65.FileLoader(internalManager); loader.setPath(this.path); loader.setResponseType("text"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { internalManager.onError = (url2) => { externalManager.itemError(url2); if (onError !== null) { onError(`Failed to load ${url2}`); resolve(); } else { reject(`Failed to load ${url2}`); } }; externalManager.itemStart(url); loader.load(url, (data) => { try { const result = this.parse(data); externalManager.itemEnd(url); onLoad(result); resolve(result); } catch (e) { console.error(e); internalManager.onError(url); } }, onProgress); }); } /** * Parses the given data. * * @param {String} input - The LUT data. * @return {LookupTexture} The lookup texture. * @throws {Error} Fails if the data is invalid. */ parse(input) { const regExpGridInfo = /^[\d ]+$/m; const regExpDataPoints = /^([\d.e+-]+) +([\d.e+-]+) +([\d.e+-]+) *$/gm; let result = regExpGridInfo.exec(input); if (result === null) { throw new Error("Missing grid information"); } const gridLines = result[0].trim().split(/\s+/g).map((n) => Number(n)); const gridStep = gridLines[1] - gridLines[0]; const size = gridLines.length; const sizeSq = size ** 2; for (let i = 1, l = gridLines.length; i < l; ++i) { if (gridStep !== gridLines[i] - gridLines[i - 1]) { throw new Error("Inconsistent grid size"); } } const data = new Float32Array(size ** 3 * 4); let maxValue = 0; let index = 0; while ((result = regExpDataPoints.exec(input)) !== null) { const r = Number(result[1]); const g = Number(result[2]); const b = Number(result[3]); maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, r, g, b); const bLayer = index % size; const gLayer = Math.floor(index / size) % size; const rLayer = Math.floor(index / sizeSq) % size; const d4 = (bLayer * sizeSq + gLayer * size + rLayer) * 4; data[d4 + 0] = r; data[d4 + 1] = g; data[d4 + 2] = b; data[d4 + 3] = 1; ++index; } const bits = Math.ceil(Math.log2(maxValue)); const maxBitValue = Math.pow(2, bits); for (let i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i += 4) { data[i + 0] /= maxBitValue; data[i + 1] /= maxBitValue; data[i + 2] /= maxBitValue; } return new LookupTexture(data, size); } }; // src/loaders/LUTCubeLoader.js var import_three66 = require("three"); var LUTCubeLoader = class extends import_three66.Loader { /** * Loads a LUT. * * @param {String} url - The URL of the CUBE-file. * @param {Function} [onLoad] - A callback that receives the loaded lookup texture. * @param {Function} [onProgress] - A progress callback that receives the XMLHttpRequest instance. * @param {Function} [onError] - An error callback that receives the URL of the file that failed to load. * @return {Promise} A promise that returns the lookup texture. */ load(url, onLoad = () => { }, onProgress = () => { }, onError = null) { const externalManager = this.manager; const internalManager = new import_three66.LoadingManager(); const loader = new import_three66.FileLoader(internalManager); loader.setPath(this.path); loader.setResponseType("text"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { internalManager.onError = (url2) => { externalManager.itemError(url2); if (onError !== null) { onError(`Failed to load ${url2}`); resolve(); } else { reject(`Failed to load ${url2}`); } }; externalManager.itemStart(url); loader.load(url, (data) => { try { const result = this.parse(data); externalManager.itemEnd(url); onLoad(result); resolve(result); } catch (e) { console.error(e); internalManager.onError(url); } }, onProgress); }); } /** * Parses the given data. * * @param {String} input - The LUT data. * @return {LookupTexture} The lookup texture. * @throws {Error} Fails if the data is invalid. */ parse(input) { const regExpTitle = /TITLE +"([^"]*)"/; const regExpSize = /LUT_3D_SIZE +(\d+)/; const regExpDomainMin = /DOMAIN_MIN +([\d.]+) +([\d.]+) +([\d.]+)/; const regExpDomainMax = /DOMAIN_MAX +([\d.]+) +([\d.]+) +([\d.]+)/; const regExpDataPoints = /^([\d.e+-]+) +([\d.e+-]+) +([\d.e+-]+) *$/gm; let result = regExpTitle.exec(input); const title = result !== null ? result[1] : null; result = regExpSize.exec(input); if (result === null) { throw new Error("Missing LUT_3D_SIZE information"); } const size = Number(result[1]); const data = new Float32Array(size ** 3 * 4); const domainMin = new import_three66.Vector3(0, 0, 0); const domainMax = new import_three66.Vector3(1, 1, 1); result = regExpDomainMin.exec(input); if (result !== null) { domainMin.set(Number(result[1]), Number(result[2]), Number(result[3])); } result = regExpDomainMax.exec(input); if (result !== null) { domainMax.set(Number(result[1]), Number(result[2]), Number(result[3])); } if (domainMin.x > domainMax.x || domainMin.y > domainMax.y || domainMin.z > domainMax.z) { domainMin.set(0, 0, 0); domainMax.set(1, 1, 1); throw new Error("Invalid input domain"); } let i = 0; while ((result = regExpDataPoints.exec(input)) !== null) { data[i++] = Number(result[1]); data[i++] = Number(result[2]); data[i++] = Number(result[3]); data[i++] = 1; } const lut = new LookupTexture(data, size); lut.domainMin.copy(domainMin); lut.domainMax.copy(domainMax); if (title !== null) { lut.name = title; } return lut; } }; // src/loaders/SMAAImageLoader.js var import_three67 = require("three"); var SMAAImageLoader = class extends import_three67.Loader { /** * Loads the SMAA data images. * * @param {Function} [onLoad] - A callback that receives the search image and area image as a pair. * @param {Function} [onError] - An error callback that receives the URL of the image that failed to load. * @return {Promise} A promise that returns the search image and area image as a pair. */ load(onLoad = () => { }, onError = null) { if (arguments.length === 4) { onLoad = arguments[1]; onError = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length === 3 || typeof arguments[0] !== "function") { onLoad = arguments[1]; onError = null; } const externalManager = this.manager; const internalManager = new import_three67.LoadingManager(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const searchImage = new Image(); const areaImage = new Image(); internalManager.onError = (url) => { externalManager.itemError(url); if (onError !== null) { onError(`Failed to load ${url}`); resolve(); } else { reject(`Failed to load ${url}`); } }; internalManager.onLoad = () => { const result = [searchImage, areaImage]; onLoad(result); resolve(result); }; searchImage.addEventListener("error", (e) => { internalManager.itemError("smaa-search"); }); areaImage.addEventListener("error", (e) => { internalManager.itemError("smaa-area"); }); searchImage.addEventListener("load", () => { externalManager.itemEnd("smaa-search"); internalManager.itemEnd("smaa-search"); }); areaImage.addEventListener("load", () => { externalManager.itemEnd("smaa-area"); internalManager.itemEnd("smaa-area"); }); externalManager.itemStart("smaa-search"); externalManager.itemStart("smaa-area"); internalManager.itemStart("smaa-search"); internalManager.itemStart("smaa-area"); searchImage.src = searchImageDataURL_default; areaImage.src = areaImageDataURL_default; }); } }; // src/materials/BoxBlurMaterial.js var import_three68 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.box.frag var convolution_box_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\n#ifdef BILATERAL\n#include \nuniform vec2 cameraNearFar;\n#ifdef NORMAL_DEPTH\n#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform highp sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D normalDepthBuffer;\n#endif\nfloat readDepth(const in vec2 uv){return texture2D(normalDepthBuffer,uv).a;}\n#else\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nuniform lowp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#elif defined(GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH)\nuniform highp sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#else\nuniform mediump sampler2D depthBuffer;\n#endif\nfloat readDepth(const in vec2 uv){\n#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\nreturn unpackRGBAToDepth(texture2D(depthBuffer,uv));\n#else\nreturn texture2D(depthBuffer,uv).r;\n#endif\n}\n#endif\nfloat getViewZ(const in float depth){\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\nreturn perspectiveDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#else\nreturn orthographicDepthToViewZ(depth,cameraNearFar.x,cameraNearFar.y);\n#endif\n}\n#ifdef PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA\n#define linearDepth(v) viewZToOrthographicDepth(getViewZ(readDepth(v)), cameraNearFar.x, cameraNearFar.y)\n#else\n#define linearDepth(v) readDepth(v)\n#endif\n#endif\n#define getTexel(v) texture2D(inputBuffer, v)\n#if KERNEL_SIZE == 3\nvarying vec2 vUv00,vUv01,vUv02;varying vec2 vUv03,vUv04,vUv05;varying vec2 vUv06,vUv07,vUv08;\n#elif KERNEL_SIZE == 5 && MAX_VARYING_VECTORS >= 13\nvarying vec2 vUv00,vUv01,vUv02,vUv03,vUv04;varying vec2 vUv05,vUv06,vUv07,vUv08,vUv09;varying vec2 vUv10,vUv11,vUv12,vUv13,vUv14;varying vec2 vUv15,vUv16,vUv17,vUv18,vUv19;varying vec2 vUv20,vUv21,vUv22,vUv23,vUv24;\n#else\nuniform vec2 texelSize;uniform float scale;varying vec2 vUv;\n#endif\nvoid main(){\n#if KERNEL_SIZE == 3\nvec4 c[]=vec4[KERNEL_SIZE_SQ](getTexel(vUv00),getTexel(vUv01),getTexel(vUv02),getTexel(vUv03),getTexel(vUv04),getTexel(vUv05),getTexel(vUv06),getTexel(vUv07),getTexel(vUv08));\n#ifdef BILATERAL\nfloat z[]=float[KERNEL_SIZE_SQ](linearDepth(vUv00),linearDepth(vUv01),linearDepth(vUv02),linearDepth(vUv03),linearDepth(vUv04),linearDepth(vUv05),linearDepth(vUv06),linearDepth(vUv07),linearDepth(vUv08));\n#endif\n#elif KERNEL_SIZE == 5 && MAX_VARYING_VECTORS >= 13\nvec4 c[]=vec4[KERNEL_SIZE_SQ](getTexel(vUv00),getTexel(vUv01),getTexel(vUv02),getTexel(vUv03),getTexel(vUv04),getTexel(vUv05),getTexel(vUv06),getTexel(vUv07),getTexel(vUv08),getTexel(vUv09),getTexel(vUv10),getTexel(vUv11),getTexel(vUv12),getTexel(vUv13),getTexel(vUv14),getTexel(vUv15),getTexel(vUv16),getTexel(vUv17),getTexel(vUv18),getTexel(vUv19),getTexel(vUv20),getTexel(vUv21),getTexel(vUv22),getTexel(vUv23),getTexel(vUv24));\n#ifdef BILATERAL\nfloat z[]=float[KERNEL_SIZE_SQ](linearDepth(vUv00),linearDepth(vUv01),linearDepth(vUv02),linearDepth(vUv03),linearDepth(vUv04),linearDepth(vUv05),linearDepth(vUv06),linearDepth(vUv07),linearDepth(vUv08),linearDepth(vUv09),linearDepth(vUv10),linearDepth(vUv11),linearDepth(vUv12),linearDepth(vUv13),linearDepth(vUv14),linearDepth(vUv15),linearDepth(vUv16),linearDepth(vUv17),linearDepth(vUv18),linearDepth(vUv19),linearDepth(vUv20),linearDepth(vUv21),linearDepth(vUv22),linearDepth(vUv23),linearDepth(vUv24));\n#endif\n#endif\nvec4 result=vec4(0.0);\n#ifdef BILATERAL\nfloat w=0.0;\n#if KERNEL_SIZE == 3 || (KERNEL_SIZE == 5 && MAX_VARYING_VECTORS >= 13)\nfloat centerDepth=z[KERNEL_SIZE_SQ_HALF];for(int i=0;i= 13)\nfor(int i=0;i} [shaderParts] - Deprecated. Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Map} [defines] - Deprecated. Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Map} [uniforms] - Deprecated. Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Camera} [camera] - A camera. * @param {Boolean} [dithering=false] - Deprecated. */ constructor(shaderParts, defines, uniforms, camera, dithering = false) { super({ name: "EffectMaterial", defines: { THREE_REVISION: import_three70.REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, ""), DEPTH_PACKING: "0", ENCODE_OUTPUT: "1" }, uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three70.Uniform(null), depthBuffer: new import_three70.Uniform(null), resolution: new import_three70.Uniform(new import_three70.Vector2()), texelSize: new import_three70.Uniform(new import_three70.Vector2()), cameraNear: new import_three70.Uniform(0.3), cameraFar: new import_three70.Uniform(1e3), aspect: new import_three70.Uniform(1), time: new import_three70.Uniform(0) }, blending: import_three70.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, dithering }); if (shaderParts) { this.setShaderParts(shaderParts); } if (defines) { this.setDefines(defines); } if (uniforms) { this.setUniforms(uniforms); } this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * Sets the input buffer. * * @deprecated Use inputBuffer instead. * @param {Texture} value - The input buffer. */ setInputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The depth buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ get depthBuffer() { return this.uniforms.depthBuffer.value; } set depthBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.depthBuffer.value = value; } /** * The depth packing strategy. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ get depthPacking() { return Number(this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING); } set depthPacking(value) { this.defines.DEPTH_PACKING = value.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the depth buffer. * * @deprecated Use depthBuffer and depthPacking instead. * @param {Texture} buffer - The depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthBuffer(buffer, depthPacking = import_three70.BasicDepthPacking) { this.depthBuffer = buffer; this.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Sets the shader data. * * @param {EffectShaderData} data - The shader data. * @return {EffectMaterial} This material. */ setShaderData(data) { this.setShaderParts(data.shaderParts); this.setDefines(data.defines); this.setUniforms(data.uniforms); this.setExtensions(data.extensions); } /** * Sets the shader parts. * * @deprecated Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Map} shaderParts - A collection of shader snippets. See {@link EffectShaderSection}. * @return {EffectMaterial} This material. */ setShaderParts(shaderParts) { this.fragmentShader = effect_default.replace(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD, shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD) || "").replace(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV, shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV) || "").replace(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE, shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE) || ""); this.vertexShader = effect_default2.replace(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_HEAD, shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_HEAD) || "").replace(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT, shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT) || ""); this.needsUpdate = true; return this; } /** * Sets the shader macros. * * @deprecated Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Map} defines - A collection of preprocessor macro definitions. * @return {EffectMaterial} This material. */ setDefines(defines) { for (const entry of defines.entries()) { this.defines[entry[0]] = entry[1]; } this.needsUpdate = true; return this; } /** * Sets the shader uniforms. * * @deprecated Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Map} uniforms - A collection of uniforms. * @return {EffectMaterial} This material. */ setUniforms(uniforms) { for (const entry of uniforms.entries()) { this.uniforms[entry[0]] = entry[1]; } return this; } /** * Sets the required shader extensions. * * @deprecated Use setShaderData instead. * @param {Set} extensions - A collection of extensions. * @return {EffectMaterial} This material. */ setExtensions(extensions) { this.extensions = {}; for (const extension of extensions) { this.extensions[extension] = true; } return this; } /** * Indicates whether output encoding is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get encodeOutput() { return this.defines.ENCODE_OUTPUT !== void 0; } set encodeOutput(value) { if (this.encodeOutput !== value) { if (value) { this.defines.ENCODE_OUTPUT = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.ENCODE_OUTPUT; } this.needsUpdate = true; } } /** * Indicates whether output encoding is enabled. * * @deprecated Use encodeOutput instead. * @return {Boolean} Whether output encoding is enabled. */ isOutputEncodingEnabled(value) { return this.encodeOutput; } /** * Enables or disables output encoding. * * @deprecated Use encodeOutput instead. * @param {Boolean} value - Whether output encoding should be enabled. */ setOutputEncodingEnabled(value) { this.encodeOutput = value; } /** * The time in seconds. * * @type {Number} */ get time() { return this.uniforms.time.value; } set time(value) { this.uniforms.time.value = value; } /** * Sets the delta time. * * @deprecated Use time instead. * @param {Number} value - The delta time in seconds. */ setDeltaTime(value) { this.uniforms.time.value += value; } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @deprecated Use copyCameraSettings instead. * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ adoptCameraSettings(camera) { this.copyCameraSettings(camera); } /** * Copies the settings of the given camera. * * @param {Camera} camera - A camera. */ copyCameraSettings(camera) { if (camera) { this.uniforms.cameraNear.value = camera.near; this.uniforms.cameraFar.value = camera.far; if (camera instanceof import_three70.PerspectiveCamera) { this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA = "1"; } else { delete this.defines.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA; } this.needsUpdate = true; } } /** * Sets the resolution. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const uniforms = this.uniforms; uniforms.resolution.value.set(width, height); uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); uniforms.aspect.value = width / height; } /** * An enumeration of shader code placeholders. * * @deprecated Use EffectShaderSection instead. * @type {Object} */ static get Section() { return EffectShaderSection; } }; // src/materials/GaussianBlurMaterial.js var import_three71 = require("three"); // src/materials/glsl/convolution.gaussian.frag var convolution_gaussian_default = "#ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH\nuniform mediump sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#else\nuniform lowp sampler2D inputBuffer;\n#endif\nuniform vec2 kernel[STEPS];varying vec2 vOffset;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vec4 result=texture2D(inputBuffer,vUv)*kernel[0].y;for(int i=1;i\n}"; // src/materials/glsl/convolution.gaussian.vert var convolution_gaussian_default2 = "uniform vec2 texelSize;uniform vec2 direction;uniform float scale;varying vec2 vOffset;varying vec2 vUv;void main(){vOffset=direction*texelSize*scale;vUv=position.xy*0.5+0.5;gl_Position=vec4(position.xy,1.0,1.0);}"; // src/materials/GaussianBlurMaterial.js var GaussianBlurMaterial = class extends import_three71.ShaderMaterial { /** * Constructs a new convolution material. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.kernelSize=35] - The kernel size. */ constructor({ kernelSize = 35 } = {}) { super({ name: "GaussianBlurMaterial", uniforms: { inputBuffer: new import_three71.Uniform(null), texelSize: new import_three71.Uniform(new import_three71.Vector2()), direction: new import_three71.Uniform(new import_three71.Vector2()), kernel: new import_three71.Uniform(null), scale: new import_three71.Uniform(1) }, blending: import_three71.NoBlending, toneMapped: false, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false, fragmentShader: convolution_gaussian_default, vertexShader: convolution_gaussian_default2 }); this._kernelSize = 0; this.kernelSize = kernelSize; } /** * The input buffer. * * @type {Texture} */ set inputBuffer(value) { this.uniforms.inputBuffer.value = value; } /** * The kernel size. * * @type {Number} */ get kernelSize() { return this._kernelSize; } set kernelSize(value) { this._kernelSize = value; this.generateKernel(value); } /** * The blur direction. * * @type {Vector2} */ get direction() { return this.uniforms.direction.value; } /** * The blur kernel scale. Values greater than 1.0 may introduce artifacts. * * @type {Number} */ get scale() { return this.uniforms.scale.value; } set scale(value) { this.uniforms.scale.value = value; } /** * Generates the Gauss kernel. * * @param {KernelSize} kernelSize - The kernel size. Should be an odd number. * @private */ generateKernel(kernelSize) { const kernel = new GaussKernel(kernelSize); const steps = kernel.linearSteps; const kernelData = new Float64Array(steps * 2); for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < steps; ++i) { kernelData[j++] = kernel.linearOffsets[i]; kernelData[j++] = kernel.linearWeights[i]; } this.uniforms.kernel.value = kernelData; this.defines.STEPS = steps.toFixed(0); this.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the size of this object. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.uniforms.texelSize.value.set(1 / width, 1 / height); } }; // src/passes/BoxBlurPass.js var import_three72 = require("three"); var BoxBlurPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new box blur pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.kernelSize=5] - Must be an odd number. The sizes 3 and 5 use optimized code paths. * @param {Number} [options.iterations=1] - The amount of times the blur should be applied. * @param {Number} [options.bilateral=false] - Enables or disables bilateral blurring. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=1.0] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. */ constructor({ kernelSize = 5, iterations = 1, bilateral = false, resolutionScale = 1, resolutionX = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionY = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE } = {}) { super("BoxBlurPass"); this.needsDepthTexture = bilateral; this.renderTargetA = new import_three72.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetA.texture.name = "Blur.Target.A"; this.renderTargetB = new import_three72.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetB.texture.name = "Blur.Target.B"; this.blurMaterial = new BoxBlurMaterial({ bilateral, kernelSize }); this.copyMaterial = new CopyMaterial(); const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.iterations = iterations; } set mainCamera(value) { this.blurMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing strategy. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three72.BasicDepthPacking) { this.blurMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.blurMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Renders the blur. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const renderTargetA = this.renderTargetA; const renderTargetB = this.renderTargetB; const blurMaterial = this.blurMaterial; this.fullscreenMaterial = blurMaterial; let previousBuffer = inputBuffer; for (let i = 0, l = Math.max(this.iterations, 1); i < l; ++i) { const buffer = (i & 1) === 0 ? renderTargetA : renderTargetB; blurMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(buffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); previousBuffer = buffer; } this.copyMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; this.fullscreenMaterial = this.copyMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : outputBuffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.renderTargetA.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetB.setSize(w, h); this.blurMaterial.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (renderer !== null) { this.blurMaterial.maxVaryingVectors = renderer.capabilities.maxVaryings; } if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTargetA.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetB.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (frameBufferType !== import_three72.UnsignedByteType) { this.fullscreenMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } else if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three72.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTargetA.texture.colorSpace = import_three72.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetB.texture.colorSpace = import_three72.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/passes/DepthPickingPass.js var import_three74 = require("three"); // src/passes/DepthCopyPass.js var import_three73 = require("three"); var DepthCopyPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new depth save pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [options.depthPacking=RGBADepthPacking] - The output depth packing. */ constructor({ depthPacking = import_three73.RGBADepthPacking } = {}) { super("DepthCopyPass"); const material = new DepthCopyMaterial(); material.outputDepthPacking = depthPacking; this.fullscreenMaterial = material; this.needsDepthTexture = true; this.needsSwap = false; this.renderTarget = new import_three73.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { type: depthPacking === import_three73.RGBADepthPacking ? import_three73.UnsignedByteType : import_three73.FloatType, minFilter: import_three73.NearestFilter, magFilter: import_three73.NearestFilter, depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "DepthCopyPass.Target"; } /** * The output depth texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the output depth texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * The output depth packing. * * @type {DepthPackingStrategies} */ get depthPacking() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.outputDepthPacking; } /** * Returns the output depth packing. * * @deprecated Use depthPacking instead. * @return {DepthPackingStrategies} The depth packing. */ getDepthPacking() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.outputDepthPacking; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three73.BasicDepthPacking) { this.fullscreenMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.fullscreenMaterial.inputDepthPacking = depthPacking; } /** * Copies depth from a depth texture. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.renderTarget.setSize(width, height); } }; // src/passes/DepthPickingPass.js var threeRevision = Number(import_three74.REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, "")); var unpackDownscale = 255 / 256; var unpackFactorsLegacy = new Float32Array([ unpackDownscale / 256 ** 3, unpackDownscale / 256 ** 2, unpackDownscale / 256, unpackDownscale ]); var unpackFactors = new Float32Array([ unpackDownscale, unpackDownscale / 256, unpackDownscale / 256 ** 2, 1 / 256 ** 3 ]); function unpackRGBAToDepth(packedDepth) { const f = threeRevision >= 167 ? unpackFactors : unpackFactorsLegacy; return (packedDepth[0] * f[0] + packedDepth[1] * f[1] + packedDepth[2] * f[2] + packedDepth[3] * f[3]) / 255; } var DepthPickingPass = class extends DepthCopyPass { /** * Constructs a new depth picking pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [options.depthPacking=RGBADepthPacking] - The depth packing. * @param {Number} [options.mode=DepthCopyMode.SINGLE] - The depth copy mode. */ constructor({ depthPacking = import_three74.RGBADepthPacking, mode = DepthCopyMode.SINGLE } = {}) { if (depthPacking !== import_three74.RGBADepthPacking && depthPacking !== import_three74.BasicDepthPacking) { throw new Error(`Unsupported depth packing: ${depthPacking}`); } super({ depthPacking }); this.name = "DepthPickingPass"; this.fullscreenMaterial.mode = mode; this.pixelBuffer = depthPacking === import_three74.RGBADepthPacking ? new Uint8Array(4) : new Float32Array(4); this.callback = null; } /** * Reads depth at a specific screen position. * * Only one depth value can be picked per frame. Calling this method multiple times per frame will overwrite the * picking coordinates. Unresolved promises will be abandoned. * * @example * const ndc = new Vector3(); * const clientRect = myViewport.getBoundingClientRect(); * const clientX = pointerEvent.clientX - clientRect.left; * const clientY = pointerEvent.clientY - clientRect.top; * ndc.x = (clientX / myViewport.clientWidth) * 2.0 - 1.0; * ndc.y = -(clientY / myViewport.clientHeight) * 2.0 + 1.0; * const depth = await depthPickingPass.readDepth(ndc); * ndc.z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; * * const worldPosition = ndc.unproject(camera); * * @param {Vector2|Vector3} ndc - Normalized device coordinates. Only X and Y are relevant. * @return {Promise} A promise that returns the depth on the next frame. */ readDepth(ndc) { this.fullscreenMaterial.texelPosition.set(ndc.x * 0.5 + 0.5, ndc.y * 0.5 + 0.5); return new Promise((resolve) => { this.callback = resolve; }); } /** * Copies depth and resolves depth picking promises. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; const mode = material.mode; if (mode === DepthCopyMode.FULL) { super.render(renderer); } if (this.callback !== null) { const renderTarget = this.renderTarget; const pixelBuffer = this.pixelBuffer; const packed = renderTarget.texture.type !== import_three74.FloatType; let x = 0, y = 0; if (mode === DepthCopyMode.SINGLE) { super.render(renderer); } else { const texelPosition = material.texelPosition; x = Math.round(texelPosition.x * renderTarget.width); y = Math.round(texelPosition.y * renderTarget.height); } renderer.readRenderTargetPixels(renderTarget, x, y, 1, 1, pixelBuffer); this.callback(packed ? unpackRGBAToDepth(pixelBuffer) : pixelBuffer[0]); this.callback = null; } } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { if (this.fullscreenMaterial.mode === DepthCopyMode.FULL) { super.setSize(width, height); } } }; // src/passes/EffectPass.js var import_three75 = require("three"); function prefixSubstrings(prefix, substrings, strings) { for (const substring of substrings) { const prefixed = "$1" + prefix + substring.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + substring.slice(1); const regExp = new RegExp("([^\\.])(\\b" + substring + "\\b)", "g"); for (const entry of strings.entries()) { if (entry[1] !== null) { strings.set(entry[0], entry[1].replace(regExp, prefixed)); } } } } function integrateEffect(prefix, effect, data) { let fragmentShader = effect.getFragmentShader(); let vertexShader = effect.getVertexShader(); const mainImageExists = fragmentShader !== void 0 && /mainImage/.test(fragmentShader); const mainUvExists = fragmentShader !== void 0 && /mainUv/.test(fragmentShader); data.attributes |= effect.getAttributes(); if (fragmentShader === void 0) { throw new Error(`Missing fragment shader (${effect.name})`); } else if (mainUvExists && (data.attributes & EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION) !== 0) { throw new Error(`Effects that transform UVs are incompatible with convolution effects (${effect.name})`); } else if (!mainImageExists && !mainUvExists) { throw new Error(`Could not find mainImage or mainUv function (${effect.name})`); } else { const functionRegExp = /\w+\s+(\w+)\([\w\s,]*\)\s*{/g; const shaderParts = data.shaderParts; let fragmentHead = shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD) || ""; let fragmentMainUv = shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV) || ""; let fragmentMainImage = shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE) || ""; let vertexHead = shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_HEAD) || ""; let vertexMainSupport = shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT) || ""; const varyings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const names = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); if (mainUvExists) { fragmentMainUv += ` ${prefix}MainUv(UV); `; data.uvTransformation = true; } if (vertexShader !== null && /mainSupport/.test(vertexShader)) { const needsUv = /mainSupport *\([\w\s]*?uv\s*?\)/.test(vertexShader); vertexMainSupport += ` ${prefix}MainSupport(`; vertexMainSupport += needsUv ? "vUv);\n" : ");\n"; for (const m2 of vertexShader.matchAll(/(?:varying\s+\w+\s+([\S\s]*?);)/g)) { for (const n of m2[1].split(/\s*,\s*/)) { data.varyings.add(n); varyings.add(n); names.add(n); } } for (const m2 of vertexShader.matchAll(functionRegExp)) { names.add(m2[1]); } } for (const m2 of fragmentShader.matchAll(functionRegExp)) { names.add(m2[1]); } for (const d of effect.defines.keys()) { names.add(d.replace(/\([\w\s,]*\)/g, "")); } for (const u of effect.uniforms.keys()) { names.add(u); } names.delete("while"); names.delete("for"); names.delete("if"); effect.uniforms.forEach((val, key) => data.uniforms.set(prefix + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1), val)); effect.defines.forEach((val, key) => data.defines.set(prefix + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1), val)); const shaders = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["fragment", fragmentShader], ["vertex", vertexShader]]); prefixSubstrings(prefix, names, data.defines); prefixSubstrings(prefix, names, shaders); fragmentShader = shaders.get("fragment"); vertexShader = shaders.get("vertex"); const blendMode = effect.blendMode; data.blendModes.set(blendMode.blendFunction, blendMode); if (mainImageExists) { if (effect.inputColorSpace !== null && effect.inputColorSpace !== data.colorSpace) { fragmentMainImage += effect.inputColorSpace === import_three75.SRGBColorSpace ? "color0 = sRGBTransferOETF(color0);\n " : "color0 = sRGBToLinear(color0);\n "; } if (effect.outputColorSpace !== import_three75.NoColorSpace) { data.colorSpace = effect.outputColorSpace; } else if (effect.inputColorSpace !== null) { data.colorSpace = effect.inputColorSpace; } const depthParamRegExp = /MainImage *\([\w\s,]*?depth[\w\s,]*?\)/; fragmentMainImage += `${prefix}MainImage(color0, UV, `; if ((data.attributes & EffectAttribute.DEPTH) !== 0 && depthParamRegExp.test(fragmentShader)) { fragmentMainImage += "depth, "; data.readDepth = true; } fragmentMainImage += "color1);\n "; const blendOpacity = prefix + "BlendOpacity"; data.uniforms.set(blendOpacity, blendMode.opacity); fragmentMainImage += `color0 = blend${blendMode.blendFunction}(color0, color1, ${blendOpacity}); `; fragmentHead += `uniform float ${blendOpacity}; `; } fragmentHead += fragmentShader + "\n"; if (vertexShader !== null) { vertexHead += vertexShader + "\n"; } shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD, fragmentHead); shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV, fragmentMainUv); shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE, fragmentMainImage); shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_HEAD, vertexHead); shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.VERTEX_MAIN_SUPPORT, vertexMainSupport); if (effect.extensions !== null) { for (const extension of effect.extensions) { data.extensions.add(extension); } } } } var EffectPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new effect pass. * * @param {Camera} camera - The main camera. * @param {...Effect} effects - The effects that will be rendered by this pass. */ constructor(camera, ...effects) { super("EffectPass"); this.fullscreenMaterial = new EffectMaterial(null, null, null, camera); this.listener = (event) => this.handleEvent(event); this.effects = []; this.setEffects(effects); this.skipRendering = false; this.minTime = 1; this.maxTime = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this.timeScale = 1; } set mainScene(value) { for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.mainScene = value; } } set mainCamera(value) { this.fullscreenMaterial.copyCameraSettings(value); for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.mainCamera = value; } } /** * Indicates whether this pass encodes its output when rendering to screen. * * @type {Boolean} * @deprecated Use fullscreenMaterial.encodeOutput instead. */ get encodeOutput() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.encodeOutput; } set encodeOutput(value) { this.fullscreenMaterial.encodeOutput = value; } /** * Indicates whether dithering is enabled. * * @type {Boolean} */ get dithering() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.dithering; } set dithering(value) { const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; material.dithering = value; material.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Sets the effects. * * @param {Effect[]} effects - The effects. * @protected */ setEffects(effects) { for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.removeEventListener("change", this.listener); } this.effects = effects.sort((a, b) => b.attributes - a.attributes); for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.addEventListener("change", this.listener); } } /** * Updates the compound shader material. * * @protected */ updateMaterial() { const data = new EffectShaderData(); let id = 0; for (const effect of this.effects) { if (effect.blendMode.blendFunction === BlendFunction.DST) { data.attributes |= effect.getAttributes() & EffectAttribute.DEPTH; } else if ((data.attributes & effect.getAttributes() & EffectAttribute.CONVOLUTION) !== 0) { throw new Error(`Convolution effects cannot be merged (${effect.name})`); } else { integrateEffect("e" + id++, effect, data); } } let fragmentHead = data.shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD); let fragmentMainImage = data.shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE); let fragmentMainUv = data.shaderParts.get(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV); const blendRegExp = /\bblend\b/g; for (const blendMode of data.blendModes.values()) { fragmentHead += blendMode.getShaderCode().replace(blendRegExp, `blend${blendMode.blendFunction}`) + "\n"; } if ((data.attributes & EffectAttribute.DEPTH) !== 0) { if (data.readDepth) { fragmentMainImage = "float depth = readDepth(UV);\n\n " + fragmentMainImage; } this.needsDepthTexture = this.getDepthTexture() === null; } else { this.needsDepthTexture = false; } if (data.colorSpace === import_three75.SRGBColorSpace) { fragmentMainImage += "color0 = sRGBToLinear(color0);\n "; } if (data.uvTransformation) { fragmentMainUv = "vec2 transformedUv = vUv;\n" + fragmentMainUv; data.defines.set("UV", "transformedUv"); } else { data.defines.set("UV", "vUv"); } data.shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_HEAD, fragmentHead); data.shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_IMAGE, fragmentMainImage); data.shaderParts.set(EffectShaderSection.FRAGMENT_MAIN_UV, fragmentMainUv); for (const [key, value] of data.shaderParts) { if (value !== null) { data.shaderParts.set(key, value.trim().replace(/^#/, "\n#")); } } this.skipRendering = id === 0; this.needsSwap = !this.skipRendering; this.fullscreenMaterial.setShaderData(data); } /** * Rebuilds the shader material. */ recompile() { this.updateMaterial(); } /** * Returns the current depth texture. * * @return {Texture} The current depth texture, or null if there is none. */ getDepthTexture() { return this.fullscreenMaterial.depthBuffer; } /** * Sets the depth texture. * * @param {Texture} depthTexture - A depth texture. * @param {DepthPackingStrategies} [depthPacking=BasicDepthPacking] - The depth packing. */ setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking = import_three75.BasicDepthPacking) { this.fullscreenMaterial.depthBuffer = depthTexture; this.fullscreenMaterial.depthPacking = depthPacking; for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.setDepthTexture(depthTexture, depthPacking); } } /** * Renders the effect. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime); } if (!this.skipRendering || this.renderToScreen) { const material = this.fullscreenMaterial; material.inputBuffer = inputBuffer.texture; material.time += deltaTime * this.timeScale; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : outputBuffer); renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { this.fullscreenMaterial.setSize(width, height); for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.setSize(width, height); } } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { this.renderer = renderer; for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType); } this.updateMaterial(); if (frameBufferType !== void 0 && frameBufferType !== import_three75.UnsignedByteType) { this.fullscreenMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } } /** * Deletes disposable objects. */ dispose() { super.dispose(); for (const effect of this.effects) { effect.removeEventListener("change", this.listener); effect.dispose(); } } /** * Handles events. * * @param {Event} event - An event. */ handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "change": this.recompile(); break; } } }; // src/passes/GaussianBlurPass.js var import_three76 = require("three"); var GaussianBlurPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new Gaussian blur pass. * * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {Number} [options.kernelSize=35] - The kernel size. Should be an odd number in the range [3, 1020]. * @param {Number} [options.iterations=1] - The amount of times the blur should be applied. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=1.0] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. */ constructor({ kernelSize = 35, iterations = 1, resolutionScale = 1, resolutionX = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionY = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE } = {}) { super("GaussianBlurPass"); this.renderTargetA = new import_three76.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { depthBuffer: false }); this.renderTargetA.texture.name = "Blur.Target.A"; this.renderTargetB = this.renderTargetA.clone(); this.renderTargetB.texture.name = "Blur.Target.B"; this.blurMaterial = new GaussianBlurMaterial({ kernelSize }); this.copyMaterial = new CopyMaterial(); this.copyMaterial.inputBuffer = this.renderTargetB.texture; const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); this.iterations = iterations; } /** * Renders the blur. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const scene = this.scene; const camera = this.camera; const renderTargetA = this.renderTargetA; const renderTargetB = this.renderTargetB; const blurMaterial = this.blurMaterial; this.fullscreenMaterial = blurMaterial; let previousBuffer = inputBuffer; for (let i = 0, l = Math.max(this.iterations, 1); i < l; ++i) { blurMaterial.direction.set(1, 0); blurMaterial.inputBuffer = previousBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(renderTargetA); renderer.render(scene, camera); blurMaterial.direction.set(0, 1); blurMaterial.inputBuffer = renderTargetA.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget(renderTargetB); renderer.render(scene, camera); if (i === 0 && l > 1) { previousBuffer = renderTargetB; } } this.fullscreenMaterial = this.copyMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : outputBuffer); renderer.render(scene, camera); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); const w = resolution.width, h = resolution.height; this.renderTargetA.setSize(w, h); this.renderTargetB.setSize(w, h); this.blurMaterial.setSize(width, height); } /** * Performs initialization tasks. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Boolean} alpha - Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not. * @param {Number} frameBufferType - The type of the main frame buffers. */ initialize(renderer, alpha, frameBufferType) { if (frameBufferType !== void 0) { this.renderTargetA.texture.type = frameBufferType; this.renderTargetB.texture.type = frameBufferType; if (frameBufferType !== import_three76.UnsignedByteType) { this.blurMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; this.copyMaterial.defines.FRAMEBUFFER_PRECISION_HIGH = "1"; } else if (renderer !== null && renderer.outputColorSpace === import_three76.SRGBColorSpace) { this.renderTargetA.texture.colorSpace = import_three76.SRGBColorSpace; this.renderTargetB.texture.colorSpace = import_three76.SRGBColorSpace; } } } }; // src/passes/LambdaPass.js var LambdaPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new lambda pass. * * @param {Function} f - A function. */ constructor(f) { super("LambdaPass", null, null); this.needsSwap = false; this.f = f; } /** * Executes the function. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { this.f(); } }; // src/passes/NormalPass.js var import_three77 = require("three"); var NormalPass = class extends Pass { /** * Constructs a new normal pass. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to use to render the scene. * @param {Object} [options] - The options. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} [options.renderTarget] - A custom render target. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=1.0] - The resolution scale. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionX=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The horizontal resolution. * @param {Number} [options.resolutionY=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - The vertical resolution. * @param {Number} [options.width=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionX instead. * @param {Number} [options.height=Resolution.AUTO_SIZE] - Deprecated. Use resolutionY instead. */ constructor(scene, camera, { renderTarget, resolutionScale = 1, width = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, height = Resolution.AUTO_SIZE, resolutionX = width, resolutionY = height } = {}) { super("NormalPass"); this.needsSwap = false; this.renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera, new import_three77.MeshNormalMaterial()); const renderPass = this.renderPass; renderPass.ignoreBackground = true; renderPass.skipShadowMapUpdate = true; const clearPass = renderPass.getClearPass(); clearPass.overrideClearColor = new import_three77.Color(7829503); clearPass.overrideClearAlpha = 1; this.renderTarget = renderTarget; if (this.renderTarget === void 0) { this.renderTarget = new import_three77.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, { minFilter: import_three77.NearestFilter, magFilter: import_three77.NearestFilter }); this.renderTarget.texture.name = "NormalPass.Target"; } const resolution = this.resolution = new Resolution(this, resolutionX, resolutionY, resolutionScale); resolution.addEventListener("change", (e) => this.setSize(resolution.baseWidth, resolution.baseHeight)); } set mainScene(value) { this.renderPass.mainScene = value; } set mainCamera(value) { this.renderPass.mainCamera = value; } /** * The normal texture. * * @type {Texture} */ get texture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * The normal texture. * * @deprecated Use texture instead. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture() { return this.renderTarget.texture; } /** * Returns the resolution settings. * * @deprecated Use resolution instead. * @return {Resolution} The resolution. */ getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * Returns the current resolution scale. * * @return {Number} The resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution.preferredWidth or resolution.preferredHeight instead. */ getResolutionScale() { return this.resolution.scale; } /** * Sets the resolution scale. * * @param {Number} scale - The new resolution scale. * @deprecated Use resolution.preferredWidth or resolution.preferredHeight instead. */ setResolutionScale(scale) { this.resolution.scale = scale; } /** * Renders the scene normals. * * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} inputBuffer - A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass. * @param {WebGLRenderTarget} outputBuffer - A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen. * @param {Number} [deltaTime] - The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds. * @param {Boolean} [stencilTest] - Indicates whether a stencil mask is active. */ render(renderer, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, deltaTime, stencilTest) { const renderTarget = this.renderToScreen ? null : this.renderTarget; this.renderPass.render(renderer, renderTarget, renderTarget); } /** * Updates the size of this pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width. * @param {Number} height - The height. */ setSize(width, height) { const resolution = this.resolution; resolution.setBaseSize(width, height); this.renderTarget.setSize(resolution.width, resolution.height); } }; // src/textures/lut/TetrahedralUpscaler.js var P = [ new Float32Array(3), new Float32Array(3) ]; var C = [ new Float32Array(3), new Float32Array(3), new Float32Array(3), new Float32Array(3) ]; var T = [ [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ], [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 0, 1]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ], [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 0, 1]), new Float32Array([1, 0, 1]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ], [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 0]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ], [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ], [ new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]), new Float32Array([0, 0, 1]), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1]), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]) ] ]; function calculateTetrahedronVolume(a, b, c2, d) { const bcX = c2[0] - b[0]; const bcY = c2[1] - b[1]; const bcZ = c2[2] - b[2]; const baX = a[0] - b[0]; const baY = a[1] - b[1]; const baZ = a[2] - b[2]; const crossX = bcY * baZ - bcZ * baY; const crossY = bcZ * baX - bcX * baZ; const crossZ = bcX * baY - bcY * baX; const length = Math.sqrt(crossX * crossX + crossY * crossY + crossZ * crossZ); const triangleArea = length * 0.5; const normalX = crossX / length; const normalY = crossY / length; const normalZ = crossZ / length; const constant = -(a[0] * normalX + a[1] * normalY + a[2] * normalZ); const dot = d[0] * normalX + d[1] * normalY + d[2] * normalZ; const height = Math.abs(dot + constant); return height * triangleArea / 3; } function sample(data, size, x, y, z, color2) { const i4 = (x + y * size + z * size * size) * 4; color2[0] = data[i4 + 0]; color2[1] = data[i4 + 1]; color2[2] = data[i4 + 2]; } function tetrahedralSample(data, size, u, v3, w, color2) { const px = u * (size - 1); const py = v3 * (size - 1); const pz = w * (size - 1); const minX = Math.floor(px); const minY = Math.floor(py); const minZ = Math.floor(pz); const maxX = Math.ceil(px); const maxY = Math.ceil(py); const maxZ = Math.ceil(pz); const su = px - minX; const sv = py - minY; const sw = pz - minZ; if (minX === px && minY === py && minZ === pz) { sample(data, size, px, py, pz, color2); } else { let vertices; if (su >= sv && sv >= sw) { vertices = T[0]; } else if (su >= sw && sw >= sv) { vertices = T[1]; } else if (sw >= su && su >= sv) { vertices = T[2]; } else if (sv >= su && su >= sw) { vertices = T[3]; } else if (sv >= sw && sw >= su) { vertices = T[4]; } else if (sw >= sv && sv >= su) { vertices = T[5]; } const [P0, P1, P2, P3] = vertices; const coords = P[0]; coords[0] = su; coords[1] = sv; coords[2] = sw; const tmp = P[1]; const diffX = maxX - minX; const diffY = maxY - minY; const diffZ = maxZ - minZ; tmp[0] = diffX * P0[0] + minX; tmp[1] = diffY * P0[1] + minY; tmp[2] = diffZ * P0[2] + minZ; sample(data, size, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], C[0]); tmp[0] = diffX * P1[0] + minX; tmp[1] = diffY * P1[1] + minY; tmp[2] = diffZ * P1[2] + minZ; sample(data, size, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], C[1]); tmp[0] = diffX * P2[0] + minX; tmp[1] = diffY * P2[1] + minY; tmp[2] = diffZ * P2[2] + minZ; sample(data, size, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], C[2]); tmp[0] = diffX * P3[0] + minX; tmp[1] = diffY * P3[1] + minY; tmp[2] = diffZ * P3[2] + minZ; sample(data, size, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], C[3]); const V0 = calculateTetrahedronVolume(P1, P2, P3, coords) * 6; const V1 = calculateTetrahedronVolume(P0, P2, P3, coords) * 6; const V2 = calculateTetrahedronVolume(P0, P1, P3, coords) * 6; const V3 = calculateTetrahedronVolume(P0, P1, P2, coords) * 6; C[0][0] *= V0; C[0][1] *= V0; C[0][2] *= V0; C[1][0] *= V1; C[1][1] *= V1; C[1][2] *= V1; C[2][0] *= V2; C[2][1] *= V2; C[2][2] *= V2; C[3][0] *= V3; C[3][1] *= V3; C[3][2] *= V3; color2[0] = C[0][0] + C[1][0] + C[2][0] + C[3][0]; color2[1] = C[0][1] + C[1][1] + C[2][1] + C[3][1]; color2[2] = C[0][2] + C[1][2] + C[2][2] + C[3][2]; } } var TetrahedralUpscaler = class { /** * Expands the given data to the target size. * * @param {TypedArray} data - The input RGBA data. Assumed to be cubic. * @param {Number} size - The target size. * @return {TypedArray} The new data. */ static expand(data, size) { const originalSize = Math.cbrt(data.length / 4); const rgb = new Float32Array(3); const array = new data.constructor(size ** 3 * 4); const maxValue = data instanceof Uint8Array ? 255 : 1; const sizeSq = size ** 2; const s = 1 / (size - 1); for (let z = 0; z < size; ++z) { for (let y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < size; ++x) { const u = x * s; const v3 = y * s; const w = z * s; const i4 = Math.round(x + y * size + z * sizeSq) * 4; tetrahedralSample(data, originalSize, u, v3, w, rgb); array[i4 + 0] = rgb[0]; array[i4 + 1] = rgb[1]; array[i4 + 2] = rgb[2]; array[i4 + 3] = maxValue; } } } return array; } }; // src/textures/smaa/SMAAAreaImageData.js var area = [ new Float32Array(2), new Float32Array(2) ]; var ORTHOGONAL_SIZE = 16; var DIAGONAL_SIZE = 20; var DIAGONAL_SAMPLES = 30; var SMOOTH_MAX_DISTANCE = 32; var orthogonalSubsamplingOffsets = new Float32Array([ 0, -0.25, 0.25, -0.125, 0.125, -0.375, 0.375 ]); var diagonalSubsamplingOffsets = [ new Float32Array([0, 0]), new Float32Array([0.25, -0.25]), new Float32Array([-0.25, 0.25]), new Float32Array([0.125, -0.125]), new Float32Array([-0.125, 0.125]) ]; var orthogonalEdges = [ new Uint8Array([0, 0]), new Uint8Array([3, 0]), new Uint8Array([0, 3]), new Uint8Array([3, 3]), new Uint8Array([1, 0]), new Uint8Array([4, 0]), new Uint8Array([1, 3]), new Uint8Array([4, 3]), new Uint8Array([0, 1]), new Uint8Array([3, 1]), new Uint8Array([0, 4]), new Uint8Array([3, 4]), new Uint8Array([1, 1]), new Uint8Array([4, 1]), new Uint8Array([1, 4]), new Uint8Array([4, 4]) ]; var diagonalEdges = [ new Uint8Array([0, 0]), new Uint8Array([1, 0]), new Uint8Array([0, 2]), new Uint8Array([1, 2]), new Uint8Array([2, 0]), new Uint8Array([3, 0]), new Uint8Array([2, 2]), new Uint8Array([3, 2]), new Uint8Array([0, 1]), new Uint8Array([1, 1]), new Uint8Array([0, 3]), new Uint8Array([1, 3]), new Uint8Array([2, 1]), new Uint8Array([3, 1]), new Uint8Array([2, 3]), new Uint8Array([3, 3]) ]; function lerp(a, b, p) { return a + (b - a) * p; } function saturate(a) { return Math.min(Math.max(a, 0), 1); } function smoothArea(d) { const a1 = area[0]; const a2 = area[1]; const b1X = Math.sqrt(a1[0] * 2) * 0.5; const b1Y = Math.sqrt(a1[1] * 2) * 0.5; const b2X = Math.sqrt(a2[0] * 2) * 0.5; const b2Y = Math.sqrt(a2[1] * 2) * 0.5; const p = saturate(d / SMOOTH_MAX_DISTANCE); a1[0] = lerp(b1X, a1[0], p); a1[1] = lerp(b1Y, a1[1], p); a2[0] = lerp(b2X, a2[0], p); a2[1] = lerp(b2Y, a2[1], p); } function getOrthArea(p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y, x, result) { const dX = p2X - p1X; const dY = p2Y - p1Y; const x1 = x; const x2 = x + 1; const y1 = p1Y + dY * (x1 - p1X) / dX; const y2 = p1Y + dY * (x2 - p1X) / dX; if (x1 >= p1X && x1 < p2X || x2 > p1X && x2 <= p2X) { if (Math.sign(y1) === Math.sign(y2) || Math.abs(y1) < 1e-4 || Math.abs(y2) < 1e-4) { const a = (y1 + y2) / 2; if (a < 0) { result[0] = Math.abs(a); result[1] = 0; } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = Math.abs(a); } } else { const t = -p1Y * dX / dY + p1X; const tInt = Math.trunc(t); const a1 = t > p1X ? y1 * (t - tInt) / 2 : 0; const a2 = t < p2X ? y2 * (1 - (t - tInt)) / 2 : 0; const a = Math.abs(a1) > Math.abs(a2) ? a1 : -a2; if (a < 0) { result[0] = Math.abs(a1); result[1] = Math.abs(a2); } else { result[0] = Math.abs(a2); result[1] = Math.abs(a1); } } } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; } return result; } function getOrthAreaForPattern(pattern, left, right, offset, result) { const a1 = area[0]; const a2 = area[1]; const o1 = 0.5 + offset; const o2 = 0.5 + offset - 1; const d = left + right + 1; switch (pattern) { case 0: { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; break; } case 1: { if (left <= right) { getOrthArea(0, o2, d / 2, 0, left, result); } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; } break; } case 2: { if (left >= right) { getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o2, left, result); } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; } break; } case 3: { getOrthArea(0, o2, d / 2, 0, left, a1); getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o2, left, a2); smoothArea(d, area); result[0] = a1[0] + a2[0]; result[1] = a1[1] + a2[1]; break; } case 4: { if (left <= right) { getOrthArea(0, o1, d / 2, 0, left, result); } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; } break; } case 5: { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; break; } case 6: { if (Math.abs(offset) > 0) { getOrthArea(0, o1, d, o2, left, a1); getOrthArea(0, o1, d / 2, 0, left, a2); getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o2, left, result); a2[0] = a2[0] + result[0]; a2[1] = a2[1] + result[1]; result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; } else { getOrthArea(0, o1, d, o2, left, result); } break; } case 7: { getOrthArea(0, o1, d, o2, left, result); break; } case 8: { if (left >= right) { getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o1, left, result); } else { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; } break; } case 9: { if (Math.abs(offset) > 0) { getOrthArea(0, o2, d, o1, left, a1); getOrthArea(0, o2, d / 2, 0, left, a2); getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o1, left, result); a2[0] = a2[0] + result[0]; a2[1] = a2[1] + result[1]; result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; } else { getOrthArea(0, o2, d, o1, left, result); } break; } case 10: { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; break; } case 11: { getOrthArea(0, o2, d, o1, left, result); break; } case 12: { getOrthArea(0, o1, d / 2, 0, left, a1); getOrthArea(d / 2, 0, d, o1, left, a2); smoothArea(d, area); result[0] = a1[0] + a2[0]; result[1] = a1[1] + a2[1]; break; } case 13: { getOrthArea(0, o2, d, o1, left, result); break; } case 14: { getOrthArea(0, o1, d, o2, left, result); break; } case 15: { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; break; } } return result; } function isInsideArea(a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, x, y) { let result = a1X === a2X && a1Y === a2Y; if (!result) { const xm = (a1X + a2X) / 2; const ym = (a1Y + a2Y) / 2; const a = a2Y - a1Y; const b = a1X - a2X; const c2 = a * (x - xm) + b * (y - ym); result = c2 > 0; } return result; } function getDiagAreaForPixel(a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, pX, pY) { let n = 0; for (let y = 0; y < DIAGONAL_SAMPLES; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < DIAGONAL_SAMPLES; ++x) { const offsetX = x / (DIAGONAL_SAMPLES - 1); const offsetY = y / (DIAGONAL_SAMPLES - 1); if (isInsideArea(a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, pX + offsetX, pY + offsetY)) { ++n; } } } return n / (DIAGONAL_SAMPLES * DIAGONAL_SAMPLES); } function getDiagArea(pattern, a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, left, offset, result) { const e = diagonalEdges[pattern]; const e1 = e[0]; const e2 = e[1]; if (e1 > 0) { a1X += offset[0]; a1Y += offset[1]; } if (e2 > 0) { a2X += offset[0]; a2Y += offset[1]; } result[0] = 1 - getDiagAreaForPixel(a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, 1 + left, 0 + left); result[1] = getDiagAreaForPixel(a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, 1 + left, 1 + left); return result; } function getDiagAreaForPattern(pattern, left, right, offset, result) { const a1 = area[0]; const a2 = area[1]; const d = left + right + 1; switch (pattern) { case 0: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 1: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 0 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 2: { getDiagArea(pattern, 0, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 3: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, result); break; } case 4: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 0 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 5: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 0 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 6: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, result); break; } case 7: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 8: { getDiagArea(pattern, 0, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 9: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, result); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, result); break; } case 10: { getDiagArea(pattern, 0, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 11: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 12: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, result); break; } case 13: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 14: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } case 15: { getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 1, 1 + d, 1 + d, left, offset, a1); getDiagArea(pattern, 1, 0, 1 + d, 0 + d, left, offset, a2); result[0] = (a1[0] + a2[0]) / 2; result[1] = (a1[1] + a2[1]) / 2; break; } } return result; } function generatePatterns(patterns, offset, orthogonal) { const result = new Float32Array(2); for (let i = 0, l = patterns.length; i < l; ++i) { const pattern = patterns[i]; const data = pattern.data; const size = pattern.width; for (let y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < size; ++x) { if (orthogonal) { getOrthAreaForPattern(i, x, y, offset, result); } else { getDiagAreaForPattern(i, x, y, offset, result); } const c2 = (y * size + x) * 2; data[c2] = result[0] * 255; data[c2 + 1] = result[1] * 255; } } } } function assemble(baseX, baseY, patterns, edges2, size, orthogonal, target) { const dstData = target.data; const dstWidth = target.width; for (let i = 0, l = patterns.length; i < l; ++i) { const edge = edges2[i]; const pattern = patterns[i]; const srcData = pattern.data; const srcWidth = pattern.width; for (let y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < size; ++x) { const pX = edge[0] * size + baseX + x; const pY = edge[1] * size + baseY + y; const c2 = (pY * dstWidth + pX) * 4; const d = orthogonal ? (y * y * srcWidth + x * x) * 2 : (y * srcWidth + x) * 2; dstData[c2] = srcData[d]; dstData[c2 + 1] = srcData[d + 1]; dstData[c2 + 2] = 0; dstData[c2 + 3] = 255; } } } } var SMAAAreaImageData = class { /** * Creates a new area image. * * @return {RawImageData} The generated image data. */ static generate() { const width = 2 * 5 * ORTHOGONAL_SIZE; const height = orthogonalSubsamplingOffsets.length * 5 * ORTHOGONAL_SIZE; const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 4); const result = new RawImageData(width, height, data); const orthPatternSize = Math.pow(ORTHOGONAL_SIZE - 1, 2) + 1; const diagPatternSize = DIAGONAL_SIZE; const orthogonalPatterns = []; const diagonalPatterns = []; for (let i = 3, l = data.length; i < l; i += 4) { data[i] = 255; } for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { orthogonalPatterns.push(new RawImageData( orthPatternSize, orthPatternSize, new Uint8ClampedArray(orthPatternSize * orthPatternSize * 2), 2 )); diagonalPatterns.push(new RawImageData( diagPatternSize, diagPatternSize, new Uint8ClampedArray(diagPatternSize * diagPatternSize * 2), 2 )); } for (let i = 0, l = orthogonalSubsamplingOffsets.length; i < l; ++i) { generatePatterns(orthogonalPatterns, orthogonalSubsamplingOffsets[i], true); assemble( 0, 5 * ORTHOGONAL_SIZE * i, orthogonalPatterns, orthogonalEdges, ORTHOGONAL_SIZE, true, result ); } for (let i = 0, l = diagonalSubsamplingOffsets.length; i < l; ++i) { generatePatterns(diagonalPatterns, diagonalSubsamplingOffsets[i], false); assemble( 5 * ORTHOGONAL_SIZE, 4 * DIAGONAL_SIZE * i, diagonalPatterns, diagonalEdges, DIAGONAL_SIZE, false, result ); } return result; } }; // src/textures/smaa/SMAAImageGenerator.js var import_three78 = require("three"); // tmp/smaa/worker.txt var worker_default2 = '"use strict";(()=>{function q(t,a,s){let e=document.createElement("canvas"),n=e.getContext("2d");if(e.width=t,e.height=a,s instanceof Image)n.drawImage(s,0,0);else{let r=n.createImageData(t,a);r.data.set(s),n.putImageData(r,0,0)}return e}var F=class t{constructor(a=0,s=0,e=null){this.width=a,this.height=s,this.data=e}toCanvas(){return typeof document=="undefined"?null:q(this.width,this.height,this.data)}static from(a){let{width:s,height:e}=a,n;if(a instanceof Image){let r=q(s,e,a);r!==null&&(n=r.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,s,e).data)}else n=a.data;return new t(s,e,n)}};var M=[new Float32Array(2),new Float32Array(2)],D=16,W=20,I=30,j=32,v=new Float32Array([0,-.25,.25,-.125,.125,-.375,.375]),N=[new Float32Array([0,0]),new Float32Array([.25,-.25]),new Float32Array([-.25,.25]),new Float32Array([.125,-.125]),new Float32Array([-.125,.125])],z=[new Uint8Array([0,0]),new Uint8Array([3,0]),new Uint8Array([0,3]),new Uint8Array([3,3]),new Uint8Array([1,0]),new Uint8Array([4,0]),new Uint8Array([1,3]),new Uint8Array([4,3]),new Uint8Array([0,1]),new Uint8Array([3,1]),new Uint8Array([0,4]),new Uint8Array([3,4]),new Uint8Array([1,1]),new Uint8Array([4,1]),new Uint8Array([1,4]),new Uint8Array([4,4])],p=[new Uint8Array([0,0]),new Uint8Array([1,0]),new Uint8Array([0,2]),new Uint8Array([1,2]),new Uint8Array([2,0]),new Uint8Array([3,0]),new Uint8Array([2,2]),new Uint8Array([3,2]),new Uint8Array([0,1]),new Uint8Array([1,1]),new Uint8Array([0,3]),new Uint8Array([1,3]),new Uint8Array([2,1]),new Uint8Array([3,1]),new Uint8Array([2,3]),new Uint8Array([3,3])];function C(t,a,s){return t+(a-t)*s}function B(t){return Math.min(Math.max(t,0),1)}function _(t){let a=M[0],s=M[1],e=Math.sqrt(a[0]*2)*.5,n=Math.sqrt(a[1]*2)*.5,r=Math.sqrt(s[0]*2)*.5,o=Math.sqrt(s[1]*2)*.5,c=B(t/j);a[0]=C(e,a[0],c),a[1]=C(n,a[1],c),s[0]=C(r,s[0],c),s[1]=C(o,s[1],c)}function d(t,a,s,e,n,r){let o=s-t,c=e-a,h=n,i=n+1,w=a+c*(h-t)/o,b=a+c*(i-t)/o;if(h>=t&&ht&&i<=s)if(Math.sign(w)===Math.sign(b)||Math.abs(w)<1e-4||Math.abs(b)<1e-4){let g=(w+b)/2;g<0?(r[0]=Math.abs(g),r[1]=0):(r[0]=0,r[1]=Math.abs(g))}else{let g=-a*o/c+t,k=Math.trunc(g),m=g>t?w*(g-k)/2:0,U=gMath.abs(U)?m:-U)<0?(r[0]=Math.abs(m),r[1]=Math.abs(U)):(r[0]=Math.abs(U),r[1]=Math.abs(m))}else r[0]=0,r[1]=0;return r}function J(t,a,s,e,n){let r=M[0],o=M[1],c=.5+e,h=.5+e-1,i=a+s+1;switch(t){case 0:{n[0]=0,n[1]=0;break}case 1:{a<=s?d(0,h,i/2,0,a,n):(n[0]=0,n[1]=0);break}case 2:{a>=s?d(i/2,0,i,h,a,n):(n[0]=0,n[1]=0);break}case 3:{d(0,h,i/2,0,a,r),d(i/2,0,i,h,a,o),_(i,M),n[0]=r[0]+o[0],n[1]=r[1]+o[1];break}case 4:{a<=s?d(0,c,i/2,0,a,n):(n[0]=0,n[1]=0);break}case 5:{n[0]=0,n[1]=0;break}case 6:{Math.abs(e)>0?(d(0,c,i,h,a,r),d(0,c,i/2,0,a,o),d(i/2,0,i,h,a,n),o[0]=o[0]+n[0],o[1]=o[1]+n[1],n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2):d(0,c,i,h,a,n);break}case 7:{d(0,c,i,h,a,n);break}case 8:{a>=s?d(i/2,0,i,c,a,n):(n[0]=0,n[1]=0);break}case 9:{Math.abs(e)>0?(d(0,h,i,c,a,r),d(0,h,i/2,0,a,o),d(i/2,0,i,c,a,n),o[0]=o[0]+n[0],o[1]=o[1]+n[1],n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2):d(0,h,i,c,a,n);break}case 10:{n[0]=0,n[1]=0;break}case 11:{d(0,h,i,c,a,n);break}case 12:{d(0,c,i/2,0,a,r),d(i/2,0,i,c,a,o),_(i,M),n[0]=r[0]+o[0],n[1]=r[1]+o[1];break}case 13:{d(0,h,i,c,a,n);break}case 14:{d(0,c,i,h,a,n);break}case 15:{n[0]=0,n[1]=0;break}}return n}function K(t,a,s,e,n,r){let o=t===s&&a===e;if(!o){let c=(t+s)/2,h=(a+e)/2,i=e-a,w=t-s;o=i*(n-c)+w*(r-h)>0}return o}function G(t,a,s,e,n,r){let o=0;for(let c=0;c0&&(a+=o[0],s+=o[1]),w>0&&(e+=o[0],n+=o[1]),c[0]=1-G(a,s,e,n,1+r,0+r),c[1]=G(a,s,e,n,1+r,1+r),c}function Q(t,a,s,e,n){let r=M[0],o=M[1],c=a+s+1;switch(t){case 0:{A(t,1,1,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 1:{A(t,1,0,0+c,0+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 2:{A(t,0,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 3:{A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,n);break}case 4:{A(t,1,1,0+c,0+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,1,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 5:{A(t,1,1,0+c,0+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 6:{A(t,1,1,1+c,0+c,a,e,n);break}case 7:{A(t,1,1,1+c,0+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 8:{A(t,0,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 9:{A(t,1,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,n),A(t,1,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,n);break}case 10:{A(t,0,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 11:{A(t,1,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 12:{A(t,1,1,1+c,1+c,a,e,n);break}case 13:{A(t,1,1,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,1+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 14:{A(t,1,1,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,1,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}case 15:{A(t,1,1,1+c,1+c,a,e,r),A(t,1,0,1+c,0+c,a,e,o),n[0]=(r[0]+o[0])/2,n[1]=(r[1]+o[1])/2;break}}return n}function R(t,a,s){let e=new Float32Array(2);for(let n=0,r=t.length;n{let a=S.generate(),s=E.generate();postMessage({areaImageData:a,searchImageData:s},[a.data.buffer,s.data.buffer]),close()});})();\n'; // src/textures/smaa/SMAAImageGenerator.js function generate(useCache = true) { const workerURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([worker_default2], { type: "text/javascript" })); const worker = new Worker(workerURL); URL.revokeObjectURL(workerURL); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { worker.addEventListener("error", (event) => reject(event.error)); worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { const searchImageData = RawImageData.from(event.data.searchImageData); const areaImageData = RawImageData.from(event.data.areaImageData); const urls = [ searchImageData.toCanvas().toDataURL("image/png", 1), areaImageData.toCanvas().toDataURL("image/png", 1) ]; if (useCache) { localStorage.setItem("smaa-search", urls[0]); localStorage.setItem("smaa-area", urls[1]); } resolve(urls); }); worker.postMessage(null); }); } var SMAAImageGenerator = class { /** * Constructs a new SMAA image generator. */ constructor() { this.disableCache = false; } /** * Enables or disables caching via localStorage. * * @param {Boolean} value - Whether the cache should be enabled. */ setCacheEnabled(value) { this.disableCache = !value; } /** * Generates the SMAA data images. * * @example * SMAAImageGenerator.generate().then(([search, area]) => { * const smaaEffect = new SMAAEffect(search, area); * }); * @return {Promise} A promise that returns the search image and area image as a pair. */ generate() { const useCache = !this.disableCache && window.localStorage !== void 0; const cachedURLs = useCache ? [ localStorage.getItem("smaa-search"), localStorage.getItem("smaa-area") ] : [null, null]; const promise = cachedURLs[0] !== null && cachedURLs[1] !== null ? Promise.resolve(cachedURLs) : generate(useCache); return promise.then((urls) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const searchImage = new Image(); const areaImage = new Image(); const manager = new import_three78.LoadingManager(); manager.onLoad = () => resolve([searchImage, areaImage]); manager.onError = reject; searchImage.addEventListener("error", (e) => manager.itemError("smaa-search")); areaImage.addEventListener("error", (e) => manager.itemError("smaa-area")); searchImage.addEventListener("load", () => manager.itemEnd("smaa-search")); areaImage.addEventListener("load", () => manager.itemEnd("smaa-area")); manager.itemStart("smaa-search"); manager.itemStart("smaa-area"); searchImage.src = urls[0]; areaImage.src = urls[1]; }); }); } }; // src/textures/smaa/SMAASearchImageData.js var edges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [bilinear(0, 0, 0, 0), new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0])], [bilinear(0, 0, 0, 1), new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1])], [bilinear(0, 0, 1, 0), new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0])], [bilinear(0, 0, 1, 1), new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 1])], [bilinear(0, 1, 0, 0), new Float32Array([0, 1, 0, 0])], [bilinear(0, 1, 0, 1), new Float32Array([0, 1, 0, 1])], [bilinear(0, 1, 1, 0), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1, 0])], [bilinear(0, 1, 1, 1), new Float32Array([0, 1, 1, 1])], [bilinear(1, 0, 0, 0), new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0])], [bilinear(1, 0, 0, 1), new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 1])], [bilinear(1, 0, 1, 0), new Float32Array([1, 0, 1, 0])], [bilinear(1, 0, 1, 1), new Float32Array([1, 0, 1, 1])], [bilinear(1, 1, 0, 0), new Float32Array([1, 1, 0, 0])], [bilinear(1, 1, 0, 1), new Float32Array([1, 1, 0, 1])], [bilinear(1, 1, 1, 0), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 0])], [bilinear(1, 1, 1, 1), new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1])] ]); function lerp2(a, b, p) { return a + (b - a) * p; } function bilinear(e0, e1, e2, e3) { const a = lerp2(e0, e1, 1 - 0.25); const b = lerp2(e2, e3, 1 - 0.25); return lerp2(a, b, 1 - 0.125); } function deltaLeft(left, top) { let d = 0; if (top[3] === 1) { d += 1; } if (d === 1 && top[2] === 1 && left[1] !== 1 && left[3] !== 1) { d += 1; } return d; } function deltaRight(left, top) { let d = 0; if (top[3] === 1 && left[1] !== 1 && left[3] !== 1) { d += 1; } if (d === 1 && top[2] === 1 && left[0] !== 1 && left[2] !== 1) { d += 1; } return d; } var SMAASearchImageData = class { /** * Creates a new search image. * * @return {RawImageData} The generated image data. */ static generate() { const width = 66; const height = 33; const halfWidth = width / 2; const croppedWidth = 64; const croppedHeight = 16; const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height); const croppedData = new Uint8ClampedArray(croppedWidth * croppedHeight * 4); for (let y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < width; ++x) { const s = 0.03125 * x; const t = 0.03125 * y; if (edges.has(s) && edges.has(t)) { const e1 = edges.get(s); const e2 = edges.get(t); const i = y * width + x; data[i] = 127 * deltaLeft(e1, e2); data[i + halfWidth] = 127 * deltaRight(e1, e2); } } } for (let i = 0, y = height - croppedHeight; y < height; ++y) { for (let x = 0; x < croppedWidth; ++x, i += 4) { croppedData[i] = data[y * width + x]; croppedData[i + 3] = 255; } } return new RawImageData(croppedWidth, croppedHeight, croppedData); } };