declare module powerbi.visuals { class Point implements IPoint { x: number; y: number; constructor(x?: number, y?: number); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class Rect implements IRect { left: number; top: number; width: number; height: number; constructor(left?: number, top?: number, width?: number, height?: number); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module Font { class FamilyInfo { families: string[]; constructor(families: string[]); /** * Gets the first font "wf_" font family since it will always be loaded. */ family: string; /** * Gets the first font family that matches regex (if provided). * Default regex looks for "wf_" fonts which are always loaded. */ getFamily(regex?: RegExp): string; /** * Gets the CSS string for the "font-family" CSS attribute. */ css: string; /** * Gets the CSS string for the "font-family" CSS attribute. */ getCSS(): string; } var Family: { light: FamilyInfo; semilight: FamilyInfo; regular: FamilyInfo; semibold: FamilyInfo; bold: FamilyInfo; lightSecondary: FamilyInfo; regularSecondary: FamilyInfo; boldSecondary: FamilyInfo; }; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { enum LegendIcon { Box = 0, Circle = 1, Line = 2, } enum LegendPosition { Top = 0, Bottom = 1, Right = 2, Left = 3, None = 4, TopCenter = 5, BottomCenter = 6, RightCenter = 7, LeftCenter = 8, } interface LegendPosition2D { textPosition?: Point; glyphPosition?: Point; } interface LegendDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint, LegendPosition2D { label: string; color: string; icon: LegendIcon; category?: string; measure?: any; iconOnlyOnLabel?: boolean; tooltip?: string; layerNumber?: number; } interface LegendData { title?: string; dataPoints: LegendDataPoint[]; grouped?: boolean; labelColor?: string; fontSize?: number; } const legendProps: { show: string; position: string; titleText: string; showTitle: string; labelColor: string; fontSize: string; }; function createLegend(legendParentElement: JQuery, interactive: boolean, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, isScrollable?: boolean, legendPosition?: LegendPosition): ILegend; interface ILegend { getMargins(): IViewport; isVisible(): boolean; changeOrientation(orientation: LegendPosition): void; getOrientation(): LegendPosition; drawLegend(data: LegendData, viewport: IViewport): any; /** * Reset the legend by clearing it */ reset(): void; } module Legend { function isLeft(orientation: LegendPosition): boolean; function isTop(orientation: LegendPosition): boolean; function positionChartArea(chartArea: D3.Selection, legend: ILegend): void; } class SVGLegend implements ILegend { private orientation; private viewport; private parentViewport; private svg; private group; private clearCatcher; private element; private interactivityService; private legendDataStartIndex; private arrowPosWindow; private data; private isScrollable; private lastCalculatedWidth; private visibleLegendWidth; private visibleLegendHeight; private legendFontSizeMarginDifference; private legendFontSizeMarginValue; static DefaultFontSizeInPt: number; private static LegendIconRadius; private static LegendIconRadiusFactor; private static MaxTextLength; private static MaxTitleLength; private static TextAndIconPadding; private static TitlePadding; private static LegendEdgeMariginWidth; private static LegendMaxWidthFactor; private static TopLegendHeight; private static DefaultTextMargin; private static DefaultMaxLegendFactor; private static LegendIconYRatio; private static LegendArrowOffset; private static LegendArrowHeight; private static LegendArrowWidth; private static DefaultFontFamily; private static DefaultTitleFontFamily; private static LegendItem; private static LegendText; private static LegendIcon; private static LegendTitle; private static NavigationArrow; constructor(element: JQuery, legendPosition: LegendPosition, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, isScrollable: boolean); private updateLayout(); private calculateViewport(); getMargins(): IViewport; isVisible(): boolean; changeOrientation(orientation: LegendPosition): void; getOrientation(): LegendPosition; drawLegend(data: LegendData, viewport: IViewport): void; drawLegendInternal(data: LegendData, viewport: IViewport, autoWidth: boolean): void; private normalizePosition(points); private calculateTitleLayout(title); /** Performs layout offline for optimal perfomance */ private calculateLayout(data, autoWidth); private updateNavigationArrowLayout(navigationArrows, remainingDataLength, visibleDataLength); private calculateHorizontalNavigationArrowsLayout(title); private calculateVerticalNavigationArrowsLayout(title); /** * Calculates the widths for each horizontal legend item. */ private static calculateHorizontalLegendItemsWidths(dataPoints, availableWidth, iconPadding, fontSize); private calculateHorizontalLayout(dataPoints, title, navigationArrows); private calculateVerticalLayout(dataPoints, title, navigationArrows, autoWidth); private drawNavigationArrows(layout); private isTopOrBottom(orientation); private isCentered(orientation); reset(): void; private static getTextProperties(isTitle, text?, fontSize?); private setTooltipToLegendItems(data); } module LegendData { var DefaultLegendLabelFillColor: string; function update(legendData: LegendData, legendObject: DataViewObject): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module axisScale { const linear: string; const log: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module axisStyle { const showBoth: string; const showTitleOnly: string; const showUnitOnly: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module axisType { const scalar: string; const categorical: string; const both: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module basicShapeType { const rectangle: string; const oval: string; const line: string; const arrow: string; const triangle: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module imageScalingType { const normal: string; const fit: string; const fill: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module labelPosition { const insideEnd: string; const insideCenter: string; const outsideEnd: string; const insideBase: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module labelStyle { const category: string; const data: string; const both: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module legendPosition { const top: string; const bottom: string; const left: string; const right: string; const topCenter: string; const bottomCenter: string; const leftCenter: string; const rightCenter: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module kpiDirection { const positive: string; const negative: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module lineStyle { const dashed: string; const solid: string; const dotted: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module outline { const none: string; const bottomOnly: string; const topOnly: string; const leftOnly: string; const rightOnly: string; const topBottom: string; const leftRight: string; const frame: string; function showTop(outline: string): boolean; function showRight(outline: string): boolean; function showBottom(outline: string): boolean; function showLeft(outline: string): boolean; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module referenceLinePosition { const back: string; const front: string; const type: IEnumType; } module referenceLineDataLabelHorizontalPosition { const left: string; const right: string; const type: IEnumType; } module referenceLineDataLabelVerticalPosition { const above: string; const under: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module slicerOrientation { const enum Orientation { Vertical = 0, Horizontal = 1, } const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module yAxisPosition { const left: string; const right: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module sliderMode { const before: string; const after: string; const between: string; const type: IEnumType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module AnimatorCommon { const MinervaAnimationDuration: number; const MaxDataPointsToAnimate: number; function GetAnimationDuration(animator: IGenericAnimator, suppressAnimations: boolean): number; } interface IAnimatorOptions { duration?: number; } interface IAnimationOptions { interactivityService: IInteractivityService; } interface IAnimationResult { failed: boolean; } interface IAnimator { getDuration(): number; getEasing(): string; animate(options: U): V; } type IGenericAnimator = IAnimator; /** * We just need to have a non-null animator to allow axis animations in cartesianChart. * Note: Use this temporarily for Line/Scatter until we add more animations (MinervaPlugins only). */ class BaseAnimator implements IAnimator { protected animationDuration: number; constructor(options?: T); getDuration(): number; animate(options: U): V; getEasing(): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; interface ColumnChartAnimationOptions extends IAnimationOptions { viewModel: ColumnChartData; series: D3.UpdateSelection; layout: IColumnLayout; itemCS: ClassAndSelector; mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; viewPort: IViewport; } interface ColumnChartAnimationResult extends IAnimationResult { shapes: D3.UpdateSelection; } type IColumnChartAnimator = IAnimator; class WebColumnChartAnimator extends BaseAnimator implements IColumnChartAnimator { private previousViewModel; constructor(options?: IAnimatorOptions); animate(options: ColumnChartAnimationOptions): ColumnChartAnimationResult; private animateNormalToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToNormal(options); private animateDefaultShapes(data, series, layout, itemCS); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface DonutChartAnimationOptions extends IAnimationOptions { viewModel: DonutData; graphicsContext: D3.Selection; labelGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; colors: IDataColorPalette; layout: DonutLayout; sliceWidthRatio: number; radius: number; viewport: IViewport; innerArcRadiusRatio: number; labels: Label[]; } interface DonutChartAnimationResult extends IAnimationResult { shapes: D3.UpdateSelection; highlightShapes: D3.UpdateSelection; } type IDonutChartAnimator = IAnimator; class WebDonutChartAnimator extends BaseAnimator implements IDonutChartAnimator { private previousViewModel; constructor(options?: IAnimatorOptions); animate(options: DonutChartAnimationOptions): DonutChartAnimationResult; private animateNormalToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToNormal(options); private animateDefaultShapes(options); private animateDefaultHighlightShapes(options); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface FunnelAnimationOptions extends IAnimationOptions { viewModel: FunnelData; layout: IFunnelLayout; axisGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; shapeGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; percentGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; labelGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; axisOptions: FunnelAxisOptions; dataPointsWithoutHighlights: FunnelDataPoint[]; labelLayout: Label[]; isHidingPercentBars: boolean; visualInitOptions: VisualInitOptions; } interface FunnelAnimationResult extends IAnimationResult { shapes: D3.UpdateSelection; dataLabels: D3.UpdateSelection; } type IFunnelAnimator = IAnimator; class WebFunnelAnimator extends BaseAnimator implements IFunnelAnimator { private previousViewModel; constructor(options?: IAnimatorOptions); animate(options: FunnelAnimationOptions): FunnelAnimationResult; private animateNormalToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToNormal(options); private animateDefaultAxis(graphicsContext, axisOptions, isHidingPercentBars); private animateDefaultShapes(data, dataPoints, graphicsContext, layout); private animatePercentBars(options); private animateToFunnelPercent(context, targetData, layout); private animatePercentBarComponents(data, options); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface TreemapAnimationOptions extends IAnimationOptions { viewModel: TreemapData; nodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[]; highlightNodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[]; majorLabeledNodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[]; minorLabeledNodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[]; shapeGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; labelGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; layout: ITreemapLayout; labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; } interface TreemapAnimationResult extends IAnimationResult { shapes: D3.UpdateSelection; highlightShapes: D3.UpdateSelection; majorLabels: D3.UpdateSelection; minorLabels: D3.UpdateSelection; } type ITreemapAnimator = IAnimator; class WebTreemapAnimator extends BaseAnimator implements ITreemapAnimator { previousViewModel: TreemapData; constructor(options?: IAnimatorOptions); animate(options: TreemapAnimationOptions): TreemapAnimationResult; private animateNormalToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToHighlighted(options); private animateHighlightedToNormal(options); private animateDefaultShapes(context, nodes, hasSelection, hasHighlights, layout); private animateDefaultHighlightShapes(context, nodes, hasSelection, hasHighlights, layout); private animateDefaultMajorLabels(context, nodes, labelSettings, layout); private animateDefaultMinorLabels(context, nodes, labelSettings, layout); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * This is the baseline for some most common used object properties across visuals. * When adding new properties, please try to reuse the existing ones. */ const StandardObjectProperties: { axisEnd: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; placeHolderText: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; suppressFormatPainterCopy: boolean; }; axisScale: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; axisStart: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; placeHolderText: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; suppressFormatPainterCopy: boolean; }; axisStyle: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; axisType: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; backColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; dataColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; dataLabelColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; dataLabelDecimalPoints: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; placeHolderText: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; }; dataLabelDisplayUnits: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { formatting: { labelDisplayUnits: boolean; }; }; suppressFormatPainterCopy: boolean; }; dataLabelHorizontalPosition: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; dataLabelShow: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { bool: boolean; }; }; dataLabelVerticalPosition: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; defaultColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; fill: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; fontColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; fontSize: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { formatting: { fontSize: boolean; }; }; }; formatString: { type: { formatting: { formatString: boolean; }; }; }; image: { type: { image: {}; }; }; labelColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; labelDisplayUnits: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { formatting: { labelDisplayUnits: boolean; }; }; }; labelPrecision: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; placeHolderText: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; }; legendPosition: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; legendTitle: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { text: boolean; }; }; lineColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; outline: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; outlineColor: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { fill: { solid: { color: boolean; }; }; }; }; outlineWeight: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; }; show: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { bool: boolean; }; }; showAllDataPoints: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { bool: boolean; }; }; showLegendTitle: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { bool: boolean; }; }; referenceLinePosition: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; referenceLineStyle: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; transparency: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { numeric: boolean; }; }; yAxisPosition: { displayName: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; description: (IStringResourceProvider: any) => string; type: { enumeration: IEnumType; }; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const animatedTextObjectDescs: data.DataViewObjectDescriptors; const animatedNumberCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const basicShapeCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const basicShapeProps: { general: { shapeType: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; line: { transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; weight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; roundEdge: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; lineColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; fill: { transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fillColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; rotation: { angle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { function getColumnChartCapabilities(transposeAxes?: boolean): VisualCapabilities; const columnChartProps: { dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showAllDataPoints: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; categoryAxis: { axisType: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; plotArea: { image: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const comboChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const comboChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; valueAxis: { secShow: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { showAllDataPoints: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const donutChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const donutChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; position: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showTitle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; titleText: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const dataDotChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const filledMapCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const filledMapProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showAllDataPoints: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; position: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showTitle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; titleText: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; labels: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; color: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelDisplayUnits: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelPrecision: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; categoryLabels: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const funnelChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const funnelChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const gaugeRoleNames: { y: string; minValue: string; maxValue: string; targetValue: string; }; const gaugeCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const gaugeProps: { dataPoint: { fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; target: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const imageVisualCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { var scriptVisualCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals.samples { var consoleWriterCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals.samples { class ConsoleWriter implements IVisual { static converter(dataView: DataView): any; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { const lineChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const lineChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; trend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; scalarKey: { scalarKeyMin: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; categoryAxis: { axisType: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; labels: { labelDensity: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; plotArea: { image: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const mapCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const mapProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showAllDataPoints: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; position: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showTitle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; titleText: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const multiRowCardCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const multiRowCardProps: { card: { outline: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; outlineColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; outlineWeight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; barShow: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; barColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; barWeight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; cardPadding: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; cardBackground: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const textboxCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const cheerMeterCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const scatterChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const scatterChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; trend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; colorBorder: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; fillPoint: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; colorByCategory: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; currentFrameIndex: { index: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; plotArea: { image: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const slicerCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const slicerProps: { general: { outlineColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; outlineWeight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; orientation: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; count: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; selfFilterEnabled: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; selection: { selectAllCheckboxEnabled: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; singleSelect: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; header: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fontColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; background: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; outline: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; textSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; items: { fontColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; background: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; outline: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; textSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; selfFilterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; defaultValue: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const tableCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const matrixRoleNames: { rows: string; columns: string; values: string; }; const matrixCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const treemapRoles: { group: string; details: string; values: string; gradient: string; }; const treemapCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const treemapProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; dataPoint: { fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; position: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; showTitle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; titleText: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; labels: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; color: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelDisplayUnits: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelPrecision: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; categoryLabels: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const cardCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; var cardProps: { categoryLabels: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; color: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fontSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; labels: { color: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelPrecision: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; labelDisplayUnits: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fontSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; wordWrap: { show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const waterfallChartCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; const waterfallChartProps: { general: { formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; sentimentColors: { increaseFill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; decreaseFill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; totalFill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; legend: { labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; } declare module powerbi.visuals { const KPIStatusWithHistoryCapabilities: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals.capabilities { let animatedNumber: VisualCapabilities; let areaChart: VisualCapabilities; let barChart: VisualCapabilities; let card: VisualCapabilities; let multiRowCard: VisualCapabilities; let clusteredBarChart: VisualCapabilities; let clusteredColumnChart: VisualCapabilities; let columnChart: VisualCapabilities; let comboChart: VisualCapabilities; let dataDotChart: VisualCapabilities; let dataDotClusteredColumnComboChart: VisualCapabilities; let dataDotStackedColumnComboChart: VisualCapabilities; let donutChart: VisualCapabilities; let funnel: VisualCapabilities; let gauge: VisualCapabilities; let hundredPercentStackedBarChart: VisualCapabilities; let hundredPercentStackedColumnChart: VisualCapabilities; let image: VisualCapabilities; let lineChart: VisualCapabilities; let lineStackedColumnComboChart: VisualCapabilities; let lineClusteredColumnComboChart: VisualCapabilities; let map: VisualCapabilities; let filledMap: VisualCapabilities; let treemap: VisualCapabilities; let pieChart: VisualCapabilities; let scatterChart: VisualCapabilities; let table: VisualCapabilities; let matrix: VisualCapabilities; let slicer: VisualCapabilities; let textbox: VisualCapabilities; let waterfallChart: VisualCapabilities; let cheerMeter: VisualCapabilities; let scriptVisual: VisualCapabilities; let kpi: VisualCapabilities; } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ColumnBehaviorOptions { datapoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; bars: D3.Selection; eventGroup: D3.Selection; mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; hasHighlights: boolean; viewport: IViewport; axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions; showLabel: boolean; } class ColumnChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private options; bindEvents(options: ColumnBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; private static getDatumForLastInputEvent(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface DataDotChartBehaviorOptions { dots: D3.Selection; dotLabels: D3.Selection; isPartOfCombo?: boolean; datapoints?: DataDotChartDataPoint[]; } class DataDotChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private dots; bindEvents(options: DataDotChartBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface DonutBehaviorOptions { slices: D3.Selection; highlightSlices: D3.Selection; clearCatcher: D3.Selection; hasHighlights: boolean; allowDrilldown: boolean; visual: IVisual; } class DonutChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private slices; private highlightSlices; private hasHighlights; bindEvents(options: DonutBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface FunnelBehaviorOptions { bars: D3.Selection; interactors: D3.Selection; clearCatcher: D3.Selection; hasHighlights: boolean; } class FunnelWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private bars; private interactors; private hasHighlights; bindEvents(options: FunnelBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface PlayBehaviorOptions { traceLineRenderer?: ITraceLineRenderer; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface LineChartBehaviorOptions { lines: D3.Selection; interactivityLines: D3.Selection; dots: D3.Selection; areas: D3.Selection; isPartOfCombo?: boolean; tooltipOverlay: D3.Selection; } class LineChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private lines; private dots; private areas; private tooltipOverlay; bindEvents(options: LineChartBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface MapBehaviorOptions { dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; bubbles?: D3.Selection; slices?: D3.Selection; shapes?: D3.Selection; clearCatcher: D3.Selection; bubbleEventGroup?: D3.Selection; sliceEventGroup?: D3.Selection; shapeEventGroup?: D3.Selection; } class MapBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private bubbles; private slices; private shapes; private mapPointerEventsDisabled; private mapPointerTimeoutSet; private viewChangedSinceLastClearMouseDown; private receivedZoomOrPanEvent; bindEvents(options: MapBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; viewChanged(): void; resetZoomPan(): void; hasReceivedZoomOrPanEvent(): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ScatterBehaviorChartData { xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; dataPoints: ScatterChartDataPoint[]; legendData: LegendData; axesLabels: ChartAxesLabels; size?: DataViewMetadataColumn; sizeRange: NumberRange; fillPoint?: boolean; colorBorder?: boolean; } interface ScatterBehaviorOptions { dataPointsSelection: D3.Selection; eventGroup?: D3.Selection; data: ScatterBehaviorChartData; plotContext: D3.Selection; playOptions?: PlayBehaviorOptions; } interface ScatterMobileBehaviorOptions extends ScatterBehaviorOptions { host: ICartesianVisualHost; root: D3.Selection; background: D3.Selection; visualInitOptions: VisualInitOptions; xAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; } class ScatterChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private bubbles; private shouldEnableFill; private colorBorder; private playOptions; bindEvents(options: ScatterBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } const enum DragType { Drag = 0, DragEnd = 1, } class ScatterChartMobileBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private static CrosshairClassName; private static ScatterChartCircleTagName; private static DotClassName; private static DotClassSelector; private static Horizontal; private static Vertical; private host; private mainGraphicsContext; private data; private crosshair; private crosshairHorizontal; private crosshairVertical; private lastDotIndex; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; bindEvents(options: ScatterMobileBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(HasSelection: boolean): void; setSelectionHandler(selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; private makeDataPointsSelectable(...selection); private makeRootSelectable(selection); private makeDragable(...selection); private disableDefaultTouchInteractions(selection); setOptions(options: ScatterMobileBehaviorOptions): void; private select(index); selectRoot(): void; drag(t: DragType): void; private onDrag(); private onClick(); private getMouseCoordinates(); private selectDotByIndex(index); private selectDot(dotIndex); private moveCrosshairToIndexDot(index); private moveCrosshairToXY(x, y); private drawCrosshair(addTo, x, y, width, height); private findClosestDotIndex(x, y); private updateLegend(dotIndex); private createLegendDataPoints(dotIndex); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface HorizontalSlicerBehaviorOptions extends SlicerBehaviorOptions { itemsContainer: D3.Selection; } class HorizontalSlicerWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private itemLabels; private dataPoints; private interactivityService; private slicerSettings; bindEvents(options: HorizontalSlicerBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface VerticalSlicerBehaviorOptions extends SlicerBehaviorOptions { itemContainers: D3.Selection; itemInputs: D3.Selection; searchInput: D3.Selection; } class VerticalSlicerWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private itemLabels; private itemInputs; private dataPoints; private interactivityService; private settings; bindEvents(options: VerticalSlicerBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface SlicerOrientationBehaviorOptions { behaviorOptions: SlicerBehaviorOptions; orientation: slicerOrientation.Orientation; } interface SlicerBehaviorOptions { slicerContainer: D3.Selection; itemLabels: D3.Selection; clear: D3.Selection; dataPoints: SlicerDataPoint[]; interactivityService: IInteractivityService; settings: SlicerSettings; slicerValueHandler: SlicerValueHandler; } class SlicerWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private behavior; private static searchInputTimeoutDuration; bindEvents(options: SlicerOrientationBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; static bindSlicerEvents(slicerContainer: D3.Selection, slicers: D3.Selection, slicerClear: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler, slicerSettings: SlicerSettings, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, slicerValueHandler: SlicerValueHandler, slicerSearch?: D3.Selection): void; static setSelectionOnSlicerItems(selectableItems: D3.Selection, itemLabel: D3.Selection, hasSelection: boolean, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, slicerSettings: SlicerSettings): void; static styleSlicerItems(slicerItems: D3.Selection, hasSelection: boolean, isSelectionInverted: boolean): void; private static bindSlicerItemSelectionEvent(slicers, selectionHandler, slicerSettings, interactivityService); private static bindSlicerClearEvent(slicerClear, selectionHandler); private static bindSlicerSearchEvent(slicerSearch, selectionHandler, slicerValueHandler); private static startSearch(slicerSearch, selectionHandler, slicerValueHandler); private static styleSlicerContainer(slicerContainer, interactivityService); private static isMultiSelect(event, settings, interactivityService); private createWebBehavior(options); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface LegendBehaviorOptions { legendItems: D3.Selection; legendIcons: D3.Selection; clearCatcher: D3.Selection; } class LegendBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { static dimmedLegendColor: string; private legendIcons; bindEvents(options: LegendBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface TreemapBehaviorOptions { shapes: D3.Selection; highlightShapes: D3.Selection; majorLabels: D3.Selection; minorLabels: D3.Selection; nodes: TreemapNode[]; hasHighlights: boolean; } class TreemapWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private shapes; private highlightShapes; private hasHighlights; bindEvents(options: TreemapBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface WaterfallChartBehaviorOptions { bars: D3.Selection; } class WaterfallChartWebBehavior { private bars; bindEvents(options: WaterfallChartBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface LabelsBehaviorOptions { labelItems: D3.Selection; } class LabelsBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { static DefaultLabelOpacity: number; static DimmedLabelOpacity: number; private labelItems; bindEvents(options: LabelsBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface CartesianBehaviorOptions { layerOptions: any[]; clearCatcher: D3.Selection; } class CartesianChartBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior { private behaviors; constructor(behaviors: IInteractiveBehavior[]); bindEvents(options: CartesianBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface VisualConfig { visualType: string; projections: data.QueryProjectionsByRole[]; /** * This is the one that has info like Total, Combochart viz types, legend settings, etc... * Each IVisual implementation, should simply cast this to whatever object they expect. */ config?: any; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ITextAsSVGMeasurer = powerbi.ITextAsSVGMeasurer; /** * Default ranges are for when we have a field chosen for the axis, * but no values are returned by the query. */ const emptyDomain: number[]; interface IAxisProperties { /** * The D3 Scale object. */ scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale; /** * The D3 Axis object. */ axis: D3.Svg.Axis; /** * An array of the tick values to display for this axis. */ values: any[]; /** * The ValueType of the column used for this axis. */ axisType: ValueType; /** * A formatter with appropriate properties configured for this field. */ formatter: IValueFormatter; /** * The axis title label. */ axisLabel: string; /** * Cartesian axes are either a category or value axis. */ isCategoryAxis: boolean; /** * (optional) The max width for category tick label values. used for ellipsis truncation / label rotation. */ xLabelMaxWidth?: number; /** * (optional) The thickness of each category on the axis. */ categoryThickness?: number; /** * (optional) The outer padding in pixels applied to the D3 scale. */ outerPadding?: number; /** * (optional) Whether we are using a default domain. */ usingDefaultDomain?: boolean; /** * (optional) do default d3 axis labels fit? */ willLabelsFit?: boolean; /** * (optional) word break axis labels */ willLabelsWordBreak?: boolean; /** * (optional) Whether log scale is possible on the current domain. */ isLogScaleAllowed?: boolean; /** * (optional) Whether domain contains zero value and log scale is enabled. */ hasDisallowedZeroInDomain?: boolean; /** *(optional) The original data domain. Linear scales use .nice() to round to cleaner edge values. Keep the original data domain for later. */ dataDomain?: number[]; /** * (optional) The D3 graphics context for this axis */ graphicsContext?: D3.Selection; } interface IMargin { top: number; bottom: number; left: number; right: number; } interface CreateAxisOptions { /** * The dimension length for the axis, in pixels. */ pixelSpan: number; /** * The data domain. [min, max] for a scalar axis, or [1...n] index array for ordinal. */ dataDomain: number[]; /** * The DataViewMetadataColumn will be used for dataType and tick value formatting. */ metaDataColumn: DataViewMetadataColumn; /** * The format string. */ formatString: string; /** * outerPadding to be applied to the axis. */ outerPadding: number; /** * Indicates if this is the category axis. */ isCategoryAxis?: boolean; /** * If true and the dataType is numeric or dateTime, * create a linear axis, else create an ordinal axis. */ isScalar?: boolean; /** * (optional) The scale is inverted for a vertical axis, * and different optimizations are made for tick labels. */ isVertical?: boolean; /** * (optional) For visuals that do not need zero (e.g. column/bar) use tickInterval. */ useTickIntervalForDisplayUnits?: boolean; /** * (optional) Combo charts can override the tick count to * align y1 and y2 grid lines. */ forcedTickCount?: number; /** * (optional) For scalar axis with scalar keys, the number of ticks should never exceed the number of scalar keys, * or labeling will look wierd (i.e. level of detail is Year, but month labels are shown between years) */ maxTickCount?: number; /** * (optional) Callback for looking up actual values from indices, * used when formatting tick labels. */ getValueFn?: (index: number, type: ValueType) => any; /** * (optional) The width/height of each category on the axis. */ categoryThickness?: number; /** (optional) the scale type of the axis. e.g. log, linear */ scaleType?: string; /** (optional) user selected display units */ axisDisplayUnits?: number; /** (optional) user selected precision */ axisPrecision?: number; /** (optional) for 100 percent stacked charts, causes formatString override and minTickInterval adjustments */ is100Pct?: boolean; /** (optional) sets clamping on the D3 scale, useful for drawing column chart rectangles as it simplifies the math during layout */ shouldClamp?: boolean; } interface CreateScaleResult { scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale; bestTickCount: number; usingDefaultDomain?: boolean; } interface TickLabelMargins { xMax: number; yLeft: number; yRight: number; } module AxisHelper { function getRecommendedNumberOfTicksForXAxis(availableWidth: number): number; function getRecommendedNumberOfTicksForYAxis(availableWidth: number): number; /** * Get the best number of ticks based on minimum value, maximum value, * measure metadata and max tick count. * * @param min The minimum of the data domain. * @param max The maximum of the data domain. * @param valuesMetadata The measure metadata array. * @param maxTickCount The max count of intervals. * @param isDateTime - flag to show single tick when min is equal to max. */ function getBestNumberOfTicks(min: number, max: number, valuesMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn[], maxTickCount: number, isDateTime?: boolean): number; function hasNonIntegerData(valuesMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn[]): boolean; function getRecommendedTickValues(maxTicks: number, scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, axisType: ValueType, isScalar: boolean, minTickInterval?: number): any[]; function getRecommendedTickValuesForAnOrdinalRange(maxTicks: number, labels: string[]): string[]; function getRecommendedTickValuesForAQuantitativeRange(maxTicks: number, scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, minInterval?: number): number[]; function getMargin(availableWidth: number, availableHeight: number, xMargin: number, yMargin: number): IMargin; function getTickLabelMargins(viewport: IViewport, yMarginLimit: number, textWidthMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, textHeightMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, axes: CartesianAxisProperties, bottomMarginLimit: number, properties: TextProperties, scrollbarVisible?: boolean, showOnRight?: boolean, renderXAxis?: boolean, renderY1Axis?: boolean, renderY2Axis?: boolean): TickLabelMargins; function columnDataTypeHasValue(dataType: ValueTypeDescriptor): boolean; function createOrdinalType(): ValueType; function isOrdinal(type: ValueTypeDescriptor): boolean; function isOrdinalScale(scale: any): boolean; function isDateTime(type: ValueTypeDescriptor): boolean; function invertScale(scale: any, x: any): any; function extent(scale: any): number[]; function invertOrdinalScale(scale: D3.Scale.OrdinalScale, x: number): any; function findClosestXAxisIndex(categoryValue: number, categoryAxisValues: CartesianDataPoint[]): number; function lookupOrdinalIndex(scale: D3.Scale.OrdinalScale, pixelValue: number): number; /** scale(value1) - scale(value2) with zero checking and min(+/-1, result) */ function diffScaled(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, value1: any, value2: any): number; function createDomain(data: CartesianSeries[], axisType: ValueTypeDescriptor, isScalar: boolean, forcedScalarDomain: any[], ensureDomain?: NumberRange): number[]; function ensureValuesInRange(values: number[], min: number, max: number): number[]; /** * Gets the ValueType of a category column, defaults to Text if the type is not present. */ function getCategoryValueType(metadataColumn: DataViewMetadataColumn, isScalar?: boolean): ValueType; /** * Create a D3 axis including scale. Can be vertical or horizontal, and either datetime, numeric, or text. * @param options The properties used to create the axis. */ function createAxis(options: CreateAxisOptions): IAxisProperties; function createScale(options: CreateAxisOptions): CreateScaleResult; function createFormatter(scaleDomain: any[], dataDomain: any[], dataType: any, isScalar: boolean, formatString: string, bestTickCount: number, tickValues: any[], getValueFn: any, useTickIntervalForDisplayUnits?: boolean, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number): IValueFormatter; function getMinTickValueInterval(formatString: string, columnType: ValueType, is100Pct?: boolean): number; /** * Creates a [min,max] from your Cartiesian data values. * * @param data The series array of CartesianDataPoints. * @param includeZero Columns and bars includeZero, line and scatter do not. */ function createValueDomain(data: CartesianSeries[], includeZero: boolean): number[]; module LabelLayoutStrategy { function willLabelsFit(axisProperties: IAxisProperties, availableWidth: number, textMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, properties: TextProperties): boolean; function willLabelsWordBreak(axisProperties: IAxisProperties, margin: IMargin, availableWidth: number, textWidthMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, textHeightMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, textTruncator: (properties: TextProperties, maxWidth: number) => string, properties: TextProperties): boolean; const DefaultRotation: { sine: number; cosine: number; tangent: number; transform: string; dy: string; }; const DefaultRotationWithScrollbar: { sine: number; cosine: number; tangent: number; transform: string; dy: string; }; function rotate(labelSelection: D3.Selection, maxBottomMargin: number, textTruncator: (properties: TextProperties, maxWidth: number) => string, textProperties: TextProperties, needRotate: boolean, needEllipsis: boolean, axisProperties: IAxisProperties, margin: IMargin, scrollbarVisible: boolean): void; function wordBreak(text: D3.Selection, axisProperties: IAxisProperties, maxHeight: number): void; function clip(text: D3.Selection, availableWidth: number, svgEllipsis: (textElement: SVGTextElement, maxWidth: number) => void): void; } function createOrdinalScale(pixelSpan: number, dataDomain: any[], outerPaddingRatio?: number): D3.Scale.OrdinalScale; function isLogScalePossible(domain: any[], axisType?: ValueType): boolean; function createNumericalScale(axisScaleType: string, pixelSpan: number, dataDomain: any[], dataType: ValueType, outerPadding?: number, niceCount?: number, shouldClamp?: boolean): D3.Scale.GenericScale; function createLinearScale(pixelSpan: number, dataDomain: any[], outerPadding?: number, niceCount?: number, shouldClamp?: boolean): D3.Scale.LinearScale; function getRangeForColumn(sizeColumn: DataViewValueColumn): NumberRange; /** * Set customized domain, but don't change when nothing is set */ function applyCustomizedDomain(customizedDomain: any, forcedDomain: any[]): any[]; /** * Combine the forced domain with the actual domain if one of the values was set. * The forcedDomain is in 1st priority. Extends the domain if the any reference point requires it. */ function combineDomain(forcedDomain: any[], domain: any[], ensureDomain?: NumberRange): any[]; function createAxisLabel(properties: DataViewObject, label: string, unitType: string, y2?: boolean): string; function scaleShouldClamp(combinedDomain: any[], domain: any[]): boolean; function normalizeNonFiniteNumber(value: number): number; /** * Indicates whether the number is power of 10. */ function powerOfTen(d: any): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module ShapeFactory { module ShapeFactoryConsts { const PaddingConstRatio: number; const TrianglePaddingConstRatio: number; const TriangleEndPaddingConstRatio: number; const ShapeConstRatio: number; const SmallPaddingConstValue: number; const OvalRadiusConst: number; const OvalRadiusConstPadding: number; const ArrowLeftHeadPoint: Point; const ArrowMiddleHeadPoint: Point; const ArrowRightHeadPoint: Point; const ArrowRightMiddleHeadPoint: Point; const ArrowBottomRightPoint: Point; const ArrowBottomLeftPoint: Point; const ArrowLeftMiddleHeadPoint: Point; } /** this function creates a rectangle svg */ function createRectangle(data: BasicShapeData, viewportHeight: number, viewportWidth: number, selectedElement: D3.Selection, degrees: number): void; /** this function creates a oval svg */ function createOval(data: BasicShapeData, viewportHeight: number, viewportWidth: number, selectedElement: D3.Selection, degrees: number): void; /** this function creates a line svg */ function createLine(data: BasicShapeData, viewportHeight: number, viewportWidth: number, selectedElement: D3.Selection, degrees: number): void; /** this function creates a arrow svg */ function createUpArrow(data: BasicShapeData, viewportHeight: number, viewportWidth: number, selectedElement: D3.Selection, degrees: number): void; /** this function creates a triangle svg */ function createTriangle(data: BasicShapeData, viewportHeight: number, viewportWidth: number, selectedElement: D3.Selection, degrees: number): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module CartesianHelper { function getCategoryAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata: DataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?: boolean): DataViewObject; function getValueAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata: DataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?: boolean): DataViewObject; function isScalar(isScalar: boolean, xAxisCardProperties: DataViewObject): boolean; function getPrecision(precision: DataViewPropertyValue): number; function lookupXValue(data: CartesianData, index: number, type: ValueType, isScalar: boolean): any; function findMaxCategoryIndex(series: CartesianSeries[]): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class ColorHelper { private fillProp; private defaultDataPointColor; private colors; private defaultColorScale; constructor(colors: IDataColorPalette, fillProp?: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, defaultDataPointColor?: string); /** * Gets the color for the given series value. * If no explicit color or default color has been set then the color is * allocated from the color scale for this series. */ getColorForSeriesValue(objects: DataViewObjects, fieldIds:[], value: string): string; /** * Gets the color scale for the given series. */ getColorScaleForSeries(fieldIds:[]): IColorScale; /** * Gets the color for the given measure. */ getColorForMeasure(objects: DataViewObjects, measureKey: any): string; static normalizeSelector(selector: data.Selector, isSingleSeries?: boolean): data.Selector; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; module ColumnUtil { const DimmedOpacity: number; const DefaultOpacity: number; function applyUserMinMax(isScalar: boolean, dataView: DataViewCategorical, xAxisCardProperties: DataViewObject): DataViewCategorical; function transformDomain(dataView: DataViewCategorical, min: DataViewPropertyValue, max: DataViewPropertyValue): DataViewCategorical; function getCategoryAxis(data: ColumnChartData, size: number, layout: CategoryLayout, isVertical: boolean, forcedXMin?: DataViewPropertyValue, forcedXMax?: DataViewPropertyValue, axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; function applyInteractivity(columns: D3.Selection, onDragStart: any): void; function getFillOpacity(selected: boolean, highlight: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, hasPartialHighlights: boolean): number; function getClosestColumnIndex(coordinate: number, columnsCenters: number[]): number; function setChosenColumnOpacity(mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection, columnGroupSelector: string, selectedColumnIndex: number, lastColumnIndex: number): void; function drawSeries(data: ColumnChartData, graphicsContext: D3.Selection, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): D3.UpdateSelection; function drawDefaultShapes(data: ColumnChartData, series: D3.UpdateSelection, layout: IColumnLayout, itemCS: ClassAndSelector, filterZeros: boolean, hasSelection: boolean): D3.UpdateSelection; function drawDefaultLabels(series: D3.UpdateSelection, context: D3.Selection, layout: ILabelLayout, viewPort: IViewport, isAnimator?: boolean, animationDuration?: number): D3.UpdateSelection; function normalizeInfinityInScale(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale): void; function calculatePosition(d: ColumnChartDataPoint, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): number; } module ClusteredUtil { function clearColumns(mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection, itemCS: ClassAndSelector): void; } interface ValueMultiplers { pos: number; neg: number; } module StackedUtil { function getSize(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, size: number, zeroVal?: number): number; function calcValueDomain(data: ColumnChartSeries[], is100pct: boolean): NumberRange; function getStackedMultiplier(dataView: DataViewCategorical, rowIdx: number, seriesCount: number, categoryCount: number, converterStrategy: IColumnChartConverterStrategy): ValueMultiplers; function clearColumns(mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection, itemCS: ClassAndSelector): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface PivotedCategoryInfo { categories?: any[]; categoryFormatter?: IValueFormatter; categoryIdentities?: DataViewScopeIdentity[]; categoryObjects?: DataViewObjects[]; } module converterHelper { function categoryIsAlsoSeriesRole(dataView: DataViewCategorical, seriesRoleName: string, categoryRoleName: string): boolean; function getPivotedCategories(dataView: DataViewCategorical, formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier): PivotedCategoryInfo; function getSeriesName(source: DataViewMetadataColumn): string; function getFormattedLegendLabel(source: DataViewMetadataColumn, values: DataViewValueColumns, formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier): string; function createAxesLabels(categoryAxisProperties: DataViewObject, valueAxisProperties: DataViewObject, category: DataViewMetadataColumn, values: DataViewMetadataColumn[]): { xAxisLabel: any; yAxisLabel: any; }; function isImageUrlColumn(column: DataViewMetadataColumn): boolean; function isWebUrlColumn(column: DataViewMetadataColumn): boolean; function hasImageUrlColumn(dataView: DataView): boolean; function formatFromMetadataColumn(value: any, column: DataViewMetadataColumn, formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { const enum PointLabelPosition { Above = 0, Below = 1, } interface PointDataLabelsSettings extends VisualDataLabelsSettings { position: PointLabelPosition; } interface LabelFormattedTextOptions { label: any; maxWidth?: number; format?: string; formatter?: IValueFormatter; fontSize?: number; } interface VisualDataLabelsSettings { show: boolean; showLabelPerSeries?: boolean; isSeriesExpanded?: boolean; displayUnits?: number; showCategory?: boolean; position?: any; precision?: number; labelColor: string; categoryLabelColor?: string; fontSize?: number; labelStyle?: any; } interface VisualDataLabelsSettingsOptions { show: boolean; enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; displayUnits?: boolean; precision?: boolean; position?: boolean; positionObject?: string[]; selector?:; fontSize?: boolean; showAll?: boolean; labelDensity?: boolean; labelStyle?: boolean; } interface LabelEnabledDataPoint { labelX?: number; labelY?: number; labelFill?: string; labeltext?: string; labelFormatString?: string; isLabelInside?: boolean; labelFontSize?: number; } interface IColumnFormatterCache { [column: string]: IValueFormatter; defaultFormatter?: IValueFormatter; } interface IColumnFormatterCacheManager { cache: IColumnFormatterCache; getOrCreate: (formatString: string, labelSetting: VisualDataLabelsSettings, value2?: number) => IValueFormatter; } interface LabelPosition { y: (d: any, i: number) => number; x: (d: any, i: number) => number; } interface ILabelLayout { labelText: (d: any) => string; labelLayout: LabelPosition; filter: (d: any) => boolean; style: {}; } interface DataLabelObject extends DataViewObject { show: boolean; color: Fill; labelDisplayUnits: number; labelPrecision?: number; labelPosition: any; fontSize?: number; showAll?: boolean; showSeries?: boolean; labelDensity?: string; labelStyle?: any; } module dataLabelUtils { const minLabelFontSize: number; const labelMargin: number; const maxLabelWidth: number; const defaultColumnLabelMargin: number; const defaultColumnHalfLabelHeight: number; const defaultLabelDensity: string; const DefaultDy: string; const DefaultFontSizeInPt: number; const StandardFontFamily: string; const LabelTextProperties: TextProperties; const defaultLabelColor: string; const defaultInsideLabelColor: string; const hundredPercentFormat: string; const defaultLabelPrecision: number; function updateLabelSettingsFromLabelsObject(labelsObj: DataLabelObject, labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings): void; function updateLineChartLabelSettingsFromLabelsObject(labelsObj: DataLabelObject, labelSettings: LineChartDataLabelsSettings): void; function getDefaultLabelSettings(show?: boolean, labelColor?: string, fontSize?: number): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultCardLabelSettings(labelColor: string, categoryLabelColor: string, fontSize?: number): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultTreemapLabelSettings(): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultSunburstLabelSettings(): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultColumnLabelSettings(isLabelPositionInside: boolean): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultPointLabelSettings(): PointDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultLineChartLabelSettings(isComboChart?: boolean): LineChartDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultMapLabelSettings(): PointDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultDonutLabelSettings(): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultGaugeLabelSettings(): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getDefaultKpiLabelSettings(): VisualDataLabelsSettings; function getLabelPrecision(precision: number, format: string): number; function drawDefaultLabelsForDataPointChart(data: any[], context: D3.Selection, layout: ILabelLayout, viewport: IViewport, isAnimator?: boolean, animationDuration?: number, hasSelection?: boolean): D3.UpdateSelection; function cleanDataLabels(context: D3.Selection, removeLines?: boolean): void; function setHighlightedLabelsOpacity(context: D3.Selection, hasSelection: boolean, hasHighlights: boolean): void; function getLabelFormattedText(options: LabelFormattedTextOptions): string; function getLabelLayoutXYForWaterfall(xAxisProperties: IAxisProperties, categoryWidth: number, yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties, dataDomain: number[]): LabelPosition; function doesDataLabelFitInShape(d: WaterfallChartDataPoint, yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties, layout: WaterfallLayout): boolean; function getMapLabelLayout(labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings): ILabelLayout; function getColumnChartLabelLayout(data: ColumnChartData, labelLayoutXY: any, isColumn: boolean, isHundredPercent: boolean, axisFormatter: IValueFormatter, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, visualWidth?: number): ILabelLayout; function getColumnChartLabelFilter(d: ColumnChartDataPoint, hasSelection: boolean, hasHighlights: boolean, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions, visualWidth?: number): any; function getScatterChartLabelLayout(xScale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, yScale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings, viewport: IViewport, sizeRange: NumberRange): ILabelLayout; function getLineChartLabelLayout(xScale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, yScale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings, isScalar: boolean, axisFormatter: IValueFormatter): ILabelLayout; function enumerateDataLabels(options: VisualDataLabelsSettingsOptions): ObjectEnumerationBuilder; function enumerateCategoryLabels(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, withFill: boolean, isShowCategory?: boolean, fontSize?: number): void; function createColumnFormatterCacheManager(): IColumnFormatterCacheManager; function getOptionsForLabelFormatter(labelSetting: VisualDataLabelsSettings, formatString: string, value2?: number, precision?: number): ValueFormatterOptions; function isTextWidthOverflows(textWidth: any, maxTextWidth: any): boolean; function isTextHeightOverflows(textHeight: any, innerChordLength: any): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ISize = shapes.ISize; module DonutLabelUtils { const LineStrokeWidth: number; const DiagonalLineIndex: number; const HorizontalLineIndex: number; function getLabelLeaderLineForDonutChart(donutArcDescriptor: DonutArcDescriptor, donutProperties: DonutChartProperties, parentPoint: IPoint, sliceArc?: number): number[][]; /** We calculate the rectangles of the leader lines for collision detection *width: x2 - x1; height: y2 - y1 */ function getLabelLeaderLinesSizeForDonutChart(leaderLinePoints: number[][]): ISize[]; function getXPositionForDonutLabel(textPointX: number): number; function getSpaceAvailableForDonutLabels(labelXPos: number, viewport: IViewport): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; import ISize = shapes.ISize; module NewDataLabelUtils { const DefaultLabelFontSizeInPt: number; const MapPolylineOpacity: number; const LabelDensityBufferFactor: number; const LabelDensityPadding: number; let startingLabelOffset: number; let maxLabelOffset: number; let maxLabelWidth: number; let hundredPercentFormat: string; let LabelTextProperties: TextProperties; let defaultLabelColor: string; let defaultInsideLabelColor: string; const horizontalLabelBackgroundPadding: number; const verticalLabelBackgroundPadding: number; let labelGraphicsContextClass: ClassAndSelector; let labelBackgroundGraphicsContextClass: ClassAndSelector; function drawDefaultLabels(context: D3.Selection, dataLabels: Label[], numeric?: boolean, twoRows?: boolean, hasTooltip?: boolean): D3.UpdateSelection; function animateDefaultLabels(context: D3.Selection, dataLabels: Label[], duration: number, numeric?: boolean, easeType?: string): D3.UpdateSelection; /** Draws black rectangles based on the bounding bx of labels, to be used in debugging */ function drawLabelBackground(context: D3.Selection, dataLabels: Label[], fill?: string, fillOpacity?: number): D3.UpdateSelection; function drawLabelLeaderLines(context: D3.Selection, filteredDataLabels: Label[], key?: (data: any, index?: number) => any, leaderLineColor?: string): void; function getLabelFormattedText(label: string | number, format?: string, formatter?: IValueFormatter): string; function getDisplayUnitValueFromAxisFormatter(axisFormatter: IValueFormatter, labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings): number; function createColumnFormatterCacheManager(): IColumnFormatterCacheManager; function removeDuplicates(labelDataPoints: LabelDataPoint[]): LabelDataPoint[]; function getDataLabelLayoutOptions(type: CartesianChartType): DataLabelLayoutOptions; function getTextSize(text: string, fontSize: number): ISize; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module KpiUtil { const enum KpiImageSize { Small = 0, Big = 1, } interface KpiImageMetadata { statusGraphic: string; caption: string; class: string; } interface KPIGraphicClass { kpiIconClass: string; statusValues: string[]; } function getClassForKpi(kpi: DataViewKpiColumnMetadata, value: string, kpiImageSize?: KpiImageSize): string; function getKpiImageMetadata(metaDataColumn: DataViewMetadataColumn, value: string, kpiImageSize?: KpiImageSize): KpiImageMetadata; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module DateUtil { function isEqual(date1: Date, date2: Date): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface MinMaxLabelDataPointSorterOptions { unsortedLabelDataPointGroups: LabelDataPointGroup[]; series: CartesianSeries[]; yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; viewport: IViewport; } class MinMaxLabelDataPointSorter { private unsortedLabelDataPointGroups; private series; private yScale; private viewport; /** A rough estimate for how wide labels are for purposes of calculating density, window size, etc. */ static estimatedLabelWidth: number; private static minimumWeightToConsiderMinMax; private static maxNumberToSortFactor; constructor(options: MinMaxLabelDataPointSorterOptions); getSortedDataLabels(): LabelDataPointGroup[]; /** * The weight for each min/max is made up of four values, which are averaged into * a single weight. You have a weight based on the value difference for both the * left and right side and a weight for the index difference for both left and * right. These values are normalized as such: * * valueWeight = abs(scaledValueDifference / totalScaledValueDifference) * indexWeight = abs(indexDifference / categoryCount) * * Since we don't care about the direction of these change, we take the absolute * value for both. We use scaled coordinates for the valueWeight because this * will more accurately represent what the user sees (consider a log scale; small * visual changes at the top would otherwise trump large visual changes at the * bottom of the axis) * * In code, the averaging is done by averaging together the "current" value and * index weights and then assigning it to the current dataPoint. Then, when the * "next" data point's weight is calculated, that weight (with respect to "current") * is then averaged with the weight originally assigned. Data points next to nulls * or on the edge of the visual only have a weight associated with the one side that * is non-null. * * Also note that weights are only calculated for minimums and maximums. * * @param labelDataPoints The labelDataPoints to apply the weighting to */ private calculateWeights(labelDataPoints, data, numberOfLabelsToSort, globalMinMax); private findMinMaxesBasedOnSmoothedValues(labelDataPoints, data); private static getMinMaxInRange(startIndex, endIndex, data); private getWindowSize(data); private calculateSmoothedValues(data, windowSize); private static getGaussianDistribution(windowSize); private getSmoothedValue(data, categoryIndex, windowSize, gaussianValues); private addFirstLastMaxMin(unsorted, sorted, maxIndex, minIndex); private addLocalMinMaxes(unsorted, sorted, maxIndex, minIndex, maxNumberOfLabels); private addNonMinMaxes(unsorted, sorted, maxNumberOfLabels); private getMinMaxType(index, scaledDataPoints); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module ReferenceLineHelper { const referenceLineProps: { show: string; lineColor: string; transparency: string; value: string; style: string; position: string; dataLabelShow: string; dataLabelColor: string; dataLabelDecimalPoints: string; dataLabelHorizontalPosition: string; dataLabelVerticalPosition: string; dataLabelDisplayUnits: string; }; function enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, referenceLines: DataViewObjectMap, defaultColor: string, objectName: string): void; function render(options: ReferenceLineOptions): void; function createLabelDataPoint(options: ReferenceLineDataLabelOptions): LabelDataPoint; function extractReferenceLineValue(referenceLineProperties: DataViewObject): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module InteractivityUtils { function getPositionOfLastInputEvent(): IPoint; function registerStandardInteractivityHandlers(selection: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; function registerStandardSelectionHandler(selection: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; function registerStandardContextMenuHandler(selection: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; function registerGroupInteractivityHandlers(group: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; function registerGroupSelectionHandler(group: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; function registerGroupContextMenuHandler(group: D3.Selection, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import DataView = powerbi.DataView; function getInvalidValueWarnings(dataViews: DataView[], supportsNaN: boolean, supportsNegativeInfinity: boolean, supportsPositiveInfinity: boolean): IVisualWarning[]; } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface IListView { data(data: any[], dataIdFunction: (d) => {}, dataAppended: boolean): IListView; rowHeight(rowHeight: number): IListView; viewport(viewport: IViewport): IListView; render(): void; empty(): void; } module ListViewFactory { function createListView(options: any): IListView; } interface ListViewOptions { enter: (selection: D3.Selection) => void; exit: (selection: D3.Selection) => void; update: (selection: D3.Selection) => void; loadMoreData: () => void; baseContainer: D3.Selection; rowHeight: number; viewport: IViewport; scrollEnabled: boolean; isReadMode: () => boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module MapUtil { interface IPixelArrayResult { array: Float64Array; arrayString: string; } const Settings: { MaxBingRequest: number; MaxCacheSize: number; MaxCacheSizeOverflow: number; BingKey: string; BingUrl: string; BingUrlGeodata: string; UseDoubleArrayGeodataResult: boolean; UseDoubleArrayDequeueTimeout: number; }; const MinAllowedLatitude: number; const MaxAllowedLatitude: number; const MinAllowedLongitude: number; const MaxAllowedLongitude: number; const TileSize: number; const MaxLevelOfDetail: number; const MinLevelOfDetail: number; const MaxAutoZoomLevel: number; const DefaultLevelOfDetail: number; const WorkerErrorName: string; const CategoryTypes: { Address: string; City: string; Continent: string; CountryRegion: string; County: string; Longitude: string; Latitude: string; Place: string; PostalCode: string; StateOrProvince: string; }; function clip(n: number, minValue: number, maxValue: number): number; function getMapSize(levelOfDetail: number): number; /** * @param latLongArray - is a Float64Array as [lt0, lon0, lat1, long1, lat2, long2,....] * @param buildString - optional, if true returns also a string as "x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ...." * @returns IPixelArrayResult with Float64Array as [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2,....] */ function latLongToPixelXYArray(latLongArray: Float64Array, levelOfDetail: number, buildString?: boolean): IPixelArrayResult; function getLocationBoundaries(latLongArray: Float64Array): Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect; /** * Note: this code is taken from Bing. * see Point Compression Algorithm * see Decompression Algorithm in */ function parseEncodedSpatialValueArray(value: any): Float64Array; function calcGeoData(data: IGeocodeBoundaryCoordinate): void; function locationToPixelXY(location: Microsoft.Maps.Location, levelOfDetail: number): powerbi.visuals.Point; function locationRectToRectXY(locationRect: Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect, levelOfDetail: number): powerbi.visuals.Rect; function latLongToPixelXY(latitude: number, longitude: number, levelOfDetail: number): powerbi.visuals.Point; function pixelXYToLocation(pixelX: number, pixelY: number, levelOfDetail: number): Microsoft.Maps.Location; module CurrentLocation { function createPushpin(location: Microsoft.Maps.Location): Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin; } } class MapPolygonInfo { private _locationRect; private _baseRect; private _currentRect; constructor(); reCalc(mapControl: Microsoft.Maps.Map, width: number, height: number): void; scale: number; transform: Transform; outherTransform: Transform; setViewBox(svg: SVGSVGElement): void; innerTransform: Transform; transformToString(transform: Transform): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.utility { interface SelectionManagerOptions { hostServices: IVisualHostServices; } class SelectionManager { private selectedIds; private hostServices; constructor(options: SelectionManagerOptions); select(selectionId: SelectionId, multiSelect?: boolean): JQueryDeferred; showContextMenu(selectionId: SelectionId, position?: Point): JQueryDeferred<{}>; hasSelection(): boolean; clear(): JQueryDeferred<{}>; getSelectionIds(): SelectionId[]; private sendSelectionToHost(ids); private sendContextMenuToHost(selectionId, position); private getSelectorsByColumn(selectionIds); private selectInternal(selectionId, multiSelect); static containsSelection(list: SelectionId[], id: SelectionId): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module shapes { class Polygon { private _absoluteCentroid; private _absoluteBoundingRect; polygonPoints: IPoint[]; pixelBoundingRect: Rect; constructor(absolutePoints: Float64Array); absoluteCentroid(): IPoint; absoluteBoundingRect(): Rect; /** * Check if label text contain in polygon shape. * * @return true/false is the label fit in polygon. * measure if rects points are inside the polygon shape * return true if there is at least 3 point inside the polygon */ contains(rect: IRect): boolean; /** * Check if label text is outside of polygon shape. * It checks 8 points in the label. TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomMiddle, BottomRight * @return true/false is there is any conflict (at least one point inside the shape). */ conflicts(rect: IRect): boolean; /** * returns intersection point of a line (depicted by two points) and a polygon. * * @return the point of intersection or null if there is no intersection. */ lineIntersectionPoint(p0: IPoint, p1: IPoint): IPoint; /** * calculate Polygon Area. * * @return the area of the polygon (as number). */ static calculateAbsolutePolygonArea(polygonPoints: IPoint[]): number; /** * Check if label text is outside of polygon bounding box. * * @return true/false is there is any conflict (at least one point inside the shape). */ private isConflictWithBoundingBox(rect); /** * Calculate Polygon Centroid. * * @return 'center' point of the polygon. * calculate the polygon area * calculate the average points of the polygon by x & y axis. * divided the average point by the area */ private calculatePolygonCentroid(); private calculateBoundingRect(); /** * Check if point exist inside polygon shape. * * @return true/false if point exist inside shape. * ray-casting algorithm based on: * */ private inside(point); /** * Checks if a line (presented as two points) intersects with a another line */ private getLineIntersection(line0p1, line0p2, line1p1, line1p2); private convertArrayPathToPoints(path); } module Point { function offset(point: IPoint, offsetX: number, offsetY: number): IPoint; function equals(point: IPoint, other: IPoint): boolean; function clone(point: IPoint): IPoint; function toString(point: IPoint): string; function serialize(point: IPoint): string; function getDistance(point: IPoint, other: IPoint): number; function equalWithPrecision(point1: IPoint, point2: IPoint): boolean; function parsePoint(value: any, defaultValue?: IPoint): IPoint; } module Size { function isEmpty(size: ISize): boolean; function equals(size: ISize, other: ISize): boolean; function clone(size: ISize): ISize; function inflate(size: ISize, padding: IThickness): ISize; function deflate(size: ISize, padding: IThickness): ISize; function combine(size: ISize, other: ISize): ISize; function toRect(size: ISize): IRect; function toString(size: ISize): string; function equal(size1: ISize, size2: ISize): boolean; function equalWithPrecision(size1: ISize, size2: ISize): boolean; function parseSize(value: any, defaultValue?: ISize): ISize; } module Rect { function getOffset(rect: IRect): IPoint; function getSize(rect: IRect): ISize; function setSize(rect: IRect, value: ISize): void; function right(rect: IRect): number; function bottom(rect: IRect): number; function topLeft(rect: IRect): IPoint; function topRight(rect: IRect): IPoint; function bottomLeft(rect: IRect): IPoint; function bottomRight(rect: IRect): IPoint; function equals(rect: IRect, other: IRect): boolean; function clone(rect: IRect): IRect; function toString(rect: IRect): string; function offset(rect: IRect, offsetX: number, offsetY: number): IRect; function inflate(rect: IRect, padding: IThickness): IRect; function deflate(rect: IRect, padding: IThickness): IRect; function inflateBy(rect: IRect, padding: number): IRect; function deflateBy(rect: IRect, padding: number): IRect; /** * Get closest point. * * @return the closest point on the rect to the (x,y) point given. * In case the (x,y) given is inside the rect, (x,y) will be returned. * Otherwise, a point on a border will be returned. */ function getClosestPoint(rect: IRect, x: number, y: number): IPoint; function equal(rect1: IRect, rect2: IRect): boolean; function equalWithPrecision(rect1: IRect, rect2: IRect): boolean; function isEmpty(rect: IRect): boolean; function containsPoint(rect: IRect, point: IPoint): boolean; function isIntersecting(rect1: IRect, rect2: IRect): boolean; function intersect(rect1: IRect, rect2: IRect): IRect; function combine(rect1: IRect, rect2: IRect): IRect; function parseRect(value: any, defaultValue?: IRect): IRect; } module Thickness { function inflate(thickness: IThickness, other: IThickness): IThickness; function getWidth(thickness: IThickness): number; function getHeight(thickness: IThickness): number; function clone(thickness: IThickness): IThickness; function equals(thickness: IThickness, other: IThickness): boolean; function flipHorizontal(thickness: IThickness): void; function flipVertical(thickness: IThickness): void; function toString(thickness: IThickness): string; function toCssString(thickness: IThickness): string; function isEmpty(thickness: IThickness): boolean; function equal(thickness1: IThickness, thickness2: IThickness): boolean; function equalWithPrecision(thickness1: IThickness, thickness2: IThickness): boolean; function parseThickness(value: any, defaultValue?: IThickness, resetValue?: any): IThickness; } module Vector { function isEmpty(vector: IVector): boolean; function equals(vector: IVector, other: IPoint): boolean; function clone(vector: IVector): IVector; function toString(vector: IVector): string; function getLength(vector: IVector): number; function getLengthSqr(vector: IVector): number; function scale(vector: IVector, scalar: number): IVector; function normalize(vector: IVector): IVector; function rotate90DegCW(vector: IVector): IVector; function rotate90DegCCW(vector: IVector): IVector; function rotate(vector: IVector, angle: number): IVector; function equal(vector1: IVector, vector2: IVector): boolean; function equalWithPrecision(vector1: IVector, vector2: IVector): boolean; function add(vect1: IVector, vect2: IVector): IVector; function subtract(vect1: IVector, vect2: IVector): IVector; function dotProduct(vect1: IVector, vect2: IVector): number; function getDeltaVector(p0: IPoint, p1: IPoint): IVector; } } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import SQExpr =; import SemanticFilter =; /** Utility class for slicer*/ module SlicerUtil { /** CSS selectors for slicer elements. */ module Selectors { const HeaderContainer: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const Header: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const TitleHeader: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const HeaderText: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const Body: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const Label: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const LabelText: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const LabelImage: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const CountText: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const Clear: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const SearchHeader: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const SearchInput: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const SearchHeaderCollapsed: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const SearchHeaderShow: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const MultiSelectEnabled: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; } /** Const declarations*/ module DisplayNameKeys { const Clear: string; const SelectAll: string; const Search: string; } /** Helper class for slicer settings */ module SettingsHelper { function areSettingsDefined(data: SlicerData): boolean; } /** Helper class for handling slicer default value */ module DefaultValueHandler { function getIdentityFields(dataView: DataView): SQExpr[]; } function getContainsFilter(expr: SQExpr, containsText: string): SemanticFilter; function tryRemoveValueFromRetainedList(value: DataViewScopeIdentity, selectedScopeIds: DataViewScopeIdentity[], caseInsensitive?: boolean): boolean; /** Helper class for creating and measuring slicer DOM elements */ class DOMHelper { private static SearchInputHeight; createSlicerHeader(hostServices: IVisualHostServices): HTMLElement; getHeaderTextProperties(settings: SlicerSettings): TextProperties; getSlicerBodyViewport(currentViewport: IViewport, settings: SlicerSettings, headerTextProperties: TextProperties): IViewport; updateSlicerBodyDimensions(currentViewport: IViewport, slicerBody: D3.Selection, settings: SlicerSettings): void; getHeaderHeight(settings: SlicerSettings, textProperties: TextProperties): number; getRowHeight(settings: SlicerSettings, textProperties: TextProperties): number; styleSlicerHeader(slicerHeader: D3.Selection, settings: SlicerSettings, headerText: string): void; setSlicerTextStyle(slicerText: D3.Selection, settings: SlicerSettings): void; getRowsOutlineWidth(outlineElement: string, outlineWeight: number): number; private setSlicerHeaderTextStyle(slicerHeader, headerTextElement, settings, searchEnabled); private getTextProperties(textSize, textProperties); } } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * Contains functions/constants to aid in adding tooltips. */ module tooltipUtils { function tooltipUpdate(selection: D3.Selection, tooltips: string[]): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * Contains functions/constants to aid in SVG manupilation. */ module SVGUtil { /** * Very small values, when stringified, may be converted to scientific notation and cause a temporarily * invalid attribute or style property value. * For example, the number 0.0000001 is converted to the string "1e-7". * This is particularly noticeable when interpolating opacity values. * To avoid scientific notation, start or end the transition at 1e-6, * which is the smallest value that is not stringified in exponential notation. */ const AlmostZero: number; /** * Creates a translate string for use with the SVG transform call. */ function translate(x: number, y: number): string; /** * Creates a translateX string for use with the SVG transform call. */ function translateXWithPixels(x: number): string; function translateWithPixels(x: number, y: number): string; /** * Creates a translate + rotate string for use with the SVG transform call. */ function translateAndRotate(x: number, y: number, px: number, py: number, angle: number): string; /** * Creates a scale string for use in a CSS transform property. */ function scale(scale: number): string; /** * Creates a translate + scale string for use with the SVG transform call. */ function translateAndScale(x: number, y: number, ratio: number): string; /** * Creates a transform origin string for use in a CSS transform-origin property. */ function transformOrigin(xOffset: string, yOffset: string): string; /** * Forces all D3 transitions to complete. * Normally, zero-delay transitions are executed after an instantaneous delay (<10ms). * This can cause a brief flicker if the browser renders the page twice: once at the end of the first event loop, * then again immediately on the first timer callback. By flushing the timer queue at the end of the first event loop, * you can run any zero-delay transitions immediately and avoid the flicker. * * These flickers are noticable on IE, and with a large number of webviews(not recommend you ever do this) on iOS. */ function flushAllD3Transitions(): void; /** * Wrapper for flushAllD3Transitions. */ function flushAllD3TransitionsIfNeeded(options: VisualInitOptions | AnimationOptions): void; /** * There is a known bug in IE10 that causes cryptic crashes for SVG elements with a null 'd' attribute: * */ function ensureDAttribute(pathElement: D3.D3Element): void; /** * In IE10, it is possible to return SVGPoints with NaN members. */ function ensureValidSVGPoint(point: SVGPoint): void; /** * Parse the Transform string with value 'translate(x,y)'. * In Chrome for the translate(position) string the delimiter * is a comma and in IE it is a spaceso checking for both. */ function parseTranslateTransform(input: string): { x: string; y: string; }; /** * Create an arrow. */ function createArrow(width: number, height: number, rotate: number): { path: string; transform: string; }; /** * Use the ratio of the scaled bounding rect and the SVG DOM bounding box to get the x and y transform scale values * @deprecated This function is unreliable across browser implementations, prefer to use SVGScaleDetector if needed. */ function getTransformScaleRatios(svgElement: SVGSVGElement): Point; } class SVGScaleDetector { private scaleDetectorElement; constructor(svgElement: D3.Selection); getScale(): Point; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * Contains functions/constants to aid in text manupilation. */ module TextUtil { /** * Remove breaking spaces from given string and replace by none breaking space ( ). */ function removeBreakingSpaces(str: string): string; /** * Remove ellipses from a given string */ function removeEllipses(str: string): string; /** * Replace every whitespace (0x20) with Non-Breaking Space (0xA0) * @param {string} txt String to replace White spaces * @returns Text after replcing white spaces */ function replaceSpaceWithNBSP(txt: string): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface GradientSettings { diverging: boolean; minColor: any; midColor?: any; maxColor: any; minValue?: number; midValue?: number; maxValue?: number; } module GradientUtils { import DataViewObjectPropertyDefinition =; function getFillRuleRole(objectDescs: string; function shouldShowGradient(visualConfig: any): boolean; function getUpdatedGradientSettings(gradientObject: data.DataViewObjectDefinitions): GradientSettings; function getGradientMeasureIndex(dataViewCategorical: DataViewCategorical): number; function getGradientValueColumn(dataViewCategorical: DataViewCategorical): DataViewValueColumn; function hasGradientRole(dataViewCategorical: DataViewCategorical): boolean; function getDefaultGradientSettings(): GradientSettings; function getDefaultFillRuleDefinition(): DataViewObjectPropertyDefinition; function updateFillRule(propertyName: string, propertyValue: any, definitions: void; function getGradientSettings(baseFillRule: FillRuleDefinition): GradientSettings; function getFillRule(objectDefinitions: data.DataViewObjectDefinitions): FillRuleDefinition; function getGradientSettingsFromRule(fillRule: FillRuleDefinition): GradientSettings; /** Returns a string representing the gradient to be used for the GradientBar directive. */ function getGradientBarColors(gradientSettings: GradientSettings): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface VisualBackground { image?: ImageValue; transparency?: number; } module visualBackgroundHelper { function getDefaultColor(): string; function getDefaultTransparency(): number; function getDefaultShow(): boolean; function getDefaultValues(): { color: string; transparency: number; show: boolean; }; function enumeratePlot(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, background: VisualBackground): void; function renderBackgroundImage(background: VisualBackground, visualElement: JQuery, layout: Rect): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * A helper class for building a VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject: * - Allows call chaining (e.g., builder.pushInstance({...}).pushInstance({...}) * - Allows creating of containers (via pushContainer/popContainer) */ class ObjectEnumerationBuilder { private instances; private containers; private containerIdx; pushInstance(instance: VisualObjectInstance): ObjectEnumerationBuilder; pushContainer(container: VisualObjectInstanceContainer): ObjectEnumerationBuilder; popContainer(): ObjectEnumerationBuilder; complete(): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject; private canMerge(x, y); private extend(target, source, propertyName); static merge(x: VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration, y: VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject; static normalize(x: VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject; static getContainerForInstance(enumeration: VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject, instance: VisualObjectInstance): VisualObjectInstanceContainer; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** Helper class for Visual border styles */ module VisualBorderUtil { /** * Gets The Boder Width string (e.g. 0px 1px 2px 3px) * @param {OutlineType} string Type of the Outline, one of Visuals.outline. const strings * @param {number} outlineWeight Weight of the outline in pixels * @returns String representing the Border Width */ function getBorderWidth(outlineType: string, outlineWeight: number): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface I2DTransformMatrix { m00: number; m01: number; m02: number; m10: number; m11: number; m12: number; } /** Transformation matrix math wrapper */ class Transform { private _inverse; matrix: I2DTransformMatrix; constructor(m?: I2DTransformMatrix); applyToPoint(point: IPoint): IPoint; applyToRect(rect: Rect): IRect; translate(xOffset: number, yOffset: number): void; scale(xScale: number, yScale: number): void; rotate(angleInRadians: number): void; add(other: Transform): void; getInverse(): Transform; } function createTranslateMatrix(xOffset: number, yOffset: number): I2DTransformMatrix; function createScaleMatrix(xScale: number, yScale: number): I2DTransformMatrix; function createRotationMatrix(angleInRads: number): I2DTransformMatrix; function createInverseMatrix(m: I2DTransformMatrix): I2DTransformMatrix; } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface TrendLine { points: IPoint[]; show: boolean; lineColor: Fill; transparency: number; style: string; combineSeries: boolean; useHighlightValues: boolean; y2Axis: boolean; } module TrendLineHelper { const defaults: { lineColor: Fill; lineStyle: string; transparency: number; combineSeries: boolean; useHighlightValues: boolean; }; function enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, trendLines: TrendLine[]): void; function isDataViewForRegression(dataView: DataView): boolean; function readDataView(dataView: DataView, sourceDataView: DataView, y2: boolean, colors: IDataColorPalette): TrendLine[]; function darkenTrendLineColor(color: string): string; function render(trendLines: TrendLine[], graphicsContext: D3.Selection, axes: CartesianAxisProperties, viewport: IViewport): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module visibilityHelper { /** Helper method that uses jQuery :visible selector to determine if visual is visible. Elements are considered visible if they consume space in the document. Visible elements have a width or height that is greater than zero. Elements with visibility: hidden or opacity: 0 are considered visible, since they still consume space in the layout. */ function partiallyVisible(element: JQuery): boolean; } } declare module powerbi { module VisualObjectRepetition { /** Determines whether two repetitions are equal. */ function equals(x: VisualObjectRepetition, y: VisualObjectRepetition): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** Helper module for converting a DataView into SlicerData. */ module DataConversion { function convert(dataView: DataView, localizedSelectAllText: string, interactivityService: IInteractivityService | ISelectionHandler, hostServices: IVisualHostServices): SlicerData; } } declare module powerbi { import shapes = powerbi.visuals.shapes; import IRect = powerbi.visuals.IRect; /** Defines possible content positions. */ const enum ContentPositions { /** Content position is not defined. */ None = 0, /** Content aligned top left. */ TopLeft = 1, /** Content aligned top center. */ TopCenter = 2, /** Content aligned top right. */ TopRight = 4, /** Content aligned middle left. */ MiddleLeft = 8, /** Content aligned middle center. */ MiddleCenter = 16, /** Content aligned middle right. */ MiddleRight = 32, /** Content aligned bottom left. */ BottomLeft = 64, /** Content aligned bottom center. */ BottomCenter = 128, /** Content aligned bottom right. */ BottomRight = 256, /** Content is placed inside the bounding rectangle in the center. */ InsideCenter = 512, /** Content is placed inside the bounding rectangle at the base. */ InsideBase = 1024, /** Content is placed inside the bounding rectangle at the end. */ InsideEnd = 2048, /** Content is placed outside the bounding rectangle at the base. */ OutsideBase = 4096, /** Content is placed outside the bounding rectangle at the end. */ OutsideEnd = 8192, /** Content supports all possible positions. */ All = 16383, } /** * Rectangle orientation. Rectangle orientation is used to define vertical or horizontal orientation * and starting/ending side of the rectangle. */ enum RectOrientation { /** Rectangle with no specific orientation. */ None = 0, /** Vertical rectangle with base at the bottom. */ VerticalBottomTop = 1, /** Vertical rectangle with base at the top. */ VerticalTopBottom = 2, /** Horizontal rectangle with base at the left. */ HorizontalLeftRight = 3, /** Horizontal rectangle with base at the right. */ HorizontalRightLeft = 4, } /** * Defines if panel elements are allowed to be positioned * outside of the panel boundaries. */ enum OutsidePlacement { /** Elements can be positioned outside of the panel. */ Allowed = 0, /** Elements can not be positioned outside of the panel. */ Disallowed = 1, /** Elements can be partially outside of the panel. */ Partial = 2, } /** * Defines an interface for information needed for default label positioning. Used in DataLabelsPanel. * Note the question marks: none of the elements are mandatory. */ interface IDataLabelSettings { /** Distance from the anchor point. */ anchorMargin?: number; /** Orientation of the anchor rectangle. */ anchorRectOrientation?: RectOrientation; /** Preferable position for the label. */ contentPosition?: ContentPositions; /** Defines the rules if the elements can be positioned outside panel bounds. */ outsidePlacement?: OutsidePlacement; /** Defines the valid positions if repositionOverlapped is true. */ validContentPositions?: ContentPositions; /** Defines maximum moving distance to reposition an element. */ minimumMovingDistance?: number; /** Defines minimum moving distance to reposition an element. */ maximumMovingDistance?: number; /** Opacity effect of the label. Use it for dimming. */ opacity?: number; } /** * Defines an interface for information needed for label positioning. * None of the elements are mandatory, but at least anchorPoint OR anchorRect is needed. */ interface IDataLabelInfo extends IDataLabelSettings { /** The point to which label is anchored. */ anchorPoint?: shapes.IPoint; /** The rectangle to which label is anchored. */ anchorRect?: IRect; /** Disable label rendering and processing. */ hideLabel?: boolean; /** * Defines the visibility rank. This will not be processed by arrange phase, * but can be used for preprocessing the hideLabel value. */ visibilityRank?: number; /** Defines the starting offset from AnchorRect. */ offset?: number; /** Defines the callout line data. It is calculated and used during processing. */ callout?: { start: shapes.IPoint; end: shapes.IPoint; }; /** Source of the label. */ source?: any; size?: shapes.ISize; } /** Interface for label rendering. */ interface IDataLabelRenderer { renderLabelArray(labels: IArrangeGridElementInfo[]): void; } /** Interface used in internal arrange structures. */ interface IArrangeGridElementInfo { element: IDataLabelInfo; rect: IRect; } /** * Arranges label elements using the anchor point or rectangle. Collisions * between elements can be automatically detected and as a result elements * can be repositioned or get hidden. */ class DataLabelManager { movingStep: number; hideOverlapped: boolean; static DefaultAnchorMargin: number; static DefaultMaximumMovingDistance: number; static DefaultMinimumMovingDistance: number; static InflateAmount: number; private defaultDataLabelSettings; defaultSettings: IDataLabelSettings; /** Arranges the lables position and visibility*/ hideCollidedLabels(viewport: IViewport, data: any[], layout: any, addTransform?: boolean): powerbi.visuals.LabelEnabledDataPoint[]; /** * Merges the label element info with the panel element info and returns correct label info. * @param source The label info. */ getLabelInfo(source: IDataLabelInfo): IDataLabelInfo; /** * (Private) Calculates element position using anchor point.. */ private calculateContentPositionFromPoint(anchorPoint, contentPosition, contentSize, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element position using anchor rect. */ private calculateContentPositionFromRect(anchorRect, anchorRectOrientation, contentPosition, contentSize, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element inside center position using anchor rect. */ private handleInsideCenterPosition(anchorRectOrientation, contentSize, anchorRect, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element inside end position using anchor rect. */ private handleInsideEndPosition(anchorRectOrientation, contentSize, anchorRect, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element inside base position using anchor rect. */ private handleInsideBasePosition(anchorRectOrientation, contentSize, anchorRect, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element outside end position using anchor rect. */ private handleOutsideEndPosition(anchorRectOrientation, contentSize, anchorRect, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element outside base position using anchor rect. */ private handleOutsideBasePosition(anchorRectOrientation, contentSize, anchorRect, offset); /** (Private) Calculates element position. */ private calculateContentPosition(anchoredElementInfo, contentPosition, contentSize, offset); /** (Private) Check for collisions. */ private hasCollisions(arrangeGrid, info, position, size); static isValid(rect: IRect): boolean; } /** * Utility class to speed up the conflict detection by collecting the arranged items in the DataLabelsPanel. */ class DataLabelArrangeGrid { private grid; private cellSize; private rowCount; private colCount; private static ARRANGEGRID_MIN_COUNT; private static ARRANGEGRID_MAX_COUNT; /** * Creates new ArrangeGrid. * @param size The available size */ constructor(size: shapes.ISize, elements: any[], layout: powerbi.visuals.ILabelLayout); /** * Register a new label element. * @param element The label element to register. * @param rect The label element position rectangle. */ add(element: IDataLabelInfo, rect: IRect): void; /** * Checks for conflict of given rectangle in registered elements. * @param rect The rectengle to check. * @return True if conflict is detected. */ hasConflict(rect: IRect): boolean; /** * Calculates the number of rows or columns in a grid * @param step is the largest label size (width or height) * @param length is the grid size (width or height) * @param minCount is the minimum allowed size * @param maxCount is the maximum allowed size * @return the number of grid rows or columns */ private getGridRowColCount(step, length, minCount, maxCount); /** * Returns the grid index of a given recangle * @param rect The rectengle to check. * @return grid index as a thickness object. */ private getGridIndexRect(rect); } } declare module powerbi { import shapes = powerbi.visuals.shapes; import ISize = shapes.ISize; import IRect = powerbi.visuals.IRect; import IPoint = shapes.IPoint; import SelectableDataPoint = powerbi.visuals.SelectableDataPoint; /** * Defines possible data label positions relative to rectangles */ const enum RectLabelPosition { /** Position is not defined. */ None = 0, /** Content is placed inside the parent rectangle in the center. */ InsideCenter = 1, /** Content is placed inside the parent rectangle at the base. */ InsideBase = 2, /** Content is placed inside the parent rectangle at the end. */ InsideEnd = 4, /** Content is placed outside the parent rectangle at the base. */ OutsideBase = 8, /** Content is placed outside the parent rectangle at the end. */ OutsideEnd = 16, /** Content supports all possible positions. */ All = 31, /** Content supports positions inside the rectangle */ InsideAll = 7, } /** * Defines possible data label positions relative to points or circles */ const enum NewPointLabelPosition { /** Position is not defined. */ None = 0, Above = 1, Below = 2, Left = 4, Right = 8, BelowRight = 16, BelowLeft = 32, AboveRight = 64, AboveLeft = 128, Center = 256, All = 511, } /** * Rectangle orientation, defined by vertical vs horizontal and which direction * the "base" is at. */ const enum NewRectOrientation { /** Rectangle with no specific orientation. */ None = 0, /** Vertical rectangle with base at the bottom. */ VerticalBottomBased = 1, /** Vertical rectangle with base at the top. */ VerticalTopBased = 2, /** Horizontal rectangle with base at the left. */ HorizontalLeftBased = 3, /** Horizontal rectangle with base at the right. */ HorizontalRightBased = 4, } const enum LabelDataPointParentType { Point = 0, Rectangle = 1, Polygon = 2, } interface LabelParentRect { /** The rectangle this data label belongs to */ rect: IRect; /** The orientation of the parent rectangle */ orientation: NewRectOrientation; /** Valid positions to place the label ordered by preference */ validPositions: RectLabelPosition[]; } interface LabelParentPoint { /** The point this data label belongs to */ point: IPoint; /** The radius of the point to be added to the offset (for circular geometry) */ radius: number; /** Valid positions to place the label ordered by preference */ validPositions: NewPointLabelPosition[]; } interface LabelDataPoint { /** The measured size of the text */ textSize: ISize; /** Is data label preferred? Preferred labels will be rendered first */ isPreferred: boolean; /** Whether the parent type is a rectangle, point or polygon */ parentType: LabelDataPointParentType; /** The parent geometry for the data label */ parentShape: LabelParentRect | LabelParentPoint | LabelParentPolygon; /** Whether or not the label has a background */ hasBackground?: boolean; /** Text to be displayed in the label */ text: string; /** A text that represent the label tooltip */ tooltip?: string; /** Color to use for the data label if drawn inside */ insideFill: string; /** Color to use for the data label if drawn outside */ outsideFill: string; /** The identity of the data point associated with the data label */ identity: powerbi.visuals.SelectionId; /** The key of the data point associated with the data label (used if identity is not unique to each expected label) */ key?: string; /** The font size of the data point associated with the data label */ fontSize?: number; /** Second row of text to be displayed in the label, for additional information */ secondRowText?: string; /** The calculated weight of the data point associated with the data label */ weight?: number; /** Whether or not the data label has been rendered */ hasBeenRendered?: boolean; /** Size of the label adjusted for the background, if necessary */ labelSize?: ISize; } interface LabelDataPointGroup { labelDataPoints: LabelDataPoint[]; maxNumberOfLabels: number; } interface Label extends SelectableDataPoint { /** Text to be displayed in the label */ text: string; /** Second row of text to be displayed in the label */ secondRowText?: string; /** The bounding box for the label */ boundingBox: IRect; /** Whether or not the data label should be rendered */ isVisible: boolean; /** The fill color of the data label */ fill: string; /** A unique key for data points (used if key cannot be obtained from the identity) */ key?: string; /** The text size of the data label */ fontSize?: number; /** A text anchor used to override the default label text-anchor (middle) */ textAnchor?: string; /** points for reference line rendering */ leaderLinePoints?: number[][]; /** Whether or not the label has a background (and text position needs to be adjusted to take that into account) */ hasBackground: boolean; /** A text that represent the label tooltip */ tooltip?: string; } interface GridSubsection { xMin: number; xMax: number; yMin: number; yMax: number; } class LabelArrangeGrid { private grid; private viewport; private cellSize; private columnCount; private rowCount; /** * A multiplier applied to the largest width height to attempt to balance # of * labels in each cell and number of cells each label belongs to */ private static cellSizeMultiplier; constructor(labelDataPointsGroups: LabelDataPointGroup[], viewport: IViewport); /** * Add a rectangle to check collision against */ add(rect: IRect): void; /** * Check whether the rect conflicts with the grid, either bleeding outside the * viewport or colliding with another rect added to the grid. */ hasConflict(rect: IRect): boolean; /** * Attempt to position the given rect within the viewport. Returns * the adjusted rectangle or null if the rectangle couldn't fit, * conflicts with the viewport, or is too far outside the viewport */ tryPositionInViewport(rect: IRect): IRect; /** * Checks for a collision between the given rect and others in the grid. * Returns true if there is a collision. */ private hasCollision(rect); /** * Check to see if the given rect is inside the grid's viewport */ private isWithinGridViewport(rect); /** * Checks to see if the rect is close enough to the viewport to be moved inside. * "Close" here is determined by the distance between the edge of the viewport * and the closest edge of the rect; if that distance is less than the appropriate * dimension of the rect, we will reposition the rect. */ private isCloseToGridViewport(rect); /** * Attempt to move the rect inside the grid's viewport. Returns the resulting * rectangle with the same width/height adjusted to be inside the viewport or * null if it couldn't fit regardless. */ private tryMoveInsideViewport(rect); private getContainingGridSubsection(rect); private static getCellCount(step, length, minCount, maxCount); private static bound(value, min, max); } interface DataLabelLayoutOptions { /** The amount of offset to start with when the data label is not centered */ startingOffset: number; /** Maximum distance labels will be offset by */ maximumOffset: number; /** The amount to increase the offset each attempt while laying out labels */ offsetIterationDelta?: number; /** Horizontal padding used for checking whether a label is inside a parent shape */ horizontalPadding?: number; /** Vertical padding used for checking whether a label is inside a parent shape */ verticalPadding?: number; /** Should we draw reference lines in case the label offset is greater then the default */ allowLeaderLines?: boolean; /** Should the layout system attempt to move the label inside the viewport when it outside, but close */ attemptToMoveLabelsIntoViewport?: boolean; } class LabelLayout { /** Maximum distance labels will be offset by */ private maximumOffset; /** The amount to increase the offset each attempt while laying out labels */ private offsetIterationDelta; /** The amount of offset to start with when the data label is not centered */ private startingOffset; /** Padding used for checking whether a label is inside a parent shape */ private horizontalPadding; /** Padding used for checking whether a label is inside a parent shape */ private verticalPadding; /** Should we draw leader lines in case the label offset is greater then the default */ private allowLeaderLines; /** Should the layout system attempt to move the label inside the viewport when it outside, but close */ private attemptToMoveLabelsIntoViewport; private static defaultOffsetIterationDelta; private static defaultHorizontalPadding; private static defaultVerticalPadding; constructor(options: DataLabelLayoutOptions); /** * Arrange takes a set of data labels and lays them out in order, assuming that * the given array has already been sorted with the most preferred labels at the * front, taking into considiration a maximum number of labels that are alowed * to display. * * Details: * - We iterate over offsets from the target position, increasing from 0 while * verifiying the maximum number of labels to display hasn't been reached * - For each offset, we iterate over each data label * - For each data label, we iterate over each position that is valid for * both the specific label and this layout * - When a valid position is found, we position the label there and no longer * reposition it. * - This prioritizes the earlier labels to be positioned closer to their * target points in the position they prefer. * - This prioritizes putting data labels close to a valid position over * placing them at their preferred position (it will place it at a less * preferred position if it will be a smaller offset) */ layout(labelDataPointsGroups: LabelDataPointGroup[], viewport: IViewport): Label[]; private positionDataLabels(labelDataPoints, viewport, grid, maxLabelsToRender); private tryPositionForRectPositions(labelPoint, grid, currentLabelOffset, currentCenteredLabelOffset); /** * Tests a particular position/offset combination for the given data label. * If the label can be placed, returns the resulting bounding box for the data * label. If not, returns null. */ private static tryPositionRect(grid, position, labelDataPoint, offset, centerOffset, adjustForViewport); private tryPositionForPointPositions(labelPoint, grid, currentLabelOffset, drawLeaderLines); private static tryPositionPoint(grid, position, labelDataPoint, offset, adjustForViewport); } /** * (Private) Contains methods for calculating the bounding box of a data label */ module DataLabelRectPositioner { function getLabelRect(labelDataPoint: LabelDataPoint, position: RectLabelPosition, offset: number): IRect; function canFitWithinParent(labelDataPoint: LabelDataPoint, horizontalPadding: number, verticalPadding: number): boolean; function isLabelWithinParent(labelRect: IRect, labelPoint: LabelDataPoint, horizontalPadding: number, verticalPadding: number): boolean; function topInside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function bottomInside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function rightInside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function leftInside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function topOutside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function bottomOutside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function rightOutside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function leftOutside(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function middleHorizontal(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; function middleVertical(labelSize: ISize, parentRect: IRect, offset: number): IRect; } module DataLabelPointPositioner { const cos45: number; const sin45: number; function getLabelRect(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: LabelParentPoint, position: NewPointLabelPosition, offset: number): IRect; function above(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function below(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function left(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function right(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function belowLeft(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function belowRight(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function aboveLeft(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function aboveRight(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; function center(labelSize: ISize, parentPoint: IPoint): IRect; function getLabelLeaderLineEndingPoint(boundingBox: IRect, position: NewPointLabelPosition, parentShape: LabelParentPoint): number[][]; } } declare module powerbi { import ISize = powerbi.visuals.shapes.ISize; import IRect = powerbi.visuals.IRect; import VisualDataLabelsSettings = powerbi.visuals.VisualDataLabelsSettings; import DonutArcDescriptor = powerbi.visuals.DonutArcDescriptor; interface DonutChartProperties { viewport: IViewport; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; radius: number; arc: D3.Svg.Arc; outerArc: D3.Svg.Arc; outerArcRadiusRatio: number; innerArcRadiusRatio: number; } interface DonutLabelDataPoint extends LabelDataPoint { dataLabel: string; dataLabelSize: ISize; categoryLabel: string; categoryLabelSize: ISize; donutArcDescriptor: DonutArcDescriptor; alternativeScale: number; angle: number; linesSize: ISize[]; leaderLinePoints: number[][]; } interface DonutLabelRect { textRect: IRect; diagonalLineRect: IRect; horizontalLineRect: IRect; } class DonutLabelLayout { /** Maximum distance labels will be offset by */ private maximumOffset; /** The amount to increase the offset each attempt while laying out labels */ private offsetIterationDelta; /** The amount of offset to start with when the data label is not centered */ private startingOffset; private donutChartProperties; private center; private outerRadius; private innerRadius; private additionalCharsWidth; constructor(options: DataLabelLayoutOptions, donutChartProperties: DonutChartProperties); /** * Arrange takes a set of data labels and lays them out them in order, assuming that * the given array has already been sorted with the most preferred labels at the * front. * * Details: * - We iterate over offsets from the target position, increasing from 0 * - For each offset, we iterate over each data label * - For each data label, we iterate over each position that is valid for * both the specific label and this layout * - When a valid position is found, we position the label there and no longer * reposition it. * - This prioritizes the earlier labels to be positioned closer to their * target points in the position they prefer. * - This prioritizes putting data labels close to a valid position over * placing them at their preferred position (it will place it at a less * preferred position if it will be a smaller offset) */ layout(labelDataPoints: DonutLabelDataPoint[]): Label[]; private positionLabels(labelDataPoints, grid); /** * We try to move the label 25% up/down if the label is truncated or it collides with other labels. * after we moved it once we check that the new position doesn't failed (collides with other labels). */ private tryPositionForDonut(labelPoint, grid, currentLabelOffset); private generateCandidate(labelDataPoint, candidatePosition, grid, currentLabelOffset); private tryAllPositions(labelDataPoint, grid, defaultPosition, currentLabelOffset); private buildLabel(labelLayout, grid); private static tryPositionPoint(grid, position, labelDataPoint, offset, center, viewport); /** * Returns an array of valid positions for hidden and truncated labels. * For truncated labels will return positions with more available space. * For hidden labels will return all possible positions by the order we draw labels (clockwise) */ private getLabelPointPositions(labelPoint, isTruncated); /** * Returns a new DonutLabelDataPoint after splitting it into two lines */ private splitDonutDataPoint(labelPoint); private generateCandidateAngleForPosition(d, position); private getPointPositionForAngle(angle); private score(labelPoint, point); } } declare module powerbi { import IPoint = powerbi.visuals.IPoint; import IRect = powerbi.visuals.IRect; import Polygon = powerbi.visuals.shapes.Polygon; import Transform = powerbi.visuals.Transform; interface LabelParentPolygon { /** The point this data label belongs to */ polygon: Polygon; /** Valid positions to place the label ordered by preference */ validPositions: NewPointLabelPosition[]; } interface FilledMapLabel extends Label { absoluteBoundingBoxCenter: IPoint; originalPixelOffset: number; originalPosition?: NewPointLabelPosition; originalAbsoluteCentroid?: IPoint; absoluteStemSource?: IPoint; isPlacedInsidePolygon: boolean; } class FilledMapLabelLayout { private labels; layout(labelDataPoints: LabelDataPoint[], viewport: IViewport, polygonInfoTransform: Transform, redrawDataLabels: boolean): Label[]; getLabelPolygon(mapDataPoint: LabelDataPoint, position: NewPointLabelPosition, pointPosition: IPoint, offset: number): IRect; private getLabelBoundingBox(dataPointSize, position, pointPosition, offset); private getLabelByPolygonPositions(labelPoint, polygonInfoTransform, grid, shapesGrid); private setLeaderLinePoints(stemSource, stemDestination); private calculateStemSource(polygonInfoTransform, inverseTransorm, polygon, labelBoundingBox, position, pixelCentroid); private calculateStemDestination(labelBoundingBox, position); private tryPositionForPolygonPosition(position, labelDataPoint, polygonInfoTransform, offset, inverseTransorm); /** * Tests a particular position/offset combination for the given data label. * If the label can be placed, returns the resulting bounding box for the data * label. If not, returns null. */ private tryPlaceLabelOutsidePolygon(grid, position, labelDataPoint, offset, pixelCentroid, shapesGrid, inverseTransform); private updateLabelOffsets(polygonInfoTransform); private getAbsoluteRectangle(inverseTransorm, rect); } class LabelPolygonArrangeGrid { private grid; private viewport; private cellSize; private columnCount; private rowCount; /** * A multiplier applied to the largest width height to attempt to balance # of * polygons in each cell and number of cells each polygon belongs to */ private static cellSizeMultiplier; constructor(polygons: Polygon[], viewport: IViewport); hasConflict(absolutLabelRect: IRect, pixelLabelRect: IRect): boolean; private add(polygon); private getContainingGridSubsection(rect); private static getCellCount(step, length, minCount, maxCount); private static bound(value, min, max); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { function createColorAllocatorFactory(): IColorAllocatorFactory; } declare module powerbi.visuals { class DefaultVisualHostServices implements IVisualHostServices { static initialize(): void; /** * Create locale options. * * Note: Public for testability. */ static createLocaleOptions(): visuals.ValueFormatterLocalizationOptions; static createTooltipLocaleOptions(): powerbi.visuals.TooltipLocalizationOptions; getLocalizedString(stringId: string): string; onDragStart(): void; canSelect(): boolean; onSelect(): void; onContextMenu(): void; loadMoreData(): void; persistProperties(changes: VisualObjectInstance[] | VisualObjectInstancesToPersist): void; onCustomSort(args: CustomSortEventArgs): void; getViewMode(): powerbi.ViewMode; setWarnings(warnings: IVisualWarning[]): void; setToolbar($toolbar: JQuery): void; shouldRetainSelection(): boolean; geocoder(): IGeocoder; geolocation(): IGeolocation; promiseFactory(): IPromiseFactory; visualCapabilitiesChanged(): void; analyzeFilter(options: FilterAnalyzerOptions): AnalyzedFilter; getIdentityDisplayNames(dentities: DataViewScopeIdentity[]): DisplayNameIdentityPair[]; setIdentityDisplayNames(displayNamesIdentityPairs: DisplayNameIdentityPair[]): void; private static beautify(format); private static describeUnit(exponent); } const defaultVisualHostServices: IVisualHostServices; } declare module powerbi.visuals { import SemanticFilter =; interface SelectableDataPoint { selected: boolean; identity: SelectionId; } /** * Factory method to create an IInteractivityService instance. */ function createInteractivityService(hostServices: IVisualHostServices): IInteractivityService; /** * Creates a clear an svg rect to catch clear clicks. */ function appendClearCatcher(selection: D3.Selection): D3.Selection; function isCategoryColumnSelected(propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, categories: DataViewCategoricalColumn, idx: number): boolean; function dataHasSelection(data: SelectableDataPoint[]): boolean; interface IInteractiveBehavior { bindEvents(behaviorOptions: any, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void; renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void; } /** * An optional options bag for binding to the interactivityService */ interface InteractivityServiceOptions { isLegend?: boolean; isLabels?: boolean; overrideSelectionFromData?: boolean; hasSelectionOverride?: boolean; slicerValueHandler?: SlicerValueHandler; } /** * Responsible for managing interactivity between the hosting visual and its peers */ interface IInteractivityService { /** Binds the visual to the interactivityService */ bind(dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[], behavior: IInteractiveBehavior, behaviorOptions: any, iteractivityServiceOptions?: InteractivityServiceOptions): any; /** Clears the selection */ clearSelection(): void; /** Sets the selected state on the given data points. */ applySelectionStateToData(dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]): boolean; /** Checks whether there is at least one item selected */ hasSelection(): boolean; /** Checks whether there is at least one item selected within the legend */ legendHasSelection(): boolean; /** Checks whether the selection mode is inverted or normal */ isSelectionModeInverted(): boolean; /** Sets whether the selection mode is inverted or normal */ setSelectionModeInverted(inverted: boolean): void; setDefaultValueMode(useDefaultValue: boolean): void; isDefaultValueEnabled(): boolean; } interface ISelectionHandler { /** Handles a selection event by selecting the given data point */ handleSelection(dataPoint: SelectableDataPoint, multiSelect: boolean): void; /** Handles a request for a context menu. */ handleContextMenu(dataPoint: SelectableDataPoint, position: IPoint): void; /** Handles a selection clear, clearing all selection state */ handleClearSelection(): void; /** Toggles the selection mode between normal and inverted; returns true if the new mode is inverted */ toggleSelectionModeInversion(): boolean; /** Sends the selection state to the host */ persistSelectionFilter(filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier): void; /** Sends selfFilter to the host */ persistSelfFilter(filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, selfFilter: SemanticFilter): void; } class InteractivityService implements IInteractivityService, ISelectionHandler { private hostService; private renderSelectionInVisual; private renderSelectionInLegend; private renderSelectionInLabels; private selectedIds; private isInvertedSelectionMode; private hasSelectionOverride; private behavior; private slicerValueHandler; private useDefaultValue; selectableDataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; selectableLegendDataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; selectableLabelsDataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; constructor(hostServices: IVisualHostServices); /** Binds the vsiual to the interactivityService */ bind(dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[], behavior: IInteractiveBehavior, behaviorOptions: any, options?: InteractivityServiceOptions): void; /** * Sets the selected state of all selectable data points to false and invokes the behavior's select command. */ clearSelection(): void; applySelectionStateToData(dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]): boolean; /** * Checks whether there is at least one item selected. */ hasSelection(): boolean; legendHasSelection(): boolean; labelsHasSelection(): boolean; isSelectionModeInverted(): boolean; setSelectionModeInverted(inverted: boolean): void; handleSelection(dataPoint: SelectableDataPoint, multiSelect: boolean): void; handleContextMenu(dataPoint: SelectableDataPoint, point: IPoint): void; handleClearSelection(): void; toggleSelectionModeInversion(): boolean; persistSelectionFilter(filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier): void; persistSelfFilter(filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, selfFilter: SemanticFilter): void; setDefaultValueMode(useDefaultValue: boolean): void; isDefaultValueEnabled(): boolean; private renderAll(); /** Marks a data point as selected and syncs selection with the host. */ private select(d, multiSelect); private selectInverted(d, multiSelect); private removeId(toRemove); private getFilterFromSelectors(); private static createChangeForFilterProperty(filterPropertyIdentifier, filter); private sendContextMenuToHost(dataPoint, position); private sendSelectionToHost(); private getSelectorsByColumn(selectionIds); private takeSelectionStateFromDataPoints(dataPoints); /** * Syncs the selection state for all data points that have the same category. Returns * true if the selection state was out of sync and corrections were made; false if * the data is already in sync with the service. * * If the data is not compatible with the current service's current selection state, * the state is cleared and the cleared selection is sent to the host. * * Ignores series for now, since we don't support series selection at the moment. */ private syncSelectionState(); private syncSelectionStateInverted(); private applyToAllSelectableDataPoints(action); private static updateSelectableDataPointsBySelectedIds(selectableDataPoints, selectedIds); private static checkDatapointAgainstSelectedIds(datapoint, selectedIds); private removeSelectionIdsWithOnlyMeasures(); private removeSelectionIdsExceptOnlyMeasures(); } } declare module { function createGeocoder(): IGeocoder; interface BingAjaxService { (url: string, settings: JQueryAjaxSettings): any; } const safeCharacters: string; /** Note: Used for test mockup */ let BingAjaxCall: BingAjaxService; const CategoryTypeArray: string[]; function isCategoryType(value: string): boolean; const BingEntities: { Continent: string; Sovereign: string; CountryRegion: string; AdminDivision1: string; AdminDivision2: string; PopulatedPlace: string; Postcode: string; Postcode1: string; Neighborhood: string; Address: string; }; interface ILocation { latitude: number; longitude: number; } interface ILocationRect { northWest: ILocation; southEast: ILocation; } interface GeocodeCallback { (error: Error, coordinate: IGeocodeCoordinate): void; } interface IGeocodeQuery { query: string; category: string; levelOfDetail?: number; longitude?: number; latitude?: number; } class GeocodeQuery implements IGeocodeQuery { query: string; category: string; key: string; constructor(query: string, category: string); getBingEntity(): string; getUrl(): string; } class GeocodePointQuery extends GeocodeQuery { latitude: number; longitude: number; entities: string[]; constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number, entities: string[]); getUrl(): string; } class GeocodeBoundaryQuery extends GeocodeQuery { latitude: number; longitude: number; levelOfDetail: number; maxGeoData: number; constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number, category: any, levelOfDetail: any, maxGeoData?: number); getBingEntity(): string; getUrl(): string; } function geocodeCore(geocodeQuery: GeocodeQuery, options?: GeocodeOptions): any; function geocode(query: string, category?: string, options?: GeocodeOptions): any; function geocodeBoundary(latitude: number, longitude: number, category?: string, levelOfDetail?: number, maxGeoData?: number, options?: GeocodeOptions): any; function geocodePoint(latitude: number, longitude: number, entities: string[], options?: GeocodeOptions): any; function resetStaticGeocoderState(cache?: IGeocodingCache): void; } declare module { interface IGeocodingCache { getCoordinates(key: string): IGeocodeCoordinate; registerCoordinates(key: string, coordinate: IGeocodeCoordinate): void; registerCoordinates(key: string, coordinate: IGeocodeBoundaryCoordinate): void; } function createGeocodingCache(maxCacheSize: number, maxCacheSizeOverflow: number, localStorageService?: IStorageService): IGeocodingCache; } declare module { function createGeolocation(): IGeolocation; } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { function fire(eventHandlers: any, eventArgs: any): void; class ScrollbarButton { static MIN_WIDTH: number; static ARROW_COLOR: string; private _element; private _polygon; private _svg; private _owner; private _direction; private _timerHandle; private _mouseUpWrapper; constructor(owner: Scrollbar, direction: number); element: HTMLDivElement; private createView(); private onMouseDown(event); private onMouseUp(event); arrange(width: number, height: number, angle: number): void; } /** Scrollbar base class */ class Scrollbar { static DefaultScrollbarWidth: string; private static ScrollbarBackgroundFirstTimeMousedownHoldDelay; private static ScrollbarBackgroundMousedownHoldDelay; private static MouseWheelRange; static className: string; static barClassName: string; static arrowClassName: string; MIN_BAR_SIZE: number; min: number; max: number; viewMin: number; viewSize: number; smallIncrement: number; _onscroll: any[]; private _actualWidth; private _actualHeight; private _actualButtonWidth; private _actualButtonHeight; private _width; private _height; private _visible; private _element; private _minButton; private _maxButton; private _middleBar; private _timerHandle; private _screenToOffsetScale; private _screenPrevMousePos; private _screenMinMousePos; private _screenMaxMousePos; private _backgroundMouseUpWrapper; private _middleBarMouseMoveWrapper; private _middleBarMouseUpWrapper; private _touchPanel; private _offsetTouchStartPos; private _offsetTouchPrevPos; private _touchStarted; private _allowMouseDrag; constructor(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind); scrollBy(delta: number): void; scrollUp(): void; scrollDown(): void; scrollPageUp(): void; scrollPageDown(): void; width: string; height: string; refresh(): void; element: HTMLDivElement; maxButton: ScrollbarButton; middleBar: HTMLDivElement; _scrollSmallIncrement(direction: any): void; visible: boolean; isInMouseCapture: boolean; show(value: boolean): void; _getMouseOffset(event: MouseEvent): { x: number; y: number; }; _getOffsetXDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; _getOffsetYDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; _getOffsetXTouchDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; _getOffsetYTouchDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; initTouch(panel: HTMLElement, allowMouseDrag?: boolean): void; onTouchStart(e: any): void; onTouchMove(e: any): void; onTouchEnd(e: any): void; onTouchMouseDown(e: MouseEvent): void; _getOffsetTouchDelta(e: MouseEvent): number; onTouchMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void; onTouchMouseUp(e: MouseEvent, bubble?: boolean): void; private createView(parentElement, layoutKind); private scrollTo(pos); _scrollByPage(event: MouseEvent): void; _getRunningSize(net: boolean): number; _getOffsetDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; private scroll(event); actualWidth: number; actualHeight: number; actualButtonWidth: number; actualButtonHeight: number; arrange(): void; _calculateButtonWidth(): number; _calculateButtonHeight(): number; _getMinButtonAngle(): number; _getMaxButtonAngle(): number; _setMaxButtonPosition(): void; invalidateArrange(): void; private onHoldBackgroundMouseDown(event); private onBackgroundMouseDown(event); private onBackgroundMouseUp(event); private getPinchZoomY(); private onMiddleBarMouseDown(event); private onMiddleBarMouseMove(event); private onMiddleBarMouseUp(event); _getScreenContextualLeft(element: HTMLElement): number; _getScreenContextualRight(element: HTMLElement): number; onMouseWheel(delta: number): void; private mouseWheel(delta); _getScreenMousePos(event: MouseEvent): any; static addDocumentMouseUpEvent(func: any): void; static removeDocumentMouseUpEvent(func: any): void; static addDocumentMouseMoveEvent(func: any): void; static removeDocumentMouseMoveEvent(func: any): void; } /** Horizontal Scrollbar */ class HorizontalScrollbar extends Scrollbar { constructor(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind); _calculateButtonWidth(): number; _calculateButtonHeight(): number; _getMinButtonAngle(): number; _getMaxButtonAngle(): number; _setMaxButtonPosition(): void; refresh(): void; show(visible: boolean): void; _scrollByPage(event: MouseEvent): void; _getRunningSize(net: boolean): number; _getOffsetDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; _getOffsetTouchDelta(e: MouseEvent): number; _getScreenContextualLeft(element: HTMLElement): number; _getScreenContextualRight(element: HTMLElement): number; _getScreenMousePos(event: MouseEvent): number; } /** Vertical Scrollbar */ class VerticalScrollbar extends Scrollbar { constructor(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind); _calculateButtonWidth(): number; _calculateButtonHeight(): number; _getMinButtonAngle(): number; _getMaxButtonAngle(): number; _setMaxButtonPosition(): void; refresh(): void; show(visible: boolean): void; _scrollByPage(event: MouseEvent): void; _getRunningSize(net: boolean): number; _getOffsetDelta(event: MouseEvent): number; _getOffsetTouchDelta(e: MouseEvent): number; _getScreenContextualLeft(element: HTMLElement): number; _getScreenContextualRight(element: HTMLElement): number; _getScreenMousePos(event: MouseEvent): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.internal { /** This class is responsible for tablix header resizing */ class TablixResizer { private _element; private _handler; private _elementMouseDownWrapper; private _elementMouseMoveWrapper; private _elementMouseOutWrapper; private _elementMouseDoubleClickOutWrapper; private _documentMouseMoveWrapper; private _documentMouseUpWrapper; private _startMousePosition; private _originalCursor; static resizeHandleSize: number; static resizeCursor: string; constructor(element: HTMLElement, handler: ITablixResizeHandler); static addDocumentMouseUpEvent(listener: EventListener): void; static removeDocumentMouseUpEvent(listener: EventListener): void; static addDocumentMouseMoveEvent(listener: EventListener): void; static removeDocumentMouseMoveEvent(listener: EventListener): void; static getMouseCoordinates(event: MouseEvent): { x: number; y: number; }; static getMouseCoordinateDelta(previous: { x: number; y: number; }, current: { x: number; y: number; }): { x: number; y: number; }; initialize(): void; uninitialize(): void; cell: TablixCell; element: HTMLElement; _hotSpot(position: { x: number; y: number; }): boolean; private onElementMouseDown(event); private onElementMouseMove(event); private onElementMouseOut(event); private onElementMouseDoubleClick(event); private onDocumentMouseMove(event); private onDocumentMouseUp(event); } class TablixDomResizer extends TablixResizer { private _cell; constructor(cell: TablixCell, element: HTMLElement, handler: ITablixResizeHandler); cell: TablixCell; _hotSpot(position: { x: number; y: number; }): boolean; } class TablixCellPresenter { static _dragResizeDisabledAttributeName: string; private _owner; private _tableCell; /** Outer DIV */ private _contentElement; /** Inner DIV */ private _contentHost; private _resizer; layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind; constructor(fitProportionally: boolean, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind); initialize(owner: TablixCell): void; owner: TablixCell; registerTableCell(tableCell: HTMLTableCellElement): void; tableCell: HTMLTableCellElement; /** * Outer DIV */ contentElement: HTMLElement; /** * Inner DIV */ contentHost: HTMLElement; registerClickHandler(handler: (e: MouseEvent) => any): void; unregisterClickHandler(): void; onContainerWidthChanged(value: number): void; onContinerHeightChanged(height: number): void; onColumnSpanChanged(value: number): void; onRowSpanChanged(value: number): void; onTextAlignChanged(value: string): void; onClear(): void; onHorizontalScroll(width: number, offset: number): void; onVerticalScroll(height: number, offset: number): void; onInitializeScrolling(): void; enableHorizontalResize(enable: boolean, handler: ITablixResizeHandler): void; /** * In order to allow dragging of the tableCell we need to * disable dragging of the container of the cell in IE. */ disableDragResize(): void; } class TablixRowPresenter { private _row; private _tableRow; private _fitProportionally; constructor(fitProportionally: boolean); initialize(row: TablixRow): void; createCellPresenter(layoutKind: controls.TablixLayoutKind): TablixCellPresenter; registerRow(tableRow: HTMLTableRowElement): void; onAppendCell(cell: TablixCell): void; onInsertCellBefore(cell: TablixCell, refCell: TablixCell): void; onRemoveCell(cell: TablixCell): void; getHeight(): number; getCellHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; getCellContentHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; tableRow: HTMLTableRowElement; } class DashboardRowPresenter extends TablixRowPresenter { private _gridPresenter; constructor(gridPresenter: DashboardTablixGridPresenter, fitProportionally: boolean); getCellHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; getCellContentHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; } class CanvasRowPresenter extends TablixRowPresenter { getCellHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; getCellContentHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; } class TablixColumnPresenter { protected _column: TablixColumn; initialize(column: TablixColumn): void; getWidth(): number; getPersistedWidth(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; } class DashboardColumnPresenter extends TablixColumnPresenter { private _gridPresenter; constructor(gridPresenter: DashboardTablixGridPresenter); getPersistedWidth(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; } class CanvasColumnPresenter extends TablixColumnPresenter { private _gridPresenter; private _columnIndex; constructor(gridPresenter: CanvasTablixGridPresenter, index: number); getPersistedWidth(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; } class TablixGridPresenter { protected _table: HTMLTableElement; protected _owner: TablixGrid; private _footerTable; private _columnWidthManager; constructor(columnWidthManager?: TablixColumnWidthManager); initialize(owner: TablixGrid, gridHost: HTMLElement, footerHost: HTMLElement, control: TablixControl): void; getWidth(): number; getHeight(): number; getScreenToCssRatioX(): number; getScreenToCssRatioY(): number; createRowPresenter(): TablixRowPresenter; createColumnPresenter(index: number): TablixColumnPresenter; onAppendRow(row: TablixRow): void; onInsertRowBefore(row: TablixRow, refRow: TablixRow): void; onRemoveRow(row: TablixRow): void; onAddFooterRow(row: TablixRow): void; onClear(): void; onFillColumnsProportionallyChanged(value: boolean): void; invokeColumnResizeEndCallback(column: TablixColumn, width: number): void; getPersistedColumnWidth(column: TablixColumn): number; } class DashboardTablixGridPresenter extends TablixGridPresenter { private _sizeComputationManager; constructor(sizeComputationManager: SizeComputationManager); createRowPresenter(): TablixRowPresenter; createColumnPresenter(index: number): TablixColumnPresenter; sizeComputationManager: SizeComputationManager; getWidth(): number; getHeight(): number; } class CanvasTablixGridPresenter extends TablixGridPresenter { constructor(columnWidthManager: TablixColumnWidthManager); createRowPresenter(): TablixRowPresenter; createColumnPresenter(index: number): TablixColumnPresenter; getWidth(): number; getHeight(): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.internal { /** * Base class for Tablix realization manager. */ class TablixDimensionRealizationManager { private _realizedLeavesCount; private _adjustmentFactor; private _itemsToRealizeCount; private _itemsEstimatedContextualWidth; private _binder; constructor(binder: ITablixBinder); _getOwner(): DimensionLayoutManager; binder: ITablixBinder; adjustmentFactor: number; itemsToRealizeCount: number; itemsEstimatedContextualWidth: number; onStartRenderingIteration(): void; onEndRenderingIteration(gridContextualWidth: number, filled: boolean): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; onCornerCellRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onHeaderRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell, leaf: boolean): void; needsToRealize: boolean; _getEstimatedItemsToRealizeCount(): void; _getSizeAdjustment(gridContextualWidth: number): number; } /** * DOM implementation for Row Tablix realization manager. */ class RowRealizationManager extends TablixDimensionRealizationManager { private _owner; owner: RowLayoutManager; _getOwner(): DimensionLayoutManager; _getEstimatedItemsToRealizeCount(): void; private estimateRowsToRealizeCount(); getEstimatedRowHierarchyWidth(): number; private updateRowHiearchyEstimatedWidth(items, firstVisibleIndex, levels); _getSizeAdjustment(gridContextualWidth: number): number; } /** * DOM implementation for Column Tablix realization manager. */ class ColumnRealizationManager extends TablixDimensionRealizationManager { private _owner; owner: ColumnLayoutManager; _getOwner(): DimensionLayoutManager; _getEstimatedItemsToRealizeCount(): void; private rowRealizationManager; private getEstimatedRowHierarchyWidth(); private estimateColumnsToRealizeCount(rowHierarchyWidth); _getSizeAdjustment(gridContextualWidth: number): number; } class RowWidths { items: RowWidth[]; leafCount: any; constructor(); } class RowWidth { maxLeafWidth: number; maxNonLeafWidth: number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.internal { interface ITablixResizeHandler { onStartResize(cell: TablixCell, currentX: number, currentY: number): void; onResize(cell: TablixCell, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void; onEndResize(cell: TablixCell): any; onReset(cell: TablixCell): any; } /** * Internal interface to abstract the tablix row/column. */ interface ITablixGridItem { calculateSize(): number; onResize(size: number): void; onResizeEnd(size: number): void; fixSize(): void; /** * In case the parent column/row header size is bigger than the sum of the children, * the size of the last item is adjusted to compensate the difference. */ setAligningContextualWidth(size: number): void; getAligningContextualWidth(): number; getContextualWidth(): number; getContentContextualWidth(): number; getIndex(grid: TablixGrid): number; getHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getOtherDimensionHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getOtherDimensionOwner(cell: TablixCell): ITablixGridItem; getCellIContentContextualWidth(cell: TablixCell): number; getCellContextualSpan(cell: TablixCell): number; } class TablixCell implements ITablixCell { private _horizontalOffset; private _verticalOffset; private _colSpan; private _rowSpan; private _textAlign; private _containerWidth; private _containerHeight; private _scrollable; _column: TablixColumn; _row: TablixRow; type: TablixCellType; item: any; _presenter: TablixCellPresenter; extension: TablixCellPresenter; position: internal.TablixUtils.CellPosition; contentHeight: number; contentWidth: number; constructor(presenter: TablixCellPresenter, extension: TablixCellPresenter, row: TablixRow); unfixRowHeight(): void; colSpan: number; rowSpan: number; getCellSpanningHeight(): number; textAlign: string; horizontalOffset: number; verticalOffset: number; private isScrollable(); clear(): void; private initializeScrolling(); prepare(scrollable: boolean): void; scrollVertically(height: number, offset: number): void; scrollHorizontally(width: number, offset: number): void; setContainerWidth(value: number): void; containerWidth: number; setContainerHeight(value: number): void; containerHeight: number; applyStyle(style: TablixUtils.CellStyle): void; enableHorizontalResize(enable: boolean, handler: ITablixResizeHandler): void; } class TablixColumn implements ITablixGridItem { _realizedColumnHeaders: TablixCell[]; _realizedCornerCells: TablixCell[]; _realizedRowHeaders: TablixCell[]; _realizedBodyCells: TablixCell[]; private _items; private _itemType; private _footerCell; private _containerWidth; private _width; private _sizeFixed; private _aligningWidth; private _fixedToAligningWidth; private _presenter; private _owner; private _columnIndex; constructor(presenter: TablixColumnPresenter, columnIndex: number); initialize(owner: TablixGrid): void; owner: TablixGrid; private getType(); private getColumnHeadersOrCorners(); private columnHeadersOrCornersEqual(newType, headers, hierarchyNavigator); itemType: TablixCellType; getLeafItem(): any; columnHeaderOrCornerEquals(type1: TablixCellType, item1: any, type2: TablixCellType, item2: any, hierarchyNavigator: ITablixHierarchyNavigator): boolean; OnLeafRealized(hierarchyNavigator: ITablixHierarchyNavigator): void; private clearSpanningCellsWidth(cells); addCornerCell(cell: TablixCell): void; addRowHeader(cell: TablixCell): void; addColumnHeader(cell: TablixCell, isLeaf: boolean): void; addBodyCell(cell: TablixCell): void; footer: TablixCell; onResize(width: number): void; onResizeEnd(width: number): void; fixSize(): void; clearSize(): void; getContentContextualWidth(): number; getCellIContentContextualWidth(cell: TablixCell): number; getCellSpanningWidthWithScrolling(cell: ITablixCell, tablixGrid: TablixGrid): number; getScrollingOffset(): number; getContextualWidth(): number; calculateSize(): number; setAligningContextualWidth(size: number): void; getAligningContextualWidth(): number; private setContainerWidth(value); getTablixCell(): TablixCell; getIndex(grid: TablixGrid): number; getHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getOtherDimensionHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getCellContextualSpan(cell: TablixCell): number; getOtherDimensionOwner(cell: TablixCell): ITablixGridItem; } class TablixRow implements ITablixGridItem { private _allocatedCells; _realizedRowHeaders: TablixCell[]; _realizedColumnHeaders: TablixCell[]; _realizedBodyCells: TablixCell[]; _realizedCornerCells: TablixCell[]; private _realizedCellsCount; private _heightFixed; private _containerHeight; private _height; private _presenter; private _owner; constructor(presenter: TablixRowPresenter); initialize(owner: TablixGrid): void; presenter: TablixRowPresenter; owner: TablixGrid; releaseUnusedCells(owner: TablixControl): void; releaseAllCells(owner: TablixControl): void; private releaseCells(owner, startIndex); moveScrollableCellsToEnd(count: number): void; moveScrollableCellsToStart(count: number): void; getOrCreateCornerCell(column: TablixColumn): TablixCell; getOrCreateRowHeader(column: TablixColumn, scrollable: boolean, leaf: boolean): TablixCell; getOrCreateColumnHeader(column: TablixColumn, scrollable: boolean, leaf: boolean): TablixCell; getOrCreateBodyCell(column: TablixColumn, scrollable: boolean): TablixCell; getOrCreateFooterRowHeader(column: TablixColumn): TablixCell; getOrCreateFooterBodyCell(column: TablixColumn, scrollable: boolean): TablixCell; getRowHeaderLeafIndex(): number; getAllocatedCellAt(index: number): TablixCell; moveCellsBy(delta: number): void; getRealizedCellCount(): number; getRealizedHeadersCount(): number; getRealizedHeaderAt(index: number): TablixCell; getTablixCell(): TablixCell; getOrCreateEmptySpaceCell(): TablixCell; private createCell(row); private getOrCreateCell(); onResize(height: number): void; onResizeEnd(height: number): void; fixSize(): void; unfixSize(): void; getContentContextualWidth(): number; getCellIContentContextualWidth(cell: TablixCell): number; getCellSpanningHeight(cell: ITablixCell): number; getContextualWidth(): number; sizeFixed(): boolean; calculateSize(): number; setAligningContextualWidth(size: number): void; getAligningContextualWidth(): number; private setContentHeight(); getIndex(grid: TablixGrid): number; getHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getOtherDimensionHeaders(): TablixCell[]; getCellContextualSpan(cell: TablixCell): number; getOtherDimensionOwner(cell: TablixCell): ITablixGridItem; } class TablixGrid { private _owner; private _rows; private _realizedRows; private _columns; private _realizedColumns; private _footerRow; private _emptySpaceHeaderCell; private _emptyFooterSpaceCell; _presenter: TablixGridPresenter; private _fillColumnsProportionally; constructor(presenter: TablixGridPresenter); initialize(owner: TablixControl, gridHost: HTMLElement, footerHost: HTMLElement): void; owner: TablixControl; fillColumnsProportionally: boolean; realizedColumns: TablixColumn[]; realizedRows: TablixRow[]; footerRow: TablixRow; emptySpaceHeaderCell: TablixCell; emptySpaceFooterCell: TablixCell; ShowEmptySpaceCells(rowSpan: number, width: number): void; HideEmptySpaceCells(): void; onStartRenderingSession(clear: boolean): void; onStartRenderingIteration(): void; onEndRenderingIteration(): void; getOrCreateRow(rowIndex: number): TablixRow; getOrCreateFootersRow(): TablixRow; moveRowsToEnd(moveFromIndex: number, count: number): void; moveRowsToStart(moveToIndex: number, count: number): void; moveColumnsToEnd(moveFromIndex: number, count: number): void; moveColumnsToStart(moveToIndex: number, count: number): void; getOrCreateColumn(columnIndex: number): TablixColumn; private initializeColumns(); private clearColumns(); private initializeRows(); private clearRows(); getWidth(): number; getHeight(): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.internal { /** * This class is used for layouts that don't or cannot * rely on DOM measurements. Instead they compute all required * widths and heights and store it in this structure. */ class SizeComputationManager { private static TablixMinimumColumnWidth; private _viewport; private _columnCount; private _cellWidth; private _cellHeight; private _scalingFactor; hasImageContent: boolean; visibleWidth: number; visibleHeight: number; gridWidth: number; gridHeight: number; rowHeight: number; cellWidth: number; cellHeight: number; contentWidth: number; contentHeight: number; updateColumnCount(columnCount: number): void; updateRowHeight(rowHeight: number): void; updateScalingFactor(scalingFactor: number): void; updateViewport(viewport: IViewport): void; private computeColumnWidth(totalColumnCount); private computeColumnHeight(); private fitToColumnCount(maxAllowedColumnCount, totalColumnCount); } class DimensionLayoutManager implements IDimensionLayoutManager { static _pixelPrecision: number; static _scrollOffsetPrecision: number; _grid: TablixGrid; _gridOffset: number; protected _contextualWidthToFill: number; private _owner; private _realizationManager; private _alignToEnd; private _lastScrollOffset; private _isScrolling; private _fixedSizeEnabled; private _done; private _measureEnabled; constructor(owner: TablixLayoutManager, grid: TablixGrid, realizationManager: TablixDimensionRealizationManager); owner: TablixLayoutManager; realizationManager: TablixDimensionRealizationManager; fixedSizeEnabled: boolean; onCornerCellRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell, leaf: boolean): void; onHeaderRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell, leaf: any): void; needsToRealize: boolean; getVisibleSizeRatio(): number; alignToEnd: boolean; done: boolean; _requiresMeasure(): boolean; startScrollingSession(): void; endScrollingSession(): void; isScrolling(): boolean; isResizing(): boolean; getOtherHierarchyContextualHeight(): number; _isAutoSized(): boolean; onStartRenderingSession(): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; /** * Implementing classes must override this to send dimentions to TablixControl. */ _sendDimensionsToControl(): void; measureEnabled: boolean; getFooterContextualWidth(): number; onStartRenderingIteration(clear: boolean, contextualWidth: number): void; allItemsRealized: boolean; onEndRenderingIteration(): void; private getScrollDeltaWithinPage(); private swapElements(); _getRealizedItems(): ITablixGridItem[]; getRealizedItemsCount(): number; _moveElementsToBottom(moveFromIndex: number, count: any): void; _moveElementsToTop(moveToIndex: number, count: any): void; isScrollingWithinPage(): boolean; getGridContextualWidth(): number; private updateScrollbar(gridContextualWidth); getViewSize(gridContextualWidth: number): number; isScrollableHeader(item: any, items: any, index: number): boolean; reachedEnd(): boolean; scrollBackwardToFill(gridContextualWidth: number): number; private getItemContextualWidth(index); private getItemContextualWidthWithScrolling(index); getSizeWithScrolling(size: number, index: number): number; getGridContextualWidthFromItems(): number; private getMeaurementError(gridContextualWidth); private scrollForwardToAlignEnd(gridContextualWidth); dimension: TablixDimension; otherLayoutManager: DimensionLayoutManager; contextualWidthToFill: number; getGridScale(): number; otherScrollbarContextualWidth: number; getActualContextualWidth(gridContextualWidth: number): number; protected canScroll(gridContextualWidth: number): boolean; calculateSizes(): void; protected _calculateSize(item: ITablixGridItem): number; calculateContextualWidths(): void; calculateSpans(): void; updateNonScrollableItemsSpans(): void; updateScrollableItemsSpans(): void; fixSizes(): void; private updateSpans(otherRealizedItem, cells, considerScrolling); private updateLastChildSize(spanningCell, item, totalSpanSize); } class ResizeState { item: any; itemType: TablixCellType; column: TablixColumn; startColumnWidth: number; resizingDelta: number; animationFrame: number; scale: number; constructor(column: TablixColumn, width: number, scale: number); getNewSize(): number; } class ColumnLayoutManager extends DimensionLayoutManager implements ITablixResizeHandler { static minColumnWidth: number; private _resizeState; constructor(owner: TablixLayoutManager, grid: TablixGrid, realizationManager: ColumnRealizationManager); dimension: TablixDimension; isResizing(): boolean; fillProportionally: boolean; getGridScale(): number; otherScrollbarContextualWidth: number; _getRealizedItems(): ITablixGridItem[]; _moveElementsToBottom(moveFromIndex: number, count: any): void; _moveElementsToTop(moveToIndex: number, count: any): void; _requiresMeasure(): boolean; getGridContextualWidth(): number; private getFirstVisibleColumn(); _isAutoSized(): boolean; applyScrolling(): void; private scroll(firstVisibleColumn, width, offset); private scrollCells(cells, width, offset); private scrollBodyCells(rows, width, offset); onStartResize(cell: TablixCell, currentX: number, currentY: number): void; onResize(cell: TablixCell, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void; onEndResize(cell: TablixCell): void; onReset(cell: TablixCell): void; updateItemToResizeState(realizedColumns: TablixColumn[]): void; private performResizing(); private endResizing(); /** * Sends column related data (pixel size, column count, etc) to TablixControl. */ _sendDimensionsToControl(): void; getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; getEstimatedBodyCellWidth(content: string): number; } class DashboardColumnLayoutManager extends ColumnLayoutManager { getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; getEstimatedBodyCellWidth(content: string): number; protected canScroll(gridContextualWidth: number): boolean; protected _calculateSize(item: ITablixGridItem): number; private ignoreColumn(headerIndex); } class CanvasColumnLayoutManager extends ColumnLayoutManager { getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; getEstimatedBodyCellWidth(content: string): number; calculateContextualWidths(): void; protected canScroll(gridContextualWidth: number): boolean; protected _calculateSize(item: ITablixGridItem): number; } class RowLayoutManager extends DimensionLayoutManager { constructor(owner: TablixLayoutManager, grid: TablixGrid, realizationManager: RowRealizationManager); dimension: TablixDimension; getGridScale(): number; otherScrollbarContextualWidth: number; startScrollingSession(): void; _getRealizedItems(): ITablixGridItem[]; _moveElementsToBottom(moveFromIndex: number, count: any): void; _moveElementsToTop(moveToIndex: number, count: any): void; _requiresMeasure(): boolean; getGridContextualWidth(): number; private getFirstVisibleRow(); _isAutoSized(): boolean; applyScrolling(): void; private scroll(firstVisibleRow, height, offset); private scrollCells(cells, height, offset); getFooterContextualWidth(): number; calculateContextualWidths(): void; fixSizes(): void; /** * Sends row related data (pixel size, column count, etc) to TablixControl. */ _sendDimensionsToControl(): void; getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; } class DashboardRowLayoutManager extends RowLayoutManager { getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; protected canScroll(gridContextualWidth: number): boolean; protected _calculateSize(item: ITablixGridItem): number; private getHeaderWidth(headerIndex); } class CanvasRowLayoutManager extends RowLayoutManager { getEstimatedHeaderWidth(label: string, headerIndex: number): number; protected canScroll(gridContextualWidth: number): boolean; protected _calculateSize(item: ITablixGridItem): number; } class TablixLayoutManager { protected _owner: TablixControl; protected _container: HTMLElement; protected _columnLayoutManager: ColumnLayoutManager; protected _rowLayoutManager: RowLayoutManager; private _binder; private _scrollingDimension; private _gridHost; private _footersHost; private _grid; private _allowHeaderResize; private _columnWidthsToPersist; constructor(binder: ITablixBinder, grid: TablixGrid, columnLayoutManager: ColumnLayoutManager, rowLayoutManager: RowLayoutManager); initialize(owner: TablixControl): void; owner: TablixControl; binder: ITablixBinder; columnWidthsToPersist: ColumnWidthObject[]; getTablixClassName(): string; getLayoutKind(): TablixLayoutKind; getOrCreateColumnHeader(item: any, items: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): ITablixCell; getOrCreateRowHeader(item: any, items: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): ITablixCell; getOrCreateCornerCell(item: any, rowLevel: number, columnLevel: number): ITablixCell; getOrCreateBodyCell(cellItem: any, rowItem: any, rowItems: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): ITablixCell; getOrCreateFooterBodyCell(cellItem: any, columnIndex: number): ITablixCell; getOrCreateFooterRowHeader(item: any, items: any): ITablixCell; getVisibleWidth(): number; getVisibleHeight(): number; updateColumnCount(rowDimension: TablixRowDimension, columnDimension: TablixColumnDimension): void; updateViewport(viewport: IViewport): void; getEstimatedRowHeight(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; getContentWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; adjustContentSize(hasImage: boolean): void; /** * This call makes room for parent header cells where neccessary. * Since HTML cells that span vertically displace other rows, * room has to be made for spanning headers that leave an exiting * row to enter the new row that it starts from and removed when * returning to an entering row. */ private alignRowHeaderCells(item, currentRow); grid: TablixGrid; rowLayoutManager: DimensionLayoutManager; columnLayoutManager: DimensionLayoutManager; protected showEmptySpaceHeader(): boolean; onStartRenderingSession(scrollingDimension: TablixDimension, parentElement: HTMLElement, clear: boolean): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; onStartRenderingIteration(clear: boolean): void; onEndRenderingIteration(): boolean; onCornerCellRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onRowHeaderRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onRowHeaderFooterRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onColumnHeaderRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onBodyCellRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; onBodyCellFooterRealized(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; setAllowHeaderResize(value: boolean): void; enableCellHorizontalResize(isLeaf: boolean, cell: TablixCell): void; getEstimatedTextWidth(label: string): number; measureSampleText(parentElement: HTMLElement): void; } class DashboardTablixLayoutManager extends TablixLayoutManager { private _characterHeight; private _sizeComputationManager; constructor(binder: ITablixBinder, sizeComputationManager: SizeComputationManager, grid: TablixGrid, rowRealizationManager: RowRealizationManager, columnRealizationManager: ColumnRealizationManager); static createLayoutManager(binder: ITablixBinder): DashboardTablixLayoutManager; getTablixClassName(): string; getLayoutKind(): TablixLayoutKind; protected showEmptySpaceHeader(): boolean; measureSampleText(parentElement: HTMLElement): void; getVisibleWidth(): number; getVisibleHeight(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; getContentWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; getEstimatedTextWidth(label: string): number; adjustContentSize(hasImage: boolean): void; updateColumnCount(rowDimension: TablixRowDimension, columnDimension: TablixColumnDimension): void; updateViewport(viewport: IViewport): void; getEstimatedRowHeight(): number; } class CanvasTablixLayoutManager extends TablixLayoutManager { private characterWidth; private characterHeight; constructor(binder: ITablixBinder, grid: TablixGrid, rowRealizationManager: RowRealizationManager, columnRealizationManager: ColumnRealizationManager); static createLayoutManager(binder: ITablixBinder, columnWidthManager: TablixColumnWidthManager): CanvasTablixLayoutManager; getTablixClassName(): string; getLayoutKind(): TablixLayoutKind; measureSampleText(parentElement: HTMLElement): void; protected showEmptySpaceHeader(): boolean; getVisibleWidth(): number; getVisibleHeight(): number; getCellWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; getContentWidth(cell: ITablixCell): number; getEstimatedTextWidth(text: string): number; updateColumnCount(rowDimension: TablixRowDimension, columnDimension: TablixColumnDimension): void; updateViewport(viewport: IViewport): void; getEstimatedRowHeight(): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { module HTMLElementUtils { function clearChildren(element: HTMLElement): void; function setElementTop(element: HTMLElement, top: number): void; function setElementLeft(element: HTMLElement, left: number): void; function setElementHeight(element: HTMLElement, height: number): void; function setElementWidth(element: HTMLElement, width: number): void; function getElementWidth(element: HTMLElement): number; function getElementHeight(element: HTMLElement): number; function isAutoSize(size: number): boolean; function getAccumulatedScale(element: HTMLElement): number; /** * Get scale of element, return 1 when not scaled. */ function getScale(element: any): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.internal { module TablixObjects { const ObjectGeneral: string; const ObjectGrid: string; const ObjectColumnHeaders: string; const ObjectRowHeaders: string; const ObjectValues: string; const ObjectTotal: string; const ObjectSubTotals: string; interface ObjectValueGetterFunction { (objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, defaultValue?: T): T; } /** * Represents a DataViewObjects property related to the Tablix */ class TablixProperty { objectName: string; propertyName: string; defaultValue: any; private getterFuntion; /** * Creates a new TablixProperty * @param {string} objectName Object Name * @param {string} propertyName Property Name * @param {any} defaultValue Default value of the Property * @param {ObjectValueGetterFunction} getterFuntion Function used to get the Property value from the Objects */ constructor(objectName: string, propertyName: string, defaultValue: any, getterFuntion: ObjectValueGetterFunction); /** * Gets the PropertyIdentifier for the Property * @returns PropertyIdentifier for the Property */ getPropertyID(): DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; /** * Gets the value of the Property from the Objects * @param {DataViewObjects} objects DataView Objects to get the value from * @param {boolean} useDefault True to fall back to the Default value if the Property is missing from the objects. False to return undefined * @returns Value of the property */ getValue(objects: DataViewObjects): T; } const PropColumnFormatString: TablixProperty; const PropGeneralAutoSizeColumns: TablixProperty; const PropGeneralTextSize: TablixProperty; const PropGeneralTableTotals: TablixProperty; const PropGeneralMatrixRowSubtotals: TablixProperty; const PropGeneralMatrixColumnSubtotals: TablixProperty; const PropGridVertical: TablixProperty; const PropGridVerticalColor: TablixProperty; const PropGridVerticalWeight: TablixProperty; const PropGridHorizontalTable: TablixProperty; const PropGridHorizontalMatrix: TablixProperty; const PropGridHorizontalColor: TablixProperty; const PropGridHorizontalWeight: TablixProperty; const PropGridRowPadding: TablixProperty; const PropGridOutlineColor: TablixProperty; const PropGridOutlineWeight: TablixProperty; const PropGridImageHeight: TablixProperty; const PropColumnsFontColor: TablixProperty; const PropColumnsBackColor: TablixProperty; const PropColumnsOutline: TablixProperty; const PropRowsFontColor: TablixProperty; const PropRowsBackColor: TablixProperty; const PropRowsOutline: TablixProperty; const PropValuesBackColor: TablixProperty; const PropValuesFontColorPrimary: TablixProperty; const PropValuesBackColorPrimary: TablixProperty; const PropValuesFontColorSecondary: TablixProperty; const PropValuesBackColorSecondary: TablixProperty; const PropValuesOutline: TablixProperty; const PropValuesUrlIconProp: TablixProperty; const PropTotalFontColor: TablixProperty; const PropTotalBackColor: TablixProperty; const PropTotalOutline: TablixProperty; const PropSubTotalsFontColor: TablixProperty; const PropSubTotalsBackColor: TablixProperty; const PropSubTotalsOutline: TablixProperty; /** * Get the DataViewObject from the DataView * @param {DataView} dataview The DataView * @returns DataViewObjects (dataView.metadata.objects) */ function getMetadadataObjects(dataview: DataView): DataViewObjects; function enumerateObjectRepetition(enumeration: VisualObjectRepetition[], dataView: DataView, tablixType: TablixType): void; function enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataView: DataView, tablixType: TablixType): void; function enumerateGeneralOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects, tablixType: TablixType, dataView: DataView): void; function enumerateGridOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects, tablixType: TablixType): void; function enumerateColumnHeadersOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects): void; function enumerateRowHeadersOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects): void; function enumerateValuesOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects, tablixType: TablixType): void; function enumerateTotalOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects): void; function enumerateSubTotalsOptions(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, objects: DataViewObjects): void; function getTableObjects(dataView: DataView): TablixFormattingPropertiesTable; function getMatrixObjects(dataView: DataView): TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix; /** * Generate default objects for the Table/Matrix to set default styling * @param {TablixType} tablixType Tablix Type: table | matrix * @returns DataViewObjects that can be attached to the DataViewMetadata */ function generateTablixDefaultObjects(tablixType: TablixType): data.DataViewObjectDefinitions; function getTextSizeInPx(textSize: number): string; function shouldShowTableTotals(objects: DataViewObjects): boolean; function shouldShowRowSubtotals(objects: DataViewObjects): boolean; function shouldShowColumnSubtotals(objects: DataViewObjects): boolean; function shouldShowColumnSubtotalsOption(dataView: DataView): boolean; function isDiscourageAggregationAcrossGroups(levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[]): boolean; } module TablixUtils { const CssClassTablixDiv: string; const CssClassContentElement: string; const CssClassContentHost: string; const CssClassTablixHeader: string; const CssClassTablixColumnHeaderLeaf: string; const CssClassTablixValueNumeric: string; const CssClassTablixValueTotal: string; const CssClassValueURLIcon: string; const CssClassValueURLIconContainer: string; const CssClassMatrixRowHeaderLeaf: string; const CssClassMatrixRowHeaderSubTotal: string; const CssClassTableFooter: string; const CssClassTableBodyCell: string; const CssClassTableBodyCellBottom: string; const StringNonBreakingSpace: string; const UnitOfMeasurement: string; const CellPaddingLeft: number; const CellPaddingRight: number; const CellPaddingLeftMatrixTotal: number; const SortIconPadding: number; const ImageDefaultAspectRatio: number; const FontFamilyCell: string; const FontFamilyHeader: string; const FontFamilyTotal: string; const FontColorCells: string; const FontColorHeaders: string; interface Surround { top?: T; right?: T; bottom?: T; left?: T; } enum EdgeType { Outline = 0, Gridline = 1, } class EdgeSettings { /** * Weight in pixels. 0 to remove border. Undefined to fall back to CSS */ weight: number; color: string; type: EdgeType; constructor(weight?: number, color?: string); applyParams(shown: boolean, weight: number, color?: string, type?: EdgeType): void; getCSS(): string; /** * Returns the priority of the current edge. * H. Grid = 0 * V. Grid = 1 * H. Outline = 2 * V. Outline = 3 * Uknown = -1 * @param {Surround} edges Edges. Used to determine the side of the current edge */ getPriority(edges: Surround): number; getShadowCss(edges: Surround): string; } /** * Style parameters for each Cell */ class CellStyle { /** * Font family of the cell. If undefined, it will be cleared to fall back to table font family */ fontFamily: string; /** * Font color of the cell. If undefined, it will be cleared to fall back to table font color */ fontColor: string; /** * Background color of the cell. If undefined, it will be cleared to fall back to default (transparent) */ backColor: string; /** * Settings for Borders */ borders: Surround; /** * Settings for Padding */ paddings: Surround; constructor(); /** * Sets the Inline style for the Cell * @param {ITablixCell} cell Cell to set style to */ applyStyle(cell: ITablixCell): void; getExtraTop(): number; getExtraBottom(): number; getExtraRight(): number; getExtraLeft(): number; } /** * Index within a dimension (row/column) */ class DimensionPosition { /** * Global index within all leaf nodes */ index: number; /** * Index within siblings for same parent */ indexInSiblings: number; /** * Is last globally */ isLast: boolean; /** * Is first globally */ isFirst: boolean; } /** * Poistion information about the cell */ class CellPosition { row: DimensionPosition; column: DimensionPosition; constructor(); isMatch(position: CellPosition): boolean; } class TablixVisualCell { dataPoint: any; position: TablixUtils.CellPosition; columnMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; isTotal: boolean; backColor: string; private formatter; private nullsAreBlank; constructor(dataPoint: any, isTotal: boolean, columnMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn, formatter: ICustomValueColumnFormatter, nullsAreBlank: boolean); textContent: string; kpiContent: JQuery; isNumeric: boolean; isUrl: boolean; isImage: boolean; isValidUrl: boolean; isMatch(item: TablixVisualCell): boolean; } function createTable(): HTMLTableElement; function createDiv(): HTMLDivElement; function resetCellCssClass(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; function addCellCssClass(cell: controls.ITablixCell, style: string): void; /** * Clears all inline styles (border, fontColor, background) and resets CSS classes * Performed with unbind- */ function clearCellStyle(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; function clearCellTextAndTooltip(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Sets text and tooltip for cell * @param {string} text Text to set * @param {HTMLElement} elementText Element to set text to * @param {HTMLElement} elementTooltip? Element to set tootltip to, if undefined, elementText will be used */ function setCellTextAndTooltip(text: string, elementText: HTMLElement, elementTooltip?: HTMLElement): void; function isValidSortClick(e: MouseEvent): boolean; function appendATagToBodyCell(value: string, cellElement: HTMLElement, urlIcon?: boolean): void; function appendImgTagToBodyCell(value: string, cellElement: HTMLElement, imageHeight: number): void; function createKpiDom(kpi: DataViewKpiColumnMetadata, kpiValue: string): JQuery; function isValidStatusGraphic(kpi: DataViewKpiColumnMetadata, kpiValue: string): boolean; function getCustomSortEventArgs(queryName: string, sortDirection: SortDirection): CustomSortEventArgs; function reverseSort(sortDirection: SortDirection): SortDirection; /** * Add sort icon to a table cell and return the element that should contain the contents * @param {SortDirection} itemSort SortDirection * @param {HTMLElement} cellDiv The inner DIV of the cell */ function addSortIconToColumnHeader(itemSort: SortDirection, cellDiv: HTMLElement): HTMLElement; function removeSortIcons(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { interface ITablixHierarchyNavigator { /** * Returns the depth of the column hierarchy. */ getColumnHierarchyDepth(): number; /** * Returns the depth of the Row hierarchy. */ getRowHierarchyDepth(): number; /** * Returns the leaf count of a hierarchy. * * @param hierarchy Object representing the hierarchy. */ getLeafCount(hierarchy: any): number; /** * Returns the leaf member of a hierarchy at the specified index. * * @param hierarchy Object representing the hierarchy. * @param index Index of leaf member. */ getLeafAt(hierarchy: any, index: number): any; /** * Returns the specified hierarchy member parent. * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ getParent(item: any): any; /** * Returns the index of the hierarchy member relative to its parent. * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ getIndex(item: any): number; /** * Checks whether a hierarchy member is a leaf. * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ isLeaf(item: any): boolean; isRowHierarchyLeaf(cornerItem: any): boolean; isColumnHierarchyLeaf(cornerItem: any): boolean; isFirstItem(item: any, items: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether a hierarchy member is the last item within its parent. * * @param item Hierarchy member. * @param items A collection of hierarchy members. */ isLastItem(item: any, items: any): boolean; /** * Checks if the item and all its ancestors are the first items in their parent's children */ areAllParentsFirst(item: any, items: any): boolean; /** * Checks if the item and all its ancestors are the last items in their parent's children */ areAllParentsLast(item: any, items: any): boolean; /** * Gets the children members of a hierarchy member. * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ getChildren(item: any): any; /** * Gets the difference between current level and min children level. Not necessarily 1 * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ getChildrenLevelDifference(item: any): number; /** * Gets the members count in a specified collection. * * @param items Hierarchy member. */ getCount(items: any): number; /** * Gets the member at the specified index. * * @param items A collection of hierarchy members. * @param index Index of member to return. */ getAt(items: any, index: number): any; /** * Gets the hierarchy member level. * * @param item Hierarchy member. */ getLevel(item: any): number; /** * Returns the intersection between a row and a column item. * * @param rowItem A row member. * @param columnItem A column member. */ getIntersection(rowItem: any, columnItem: any): any; /** * Returns the corner cell between a row and a column level. * * @param rowLevel A level in the row hierarchy. * @param columnLevel A level in the column hierarchy. */ getCorner(rowLevel: number, columnLevel: number): any; headerItemEquals(item1: any, item2: any): boolean; bodyCellItemEquals(item1: any, item2: any): boolean; cornerCellItemEquals(item1: any, item2: any): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { interface ITablixBinder { onStartRenderingSession(): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; /** Binds the row hierarchy member to the DOM element. */ bindRowHeader(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindRowHeader(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; /** Binds the column hierarchy member to the DOM element. */ bindColumnHeader(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindColumnHeader(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; /** Binds the intersection between a row and a column hierarchy member to the DOM element. */ bindBodyCell(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindBodyCell(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; /** Binds the corner cell to the DOM element. */ bindCornerCell(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindCornerCell(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: ITablixCell): void; /** Measurement Helper */ getHeaderLabel(item: any): string; getCellContent(item: any): string; hasRowGroups(): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { const enum TablixCellType { CornerCell = 0, RowHeader = 1, ColumnHeader = 2, BodyCell = 3, } interface ITablixCell { type: TablixCellType; item: any; colSpan: number; rowSpan: number; textAlign: string; extension: internal.TablixCellPresenter; position: internal.TablixUtils.CellPosition; contentHeight: number; contentWidth: number; containerHeight: number; containerWidth: number; unfixRowHeight(): any; applyStyle(style: internal.TablixUtils.CellStyle): void; } interface IDimensionLayoutManager { measureEnabled: boolean; getRealizedItemsCount(): number; needsToRealize: boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { const TablixDefaultTextSize: number; interface TablixRenderArgs { rowScrollOffset?: number; columnScrollOffset?: number; scrollingDimension?: TablixDimension; } interface GridDimensions { rowCount?: number; columnCount?: number; rowHierarchyWidth?: number; rowHierarchyHeight?: number; rowHierarchyContentHeight?: number; columnHierarchyWidth?: number; columnHierarchyHeight?: number; footerHeight?: number; } const enum TablixLayoutKind { /** * The default layout is based on DOM measurements and used on the canvas. */ Canvas = 0, /** * The DashboardTile layout must not rely on any kind of DOM measurements * since the tiles are created when the dashboard is not visible and the * visual is not rendered; thus no measurements are available. */ DashboardTile = 1, } interface TablixOptions { interactive?: boolean; enableTouchSupport?: boolean; layoutKind?: TablixLayoutKind; fontSize?: string; } class TablixControl { private static UnitOfMeasurement; private static TablixContainerClassName; private static TablixTableAreaClassName; private static TablixFooterClassName; private static DefaultFontSize; private static MaxRenderIterationCount; private hierarchyTablixNavigator; private binder; private columnDim; private rowDim; private controlLayoutManager; private containerElement; private mainDiv; private footerDiv; private scrollBarElementWidth; private touchManager; private columnTouchDelegate; private rowTouchDelegate; private bodyTouchDelegate; private footerTouchDelegate; private touchInterpreter; private footerTouchInterpreter; private gridDimensions; private lastRenderingArgs; private _autoSizeWidth; private _autoSizeHeight; private viewPort; private maximumWidth; private maximumHeight; private minimumWidth; private minimumHeight; private textFontSize; private textFontFamily; private textFontColor; private options; private isTouchEnabled; private renderIterationCount; constructor(hierarchyNavigator: ITablixHierarchyNavigator, layoutManager: internal.TablixLayoutManager, binder: ITablixBinder, parentDomElement: HTMLElement, options: TablixOptions); private InitializeTouchSupport(); private InitializeScrollbars(); container: HTMLElement; contentHost: HTMLElement; footerHost: HTMLElement; className: string; hierarchyNavigator: ITablixHierarchyNavigator; getBinder(): ITablixBinder; autoSizeWidth: boolean; autoSizeHeight: boolean; maxWidth: number; viewport: IViewport; maxHeight: number; minWidth: number; minHeight: number; fontSize: string; fontFamily: string; fontColor: string; scrollbarWidth: number; updateModels(resetScrollOffsets: boolean, rowModel: any, columnModel: any): void; updateColumnDimensions(rowHierarchyWidth: number, columnHierarchyWidth: number, count: number): void; updateRowDimensions(columnHierarchyHeight: number, rowHierarchyHeight: number, rowHierarchyContentHeight: number, count: number, footerHeight: any): void; private updateTouchDimensions(); private onMouseWheel(e); private onFireFoxMouseWheel(e); private determineDimensionToScroll(e, scrollCallback); private determineDimensionToScrollFirefox(e, scrollCallback); layoutManager: internal.TablixLayoutManager; columnDimension: TablixColumnDimension; rowDimension: TablixRowDimension; refresh(clear: boolean): void; _onScrollAsync(dimension: TablixDimension): void; private performPendingScroll(dimension); private updateHorizontalPosition(); updateFooterVisibility(): void; private updateVerticalPosition(); private alreadyRendered(scrollingDimension); private render(clear, scrollingDimension); private updateContainerDimensions(); private cornerCellMatch(item, cell); private renderCorner(); _unbindCell(cell: ITablixCell): void; private onTouchEvent(args); } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { class TablixDimension { _hierarchyNavigator: ITablixHierarchyNavigator; _otherDimension: any; _owner: TablixControl; _binder: ITablixBinder; _tablixLayoutManager: internal.TablixLayoutManager; _layoutManager: IDimensionLayoutManager; model: any; modelDepth: number; scrollOffset: number; private _scrollStep; private _firstVisibleScrollIndex; private _scrollbar; _scrollItems: any[]; constructor(tablixControl: TablixControl); _onStartRenderingIteration(): void; _onEndRenderingIteration(): void; getValidScrollOffset(scrollOffset: number): number; makeScrollOffsetValid(): void; getIntegerScrollOffset(): number; getFractionScrollOffset(): number; scrollbar: Scrollbar; getFirstVisibleItem(level: number): any; getFirstVisibleChild(item: any): any; getFirstVisibleChildIndex(item: any): number; _initializeScrollbar(parentElement: HTMLElement, touchDiv: HTMLDivElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind): void; getItemsCount(): number; getDepth(): number; private onScroll(); otherDimension: TablixDimension; layoutManager: IDimensionLayoutManager; _createScrollbar(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind): Scrollbar; private updateScrollPosition(); } class TablixRowDimension extends TablixDimension { private _footer; constructor(tablixControl: TablixControl); setFooter(footerHeader: any): void; hasFooter(): boolean; /** * This method first populates the footer followed by each row and their correlating body cells from top to bottom. */ _render(): void; _createScrollbar(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind): Scrollbar; /** * This function is a recursive call (with its recursive behavior in addNode()) that will navigate * through the row hierarchy in DFS (Depth First Search) order and continue into a single row * upto its estimated edge. */ private addNodes(items, rowIndex, depth, firstVisibleIndex); getFirstVisibleChildLeaf(item: any): any; private bindRowHeader(item, cell); /** * This method can be thought of as the continuation of addNodes() as it continues the DFS (Depth First Search) * started from addNodes(). This function also handles ending the recursion with "_needsToRealize" being set to * false. * * Once the body cells are reached, populating is done linearly with addBodyCells(). */ private addNode(item, items, rowIndex, depth); private rowHeaderMatch(item, cell); private addBodyCells(item, items, rowIndex); private bindBodyCell(item, cell); private addFooterRowHeader(item); private addFooterBodyCells(rowItem); private bodyCelMatch(item, cell); } class TablixColumnDimension extends TablixDimension { constructor(tablixControl: TablixControl); _render(): void; _createScrollbar(parentElement: HTMLElement, layoutKind: TablixLayoutKind): Scrollbar; private addNodes(items, columnIndex, depth, firstVisibleIndex); private addNode(item, items, columnIndex, depth); columnHeaderMatch(item: any, cell: ITablixCell): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { /** * This class represents the touch region of the column headers (this can also apply to footer/total). * This class is reponsible for interpreting gestures in terms of pixels to changes in column position. * * Unlike the table body, this can only scroll in one direction. */ class ColumnTouchDelegate implements TouchUtils.ITouchHandler, TouchUtils.IPixelToItem { /** * Used to termine if the touch event is within bounds. */ private dim; /** * Average pixel width of columns in table. */ private averageSize; /** * Used for 'firing' a scroll event following a received gesture. */ private tablixControl; /** * Stores the event handler of TablixControl for scroll events. */ private handlers; /** * @constructor * @param region Location and area of the touch region in respect to its HTML element. */ constructor(region: TouchUtils.Rectangle); dimension: TouchUtils.Rectangle; /** * Sets the amount of columns to be shifted per delta in pixels. * * @param xRatio Column to pixel ratio (# columns / # pixels). */ setScrollDensity(xRatio: number): void; /** * Resize element. * * @param x X location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param y Y location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param width Width of area to listen for events. * @param height Height of area to listen for events. */ resize(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void; /** * @see IPixelToItem. */ getPixelToItem(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, down: boolean): TouchUtils.TouchEvent; /** * Fires event to Tablix Control to scroll with the event passed from the TouchManager. * * @param e Event recieved from touch manager. */ touchEvent(e: TouchUtils.TouchEvent): void; /** * Asigns handler for scrolling when scroll event is fired. * * @param tablixObj TablixControl that's handling the fired event. * @param handlerCall The call to be made (EXAMPLE: handlerCall = object.method;). */ setHandler(tablixObj: TablixControl, handlerCall: (args: any[]) => void): void; } /** * This class represents the touch region of the row headers (left or right side aligned). * This class is reponsible for interpreting gestures in terms of pixels to changes in row position. * * Unlike the table body, this can only scroll in one direction. */ class RowTouchDelegate implements TouchUtils.ITouchHandler, TouchUtils.IPixelToItem { /** * Used to termine if the touch event is within bounds. */ private dim; /** * Average pixel height of rows in table. */ private averageSize; /** * Used for 'firing' a scroll event following a recieved gesture. */ private tablixControl; /** * Stores the event handler of TablixControl for scroll events. */ private handlers; /** * @constructor * @param region Location and area of the touch region in respect to its HTML element. */ constructor(region: TouchUtils.Rectangle); dimension: TouchUtils.Rectangle; /** * Sets the amount of rows to be shifted per delta in pixels. * * @param yRatio Row to pixel ratio (# rows / # pixels). */ setScrollDensity(yRatio: number): void; /** * Resize element. * @param x X location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param y Y location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param width Width of area to listen for events. * @param height Height of area to listen for events. */ resize(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void; /** * @see: IPixelToItem */ getPixelToItem(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, down: boolean): TouchUtils.TouchEvent; /** * Fires event to Tablix Control to scroll with the event passed from the TouchManager. * * @param e Event recieved from touch manager. */ touchEvent(e: TouchUtils.TouchEvent): void; /** * Asigns handler for scrolling when scroll event is fired. * * @param tablixObj TablixControl that's handling the fired event. * @param handlerCall The call to be made (EXAMPLE: handlerCall = object.method;). */ setHandler(tablixObj: TablixControl, handlerCall: (args: any[]) => void): void; } /** * This class represents the touch region covering the body of the table. * This class is reponsible for interpreting gestures in terms of pixels to * changes in row and column position. */ class BodyTouchDelegate implements TouchUtils.ITouchHandler, TouchUtils.IPixelToItem { private static DefaultAverageSizeX; private static DefaultAverageSizeY; /** * Used to termine if the touch event is within bounds. */ private dim; /** * Average pixel width of columns in table. */ private averageSizeX; /** * Average pixel height of rows in table. */ private averageSizeY; /** * Used for 'firing' a scroll event following a recieved gesture. */ private tablixControl; /** * Stores the event handler of TablixControl for scroll events. */ private handlers; /** * @constructor * @param region Location and area of the touch region in respect to its HTML element. */ constructor(region: TouchUtils.Rectangle); /** * Returns dimension. * * @return The dimentions of the region this delegate listens to. */ dimension: TouchUtils.Rectangle; /** * Sets the amount of rows and columns to be shifted per delta in pixels. * * @param xRatio Column to pixel ratio (# columns / # pixels) * @param yRatio Row to pixel ratio (# rows / # pixels) */ setScrollDensity(xRatio: number, yRatio: number): void; /** * Resize element. * * @param x X location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param y Y location from upper left of listened HTML element. * @param width Width of area to listen for events. * @param height Height of area to listen for events. */ resize(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void; /** * @see: IPixelToItem. */ getPixelToItem(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, down: boolean): TouchUtils.TouchEvent; /** * Fires event to Tablix Control to scroll with the event passed from the TouchManager. * * @param e Event recieved from touch manager. */ touchEvent(e: TouchUtils.TouchEvent): void; /** * Asigns handler for scrolling when scroll event is fired. * * @param tablixObj TablixControl that's handling the fired event. * @param handlerCall The call to be made (EXAMPLE: handlerCall = object.method;). */ setHandler(tablixObj: TablixControl, handlerCall: (args: any[]) => void): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls.TouchUtils { class Point { x: number; y: number; constructor(x?: number, y?: number); offset(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): void; } class Rectangle extends Point { width: number; height: number; constructor(x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number); point: Point; contains(p: Point): boolean; static contains(rect: Rectangle, p: Point): boolean; static isEmpty(rect: Rectangle): boolean; } const enum SwipeDirection { /** * Swipe gesture moves along the y-axis at an angle within an established threshold. */ Vertical = 0, /** * Swipe gesture moves along the x-axis at an angle within an established threshold. */ Horizontal = 1, /** * Swipe gesture does not stay within the thresholds of either x or y-axis. */ FreeForm = 2, } enum MouseButton { NoClick = 0, LeftClick = 1, RightClick = 2, CenterClick = 3, } /** * Interface serves as a way to convert pixel point to any needed unit of * positioning over two axises such as row/column positioning. */ interface IPixelToItem { getPixelToItem(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, down: boolean): TouchEvent; } /** * Interface for listening to a simple touch event that's abstracted away * from any platform specific traits. */ interface ITouchHandler { touchEvent(e: TouchEvent): void; } /** * A simple touch event class that's abstracted away from any platform specific traits. */ class TouchEvent { /** * X-axis (not neccessarily in pixels (see IPixelToItem)). */ private _x; /** * Y-axis (not neccessarily in pixels (see IPixelToItem)). */ private _y; /** * Delta of x-axis (not neccessarily in pixels (see IPixelToItem)). */ private _dx; /** * Delta of y-axis (not neccessarily in pixels (see IPixelToItem)). */ private _dy; /** * Determines if the mouse button is pressed. */ private isMouseButtonDown; /** * @constructor * @param x X Location of mouse. * @param y Y Location of mouse. * @param isMouseDown Indicates if the mouse button is held down or a finger press on screen. * @param dx (optional) The change in x of the gesture. * @param dy (optional) The change in y of the gesture. */ constructor(x: number, y: number, isMouseDown: boolean, dx?: number, dy?: number); x: number; y: number; dx: number; dy: number; /** * Returns a boolean indicating if the mouse button is held down. * * @return: True if the the mouse button is held down, * otherwise false. */ isMouseDown: boolean; } /** * This interface defines the datamembers stored for each touch region. */ interface ITouchHandlerSet { handler: ITouchHandler; region: Rectangle; lastPoint: TouchEvent; converter: IPixelToItem; } /** * This class "listens" to the TouchEventInterpreter to recieve touch events and sends it to all * "Touch Delegates" with TouchRegions that contain the mouse event. Prior to sending off the * event, its position is put in respect to the delegate's TouchRegion and converted to the appropriate * unit (see IPixelToItem). */ class TouchManager { /** * List of touch regions and their correlating data memebers. */ private touchList; /** * Boolean to enable thresholds for fixing to an axis when scrolling. */ private scrollThreshold; /** * Boolean to enable locking to an axis when gesture is fixed to an axis. */ private lockThreshold; /** * The current direction of the swipe. */ private swipeDirection; /** * The count of consecutive events match the current swipe direction. */ private matchingDirectionCount; /** * The last recieved mouse event. */ private lastTouchEvent; /** * Default constructor. * * The default behavior is to enable thresholds and lock to axis. */ constructor(); lastEvent: TouchEvent; /** * @param region Rectangle indicating the locations of the touch region. * @param handler Handler for recieved touch events. * @param converter Converts from pixels to the wanted item of measure (rows, columns, etc). * * EXAMPLE: dx -> from # of pixels to the right to # of columns moved to the right. */ addTouchRegion(region: Rectangle, handler: ITouchHandler, converter: IPixelToItem): void; /** * Sends a mouse up event to all regions with their last event as a mouse down event. */ upAllTouches(): void; touchEvent(e: TouchEvent): void; /** * @param e Position of event used to find touched regions * @return Array of regions that contain the event point. */ private _findRegions(e); /** * @return Array of regions that contain a mouse down event. (see ITouchHandlerSet.lastPoint). */ private _getActive(); } /** * This class is responsible for establishing connections to handle touch events * and to interpret those events so they're compatible with the touch abstractions. * * Touch events with platform specific handles should be done here. */ class TouchEventInterpreter { /** * HTML element that touch events are drawn from. */ private touchPanel; /** * Boolean enabling mouse drag. */ private allowMouseDrag; /** * Touch events are interpreted and passed on this manager. */ private manager; /** * @see TablixLayoutManager. */ private scale; /** * Used for mouse location when a secondary div is used along side the primary with this one being the primary. */ private touchReferencePoint; /** * Rectangle containing the targeted Div. */ private rect; private documentMouseMoveWrapper; private documentMouseUpWrapper; /** * Those setting related to swipe detection * touchStartTime - the time that the user touched down the screen. */ private touchStartTime; /** * The page y value of the touch event when the user touched down. */ private touchStartPageY; /** * The last page y value befoer the user raised up his finger. */ private touchLastPageY; /** * The last page x value befoer the user raised up his finger. */ private touchLastPageX; /** * An indicator whether we are now running the slide affect. */ private sliding; constructor(manager: TouchManager); initTouch(panel: HTMLElement, touchReferencePoint?: HTMLElement, allowMouseDrag?: boolean): void; private getXYByClient(pageX, pageY, rect); onTouchStart(e: any): void; onTouchMove(e: any): void; onTouchEnd(e: any): void; onTouchMouseDown(e: MouseEvent): void; onTouchMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void; onTouchMouseUp(e: MouseEvent, bubble?: boolean): void; private getSwipeInfo(); private didUserSwipe(swipeInfo); /** * In case of swipe - auto advance to the swipe direction in 2 steps. */ private startSlideAffect(swipeInfo); private didUserChangeDirection(swipeInfo); private slide(point, slideDist, swipeInfo); private clearSlide(); private upAllTouches(); private clearTouchEvents(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { enum TablixType { Matrix = 0, Table = 1, } /** * General section of Formatting Properties for Tablix */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneral { /** Property that drives whether columns should use automatically calculated (based on content) sizes for width or use persisted sizes. Default is true i.e. automatically calculate width based on column content */ autoSizeColumnWidth: boolean; /** * Font size for the whole tablix * Default is 8 */ textSize: number; } /** * General section of Formatting Properties for Table */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneralTable extends TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneral { totals?: boolean; } /** * General section of Formatting Properties for Matrix */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneralMatrix extends TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneral { /** * Show/Hide Subtotal Rows */ rowSubtotals?: boolean; /** * Show/Hide Subtotal Columns */ columnSubtotals?: boolean; } /** * Grid section of Formatting Properties for Tablix */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesGrid { /** * Show/Hide vertical gridlines */ gridVertical?: boolean; /** * vertical gridlines color */ gridVerticalColor?: string; /** * vertical gridlines Weight */ gridVerticalWeight?: number; /** * Show/Hide horizontal gridlines */ gridHorizontal?: boolean; /** * horizontal gridlines color */ gridHorizontalColor?: string; /** * horizontal gridlines Weight */ gridHorizontalWeight?: number; /** * Color of the outline. Shared across all regions */ outlineColor?: string; /** * Weight outline. Shared across all regions */ outlineWeight?: number; /** * Weight outline. Shared across all regions */ rowPadding?: number; /** * Maximum height of images in pixels */ imageHeight?: number; } /** * Common Formatting Properties for Tablix regions (Column Headers, Row Headers, Total, SubTotals) */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion { fontColor?: string; backColor?: string; outline: string; } interface TablixFormattingPropertiesValues { fontColorPrimary?: string; backColorPrimary?: string; fontColorSecondary?: string; backColorSecondary?: string; outline: string; } /** * Formatting Properties for Table Values region */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesValuesTable extends TablixFormattingPropertiesValues { urlIcon?: boolean; } /** * Formatting Properties for Table Visual */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesTable { general?: TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneralTable; grid?: TablixFormattingPropertiesGrid; columnHeaders?: TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion; values?: TablixFormattingPropertiesValuesTable; total?: TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion; } /** * Formatting Properties for Matrix Visual */ interface TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix { general?: TablixFormattingPropertiesGeneralMatrix; grid?: TablixFormattingPropertiesGrid; columnHeaders?: TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion; rowHeaders?: TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion; values?: TablixFormattingPropertiesValues; subtotals?: TablixFormattingPropertiesRegion; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.controls { /** * Column Width Object identifying a certain column and its width */ interface ColumnWidthObject { /** * QueryName of the Column */ queryName: string; /** * Flag indicating whether the Column should have a fixed size or fit its size to the contents */ isFixed: boolean; /** * Width of the column in px. * If isFixed=False, undefined always * If isFixed=True, undefined if unknown */ width?: number; } /** * Collection of Column Widths indexed by Column's queryName */ interface ColumnWidthCollection { [queryName: string]: ColumnWidthObject; } /** * Handler for Column Width Changed event */ interface ColumnWidthChangedCallback { (columnWidthChangedEventArgs: ColumnWidthObject): void; } /** * Handler for requesting host to persist Column Width Objects */ interface HostPersistCallBack { (visualObjectInstances: VisualObjectInstancesToPersist): void; } class TablixColumnWidthManager { /** * PropertyID for Column Widths (General > columnWidth) */ private static columnWidthProp; /** * Array holding widths for all columns. Index is the queryName of the column */ private columnWidthObjects; /** * Visual Object Instances to be persisted. Containing autoSizeProperty and any width to remove/merge */ private visualObjectInstancesToPersist; /** * True if the Tablix is a Matrix */ private isMatrix; /** * Array of all leaf nodes (Row Groupings + Columns/Values instances) */ private matrixLeafNodes; /** * Current DataView */ private currentDataView; /** * Current value of AutoSizeColumns after last DataView Update */ private currentAutoColumnSizePropertyValue; /** * Previous DataView */ private previousDataView; /** * Previous value of AutoSizeColumns before last DataView Update */ private previousAutoColumnSizePropertyValue; /** * Handler for requesting host to persist Column Width Objects */ private hostPersistCallBack; constructor(dataView: DataView, isMatrix: boolean, hostPersistCallBack: HostPersistCallBack, matrixLeafNodes?: MatrixVisualNode[]); /** * Update the current DataView * @param {dataView} DataView new DataView * @param {MatrixVisualNode[]} matrixLeafNodes? (Optional)Matrix Leaf Nodes */ updateDataView(dataView: DataView, matrixLeafNodes?: MatrixVisualNode[]): void; /** * Destroy columnWidthObjects and construct it again from the currently displayed Columns with initial width undefined */ private updateColumnsMetadata(); private updateTableColumnsMetadata(); private updateMatrixColumnsMetadata(); /** * Update the column widths after a dataViewChange */ updateTablixColumnWidths(): void; /** * Remove all persisted columns widths and Update visualObjectInstancesToPersist */ private autoSizeAllColumns(); /** * Read the Column Widths from the Columns metadata * @param {DataViewMetadataColumn[]} columnMetadata Columns metadata */ private deserializeColumnsWidth(columnsMetadata); /** * Returns a value indicating that autoSizeColumns was flipped from true to false */ shouldPersistAllColumnWidths(): boolean; /** * Returns a value indicating that autoSizeColumns was flipped from false to true */ shouldClearAllColumnWidths(): boolean; /** * Gets the QueryName associated with a Column (Column Header or Corner Item) * @param {internal.TablixColumn} column TablixColumn * @returns queryName */ static getColumnQueryName(column: internal.TablixColumn): string; /** * Returns the current columnWidthObjects * @returns current columnWidthObjects including undefined widths for autosized or unknown columns */ getColumnWidthObjects(): ColumnWidthCollection; /** * Returns the current columnWidthObjects for only the fixed-size columns * @returns Returns the current columnWidthObjects excluding auto-sized columns */ getFixedColumnWidthObjects(): ColumnWidthCollection; /** * Get the persisted width of a certain column in px, or undefined if the columns is set to autosize or queryName is not found * @param {string} queryName queryName of the Column * @returns Column persisted width in pixel */ getPersistedColumnWidth(queryName: string): number; /** * Call the host to persist the data * @param {boolean} generateInstances */ private callHostToPersist(); /** * Handler for a column width change by the user * @param {string} queryName queryName of the Column * @param {number} width new width */ onColumnWidthChanged(queryName: string, width: number): void; /** * Event handler after rendering all columns. Setting any unknown column width. * Returns True if it calls persist * @param renderedColumns Rendered Columns */ onColumnsRendered(renderedColumns: ColumnWidthObject[]): boolean; private generateColumnWidthObjectToPersist(queryName, width); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface AnimatedTextConfigurationSettings { align?: string; maxFontSize?: number; } /** * Base class for values that are animated when resized. */ class AnimatedText { /** Note: Public for testability */ static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; protected animator: IGenericAnimator; private name; /** Note: Public for testability */ svg: D3.Selection; currentViewport: IViewport; value: any; hostServices: IVisualHostServices; style: IVisualStyle; visualConfiguration: AnimatedTextConfigurationSettings; metaDataColumn: DataViewMetadataColumn; private mainText; constructor(name: string); getMetaDataColumn(dataView: DataView): void; getAdjustedFontHeight(availableWidth: number, textToMeasure: string, seedFontHeight: number): number; private getAdjustedFontHeightCore(textProperties, availableWidth, seedFontHeight, iteration); clear(): void; doValueTransition(startValue: any, endValue: any, displayUnitSystemType: DisplayUnitSystemType, animationOptions: AnimationOptions, duration: number, forceUpdate: boolean, formatter?: IValueFormatter): void; setTextColor(color: string): void; getSeedFontHeight(boundingWidth: number, boundingHeight: number): number; getTranslateX(width: number): number; getTranslateY(height: number): number; getTextAnchor(): string; protected getFormatString(column: DataViewMetadataColumn): string; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { /** * Renders a number that can be animate change in value. */ class AnimatedNumber extends AnimatedText implements IVisual { private options; private dataViews; private formatter; constructor(svg?: D3.Selection, animator?: IGenericAnimator); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; updateViewportDependantProperties(): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; setFormatter(formatter?: IValueFormatter): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; canResizeTo(viewport: IViewport): boolean; private updateInternal(target, suppressAnimations, forceUpdate?, formatter?); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface BasicShapeDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { general: BasicShapeDataViewObject; line: LineObject; fill: FillObject; rotation: RotationObject; } interface LineObject extends DataViewObject { lineColor: Fill; roundEdge: number; weight: number; transparency: number; } interface FillObject extends DataViewObject { transparency: number; fillColor: Fill; show: boolean; } interface RotationObject extends DataViewObject { angle: number; } interface BasicShapeDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { shapeType: string; shapeSvg: string; } interface BasicShapeData { shapeType: string; lineColor: string; lineTransparency: number; lineWeight: number; showFill: boolean; fillColor: string; shapeTransparency: number; roundEdge: number; angle: number; } class BasicShapeVisual implements IVisual { private currentViewport; private element; private data; private selection; static DefaultShape: string; static DefaultStrokeColor: string; static DefaultFillColor: string; static DefaultFillShowValue: boolean; static DefaultFillTransValue: number; static DefaultWeightValue: number; static DefaultLineTransValue: number; static DefaultRoundEdgeValue: number; static DefaultAngle: number; /**property for the shape line color */ shapeType: string; /**property for the shape line color */ lineColor: string; /**property for the shape line transparency */ lineTransparency: number; /**property for the shape line weight */ lineWeight: number; /**property for the shape round edge */ roundEdge: number; /**property for showing the fill properties */ showFill: boolean; /**property for the shape line color */ fillColor: string; /**property for the shape fill transparency */ shapeTransparency: number; /**property for the shape angle */ angle: number; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; constructor(options?: VisualInitOptions); update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private getDataFromDataView(dataViewObject); private scaleTo360Deg(angle); private getValueFromColor(color); enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; render(): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; const DEFAULT_AXIS_COLOR: string; const enum CartesianChartType { Line = 0, Area = 1, StackedArea = 2, ClusteredColumn = 3, StackedColumn = 4, ClusteredBar = 5, StackedBar = 6, HundredPercentStackedBar = 7, HundredPercentStackedColumn = 8, Scatter = 9, ComboChart = 10, DataDot = 11, Waterfall = 12, LineClusteredColumnCombo = 13, LineStackedColumnCombo = 14, DataDotClusteredColumnCombo = 15, DataDotStackedColumnCombo = 16, } interface CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions { viewport: IViewport; margin: IMargin; showCategoryAxisLabel: boolean; showValueAxisLabel: boolean; forceMerge: boolean; categoryAxisScaleType: string; valueAxisScaleType: string; trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow: boolean; playAxisControlLayout?: IRect; forcedTickCount?: number; forcedYDomain?: any[]; forcedXDomain?: any[]; ensureXDomain?: NumberRange; ensureYDomain?: NumberRange; categoryAxisDisplayUnits?: number; categoryAxisPrecision?: number; valueAxisDisplayUnits?: number; valueAxisPrecision?: number; } interface MergedValueAxisResult { domain: number[]; merged: boolean; tickCount: number; } interface CartesianSmallViewPortProperties { hideLegendOnSmallViewPort: boolean; hideAxesOnSmallViewPort: boolean; MinHeightLegendVisible: number; MinHeightAxesVisible: number; } interface AxisRenderingOptions { axisLabels: ChartAxesLabels; viewport: IViewport; margin: IMargin; hideXAxisTitle: boolean; hideYAxisTitle: boolean; hideY2AxisTitle?: boolean; xLabelColor?: Fill; yLabelColor?: Fill; y2LabelColor?: Fill; fontSize: number; } interface CartesianConstructorOptions { chartType: CartesianChartType; isScrollable?: boolean; animator?: IGenericAnimator; cartesianSmallViewPortProperties?: CartesianSmallViewPortProperties; behavior?: IInteractiveBehavior; isLabelInteractivityEnabled?: boolean; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; cartesianLoadMoreEnabled?: boolean; trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow?: boolean; advancedLineLabelsEnabled?: boolean; } interface ICartesianVisual { init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; render(suppressAnimations: boolean, resizeMode?: ResizeMode): CartesianVisualRenderResult; calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; onClearSelection(): void; enumerateObjectInstances?(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void; getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar?(): boolean; getSupportedCategoryAxisType?(): string; getPreferredPlotArea?(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport; setFilteredData?(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): CartesianData; supportsTrendLine?(): boolean; shouldSuppressAnimation?(): boolean; } interface CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { isScrollable: boolean; interactivityService?: IInteractivityService; animator?: IGenericAnimator; isLabelInteractivityEnabled?: boolean; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; cartesianLoadMoreEnabled?: boolean; advancedLineLabelsEnabled?: boolean; } interface CartesianVisualRenderResult { dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; behaviorOptions: any; labelDataPoints: LabelDataPoint[]; labelsAreNumeric: boolean; labelDataPointGroups?: LabelDataPointGroup[]; } interface CartesianDataPoint { categoryValue: any; value: number; categoryIndex: number; seriesIndex: number; highlight?: boolean; } interface CartesianSeries { data: CartesianDataPoint[]; } interface CartesianData { series: CartesianSeries[]; categoryMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; categories: any[]; hasHighlights?: boolean; } interface CartesianVisualInitOptions extends VisualInitOptions { svg: D3.Selection; cartesianHost: ICartesianVisualHost; chartType?: CartesianChartType; labelsContext?: D3.Selection; } interface ICartesianVisualHost { updateLegend(data: LegendData): void; getSharedColors(): IDataColorPalette; triggerRender(suppressAnimations: boolean): void; } interface ChartAxesLabels { x: string; y: string; y2?: string; } const enum AxisLinesVisibility { ShowLinesOnXAxis = 1, ShowLinesOnYAxis = 2, ShowLinesOnBothAxis = 3, } interface CategoryLayout { categoryCount: number; categoryThickness: number; outerPaddingRatio: number; isScalar?: boolean; } interface CategoryLayoutOptions { availableWidth: number; categoryCount: number; domain: any; trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow: boolean; isScalar?: boolean; isScrollable?: boolean; } interface CartesianAxisProperties { x: IAxisProperties; y1: IAxisProperties; y2?: IAxisProperties; } interface ReferenceLineOptions { graphicContext: D3.Selection; referenceLineProperties: DataViewObject; axes: CartesianAxisProperties; viewport: IViewport; classAndSelector: ClassAndSelector; defaultColor: string; isHorizontal: boolean; } interface ReferenceLineDataLabelOptions { referenceLineProperties: DataViewObject; axes: CartesianAxisProperties; viewport: IViewport; defaultColor: string; isHorizontal: boolean; key: string; } interface ViewportDataRange { startIndex: number; endIndex: number; } interface ScalarKeys { values: PrimitiveValueRange[]; } /** * Renders a data series as a cartestian visual. */ class CartesianChart implements IVisual { static MinOrdinalRectThickness: number; static MinScalarRectThickness: number; static OuterPaddingRatio: number; static InnerPaddingRatio: number; static TickLabelPadding: number; static LoadMoreThreshold: number; private static ClassName; private static PlayAxisBottomMargin; private static FontSize; private static FontSizeString; static AxisTextProperties: TextProperties; private element; private chartAreaSvg; private clearCatcher; private type; private hostServices; private layers; private legend; private legendMargins; private layerLegendData; private hasSetData; private visualInitOptions; private legendObjectProperties; private categoryAxisProperties; private valueAxisProperties; private xAxisReferenceLines; private y1AxisReferenceLines; private cartesianSmallViewPortProperties; private interactivityService; private behavior; private sharedColorPalette; private isLabelInteractivityEnabled; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private cartesianLoadMoreEnabled; private trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow; private isMobileChart; private advancedLineLabelsEnabled; private trendLines; private xRefLine; private y1RefLine; animator: IGenericAnimator; private axes; private scrollableAxes; private svgAxes; private svgBrush; private renderedPlotArea; private dataViews; private currentViewport; private background; private loadMoreDataHandler; private static getAxisVisibility(type); constructor(options: CartesianConstructorOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; private isPlayAxis(); static getIsScalar(objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, type: ValueTypeDescriptor, scalarKeys?: ScalarKeys): boolean; private static supportsScalar(type, scalarKeys?); static getAdditionalTelemetry(dataView: DataView): any; static detectScalarMapping(dataViewMapping: data.CompiledDataViewMapping): boolean; private populateObjectProperties(dataViews); private updateInternal(options, operationKind?); onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport, resizeMode?: ResizeMode): void; scrollTo(position: number): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private supportsTrendLines(layerIndex?); private shouldShowLegendCard(); private getAxisScaleOptions(axisType); private getCategoryAxisValues(enumeration); private getValueAxisValues(enumeration); onClearSelection(): void; private extractMetadataObjects(dataViews); private createAndInitLayers(objects); private renderLegend(); private hideLegends(); private render(suppressAnimations, resizeMode?, operationKind?); /** * Gets any minimum domain extents. * Reference lines and trend lines may enforce minimum extents on X and/or Y domains. */ private getMinimumDomainExtents(); private getPlotAreaRect(axesLayout, legendMargins); private renderBackgroundImage(layout); private hideAxisLabels(legendMargins); private calculateInteractivityRightMargin(); private renderPlotArea(layers, axesLayout, suppressAnimations, legendMargins, resizeMode?); private renderTrendLines(axesLayout); private renderReferenceLines(axesLayout); private getReferenceLineLabels(axes, plotArea); private renderDataLabels(labelDataPointGroups, labelsAreNumeric, plotArea, suppressAnimations, isCombo); private renderLayers(layers, plotArea, axes, suppressAnimations, resizeMode?); /** * Returns the actual viewportWidth if visual is not scrollable. * @return If visual is scrollable, returns the plot area needed to draw all the datapoints. */ static getPreferredPlotArea(categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number, viewport: IViewport, isScrollable: boolean, isScalar: boolean, margin?: IMargin, noOuterPadding?: boolean): IViewport; /** * Returns preferred Category span if the visual is scrollable. */ static getPreferredCategorySpan(categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number, noOuterPadding?: boolean): number; /** * Note: Public for testing access. */ static getLayout(data: ColumnChartData, options: CategoryLayoutOptions): CategoryLayout; /** * Returns the thickness for each category. * For clustered charts, you still need to divide by * the number of series to get column width after calling this method. * For linear or time scales, category thickness accomodates for * the minimum interval between consequtive points. * For all types, return value has accounted for outer padding, * but not inner padding. */ static getCategoryThickness(seriesList: CartesianSeries[], numCategories: number, plotLength: number, domain: number[], isScalar: boolean, trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow: boolean): number; private static getMinInterval(seriesList); /** * Makes the necessary changes to the mapping if load more data is enabled for cartesian charts. Usually called during `customizeQuery`. */ static applyLoadMoreEnabledToMapping(cartesianLoadMoreEnabled: boolean, mapping: void; } const enum AxisLocation { X = 0, Y1 = 1, Y2 = 2, } interface CartesianAxesLayout { axes: CartesianAxisProperties; margin: IMargin; marginLimits: IMargin; axisLabels: ChartAxesLabels; viewport: IViewport; plotArea: IViewport; preferredPlotArea: IViewport; tickLabelMargins: any; tickPadding: IMargin; rotateXTickLabels90?: boolean; } class SvgCartesianAxes { private axes; static AxisPadding: IMargin; private axisGraphicsContext; private xAxisGraphicsContext; private y1AxisGraphicsContext; private y2AxisGraphicsContext; private svgScrollable; private axisGraphicsContextScrollable; private labelRegion; private labelBackgroundRegion; private categoryAxisProperties; private valueAxisProperties; private static AxisGraphicsContext; private static TickPaddingRotatedX; private static AxisLabelFontSize; private static Y2TickSize; constructor(axes: CartesianAxes); getScrollableRegion(): D3.Selection; getLabelsRegion(): D3.Selection; getLabelBackground(): D3.Selection; getXAxis(): D3.Selection; getY1Axis(): D3.Selection; getY2Axis(): D3.Selection; update(categoryAxisProperties: DataViewObject, valueAxisProperties: DataViewObject): void; init(svg: D3.Selection): void; private static updateAnimatedTickTooltips(axisSelection, values); private static updateTickTooltips(axisSelection, values); renderAxes(axesLayout: CartesianAxesLayout, duration: number, easing?: string): void; private renderAxesLabels(options); private translateAxes(viewport, margin); /** * Within the context of the given selection (g), find the offset of * the zero tick using the d3 attached datum of g.tick elements. * 'Classed' is undefined for transition selections */ private static darkenZeroLine(g); private static setAxisLabelColor(g, fill); } class CartesianAxes { private static YAxisLabelPadding; private static XAxisLabelPadding; private static MaxMarginFactor; private static MinimumMargin; private categoryAxisProperties; private valueAxisProperties; private maxMarginFactor; private yAxisOrientation; private scrollbarWidth; private trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow; showLinesOnX: boolean; showLinesOnY: boolean; isScrollable: boolean; isXScrollBarVisible: boolean; isYScrollBarVisible: boolean; categoryAxisHasUnitType: boolean; valueAxisHasUnitType: boolean; secondaryValueAxisHasUnitType: boolean; private layout; constructor(isScrollable: boolean, scrollbarWidth: number, trimOrdinalDataOnOverflow: boolean); shouldShowY1OnRight(): boolean; isYAxisCategorical(): boolean; hasCategoryAxis(): boolean; hasY2Axis(): boolean; getYAxisOrientation(): string; setAxisLinesVisibility(axisLinesVisibility: AxisLinesVisibility): void; setMaxMarginFactor(factor: number): void; update(dataViews: DataView[]): void; addWarnings(warnings: IVisualWarning[]): void; /** * Computes the Cartesian Chart axes from the set of layers. */ private calculateAxes(layers, viewport, margin, playAxisControlLayout, textProperties, scrollbarVisible, existingAxisProperties, hideAxisTitles, ensureXDomain?, ensureYDomain?); /** * Negotiate the axes regions, the plot area, and determine if we need a scrollbar for ordinal categories. * @param layers an array of Cartesian layout layers (column, line, etc.) * @param parentViewport the full viewport for the visual * @param padding the D3 axis padding values * @param playAxisControlLayout if this is a playable Cartesian chart, includes the layout for the play controls (start/stop, time slider) * @param hideAxisLabels forces axis titles to be hidden * @param textProperties text properties to be used by text measurement * @param interactivityRightMargin extra right margin for the interactivity * @param ensureXDomain if non null, includes values that must be part of the axis domain * @param ensureYDomain if non null, includes values that must be part of the axis domain */ negotiateAxes(layers: ICartesianVisual[], parentViewport: IViewport, padding: IMargin, playAxisControlLayout: IRect, hideAxisLabels: boolean, textProperties: TextProperties, interactivityRightMargin: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange, ensureYDomain?: NumberRange): CartesianAxesLayout; private getPreferredPlotArea(axes, layers, isScalar); private willAllCategoriesFitInPlotArea(plotArea, preferredPlotArea); private updateAxisMargins(axes, tickLabelMargins, padding, showY1OnRight, renderY1Axis, renderY2Axis, interactivityRightMargin); isLogScaleAllowed(axisType: AxisLocation): boolean; axesHaveTicks(viewport: IViewport): boolean; shouldRenderAxisTitle(axisProperties: IAxisProperties, defaultValue: boolean, secondary: boolean): boolean; shouldRenderAxis(axisProperties: IAxisProperties, secondary?: boolean): boolean; private getAxisProperty(axisProperties, propertyName, defaultValue); private addUnitTypeToAxisLabels(axes); private static getUnitType(formatter); } class SharedColorPalette implements IDataColorPalette { private palette; private preferredScale; private rotated; constructor(palette: IDataColorPalette); getColorScaleByKey(scaleKey: string): IColorScale; getNewColorScale(): IColorScale; getColorByIndex(index: number): IColorInfo; getSentimentColors(): IColorInfo[]; getBasePickerColors(): IColorInfo[]; clearPreferredScale(): void; rotateScale(): void; private setPreferredScale(scaleKey); } class CartesianLoadMoreDataHandler { viewportDataRange: ViewportDataRange; private loadMoreThresholdIndex; private loadingMoreData; private loadMoreThreshold; private loadMoreCallback; /** * Constructs the handler. * @param scale - The scale for the loaded data. * @param loadMoreCallback - The callback to execute to load more data. * @param loadMoreThreshold - How many indexes before the last index loading more data will be triggered. * Ex: loadMoreThreshold = 2, dataLength = 10 (last index = 9) will trigger a load when item with index 9 - 2 = 7 or greater is displayed. */ constructor(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, loadMoreCallback: () => void, loadMoreThreshold?: number); setScale(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale): void; isLoadingMoreData(): boolean; onLoadMoreDataCompleted(): void; shouldLoadMoreData(): boolean; loadMoreData(): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ColumnChartConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { chartType: ColumnChartType; animator: IColumnChartAnimator; } interface ColumnChartData extends CartesianData { categoryFormatter: IValueFormatter; series: ColumnChartSeries[]; valuesMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn[]; legendData: LegendData; hasHighlights: boolean; categoryMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; scalarCategoryAxis: boolean; labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; axesLabels: ChartAxesLabels; hasDynamicSeries: boolean; isMultiMeasure: boolean; defaultDataPointColor?: string; showAllDataPoints?: boolean; } interface ColumnChartSeries extends CartesianSeries { displayName: string; key: string; index: number; data: ColumnChartDataPoint[]; identity: SelectionId; color: string; labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; } interface ColumnChartDataPoint extends CartesianDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { categoryValue: number; /** Adjusted for 100% stacked if applicable */ value: number; /** The top (column) or right (bar) of the rectangle, used for positioning stacked rectangles */ position: number; valueAbsolute: number; /** Not adjusted for 100% stacked */ valueOriginal: number; seriesIndex: number; labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; categoryIndex: number; color: string; /** The original values from the highlighted rect, used in animations */ originalValue: number; originalPosition: number; originalValueAbsolute: number; /** * True if this data point is a highlighted portion and overflows (whether due to the highlight * being greater than original or of a different sign), so it needs to be thinner to accomodate. */ drawThinner?: boolean; key: string; lastSeries?: boolean; chartType: ColumnChartType; } enum ColumnChartType { clusteredBar, clusteredColumn, hundredPercentStackedBar, hundredPercentStackedColumn, stackedBar, stackedColumn, } interface ColumnAxisOptions { xScale: D3.Scale.Scale; yScale: D3.Scale.Scale; seriesOffsetScale?: D3.Scale.Scale; columnWidth: number; /** Used by clustered only since categoryWidth !== columnWidth */ categoryWidth?: number; isScalar: boolean; margin: IMargin; } interface IColumnLayout { shapeLayout: { width: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; x: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; y: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; height: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; }; shapeLayoutWithoutHighlights: { width: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; x: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; y: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; height: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; }; zeroShapeLayout: { width: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; x: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; y: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; height: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number; }; } interface ColumnChartContext { height: number; width: number; duration: number; hostService: IVisualHostServices; margin: IMargin; /** A group for graphics can be placed that won't be clipped to the data area of the chart. */ unclippedGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; /** A SVG for graphics that should be clipped to the data area, e.g. data bars, columns, lines */ mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection; layout: CategoryLayout; animator: IColumnChartAnimator; onDragStart?: (datum: ColumnChartDataPoint) => void; interactivityService: IInteractivityService; viewportHeight: number; viewportWidth: number; is100Pct: boolean; isComboChart: boolean; } interface IColumnChartStrategy { setData(data: ColumnChartData): void; setupVisualProps(columnChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void; setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureYDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): ColumnChartDrawInfo; selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void; getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number; } interface IColumnChartConverterStrategy { getLegend(colors: IDataColorPalette, defaultLegendLabelColor: string, defaultColor?: string): LegendSeriesInfo; getValueBySeriesAndCategory(series: number, category: number): number; getMeasureNameByIndex(series: number, category: number): string; hasHighlightValues(series: number): boolean; getHighlightBySeriesAndCategory(series: number, category: number): number; } interface LegendSeriesInfo { legend: LegendData; seriesSources: DataViewMetadataColumn[]; seriesObjects: DataViewObjects[][]; } interface ColumnChartDrawInfo { eventGroup: D3.Selection; shapesSelection: D3.Selection; viewport: IViewport; axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions; labelDataPoints: LabelDataPoint[]; } /** * Renders a stacked and clustered column chart. */ class ColumnChart implements ICartesianVisual { private static ColumnChartClassName; static clusteredValidLabelPositions: RectLabelPosition[]; static stackedValidLabelPositions: RectLabelPosition[]; static SeriesClasses: jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; private svg; private unclippedGraphicsContext; private mainGraphicsContext; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; private currentViewport; private data; private style; private colors; private chartType; private columnChart; private hostService; private cartesianVisualHost; private interactivity; private margin; private options; private lastInteractiveSelectedColumnIndex; private interactivityService; private dataView; private categoryAxisType; private animator; private isScrollable; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private element; private isComboChart; constructor(options: ColumnChartConstructorOptions); static customizeQuery(options: CustomizeQueryOptions): void; static getSortableRoles(options: VisualSortableOptions): string[]; updateVisualMetadata(x: IAxisProperties, y: IAxisProperties, margin: any): void; init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; private getCategoryLayout(numCategoryValues, options); static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, is100PercentStacked?: boolean, isScalar?: boolean, dataViewMetadata?: DataViewMetadata, chartType?: ColumnChartType, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): ColumnChartData; private static canSupportOverflow(chartType, seriesCount); private static createDataPoints(dataView, categories, categoryIdentities, legend, seriesObjectsList, converterStrategy, defaultLabelSettings, is100PercentStacked?, isScalar?, isCategoryAlsoSeries?, categoryObjectsList?, defaultDataPointColor?, chartType?, categoryMetadata?, tooltipsEnabled?, tooltipBucketEnabled?); private static getDataPointColor(legendItem, categoryIndex, dataPointObjects?); private static getStackedLabelColor(isNegative, seriesIndex, seriesCount, categoryIndex, rawValues); static sliceSeries(series: ColumnChartSeries[], endIndex: number, startIndex?: number): ColumnChartSeries[]; static getInteractiveColumnChartDomElement(element: JQuery): HTMLElement; setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; private setChartStrategy(); calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void; private enumerateDataLabels(enumeration); private getLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings, series?, showAll?); private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration); calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; getPreferredPlotArea(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport; private ApplyInteractivity(chartContext); private selectColumn(indexOfColumnSelected, force?); private createInteractiveLegendDataPoints(columnIndex); overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; render(suppressAnimations: boolean): CartesianVisualRenderResult; onClearSelection(): void; getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar(): boolean; getSupportedCategoryAxisType(): string; setFilteredData(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): CartesianData; static getLabelFill(labelColor: string, isInside: boolean, isCombo: boolean): string; supportsTrendLine(): boolean; static isBar(chartType: ColumnChartType): boolean; static isColumn(chartType: ColumnChartType): boolean; static isClustered(chartType: ColumnChartType): boolean; static isStacked(chartType: ColumnChartType): boolean; static isStacked100(chartType: ColumnChartType): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class ClusteredColumnChartStrategy implements IColumnChartStrategy { private static classes; private data; private graphicsContext; private seriesOffsetScale; private width; private height; private margin; private xProps; private yProps; private categoryLayout; private viewportHeight; private viewportWidth; private columnsCenters; private columnSelectionLineHandle; private animator; private interactivityService; private layout; private isComboChart; setupVisualProps(columnChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void; setData(data: ColumnChartData): void; setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureYDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): ColumnChartDrawInfo; selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void; getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number; /** * Get the chart's columns centers (x value). */ private getColumnsCenters(); private moveHandle(selectedColumnIndex); static getLayout(data: ColumnChartData, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): IColumnLayout; private createLabelDataPoints(); } class ClusteredBarChartStrategy implements IColumnChartStrategy { private static classes; private data; private graphicsContext; private seriesOffsetScale; private width; private height; private margin; private xProps; private yProps; private categoryLayout; private viewportHeight; private viewportWidth; private barsCenters; private columnSelectionLineHandle; private animator; private interactivityService; private layout; private isComboChart; setupVisualProps(barChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void; setData(data: ColumnChartData): void; setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureYDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): ColumnChartDrawInfo; selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void; getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number; /** * Get the chart's columns centers (y value). */ private getBarsCenters(); private moveHandle(selectedColumnIndex); static getLayout(data: ColumnChartData, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): IColumnLayout; private createLabelDataPoints(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class StackedColumnChartStrategy implements IColumnChartStrategy { private static classes; private data; private graphicsContext; private width; private height; private margin; private xProps; private yProps; private categoryLayout; private columnsCenters; private columnSelectionLineHandle; private animator; private interactivityService; private viewportHeight; private viewportWidth; private layout; private isComboChart; setupVisualProps(columnChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void; setData(data: ColumnChartData): void; setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, xReferenceLineValue?: number): IAxisProperties; setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, y1ReferenceLineValue?: number): IAxisProperties; drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): ColumnChartDrawInfo; selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void; getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number; /** * Get the chart's columns centers (x value). */ private getColumnsCenters(); private moveHandle(selectedColumnIndex); static getLayout(data: ColumnChartData, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): IColumnLayout; private createLabelDataPoints(); } class StackedBarChartStrategy implements IColumnChartStrategy { private static classes; private data; private graphicsContext; private width; height: number; private margin; private xProps; private yProps; private categoryLayout; private barsCenters; private columnSelectionLineHandle; private animator; private interactivityService; private viewportHeight; private viewportWidth; private layout; private isComboChart; setupVisualProps(barChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void; setData(data: ColumnChartData): void; setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureYDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number, ensureXDomain?: NumberRange): IAxisProperties; drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): ColumnChartDrawInfo; selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastInteractiveSelectedColumnIndex: number): void; getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number; /** * Get the chart's columns centers (y value). */ private getBarsCenters(); private moveHandle(selectedColumnIndex); static getLayout(data: ColumnChartData, axisOptions: ColumnAxisOptions): IColumnLayout; private createLabelDataPoints(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals.samples { interface HelloViewModel { text: string; color: string; size: number; selector: SelectionId; toolTipInfo: TooltipDataItem[]; } class HelloIVisual implements IVisual { static capabilities: VisualCapabilities; private static DefaultText; private root; private svgText; private dataView; private selectiionManager; static converter(dataView: DataView): HelloViewModel; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private static getFill(dataView); private static getSize(dataView); enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; destroy(): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ComboChartDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { general: ComboChartDataViewObject; } interface ComboChartDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { visualType1: string; visualType2: string; } /** * This module only supplies the capabilities for comboCharts. * Implementation is in cartesianChart and the various ICartesianVisual implementations. */ module ComboChart { const capabilities: VisualCapabilities; /** * Handles the case of a column layer in a combo chart. In this case, the column layer is enumearated last. */ function enumerateDataPoints(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, layers: ICartesianVisual[]): void; function customizeQuery(options: CustomizeQueryOptions): void; function getSortableRoles(options: VisualSortableOptions): string[]; function isComboChart(chartType: CartesianChartType): boolean; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class DataColorPalette implements IDataColorPalette { private scales; private colors; private sentimentColors; private basePickerColors; /** * Creates a DataColorPalette using the given theme, or the default theme. */ constructor(colors?: IColorInfo[], sentimentcolors?: IColorInfo[]); getColorScaleByKey(key: string): IColorScale; getNewColorScale(): IColorScale; getColorByIndex(index: number): IColorInfo; getSentimentColors(): IColorInfo[]; getBasePickerColors(): IColorInfo[]; getAllColors(): IColorInfo[]; private createScale(); } class D3ColorScale implements IColorScale { private scale; constructor(scale: D3.Scale.OrdinalScale); getColor(key: any): IColorInfo; clearAndRotateScale(): void; clone(): IColorScale; getDomain(): any[]; static createFromColors(colors: IColorInfo[]): D3ColorScale; } class ThemeManager { private static colorSectorCount; private static defaultBaseColors; private static defaultTheme; static defaultSentimentColors: IColorInfo[]; static getDefaultTheme(): IColorInfo[]; } } /** * IMPORTANT: This chart is not currently enabled in the PBI system and is under development. */ declare module powerbi.visuals { interface IDataDotChartConfiguration { xAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; margin: any; } interface DataDotChartData { series: DataDotChartSeries; hasHighlights: boolean; hasDynamicSeries: boolean; } interface DataDotChartSeries extends CartesianSeries { xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; data: DataDotChartDataPoint[]; } interface DataDotChartDataPoint extends CartesianDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint { highlight: boolean; } interface DataDotChartConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { } /** * The data dot chart shows a set of circles with the data value inside them. * The circles are regularly spaced similar to column charts. * The radius of all dots is the same across the chart. * This is most often combined with a column chart to create the 'chicken pox' chart. * If any of the data values do not fit within the circles, then the data values are hidden * and the y axis for the dots is displayed instead. * This chart only supports a single series of data. * This chart does not display a legend. */ class DataDotChart implements ICartesianVisual { static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; private static ClassName; private static DotClassName; private static DotClassSelector; private static DotColorKey; private static DotLabelClassName; private static DotLabelClassSelector; private static DotLabelVerticalOffset; private static DotLabelTextAnchor; private options; private svg; private element; private mainGraphicsG; private mainGraphicsContext; private currentViewport; private hostService; private cartesianVisualHost; private style; private colors; private isScrollable; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; private margin; private data; private dataViewCategorical; private clippedData; private interactivityService; private interactivity; constructor(options: DataDotChartConstructorOptions); init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; setFilteredData(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): any; calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; private static createClippedDataIfOverflowed(data, categoryCount); private static hasDataPoint(series); private lookupXValue(index, type); overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; render(suppressAnimations: boolean): CartesianVisualRenderResult; calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; private createLegendDataPoints(columnIndex); onClearSelection(): void; static converter(dataView: DataView, blankCategoryValue: string, interactivityService: IInteractivityService): DataDotChartData; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector; interface FunnelChartConstructorOptions { animator?: IFunnelAnimator; funnelSmallViewPortProperties?: FunnelSmallViewPortProperties; behavior?: FunnelWebBehavior; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; } interface FunnelPercent { value: number; percent: number; isTop: boolean; } /** * value and highlightValue may be modified in the converter to * allow rendering non-standard values, such as negatives. * Store the original values for non-rendering, user-facing elements * e.g. data labels */ interface FunnelDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { value: number; originalValue: number; label: string; key: string; categoryOrMeasureIndex: number; highlight?: boolean; highlightValue?: number; originalHighlightValue?: number; color: string; } interface FunnelData { dataPoints: FunnelDataPoint[]; categoryLabels: string[]; valuesMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn[]; hasHighlights: boolean; highlightsOverflow: boolean; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; percentBarLabelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; canShowDataLabels: boolean; hasNegativeValues: boolean; allValuesAreNegative: boolean; } interface FunnelAxisOptions { maxScore: number; valueScale: D3.Scale.LinearScale; categoryScale: D3.Scale.OrdinalScale; maxWidth: number; margin: IMargin; rangeStart: number; rangeEnd: number; barToSpaceRatio: number; categoryLabels: string[]; } interface IFunnelRect { width: (d: FunnelDataPoint) => number; x: (d: FunnelDataPoint) => number; y: (d: FunnelDataPoint) => number; height: (d: FunnelDataPoint) => number; } interface IFunnelLayout { percentBarLayout: { mainLine: { x2: (d: FunnelPercent) => number; transform: (d: FunnelPercent) => string; }; leftTick: { y2: (d: FunnelPercent) => number; transform: (d: FunnelPercent) => string; }; rightTick: { y2: (d: FunnelPercent) => number; transform: (d: FunnelPercent) => string; }; text: { x: (d: FunnelPercent) => number; y: (d: FunnelPercent) => number; style: () => string; transform: (d: FunnelPercent) => string; fill: string; maxWidth: number; }; }; shapeLayout: IFunnelRect; shapeLayoutWithoutHighlights: IFunnelRect; zeroShapeLayout: IFunnelRect; interactorLayout: IFunnelRect; } interface IFunnelChartSelectors { funnel: { bars: ClassAndSelector; highlights: ClassAndSelector; interactors: ClassAndSelector; }; percentBar: { root: ClassAndSelector; mainLine: ClassAndSelector; leftTick: ClassAndSelector; rightTick: ClassAndSelector; text: ClassAndSelector; }; } interface FunnelSmallViewPortProperties { hideFunnelCategoryLabelsOnSmallViewPort: boolean; minHeightFunnelCategoryLabelsVisible: number; } /** * Renders a funnel chart. */ class FunnelChart implements IVisual { private static LabelInsidePosition; private static LabelOutsidePosition; private static LabelOrientation; static DefaultBarOpacity: number; static DimmedBarOpacity: number; static PercentBarToBarRatio: number; static TickPadding: number; static InnerTickSize: number; static MinimumInteractorSize: number; static InnerTextClassName: string; static Selectors: IFunnelChartSelectors; static FunnelBarHighlightClass: string; static YAxisPadding: number; private static VisualClassName; private static DefaultFontFamily; private static BarToSpaceRatio; private static MaxBarHeight; private static MinBarThickness; private static LabelFunnelPadding; private static OverflowingHighlightWidthRatio; private static MaxMarginFactor; private svg; private funnelGraphicsContext; private percentGraphicsContext; private clearCatcher; private axisGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private currentViewport; private colors; private data; private hostServices; private margin; private options; private interactivityService; private behavior; private defaultDataPointColor; private labelPositionObjects; private dataViews; private funnelSmallViewPortProperties; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; /** * Note: Public for testing. */ animator: IFunnelAnimator; constructor(options?: FunnelChartConstructorOptions); static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, hostServices: IVisualHostServices, defaultDataPointColor?: string, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): FunnelData; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private static getLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings, isDataLabels, positionObject?); private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; private updateViewportProperties(); update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; private getMaxLabelLength(labels, properties); private updateInternal(suppressAnimations); private getUsableVerticalSpace(); private isHidingPercentBars(); private isSparklines(); private setUpAxis(); private getPercentBarTextHeight(); onClearSelection(): void; static getLayout(data: FunnelData, axisOptions: FunnelAxisOptions): IFunnelLayout; static drawDefaultAxis(graphicsContext: D3.Selection, axisOptions: FunnelAxisOptions, isHidingPercentBars: boolean): void; static drawDefaultShapes(data: FunnelData, dataPoints: FunnelDataPoint[], graphicsContext: D3.Selection, layout: IFunnelLayout, hasSelection: boolean): D3.UpdateSelection; static getValueFromDataPoint(dataPoint: FunnelDataPoint, asOriginal?: boolean): number; static drawInteractorShapes(dataPoints: FunnelDataPoint[], graphicsContext: D3.Selection, layout: IFunnelLayout): D3.UpdateSelection; private static drawPercentBarComponents(graphicsContext, data, layout, percentLabelSettings); static drawPercentBars(data: FunnelData, graphicsContext: D3.Selection, layout: IFunnelLayout, isHidingPercentBars: boolean): void; private showCategoryLabels(); private static addFunnelPercentsToTooltip(pctFormatString, tooltipInfo, hostServices, percentOfFirst?, percentOfPrevious?, highlight?); private static getTextProperties(fontSize?); private static getDefaultLabelSettings(); private static getDefaultPercentLabelSettings(); /** * Creates labels layout. */ private getLabels(layout); /** * Creates labelDataPoints for rendering labels */ private createLabelDataPoints(shapeLayout, visualSettings); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface GaugeData extends TooltipEnabledDataPoint { total: number; metadataColumn: DataViewMetadataColumn; minColumnMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; maxColumnMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; targetColumnMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; targetSettings: GaugeTargetSettings; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; calloutValueLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; dataPointSettings: GaugeDataPointSettings; } interface GaugeTargetSettings { min: number; max: number; target: number; } interface GaugeTargetData extends GaugeTargetSettings { value: number; tooltipItems: TooltipDataItem[]; } interface GaugeDataPointSettings { fillColor: string; targetColor: string; } interface GaugeSmallViewPortProperties { hideGaugeSideNumbersOnSmallViewPort: boolean; smallGaugeMarginsOnSmallViewPort: boolean; MinHeightGaugeSideNumbersVisible: number; GaugeMarginsOnSmallViewPort: number; } interface GaugeVisualProperties { radius: number; innerRadiusOfArc: number; innerRadiusFactor: number; left: number; top: number; height: number; width: number; margin: IMargin; transformString: string; } interface AnimatedNumberProperties { transformString: string; viewport: IViewport; } interface GaugeConstructorOptions { gaugeSmallViewPortProperties?: GaugeSmallViewPortProperties; animator?: IGenericAnimator; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; } interface GaugeDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { axis: GaugeDataViewObject; } interface GaugeDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { min?: number; max?: number; target?: number; } /** * Renders a number that can be animate change in value. */ class Gauge implements IVisual { private static MinDistanceFromBottom; private static MinWidthForTargetLabel; private static DefaultTopBottomMargin; private static DefaultLeftRightMargin; private static ReducedLeftRightMargin; private static DEFAULT_MAX; private static DEFAULT_MIN; private static VisualClassName; private static DefaultStyleProperties; private static DefaultTargetSettings; private static DefaultDataPointSettings; private static InnerRadiusFactor; private static KpiBandDistanceFromMainArc; private static MainGaugeGroupClassName; private static LabelText; private static TargetConnector; private static TargetText; /** Note: Public for testability */ static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; private svg; private mainGraphicsContext; private currentViewport; private element; private style; private data; private color; private backgroundArc; private foregroundArc; private kpiArcs; private kpiArcPaths; private foregroundArcPath; private backgroundArcPath; private targetLine; private targetConnector; private targetText; private options; private lastAngle; private margin; private animatedNumberGrapicsContext; private animatedNumber; private settings; private targetSettings; private gaugeVisualProperties; private gaugeSmallViewPortProperties; private showTargetLabel; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private hostService; private dataView; animator: IGenericAnimator; constructor(options?: GaugeConstructorOptions); enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private getDataLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings); private enumerateAxis(enumeration); private enumerateDataPoint(enumeration); private static getGaugeObjectsProperties(dataView); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private updateCalloutValue(suppressAnimations); onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; /** * Populates Gauge data based on roles or axis settings. */ private static parseGaugeData(reader, tooltipBucketEnabled?); /** Note: Made public for testability */ static converter(reader: data.IDataViewCategoricalReader, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): GaugeData; private static convertDataLabelSettings(objects, objectName); private static convertDataPointSettings(objects, targetSettings); private initKpiBands(); /** * Indicates whether gauge arc is valid. */ private isValid(); private updateKpiBands(radius, innerRadiusFactor, tString, kpiAngleAttr); private removeTargetElements(); private getTargetRatio(); private updateTargetLine(radius, innerRadius, left, top); /** Note: public for testability */ getAnimatedNumberProperties(radius: number, innerRadiusFactor: number, top: number, left: number): AnimatedNumberProperties; /** Note: public for testability */ getGaugeVisualProperties(): GaugeVisualProperties; /** Note: public for testability */ drawViewPort(drawOptions: GaugeVisualProperties): void; getValueAngle(): number; private createTicks(); private updateInternal(suppressAnimations); private updateVisualStyles(); private updateVisualConfigurations(); private renderMinMaxLabels(ticks, radius, height, width, margin); private truncateTextIfNeeded(text, positionX, onRight); private getFormatter(dataLabelSettings, metadataColumn, maxValue?); private renderTarget(radius, height, width, margin); private arcTween(transition, arr); private showMinMaxLabelsOnBottom(); private setMargins(); private showSideNumbersLabelText(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ImageDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { general: ImageDataViewObject; imageScaling: ImageScalingDataViewObject; } interface ImageDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { imageUrl: string; } interface ImageScalingDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { imageScalingType: string; } class ImageVisual implements IVisual { private element; private imageBackgroundElement; private scalingType; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; private enumerateImageScaling(); update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface KPIStatusWithHistoryData { dataPoints: KPIStatusWithHistoryDataPoint[]; directionType: string; goals: number[]; formattedGoalString: string; actual: number; targetExists: boolean; historyExists: boolean; indicatorExists: boolean; trendExists: boolean; formattedValue: string; showGoal: boolean; showDistanceFromGoal: boolean; showTrendLine: boolean; } interface KPIStatusWithHistoryDataPoint { x: number; y: number; actual: number; goals: number[]; } class KPIStatusWithHistory implements IVisual { static directionTypeStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static showKPIGoal: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static showKPIDistance: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static showKPITrendLine: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static indicatorDisplayUnitsProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static indicatorPrecisionProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; static status: { INCREASE: string; DROP: string; IN_BETWEEN: string; NOGOAL: string; }; static statusBandingType: { Below: string; Above: string; }; static actualTextConsts: { VERTICAL_OFFSET_FROM_HALF_HEIGHT: number; FONT_WIDTH_FACTOR: number; RIGHT_MARGIN: number; }; static kpiRedClass: string; static kpiYellowClass: string; static kpiGreenClass: string; static kpiTextGreyClass: string; static kpiGraphGreyClass: string; static allColorClasses: string; static trendAreaFilePercentage: number; static estimatedIconHeightInPx: number; static indicatorTextSizeInPx: number; private svg; private dataView; private mainGroupElement; private kpiActualText; private absoluteGoalDistanceText; private areaFill; private host; private exclamationMarkIcon; private successMarkIcon; private betweenIcon; private rootElement; private indicatorTextContainer; private textContainer; private static getLocalizedString; private static defaultCardFormatSetting; private static defaultLabelSettings; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private initIcons(); private render(kpiViewModel, viewport); private setShowDataMissingWarning(show); private static getDefaultFormatSettings(); private static getFormatString(column); private static getProp_Show_KPIGoal(dataView); private static getProp_Show_KPITrendLine(dataView); private static getProp_Show_KPIDistance(dataView); private static getProp_KPIDirection(dataView); private static getProp_Indicator_DisplayUnits(dataView); private static getProp_Indicator_Precision(dataView); private static initDefaultLabelSettings(); private static getFormattedValue(metaDataColumn, theValue, precision, displayUnits, displayUnitSystemType?); private static getFormattedGoalString(metaDataColumn, goals, precision, displayUnits); static converter(dataView: DataView, viewPort: powerbi.IViewport, directionType: string): KPIStatusWithHistoryData; static getColumnsByRole(values: DataViewValueColumns, roleString: string): DataViewValueColumn[]; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; destroy(): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface LineChartConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { chartType?: LineChartType; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; advancedLineLabelsEnabled?: boolean; } interface LineChartDataLabelsSettings extends PointDataLabelsSettings { labelDensity: string; } interface ILineChartConfiguration { xAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; margin: any; } interface LineChartCategoriesData extends LineChartDataPoint { } interface LineChartData extends CartesianData { series: LineChartSeries[]; isScalar?: boolean; scalarMetadata?: DataViewMetadataColumn; scalarKeyCount?: number; dataLabelsSettings: LineChartDataLabelsSettings; axesLabels: ChartAxesLabels; hasDynamicSeries?: boolean; defaultSeriesColor?: string; categoryData?: LineChartCategoriesData[]; seriesDisplayName?: string; hasValues?: boolean; } interface LineChartSeries extends CartesianSeries, SelectableDataPoint { displayName: string; dynamicDisplayName?: string; key: string; lineIndex: number; color: string; xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; data: LineChartDataPoint[]; labelSettings: LineChartDataLabelsSettings; } interface LineChartDataPoint extends CartesianDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { value: number; categoryIndex: number; seriesIndex: number; key: string; labelSettings: LineChartDataLabelsSettings; pointColor?: string; stackedValue?: number; extraTooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[]; } interface HoverLineDataPoint { color: string; seriesDisplayName?: string; seriesName?: string; category: string; measureDisplayName: string; measure: any; value: number; stackedValue: number; extraTooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[]; } const enum LineChartType { default = 1, area = 2, smooth = 4, lineShadow = 8, stackedArea = 16, } /** * Renders a data series as a line visual. */ class LineChart implements ICartesianVisual { private static ClassName; private static MainGraphicsContextClassName; private static CategorySelector; private static CategoryValuePoint; private static CategoryPointSelector; private static CategoryAreaSelector; private static HoverLineCircleDot; private static LineClassSelector; private static PointRadius; private static CircleRadius; private static PathElementName; private static CircleElementName; private static CircleClassName; private static LineElementName; private static RectOverlayName; private static ScalarOuterPadding; private static interactivityStrokeWidth; private static minimumLabelsToRender; static AreaFillOpacity: number; static DimmedAreaFillOpacity: number; private isInteractiveChart; private isScrollable; private tooltipsEnabled; private lineClassAndSelector; private element; private cartesainSVG; private mainGraphicsContext; private mainGraphicsSVG; private hoverLineContext; private options; private dataViewCat; private colors; private host; private data; private clippedData; private lineType; private cartesianVisualHost; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; private margin; private currentViewport; private selectionCircles; private dragHandle; private hoverLine; private lastInteractiveSelectedColumnIndex; private scaleDetector; private interactivityService; private animator; private previousCategoryCount; private pathXAdjustment; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private advancedLineLabelsEnabled; private static validStackedLabelPositions; private overlayRect; private isComboChart; private lastDragMoveXPosition; private deferDragMoveOperation; static customizeQuery(options: CustomizeQueryOptions): void; static getSortableRoles(options: VisualSortableOptions): string[]; static converter(dataView: DataView, blankCategoryValue: string, colors: IDataColorPalette, isScalar: boolean, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService, shouldCalculateStacked?: boolean, isComboChart?: boolean, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): LineChartData; static getInteractiveLineChartDomElement(element: JQuery): HTMLElement; private static getColor(colorHelper, hasDynamicSeries, values, grouped, seriesIndex, groupedIdentity); private static createStackedValueDomain(data); constructor(options: LineChartConstructorOptions); init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; setFilteredData(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): CartesianData; calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void; private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration); private enumerateDataLabels(enumeration); supportsTrendLine(): boolean; private showLabelPerSeries(); private getLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings, series?, showAll?); overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; onClearSelection(): void; render(suppressAnimations: boolean): CartesianVisualRenderResult; private renderNew(duration); private renderOld(duration); /** * Note: Public for tests. */ getSeriesTooltipInfo(pointData: HoverLineDataPoint[]): TooltipDataItem[]; /** * Note: Public for tests. */ getTooltipInfoForCombo(tooltipEvent: TooltipEvent, pointX: number): TooltipDataItem[]; /** * Note: Public for tests. */ getCategoryIndexFromTooltipEvent(tooltipEvent: TooltipEvent, pointX: number): number; getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar(): boolean; getSupportedCategoryAxisType(): string; getPreferredPlotArea(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport; private getCategoryCount(origCatgSize); private getAvailableWidth(); private getAvailableHeight(); private static sliceSeries(series, newLength, startIndex?); private static getScalarKeys(dataViewCategoryColumn); private getXOfFirstCategory(); private hasDataPoint(series); private getXValue(d); /** * This checks to see if a data point is isolated, which means * the previous and next data point are both null. */ private shouldDrawCircle(d, i); selectColumnForTooltip(columnIndex: number, force?: boolean): HoverLineDataPoint[]; private setHoverLineForTooltip(chartX); private setDotsForTooltip(chartX, dataPoints); /** * Updates the hover line and the legend with the selected colums (given by columnIndex). * This is for the Mobile renderer with InteractiveLegend */ selectColumn(columnIndex: number, force?: boolean): void; private setHoverLine(chartX, columnIndex); private getChartX(columnIndex); /** * Finds the index of the category of the given x coordinate given. * pointX is in non-scaled screen-space, and offsetX is in render-space. * offsetX does not need any scaling adjustment. * @param {number} pointX The mouse coordinate in screen-space, without scaling applied * @param {number} offsetX Any left offset in d3.scale render-space * @return {number} */ private findIndex(pointX, offsetX?); private getPosition(x, pathElement); private createTooltipDataPoints(columnIndex); private createLegendDataPoints(columnIndex); private createLabelDataPoints(); private static getNumberOfLabelsToRender(viewPortWidth, labelDensity); /** * Adjust a mouse coordinate originating from a path; used to fix * an inconsistency between Internet Explorer and other browsers. * * Internet explorer places the origin for the coordinate system of * mouse events based on the stroke, so that the very edge of the stroke * is zero. Chrome places the 0 on the edge of the path so that the * edge of the stroke is -(strokeWidth / 2). We adjust coordinates * to match Chrome. * * @param value The x coordinate to be adjusted */ private adjustPathXCoordinate(x); /** * Obtains the pointLabelPosition for the category index within the given series * * Rules for line chart data labels: * 1. Top and bottom > left and right * 2. Top > bottom unless we're at a local minimum * 3. Right > left unless: * a. There is no data point to the left and there is one to the right * b. There is an equal data point to the right, but not to the left */ private getValidLabelPositions(series, categoryIndex); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface MapConstructionOptions { filledMap?: boolean; geocoder?: IGeocoder; mapControlFactory?: IMapControlFactory; behavior?: MapBehavior; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; filledMapDataLabelsEnabled?: boolean; disableZooming?: boolean; disablePanning?: boolean; isLegendScrollable?: boolean; viewChangeThrottleInterval?: number; enableCurrentLocation?: boolean; } interface IMapControlFactory { createMapControl(element: HTMLElement, options?: Microsoft.Maps.MapOptions): Microsoft.Maps.Map; ensureMap(locale: string, action: () => void): void; } interface MapData { dataPoints: MapDataPoint[]; geocodingCategory: string; hasDynamicSeries: boolean; hasSize: boolean; } /** * The main map data point, which exists for each category */ interface MapDataPoint { geocodingQuery: string; value: number; categoryValue: string; subDataPoints: MapSubDataPoint[]; location?: IGeocodeCoordinate; paths?: IGeocodeBoundaryPolygon[]; radius?: number; } /** * SubDataPoint that carries series-based data. For category only maps * there will only be one of these on each MapDataPoint; for dynamic series, * there will be one per series for each MapDataPoint. */ interface MapSubDataPoint { value: number; fill: string; stroke: string; identity: SelectionId; tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[]; } interface MapRendererData { bubbleData?: MapBubble[]; sliceData?: MapSlice[][]; shapeData?: MapShape[]; } interface MapVisualDataPoint extends TooltipEnabledDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint { x: number; y: number; radius: number; fill: string; stroke: string; strokeWidth: number; labeltext: string; labelFill: string; } interface MapBubble extends MapVisualDataPoint { } interface MapSlice extends MapVisualDataPoint { value: number; startAngle?: number; endAngle?: number; } interface MapShape extends TooltipEnabledDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint { absolutePointArray: Float64Array; path: string; fill: string; stroke: string; strokeWidth: number; key: string; labeltext: string; displayLabel: boolean; catagoryLabeltext?: string; labelFormatString: string; } /** * Used because data points used in D3 pie layouts are placed within a container with pie information. */ interface MapSliceContainer { data: MapSlice; } /** Note: public for UnitTest */ interface IMapDataPointRenderer { init(mapControl: Microsoft.Maps.Map, mapDiv: JQuery, addClearCatcher: boolean): void; setData(data: MapData): void; getDataPointCount(): number; converter(viewPort: IViewport, dataView: DataView, labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, tooltipsEnabled: boolean): MapRendererData; updateInternal(data: MapRendererData, viewport: IViewport, dataChanged: boolean, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, redrawDataLabels: boolean): MapBehaviorOptions; updateInternalDataLabels(viewport: IViewport, redrawDataLabels: boolean): void; getDataPointPadding(): number; clearDataPoints(): void; } interface DataViewMetadataAutoGeneratedColumn extends DataViewMetadataColumn { /** * Indicates that the column was added manually. */ isAutoGeneratedColumn?: boolean; } const MaxLevelOfDetail: number; const MinLevelOfDetail: number; const DefaultFillOpacity: number; const DefaultBackgroundColor: string; const LeaderLineColor: string; class MapBubbleDataPointRenderer implements IMapDataPointRenderer { private mapControl; private mapData; private maxDataPointRadius; private svg; private clearSvg; private clearCatcher; private bubbleGraphicsContext; private sliceGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private labelBackgroundGraphicsContext; private sliceLayout; private arc; private dataLabelsSettings; private tooltipsEnabled; private static validLabelPositions; private mapRendererData; private root; constructor(tooltipsEnabled: boolean); init(mapControl: Microsoft.Maps.Map, mapDiv: JQuery, addClearCatcher: boolean): void; setData(data: MapData): void; clearDataPoints(): void; getDataPointCount(): number; getDataPointPadding(): number; private clearMaxDataPointRadius(); private setMaxDataPointRadius(dataPointRadius); getDefaultMap(geocodingCategory: string, dataPointCount: number): void; converter(viewport: IViewport, dataView: DataView, labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean): MapRendererData; updateInternal(data: MapRendererData, viewport: IViewport, dataChanged: boolean, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, redrawDataLabels: boolean): MapBehaviorOptions; updateInternalDataLabels(viewport: IViewport, redrawDataLabels: boolean): void; private createLabelDataPoints(); } interface FilledMapParams { level: number; maxPolygons: number; strokeWidth: number; } class MapShapeDataPointRenderer implements IMapDataPointRenderer { private mapControl; private svg; private clearSvg; private clearCatcher; private polygonInfo; private mapData; private shapeGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private labelBackgroundGraphicsContext; private maxShapeDimension; private mapRendererData; private dataLabelsSettings; private filledMapDataLabelsEnabled; private tooltipsEnabled; private labelLayout; private static validLabelPolygonPositions; private root; static getFilledMapParams(category: string, dataCount: number): FilledMapParams; static buildPaths(locations: IGeocodeBoundaryPolygon[]): IGeocodeBoundaryPolygon[]; constructor(fillMapDataLabelsEnabled: boolean, tooltipsEnabled: boolean); init(mapControl: Microsoft.Maps.Map, mapDiv: JQuery, addClearCatcher: boolean): void; setData(data: MapData): void; clearDataPoints(): void; getDataPointCount(): number; converter(viewport: IViewport, dataView: DataView, labelSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService): MapRendererData; updateInternal(data: MapRendererData, viewport: IViewport, dataChanged: boolean, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, redrawDataLabels: boolean): MapBehaviorOptions; getDataPointPadding(): number; static getIndexOfLargestShape(paths: IGeocodeBoundaryPolygon[]): number; updateInternalDataLabels(viewport: IViewport, redrawDataLabels: boolean): void; private clearMaxShapeDimension(); private setMaxShapeDimension(width, height); private createLabelDataPoints(); private drawLabelStems(labelsContext, dataLabels, showText, showCategory); } /** Note: public for UnitTest */ interface SimpleRange { min: number; max: number; } class Map implements IVisual { currentViewport: IViewport; private pendingGeocodingRender; private mapControl; private minLongitude; private maxLongitude; private minLatitude; private maxLatitude; private style; private colors; private dataPointRenderer; private geocodingCategory; private legend; private legendHeight; private legendData; private element; private dataView; private dataLabelsSettings; private static MapContainer; static StrokeDarkenColorValue: number; static ScheduleRedrawInterval: number; private interactivityService; private behavior; private defaultDataPointColor; private showAllDataPoints; private dataPointsToEnumerate; private hasDynamicSeries; private geoTaggingAnalyzerService; private isFilledMap; private host; private geocoder; private promiseFactory; private mapControlFactory; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private filledMapDataLabelsEnabled; private disableZooming; private disablePanning; private locale; private isLegendScrollable; private viewChangeThrottleInterval; private root; private enableCurrentLocation; private isCurrentLocation; private boundsHaveBeenUpdated; private geocodingContext; private isDestroyed; constructor(options: MapConstructionOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; destroy(): void; private createCurrentLocation(element); private addDataPoint(dataPoint); private scheduleRedraw(); private enqueueGeoCode(dataPoint); private completeGeoCode(dataPoint, location); private enqueueGeoCodeAndGeoShape(dataPoint, params); private completeGeoCodeAndGeoShape(dataPoint, params, location); private enqueueGeoShape(dataPoint, params); private completeGeoShape(dataPoint, params, result); private getOptimumLevelOfDetail(width, height); private getViewCenter(levelOfDetail); private resetBounds(); private updateBounds(latitude, longitude); static legendObject(dataView: DataView): DataViewObject; static isLegendHidden(dataView: DataView): boolean; static legendPosition(dataView: DataView): LegendPosition; static getLegendFontSize(dataView: DataView): number; static isShowLegendTitle(dataView: DataView): boolean; private legendTitle(); private renderLegend(legendData); /** Note: public for UnitTest */ static calculateGroupSizes(categorical: DataViewCategorical, grouped: DataViewValueColumnGroup[], groupSizeTotals: number[], sizeMeasureIndex: number, currentValueScale: SimpleRange): SimpleRange; /** Note: public for UnitTest */ static calculateRadius(range: SimpleRange, value?: number): number; /** Note: public for UnitTest */ static getGeocodingCategory(categorical: DataViewCategorical, geoTaggingAnalyzerService: IGeoTaggingAnalyzerService): string; /** Note: public for UnitTest */ static hasSizeField(values: DataViewValueColumns, defaultIndexIfNoRole?: number): boolean; static shouldEnumerateDataPoints(dataView: DataView, usesSizeForGradient: boolean): boolean; static shouldEnumerateCategoryLabels(isFilledMap: boolean, filledMapDataLabelsEnabled: boolean): boolean; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; static enumerateDataPoints(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataPoints: LegendDataPoint[], colors: IDataColorPalette, hasDynamicSeries: boolean, defaultDataPointColor: string, showAllDataPoints: boolean, bubbleData: MapBubble[]): void; static enumerateLegend(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataView: DataView, legend: ILegend, legendTitle: string): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; static converter(dataView: DataView, colorHelper: ColorHelper, geoTaggingAnalyzerService: IGeoTaggingAnalyzerService, isFilledMap: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): MapData; static createLegendData(dataView: DataView, colorHelper: ColorHelper): LegendData; private swapLogoContainerChildElement(); onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; private initialize(container); private onViewChanged(); private onViewChangeEnded(); private getMapViewPort(); static removeTransform3d(mapRoot: JQuery): void; private updateInternal(dataChanged, redrawDataLabels); private updateMapView(center, levelOfDetail); private updateOffsets(dataChanged, redrawDataLabels); onClearSelection(): void; private clearDataPoints(); private getDefaultMapControlFactory(); private static removeHillShading(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface CardItemData { caption: string; details: string; showURL: boolean; showImage: boolean; showKPI: boolean; columnIndex: number; } interface CardSettings { outlineSettings: OutlineSettings; barSettings: OutlineSettings; cardPadding: number; cardBackground: string; } interface OutlineSettings { outline: string; color: string; weight: number; } interface MultiRowCardData { dataModel: CardData[]; dataColumnCount: number; cardTitleSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; categoryLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; cardSettings: CardSettings; } interface CardData { title?: string; showTitleAsURL?: boolean; showTitleAsImage?: boolean; showTitleAsKPI?: boolean; cardItemsData: CardItemData[]; } class MultiRowCard implements IVisual { private currentViewport; private options; private dataView; private style; private element; private listView; /** * This includes card height with margin that will be passed to list view. */ private interactivity; private isInteractivityOverflowHidden; private waitingForData; private cardHasTitle; private isSingleRowCard; private maxColPerRow; private data; /** * Note: Public for testability. */ static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; private static MultiRowCardRoot; private static Card; private static Title; private static CardItemContainer; private static Caption; private static Details; private static TitleUrlSelector; private static CaptionUrlSelector; private static TitleImageSelector; private static CaptionImageSelector; private static KPITitle; private static ValuesRole; /** * Cards have specific styling so defined inline styles and also to support theming and improve performance. */ private static DefaultStyle; private static tileMediaQueries; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; private static getCardSettings(dataView); onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; static converter(dataView: DataView, columnCount: number, maxCards: number, isDashboardVisual?: boolean): MultiRowCardData; static getSortableRoles(options: VisualSortableOptions): string[]; private initializeCardRowSelection(); private getBorderStyles(border, padding?); private getMaxColPerRow(); private getRowIndex(fieldIndex); private getStyle(); private getSurroundSettings(outlineSettings); private getCustomStyles(); private static getTextProperties(isTitle, fontSizeInPt); private getColumnWidth(fieldIndex, columnCount); private isLastRowItem(fieldIndex, columnCount); private isInFirstRow(fieldIndex); /** * This contains the card column wrapping logic. * Determines how many columns can be shown per each row inside a Card. * To place the fields evenly along the card, * the width of each card item is calculated based on the available viewport width. */ private setCardDimensions(); private onLoadMoreData(); private static getDataLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings, show?); enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private enumerateCard(enumeration); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface TextboxDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { general: TextboxDataViewObject; } interface TextboxDataViewObject extends DataViewObject { paragraphs: Paragraphs; } /** Represents a rich text box that supports view & edit mode. */ class Textbox implements IVisual { private static ClassName; private editor; private element; private host; private viewport; private readOnly; private paragraphs; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; destroy(): void; focus(): boolean; onViewModeChanged(viewMode: ViewMode): void; setSelection(start: number, end: number): void; private refreshView(); private saveContents(); private updateSize(); } module RichText { let defaultFont: string; const defaultFontSize: string; /** * Given a font family returns the value we should use for the font-family css property. */ function getCssFontFamily(font: string): string; /** * Convert built-in font families back into their proper font families (e.g. wf_segoe-ui_normal -> Segoe UI) */ function getFontFamilyForBuiltInFont(font: string): string; class QuillWrapper { private editor; private $editorDiv; private $toolbarDiv; private $container; private dependenciesLoaded; private localizationProvider; private host; private static textChangeThrottle; static loadQuillResources: boolean; private static quillJsFiles; private static quillCssFiles; private QuillPackage; initialized: boolean; readOnly: boolean; textChanged: (delta, source) => void; /** * JavaScript and CSS resources are typically resolved asynchronously. * This means we potentially defer certain events which typically occur * synchronously until resources are loaded. * Setting the global loadQuillResources flag to true will override * this behavior and cause the wrapper to assume these resources are already loaded * and not try to load them asynchronously (e.g. for use in unit tests). */ constructor(readOnly: boolean, host: IVisualHostServices); addModule(name: any, options: any): any; getElement(): JQuery; getContents(): quill.Delta; setContents(contents: quill.Delta | quill.Op[]): void; resize(viewport: IViewport): void; setReadOnly(readOnly: boolean): void; setSelection(start: number, end: number): void; getSelection(): quill.Range; focus(): void; destroy(): void; getSelectionAtCursor(): quill.Range; getWord(): string; insertLinkAtCursor(link: string, index: number): number; getEditorContainer(): JQuery; private getTextWithoutTrailingBreak(); private rebuildQuillEditor(); private onTextChanged(delta, source); } } } declare module powerbi.visuals { const cheerMeterProps: { dataPoint: { defaultColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; }; }; interface TeamData { name: string; value: number; color: string; identity: SelectionId; } interface CheerData { teamA: TeamData; teamB: TeamData; background: string; } class CheerMeter implements IVisual { static capabilities: VisualCapabilities; private static DefaultFontFamily; private static DefaultFontColor; private static DefaultBackgroundColor; private static PaddingBetweenText; private textOne; private textTwo; private svg; private isFirstTime; private data; private selectionManager; static converter(dataView: DataView): CheerData; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private getRecomendedFontProperties(text1, text2, parentViewport); private calculateLayout(data, viewport); private ensureStartState(layout, viewport); private clearSelection(); private clearSelectionUI(); private updateSelectionUI(ids); private draw(data, duration, viewport); destroy(): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ScatterChartConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { } interface ScatterChartDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { x: any; y: any; size: any; radius: RadiusData; fill: string; formattedCategory: jsCommon.Lazy; fontSize?: number; } interface ScatterChartDataPointSeries { identityKey: string; dataPoints?: ScatterChartDataPoint[]; hasSize?: boolean; fill?: string; } interface RadiusData { sizeMeasure: DataViewValueColumn; index: number; } interface DataRange { minRange: number; maxRange: number; delta: number; } interface ScatterChartData extends PlayableChartData, ScatterBehaviorChartData { xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn; dataPoints: ScatterChartDataPoint[]; dataPointSeries: ScatterChartDataPointSeries[]; legendData: LegendData; axesLabels: ChartAxesLabels; size?: DataViewMetadataColumn; sizeRange: NumberRange; dataLabelsSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings; defaultDataPointColor?: string; showAllDataPoints?: boolean; hasDynamicSeries?: boolean; fillPoint?: boolean; colorBorder?: boolean; colorByCategory?: boolean; } interface ScatterChartViewModel { xAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; yAxisProperties: IAxisProperties; viewport: IViewport; data: ScatterChartData; drawBubbles: boolean; isPlay: boolean; fillMarkers: boolean; hasSelection: boolean; animationDuration: number; animationOptions: AnimationOptions; easeType: string; suppressDataPointRendering: boolean; } interface ScatterConverterOptions { viewport: IViewport; colors: any; interactivityService?: any; categoryAxisProperties?: any; valueAxisProperties?: any; } /** Styles to apply to scatter chart data point marker */ interface ScatterMarkerStyle { 'stroke-opacity': number; stroke: string; fill: string; 'fill-opacity': number; } interface CartesianExtents { minX: number; maxX: number; minY: number; maxY: number; } class ScatterChart implements ICartesianVisual { private static BubbleRadius; static DefaultBubbleOpacity: number; static DimmedBubbleOpacity: number; static StrokeDarkenColorValue: number; static dataLabelLayoutStartingOffset: number; static dataLabelLayoutOffsetIterationDelta: number; static dataLabelLayoutMaximumOffset: number; private static AreaOf300By300Chart; private static MinSizeRange; private static MaxSizeRange; private static ClassName; static NoAnimationThreshold: number; static NoRenderResizeThreshold: number; private svg; private element; private currentViewport; private style; private data; private dataView; private host; private margin; private colors; private options; private interactivity; private cartesianVisualHost; private isMobileChart; private interactivityService; private categoryAxisProperties; private valueAxisProperties; private animator; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; private renderer; private playAxis; constructor(options: ScatterChartConstructorOptions); init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; static getAdditionalTelemetry(dataView: DataView): any; private static getObjectProperties(dataView, dataLabelsSettings?); static converter(dataView: DataView, options: ScatterConverterOptions, playFrameInfo?: PlayFrameInfo, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): ScatterChartData; private static getSizeRangeForGroups(dataViewValueGroups, sizeColumnIndex); private static createDataPointSeries(reader, dataValues, metadata, categories, categoryValues, categoryFormatter, categoryIdentities, categoryObjects, colorPalette, viewport, hasDynamicSeries, labelSettings, gradientValueColumn, defaultDataPointColor, categoryQueryName, colorByCategory, playFrameInfo, tooltipsEnabled, tooltipBucketEnabled?); static createLazyFormattedCategory(formatter: IValueFormatter, value: string): jsCommon.Lazy; private static createSeriesLegend(dataValues, colorPalette, categorical, formatString, defaultDataPointColor); static getBubbleRadius(radiusData: RadiusData, sizeRange: NumberRange, viewport: IViewport): number; static getMeasureValue(measureIndex: number, seriesValues: DataViewValueColumn[]): DataViewValueColumn; private static getMetadata(grouped, source); /** Create a new viewmodel with default data. */ static getDefaultData(): ScatterChartData; private renderAtFrame(data); setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; private mergeSizeRanges(playData); calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void; private hasSizeMeasure(); private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration); supportsTrendLine(): boolean; private static getExtents(data); calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; shouldSuppressAnimation(): boolean; render(suppressAnimations: boolean, resizeMode?: ResizeMode): CartesianVisualRenderResult; static getStrokeFill(d: ScatterChartDataPoint, colorBorder: boolean): string; static getBubblePixelAreaSizeRange(viewPort: IViewport, minSizeRange: number, maxSizeRange: number): DataRange; static project(value: number, actualSizeDataRange: DataRange, bubblePixelAreaSizeRange: DataRange): number; static projectSizeToPixels(size: number, actualSizeDataRange: DataRange, bubblePixelAreaSizeRange: DataRange): number; static rangeContains(range: DataRange, value: number): boolean; static getMarkerFillOpacity(hasSize: boolean, shouldEnableFill: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, isSelected: boolean): number; static getMarkerStrokeOpacity(hasSize: boolean, colorBorder: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, isSelected: boolean): number; static getMarkerStrokeFill(hasSize: boolean, colorBorder: boolean, fill: string): string; static getMarkerStyle(d: ScatterChartDataPoint, colorBorder: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, fillMarkers: boolean): ScatterMarkerStyle; static getSeriesStyle(hasSize: boolean, colorBorder: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, fillMarkers: boolean, fill: string): ScatterMarkerStyle; static getBubbleOpacity(d: ScatterChartDataPoint, hasSelection: boolean): number; onClearSelection(): void; getSupportedCategoryAxisType(): string; static sortBubbles(a: ScatterChartDataPoint, b: ScatterChartDataPoint): number; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface PlayConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { } interface PlayInitOptions extends CartesianVisualInitOptions { } interface PlayChartDataPoint { frameIndex?: number; } interface PlayChartData { frameData: PlayChartFrameData[]; allViewModels: T[]; currentViewModel: T; currentFrameIndex: number; labelData: PlayAxisTickLabelData; } interface PlayChartFrameData { escapedText: string; text: string; } interface PlayChartViewModel { data: PlayChartData; viewModel: TViewModel; viewport: IViewport; } interface PlayableChartData { dataPoints: any[]; } interface PlayAxisTickLabelInfo { label: string; labelWidth: number; } interface PlayAxisTickLabelData { labelInfo: PlayAxisTickLabelInfo[]; anyWordBreaks: boolean; labelFieldName?: string; } interface PlayChartRenderResult { allDataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[]; viewModel: PlayChartViewModel; } interface PlayChartRenderFrameDelegate { (data: T): void; } interface PlayFrameInfo { label: string; column: DataViewMetadataColumn; } interface VisualDataConverterDelegate { (dataView: DataView, playFrameInfo?: PlayFrameInfo): T; } interface ITraceLineRenderer { render(selectedPoints: SelectableDataPoint[], shouldAnimate: boolean): void; remove(): void; } class PlayAxis { private element; private svg; private playData; private renderDelegate; private isPlaying; private lastViewport; private ridiculousFlagForPersistProperties; private playControl; private host; private interactivityService; private isMobileChart; private static PlayCallout; private static calloutOffsetMultiplier; constructor(options: PlayConstructorOptions); init(options: PlayInitOptions): void; setData(dataView: DataView, visualConverter: VisualDataConverterDelegate): PlayChartData; render(suppressAnimations: boolean, viewModel: TViewModel, viewport: IViewport, margin: IMargin): PlayChartRenderResult; private updateCallout(viewport, margin); play(): void; private playNextFrame(playData, startFrame?, endFrame?); stop(): void; remove(): void; setRenderFunction(fn: PlayChartRenderFrameDelegate): void; getCartesianExtents(existingExtents: CartesianExtents, getExtents: (T) => CartesianExtents): CartesianExtents; setPlayControlPosition(playControlLayout: IRect): void; private moveToFrameAndRender(frameIndex); isCurrentlyPlaying(): boolean; } module PlayChart { const FrameStepDuration: number; const FrameAnimationDuration: number; const ClassName: string; function convertMatrixToCategorical(sourceDataView: DataView, frame: number): DataView; function converter(dataView: DataView, visualConverter: VisualDataConverterDelegate): PlayChartData; function getDefaultPlayData(): PlayChartData; function getMinMaxForAllFrames(playData: PlayChartData, getExtents: (T) => CartesianExtents): CartesianExtents; function isDataViewPlayable(dataView: DataView, playRole?: string): boolean; /** Render trace-lines for selected data points. */ function renderTraceLines(allDataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[], traceLineRenderer: ITraceLineRenderer, shouldAnimate: boolean): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import SemanticFilter =; import SQExpr =; interface CheckboxStyle { transform: string; 'transform-origin': string; 'font-size': string; } class VerticalSlicerRenderer implements ISlicerRenderer, SlicerValueHandler { private element; private currentViewport; private dataView; private header; private body; private container; private listView; private data; private settings; private behavior; private hostServices; private textProperties; private domHelper; constructor(options?: SlicerConstructorOptions); getDefaultValue(): data.SQConstantExpr; getIdentityFields(): SQExpr[]; getUpdatedSelfFilter(searchKey: string): SemanticFilter; init(slicerInitOptions: SlicerInitOptions): IInteractivityService; render(options: SlicerRenderOptions): void; private updateSelectionStyle(); private onEnterSelection(rowSelection); private onUpdateSelection(rowSelection, interactivityService); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class HorizontalSlicerRenderer implements ISlicerRenderer, SlicerValueHandler { private element; private currentViewport; private data; private interactivityService; private behavior; private hostServices; private dataView; private container; private header; private body; private bodyViewport; private itemsContainer; private rightNavigationArrow; private leftNavigationArrow; private dataStartIndex; private itemsToDisplay; private textProperties; private maxItemWidth; private totalItemWidth; private loadMoreData; private domHelper; constructor(options?: SlicerConstructorOptions); getDefaultValue(): data.SQConstantExpr; getIdentityFields(): data.SQExpr[]; getUpdatedSelfFilter(searchKey: string): data.SemanticFilter; init(slicerInitOptions: SlicerInitOptions): IInteractivityService; render(options: SlicerRenderOptions): void; private renderCore(); private updateStyle(); private renderItems(defaultSettings); private bindInteractivityService(); private normalizePosition(points); private bindNavigationEvents(); private registerMouseClickEvents(); private registerMouseWheelScrollEvents(); private onMouseWheel(wheelDelta); private scrollRight(); private scrollLeft(); private isLastRowItem(fieldIndex, columnsToDisplay); private getScaledTextWidth(textSize); private isMaxWidthCalculated(); private calculateAndSetMaxItemWidth(); private calculateAndSetTotalItemWidth(); private getNumberOfItemsToDisplay(widthAvailable); private getDataPointsCount(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import DOMHelper = SlicerUtil.DOMHelper; import SlicerOrientation = slicerOrientation.Orientation; interface SlicerValueHandler { getDefaultValue(): data.SQConstantExpr; getIdentityFields(): data.SQExpr[]; /** gets updated self filter based on the searchKey. * If the searchKey didn't change, then the updated filter will be undefined. */ getUpdatedSelfFilter(searchKey: string): data.SemanticFilter; } interface SlicerConstructorOptions { domHelper?: DOMHelper; behavior?: IInteractiveBehavior; } interface ISlicerRenderer { init(options: SlicerInitOptions): IInteractivityService; render(options: SlicerRenderOptions): void; } interface SlicerRenderOptions { dataView: DataView; data: SlicerData; viewport: IViewport; resetScrollbarPosition?: boolean; } interface SlicerData { categorySourceName: string; slicerDataPoints: SlicerDataPoint[]; slicerSettings: SlicerSettings; hasSelectionOverride?: boolean; defaultValue?: DefaultValueDefinition; searchKey?: string; } interface SlicerDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint { value: string; tooltip: string; isSelectAllDataPoint?: boolean; count: number; isImage?: boolean; } interface SlicerSettings { general: { outlineColor: string; outlineWeight: number; orientation: SlicerOrientation; }; header: { borderBottomWidth: number; show: boolean; outline: string; fontColor: string; background?: string; textSize: number; }; slicerText: { color: string; outline: string; background?: string; textSize: number; }; selection: { selectAllCheckboxEnabled: boolean; singleSelect: boolean; }; search: { enabled: boolean; }; } interface SlicerInitOptions { visualInitOptions: VisualInitOptions; loadMoreData: () => void; } class Slicer implements IVisual { private element; private currentViewport; private dataView; private slicerData; private settings; private interactivityService; private behavior; private hostServices; private slicerRenderer; private slicerOrientation; private waitingForData; private domHelper; private initOptions; static DefaultStyleProperties(): SlicerSettings; constructor(options?: SlicerConstructorOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; loadMoreData(): void; onClearSelection(): void; private render(resetScrollbarPosition, stopWaitingForData?); private orientationHasChanged(slicerOrientation); private initializeSlicerRenderer(slicerOrientation); private initializeVerticalSlicer(); private initializeHorizontalSlicer(); private createInitOptions(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import TablixFormattingProperties = powerbi.visuals.controls.TablixFormattingPropertiesTable; import TablixUtils = controls.internal.TablixUtils; interface DataViewVisualTable extends DataViewTable { visualRows?: DataViewVisualTableRow[]; formattingProperties?: TablixFormattingProperties; } interface DataViewVisualTableRow { index: number; values: DataViewTableRow; } interface TableDataAdapter { update(table: DataViewTable, isDataComplete: boolean): void; } interface TableTotal { totalCells: any[]; } class TableHierarchyNavigator implements controls.ITablixHierarchyNavigator, TableDataAdapter { private tableDataView; private formatter; /** * True if the model is not expecting more data */ private isDataComplete; constructor(tableDataView: DataViewVisualTable, isDataComplete: boolean, formatter: ICustomValueColumnFormatter); /** * Returns the depth of the Columnm hierarchy. */ getColumnHierarchyDepth(): number; /** * Returns the depth of the Row hierarchy. */ getRowHierarchyDepth(): number; /** * Returns the leaf count of a hierarchy. */ getLeafCount(hierarchy: any): number; /** * Returns the leaf member of a hierarchy at a specified index. */ getLeafAt(hierarchy: any, index: number): any; /** * Returns the specified hierarchy member parent. */ getParent(item: any): any; /** * Returns the index of the hierarchy member relative to its parent. */ getIndex(item: any): number; private isRow(item); private getColumnIndex(item); /** * Checks whether a hierarchy member is a leaf. */ isLeaf(item: any): boolean; isRowHierarchyLeaf(cornerItem: any): boolean; isColumnHierarchyLeaf(cornerItem: any): boolean; isFirstItem(item: MatrixVisualNode, items: MatrixVisualNode[]): boolean; areAllParentsFirst(item: any, items: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether a hierarchy member is the last item within its parent. */ isLastItem(item: any, items: any[]): boolean; areAllParentsLast(item: any, items: any[]): boolean; /** * Gets the children members of a hierarchy member. */ getChildren(item: any): any; getChildrenLevelDifference(item: any): number; /** * Gets the members count in a specified collection. */ getCount(items: any): number; /** * Gets the member at the specified index. */ getAt(items: any, index: number): any; /** * Gets the hierarchy member level. */ getLevel(item: any): number; /** * Returns the intersection between a row and a column item. */ getIntersection(rowItem: any, columnItem: DataViewMetadataColumn): TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell; /** * Returns the corner cell between a row and a column level. */ getCorner(rowLevel: number, columnLevel: number): TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell; headerItemEquals(item1: any, item2: any): boolean; bodyCellItemEquals(item1: TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell, item2: TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell): boolean; cornerCellItemEquals(item1: any, item2: any): boolean; update(table: DataViewVisualTable, isDataComplete: boolean): void; static getIndex(items: any[], item: any): number; } interface TableBinderOptions { onBindRowHeader?(item: any): void; onColumnHeaderClick?(queryName: string, sortDirection: SortDirection): void; layoutKind?: controls.TablixLayoutKind; } /** * Note: Public for testability. */ class TableBinder implements controls.ITablixBinder { private options; private formattingProperties; private tableDataView; private fontSizeHeader; private textPropsHeader; private textHeightHeader; private fontSizeValue; private textPropsValue; private textHeightValue; private fontSizeTotal; private textPropsTotal; private textHeightTotal; private rowHeight; constructor(options: TableBinderOptions, dataView?: DataViewVisualTable); updateDataView(dataView: DataViewVisualTable): void; private updateTextHeights(); private hasImage(); onStartRenderingSession(): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; /** * Row Header. */ bindRowHeader(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindRowHeader(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Column Header. */ bindColumnHeader(item: DataViewMetadataColumn, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setColumnHeaderStyle(cell, style); unbindColumnHeader(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Body Cell. */ bindBodyCell(item: TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; setBodyContent(item: TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setBodyStyle(item, cell, style); private setFooterStyle(cell, style); unbindBodyCell(item: TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Corner Cell. */ bindCornerCell(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindCornerCell(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Measurement Helper. */ getHeaderLabel(item: DataViewMetadataColumn): string; getCellContent(item: any): string; hasRowGroups(): boolean; private sortIconsEnabled(); } class Table implements IVisual { private static preferredLoadMoreThreshold; private element; private currentViewport; private style; private formatter; private isInteractive; private getLocalizedString; private hostServices; private tablixControl; private hierarchyNavigator; private waitingForData; private lastAllowHeaderResize; private waitingForSort; private columnWidthManager; private dataView; /** * Flag indicating that we are persisting objects, so that next onDataChanged can be safely ignored. */ persistingObjects: boolean; constructor(); static customizeQuery(options: CustomizeQueryOptions): void; static getSortableRoles(): string[]; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; /** * Note: Public for testability. */ static converter(dataView: DataView): DataViewVisualTable; onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void; getColumnWidthManager(): controls.TablixColumnWidthManager; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; private createColumnWidthManager(); private persistColumnWidths(objectInstances); private updateViewport(newViewport); private refreshControl(clear); private getLayoutKind(); private createOrUpdateHierarchyNavigator(visualTable); private createTablixControl(visualTable); private createControl(dataNavigator, visualTable); private updateInternal(previousDataView, visualTable); private shouldClearControl(previousDataView, newDataView); private createTotalsRow(dataView); private onBindRowHeader(item); private onColumnHeaderClick(queryName, sortDirection); /** * Note: Public for testability. */ needsMoreData(item: any): boolean; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; enumerateObjectRepetition(): VisualObjectRepetition[]; private shouldAllowHeaderResize(); onViewModeChanged(viewMode: ViewMode): void; private verifyHeaderResize(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix = powerbi.visuals.controls.TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix; import TablixUtils = controls.internal.TablixUtils; /** * Extension of the Matrix node for Matrix visual. */ interface MatrixVisualNode extends DataViewMatrixNode { /** * Index of the node in its parent's children collection. * * Note: For size optimization, we could also look this item up in the parent's * children collection, but we may need to pay the perf penalty. */ index?: number; /** * Global index of the node as a leaf node. * If the node is not a leaf, the value is undefined. */ leafIndex?: number; /** * Parent of the node. * Undefined for outermost nodes (children of the one root node). */ parent?: MatrixVisualNode; /** * Children of the same parent */ siblings?: MatrixVisualNode[]; /** * queryName of the node. * If the node is not a leaf, the value is undefined. */ queryName?: string; /** * Formatted text to show for the Node */ valueFormatted?: string; } interface MatrixCornerItem { metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; displayName: string; isColumnHeaderLeaf: boolean; isRowHeaderLeaf: boolean; } class MatrixVisualBodyItem extends TablixUtils.TablixVisualCell { isMeasure: boolean; isValidUrl: boolean; isValidImage: boolean; } /** * Interface for refreshing Matrix Data View. */ interface MatrixDataAdapter { update(dataViewMatrix?: DataViewMatrix, isDataComplete?: boolean, updateColumns?: boolean): void; } interface IMatrixHierarchyNavigator extends controls.ITablixHierarchyNavigator, MatrixDataAdapter { getDataViewMatrix(): DataViewMatrix; getLeafCount(hierarchy: MatrixVisualNode[]): number; getLeafAt(hierarchy: MatrixVisualNode[], index: number): any; getLeafIndex(item: MatrixVisualNode): number; getParent(item: MatrixVisualNode): MatrixVisualNode; getIndex(item: MatrixVisualNode): number; isLeaf(item: MatrixVisualNode): boolean; isRowHierarchyLeaf(item: any): boolean; isColumnHierarchyLeaf(item: any): boolean; isLastItem(item: MatrixVisualNode, items: MatrixVisualNode[]): boolean; getChildren(item: MatrixVisualNode): MatrixVisualNode[]; getCount(items: MatrixVisualNode[]): number; getAt(items: MatrixVisualNode[], index: number): MatrixVisualNode; getLevel(item: MatrixVisualNode): number; getIntersection(rowItem: MatrixVisualNode, columnItem: MatrixVisualNode): MatrixVisualBodyItem; getCorner(rowLevel: number, columnLevel: number): MatrixCornerItem; headerItemEquals(item1: MatrixVisualNode, item2: MatrixVisualNode): boolean; } /** * Factory method used by unit tests. */ function createMatrixHierarchyNavigator(matrix: DataViewMatrix, isDataComplete: boolean, formatter: ICustomValueColumnFormatter, compositeGroupSeparator: string): IMatrixHierarchyNavigator; interface MatrixBinderOptions { onBindRowHeader?(item: MatrixVisualNode): void; totalLabel?: string; onColumnHeaderClick?(queryName: string, sortDirection: SortDirection): void; showSortIcons?: boolean; } class MatrixBinder implements controls.ITablixBinder { private formattingProperties; private hierarchyNavigator; private options; private fontSizeHeader; private textPropsHeader; private textHeightHeader; private fontSizeValue; private textPropsValue; private textHeightValue; private fontSizeTotal; private textPropsTotal; private textHeightTotal; constructor(hierarchyNavigator: IMatrixHierarchyNavigator, options: MatrixBinderOptions); onDataViewChanged(formattingProperties: TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix): void; private updateTextHeights(); onStartRenderingSession(): void; onEndRenderingSession(): void; /** * Row Header. */ bindRowHeader(item: MatrixVisualNode, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setRowHeaderStyle(cell, style); unbindRowHeader(item: any, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Column Header. */ bindColumnHeader(item: MatrixVisualNode, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setColumnHeaderStyle(cell, style); unbindColumnHeader(item: MatrixVisualNode, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private bindHeader(item, cell, cellElement, metadata, style, overwriteSubtotalLabel?); private registerColumnHeaderClickHandler(columnMetadata, cell); private unregisterColumnHeaderClickHandler(cell); /** * Body Cell. */ bindBodyCell(item: MatrixVisualBodyItem, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setBodyCellStyle(cell, item, style); unbindBodyCell(item: MatrixVisualBodyItem, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Corner Cell. */ bindCornerCell(item: MatrixCornerItem, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; private setCornerCellsStyle(cell, style); unbindCornerCell(item: MatrixCornerItem, cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceHeaderCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; bindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; unbindEmptySpaceFooterCell(cell: controls.ITablixCell): void; /** * Measurement Helper. */ getHeaderLabel(item: MatrixVisualNode): string; getCellContent(item: MatrixVisualBodyItem): string; hasRowGroups(): boolean; /** * Returns the column metadata of the column that needs to be sorted for the specified matrix corner node. * * @return Column metadata or null if the specified corner node does not represent a sortable header. */ private getSortableCornerColumnMetadata(item); private getRowHeaderMetadata(item); private getColumnHeaderMetadata(item); private getHierarchyMetadata(hierarchy, level); /** * Returns the column metadata of the column that needs to be sorted for the specified header node. * * @return Column metadata or null if the specified header node does not represent a sortable header. */ private getSortableHeaderColumnMetadata(item); } class Matrix implements IVisual { private static preferredLoadMoreThreshold; /** * Note: Public only for testing. */ static TotalLabel: string; private element; private currentViewport; private style; private dataView; private formatter; private isInteractive; private hostServices; private hierarchyNavigator; private waitingForData; private tablixControl; private lastAllowHeaderResize; private waitingForSort; private columnWidthManager; /** * Flag indicating that we are persisting objects, so that next onDataChanged can be safely ignored. */ persistingObjects: boolean; constructor(); static customizeQuery(options: CustomizeQueryOptions): void; static getSortableRoles(): string[]; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; static converter(dataView: DataView): TablixFormattingPropertiesMatrix; onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void; getColumnWidthManager(): controls.TablixColumnWidthManager; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; private createColumnWidthManager(); private persistColumnWidths(objectInstances); private updateViewport(newViewport); private refreshControl(clear); private getLayoutKind(); private createOrUpdateHierarchyNavigator(rootChanged); private createTablixControl(textSize); private createControl(matrixNavigator, textSize); private updateInternal(textSize, previousDataView); private shouldClearControl(previousDataView, newDataView); private onBindRowHeader(item); private onColumnHeaderClick(queryName, sortDirection); /** * Note: Public for testability. */ needsMoreData(item: MatrixVisualNode): boolean; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private shouldAllowHeaderResize(); onViewModeChanged(viewMode: ViewMode): void; private verifyHeaderResize(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface TreemapConstructorOptions { animator?: ITreemapAnimator; isScrollable: boolean; behavior?: TreemapWebBehavior; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; } interface TreemapData { root: TreemapNode; hasHighlights: boolean; legendData: LegendData; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; legendObjectProperties?: DataViewObject; dataWasCulled: boolean; hasNegativeValues?: boolean; allValuesAreNegative?: boolean; } /** * Treemap node (we extend D3 node (GraphNode) because treemap layout methods rely on the type). */ interface TreemapNode extends D3.Layout.GraphNode, SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { key: any; originalValue: number; highlightMultiplier?: number; highlightValue?: number; originalHighlightValue?: number; color: string; highlightedTooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[]; } interface ITreemapLayout { shapeClass: (d: TreemapNode) => string; shapeLayout: { x: (d: TreemapNode) => number; y: (d: TreemapNode) => number; width: (d: TreemapNode) => number; height: (d: TreemapNode) => number; }; highlightShapeClass: (d: TreemapNode) => string; highlightShapeLayout: { x: (d: TreemapNode) => number; y: (d: TreemapNode) => number; width: (d: TreemapNode) => number; height: (d: TreemapNode) => number; }; zeroShapeLayout: { x: (d: TreemapNode) => number; y: (d: TreemapNode) => number; width: (d: TreemapNode) => number; height: (d: TreemapNode) => number; }; majorLabelClass: (d: TreemapNode) => string; majorLabelLayout: { x: (d: TreemapNode) => number; y: (d: TreemapNode) => number; }; majorLabelText: (d: TreemapNode) => string; minorLabelClass: (d: TreemapNode) => string; minorLabelLayout: { x: (d: TreemapNode) => number; y: (d: TreemapNode) => number; }; minorLabelText: (d: TreemapNode) => string; areMajorLabelsEnabled: () => boolean; areMinorLabelsEnabled: () => boolean; } interface ValueShape { validShape: boolean; dataWasCulled: boolean; } /** * Renders an interactive treemap visual from categorical data. */ class Treemap implements IVisual { static DimmedShapeOpacity: number; private static ClassName; static LabelsGroupClassName: string; static MajorLabelClassName: string; static MinorLabelClassName: string; static ShapesClassName: string; static TreemapNodeClassName: string; static RootNodeClassName: string; static ParentGroupClassName: string; static NodeGroupClassName: string; static HighlightNodeClassName: string; private static TextMargin; private static MinorLabelTextSize; private static MinTextWidthForMinorLabel; private static MajorLabelTextSize; private static MinTextWidthForMajorLabel; private static MajorLabelTextProperties; /** * A rect with an area of 9 is a treemap rectangle of only * a single pixel in the middle with a 1 pixel stroke on each edge. */ private static CullableArea; private svg; private treemap; private shapeGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private currentViewport; private legend; private data; private style; private colors; private element; private options; private isScrollable; private hostService; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; /** * Note: Public for testing. */ animator: ITreemapAnimator; private interactivityService; private behavior; private dataViews; static getLayout(labelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, alternativeScale: number): ITreemapLayout; constructor(options?: TreemapConstructorOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; /** * Note: Public for testing purposes. */ static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, viewport: IViewport, legendObjectProperties?: DataViewObject, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): TreemapData; private static normalizedValue(value, allValuesAreNegative); private static getValuesFromCategoricalDataView(dataView, hasHighlights, valueColumnRoleName); private static getCullableValue(totalValue, viewport); update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; onClearSelection(): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration, data); private enumerateLegend(data); static checkValueForShape(value: any, cullableValue: number, allValuesAreNegative: boolean, dataWasCulled: boolean): ValueShape; private calculateTreemapSize(); private initViewportDependantProperties(duration?); private static hasChildrenWithIdentity(node); private static canDisplayMajorLabel(node); private static canDisplayMinorLabel(node, labelSettings); private static createMajorLabelText(node, labelsSettings, alternativeScale, formattersCache); private static createMinorLabelText(node, labelsSettings, alternativeScale, formattersCache); static getFill(d: TreemapNode, isHighlightRect: boolean): string; static getFillOpacity(d: TreemapNode, hasSelection: boolean, hasHighlights: boolean, isHighlightRect: boolean): string; private updateInternal(suppressAnimations); private renderLegend(); private static getNodeClass(d, highlight?); private static createTreemapShapeLayout(isHighlightRect?); private static createTreemapZeroShapeLayout(); static drawDefaultShapes(context: D3.Selection, nodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[], hasSelection: boolean, hasHighlights: boolean, layout: ITreemapLayout): D3.UpdateSelection; static drawDefaultHighlightShapes(context: D3.Selection, nodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[], hasSelection: boolean, hasHighlights: boolean, layout: ITreemapLayout): D3.UpdateSelection; static drawDefaultMajorLabels(context: D3.Selection, nodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[], labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, layout: ITreemapLayout): D3.UpdateSelection; static drawDefaultMinorLabels(context: D3.Selection, nodes: D3.Layout.GraphNode[], labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, layout: ITreemapLayout): D3.UpdateSelection; static cleanMinorLabels(context: D3.Selection): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface CardStyleText { textSize: number; color: string; paddingTop?: number; } interface CardStyleValue extends CardStyleText { fontFamily: string; } interface CardStyle { card: { maxFontSize: number; }; label: CardStyleText; value: CardStyleValue; } interface CardSmallViewportProperties { cardSmallViewportWidth: number; } interface CardConstructorOptions { isScrollable?: boolean; displayUnitSystemType?: DisplayUnitSystemType; animator?: IGenericAnimator; cardSmallViewportProperties?: CardSmallViewportProperties; } interface CardFormatSetting { textSize: number; labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; wordWrap: boolean; } class Card extends AnimatedText implements IVisual { private static cardClassName; private static Label; private static Value; private static KPIImage; private static cardTextProperties; static DefaultStyle: CardStyle; private animationOptions; private displayUnitSystemType; private isScrollable; private graphicsContext; private labelContext; private cardFormatSetting; private kpiImage; private cardSmallViewportProperties; constructor(options?: CardConstructorOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; private updateViewportProperties(); private setTextProperties(text, fontSize); private getCardFormatTextSize(); private isSmallViewport(); private getCardPrecision(isSmallViewport?); private getCardDisplayUnits(isSmallViewport?); getAdjustedFontHeight(availableWidth: number, textToMeasure: string, seedFontHeight: number): number; clear(valueOnly?: boolean): void; private updateInternal(target, suppressAnimations, forceUpdate?); private displayStatusGraphic(statusGraphicInfo, translateX, translateY, labelTextSizeInPx); private getDefaultFormatSettings(); enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { class OwlGauge implements IVisual { private static owlBodySvg; private static owlTailSvg; private static visualBgSvg; private static owlBodyHeightMultiplier; private static owlTailHeightMultiplier; private static visualBgHeightMultiplier; private static OwlDemoMode; static capabilities: VisualCapabilities; static converter(dataView: DataView): any; private static getGaugeData(dataView); private rootElem; private svgBgElem; private svgBodyElem; private svgTailElem; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; private updateGauge(percentage); private happinessLevel; private updateViewportSize(width, height); } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import IStringResourceProvider = jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider; class NoMapLocationWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class FilledMapWithoutValidGeotagCategoryWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class GeometryCulledWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class NegativeValuesNotSupportedWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class AllNegativeValuesWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class NaNNotSupportedWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class InfinityValuesNotSupportedWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class ValuesOutOfRangeWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class ZeroValueWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class VisualKPIDataMissingWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } class ScriptVisualRefreshWarning implements IVisualWarning { code: string; getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface WaterfallChartData extends CartesianData { series: WaterfallChartSeries[]; categories: any[]; valuesMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; legend: LegendData; hasHighlights: boolean; categoryMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn; positionMax: number; positionMin: number; sentimentColors: WaterfallChartSentimentColors; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; axesLabels: ChartAxesLabels; } interface WaterfallChartSeries extends CartesianSeries { data: WaterfallChartDataPoint[]; } interface WaterfallChartDataPoint extends CartesianDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint { position: number; color: string; highlight: boolean; key: string; isTotal?: boolean; } interface WaterfallChartConstructorOptions extends CartesianVisualConstructorOptions { } interface WaterfallChartSentimentColors { increaseFill: Fill; decreaseFill: Fill; totalFill: Fill; } interface WaterfallLayout extends CategoryLayout, ILabelLayout { categoryWidth: number; } class WaterfallChart implements ICartesianVisual { static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier; private static WaterfallClassName; private static MainGraphicsContextClassName; private static IncreaseLabel; private static DecreaseLabel; private static TotalLabel; private static CategoryValueClasses; private static WaterfallConnectorClasses; private static defaultTotalColor; private static validLabelPositions; private static validZeroLabelPosition; private svg; private mainGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private mainGraphicsSVG; private xAxisProperties; private yAxisProperties; private currentViewport; private margin; private data; private element; private isScrollable; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; /** * Note: If we overflowed horizontally then this holds the subset of data we should render. */ private clippedData; private style; private colors; private hostServices; private cartesianVisualHost; private interactivity; private options; private interactivityService; private layout; constructor(options: WaterfallChartConstructorOptions); init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void; static converter(dataView: DataView, palette: IDataColorPalette, hostServices: IVisualHostServices, dataLabelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings, sentimentColors: WaterfallChartSentimentColors, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): WaterfallChartData; setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void; enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void; private enumerateSentimentColors(enumeration); calculateLegend(): LegendData; hasLegend(): boolean; private static createClippedDataIfOverflowed(data, renderableDataCount); calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[]; private static getDisplayUnitValueFromAxisFormatter(yAxisProperties, labelSettings); private static lookupXValue(data, index, type); static getXAxisCreationOptions(data: WaterfallChartData, width: number, layout: CategoryLayout, options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): CreateAxisOptions; static getYAxisCreationOptions(data: WaterfallChartData, height: number, options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): CreateAxisOptions; getPreferredPlotArea(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport; getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar(): boolean; overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void; setFilteredData(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): any; private createRects(data); private createConnectors(data); render(suppressAnimations: boolean): CartesianVisualRenderResult; onClearSelection(): void; getSupportedCategoryAxisType(): string; static getRectTop(scale: D3.Scale.GenericScale, pos: number, value: number): number; private getAvailableWidth(); private getAvailableHeight(); private getSentimentColorsFromObjects(objects); createLabelDataPoints(): LabelDataPoint[]; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { import TouchUtils = powerbi.visuals.controls.TouchUtils; interface TooltipDataItem { displayName: string; value: string; color?: string; header?: string; opacity?: string; } interface TooltipOptions { opacity: number; animationDuration: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; } interface TooltipEnabledDataPoint { tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[]; } interface TooltipCategoryDataItem { value?: any; metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn[]; } interface TooltipSeriesDataItem { value?: any; highlightedValue?: any; metadata: DataViewValueColumn; } interface TooltipLocalizationOptions { highlightedValueDisplayName: string; } interface TooltipEvent { data: any; coordinates: number[]; elementCoordinates: number[]; context: HTMLElement; isTouchEvent: boolean; } class ToolTipComponent { tooltipOptions: TooltipOptions; private static DefaultTooltipOptions; private tooltipContainer; private isTooltipVisible; private currentTooltipData; private customScreenWidth; private customScreenHeight; static parentContainerSelector: string; static highlightedValueDisplayNameResorceKey: string; static localizationOptions: TooltipLocalizationOptions; constructor(tooltipOptions?: TooltipOptions); isTooltipComponentVisible(): boolean; /** Note: For tests only */ setTestScreenSize(width: number, height: number): void; show(tooltipData: TooltipDataItem[], clickedArea: TouchUtils.Rectangle): void; move(tooltipData: TooltipDataItem[], clickedArea: TouchUtils.Rectangle): void; hide(): void; private createTooltipContainer(); private setTooltipContent(tooltipData); private getTooltipPosition(clickedArea, clickedScreenArea); private setPosition(clickedArea); private setTooltipContainerClass(clickedScreenArea); private setArrowPosition(clickedScreenArea); private getArrowElement(); private getClickedScreenArea(clickedArea); } module TooltipManager { let ShowTooltips: boolean; let ToolTipInstance: ToolTipComponent; function addTooltip(selection: D3.Selection, getTooltipInfoDelegate: (tooltipEvent: TooltipEvent) => TooltipDataItem[], reloadTooltipDataOnMouseMove?: boolean, onMouseOutDelegate?: () => void): void; function showDelayedTooltip(tooltipEvent: TooltipEvent, getTooltipInfoDelegate: (tooltipEvent: TooltipEvent) => TooltipDataItem[], delayInMs: number): number; function hideDelayedTooltip(): number; function setLocalizedStrings(localizationOptions: TooltipLocalizationOptions): void; } module TooltipBuilder { function createTooltipInfo(formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, dataViewCat: DataViewCategorical, categoryValue: any, value?: any, categories?: DataViewCategoryColumn[], seriesData?: TooltipSeriesDataItem[], seriesIndex?: number, categoryIndex?: number, highlightedValue?: any, gradientValueColumn?: DataViewValueColumn): TooltipDataItem[]; function createGradientToolTipData(gradientValueColumn: DataViewValueColumn, categoryIndex: number): TooltipSeriesDataItem; function addTooltipBucketItem(reader: data.IDataViewCategoricalReader, tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[], categoryIndex: number, seriesIndex?: number): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module visualStyles { function create(dataColors?: IDataColorPalette): IVisualStyle; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface DonutSmallViewPortProperties { maxHeightToScaleDonutLegend: number; } interface DonutConstructorOptions { sliceWidthRatio?: number; animator?: IDonutChartAnimator; isScrollable?: boolean; disableGeometricCulling?: boolean; behavior?: IInteractiveBehavior; tooltipsEnabled?: boolean; tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean; smallViewPortProperties?: DonutSmallViewPortProperties; } /** * Used because data points used in D3 pie layouts are placed within a container with pie information. */ interface DonutArcDescriptor extends D3.Layout.ArcDescriptor { data: DonutDataPoint; } interface DonutDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint { measure: number; originalMeasure: number; measureFormat?: string; percentage: number; highlightRatio?: number; highlightValue?: number; originalHighlightValue?: number; label: string; index: number; /** Data points that may be drilled into */ internalDataPoints?: DonutDataPoint[]; color: string; strokeWidth: number; labelFormatString: string; /** This is set to true only when it's the last slice and all slices have the same color*/ isLastInDonut?: boolean; } interface DonutData { dataPointsToDeprecate: DonutDataPoint[]; dataPoints: DonutArcDescriptor[]; unCulledDataPoints: DonutDataPoint[]; dataPointsToEnumerate?: LegendDataPoint[]; legendData: LegendData; hasHighlights: boolean; highlightsOverflow: boolean; dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings; legendObjectProperties?: DataViewObject; maxValue?: number; visibleGeometryCulled?: boolean; defaultDataPointColor?: string; hasNegativeValues?: boolean; allValuesAreNegative?: boolean; } interface DonutLayout { shapeLayout: { d: (d: DonutArcDescriptor) => string; }; highlightShapeLayout: { d: (d: DonutArcDescriptor) => string; }; zeroShapeLayout: { d: (d: DonutArcDescriptor) => string; }; } /** * Renders a donut chart. */ class DonutChart implements IVisual { private static ClassName; private static InteractiveLegendClassName; private static InteractiveLegendArrowClassName; private static OuterArcRadiusRatio; private static InnerArcRadiusRatio; private static OpaqueOpacity; private static SemiTransparentOpacity; private static defaultSliceWidthRatio; private static invisibleArcLengthInPixels; private static sliceClass; private static sliceHighlightClass; private static twoPi; static InteractiveLegendContainerHeight: number; static EffectiveZeroValue: number; static PolylineOpacity: number; private dataViews; private sliceWidthRatio; private svg; private mainGraphicsContext; private labelGraphicsContext; private clearCatcher; private legendContainer; private interactiveLegendArrow; private parentViewport; private currentViewport; private formatter; private data; private pie; private arc; private outerArc; private radius; private previousRadius; private key; private colors; private style; private drilled; private allowDrilldown; private options; private isInteractive; private interactivityState; private chartRotationAnimationDuration; private interactivityService; private behavior; private legend; private hasSetData; private isScrollable; private disableGeometricCulling; private hostService; private settings; private tooltipsEnabled; private tooltipBucketEnabled; private donutProperties; private maxHeightToScaleDonutLegend; /** * Note: Public for testing. */ animator: IDonutChartAnimator; constructor(options?: DonutConstructorOptions); static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, defaultDataPointColor?: string, viewport?: IViewport, disableGeometricCulling?: boolean, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService, tooltipsEnabled?: boolean, tooltipBucketEnabled?: boolean): DonutData; init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; onDataChanged(options: VisualDataChangedOptions): void; onResizing(viewport: IViewport): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration; private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration); private enumerateLegend(enumeration); setInteractiveChosenSlice(sliceIndex: number): void; private calculateRadius(); private getScaleForLegendArrow(); private initViewportDependantProperties(duration?); private initDonutProperties(); private mergeDatasets(first, second); private updateInternal(data, suppressAnimations, duration?); private createLabels(); private createLabelDataPoints(); private createLabelDataPoint(d, alternativeScale, measureFormatterCache); private renderLegend(); private addInteractiveLegendArrow(); private calculateSliceAngles(); private assignInteractions(slices, highlightSlices, data); private assignInteractiveChartInteractions(slice); /** * Get the angle (in degrees) of the drag event coordinates. * The angle is calculated against the plane of the center of the donut * (meaning, when the center of the donut is at (0,0) coordinates). */ private getAngleFromDragEvent(); private interactiveDragStart(); private interactiveDragMove(); private interactiveDragEnd(); private updateInternalToMove(data, duration?); static drawDefaultShapes(graphicsContext: D3.Selection, donutData: DonutData, layout: DonutLayout, colors: IDataColorPalette, radius: number, hasSelection: boolean, sliceWidthRatio: number, defaultColor?: string): D3.UpdateSelection; static drawDefaultHighlightShapes(graphicsContext: D3.Selection, donutData: DonutData, layout: DonutLayout, colors: IDataColorPalette, radius: number, sliceWidthRatio: number): D3.UpdateSelection; /** Set true to the last data point when all slices have the same color */ static isSingleColor(dataPoints: DonutArcDescriptor[]): void; static drawStrokeForDonutChart(radius: number, innerArcRadiusRatio: number, d: DonutArcDescriptor, sliceWidthRatio: number, highlightRatio?: number): string; onClearSelection(): void; static getLayout(radius: number, sliceWidthRatio: number, viewport: IViewport): DonutLayout; private static getHighlightRadius(radius, sliceWidthRatio, highlightRatio); static cullDataByViewport(dataPoints: DonutDataPoint[], maxValue: number, viewport: IViewport): DonutDataPoint[]; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface ScriptVisualDataViewObjects extends DataViewObjects { script: ScriptObject; } interface ScriptObject extends DataViewObject { provider: string; source: string; } interface ScriptVisualOptions { canRefresh: boolean; } class ScriptVisual implements IVisual { private element; private imageBackgroundElement; private hostServices; private canRefresh; constructor(options: ScriptVisualOptions); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void; private getImageUrl(dataView); private ensureHtmlElement(); } } declare module powerbi.visuals.system { class DebugVisual implements IVisual { static capabilities: VisualCapabilities; private static autoReloadPollTime; private static errorMessageTemplate; private adapter; private container; private visualContainer; private optionsForVisual; private host; private autoRefreshBtn; private refreshBtn; private dataBtn; private lastUpdateOptions; private lastUpdateStatus; private visualGuid; private autoReloadInterval; private statusLoading; private dataViewShowing; private reloadAdapter(auto?); private loadVisual(guid); /** * Toggles auto reload * if value is set it sets it to true = on / false = off */ private toggleAutoReload(value?); /** * Toggles dataViewer * if value is set it sets it to true = on / false = off */ private toggleDataview(value?); private createRefreshBtn(); private createAutoRefreshBtn(); private createDataBtn(); private createHelpBtn(); private createSmilyBtn(); private buildControls(); private buildErrorMessage(options); private setCapabilities(capabilities); init(options: VisualInitOptions): void; update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void; enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[]; destroy(): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.plugins { const animatedNumber: IVisualPlugin; let areaChart: IVisualPlugin; let barChart: IVisualPlugin; let basicShape: IVisualPlugin; let card: IVisualPlugin; let multiRowCard: IVisualPlugin; let clusteredBarChart: IVisualPlugin; let clusteredColumnChart: IVisualPlugin; let columnChart: IVisualPlugin; let comboChart: IVisualPlugin; let dataDotChart: IVisualPlugin; let dataDotClusteredColumnComboChart: IVisualPlugin; let dataDotStackedColumnComboChart: IVisualPlugin; let donutChart: IVisualPlugin; let funnel: IVisualPlugin; let gauge: IVisualPlugin; let hundredPercentStackedBarChart: IVisualPlugin; let hundredPercentStackedColumnChart: IVisualPlugin; let image: IVisualPlugin; let lineChart: IVisualPlugin; let lineStackedColumnComboChart: IVisualPlugin; let lineClusteredColumnComboChart: IVisualPlugin; let map: IVisualPlugin; let filledMap: IVisualPlugin; let treemap: IVisualPlugin; let pieChart: IVisualPlugin; let scatterChart: IVisualPlugin; let stackedAreaChart: IVisualPlugin; let table: IVisualPlugin; let matrix: IVisualPlugin; let slicer: IVisualPlugin; let textbox: IVisualPlugin; let waterfallChart: IVisualPlugin; let cheerMeter: IVisualPlugin; let consoleWriter: IVisualPlugin; let helloIVisual: IVisualPlugin; let owlGauge: IVisualPlugin; let scriptVisual: IVisualPlugin; let kpi: IVisualPlugin; let debugVisual: IVisualPlugin; } declare module powerbi.visuals { module CanvasBackgroundHelper { function getDefaultColor(): string; function getDefaultValues(): { color: string; }; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { interface IScaledRange { getValue(): ValueRange; setValue(value: ValueRange): any; setScaledValue(value: ValueRange): any; getScaledValue(): ValueRange; } /** * Implements IRange interface for the Date type. */ class DateRange implements IScaledRange { private value; private scaledValue; private scale; constructor(min: Date, max: Date, start?: Date, end?: Date); getScaledValue(): ValueRange; setValue(original: ValueRange): void; getValue(): ValueRange; /** * Updates scaled value. * Value should in range [0 .. 100]. */ setScaledValue(value: ValueRange): void; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { const tableStylePresets: VisualStylePresets; }