declare module jsCommon { /** * DOM constants. */ module DOMConstants { /** * Integer codes corresponding to individual keys on the keyboard. */ const escKeyCode: number; const enterKeyCode: number; const tabKeyCode: number; const upArrowKeyCode: number; const downArrowKeyCode: number; const leftArrowKeyCode: number; const rightArrowKeyCode: number; const homeKeyCode: number; const endKeyCode: number; const backSpaceKeyCode: number; const deleteKeyCode: number; const spaceKeyCode: number; const shiftKeyCode: number; const ctrlKeyCode: number; const altKeyCode: number; const aKeyCode: number; const cKeyCode: number; const sKeyCode: number; const vKeyCode: number; const wKeyCode: number; const xKeyCode: number; const yKeyCode: number; const zKeyCode: number; /** * DOM Elements. */ const DocumentBody: string; const Anchor: string; const EditableTextElements: string; const EditableNumericElements: string; /** * DOM Attributes and values. */ const disabledAttributeOrValue: string; const readonlyAttributeOrValue: string; const idAttribute: string; const styleAttribute: string; const hrefAttribute: string; const targetAttribute: string; const blankValue: string; const selfValue: string; const classAttribute: string; const titleAttribute: string; const srcAttribute: string; /** * DOM event names. */ const contextmenuEventName: string; const blurEventName: string; const keyUpEventName: string; const inputEventName: string; const changeEventName: string; const cutEventName: string; const keyDownEventName: string; const mouseMoveEventName: string; const mouseDownEventName: string; const mouseEnterEventName: string; const mouseLeaveEventName: string; const mouseOverEventName: string; const mouseOutEventName: string; const mouseClickEventName: string; const pasteEventName: string; const scrollEventName: string; const dropEventName: string; const focusEventName: string; const focusInEventName: string; const focusOutEventName: string; const selectEventName: string; const messageEventName: string; const loadEventName: string; const beforeUnload: string; /** * Common DOM event combination names. */ const inputAndSelectEventNames: string; } } declare module powerbi { import IStringResourceProvider = jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider; const RS_AccessDeniedDueToRLSGroup: string; const RS_CannotRetrieveModel: string; interface ServiceError { statusCode: number; /** * This error code corresponds with a PowerBIServiceException that happened on the server. */ errorCode?: string; /** * Message and stack trace should only be sent in non-production environments. */ message?: string; stackTrace?: string; errorDetails?: PowerBIErrorDetail[]; parameters?: ErrorParameter[]; } interface PowerBIErrorDetail { code: string; detail: PowerBIErrorDetailValue; } interface ErrorParameter { Key: string; Value: string; } interface PowerBIErrorDetailValue { type: PowerBIErrorResourceType; value: string; } enum PowerBIErrorResourceType { ResourceCodeReference = 0, EmbeddedString = 1, } const enum ServiceErrorStatusCode { GeneralError = 0, CsdlFetching = 1, CsdlConvertXmlToConceptualSchema = 2, CsdlCreateClientSchema = 3, ExecuteSemanticQueryError = 4, ExecuteSemanticQueryInvalidStreamFormat = 5, ExecuteSemanticQueryTransformError = 6, } class ServiceErrorToClientError implements IClientError { private m_serviceError; private httpRequestId; private static codeName; code: string; ignorable: boolean; requestId: string; constructor(serviceError: ServiceError); getDetails(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; } class PowerBIErrorDetailHelper { private static serverErrorPrefix; static addAdditionalInfo(errorDetails: ErrorDetails, pbiErrorDetails: PowerBIErrorDetail[], localize: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; static addDebugErrorInfo(errorDetails: ErrorDetails, errorCode: string, message: string, stackTrace: string): ErrorDetails; static GetDetailsFromTransformError(localize: IStringResourceProvider, serviceError: ServiceError): ErrorDetails; static GetDetailsFromServerError(localize: IStringResourceProvider, serviceError: ServiceError): ErrorDetails; } } declare module powerbi { let build: any; let buildDetails: any; let customVisualsUrl: any; } declare module powerbi { const CategoryTypes: { Address: string; City: string; Continent: string; CountryRegion: string; County: string; Longitude: string; Latitude: string; Place: string; PostalCode: string; StateOrProvince: string; }; interface IGeoTaggingAnalyzerService { isLongitudeOrLatitude(fieldRefName: string): boolean; isGeographic(fieldRefName: string): boolean; isGeocodable(fieldRefName: string): boolean; getFieldType(fieldName: string): string; isGeoshapable(fieldRefName: string): boolean; } function createGeoTaggingAnalyzerService(getLocalized: (string) => string): IGeoTaggingAnalyzerService; class GeoTaggingAnalyzerService implements IGeoTaggingAnalyzerService { private GeotaggingString_Continent; private GeotaggingString_Continents; private GeotaggingString_Country; private GeotaggingString_Countries; private GeotaggingString_State; private GeotaggingString_States; private GeotaggingString_City; private GeotaggingString_Cities; private GeotaggingString_Town; private GeotaggingString_Towns; private GeotaggingString_Province; private GeotaggingString_Provinces; private GeotaggingString_County; private GeotaggingString_Counties; private GeotaggingString_Village; private GeotaggingString_Villages; private GeotaggingString_Post; private GeotaggingString_Zip; private GeotaggingString_Code; private GeotaggingString_Place; private GeotaggingString_Places; private GeotaggingString_Address; private GeotaggingString_Addresses; private GeotaggingString_Street; private GeotaggingString_Streets; private GeotaggingString_Longitude; private GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short; private GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short2; private GeotaggingString_Latitude; private GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short; private GeotaggingString_PostalCode; private GeotaggingString_PostalCodes; private GeotaggingString_ZipCode; private GeotaggingString_ZipCodes; private GeotaggingString_Territory; private GeotaggingString_Territories; private GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_CountryRegion; private GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_StateOrProvince; constructor(getLocalized: (string) => string); isLongitudeOrLatitude(fieldRefName: string): boolean; isGeographic(fieldRefName: string): boolean; isGeocodable(fieldRefName: string): boolean; isGeoshapable(fieldRefName: string): boolean; private isGeoshapableEnglish(fieldRefName); private isAddress(fieldRefName); private isPlace(fieldRefName); private isCity(fieldRefName); private isStateOrProvince(fieldRefName); private isCountry(fieldRefName); private isCounty(fieldRefName); private isContinent(fieldRefName); private isPostalCode(fieldRefName); private isLongitude(fieldRefName); private isLatitude(fieldRefName); private isTerritory(fieldRefName); private static hasMatches(fieldName, possibleMatches, useStrict?); getFieldType(fieldName: string): string; private isEnglishAddress(fieldRefName); private isEnglishPlace(fieldRefName); private isEnglishCity(fieldRefName); private isEnglishStateOrProvince(fieldRefName); private isEnglishCountry(fieldRefName); private isEnglishCounty(fieldRefName); private isEnglishContinent(fieldRefName); private isEnglishPostalCode(fieldRefName); private isEnglishLongitude(fieldRefName); private isEnglishLatitude(fieldRefName); protected isEnglishTerritory(fieldRefName: string): boolean; private getEnglishFieldType(fieldName); } } declare var DEBUG: boolean; declare module powerbi { import IStringResourceProvider = jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider; interface ILocalizableError { getDetails(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; } interface IClientError extends ILocalizableError { code: string; debugInfo?: string; ignorable?: boolean; requestId?: string; } interface IClientWarning extends ILocalizableError { code: string; columnNameFromIndex: (index: number) => string; } /** * Unlocalized strings to be used for error reporting. */ module ClientErrorStrings { const ClientErrorCode: string; const ErrorCode: string; const ErrorDetails: string; const HttpRequestId: string; const JobId: string; const ODataErrorMessage: string; const StackTrace: string; } /** this base class should be derived to give a generic error message but with a unique error code. */ abstract class UnknownClientError implements IClientError { private errorCode; code: string; ignorable: boolean; constructor(code: string); getDetails(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; } class HttpClientError implements IClientError { private httpRequestId; private httpStatusCode; constructor(httpStatusCode: number, requestId: string); code: string; ignorable: boolean; requestId: string; getDetails(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; } class IgnorableClientError implements IClientError { code: string; ignorable: boolean; getDetails(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): ErrorDetails; } } declare module jsCommon { interface ArrayIdItems extends Array { withId(id: number): T; } interface ArrayNamedItems extends Array { withName(name: string): T; } /** * Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. */ interface IComparer { /** * Returns a signed number that indicates the relative values of x and y, as shown in the following table. * * Value | Meaning * ------------------|-------------------- * Less than zero | a is less than b * Zero | a equals b * Greater than zero | a is greater than b */ (a: T, b: T): number; } module ArrayExtensions { /** * Returns items that exist in target and other. */ function intersect(target: T[], other: T[]): T[]; /** * Return elements exists in target but not exists in other. */ function diff(target: T[], other: T[]): T[]; /** * Return an array with only the distinct items in the source. */ function distinct(source: T[]): T[]; /** * Pushes content of source onto target, * for parts of course that do not already exist in target. */ function union(target: T[], source: T[]): void; /** * Pushes value onto target, if value does not already exist in target. */ function unionSingle(target: T[], value: T): void; /** * Returns an array with a range of items from source, * including the startIndex & endIndex. */ function range(source: T[], startIndex: number, endIndex: number): T[]; /** * Returns an array that includes items from source, up to the specified count. */ function take(source: T[], count: number): T[]; function copy(source: T[]): T[]; /** * Returns a value indicating whether the arrays have the same values in the same sequence. */ function sequenceEqual(left: T[], right: T[], comparison: (x: T, y: T) => boolean): boolean; /** * Returns null if the specified array is empty. * Otherwise returns the specified array. */ function emptyToNull(array: T[]): T[]; function indexOf(array: T[], predicate: (T) => boolean): number; /** * Returns a copy of the array rotated by the specified offset. */ function rotate(array: T[], offset: number): T[]; function createWithId(): ArrayIdItems; function extendWithId(array: { id: number; }[]): ArrayIdItems; /** * Finds and returns the first item with a matching ID. */ function findWithId(array: T[], id: number): T; function createWithName(): ArrayNamedItems; function extendWithName(array: { name: string; }[]): ArrayNamedItems; function findItemWithName(array: T[], name: string): T; function indexWithName(array: T[], name: string): number; /** * Inserts a number in sorted order into a list of numbers already in sorted order. * @returns True if the item was added, false if it already existed. */ function insertSorted(list: number[], value: number): boolean; /** * Removes the first occurrence of a value from a list if it exists. * @returns True if the value was removed, false if it did not exist in the list. */ function removeFirst(list: T[], value: T): boolean; /** * Deletes all items from the array. */ function clear(array: any[]): void; function isUndefinedOrEmpty(array: any[]): boolean; function swap(array: T[], firstIndex: number, secondIndex: number): void; function isInArray(array: T[], lookupItem: T, compareCallback: (item1: T, item2: T) => boolean): boolean; /** Checks if the given object is an Array, and looking all the way up the prototype chain. */ function isArrayOrInheritedArray(obj: {}): obj is Array; /** * Returns true if the specified values array is sorted in an order as determined by the specified compareFunction. */ function isSorted(values: T[], compareFunction: IComparer): boolean; /** * Returns true if the specified number values array is sorted in ascending order * (or descending order if the specified descendingOrder is truthy). */ function isSortedNumeric(values: number[], descendingOrder?: boolean): boolean; } } declare module InJs { module DomFactory { function div(): JQuery; function span(): JQuery; function checkbox(): JQuery; function ul(): JQuery; function li(): JQuery; function button(): JQuery; function select(): JQuery; function textBox(): JQuery; function img(): JQuery; function iframe(): JQuery; } } declare module powerbi { /** * Module Double contains a set of constants and precision based utility methods * for dealing with doubles and their decimal garbage in the javascript. */ module Double { const MIN_VALUE: number; const MAX_VALUE: number; const MIN_EXP: number; const MAX_EXP: number; const EPSILON: number; const DEFAULT_PRECISION: number; const DEFAULT_PRECISION_IN_DECIMAL_DIGITS: number; const LOG_E_10: number; const POSITIVE_POWERS: number[]; const NEGATIVE_POWERS: number[]; /** * Returns powers of 10. * Unlike the Math.pow this function produces no decimal garbage. * @param exp Exponent. */ function pow10(exp: number): number; /** * Returns the 10 base logarithm of the number. * Unlike Math.log function this produces integer results with no decimal garbage. * @param val Positive value or zero. */ function log10(val: number): number; /** * Returns a power of 10 representing precision of the number based on the number of meaningful decimal digits. * For example the precision of 56,263.3767 with the 6 meaningful decimal digit is 0.1. * @param x Value. * @param decimalDigits How many decimal digits are meaningfull. */ function getPrecision(x: number, decimalDigits?: number): number; /** * Checks if a delta between 2 numbers is less than provided precision. * @param x One value. * @param y Another value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function equalWithPrecision(x: number, y: number, precision?: number): boolean; /** * Checks if a first value is less than another taking * into account the loose precision based equality. * @param x One value. * @param y Another value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function lessWithPrecision(x: number, y: number, precision?: number): boolean; /** * Checks if a first value is less or equal than another taking * into account the loose precision based equality. * @param x One value. * @param y Another value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function lessOrEqualWithPrecision(x: number, y: number, precision?: number): boolean; /** * Checks if a first value is greater than another taking * into account the loose precision based equality. * @param x One value. * @param y Another value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function greaterWithPrecision(x: number, y: number, precision?: number): boolean; /** * Checks if a first value is greater or equal to another taking * into account the loose precision based equality. * @param x One value. * @param y Another value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function greaterOrEqualWithPrecision(x: number, y: number, precision?: number): boolean; /** * Floors the number unless it's withing the precision distance from the higher int. * @param x One value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function floorWithPrecision(x: number, precision?: number): number; /** * Ceils the number unless it's withing the precision distance from the lower int. * @param x One value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function ceilWithPrecision(x: number, precision?: number): number; /** * Floors the number to the provided precision. * For example 234,578 floored to 1,000 precision is 234,000. * @param x One value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function floorToPrecision(x: number, precision?: number): number; /** * Ceils the number to the provided precision. * For example 234,578 floored to 1,000 precision is 235,000. * @param x One value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function ceilToPrecision(x: number, precision?: number): number; /** * Rounds the number to the provided precision. * For example 234,578 floored to 1,000 precision is 235,000. * @param x One value. * @param precision Precision value. */ function roundToPrecision(x: number, precision?: number): number; /** * Returns the value making sure that it's restricted to the provided range. * @param x One value. * @param min Range min boundary. * @param max Range max boundary. */ function ensureInRange(x: number, min: number, max: number): number; /** * Rounds the value - this method is actually faster than Math.round - used in the graphics utils. * @param x Value to round. */ function round(x: number): number; /** * Projects the value from the source range into the target range. * @param value Value to project. * @param fromMin Minimum of the source range. * @param toMin Minimum of the target range. * @param toMax Maximum of the target range. */ function project(value: number, fromMin: number, fromSize: number, toMin: number, toSize: number): number; /** * Removes decimal noise. * @param value Value to be processed. */ function removeDecimalNoise(value: number): number; /** * Checks whether the number is integer. * @param value Value to be checked. */ function isInteger(value: number): boolean; /** * Dividing by increment will give us count of increments * Round out the rough edges into even integer * Multiply back by increment to get rounded value * e.g. Rounder.toIncrement(0.647291, 0.05) => 0.65 * @param value - value to round to nearest increment * @param increment - smallest increment to round toward */ function toIncrement(value: number, increment: number): number; } } declare module jsCommon { module Color { function rotate(rgbString: string, rotateFactor: number): string; function normalizeToHexString(color: string): string; function parseColorString(color: string): RgbColor; function darken(color: RgbColor, diff: number): RgbColor; function rgbString(color: RgbColor): string; function hexString(color: RgbColor): string; /** * Overlays a color with opacity over a background color * @param {string} foreColor Color to overlay * @param {number} opacity number between 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque) * @param {string} backColor Background color * @returns Result color */ function hexBlend(foreColor: string, opacity: number, backColor: string): string; /** * Overlays a color with opacity over a background color. Any alpha-channel is ignored. * @param {RgbColor} foreColor Color to overlay * @param {number} opacity number between 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Any value out of range will be corrected. * @param {RgbColor} backColor Background color * @returns */ function rgbBlend(foreColor: RgbColor, opacity: number, backColor: RgbColor): RgbColor; /** * Blend a single channel for two colors * @param {number} foreChannel Channel of foreground color. Will be enforced to be between 0 and 255. * @param {number} opacity opacity of the foreground color. Will be enforced to be between 0 and 1. * @param {number} backChannel channel of the background color. Will be enforced to be between 0 and 255. * @returns result channel value */ function channelBlend(foreChannel: number, opacity: number, backChannel: number): number; interface RgbColor { R: number; G: number; B: number; A?: number; } } } declare module jsCommon { /** * CSS constants. */ module CssConstants { interface ClassAndSelector { class: string; selector: string; } function createClassAndSelector(className: string): ClassAndSelector; const styleAttribute: string; const pixelUnits: string; const heightProperty: string; const widthProperty: string; const topProperty: string; const bottomProperty: string; const leftProperty: string; const rightProperty: string; const marginTopProperty: string; const marginLeftProperty: string; const displayProperty: string; const backgroundProperty: string; const backgroundColorProperty: string; const backgroundRepeatProperty: string; const backgroundSizeProperty: string; const backgroundImageProperty: string; const textShadowProperty: string; const textAlignProperty: string; const borderTopWidthProperty: string; const borderBottomWidthProperty: string; const borderLeftWidthProperty: string; const borderRightWidthProperty: string; const fontSizeProperty: string; const fontWeightProperty: string; const colorProperty: string; const opacityProperty: string; const paddingLeftProperty: string; const paddingRightProperty: string; const positionProperty: string; const maxWidthProperty: string; const minWidthProperty: string; const overflowProperty: string; const overflowXProperty: string; const overflowYProperty: string; const transformProperty: string; const webkitTransformProperty: string; const cursorProperty: string; const visibilityProperty: string; const absoluteValue: string; const zeroPixelValue: string; const autoValue: string; const hiddenValue: string; const noneValue: string; const blockValue: string; const inlineBlockValue: string; const transparentValue: string; const boldValue: string; const visibleValue: string; const tableRowValue: string; const coverValue: string; const pointerValue: string; const scrollValue: string; } interface ExtendedCSSProperties extends CSSStyleDeclaration { scrollbarShadowColor: string; scrollbarHighlightColor: string; layoutGridChar: string; layoutGridType: string; textAutospace: string; textKashidaSpace: string; writingMode: string; scrollbarFaceColor: string; backgroundPositionY: string; lineBreak: string; imeMode: string; msBlockProgression: string; layoutGridLine: string; scrollbarBaseColor: string; layoutGrid: string; layoutFlow: string; textKashida: string; filter: string; zoom: string; scrollbarArrowColor: string; behavior: string; backgroundPositionX: string; accelerator: string; layoutGridMode: string; textJustifyTrim: string; scrollbar3dLightColor: string; msInterpolationMode: string; scrollbarTrackColor: string; scrollbarDarkShadowColor: string; styleFloat: string; getAttribute(attributeName: string, flags?: number): any; setAttribute(attributeName: string, AttributeValue: any, flags?: number): void; removeAttribute(attributeName: string, flags?: number): boolean; pixelWidth: number; posHeight: number; posLeft: number; pixelTop: number; pixelBottom: number; textDecorationNone: boolean; pixelLeft: number; posTop: number; posBottom: number; textDecorationOverline: boolean; posWidth: number; textDecorationLineThrough: boolean; pixelHeight: number; textDecorationBlink: boolean; posRight: number; pixelRight: number; textDecorationUnderline: boolean; webkitTransform: string; } } /** * Defines a Debug object. Calls to any functions in this object removed by the minifier. * The functions within this class are not minified away, so we use the preprocessor-style * comments to have the minifier remove those as well. */ declare module debug { let assertFailFunction: { (message: string): void; }; /** * Asserts that the condition is true, fails otherwise. */ function assert(condition: boolean, message: string): void; /** * Asserts that the value is neither null nor undefined, fails otherwise. */ function assertValue(value: T, message: string): void; /** * Asserts that the value is neither null nor undefined, and has a length property that returns greater than zero, fails otherwise. */ function assertNonEmpty(value: T[], message: string): void; /** * Makes no assertion on the given value. * This is documentation/placeholder that a value is possibly null or undefined (unlike assertValue). */ function assertAnyValue(value: T, message: string): void; function assertFail(message: string): void; } declare module jsCommon { interface IError extends Error { stack?: string; argument?: string; } module Errors { function infoNavAppAlreadyPresent(): IError; function invalidOperation(message: string): IError; function argument(argumentName: string, message: string): IError; function argumentNull(argumentName: string): IError; function argumentUndefined(argumentName: string): IError; function argumentOutOfRange(argumentName: string): IError; function pureVirtualMethodException(className: string, methodName: string): IError; function notImplementedException(message: string): IError; } /** * Captures the stack trace, if available. * It optionally takes the number of frames to remove from the stack trace. * By default, it removes the last frame to consider the calling type's * constructor and the temporary error used to capture the stack trace (below). * More levels can be requested as needed e..g. when an error is created * from a helper method. . */ function getStackTrace(leadingFramesToRemove?: number): string; } declare module jsCommon { /** * Represents a promise that may be rejected by its consumer. */ interface IRejectablePromise extends JQueryPromise { reject(...args: any[]): void; } module JQueryConstants { const VisibleSelector: string; } } declare module jsCommon { /** * Represents a lazily instantiated value. */ class Lazy { private value; private factoryMethod; constructor(factoryMethod: () => T); getValue(): T; } } declare module powerbi { module Prototype { /** * Returns a new object with the provided obj as its prototype. */ function inherit(obj: T, extension?: (inherited: T) => void): T; /** * Returns a new object with the provided obj as its prototype * if, and only if, the prototype has not been previously set */ function inheritSingle(obj: T): T; /** * Uses the provided callback function to selectively replace contents in the provided array. * @return A new array with those values overriden * or undefined if no overrides are necessary. */ function overrideArray(prototype: TArray, override: (T) => T): TArray; } } declare module powerbi { interface ScriptErrorInfo { message: string; sourceUrl: string; lineNumber: number; columnNumber: number; stack: string; } interface ErrorInfoKeyValuePair { errorInfoKey: string; errorInfoValue: string; } const enum ErrorType { VisualNotSupported = 1, } interface ErrorDetails { message: string; displayableErrorInfo: ErrorInfoKeyValuePair[]; /** * This is a collection of unlocalized properties that could be used for error reporting. * These should not be displayed to the user. */ debugErrorInfo?: ErrorInfoKeyValuePair[]; helpLink?: string; errorType?: ErrorType; } } declare module powerbi.visuals { module shapes { interface IPolygon { absoluteCentroid: IPoint; polygonPoints: IPoint[]; } interface IPoint { x: number; y: number; } interface ISize { width: number; height: number; } interface IVector { x: number; y: number; } interface IThickness { top: number; left: number; right: number; bottom: number; } } } declare module jsCommon { module Formatting { /** * Translate .NET format into something supported by jQuery.Globalize. */ function findDateFormat(value: Date, format: string, cultureName: string): { value: Date; format: string; }; /** * Translates unsupported .NET custom format expressions to the custom expressions supported by JQuery.Globalize. */ function fixDateTimeFormat(format: string): string; } } declare module jsCommon { /** * Public API. */ interface IJavaScriptDependency { javascriptFile: string; onLoadCallback?: () => JQueryPromise; } interface IDependency { javaScriptFiles?: string[]; cssFiles?: string[]; javaScriptFilesWithCallback?: IJavaScriptDependency[]; } function requires(dependency: IDependency, to?: () => void): void; } declare module powerbi { function createJQueryPromiseFactory(): IPromiseFactory; } declare module powerbi { interface IStorageService { getData(key: string): any; setData(key: string, data: any): void; } class EphemeralStorageService implements IStorageService { private cache; private clearCacheTimerId; private clearCacheInterval; static defaultClearCacheInterval: number; constructor(clearCacheInterval?: number); getData(key: string): any; setData(key: string, data: any): void; private clearCache(); } var localStorageService: IStorageService; const ephemeralStorageService: IStorageService; } declare module jsCommon { module WordBreaker { import TextProperties = powerbi.TextProperties; import ITextAsSVGMeasurer = powerbi.ITextAsSVGMeasurer; import ITextTruncator = powerbi.ITextTruncator; interface WordBreakerResult { start: number; end: number; } /** * Find the word nearest the cursor specified within content * @param index - point within content to search forward/backward from * @param content - string to search */ function find(index: number, content: string): WordBreakerResult; /** * Test for presence of breakers within content * @param content - string to test */ function hasBreakers(content: string): boolean; /** * Count the number of pieces when broken by BREAKERS_REGEX * ~2.7x faster than WordBreaker.split(content).length * @param content - string to break and count */ function wordCount(content: string): number; function getMaxWordWidth(content: string, textWidthMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, properties: TextProperties): number; /** * Split content by breakers (words) and greedy fit as many words * into each index in the result based on max width and number of lines * e.g. Each index in result corresponds to a line of content * when used by AxisHelper.LabelLayoutStrategy.wordBreak * @param content - string to split * @param properties - text properties to be used by @param:textWidthMeasurer * @param textWidthMeasurer - function to calculate width of given text content * @param maxWidth - maximum allowed width of text content in each result * @param maxNumLines - maximum number of results we will allow, valid values must be greater than 0 * @param truncator - (optional) if specified, used as a function to truncate content to a given width */ function splitByWidth(content: string, properties: TextProperties, textWidthMeasurer: ITextAsSVGMeasurer, maxWidth: number, maxNumLines: number, truncator?: ITextTruncator): string[]; } } declare module powerbi { interface ITextMeasurer { (textElement: SVGTextElement): number; } interface ITextAsSVGMeasurer { (textProperties: TextProperties): number; } interface ITextTruncator { (properties: TextProperties, maxWidth: number): string; } interface TextProperties { text?: string; fontFamily: string; fontSize: string; fontWeight?: string; fontStyle?: string; fontVariant?: string; whiteSpace?: string; } module TextMeasurementService { /** * Removes spanElement from DOM. */ function removeSpanElement(): void; /** * This method measures the width of the text with the given SVG text properties. * @param textProperties The text properties to use for text measurement. * @param text The text to measure. */ function measureSvgTextWidth(textProperties: TextProperties, text?: string): number; /** * This method return the rect with the given SVG text properties. * @param textProperties The text properties to use for text measurement. * @param text The text to measure. */ function measureSvgTextRect(textProperties: TextProperties, text?: string): SVGRect; /** * This method measures the height of the text with the given SVG text properties. * @param textProperties The text properties to use for text measurement. * @param text The text to measure. */ function measureSvgTextHeight(textProperties: TextProperties, text?: string): number; /** * This method returns the text Rect with the given SVG text properties. * @param {TextProperties} textProperties - The text properties to use for text measurement */ function estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta(textProperties: TextProperties): number; /** * This method estimates the height of the text with the given SVG text properties. * @param {TextProperties} textProperties - The text properties to use for text measurement */ function estimateSvgTextHeight(textProperties: TextProperties, tightFightForNumeric?: boolean): number; /** * This method measures the width of the svgElement. * @param svgElement The SVGTextElement to be measured. */ function measureSvgTextElementWidth(svgElement: SVGTextElement): number; /** * This method fetches the text measurement properties of the given DOM element. * @param element The selector for the DOM Element. */ function getMeasurementProperties(element: JQuery): TextProperties; /** * This method fetches the text measurement properties of the given SVG text element. * @param svgElement The SVGTextElement to be measured. */ function getSvgMeasurementProperties(svgElement: SVGTextElement): TextProperties; /** * This method returns the width of a div element. * @param element The div element. */ function getDivElementWidth(element: JQuery): string; /** * Compares labels text size to the available size and renders ellipses when the available size is smaller. * @param textProperties The text properties (including text content) to use for text measurement. * @param maxWidth The maximum width available for rendering the text. */ function getTailoredTextOrDefault(textProperties: TextProperties, maxWidth: number): string; /** * Compares labels text size to the available size and renders ellipses when the available size is smaller. * @param textElement The SVGTextElement containing the text to render. * @param maxWidth The maximum width available for rendering the text. */ function svgEllipsis(textElement: SVGTextElement, maxWidth: number): void; /** * Word break textContent of SVG element into s * Each tspan will be the height of a single line of text * @param textElement - the SVGTextElement containing the text to wrap * @param maxWidth - the maximum width available * @param maxHeight - the maximum height available (defaults to single line) * @param linePadding - (optional) padding to add to line height */ function wordBreak(textElement: SVGTextElement, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number, linePadding?: number): void; /** * Word break textContent of span element into s * Each span will be the height of a single line of text * @param textElement - the element containing the text to wrap * @param maxWidth - the maximum width available * @param maxHeight - the maximum height available (defaults to single line) * @param linePadding - (optional) padding to add to line height */ function wordBreakOverflowingText(textElement: any, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number, linePadding?: number): void; } } declare module jsCommon { module KeyUtils { function isArrowKey(keyCode: number): boolean; function isCtrlDefaultKey(keyCode: number): boolean; function isNudgeModifierKey(keyCode: number): boolean; } } declare module jsCommon { /** * Responsible for throttling input function. */ class ThrottleUtility { private fn; private timerFactory; private delay; constructor(delay?: number); run(fn: () => void): void; /** * Note: Public for testing purpose. */ timerComplete(fn: () => void): void; } } declare module jsCommon { interface ITimerPromiseFactory { /** * Creates a promise that will be resolved after the specified delayInMs. * @return Promise. */ create(delayInMs: number): IRejectablePromise; } /** * Responsible for creating timer promises. */ class TimerPromiseFactory implements ITimerPromiseFactory { static instance: TimerPromiseFactory; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ create(delayInMs: number): IRejectablePromise; } } /** * Defined in host. */ declare var clusterUri: string; declare module jsCommon { /** * Http Status code we are interested. */ enum HttpStatusCode { OK = 200, BadRequest = 400, Unauthorized = 401, Forbidden = 403, RequestEntityTooLarge = 413, } /** * Other HTTP Constants. */ module HttpConstants { const ApplicationOctetStream: string; const MultiPartFormData: string; } /** * Extensions to String class. */ module StringExtensions { function format(...args: string[]): string; /** * Compares two strings for equality, ignoring case. */ function equalIgnoreCase(a: string, b: string): boolean; function startsWithIgnoreCase(a: string, b: string): boolean; function startsWith(a: string, b: string): boolean; /** Determines whether a string contains a specified substring (by case-sensitive comparison). */ function contains(source: string, substring: string): boolean; /** Determines whether a string contains a specified substring (while ignoring case). */ function containsIgnoreCase(source: string, substring: string): boolean; /** * Normalizes case for a string. * Used by equalIgnoreCase method. */ function normalizeCase(value: string): string; /** * Is string null or empty or undefined? * @return True if the value is null or undefined or empty string, * otherwise false. */ function isNullOrEmpty(value: string): boolean; /** * Returns true if the string is null, undefined, empty, or only includes white spaces. * @return True if the str is null, undefined, empty, or only includes white spaces, * otherwise false. */ function isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(str: string): boolean; /** * Returns a value indicating whether the str contains any whitespace. */ function containsWhitespace(str: string): boolean; /** * Returns a value indicating whether the str is a whitespace string. */ function isWhitespace(str: string): boolean; /** * Returns the string with any trailing whitespace from str removed. */ function trimTrailingWhitespace(str: string): string; /** * Returns the string with any leading and trailing whitespace from str removed. */ function trimWhitespace(str: string): string; /** * Returns length difference between the two provided strings. */ function getLengthDifference(left: string, right: string): number; /** * Repeat char or string several times. * @param char The string to repeat. * @param count How many times to repeat the string. */ function repeat(char: string, count: number): string; /** * Replace all the occurrences of the textToFind in the text with the textToReplace. * @param text The original string. * @param textToFind Text to find in the original string. * @param textToReplace New text replacing the textToFind. */ function replaceAll(text: string, textToFind: string, textToReplace: string): string; function ensureUniqueNames(names: string[]): string[]; /** * Returns a name that is not specified in the values. */ function findUniqueName(usedNames: { [name: string]: boolean; }, baseName: string): string; function constructCommaSeparatedList(list: string[], resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider, maxValue?: number): string; function escapeStringForRegex(s: string): string; /** * Remove file name reserved characters <>:"/\|?* from input string. */ function normalizeFileName(fileName: string): string; /** * Similar to JSON.stringify, but strips away escape sequences so that the resulting * string is human-readable (and parsable by JSON formatting/validating tools). */ function stringifyAsPrettyJSON(object: any): string; /** * Derive a CLS-compliant name from a specified string. If no allowed characters are present, return a fallback string instead. * TODO (6708134): this should have a fully Unicode-aware implementation */ function deriveClsCompliantName(input: string, fallback: string): string; /** Performs cheap sanitization by stripping away HTML tag (<>) characters. */ function stripTagDelimiters(s: string): string; } /** * Interface used for interacting with WCF typed objects. */ interface TypedObject { __type: string; } interface TextMatch { start: number; end: number; text: string; } /** * The general utility class. */ class Utility { private static TypeNamespace; static JsonContentType: string; static JpegContentType: string; static XJavascriptContentType: string; static JsonDataType: string; static BlobDataType: string; static HttpGetMethod: string; static HttpPostMethod: string; static HttpPutMethod: string; static HttpDeleteMethod: string; static HttpContentTypeHeader: string; static HttpAcceptHeader: string; static Undefined: string; private static staticContentLocation; /** * Ensures the specified value is not null or undefined. Throws a relevent exception if it is. * @param value The value to check. * @param context The context from which the check originated. * @param methodName The name of the method that initiated the check. * @param parameterName The parameter name of the value to check. */ static throwIfNullOrUndefined(value: any, context: any, methodName: any, parameterName: any): void; /** * Ensures the specified value is not null, undefined or empty. Throws a relevent exception if it is. * @param value The value to check. * @param context The context from which the check originated. * @param methodName The name of the method that initiated the check. * @param parameterName The parameter name of the value to check. */ static throwIfNullOrEmpty(value: any, context: any, methodName: string, parameterName: string): void; /** * Ensures the specified string is not null, undefined or empty. Throws a relevent exception if it is. * @param value The value to check. * @param context The context from which the check originated. * @param methodName The name of the method that initiated the check. * @param parameterName The parameter name of the value to check. */ static throwIfNullOrEmptyString(value: string, context: any, methodName: string, parameterName: string): void; /** * Ensures the specified value is not null, undefined, whitespace or empty. Throws a relevent exception if it is. * @param value The value to check. * @param context The context from which the check originated. * @param methodName The name of the method that initiated the check. * @param parameterName The parameter name of the value to check. */ static throwIfNullEmptyOrWhitespaceString(value: string, context: any, methodName: string, parameterName: string): void; /** * Ensures the specified condition is true. Throws relevant exception if it isn't. * @param condition The condition to check. * @param context The context from which the check originated. * @param methodName The name of the method that initiated the check. * @param parameterName The parameter name against which the condition is checked. */ static throwIfNotTrue(condition: boolean, context: any, methodName: string, parameterName: string): void; /** * Checks whether the provided value is a 'string'. * @param value The value to test. */ static isString(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether the provided value is a 'boolean'. * @param value The value to test. */ static isBoolean(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether the provided value is a 'number'. * @param value The value to test. */ static isNumber(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether the provided value is a Date instance. * @param value The value to test. */ static isDate(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether the provided value is an 'object'. * @param value The value to test. */ static isObject(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether the provided value is null or undefined. * @param value The value to test. */ static isNullOrUndefined(value: any): boolean; /** * Checks if the value is defined and returns it, else, returns undefined * @param {T} value Value to check * @param {T} defaultValue Default value to return if value is undefined * @returns value if defined, else defaultValue */ static valueOrDefault(value: T, defaultValue: T): T; /** * Combine a base url and a path. * @param baseUrl The base url. * @param path The path to add on to the base url. * @returns The combined url. */ static urlCombine(baseUrl: string, path: string): string; static getAbsoluteUri(path: string): string; static getStaticResourceUri(path: string): string; static getComponentName(context: any): string; static throwException(e: any): void; static createClassSelector(className: string): string; static createIdSelector(id: string): string; /** * Creates a client-side Guid string. * @returns A string representation of a Guid. */ static generateGuid(): string; /** * Try extract a cookie from {@link document.cookie} identified by key. */ static getCookieValue(key: string): string; /** * Extracts the protocol://hostname section of a url. * @param url The URL from which to extract the section. * @returns The protocol://hostname portion of the given URL. */ static getDomainForUrl(url: string): string; /** * Extracts the hostname and absolute path sections of a url. * @param url The URL from which to extract the section. * @returns The hostname and absolute path portion of the given URL. */ static getHostNameForUrl(url: string): string; /** * Return the original url with query string stripped. * @param url The URL from which to extract the section. * @returns the original url with query string stripped. */ static getUrlWithoutQueryString(url: string): string; /** * Extracts the protocol section of a url. * @param url The URL from which to extract the section. * @returns The protocol for the current URL. */ static getProtocolFromUrl(url: string): string; /** * Returns a formatted href object from a URL. * @param url The URL used to generate the object. * @returns A jQuery object with the url. */ static getHrefObjectFromUrl(url: string): JQuery; /** * Converts a WCF representation of a dictionary to a JavaScript dictionary. * @param wcfDictionary The WCF dictionary to convert. * @returns The native JavaScript representation of this dictionary. */ static convertWcfToJsDictionary(wcfDictionary: any[]): { [index: string]: any; }; static getDateFromWcfJsonString(jsonDate: string, fromUtcMilliseconds: boolean): Date; /** * Get the outer html of the given jquery object. * @param content The jquery object. * @returns The entire html representation of the object. */ static getOuterHtml(content: JQuery): string; /** * Comparison Method: Compares two integer numbers. * @param a An integer value. * @param b An integer value. * @returns The comparison result. */ static compareInt(a: number, b: number): number; /** * Return the index of the smallest value in a numerical array. * @param a A numeric array. * @returns The index of the smallest value in the array. */ static getIndexOfMinValue(a: number[]): number; /** * Extracts a url from a background image attribute in the format of: url(''). * @param input The value of the background-image attribute. * @returns The extracted url. */ static extractUrlFromCssBackgroundImage(input: string): string; /** * Verifies image data url of images. */ static isValidImageDataUrl(url: string): boolean; static isLocalUrl(url: string): boolean; /** * Downloads a content string as a file. * @param content Content stream. * @param fileName File name to use. */ static saveAsFile(content: any, fileName: string): void; /** * Helper method to get the simple type name from a typed object. * @param obj The typed object. * @returns The simple type name for the object. */ static getType(obj: TypedObject): string; /** * Check if an element supports a specific event type. * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param element The element to test for event support. * @returns Whether the even is supported on the provided element. */ static isEventSupported(eventName: string, element: Element): boolean; static toPixel(pixelAmount: number): string; static getPropertyCount(object: any): number; /** * Check if an element supports a specific event type. * @param filePath File path. * @returns File extension. */ static getFileExtension(filePath: string): string; /** * Extract the filename out of a full path delimited by '\' or '/'. * @param filePath File path. * @returns filename File name. */ static extractFileNameFromPath(filePath: string): string; /** * This method indicates whether window.clipboardData is supported. * For example, clipboard support for Windows Store apps is currently disabled * since window.clipboardData is unsupported (it raises access denied error) * since clipboard in Windows Store is being * achieved through Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.Clipboard class. */ static canUseClipboard(): boolean; static is64BitOperatingSystem(): boolean; static parseNumber(value: any, defaultValue?: number): number; static getURLParamValue(name: string): string | number; /** * Return local timezone. * This function uses summer and winter offset to determine local time zone. * The result localTimeZoneString must be a subset of the strings used by server, * as documented here: (Dynamic Daylight Savings Time (Compact 2013)). * @return Local timezone string or UTC if timezone cannot be found. */ static getLocalTimeZoneString(): string; } class VersionUtility { /** * Compares 2 version strings. * @param versionA The first version string. * @param versionB The second version string. * @returns A result for the comparison. */ static compareVersions(versionA: string, versionB: string): number; } module PerformanceUtil { class PerfMarker { private _name; private _start; constructor(name: string); private static begin(name); end(): void; } function create(name: string): PerfMarker; } module DeferUtility { /** * Wraps a callback and returns a new function. * The function can be called many times but the callback * will only be executed once on the next frame. * Use this to throttle big UI updates and access to DOM. */ function deferUntilNextFrame(callback: Function): Function; } } declare module jsCommon { class TraceItem { type: TraceType; sessionId: string; requestId: string; text: string; timeStamp: Date; /** * Note: DO NOT USE for backward compability only. */ _activityId: string; private static traceTypeStrings; constructor(text: string, type: TraceType, sessionId: string, requestId?: string); toString(): string; } } declare module jsCommon { module UrlUtils { function isValidUrl(value: string): boolean; function isValidImageUrl(url: string): boolean; function findAllValidUrls(text: string): TextMatch[]; function getBase64ContentFromDataUri(uri: string): string; } } declare module jsCommon { module BrowserUtils { function isChrome(): boolean; function isInternetExplorerOrEdge(): boolean; /** * Get the current version of IE * @returns The version of Internet Explorer or a 0 (indicating the use of another browser). */ function getInternetExplorerVersion(): number; function isFirefox(): boolean; } } declare module jsCommon { /** * Interface to help define objects indexed by number to a particular type. */ interface INumberDictionary { [key: number]: T; } /** * Interface to help define objects indexed by name to a particular type. */ interface IStringDictionary { [key: string]: T; } /** * Extensions for Enumerations. */ module EnumExtensions { /** * Gets a value indicating whether the value has the bit flags set. */ function hasFlag(value: number, flag: number): boolean; /** * Sets a value of a flag without modifying any other flags. */ function setFlag(value: number, flag: number): number; /** * Resets a value of a flag without modifying any other flags. */ function resetFlag(value: number, flag: number): number; /** * According to the TypeScript Handbook, this is safe to do. */ function toString(enumType: any, value: number): string; } /** * Extensions to String class. */ module StringExtensions { /** * Checks if a string ends with a sub-string. */ function endsWith(str: string, suffix: string): boolean; } module LogicExtensions { function XOR(a: boolean, b: boolean): boolean; } module JsonComparer { /** * Performs JSON-style comparison of two objects. */ function equals(x: T, y: T): boolean; } /** * Values are in terms of 'pt' * Convert to pixels using PixelConverter.fromPoint */ module TextSizeDefaults { /** * Stored in terms of 'pt' * Convert to pixels using PixelConverter.fromPoint */ const TextSizeMin: number; /** * Stored in terms of 'pt' * Convert to pixels using PixelConverter.fromPoint */ const TextSizeMax: number; /** * Returns the percentage of this value relative to the TextSizeMax * @param textSize - should be given in terms of 'pt' */ function getScale(textSize: number): number; } module PixelConverter { /** * Appends 'px' to the end of number value for use as pixel string in styles */ function toString(px: number): string; /** * Converts point value (pt) to pixels * Returns a string for font-size property * e.g. fromPoint(8) => '24px' */ function fromPoint(pt: number): string; /** * Converts point value (pt) to pixels * Returns a number for font-size property * e.g. fromPoint(8) => 24px */ function fromPointToPixel(pt: number): number; /** * Converts pixel value (px) to pt * e.g. toPoint(24) => 8 */ function toPoint(px: number): number; } module RegExpExtensions { /** * Runs exec on regex starting from 0 index * This is the expected behavior but RegExp actually remember * the last index they stopped at (found match at) and will * return unexpected results when run in sequence. * @param regex - regular expression object * @param value - string to search wiht regex * @param start - index within value to start regex */ function run(regex: RegExp, value: string, start?: number): RegExpExecArray; } } declare module powerbi.visuals.utility { import IThickness = powerbi.visuals.shapes.IThickness; module StyleUtils { function getRotateAngleFromElement(element: JQuery): number; function getTranslateTransformFromElement(element: JQuery): IPoint; function getPadding(element: JQuery): IThickness; } } declare module jsCommon { interface ITraceListener { logTrace(trace: TraceItem): void; } class ConsoleTracer implements ITraceListener { logTrace(trace: TraceItem): void; } module Trace { /** * Trace a warning. Please ensure that no PII is being logged. */ function warning(text: string, requestId?: string): void; /** * Trace an error. Please ensure that no PII is being logged. */ function error(text: string, includeStackTrace?: boolean, requestId?: string): void; /** * Trace an information. Please ensure that no PII is being logged. */ function verbose(text: string, requestId?: string): void; function addListener(listener: ITraceListener): void; function removeListener(listener: ITraceListener): void; function resetListeners(): void; function reset(): void; function getTraces(): Array; /** * Note: Used for unit-test only. */ function disableDefaultListener(): void; function enableDefaultListener(): void; } } declare module jsCommon { /** * The types of possible traces within the system, this aligns to the traces available in Cloud Platform. */ enum TraceType { Information = 0, Verbose = 1, Warning = 2, Error = 3, ExpectedError = 4, UnexpectedError = 5, Fatal = 6, } } declare module jsCommon { function ensurePowerView(action?: () => void): void; function ensureMap(locale: string, action: () => void): void; function mapControlLoaded(): void; function waitForMapControlLoaded(): JQueryPromise; } declare let globalMapControlLoaded: Function; declare module InJs { /** * The types of possible traces within the system, this aligns to the traces available in Cloud Platform. */ enum TraceType { information = 0, verbose = 1, warning = 2, error = 3, expectedError = 4, unexpectedError = 5, fatal = 6, } }