import fs from 'fs-extra' // @ts-ignore import graph from 'watch-dependency-graph' import chokidar from 'chokidar' import match from 'picomatch' import { outputLambdas } from './outputLambdas' import * as logger from './log' import { getFiles, isStatic, isDynamic } from './getFiles' import { renderStaticEntries } from './renderStaticEntries' import { timer } from './timer' import { createConfig, removeConfigValues, getConfigFile } from './config' import { builtStaticFiles } from './builtStaticFiles' import { removeBuiltStaticFile } from './removeBuiltStaticFile' import { Presta } from './types' /* * Wraps outputLambdas for logging */ function updateLambdas(inputs: string[], config: Presta) { const time = timer() // always write this, even if inputs = [] outputLambdas(inputs, config) // if user actually has routes configured, give feedback if (inputs.length) {{ label: 'built', message: `lambdas`, duration: time(), }) } } export async function watch(config: Presta) { /* * Get files that match static/dynamic patters at startup */ let files = getFiles(config) let hasConfigFile = fs.existsSync(config.configFilepath) if (!files.length) { logger.warn({ label: 'paths', message: 'no files configured', }) } /* * Create initial dynamic entry regardless of if the user has routes, bc we * need this file to serve 404 locally */ updateLambdas(files.filter(isDynamic), config) /* * Set up all watchers */ const fileWatcher = graph({ alias: { '@': config.cwd } }) const globalWatcher =, { ignoreInitial: true, ignored: [config.output, config.assets], }) /* * On a config update, the user may have passed in a new `files` array or * other global config required by all files, so we need to re-fetch all * files and rebuild everything. */ async function handleConfigUpdate() { files = getFiles(config) await renderStaticEntries(files.filter(isStatic), config) updateLambdas(files.filter(isDynamic), config) } /* * On a changed file, we can just render it */ async function handleFileChange(file: string) { // render just file that changed if (isStatic(file)) { await renderStaticEntries([file], config) } // update dynamic entry with ALL dynamic files if (isDynamic(file)) { updateLambdas(files.filter(isDynamic), config) } config.hooks.emitBrowserRefresh() } config.hooks.onBuildFile(({ file }) => { handleFileChange(file) }) fileWatcher.on('remove', ([id]: string[]) => { logger.debug({ label: 'watch', message: `fileWatcher - removed ${id}`, }) // remove from local hash files.splice(files.indexOf(id), 1) // update this regardless, not sure if [id] was dynamic or static updateLambdas(files.filter(isDynamic), config) // if it was config, we gotta do a restart if (id === config.configFilepath) { // filter out values from the config file config = removeConfigValues() // reset this! hasConfigFile = false handleConfigUpdate() } ;(builtStaticFiles[id] || []).forEach((file) => removeBuiltStaticFile(file, config)) }) fileWatcher.on('change', ([id]: string[]) => { logger.debug({ label: 'watch', message: `fileWatcher - changed ${id}`, }) if (id === config.configFilepath) { // clear config file for re-require delete require.cache[config.configFilepath] try { // merge in new values from config file config = createConfig({ config: getConfigFile(config.configFilepath), }) handleConfigUpdate() } catch (e) { logger.error({ label: 'error', error: e as Error, }) } } else { handleFileChange(id) } }) fileWatcher.on('error', (e: Error) => { logger.error({ label: 'error', error: e, }) }) /* * globalWatcher watches the raw file globs passed to the CLI or as `files` * in the config. If checks on add/change to see if a file should be upgraded * to a a Presta source file, and added to the fileWatcher. It also watches * for addition of a config file. */ globalWatcher.on('all', async (event, file) => { // ignore events handled by wdg, or any directory events if (!/add|change/.test(event) || !fs.existsSync(file) || fs.lstatSync(file).isDirectory()) return // if a file change matches any pages globs if (match(config.files)(file) && !files.includes(file)) { logger.debug({ label: 'watch', message: `globalWatcher - add ${file}`, }) files.push(file) fileWatcher.add(file) handleFileChange(file) } // if file matches config file and we don't already have one if (file === config.configFilepath && !hasConfigFile) { logger.debug({ label: 'watch', message: `globalWatcher - add config file ${file}`, }) fileWatcher.add(config.configFilepath) try { // merge in new values from config file config = createConfig({ config: getConfigFile(config.configFilepath), }) hasConfigFile = true handleConfigUpdate() } catch (e) { logger.error({ label: 'error', error: e as Error, }) } } }) /** * Init watching after event subscriptions */ fileWatcher.add(files) if (hasConfigFile) fileWatcher.add(config.configFilepath) /** * Prime files to check for errors on startup and register any plugins */ try { } catch (e) { logger.error({ label: 'error', error: e as Error, }) } }