import fs from 'fs-extra' import { build as esbuild } from 'esbuild' import { outputLambdas } from './outputLambdas' import { getFiles, isStatic, isDynamic } from './getFiles' import { renderStaticEntries } from './renderStaticEntries' import { timer } from './timer' import * as logger from './log' import { Presta } from './types' function getRoutesManifestSafely(manifestFilepath: string) { try { return require(manifestFilepath) } catch (e) { return {} } } export async function build(config: Presta) { const totalTime = timer() const files = getFiles(config) const staticIds = files.filter(isStatic) const dynamicIds = files.filter(isDynamic) logger.debug({ label: 'build', message: 'starting build', }) if (!staticIds.length && !dynamicIds.length) { logger.warn({ label: 'files', message: 'no files were found, nothing to build', }) } else { let staticTime = '' let staticFileAmount = 0 let dynamicTime = '' let copyTime = '' const tasks = await Promise.allSettled([ (async () => { if (staticIds.length) { const time = timer() const { allGeneratedFiles } = await renderStaticEntries(staticIds, config) staticTime = time() staticFileAmount = allGeneratedFiles.length } })(), (async () => { if (dynamicIds.length) { const time = timer() outputLambdas(dynamicIds, config) await esbuild({ entryPoints: Object.values(require(config.functionsManifest)), outdir: config.functionsOutputDir, bundle: true, platform: 'node', target: ['node12'], minify: true, allowOverwrite: true, define: { 'process.env.PRESTA_SERVERLESS_RUNTIME': 'true', }, }) dynamicTime = time() } })(), (async () => { if (fs.existsSync(config.assets)) { const time = timer() fs.copySync(config.assets, config.staticOutputDir) copyTime = time() } })(), ]) // since we're building (not watch) if any task fails, exit with error if (tasks.find((task) => task.status === 'rejected')) { logger.debug({ label: 'build', message: 'build partially failed', }) // log out errors tasks.forEach((task) => { if (task.status === 'rejected') { logger.error({ label: 'error', error: task.reason, }) } }) process.exit(1) return } if (staticTime || dynamicTime) { logger.newline() } if (staticTime) {{ label: 'static', message: `rendered ${staticFileAmount} file(s)`, duration: staticTime, }) } if (dynamicTime) {{ label: 'lambda', message: `compiled ${dynamicIds.length} function(s)`, duration: dynamicTime, }) } if (copyTime) {{ label: 'assets', message: `copied in ${copyTime}`, }) } config.hooks.emitPostBuild({ output: config.output, staticOutput: config.staticOutputDir, functionsOutput: config.functionsOutputDir, functionsManifest: getRoutesManifestSafely(config.functionsManifest), }) if (staticTime || dynamicTime) { logger.newline(){ label: 'complete', message: `in ${totalTime()}`, }) logger.newline() } } }