/** * This is main export of the Presta library. It's used by most end-users * within their applications, so we need to keep it as small as possible. It * should mostly-re-export types and utils for end-user use. */ import type { PrestaConfig, Handler, Plugin } from './core'; export declare type Config = PrestaConfig; export type { Event, Context, Handler, Response, Headers, Plugin, PluginContext, PluginInterface, Manifest, } from './core'; export declare enum Mode { Dev = "dev", Build = "build", Serve = "serve" } export declare class HttpError extends Error { statusCode: number; constructor(message: string, statusCode?: number); } export declare const createConfig: (conf: Partial) => Partial; export declare const createPlugin: (fn: (options: T) => Plugin) => (options: T) => Plugin; export declare const createRoute: (route: string) => string; export declare const createGetStaticPaths: (getStaticPaths: () => string[]) => () => string[]; export declare const createHandler: (handler: Handler) => Handler;