/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ export declare type Colors = { comment: { close: string; open: string; }; content: { close: string; open: string; }; prop: { close: string; open: string; }; tag: { close: string; open: string; }; value: { close: string; open: string; }; }; declare type Indent = (arg0: string) => string; export declare type Refs = Array; declare type Print = (arg0: any) => string; export declare type Theme = { comment: string; content: string; prop: string; tag: string; value: string; }; declare type ThemeReceived = { comment?: string; content?: string; prop?: string; tag?: string; value?: string; }; export declare type Options = { callToJSON: boolean; escapeRegex: boolean; escapeString: boolean; highlight: boolean; indent: number; maxDepth: number; min: boolean; plugins: Plugins; printFunctionName: boolean; theme: Theme; }; export declare type OptionsReceived = { callToJSON?: boolean; escapeRegex?: boolean; escapeString?: boolean; highlight?: boolean; indent?: number; maxDepth?: number; min?: boolean; plugins?: Plugins; printFunctionName?: boolean; theme?: ThemeReceived; }; export declare type Config = { callToJSON: boolean; colors: Colors; escapeRegex: boolean; escapeString: boolean; indent: string; maxDepth: number; min: boolean; plugins: Plugins; printFunctionName: boolean; spacingInner: string; spacingOuter: string; }; export declare type Printer = (val: any, config: Config, indentation: string, depth: number, refs: Refs, hasCalledToJSON?: boolean) => string; declare type Test = (arg0: any) => boolean; export declare type NewPlugin = { serialize: (val: any, config: Config, indentation: string, depth: number, refs: Refs, printer: Printer) => string; test: Test; }; declare type PluginOptions = { edgeSpacing: string; min: boolean; spacing: string; }; declare type OldPlugin = { print: (val: any, print: Print, indent: Indent, options: PluginOptions, colors: Colors) => string; test: Test; }; export declare type Plugin = NewPlugin | OldPlugin; export declare type Plugins = Array; export {}; //# sourceMappingURL=types.d.ts.map