2016.09.10, version 0.2.2 * correct memory leak (thanks to @kjlaw89) 2015.10.22, version 0.2.1 * corrected printDirect with buffer data for node v4.X (#95) * corrected segmentation fault from get default printer for node v0.10.X 2015.09, version 0.2.0 * added possibility to compile with node v4.X * various bug/core dumps fix 2015.04, version 0.1.2 * posix: new method getPrinterDriverOptions(printerName) to retrieve PPD options * posix: new method getSelectedPaperSize(printerName) to retrieve the current paper size name * posix: new parameter `options` added to `printDirect` to set printer options (ex. `fit-to-page`, `media`, etc) * posix: new function printFile() to print a file 2015.03.03, version 0.1.1 * possibility to build for node-webkit with grunt 2015.02.26, version 0.1.0 * possibility to load native module for platform/arch: node_module_{platform}_{arch}.node 2015.02.24, Version 0.0.5 * added getDefaultPrinterName() method by returning the default printer name * make printer argument optional in getPrinter() and printDirect. If is missing, will try to print to default printer * resolve charest of getPrinter() #38 * posix/win32: added more explicit errors * posix: do not throw error if job status code is not supported 2015.01.30, Version 0.0.4 * win: added RPC installed printers in getPrinters #40 * posix: on some devices not all formats are supported, issue #23 * posix: added link settings on build #28 * corrected README.md * corrected examples